V MEXICAN BEAN BEETLE «« %• a ** d a, Adult beetle; b, eggs; r, larva; d, pupa (or resting stage); e, bean leaf showing typical feeding injury. (About 2'_. times natural size. • other Bide for life history and control) Unite : ~ Picture Sheet MEXICAN BEAN BEETLE i Epilael Muls.) Life History The Mexican bean beetles overwinter in the adult or beetle stage, usually in woodlands Dear bean fields. They leave their win- ter quarters in the spring, and the female beetles lay their eggs on the under side of the bean leaves. These eggs hatch in from 5 t<> 1 1 days. The resulting larvae feed principally on the under side of the bean leaves. The larva grows rapidly, passing through four differ- ent stages, or Instars, similar in appearance except that each stage is larger than the preceding one. It reaches full growth in from 20 days to 5 weeks. When full-grown the larva attaches itself to the under surface of the leaf on which it has been feeding, or to some nearby plant or object, and changes to the pupa or inactive stage. After a period of about 10 days the adult beetle emerges from the pupa. Within '1 weeks the female beetle is ready to deposit eggs for another brood. Control Spray or dust with derris, cube, or cryolite. Any of the follow- ing insecticides applied to the beans so as to rover flu under sicL the leaves thoroughly will protect the plants (spraying has given better results than dusting). Sprays To prepare a derris or cube spray, use finely ground derris or cube root (4-percent rotenone content) at the rate of one-half ounce (3 level tablespoonfuls) to 1 gallon of water; or l 1 •> ounces (10 level tablespoonfuls) to 3 gallons; or li/> pounds to 50 gallons. To prepare a cryolite spray, use 1 ounce (3 level tablespoonfuls) of cryolite to 1 gallon of water; or 3 ounces (9 level tablespoonfuls) to 3 gallons ; or 3 pounds to 50 gallons. Dusts To prepare a derris or cube dust, containing 0.5 percent of rote- none, use 10 ounces of finely ground derris or cube root (4-percent rotenone content) to 4 pounds 6 ounces of diluent (finely ground talc, clay, sulphur, tobacco, gypsum, or other powder, except lime) ; or 1 2 1 L . pounds to 87 ] L » pounds of the diluent. "To prepare a cryolite dust, use 3 pounds of cryolite to 2 pounds of diluent (finely ground talc or sulphur) ; or 60 pounds of cryolite to 1<> pounds of the diluent. The first application of insecticide (spray or dust) should be made when Mexican bean beetles are found in the field or when eggs become numerous on the under side of the leaves. Repeat every week or 10 days if the insects are numerous. Caution: Cryolite should not be applied to beans alter the pods begin to form. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA i l0790 III 3 1262 09082 4813 Juno U. S. Government Printing Office For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. — Price 5 cents