w r? . 1 1 : ^ I c (i— 8— lU— 5M Form 151 THE PANAMA CANAL WASHINGTON OFFICE MANUAL OF INFORMATION CONCERNING EMPLOYMENTS FOR THE • PANAMA CANAL SERVICE REVISED AUGUST 4, 1916 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1916 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Lyrasis IVIembers and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/manualofinformat1916cana CONTENTS. Section. Genoral information j Employments: Civil-service examination 2 Excepted from civil-service examination 3 Transfers ^ Citizenship ^ Age limits q Physical examination y Promotions 3 Working hours 9 Payment of salaries 10 Steamship transportation n Positions and wages 12 Tool list ' 13 General conditions of employment (Executive order of Feb. 2, 1914) 14 Conditions of li\T.ng: General information I5 Climate 16 Health conditions 17 Clotliing required 18 Quarters , I9 Meals 20 Commissary 21 (3) WARNING. Persons seeking employment on the Panama Canal or the Panama Rail- road are cautioned not to go to the Isthmus without an appointment secured through the Washington Oflflce of The Panama Canal or through an authorized recruiting agent. Such new appointments as are necessary will be made from approved applications on file in the Washington Ofllce. Persons who go to the Isthmus without previous appointment, with the hope of obtaining employment on the Panama Canal or the Panama Rail- road, do so on their own responsibility. The same examination, as regards physical and other qualifications, must be passed on the Isthmus before employment there as is required by those who are appointed through the Washington Office. The appointments made on the Isthmus are principally in minor-grade positions, including unskilled labor, in which the rates of pay are as low as 10 cents an hour. An unauthorized journey to the Isthmus in expectation of obtaining work may result in hardships and cause unnecessary expense to the applicant. The Governor of The Panama Canal desires to discourage such journeys and will accept no responsibility for conditions that may arise therefrom. NOTICE. Address all Inquiries to "Chief of Office, The Panama Canal, Washington, D. C." / (4) MANUAL OF INFORMATION, PANAMA CANAL SERVICE. GENERAL INFORMATION. Section 1. — All work relating to the maintenance and operation of the Panama Canal is under Government control. The Executive order of January 27, 1914, pro- vides for the following departments or offices, under the direct supenasion of the Governor of The Panama Canal: Operation and Maintenance; Purchasing; Supply; Accounting; Health; and Execu- tive Secretary. The conditions of employment are outlined in an Executive order dated February 2, 1914, and will be found in section 14. New appointees are furnished free steamship transportation and usually sail from New York City, but under certain conditions may sail from New Orleans or San Francisco. They must pay their own railroad fare to the port of sailing. Employees are supplied with furnished bachelor quarters. New appointees are not permitted to take their families with them to the Isthmus on account of the scarcity of family quarters. Meals can be obtained at the Government hot-els at about 30 cents a meal and upward. Employees are allowed certain leave of absence with pay and free liospital attendance, as stated in the conditions of employment. All new employees must be in good health and physically sound. Health conditions on tlie Isthmus are good. The next three sections state how employments are made on the Panama Canal, including the Panama Railroad on the Isthmus. Only thoroughly experienced men including mechanics who have worked several years as journeymen, receive appoint- ments. The services of persons with so-called "all-round" experience can not be utilized. If a person secures work through false statements as to his past experience, or is found to be incompetent, he will be discharged. No appointments are issued in the United States to women for duty on the Isthmus, except to the positions of trained nurse, telephone operator, and school-teacher. The requirements for these positions are given in section 12. EMPLOYMENTS. Sec. 2. Civil-service examination.— Under the Executive order of February 2, 1914, the following-named positions in the Panama Canal sei-vice must be filled through competitive civil-service examination: Clerk (all kinds, including timekeeper ami bookkeeper), stenographer, typewriter, surgeon, physician, trained nurse, and drafts- man. All requests for information relative to the date, place, and nature of examina- tions and for the required application form should be addressed to the "United States Civil Service Commission, Washington, D. C." It is useless to write to the Panama Canal office or the Civ-il Service Commission inquiring as to the prospects for emplov- ment in event a civil ser\dce examination is passed, as it is irapracticable to give this information. The usual entrance salaries attached to positions subject to ci\-il-8er\'ice examination are the following: Clerks, $100 and $125 a month; stenographers and typewiters, (5) $125; physicians, $150; female mirses, $65 with subsistence and laundry of uniforms; male nm-ses, $90 without subsistence and laundry; and draftsmen, $125 and $150 a month. No appointments are made in the United States to mibordinate clerical positions paying a salary of $75 a month or less. Sec. 3. Excepted from civil-service examination. — ^Under the same Executive order all positions other than those specified in the preceding paragraphs are excepted from ci\il-service requirements and no examination under the civil-service rules is necessary to become ehgible for appointment. A list of these excepted positions in which vacancies may occur will be found ia section 12. For these excepted positions persons are selected in the United States through written appUcation to the Washington Office of The Panama Canal. Persons desiring to apply for an excepted position in which vacancies exist at the time, or are likely to occur in the near future, will be furnished with a blank form for that purpose. . This form, when properly filled out, should be mailed to "Chief of Office, The Panama Canal, Washington, D. C." With the appHcation should be sent (1) such letters of recommendation, clearances, or ser\dce letters, issued in recent years, as the applicant may have in his possession, coverino- the kind of work for which he applies and written on the ofiicial letterheads of the companies or persons by whom he was employed, and (2) a recent unmounted fmished photogi-aph of himself, a postal card photograph being satisfactor)^ The photograph is needed for identification. If an applicant's qualification are approved, his name will be entered on the waiting list for the position for which approved, and he will be offered employment in his turn as his services are needed. If they are disapproved his papers can receive no further consideration and his letters of recommendation will be returned to him. Sec. 4. Transfers. — Transfers from the departmental service or from the field service at laro-e or of a person residing outside continental United States to the Panama Canal service are not eucourged. However, applications may be submitted on the proper form and the same will be given due consideration. CITIZENSHIP. Sec. 6. All persons employed in the Panama Canal service who receive over $75 a month or OAcr 40 cents an hour must l)e citizens of the United States or of the RepubUc of Panama, and such citizens will be given preference for employment in all grades. A foreign-born applicant is required to submit with his appUcation his final certificate of naturaUzation as an American citizen or a certified copy thereof, wliich will be returned immediately after inspection. A person claiming citizenship through the naturalization of his father must submit his father's certificate. A declaration of intention to become an American citizen (first papers) is not sufiBcient. AGE LIMITS. Sec. 6. The minimum age limit for all positions, unless otherwise stated, is 20 years. The maximum age limit for operator (telephone switchboard) is 26 years; rodman, hydrographcr, interne, and physician, 30 years; fireman (fire department), policeman, hostler, locomotive engineer, conductor, trainman, nurse, levelman, transitman, 40 years; all other positions 45 years. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION. Sec. 7. Before being permitted to sail for the Isthmus, new employees and those reem])loyed must imdergo a rigid physical examination by a designated physician after ajipointment has ]>een actually issued, but not at the time the aj^plication is filed. There will be no charge for tins examination, but the appointee must pay his faro to the ])laco, of (ixainiimlioii. The odicial jiliyHicianH an; ImaUvl at, tlw jiortw of do]>arturo and in a nunil)L'r of tin; hw^i'. citU'H tliroii^dioiit tho United Statr-H. Sucli (liseaKcs a.s niptAiro in any form, weak lungH or lieart. venereal diHeascs of all kinds, agt^ravated varicocele, varicose veins, and piles, epilepsy, chronic- alco- holism, deformed limbs, loss of fingers, defective eyesight and hearing (cHpeiially of pilots and railroad men), and other sorions bodily defects, will be grounds for rejec- tion. Persons wearing a truss to protect a rupture will })c rejected. Persons who have slight defects in eyesight corrected by glasses should wear their glasses when presenting themselves for this examination. Any concealment of material facts relative to the applicant's physical condition, past or present, when being examined by a i)hysician, will render liim liable to dis- missal from the service. PROMOTIONS. Sec. 8. \Vhon practicable, new appointments are made at the lowest entrance salaiy and to the lowest grades, mechanics })eing employed in the grade of journeymen. Vacancies occurring in the liigher grades are tilled by promotion. Efficient service on the Tstlimus and the demonstration of ability which will justify advancement, control in the making of promotions. For these reasons initial appointments as fore- man are seldom made as these positions are filled by promotion. Length of service will be considered in connection with promotions only where necessary to facilitate choice between employees equally entitled to promotion on the basis of efficiency. WORKING HOURS, Sec. 9. Eight hours of labor constitute the working day on the Isthmus. In the event of overtime being required of employees paid by the hour they will receive time and a half for such overtime service, although it is not the practice to require overtime work except in emergency. No extra compensation for overtime work will bo paid to persons whose compensation is fixed on a monthly or annual basis, except to locomotive engineers and conductors in the employ of the Panama Railroad. PAYMENT OF SALARY. Sec. 10. Salaries and wages are paid once a month. Under no circumstances should a person proceed to the Isthmus without sufKcient money to pay his expenses during the first few weeks. An employee can not assign a portion of his salary for payment in the United States to his family. Remittances can be made by i)ostal money orders payable in the United States. STEAMSHIP TRANSPORTATION. Sec. 11. New employees are furnished free steamship transportation to the Isthmus, which includes meals on the steamer, but must pay the expense of their journey to the ports of departure. Railroad transportation can not be advanced. See para- graphs 3, J4, and 15 of the conditions of employment for more detailed information regai'ding transportation. The Government rate on the steamers of the Panama Railroad Steamship Line out of New York City is, at the present time, $30 for each adult; half rates for children between 6 and 12 years, and cliildren under 6 years free. The above rates include meals on the steamer. Tliis rate, under present regulations, is granted once each year to employees on vacation. Employees and members of their families are allowed to take on board the steamers of the Panama Railroad Steamship Line not to exceed 250 pounds of baggage free of charge for each adult. Excess baggage on these steamers will be charged for at the rate of 1 cent a pound. The Government rate on the steamers of the United Fruit Co. out of New Orleans is about $50 for each adult; children between 3 and 12 years, one-half of adult fare; one child under 3 years, free. The rate out of San Francisco is $85. The above rates are subject to change. POSITIONS AND WAGES. Sec. 12. Following is a partial list of positions, together with the specifications and rates of pay, that exist in the Panama Canal service, including the Panama Rail- road on the Isthmus. The publishing of this list does not mean necessarily that there are vacancies now in any of the positions named. In fact, there may be no further need whatever, or possibly only at rare intervals, for new employees in some of the positions. Information as to whether or not vacancies actually exist in any given position can always be procured by inquiring of the Washington Office of the Panama Canal. Strict attention is called to the requirements of each position, and unless an applicant has had the necessary experience and can satisfactorily prove it, he will not accomplish anything by filing his papers. The Panama Canal act, approved August 24, 1912, provides that compensation paid employees on the Panama Canal shall not exceed by more than 25 per cent the compensation paid by the Government in continental United States for similar work. The compensation of all classes of employees has been adjuste'd on that basis and is subject to an annual readjustment. Usually only men competent to earn the highest rate of pay allowed for the trade will be asked for from the United States, but this will not always be the case. The maximum wage for each trade is given in the paragraph referring to that trade, but the rate actually paid will be only the amount which the services of the employee justify. All mechanics should take with them to the Isthmus the tools of their trade that it is customary for them to carry with them in the States. Tools can not be bought to advantage on the Isthmus. For a partial list of tools required, see section 13. Owing to the distance of the Isthmus from sources of labor supply, it is necessary occasionally to use mechanics in trades other than their own but allied thereto. Employment of mechanics in trades other than their own is avoided wherever possible, but when heads of departments or divisions consider such employment necessary, employees are expected to do the best they can with the work assigned. In general, such employment will be temporary only, and if the pay of the allied trade is less than that for which employed there will generally be no reduction in pay. Heretofore a large percentage of the work done on the Isthmus has been in connection with railroad and railroad -excavating equipment. This work is rapidly diminishing in quantity and the amount to be done on steamships and marine and dredging equipment is increasing. For this reason marine experience will frequently be specified in making requisitions for employees, and any experience in this line should be fully set forth in applications. ANGLESMITH. Special experience at angle-iron work should be stated in the application, and in order to be competent must be expert in making staples for bulkhead water-tight and oil-tight work. 71 cents an hour. BAKER. Bread, cake, and pastry. ^Nlust have had at least five years' experience in large bakeries. .|125 a month. (See also Superintendent.) Ul.AlKSMiril. Goimil. ( )n(' wlio has hcivimI an apjircnlicfMliii) in a locomotive, railroad, or marine for<;iii,u: xhop. who has had cxiKMiciicc in forj^Mii^' various claKsos of liKbt, mcdiimi, and fairly heavy work witli Hnullcy hammers and steam hammers from GOO to :5,000 iioiinds capacity, and who can work from l)lue print or drawinf^. (JO centn an hour. /Aro'/z/on/c/-.— Experienced in and capal)le of haiidlinK heavy forf,Mnga by means of cranes from heavy fires or furnaces under j)ower hammers. 77 cents an hour. Gen- eral blacksmiths will be considered in tlu! line of i)romotion to this trade if the (pian- tity and character of the work and their (pialitications for the same justify their employment. Spriruj maker. —Thin rating will be inclu(lrience as master on steam tug and b<' accuslonicd to harbor work. Day and night work. For salaries see schedule, jjage 14. DRILL RUNNER. l>riU barge. — Slioidd be experienced rock driller on drill-barge work. $155am()nth, UKUOCJIST. Must be a graduate pharmacist and hold license. Entrance salary, $100 a month. EGO CANDLER. Must have liad several years* experience in egg candling. $125 a mouth. ELECTRICIAN. See Lineman and Wi reman. 14 s ^^ <« 5 a •- -a s Si a 1^ < o G © Pl OJ t/-l LJ '•y -^ a « O) _W >> o O CO sc r? 0^ ^ £: ^ -^ _, ci O a ^ Ol bf) <+-( I— 1 to u fl Ol rt c3 9i rt ^^ d (B fl m O OJ > a 9 r1 Vi «J J3 . CT' §1 s •^ a s o bo 13 2 t^ S3 j^ a § ^ a be g 3 CO O PI S ^ d be o s O w ^ ■*- be rt OT CO ■^^ ■ -< Q 0) (B y PI ^ ^ cS a a ^. , ft d ^3 ■^ '*-' d d o) o '5 p ?s .2^ 2 .a bfjTS 03 O «^ a a « s 2 og CO >-> S3 £ Si _ CO g jj be IS d o i^ d rd fH QJ CO O IS o ^ ^ (D d i-5 -2 d d S c3 ft t>c 4«1 ^ 03 0) -^ „ j^ a* d CO d •♦* -^ CS CO 03 O 11 O d -■S iP rd ^ d d ?^. ° S • 2 d a'-ag °.2 ft-2 rd Pi 2. a ^ 2 CD P. « 1 "S fe ft 0) ft c5 R a CD OS S S '^ '^ S I 1 g ^ 1 s 1 § "to a W 2 8J2S|Sg8i2 >o 00000800 ?5i?5^gS8gSS 1 3 2 i 3 •^ >o ^ rt ,-1 rt r-l ^ ■2 oo8Sco8goSco 0) 10088800800 "s 1- 1 a "a i ) > t u- 1 C C (3 I ' t a >. 1 H C 1 t 1- 1 > a c ) a K 1 C e- ) < i a 1 C c c (S c 1 > cs e^ •« u- ing plants. One who luw mechanical ability to make emergency repairs preferable. State whether steam-driven or motor-driven experience. $175 a month. Steam. — The rating "steam engineer" covers locomotive-crane engineer, compressor engineer, dynamo engineer, hoisting engineer, Lidgerwood engineer, operator oi clamshell or orange-peel dredge, pile-driver engineer, pumpman, road-roller engi- neer, stationary engineer, and track-sliifting enghieer. Persons appljdng should indicate for which of the above classifications they consider themselves best qualified by their experience. If they hold an American license the same or a certified copy thereof should be submitted with the application and will be returned immedJately. 50 to 5G cents an hour; $100 to $150 a month. Steam shovel. — Should be familiar with and experienced in handling Bucyrus and Marion sliovels. $218 a month. FILTER. See Operator. FIREMAN (fire DEPARTMENT). All appointees to this position must be single wMte men, between the ages of 20 and 40 years, not less than 5 feet 7 inches nor more than 6 feet 2 inches in height, weigliing not less than 140 pounds nor more than 210 pounds, with a chest measure- ment of not less than 35 inches (measurements and weight wdthout clothing), and be in good health and sound in body. Must have had at least two years' experience in a piiid fire department in a city of not less than .30,000 inhabitants, and have ren- dered satisfactory service. Applicants must furnish satisfactory references as to sobriety, moral character, and experience from the chief, assistant cliief, or other superior officer of the department in which the applicant has served. All appointees must furnish their own uniforms, which should be secured on the Isthmus, and in addition thereto they must provide themselves with a pair of fireman's rubber boots, a pair of mittens, a Globe service coat or equivalent, and a pair of suitable fire-service trousers with ring and snap. They must agree to serve one year with the fire force on the Isthmus. The salaries of firemen are $100 and $112.50 a mouth, lieutenants $125, and captains $145 a month. The positions of lieutenant and captain are filled by promotion of firemen. (See also Operators, Fire apparatus (motor).) FLANGE TURNER. Must be thoroughly competent to lay out and flange plates of all thicknesses f(jr boiler and ship work. 71 cents an hour. 16 FOREMAN. Laundry. — This includes the several branches of large steam laundry work: washers, sorters, and markers, ironers, etc. The special qualifications required will be stated in requisitions. Must be competent to supervise and instruct colored help. $100 to $125 a month. Slaughterhouse. — Must be competent to supervise the slaughtering of cattle, actually perfonn the work connected therewith, and of sufficient training and experience to train inexperienced colored men in the performance of the various duties connected with the work. $150 to $175 a month. Slaughterhouse. — Must be competent to take charge of offal disposition of slaughter- house. Special experience in utilizing waste products and ability to instruct others is essential. $125 a month. HELPERS. Must present evidence of actual employment with mechanics of some trade for at least one year, and must have sufficient knowledge of a trade to demonstrate clearly their superiority to unskilled labor for assisting mechanics. In making application, statement of experience must be given, and employment will depend on character of experience. Very few helpers will be sent to the Isthmus from the United States. 40 cents an hour. HOSTLER. Must have had experience as a locomotive engineer or not less than two years as a fireman, and must be competent to move engines under steam about shops, yards, etc. Hostlers are considered in the line of promotion to locomotive engineers. $137.50 a month. HYDROGRAPHER. Graduate civil engineer, between the ages of 20 and 30 years, who has either specialized in college on hydraulic engineering or who has had at least one year's practical experience in hydrographic work since graduation. Entrance salary, $100 a month. ICE CREAM MAKER. Must have at least three or four years' experience in the manufacture of ice cream and water ices. Experience with large ice cream factories preferred. This section is also in charge of the bottling of milk and cream. Must supervise and instruct colored help. $125 to $137.50 a month. INSPECTOR. Merchandise. — Must have thorough knowledge of general dry goods, men's and ladies' fiirnishings and notions. Should have knowledge of window displaying. Several years' experience in large wholesale dry goods establishments is essential. Should be able to instruct other employees in the care and displaying of the above-mentioned supplies. $150 to $175 a month. Provisidn. — Must be a practical "provision" man, able to handle meats, fruits, and vegetables, with special experience in cutting meats and in selling cold-storage products. Familiarity with grocery products is essential. Will be used for ser\ice in inspecting provisions and in training sales force of cold-storage and grocery depart- ments of retail commissaries. $150 to $175 a month. INTERNE. Must be single, a graduate within a year of a recognized medical school, recom- mended by the faculty of the school; age limits 22 to 30 years. They will receiA'e no compensation other than free quarters, board, laundry, and free transportation to and from the Isthmus; will have status of an employee with leave ])riviloges, and in addition free transportation to and from the Isthmus when taking authorized leave. Tliis position is not subject to civil-service examination. 17 IKON WOltKKR. TIlis (leaifjnation inrludos boIterH-on, anglo-iron smithH, orortnrs, snapporH, and rivet healers. Persons applyiii;,' sliould indicate! for whicli of tlies(i classififations f licy consider themselves best, qualified by tlieir experience. This ratinle of "working in both green and dry sand, and must be accustomed to doing side, floor, and crane work. No bench molder will fill this specification. Brass. — Must have had at least four years' experience on marine work and steam and water tight fittings. Steel. — Must fill all requirements for an iron molder, and in addition must be expe- rienced in the making of both dry and green sand molds for steel castings. Must be capable of doing crane work. The rating molder will cover all branches of the trade, including coremaker, but employment will be based on the special experience of the applicant in the branch lor which men are wanted. 68 cents an hour. Male andfcmcilr. — Applicants must be between the ages of 20 and 40 years, gradu- ates of schools for trained nurses having at least a two years' course, and have had at least one year's sul)sequent experience in a modern and well-equipped ho«8])ital; or, in the case of male nurses, ha\ing served at least one enlistment in the Hospital Corps of the United States Army or Navy. The entrance salary for female nurses is $05 a month, with subsistence and laundry of uniforms, with promotion of $5 a month for each two years' satisfactory service until a maximum of $85 a month is reached. Male nurses will be appointed at $00 a month, without sul)sistence or laundry, and may be promoted $5 a month at the end of each two years' satisfactory service until a maximum of $125 a month is reached. Only single men are desired for the position of male nurse. This position is subject to ciA'il-service examination. See section 2. OBSERVER. Man who has had two years' experience in meteorological work and is familiar with the observations made and instruments \ised at "first-class" United States Y/eather Bureau stations. Entrance salary, $100 a month. 19 (»i'i;i:.\T()it. Brown //ow/.- -$175 a mkhiIIi. Dipper dredge. — See l)re(l{;;ing ])c)HitioiiH. Electric crane. — $125 to $150 a month, with t;ortain exceptions. Electric switchboard.— $125 to $150 a month. Filter. — Must liavc equivalent of liif^h-frhool education. Required to read the meters, keep notes, and make calculations. For work at water-purification jjlants. $100 and $125 a month. Fire appuratit.^ {motor).- AW appointees to this position must be single white men between the at,'os of 20 and 10 years, not less tlian 5 feet 7 inches nor more than 6 feet 2 inches in height, weighing not less than 140 pounds nor more than 210 pounds, with a cheatmeasurementof not less than 35 inches (measurements and weights without cloth- ing^ and 1)0 in good health and sound in body. Must have had at least two years' experience as first driver in charge of a motor pumping engine in a paid fire dej)artment and liave received tlie compensation attached to that ])osition. Applicants must furnish satisfactory references as to soliriety, moral character, and experience from the chief, assistant chief, or other superior officer of the dejjartment in which the applicant has served. Appointees are required to furnish their own uniforms, which should be secured on the Isthnuis. They must agree to serve one year with the lire force on the Isthmus. After arrival on the Isthmus appointees will l)e recjuired to pass an exami- nation before the board of local inspectors and demonstrate their aljility to operate automobile fire apparatus. This position is generally filled l)y promotion of qualified firemen. $120 a month. Sand blmt. — Must have had at least one year's experience in the operation of sand blast for cleaning castings, etc., in the foundry, or for cleaning scale from metal work, or both. 52 cents an hour. Suction dredge. — See Dredging positions. Telephone sinlchhoard, female. — AjipUcants must be between the ages of 18 and 26 years and must have had at least two years' experience in operating common battery subscribers' boards. $50 to $75 a month. Towing Zocomo^ire.— This position filled by operating force in addition to other duties. $150 a month. PAINTER. House. — Must be a good brush man who can mix ordinary colors. Preference will be given to men experienced in handling gangs. Experience must cover all the work usually performed in houses. Car. — Must be experienced in striping, varnishing, and finishing locomotive and coach work, in addition to straight painting, and must have had at least three years' service in either railway or car shops. Ship. — Mxist hq^ve had at least two years' experience in a shipyard and be capable of performing all painting, glossing, etc., required on shipboard. The foregoing will be rated as painters. 60 cents an hour. Letferer and grainer.—llusi be competent to do all kinds of lettering and graining, including gold, silver, and bronze leaf work, except high-grade free-hand sign painting. Must be capable of laying off stencils for letters. 70 cents an hour. Sign.— Must be capable of performing all the work required of letterer and grainer, and in addition must be capable of doing the highest class free-hand lettering and sign painting. 81 cents an hour. TATTEliN M.\KER. Must have had four years' experience as a journeyman pattern maker and must be capable of making light and hesLvy patterns for marine, locomotive, and general jobbing work, including gearing. 75 cents per hour. 20 PHYSICIAN. Must be single and graduate of recognized medical school. Age limits, 22 to 30 years. Entrance salary, |150 a month. This position is subject to civil-service examination. See section 2; also Interne. Must hold a master's certificate for unlimited tonnage on seagoing or Great Lakes steamers and be experienced in handling them around wharves or through locks; also be proficient in navigation pertaining to pilotage, especially so in all matters relating to the compass. Must be temperate, physically sound, temperamentally suitable, under 45 years, and preferably not over 35. May be required to act as master of tugboat, pending assignment as regular pilot. Entrance salary, $200 a month. Increase of $25 each six months until maximum of $250 a month is reached, contingent upon satisfactory service. Preference will be given to persons employed on floating equipment of the Panama Canal. PIPE FITTER. Must be experienced and capable of handling, working, and bending all lands of wrought-iron pipe, from smallest size to 10 inches in diameter, and experienced in locomotive and car steam and air piping. 65 cents an hour. PLANING-MILL HAND. Must have had four years' experience as journeyman mill hand and capable of run- ning heavy woodworking machinery, such as planers, surfacers, matchers, rip and cut off saws, mortising and boring machines on general milling work. 56 cents an hour. PLASTERER. Must be thoroughly experienced in both plain and ornamental work. 78 cents an hour. PLUMBER. Must be qualified to install house or ship plumbing in all its branches, including brass and nickel work and lead work; must be able to wipe joints and to line up piping and fittings. Must have had at least four years' experience as a journeyman. Con- struction work, 78 cents an hour. Maintenance work, $143 a month. POLICEMAN. First class.— White man, single, between the ages of 21 and 40 years, at least 5 feet 8 inches in height, with a minimum weight of 140 pounds (measurement and weight without clothing); sound physique and clear intellect, good moral character and cor- rect habits, and be able to read and write the English language. A knowledge of Spanish is desirable, and also an excellent discharge from the United States Army, Navy, or Marine Corps, or record of satisfactory experience in police work. All ap- pointees *jo this position are required to furnish their own uniforms, which should be secured in Panama. They must agree to serve one year with the police force on the Isthmus. Salaries $93, $112.50, and $125 a month. Initial appointments are usually made at the $93 rate. Promotions to the rank of sergeant, lieutenant, and captain are made from the ranks. Sergeants are paid $130, lieutenants $140, and captains $160 a month. QUARANTINE GUARD. Single men, with at least a common-school education; knowledge of ships necessary; pre\dous experience as seaman desirable. Preference given to exnoncommissioned 21 oflifors annian. Entranco sahiry, $100 a niontli. HUAiKH. Wcif/fil /«i/((/.'(n<7. -Must have had experience of at least two years in handliiij,' weight.^; must know how to pmm straps for safe liandling of weights, have a good idea of size of straps and luunber and cliaraed r of turns for different kinds of weights, and must be competent to supervise a gang of h\horers. 04 cents an liour. Ri;overnor of The Tanama ("anal. (.See note lielow.) 2. Servlco must l)0 .satisfactory to the liead of the departm(!nt In which employ(>d, and employees arc subject to the ret,'ulations of tho jiovcmor. 3. The compensation and con,'in iijion date of em- l);irkation at port of departure from tho United States, and they will be j,Tant(Ml fre(! trmisportation from jiort of ili'purture, including' meals on (he steamer, but no compensation or expenses for tlie jouniey to tho port; but former (>mployees from tlie United States whose next preceding service with The Panama ("anal was less than one year shall be i>aid oidy from date of entry in to service on the Isthmus, ami will be allowed only such reduced rates of triuisiiortalion to the isthmus as may bo available for (Joveniment emf)loyces. Em])loyfes appointed at an hourly rate will bo paid for tho period of transit to the Isthmus on the basis of an oif.'ht-hour day, exclusive of Sundays. Kxeept in ca.so of di.scharj,'e or other .separation from tho service Iwyond the employee's control, payment of salary from date of embarkation to date of arrival on tho Isthmus will not bo made unle.ss service on the Isthmus continues for 30 days. 4. .Ml olTicers and employees in the service of The I'anama Canal, except those who are to perform tho duties of clerk, b()okkeei)er, steiiofjrapher, tyjx'wriler, surj;eon, physici:ui, trained nurse, or driiflsman, shall be exemjjted from examiiiat ion under civil-service rules, and ajjpoiiitments to cIiTical positions on the Isthmus of Panama payiii}; $7.'i per month or less may also bo made without examination, odicors and employees now in the service of the Panama Railroad Co. on the Isthmus may Ije transferred to and re- tained in the service of The I'anama C;uial without examination, whenever any work now performed indcv pendently by the Panama Railroad is consolidated with similar work performed by Tho Panama Canal. 5. When employees in the present organization aro transferred to the permanent organization, they shall retain their .seniority as regards questions of civil service, quarters, and other privileges or considera- tions: Provided, however, That the .seniority griuited to employees by this order shall not be operative in any case so as to form any claim involving the payment of funds of the United States. 6. All employees who receive over $75 per month or over 10 cents per hour must be citizens of the United States or the Itejiublic of Panama, and such citizens will be given preference for employment in all grades. Aliens may not be employed in such grades imless (a) they have occupied similar positions during the construction of tho canal for two years or mor(>, or (&) in case of emergency, in which latter case they must bo replaced by citizens of the United States or Repul)lic of Piuiama as early as practicable. 7. The (iovemor shall prescribe regulations, when not otherwise fixed in this order, setting forth the (lualifications necessary for appointment of the various classes of employees, including jihysical fitness for work on the Isthmus. The age limit shall in all cases bo mider 45 years, but the Governor may wai\(> this limit when in his judgment such action is for the good of the .service. 8. All appointments shall be made by The Governor of The Panama Canal, or by his authority, except the district judge, district attorney, marshal, clerk of district court, and his assistant. 9. Assignment to duty is vested in the respective heads of the departments, and employees will be ex- pected to perform such duties as may properly be assigned to them. The Governor may discharge an employee at anj- tune for cause, and terminate a provisional appointment when the exigencies of the ser\nco so require. 10. The Government resen^es the right to pay in any money the value or parity of which is guaranteed by the United States. 11. Employees whose salaries are fixed on a montlily or annual basis will receive no i>ay for overtime work. 12. Employees above tlie grade of laborer, appointed with rates of pay per hour or per day, will not be eniiiloyed over eight hours in any one calendar day, except in case of emergency. The time such employees work over eight hours in one calendar day, and time worked on Sundays and regularly aiithorizetl holidays, including January 1, February 22, May 30, July 4, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and December 25, shall be considered overtime for which time and one-half will be allowed. Such employees who workee jiaid. TRANSPORTATION. 14. Employees and dependent members of their families will be granted the regular Government rate upon commercial steamsliip lines with which arrangements for such rates can be made, ^^'hile tho United States operates a steamship line, either directly or through the Panama Railroad Co., employees and the dependent members of their families will be granted transportation at the same rates and under the same Note.— The provisions of paragraph 1 of the Executive order of Feb. 2, 1914, were mo cea.ses to earn additional cumulative leave until he is ^'ranted all or part of tho cumulativo leave alreaily earned, luilass ho shall enter on cumulative leave within two months after completing the third year, or be ordered by the Qovemor to defer takinR leave for oflicial reasou.s. 3.3. AVhen an employee's sen-ices are terminated on account of mi.sconduct or unsatisfactory .service, any annual leave due and travel leave will bo forfeitwl, and cumulative Iravo will al.so be forfeited unless written notilical ion has been given that the employee has accumulated tho le-ave, or the four months' period withiji which the employee may enter on leave has passed. Such written notice must be );i\en by eni|)loyees as scxin as possible after cumulative leave becomes due. 31. "When an em|)loytv's service is terminated, a cash payment in commutation of leave will be made to him for the number of days cumulative Icavo due, plus the annual leave due. In the event of hLs death his estate will be paid the sum due. 35. Employees must enter on cumulative leave within four months after the date when it Vjecomes due, except when accumulated, or tmless otherwise authorized by the Governor. 36. Employees must report from leave within one week after the authorized leave expires or forfeit pay for the leave. In ca^so of imavoidable delay, the Governor will decide whether the circumstances warrant an exception to this rule. 37. No restrictions are placed on tho localities where leave may be spent. 38. Any employee transferred from tho present force to the permanent operating force will be paid at time of transfer, in addition to his regular compensation, the amoimt ho would have received in payment for leave had he been separated from the service at tho time of transfer. 39. Jjeave may be taken only at tho convenience of heads of departments, who may direct an employee to accumulate his leave if necessary for the conduct of the work. 40. Leave without pay may be granted by the Governor to all employees, including laborers, for such period as may be prescribed by him. OFFICE HOURS ANO HOURS OF LABOR. 41. OfHce hours and hours of labor will be fixed by the Governor within the limits prescribed l)y law. 42. This order shall take effect from and after the 1st day of April, 1914. CONDITIONS OF LIVING. Sec. 15. General information. — The Canal Zone is under the jurisdiction of the United States and a civil government is in operation. Elementary schools, including separate schools for white and colored children, have been established at various points in the Canal Zone, together with a four-year high school course, all in charge of competent teachers. Assisted by the Government, churches, clubhouses con- ducted by the Y. M. C. A., fraternal societies, women's clubs, dancing clubs, and other social organizations are maintained. The hospital and medical service is excellent, the water supply is good and abundant, the settlements are as clean and wholesome as modern methods of municipal engineering can make them. In general, the canal life is that of an ideal American community where everyone has work to do and is li"\dng well above the margin of existence. Sec. 16. Climate. — The Canal Zone has a tropical climate ^vith an average tem- perature of approximately 80° and with little variation between summer and winter, the wet and dry seasons. While the air is damp and muggy during parts of the rainy season, the nights are generally cool and comfortable. The annual rainfall varies from 129 inches at Colon to 71 inches at Ancon, most of the precipitation occurring during the rain-' season of about eight months, extending from April to December. Sec. 17. I...ealth conditions. — The health conditions on the Isthmus are now excel- lent. The death and sick rates among the American employees and members of their families are lower than in many cities of the United States. Yellow fever has been extirpated . Sec. 18. Clothing reqtiired. — Warm weather is continuous, and a good supply of Ught-weight summer underclothing is advisable. Additional articles may be procured 30 on the Isthmus at any time, either from the Government commissaries or from private dealers. Any clotliing of light summer weight will be found serviceable. Clothing of khaki, linen, and duck is also worn. Sec. 19. Quarters. — Emjjloyees are supplied with furnished bachelor quarters which contain all necessary articles of furniture, such as bed, mattress, chairs, etc., but the bed and table linen, dishes, kitchen utensils, and similar articles must be supplied by the employee and can be purchased at the commissaries on the Isthmus. Employees will not be permitted to take their families with them on the first trip to Panama on account of the scarcity of family quarters. No promise is made to furnish family quarters. However, such family quarters as are available are assigned upon application to employees, in their turn, containing all necessary articles of furniture, but on account of the large demand for the same an employee must wait an indefinite length of time before his name will be reached for assignment. Sec. 20. Meals. — Hotels and mess houses are maintained where good board may be purchased at about 30 cents a meal and upward . Sec. 21. Commissary.— Commissaries have been established on the Isthmus where canal employees may purchase all necessary supplies, including cold-storage articles and other food, and clothing, at about prices current in the United States. Payment for these articles is made by use of coupon books, which may be purchased for cash, or by a charge against the emj^loyee's salary. o UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08125 467 3