UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OE AGRICULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine tfasMngt on , D • C • -443 May 6, 1937. PLANT-QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OE THE FRENCH COLONY OE ALGERIA Digitized by the Internet Archive ■ i n 2013 i http://archive.org/details/algeria37unit UFITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine T7ash ingt on , D • C . B. E. P. Q.— 443 May 6, 1937. PLANT-QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OF THE FRENCH COLONY OF ALGERIA This digest of the plant-quarantine import restrictions of the French Colony of Algeria has "been prepared for the information of nurserymen, plant- quarantine officials, and others interested in the exportation of plants and plant products to that Colony. It vras prepared "by Harry B . Shaw, Plant Quarantine Inspector, in Charge of Foreign Information Service, Division of Foreign Plant Quarantines, from his translations of the French texts of the decrees and orders concerned, and reviewed "by the Plant Protection Service of Algeria (la Defense des Cultures) . The information included in this circular is "believed to "be correct and complete up to the time of preparation, "but it is not intended to "be used independently of, nor as a substitute for, the original texts of the pertinent decrees and orders. Those documents should "be consulted for the exact texts. plant-quarantine import restrictions OF THE FRENCH COLONY OE ALGERIA CONTENTS Page Basic legislation - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 Summary - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - 1 Importation prohibited --------------------- 1 Importation restricted --------------------- 3 Importation of grapevines prohibited --------------- 7 General regulations ------------------------ 7 Importation of infested plants and plant products prohibited - - 7 Authorized ports of entry ------------------- 8 Shipper's declaration and phytosajiitary certificate required - - 8 Packing 8 Inspection and disinfection on arrival ------------- 9 List of parasites ------------------------ 9 Model certificate ------------------------- 10 Importation of cottonseed prohibited --------------- 11 Restrictions on the importation of potatoes ------------ 11 Potato wart certificate required ---------------- 11 Countries contaminated with wart ----------- _-- 12 Potato i^art inspection certificate - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 12 Importation prohibited of plants from the United States _ _ - - 14 Importation of fresh fruits restricted ----------- - 14 Phyto sanitary certificate required --------------- 14 Certificate of origin required ----------------- 14 Reshipment through France _________________ 15 Importation prohibited of fresh fruits in bulk ------ 15 Inspection on arrival --------------- ____ 15 Authorized ports of entry ___________________ 15 Restrictions on the importation of clover and alfalfa seeds - - - - 15 Importation of dodder seeds prohibited ------------- 15 Special inspection for dodder ----------------- 16 The sampling of seeds of forage crop plants ------- ___ 16 Coloring of imported clover and alfalfa seeds - ________ 16 i P LAN T - QJJ ABM T I NE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OF THE FRENCH COLONY OE ALGERIA BASIC LEGISLATION Decree of August 23, 1898, on the government and administration of the Colony of Algeria. Decree of June 10, 1911, prohibiting the importation of Cuscuta spp. into Algeria. Law of August 14, 1919, on the control of Phylloxera vitif pliae Pitch. Order of February 14, 1932, on the phyto sanitary supervision of plants in Algeria. The order of February 14, 1922, which established regulations for the importation of plants and plant products into Algeria, through va- rious amendments, has been modified and even revoked in certain of its provisions by other orders and decisions. The new texts are numerous and, at present, the importation of plants and plant products into Algeria is regulated by the following provisions which, apart from contingent regulations foreign to the functions of the Plant Protection Service (Service de la Defense des Cultures), are based upon the provisions of article 3 of the Interna- tional Phylloxera Convention, Berne, November 3, 1881, and the Final Act of the International Conference of Phytopathology, Rome, March 4, NOTE: Only the items marked by an asterisk concern the products of the United States. LIVING PLANTS, including the grapevine, refuse of plants, stocks, cuttings, scions, bulbs, cut flowers ," fruits , vegetables, tubers, rhizomes, seeds, covers, wraps, packing, previously used props, vegetable manure, soils, composts, stable manure, and all other articles or SU1IMARY 1914. Importation Prohibited ~ 2 ~ products the utilization of which may "be dangerous from the crop standpoint: IMPORTATION PR0HI3ITED IF CONTAMINATED BY INJURIOUS PARASITES. (Order of Feb. 14, 1922, art. 1. See p. 7.) Exceptions: By derogation, plants and plant products whose im- portation is not permitted and which are intended for scientific purposes, or for government experiment stations, may enter Algeria without the prescribed documents. Plants and plant products intended for those purposes, "but whose entry is otherwise prohibited, may enter the Colony only after specia] authorization by the Governor-General. * LIVING PLANTS, PARTS OF PLANTS, and their fresh refuse, proceeding direct- ly or indirectly from countries in which San Jose scale (Aspidiotus pernicio sus Corns t.) is known to occur, namely, Argentina, Austria, Australia, Canada, Chile, China, HAWAII, Hungary, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Portugal, Rumania, South Africa, Spain, and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. (French JJecree of Mar. 8, 1932, see p. 14.) LIVING PLANTS, tubers other than potatoes, rhizomes, bulbs, offshoots, fresh vegetables, eggplants, proceeding from Great Britain and Germany. (French decree of Apr. 18, 1932.) Exception: The importation of lily-of-the-valley pips (Con- vallari a maj ali s L . ) of German origin is authorized. (French Ministerial Order of Oct. 19, 1933.) T700LY PLANTS and refuse thereof: Importation from Italy prohibited to prevent the introduction of the white peach scale ( (Diaspis ) Aulacaspis pentagona Targ.). Certain exceptions are p rovided for. {Order of D ec. 11, 19 24 . ) CHESTNUT TREES AND SEEDS (Castanea spp.) proceeding directly or indi- rectly from the Far East, and from any country that has not taken measures against chestnut canker (Endothia parasitica (Murr.) And. and And.), and the ink disease ( Blepharo spora cambivora Petri). Exceptions are provided for. (Order of Feb. 10, 1925.) ♦GRAPEVINES (Viti s spp.), including stocks and cuttings, of foreign origin. (Law of July 15, 1921. See p. 7.) * FRESH FRUITS IN BULK from countries in which San Jose scale (Aspidiotus perniciosus Coras t.) occurs: Importation and transit prohibited. (Order of Apr. 14, 1932, art. 4. See p. 15.) Exception: The importation and transit in bulk of citrus fruits of Spanish origin are authorized. (Order of Apr. 6, 1934.) SEED POTATOES ( Solatium tuberosum L.) from Germany or of German, origin: Importation prohibited to prevent the introduction of Colorado potato "beetle. (Order of Aug. 4, 1934.) COTTONSEED (Gossypium spp.): Importation from any source prohibited, except "by the Government for experimental purposes, to prevent the introduction of the pink boll worm (Pectinophora gossypiella Saund.) and other cotton pests. (Order of Feb. 10, 1923. See p. 11.) *D0DDER SEEDS ( Cuscuta spp.): Importation prohibited. (French decree of June 10, 1911, and order of Jan. 9, 1924. See p. 15.) TIMBER FROM CZECHOSLOVAKIA capable of carrying the nun moth ( Lymant ri a monacha L.). (Order of Mar. 2, 1922.) Importation Restricted LIVING PLANTS (including the grapevine), refuse of plants, stocks, cut- tings,, scions, bulbs, cut flowers, fruits, vegetables, tubers, rhizomes, seeds, covers, wraps, packing, previously used props and supports, vegetable manure, soils, composts, stable manure, and all other articles or products: Except as restricted or pro- hibited by special quarantines , shipments of such products pro- ceeding from countries adhering to the Final Act of the Interna- tional Conference of Phytopathology, Rome, March 4, 1914, for entry into Algeria must be accompanied by a phytosani tary certi- ficate and a shipper's declaration of origin,_ or, if they proceed from establishments under State supervision, by a commercial in- voice only. Shipments of such products from nonadhering countries may enter Algeria only after previous authorization by the Governor- General and on presentation of a phytoaanitary certificate issued by competent authorities of the country of origin, visaed by the French consul, and subject to inspection on arrival. (Orders of Feb. 14, and Sept. 2, 1922, see pp. 7 and 9. See also special quarantines . ) Shipments from foreign countries, unaccompanied by the required documents will be disinfected, refused entry, or destroyed, at the option and expense of the consignee. (Letter No. 4985, Nov. 22, 1923, of the Governor-General.) Cut flowers carried by hand, after inspection, may be intro- duced without a certificate, "but must be accompanied by a declara- tion of origin which may be made by the bearer. (Letter No. 4043 of the Governor-General to the Director of Customs, Sept. 2, 1922.) Exception is made of flowers of Italian origin. Plants from the mainland of France, unaccompanied by the re- quired documents, after inspection on arrival by the agent of Defense des Cultures, may be released to importers on production of a bond under the terms of which the importer engages to fur- nish the above-mentioned documents within one month. The. transit across Algeria of living plants and parts of plants, including fresh fruits, from any source, must be effected in conformity with the provisions of the order of May 7, 1934. CONIFEROUS PLANTS, PALMS, CACTI, CITRUS PLANTS AND FRUITS FROM ITALY may be imported if accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate. (Art. 2, Order of Dec. 11, 1924.) FRESH CUT PLOTTERS, and the plant's -of carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus ) , camomile (Anthem is spp.), 'lavender ( Lavandula officinalis) , stocks (Mat thiol a spp.), and 'asparagus (Asparagus spp.)> from Italy may enter Algeria only -from November 1 to May 1, and only when accompanied by a "ohytosanitary certificate. (Order of Dec. 11, •• 1924.) FLOTJERS FOR PERFUMERY, from the seme country, may enter during the same period without certificate if enclosed in sealed sacks. (Order of Dec. 11, 1924.) T700DY PLANTS OF ITALIAN ORIGIN may be imported from November 15 to April 15 if accompanied by a certificate, the following plants being ex- cepted: Apricot (prunus armeniaca) , almond (Amygdalus communis), Bignonia spp., Catalpa spp., cherry (Prunus cerasus) , spindle- tree or burning bush (Euonymus europaeus) , lilac ( Syringa spp.), cherry-laurel (Lauro cerasus) , mulberry (Morus spp.), paper mul- berry (Broussonetia papyrif era.) , peach (Amygdalus per sic a.) , plum ( Prunus domestica) , and Sophora spp. (Order of Dec. 11, 1924.) CITRUS FRUITS OF ITALIAN ORIGIN must be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate. (Order of Dec. 11, 1924, art. 2 (l).) CITRUS PLANTS FR0M-M0R0CC0 : May be imported if accompanied by a shipper's declaration of origin and a phytosanitary certificate issued by the phytopatho logical service of that country. Precaution against the introduction of Glover's scale ( (Lepidosaphes) Mytilaspis gl overi Pack.), and Ceroplastes sinensis Del Guer. (Decree of Jan. 12, 1933.) - 5 ~ *F3SSH FRUITS from countries in which Sstn Jose scale (Aspiliotus ^erniciosus Corns t.) occurs.' Importation permitted only under an authorization issued in advance, and on presentation of a phytosanitary certifi- cate affirming ■ freedom from injurious parasites, especially San Jose scale. ( French . decree of Mar. 8, 1932; Orders. of Apr. 14, .May 2, Aug. 12, Nov. 18, 1932; May 12, Aug. 11, 1933; and Oct. 11, 1934. See p. 14.) Reshipments, after customs entry in France, of fresh fruits originating in or proceeding from countries contami- nated by San Jose scale are exempt from the certification require- ment, but. must be accompanied by the commercial invoice or a shipper's declaration. * PLANT PRODUCTS FOR CONSUMPTION: In general, all such plant products, in- cluding fruits, fresh vegetables > roots, bulbs, tubers other than potatoes, rhizomes, and seeds, not otherwise restricted or pro- hibited, may enter Algeria after inspection on arrival, without a phyto sanitary certificate, if accompanied- by a shipper's declara- tion of origin or a commercial invoice indicating the place of origin. (Circular of Sept. 2, 1922.) Such products originating in Morocco and Tunisia may be im- ported by land, on production of a shipper' s declaration and with- out obligatory inspection on arrival. (Decision No. 4151 of the Governor-General, Sept.. 2, 1922.) FRESH VEGETABLES originating in and proceeding from the Netherlands, may be imported only during the winter months, the dates being estab- lished by an order annually. * SEEDS ^F FORAGE- CROP PLANTS: Importation provided for by the decree of June 10, 1911, and the order of January 9, 1924 (see p. 15). They are subject, on arrival, to inspection for Cuscuta. under the conditions prescribed by the order of October 25, 1922 (see p. 16), • and according to the tariffs established by the decree of February • 10, 1929. . POTATOES offered for entry into Algeria, must be free from earth and packed in clean containers that are in good condition. POTATOES proceeding from countries that adhere to the Final Act of the Conference of Phytopathology, Rome, must be accompanied by phyto- sanitary certificates indicating the places of production and affirming that the tubers are free from Colorado potato beetle (Leptinota.rsa decemlineata Say), and potato \vart (Syn chytrium endobioticum (Schilb.) Perc). The certificate accompanying potatoes from countries infected with wart disease must also declare that the tubers were grown in land situated more than 20 km from any place where that disease has been determined (orders of June 27, 1924; Jan. 12, 1925; Nov. 14, 1927; May 30 and Oct. 6, 1933; and June 30, 1934). The distance has been reduced to 5 km for potatoes from Belgium, Great Britain, and the Netherlands. (Letter No. 5495 of Nov. 25, 1924, of the Governor-General to the Director of Customs.) ^POTATOES from nonadhering countries may be imported only after authoriza- tion by the General Government. POTATOES from Belgium, Great Britain, Netherlands, and Spain may be im- ported only after special authorization. (Ministerial order of Jan. 17, 1933.) SEED POTATOES originating in and proceeding from Great Britain must be accompanied by a certificate affirming: 1. That they were grown in a place situated more than 75 km from the nearest focus of infestation by Colorado potato beetle . 2. That the shipment was inspected, found to be sound, and free from injurious insects capable of spreading into farms and orchards . 3. The inspection must be made not more than 2 weeks prior to shipment. (Order of June 30, 1934, of the Minister of Agri- culture . ) POTATOES (Solanum tuberosum L.), TOMATOES (lycopersicum esculentum Mill.), , AND EGGPLANTS. (Solanum melongenum Mill.), proceeding from the mainland of France must be accompanied by a commercial invoice or ■ a shipper's declaration, furnishing all the data required for plants. These products may enter Algeria at any season if they proceed from areas not infested by Colorado potato beetle or from the protective zones. In the contrary case, the products are not admitted unless shipped between September 25 and May 15. However, potatoes from infested or protective zones may be im- ported into Algeria outside of that period by protective syndi- cates under the conditions prescribed by the order of October 2, 1933. - 7 - HONEY, T7AX, COLONIES OF BESS: May be imported only when accompanied "by a sanitary certificate conforming to the provisions of the order of February 14. 1S21. Packages not exceeding 4 kg are exempt from certification. (Decision of the Governor-General, Sept. 8, 1934.) *0nly the items marked with an asterisk concern the products of the United States . IMPORTATION OF GRAPEVINES PROHIBITED (Law of July 15, 1921) The importation of grapevines (stocks and cuttings) into France and Algeria is prohibited as a precaution against the introduction of phylloxera. (Extr. No. 170 from customs tariff - grapevines of foreign origin . ) GENERAL REGULATIONS (Order of Feb. 14, 1922) Importation of Infested Plants and Plant Products Prohibited Article 1. The importation into the Colony of Algeria and -the dis- tribution in and among the lands of the Colony, are prohibited of plants (except grapevines, .see the Order of July 15, 1921), plant refuse, seed- lings, cuttings, scions, bulbs, cut flowers,- fruits, vegetables, tubers, rhizomes, seeds, covers, wraps, packing, used props, vegetable molds, soils, composts, stable manure, and any other material or products named if contaminated by any of the parasites mentioned in special orders. (See also the Order of Sept. 2, 1922, list of parasites; Order of June 27, 1924, potato import restrictions; Order of Feb. 21, 1925, chestnut trees and seeds; and Order of Apr, 14, 1932, plant material from coun- tries infested with Aspidiotus perniciosus ■ ) - 8 - Authorized Forts of Entry . . . ■ Art. 2. The importation into Algeria of the products listed in article 1 will take place at the ports of Alger, Bone, Bougie, Llostaganem, Oran, and philippeville. Shipper's Declaration and Fir/to sanitary Certificate Required Art. 2, cont'd. Each shipment of those products must he accom- panied by a copy of the commercial invoice or, when they do not proceed from an establishment under the supervision of the government, "by a shipper's declaration indicating the character, number, and variety of the products concerned; and in every case, by a phytopathological inspec- tion certificate conforming to that adopted by the Final Act of the Inter- national Conference of Fnytopathology, Rome, March 4, 1914. (See model certificate p. 10; note also the types of certificate prescribed by cer- tain special quarantines.) For the articles proceeding from countries which do not adhere to that Convention, interested persons must provide themselves with an authorization, which shall be issued by the Governor-General prior to the clearance of the shipment on presentation of a certificate issued by the competent phytosanitary service of the country of origin, visaed by the French consular authority, affirming that the plants or articles are free from the parasites declared dangerous to the cultures of the Colony. (See list of parasites, Order of Sept. 2, 1922, p. 9.) Packing Art. 3. On the arrival of a shipment, the packing of the pro- ducts mentioned in article 1 shall be of such a character as to facili- tate inspection and, if necessary, disinfection. The containers will be opened at the expense and risk of the consignee or holder. Each container shall be provided with a legible label or tag indicating: 1 . The full name of the shipper; 2. The place of origin of the products; 3. The character, variety, and quantity of the products; 4. The name and address of the consignee. Plants with balls of earth may proceed only from establishments under the supervision of the government of the country of origin. The balls of earth shall be tightly wrapped . Inspection and Disinfection on Arrival Art. 4. On arrival, the products in question and the accompany- ing documents are examined at the customs office "by an official of the Plant Protection Service who , when necessary, will proceed to have the said products disinfected. Art. 5. Relates to procedure in connection with inspection on arrival . Arts. 5 to 12. Distribution of imported plants in the Colony. Art. 13. Exportation of plants from Algeria. Art. 14. Penalties. LIST op PLANT PARASITES (Order of Sept. 2, 1922) Article 1. The list of parasites referred to in article 1 of the Order of Fe"brua.ry 14, 1922, against which there is occasion to protect Algerian cultures, is as follows.' Bacterium citri (Hasse) Doidge, citrus canker. Cuscuta arahica var. aegypti ca Engelm., dodder. Sndothia parasitica (Murr.) And. and And., chestnut hark disease. Synchytrium endohioticum (Schilh.) Perc, potato wart. (Aleurodes) Dial euro des ci tri Ashm., citrus whitefly. Anthonomus grandis Boh., Doll weevil. Anthonomus vestitus Eoh. , cotton-square weevil . Aspidiotus jjerniciosus Comst., San Jose scale- Ceroplastes sinensi s Del Guer. Chryoomphalus and Aspidiotus species. (Diaspis) Aulacaspis pentagong. Targ. , white peach scale . ( D o ryph o r aT~ "hep t ino t ar s a decemlineata Say, Colorado potato "beetle. Icerya purchasi Mask., cottony-cushion scale. I r i domy rm e x hum i 1 i s May r . , Argentine ant. Lepidosaphes heckii Newm . , coccid. (Lepidosaphes) Mytilaspis gloveri Pack., Glover's scale. Margarodes vi tium Giard. , coccid. Pseudo coccus fi lament osus Ckll., coccid. - 10 - MGDEL CERTIFICATE Phytosanitary Certificate Indicating Origin Serial Ho • The undersigned, (full name, official title, and address of in- spector authorized to issue the certificate) certifies, in accordance with the result of an inspection of products included in the shipment, that the plants or parts of plants contained in the shipment described below. are deemed free from injurious diseases and pests, especially from those hereafter named. (Refer to those named in the Order of Sept. 2, 1922, in the Order of Jan. 12, 1932, citrus plants, or in Order of Apr. 14, 1932, fresh fruits from countries infested with San Jose scale, as the case may be.) Certificat Fhytosanitaire et d'Origine No. d'ordre Le soussigne, certifie, con-f ormement aux resultats de 1' inspection des produits corapris dans 1' expedition que les vegetaux ou parties de vegetaux contenus dans 1' envoi decrit ci -des sous sont .iuges indemnes de maladies et ennemies danger eux et, notarnment, de ceux enumeres ci-apres: Description of the Shipment Description de 1' Envoi Quantity, weight, and kind of containers Nombre, poids, et nature des colis Marks and numbers on containers Marques et rcuraeros des colis Description of plants and parts of plants Description des vegetaux ou parties des vegetaux Place where grown Lieu de culture Full name and address of shipper Norn, prenom et adresse de 1 ' expediteur - 11 - Full name and address of consignee Worn, prenom et adresse du destinataire Place and date of issuance of certificate Lieu et date de delivrance du cert if i cat Signature SEAL Sceau IMPORTATION OF COTTONSEED PROHIBITED (Order of Feb. 10, 1923) Article 1. The importation into Algeria is prohibited of cotton- seed from any source, unless intended for experimental purposes "by the government . RESTRICTIONS OK THE IMPORTATION OF POTATOES (Order of June 27, 1924, as amended "by those of Jan. 12, 1925, Nov. 14, 1927, and May 30 and Oct. 6, 1933) Potato TTart Certificate Required Article 1. Potatoes proceeding directly or indirectly from a country invaded "by potato wart (Synchytrium endobioticum (Schilb.) Perc . ) are not permitted to enter Algeria unless each shipment is accompanied by a certificate issued by the phy topathological service of the country of origin in the language of that country and in French, according to the prescribed model No. 1, affirming: 1. That the consignment is free from vrart disease; 2. That the disease has not been determined within a radius of 20 km from the place where the said potatoes were grown. The certificate shall also indicate the name of the variety of the potatoes and state whether or not that variety is immune or is of doubtful susceptibility. - 12 - Countries Contaminated with T7art The countries reported as contaminated with potato wart are Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Danzig (Free City of), Denmark, Finland, German;/, Great Britain, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, and Switzerland. Art. 2. Potatoes from a country not invaded "by wart disease, hut contiguous to a country in which that disease exists (Lithuania, Luxem- bourg) will not be permitted entry into Algeria unless accompanied "by a certificate issued by the administrative authority of the district in which the potatoes were grown, in French and in the language of the country of origin, in accordance with the prescribed Model Ho. 2, affirm- ing that the potatoes originated in that country. Art. 3. Shipments not accompanied, according to the case, by certificate Model 1 or Model 2, will be reladen or destroyed on the spot at the expense of the importers. NOTE: Potatoes may be imported from Belgium, Great Britain, Netherlands, and Spain, but only under a special authorization. (Order of Jan. 17, 1933.) Seed potatoes are admitted from Great Britain. (Order of Jan. 17, 1933.) CERTIFICATE MODEL NO. 1 Potato Tfart Inspection Certificate Serial No. The undersigned, inspector of the phytopathological service at , certifies (1) that the potatoes comprising the shipment described bel<>w are free from potato wart ( Synchytrium endo- bioticum) ; (2) that they were harvested in land situated 20 km from any place infected with potato wart. These potatoes are of the variety (name of variety), which are immune from potato wart (Strike out the are not immune from potato wart two points that are of doubtful susceptibility to wart do not apply-) Signature Title Done at Date Seal - 13 - 1RMGH VERSION 0? MODEL 1 Certificat d' Inspection Fhytopathologique Relatif a la Galle Verruqueuse No. d'ordre • Le soussigne, inspecteur du service phytopathologique a , certifie (l) que les pommes de terre faisant I'objet de 1' expedition ci-dessous decrite sont exemptes de galle ve^rruqueuse ,f Synchytrium endobioticum: (2) que ces pommes de terre ont ete recoltees dans une exploitation eloignee de 20 km de tout point infecte par la galle verruqueuse. Ces pommes de terre appartiennent a la variete qui jouit de 1'immunite pour la ne jouit' pas de 1'immunite galle est de susceptibilite doubteuse verruqueuse** Fait a. Signature Le Titre officiel Sceau **Biffer les deux mentions qui ne s'appliquent pas. Description of the Shipment Description de 1' Envoi Name and address of shipper Nom et adresse de l'expediteur Name and address of consignee Nom et adresse du destinataire Marks and numbers of the various containers Marques et numeros des differents colis Gross weight of the various containers Poids bruts des differents colis Locality where the potatoes were harvested Localite ou les pommes de terre ont ete recoltees Date of inspection Date de 1' inspection ~ 14 - IMPORTATION PROHIBITED OF PLANTS FROM THE UNITED STATES AND OTHER COUNTRIES I NESS TED 171 TH SAN JOSE SCALE (French Decree of Mar. 8, 1932) Article 1. The entry into France and Algeria is prohibited of living plants, and living parts of plants (trees, shrubs, nursery pro- ducts, cuttings, and other parts of plants), including fresh fruits from the United States of America and other countries in which the presence of San Jose scale has "been determined. IMPORTATION OF FRESH FRUITS RESTRICTED (Order of Apr, 14, 1932, as amended by those of May 2, Aug. 18, and Nov. 18, 1932; May 12 and Aug. 11, 1933; and Oct. 11, 1934) By derogation from the provisions of article 1 of the French De- cree of March 8, 1932, the Orders of April 14, 1932, and May 12, 1933, provide for the importation of fresh fruits into Algeria under the fol- lowing conditions: Phytosanitary Certificate Required Article 1. The importation into Algeria of fresh fruits origi- nating in or proceeding from countries in which San Jose scale occurs (United States of America, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Canada, Chile, China, Hawaii, Hungary, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Portugal, Rumania, Union of South Africa, and Spain), is authorized only when shipped directly from the places of production and on presentation on arrival of a phytosanitary certificate issued by the competent authorities of the country of origin, attesting that the products concerned do not carry dangerous parasites, especially San Jose scale. These importations are subject to the contingent measures common to France and Algeria. An authori zation in advance is no longer required. Certificate of Origin Required Art. 2. (As amended by the Order of May 12, 1933.) The importa- tion into Algeria of living plants, parts of plants, trees and shrubs, nursery products, cuttings and other parts of plants originating in or proceeding from countries not contaminated with Aspidiotus pernicioB.us is not authorized unless each shipment is accompanied by an attestation of the competent administrative authority of the country of origin indi- cating the place of production. - 15 - Re shipment Through France Art. 3. Reshipments through France of the fruits mentioned in article 1, alreauy cleared through the customs, are exempt from the phy to sanitary certificate, hut must "be accompanied "by the commercial invoice or a shipper's declaration. Importation Prohibited of Fresh Fruits in Bulk Art. 4. Entry into and transit through Algeria of these fresh fruits in bulk are prohibited, but are authorized in containers, such as cases, barrels, sacks, cartons, or other similar containers. Inspection on Arrival Art. 5. All fruits proceeding directly or indirectly from coun- tries in which San Jose scale occurs are subjected to obligatory inspec- tion on arrival . Authorized Ports of Entry Art. 6. The entry of these fruits into Algeria may be made only through ports of the Colony open to importations of plants and in which an official of the service of plant protection is to be found, namely » Alger, Bone, Bougie, Mustaganem, Oran, and Philippeville . RESTRICTIONS ON THE IMPORTATION OF CLOVER AND ALFALFA SEEDS (Decree of the French Minister of Agriculture, June 10, 1911, and the Order of Jan. S, 1924) Importation of Dodder Seeds Prohibited The importation into Algeria, of dodder seeds ( Cuscuta spp.) is prohibited. That prohibition applies also to forage-crop seeds that, upon in- spection, are found to contain dodder seeds; and especially to the seeds of alfalfa (Medic ago sativa) ; red clover (Trifolium pratense); white clover (T. repens) ; alsike clover (T. hybridum) ; kidney vetch (Anthyllis vulneraria^ ; birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus) ; and timothy (Phleum pratense). UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09246 0251 - 16 - Special Inspection for Dodder Any mixture of seeds containing any of the above-mentioned species is passable subject to special inspection; but if that operation reveals the presence of Gus cut a, the entry of the mixture into Algeria, is prohibited. The conditions under which the special inspection is effected are established by the Order of the Governor-General of October 25, 1922. THE SAMPLING OP THE SEEDS OP POHAGE CHOP PLANTS (Order of the Governor-General of Oct. 25, 1922) Article 1. In conformity with the provisions of article 1 of the decree of January 13, 1911, the seeds for propagation to which article 1 of the decree of June 10, 1911, applies, declared for importation into Algeria, Trill be subject, prior to their removal, and at the expense of the importers, to a control intended to determine whether they contain dodder seeds. The declarants shall state in their declarations the exact botani- cal species of the declared seeds- The remaining articles of this order relate to sampling and adminis- trative procedure. COLORING OP IMPORTED CLOVER AND ALPALEA SEEDS (Lavr of July 20, 1927, and Decree of Nov. 18, 1927) The entry is prohibited (exclusive of warehouse and transit entries) of the seeds of red clover ( Tri folium pratense L.) and alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) that have not been artificially colored in the pro- portion of at least 5 percent to disclose their foreign origin. Such seeds shall not be admitted into Algeria, in bond or in transit, unless they are colored in the minimal proportion of 5 percent by a method approved by the Minister of Agriculture. By transit is understood ordinary transit or international transit with an Algerian customs office or warehouse as destination; consequently, these provisions are not applicable to merchandise in direct international transit ( T . & E.) in sealed cars through Algerian territory subject to Algerian customs regulations. Seeds that have not been colored before shipment may be colored under customs supervision at the expense of the interested persons.