LIBRARY STATE PLANT BOARD UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, I). C January 29, 1938, B. E. P. Q 445, Supplement No. 1 PL ANT- QUARANTINE IMFORT RESTRICTIONS OP CENTRAL AMERICA SALVADOR Permit Required to Import Raw or Ginned Cotton Legislative decree No. 208, published in the Diario Oficial of December 1, 1937, prohibits the importation of raw or ginned cotton into Salvador except under permit from the Ministry of Finance. Permits for the importation of cotton will be issued only in the event that supplies of Salvadorean cotton are not available. \ LEE AV STRONG, Chief, Bureau of En tomology & ^Pl^ajytr Quarantine . UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09246 0848