' (, i/ft, / U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU OF CHEMISTRY— BULLETIN No. 69 (Revised ). PART VII. WILEY, Chief. FOODS AND FOOD sTROL. REVISED TO VJTJH.-5T 1, 1905. VII. LAWS OF PORTO RICO, RHODE ISLAND. s< >LTH CAR< >LINA. SOUTH DAKOTA, TENNESSEE. TEXAS, I'TAII, AND VERMONT. By W. D. BK. ELO.W ( 'mil. I »i\ ision '" Foods. WASHINGTON GOVERNM1 \T PRIN1 INC 01 PH B, 190 ■ U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU OF CHEMISTRY— BULLETIN No. 69 (Revised), PART VII. H. \Y. WILEY, Chief. FOODS AND FOOD CONTROL BEVISED TO JULY 1, 1905. VII. LAWS OF PORTO RICO, RHODE ISLAND. SOUTH CAROLINA, SOUTH DAKOTA, TENNESSEE, TEXAS, I TAIL AND VERMONT. By W. I). BIG BLOW, ( SHIEF, Division OF Loons. w 18HINGTOK «.<.\ | i;\\i, \ i PRINTING OFFH I I 90 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. U. S. Department oe Agriculture, Bureau of Chemistry, Washington, D. ('.. October 25, 1905. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith for your approval a compilation of -the food laws of Porto Rico, Rhode Island, South Caro lina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and Vermont, which has been revised to July 1, 1905. I recommend that this manuscript l>c published as Bulletin No. 69, Revised, Part VII, of the Bureau of Chemistry. Respectfully, H. W. WlLBT, Chief. Hon. James Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture. CONTEXTS. Page Porto Rico 549 (General food. laws 549 Alcoholic beverages 551 Candy 551 Meat 551 Regulations of the Superior Board of Health, 1903 553 Rhode Island General food law 569 A Icoholic beverages 569 Baking powders 570 Butter :>7 1 Candy 571 Milk' 572 Vinegar ">7 1 South Carolina 575 ( M-neral food laws 575 Alcoholic beverages -^77 Candy 578 ( torn meal 578 Dairy products 578 Flour 580 Meat X : Rice South I »:ik< «ta 1 General food laws . Alcoholic beverages Baking powder Gaudy Oateup ( idcr hairy products £6 Flavoring ext ra cts 501 Honey Lard M.;.t Spices Syrups .... Vinegar Rulings of the commissioner ... Tennessee I i en era] food laws Alcoholic beverages 801 550 FOODS AND FOOD CONTROL. ties in the discharge of their duty as provided by law, or sells, gives away or uses the meat or milk, or removes the skin or any part of such animal, is punishable by fine not exceeding three hundred dollars or imprisonment in jail not exceeding one year, or both, in the discretion of the court. Revised Statutes and Codes of Porto Rico, 1902, Penal Code, title 14, p. 556. 480. False weight or measun defined. A false weight or measure is one which does not conform to the standard established by law. 481. Using false weights; penalty. Every person who uses any weight or measure, knowing it to be false, by which use another is defrauded or otherwise injured, shall be punished by imprisonment for not exceeding six months or by tine not exceeding two hundred dollars, or by both. 4s2. Stamping casks falsely; penalty. Every person who knowingly marks or stamps false or short weight or measure, or false tare, on any cask or package, or knowingly sells or offers for sale, any cask or package so marked, shall be punished by imprisonment for not exceeding six months or by line not exceeding two hundred dollars, or by both. 4n:{. Full weights of sugar, coal, etc.; penalty. In all sales of sugar, coal, and other commodities, usually sold by the ton or fractional parte thereof, the seller must give t<> the purchaser full weight, and any person violating this section shall be punished by imprisonment for not exceeding six months or by fine not exceeding two hun- dred dollars, or by both. 484. Full weight or measure of all- commodities; penalty. In all sales of merchandise, wares, articles of food or drink or whatever else is purchased by weight or measure, the seller must give to the purchaser full weight or measure, and any person violat- ing this section shall be punished by imprisonment not exceeding six months or by fine not exceeding two hundred dollars, or by both. Revised Statutes and Codes of Porto Rico, 1902, Penal Code, ch. 10, p. 590. 765 (11). Specific duties of the superior board of health. To inquire into and report upon all infractions of laws govering the purity and good condition of foods, bever- ages, medicines and drugs; to submit to the consideration of the Governor, through the Commissioner of the Interior, rules for the repression of occupations prejudicial or dangerous; report concerning any special cause of danger to life, and make BUg- gestione in connection therewith; and to call upon the local boards of health tor the enforcement of regulations made by it in the respective districts. <<»(> < 12). General jurisdiction of the superior board of health. To inspect through its inspector- and see to all things which concern public health and individual security. And further, to intervene and have general direction in all things ooncerning the following matter-: Public water supply, markets, bakeries, general grocery stores (pulperfas), milk Stalls and meat stalls; purity and good condition of foods, he\er- ages, liquors, drugs and medicines; * * * Provided, that in all matters specified in sections 6, 7, S, «», 10, I I, and 12, the Superior Board Of Health shall direct to the local boards of health, the performance Of all duties related to those matters iu their several communities. * * * Approved, March I, 1902. Revised Statutes and Codes of Porto Rico, L902, Revised Statutes, p. 278. Sac. I s . Appoint mi ,tt of superior board of health. The Governor shall, upon the recommendation of the Director, and by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, appoint ■ superior board of health of fiVi members, consisting of a supervisor of Health (chairman), one physician, one lawyer, one civil engineer and one druggist, who shall hold their offices for two years, without compensation PORTO RICO. 551 except for traveling and other expenses which may arise when engaged in official business. Sec. 19. Duties. The superior board of health shall be an advisory board to the Director of Health, Charities and Corrections on all matters concerning * * * foods, beverages and drugs on the public health; * * * the plans and specifica- tions for all new water supplies, drainage, sewerage, plants and public institutions of all kinds, insular or municipal, and the alteration of such works, institutions and places; * * * to inquire into and report upon all infractions of the laws govern- ing the good condition and purity of foods, labels, beverages, medicines and drugs; * * * . The Director shall make regulations subject to the approval of the Exec- utive Council governing all things concerning the following matters: Public water supply, markets, bakeries, general grocery stores, milk stalls and meat stalls, * * * purity, brands, labels and good conditions of foods, beverages, liquors, drugs and medicines; * * * . Approved March 10, 1904. Acts and Resolutions and Code of Civil Procedure 1904, pp. 97-9S. alcoholic BEVERAGES. 2, Additional, tax for adulteration of distilled spirits. On each and every gallon, or fraction thereof, of distilled spirits as enumerated above, whether domestic or for- eign, which shall be changed in form by any merchant or at any liquor factory, by sweetening, diluting, adulterating, or by the addition of other ingredients or water, there shall be paid, when sold, or exposed for sale to the public, besides the tax already paid on such distilled spirits in their original condition, an additional tax of forty cents. 4. Additional too; for adulteration of wines. On each and every gallon, or fraction thereof, of fermented wines as enumerated above, whether domestic or foreign, which shall be changed in form by any merchant or at any liquor factory, by diluting, adulterating, Or by the addition of other ingredients, there shall be paid, when placed on sale, besides the tax already paid on such fermented wines in their original condition, an additional tax of fifteen cent-. LEWS Of L90O-1901, Schedule A. pp. 80-81. CANDY. :i">:>. Adulteration a misdemeanor. Every person who adulterates candy by using in it- manufacture terra alba or any other deleterious Bubstances, or who sells or keeps !t' the local authorities, who shall see that the provisions of this A.ct are complied with. The following fees shall be collected i>> the munici- palities iroin persons offering meats for public consumption: For ever] twenty-five pounds of fresh meat of cattle, twenty-five cents; foreverj hog, titty cent.-; and for e\ ery head of -heep, twenty-five cent-. No other tee- than those herein mentioned shall be levied or collected from persons offering meats tor public consumption, whether such persons OM tin* municipal t»laughterdioiises and meat marl • whether they use private slaughter-houses and meat standi for the slaughtering of their cattle and the -ale of their flesh. Persons bringing in the carcasses of animals for consumption from outside th< municipality, and persons Importing refrigerated 552 FOODS AND FOOD CONTROL. meat from any other country for public consumption, shall pay the same fees as those hereinbefore specified. Each municipality shall have at least one inspector, who shall be a veterinary surgeon or the municipal health officer, and whose duty it shall be to see that the provisions of this law are enforced; examine all animals offered for slaughter with the intention of offering the meat for public sale; inspect slaughtering operations, markets, market stands, and all places where fresh meat is exposed for sale, and see that diseased animals and condemned meat are destroyed. Appeal against the ruling of local inspectors in matters of the fitness or otherwise of animals for slaughter and food shall lie to the Superior Board of Health, whose decision therein shall be final. — As amended March IB, 1903, p. 119; and at further amended March 10, 1904, Lairs and Code, < HvU Procedure 1904, P- 6. . 2. (11) Sanitation of slaughterhouses; regulations for slaughtering. Xo slaughter house shall be constructed within the outskirts of any town or village, or within one hundred (100) metres of an inhabited building, or in a location such that the free circulation of air is interrupted or interfered with. Slaughter houses must be pro- vided with a pavement of brick or tile or cement, so inclined as to facilitate the drainage of refuse matter, and must be provided with proper drains. They must also be supplied with abundant running water, and with a trough from which the animals intended for slaughter shall be watered twice daily. They must also be pro- vided with a shed for the shelter of the stock to be slaughtered. Persons engaged in the slaughter of animals and the handling of meat shall be free from communicable disease and shall be subject in that regard to the official inspection. While engaged in the slaughtering or handling of meat, they shall wear clean clothing, other than that worn by them at their homes, or in going and returning to and from the slaughter- house. Offal and fat shall not be rendered in the same building as the slaughter house, or within one hundred (100) metres thereof. No animal shall be slaughtered unless it has been inspected not more than twenty-four, (24) and Leas than six (6) hours before killing, and animals intended for slaughter must be provided with food and water at least once in the twenty-four (24) hours preceding the killing. The blowing of slaughtered animals to facilitate the skinning of the carcass is forbidden. Offal or refuse from the slaughter house shall not be fed to any animal or fowl intended for slaughter or consumption. The slaughter of animals shall take place between the hours of four (4) and eight (8) in the afternoon, except when special permission to slaughter at other hours is grantee! by the local inspector, in accord- ance with rules prescribed by the Superior Board of Health. :;. (12) Inspection of animals before slaughter. No animal -hall be slaughtered for consumption in any municipality until it has first been inspected and passed by the municipal inspector. No fowl or other animal which has been allowed the run of cesspools or latrines or allowed to feed thereat, shall be passed by the inspector, nor any diseased animal, nor any animal which has not been treated in a humane manner while eu route to the slaughter house; bul any animal which it becomes necessary to kill as the result of an accident may be passed by slaughtering by the inspector, provided thai the flesh of said animal will not be unfit for consumption it slaughtered. Oxen may be passed for slaughter provided thai they are fat and bear no Indications of having Buffered from an> disease rendering their flesh unfit for consumption. i. (18) Protection of meat exposed for sale. No meat shall be exposed for sale within three hours after the killing thereof in any municipality of the island. No meat shall be exposed for sale which has not been conveyed from the slaughter house by BUCh mean- and with such precautions SB to exclude dust, insects and other causes Of contamination. Market-. market stand- and meat Bhops must D€ kept in a clean and sanitary condition and -"that live fowls and animals shall not have access to the same. Meat, flsh and the flesh of foil Ifl exposed for sale, must be protected from contamination by dirt, dust, insects and other causes of pollution. PORTO RICO. 553 Sec. 5. (14) Condemned meal to be burned. All meat or fish or parts of carcasses condemned as unfit for food shall be destroyed by saturating with coal oil and burn- ing the same in the presence of a municipal inspector. The carcass of any food ani- mal which has died as the result of disease shall be destroyed by cremation in the same manner. Sec. 6. (15) Slaughter house certificate; fees. No meat shall be offered for sale in any municipality unless it be accompanied by a certificate issued at the slaughter house that the animal has passed inspection as fit for slaughter and that its meal has been inspected and is fit for consumption. No fresh meal shall be offered for sale in any municipality other than that in which it is slaughtered until the slaugh- ter house certificate has been examined by the inspector of the municipality where the meat is offered for sale, and unless such meat is newly inspected and pronounced fit for consumption by the local inspector, for which inspection fees may be charged at rates not to exceed those specified in Section 1 of this Act. 7. (16) Jurisdiction; penalty. The police judge of the municipality in which the slaughter house or the market, market stand, or meat shop is situated shall have jurisdiction of offenses againsl this Act. The violation of any of the provisions of this Act, shall be punished by a fine of from five to fifteen dollars, or by imprison- ment not exceeding thirty days, or both, in the discretion of the police judge. Sbc. 8. (17) Repeal. All laws, orders, and decrees, or parts thereof, in conflicl with the provisions of this Act, are hereby repealed. 9. (IS) Date Of effect. This Act shall take effect from and after July first, nineteen hundred and two. Approved, .March I, 1902. Revised statutes and Code of Porto Rico, 1902, Revised Statutes, p. 4. Sbc. l. Cattle for slaughter . Cattle may be presented for slaughter without restric- tion as to sex; provided that female cattle shall not be over six months pregnant >i.< . 2. That section 1 of an act, entitled "An Act to regulate the slaughter of food animals and the sale of fresh meat," approved March 1, L902, he, and hereby is amended so as to read as follow b: See p. oUected prior to enactment of law. No cause of action shall lie against any municipality because of charges levied and collected prior to the passage of this Act tor the nee of or inspection of the municipal slaughter-house or meat stand-, or for the inspection of private Blaughter-houses or meal Stands; QOr shall any munici- pality be required to refund any moneys bo collected. Approved, March lo, 1904. Laws ami Code, civil Procedure 1904, p. <;. REG1 LATIONS OF THE SUPERIOR r>< > \KI> < »! Hi: LLTH, I i: \i 111... I l \ l low PROHIBITUM OF \oi I i i:i; \ i lo\ \m> MISBRANDING. No article of Pood, l>rink, Drug, &&, can be sold or offered for sale in Porto Rico, nor , -a n il be stored or exposed for sale therein or he transported in or into said island with tin- purpose of storing, selling, exposing or offering it for sale in the .-a me, if it he Adulterated "r misbranded within the meaning of these term- as defined herein. No later regulation- have l>eeii received. 554 FOODS AND POOD CONTROL. DEFINITION OP MISBRANDING. (FOOD. ) For the purposes of these regulations an article oi food shall be deemed to be misbranded in the following cat (1) When it is an imitation of another article, or is offered for sale under the distinctive name of another substance, Provided, that the term "distinctive name" shall not be construed as applying to any article, sold or offered for sale under a name that has come into general use, to Indicate the kind or class of the article, if the name be accompanied on the same Label with a statement of the place when article lias been manufactured or produced. (2) If it be mixed, powdered, colored or stained whereby damage or inferiority is concealed so that such product when sold or offered for sale shall deceive or tend to deceive the purchaser. (3) When it is labeled or marked by means of any word, sign or symbol, with the purpose of deceiving or misleading the purchaser, or purports to be a foreign product when not so. or is an imitation, either in package or label, of another substance of a previously established name, or which has been trade-marked or patented. (4) If the vessel or package containing it, or if the label shall bear any word, agn or symbol, or any statement, regarding the ingredients or the substances contained therein, which shall be false or misleading in any particular, or if the same is falsely branded ae to the place in which it was manufactured or produced. (5) When on the vessel containing an article of food, there is more than one label. Every word, symbol or observation of whatever kind must be placed on one and the same label, Provided, that this requirement shall not be considered as applying to the name of the manufacturer of the vessel, generally stamped on the same. No article of food, drink, drug, etc., can be sold, stored, exposed or offered for salt- in Porto Rico nor can it be transported in or into said island with the purpose of 80 Belling, storing, exposing or' offering it for sale therein, unless, upon every casing, sacking, etc., containing such for the purpose of sale, (excepting such boxes, barrels, etc., as arc used only for the purpose of transporting the article ) there be printed, painted, stamped or otherwise placed. (1) The tine name of the contents of the vessel. (2) The name and address of the manufacturer, packer, canner, etc., of the article. Every article of food that is sold, Stored, exposed or offered for saK', or- that is transported in or into Porto Rico with the purpose of selling it or of offering it for -ale or of storing or exposing it for sale therein, and that is not marked in the man- ner just described \\ ill be considered as " misbranded " and subject to the penalties provided then-tor, hut nothing in this regulation shall he considered to annul or modify any other regulation applying to misbranding and (or) adulteration, and contained herein. In the case of foods, an article shall be deemed to be adulterated in the following ( l ) [f any substance hae been mixed or packed with it so as to reduce, Lower, or injuriously affect it- strength or quality, so that such product when sold shall deceive or tend to deceive the plll labeled, branded or tailed -<> a- to show the character and constituents thereof: And provided further, that nothing in this regulation shall be construed as requiring or compelling proprietors or manufacturers of proprietary foods which contain no unwholesome added ingredient, to disclose their trade formula.- except in so Ear as the provisions of these regulations require to secure freedom from adulteration or imitation. Fruit, Mk\i and Vegetables. No fruit, meat or vegetable can be sold or offered for sale in Porto Rico nor can it be Stored or exposed for sale therein, or he transported in «»r into said island with the purpose of Belling it or offering, storing <»r exposing it for sale therein, if it is in a state of fermentation or putrefaction or in such a state as to make it- use as food liable to injure health. V> Emit, vegetable or meat, can be .-old or stored, exposed or offered for sale in Porto Rico nor be transported in or into said island with the purpose of selling or of offering, storing or exposing it for -ale therein unless such article is free from any injurious ingredients, and unless upon every can or vessels of any kind that contains such fruit, vegetable or meat, there be printed, painted, stamped or otherwise placed the true name of the content- and the name of the manufacturer, or packer, canner, Ac, &c, the words expressing the kind or class of the article must be expressed by means of letters not less than one half inch in height, and so placed be readily visible and easily legible. I Ll>" i..m.|»- Ml M HI -.. MASKED. If a vegetable or a fruit has been dried and subsequently soaked, prior to being canned or preserved, ever) \ esse] containing such soaked goods must be so marked a< to plainly indicate this fact, bj means of the word expressed in Spanish) "Soaked" printed, painted, stamped or attached to the vessel in -on ie other wa\ and e\pre.-.-ed by means of letters not less than one half inch in height, the letters of tin- word mi all cases larger than those of any other word appearing on the label, and so placed a- n. i»e readily visible and easily legible. \ i - 0HO1 n IW:\ EBA< I A I Ion-. No article used "t to be used as an alcoholic Drink or B id or offered for sale or stored oi exposed for sale in Porto Rico, nor be transported in or into said island with the purpose of selling it rig, exposing <>r offering 55G FOODS AND FOOD CONTROL. it for sale therein as an alcoholic Drink or Beverage, if it contains any of the fol- lowing substances: Seed of Cocculu- [ndicus, Sulphuric Acid, Grains of Paradise, Opium, Alum, Cochineal, Brazil Wood, Sulphate of Iron, Laurel Water, Qampeche, Picric Acid, Indian Hemp, Strychnine, Tobacco, Fruit of Lolium Torulentum, Arse- nic, Salts of Copper, Lead, Zinc or Mercury Methyl or Ainyl Alcohol, or any Arti- ficial Essence or Extractor Other Substance Injurious to Health: But nothing in this prohibits the sale of purely medicinal wines that conform to the standards recognized for their respective classes or of those wines made from fruits other than the grape provided that they are free from all substances injurious or deleterious to the health, and are sold under a name which shall include the word wine, this word being immediately preceded or followed by the name of the substance from which they are made such as, Currant, Gooseberry, Alderberry. etc. No article can be sold or stored or exposed or offered for sale nor be transported in or into the Island of Porto Rico with the purpose of so selling, storing, exposing or offering it lor sale therein as or under the name of beer, if it contains less than 1 per cent of alcohol, if it contains any substance generally recognized as injurious or prej- udicial to health, or if it does not conform in all respects to the standard established for its especial class. (See general regulations applicable to all alcoholic beverages, drinks, etc.) BRA NOV. No article can be sold, stored, exposed or offered for sale, nor be transported in or into the island of Porto Rico with the purpose of selling or storing, exposing or offer- ing it for sale therein as or under the name of brandy that contains less than 35. 7 per cent of alcohol by weight (45 per cent by volume), less than 0.04 per cent of ash. less than 0.6 per cent of extract, more than 0.2 per cent of "Fusil Oil" relative to the absolute alcohol present, more than 0.05 per cent of total acids, or any BUDStances generally recognized as prejudicial to health. No article can be sold, stored, exposed or offered for sale, nor be transported in or into Porto Rico, with the purpose of selling, storing, offering or exposing it for sale therein a- or under the name of gin, that contains les< than 30 percent of alco- hol, by weight, or any substance generally recognized as injurious or deleterious to health. (Set- regulations applicable to all alcoholic drinks, beverages, etc.) No article call he sold or offered, stored or exposed for sale nor be transported in or into Porto Rico with the purpose of selling, storing, exposing or offering it for sale therein as or under the name of RUM that contains less than ."><; percent 01 alcohol by weight oi anj Bubetance generally recognized as prejudicial to health. (See general regulations applicable to all alcoholic beverages, drinks, etc. | No article Can he .-old, stored, offered or exposed lor sale nor he transported in or into Porto Rico, with the purpose of selling, storing, exposing or offering il for sale therein, as or under the name of whisky, that contains less than 36 percent of Alco- hol, by weight, more than 0.2 percent of fusel oil, relative i" the weight of absolute alcohol present, or that contains any Bubstance whatsoever generally recognized as injurious or deleterious to health, Or that does not conform in all respects to the standard lor it- especial class. (See general regulations applicable to all alcoholic drinks, beverages, etc. ) PORTO RICO. 557 WINK. No article shall be sold or offered for sale, nor shall it be stored or exposed for sale, or transported in or into Porto Rico with the purpose of selling it or of storing, exposing or offering it for sale therein, as or under the name of Wine, that is not exclusively the product of the fermentation of the juice of the grape, but this pro- hibition does not extend to the sale of beverages, or drinks made by other pro* and generally classified as wines, if on each barrel, bottle, cask or other vessel con- taining such article for the purpose of sale, there be printed, painted, stamped or otherwise attached, the word (in Spanish) "Wine" followed immediately by an appropriate word or by appropriate words which shall express the true nature of the article therein contained, and so placed as to be readily visible and easily legible. The letters of the words expressing the class and kind or variety of the article must be, for vessel- whose capacity does not exceed a gallon, not less than one half inch in heighth, and for vessels whose capacity is greater than this, the letters must not be less than one inch in heighth. Every wine that does not conform in all respects to the standard established for its respective class will be considered to be adulterated. Standard of qwmtUatwt composition to which red wine* must conform. Red wines must contain not less than 6 percent nor more than 12 percent by weight of alcohol (7.5 percent to 15.12 percent by volume): not more than 0.2 percent of volatile acids, (calculated as acetic acid) not more than 0.2 grams of "sulphates" calculated as Potassium sulphate, to each 100 cubic centimeters: not less than 0.2 percent of carbonated ash: not Less than 1.5 percent of extract (dried at 100°) nor more than 3.5 percent: not more than 0.02 of a gram of total sulfurons acid to each 100 cubic centimetres. Standard U, which irhih WVMB must ran form. The standards for White Wines will be the same as for Red Wines except, that the iiiinimnin extract contents must be not less than 1.4 percent and that of the ash not Lea than 0. II per cent. Fortified wines. The above regulations shall not apply, in so tar as the requirements as to alcohol are concerned, to those u ines to which an addition of alcohol to that naturally occur- ring in them is necessary, in order to preserve them: Provided, That the total per- centageof Alcohol does not exceed 22 percent by weight, and Provided further, that upon every barrel, cask, bottle or other vessel containing such wine to which has been added alcohol in addition to that naturally occurring in it, there be printed, paint eel, stamped or otherwise placed, the word ( in Spanish }" Fortified," expressed, in tin- case of vessels w host- capaeit v i- not more than one gallon, by letters not less than one half inch in heighth, and by letters not less than one inch in heighth 00 all vessels i >f ;i gr e ater capaeit} , AH 'annua \trillC fot the purpOH , properly ma, i y article sold or offered for sale or -tored or exposed for sal*- or transported in of into the Island of Porto Rico with the purpose ,.t selling, storing, offering or exposing it for sale therein under the name of Wine alone vrithout a further descrip- tion of its kind or class, w ill he considered to be misbranded. On every vessel containing any article that ii to be sold or offered for sal • or exposed for sale, or that is transported in or Into Porto Rico with the purp selling or of offering it for sale or of storing or exposing it for sale, as or under the name of Wine or under any name of which the word wine tonus a pan there must 558 FOODS AND FOOD CONTROL. be printed, painted, stamped or otherwise placed (1) the word Wine (expressed in Spanish) (2) a word or words immediately following this, expressing the substance from which it is made e. g. : Grapes, Raisin, etc., etc., (3) the name and address of the manufacturer. Baking Powders, Etc. No compound, mixture, or powder whatsoever, to be used as or for the purposee of Baking Powder, can be sold or offered for sale, stored or exposed for sale, nor can it be transported in or into Porto Rico with the purpose of selling, storing, exposing, or offering it for sale therein as or under the name of Baking Powder or under any similar name unless, upon every vessel containing such for the purpose of sale there be printed, painted, stamped or otherwise placed the following expression: "This baking powder contains no alum or other injurious or unwholesome ingredient," and unless it is free from adulteration within the meaning of this term as defined in these regulations. Bread. Xo article can be sold, stored, exposed or offered for sale in Porto Rico, nor be transported in or into said island with the purpose of selling, storing, exposing or offering it for sale therein, as or under the name of bread, if it is sour or bitter or in any way unwholesome, or is the product of unclean, sour or unwholesome flour, or of flour whose condition is such as to render it liable to injure or seriously affect health if used as food, or if it contains more than 50 per cent of water, less than 0.3 per cent or more than 2 per cent, of ash, or if it is adulterated in any way within the meaning of this term as herein defined. Butter. STANDARD BOB "PURE n BUTTER No article can l>e sold, stored, offered or exposed for sale, nor can it be transported in or into PortO Rico with the purpose of selling, storing, exposing, or offering it for sale therein as or under the name of pure butter, that contains less than 80 percent of butter fat or more than Hi percent of water, or 7 percent of salt, and the sale of any article as or under the name of butter that contains any fat other that of the cow is prohibited, but this prohibition does not extend to t he sale of goat's butter produced in PortO RICO, provided, that every vessel containing SUCh for the purpose of sale, be marked by means of letters not Less than one half inch in heighth, and so placed as to be readily visible and easily legible, "goat's butter." STANDARD FOB BUTTER MARKED "SUPERIOR," "GENUINE," BTC, No article can be sold or stored, exposed or offered tor sale, nor can it he trans ported in or into the island of Porto Pico with the purpose of selling or storing, exposing or offering it tor sale as or under the name of Superior, Genuine, Good, Family, Excellent or Creamery Butter or under any other name of similar import that contains less than 70 percent of butter fat or more than 20 percent of water (by weight ). No article can besold, stored, exposed or offered for sale in Porto Rico, nor can it be i ransported in or into said island, with the purpose of selling, storing, exposing on iffer ing it for sale therein, as or under the name of Butter, or under anj name of which the name butter forme a part, if it contains any foreign matter u hatsoewr ot her than harmless coloring material mile--, a notice that the same i- " impure " or -'mixed " i>e printed, painted, stamped or otherwise placed upon every vessel containing such mixed 01 impure Substance, BUCh notice to he expressed by mean- "I letters not less than one half inch in heighth and so placed as to he; readily visible and easily legible. porto Rico. 559 "renovated" ok "process" butter. No article can be sold or stored exposed or offered for sale in Porto Rico: nor can it be transported in or into said island with the purpose of storing, selling, exposing or offering it for sale therein, as or under the name of butter, or under any name of which the word Butter forms a part, if in the manufacture or preparation of said article there has been employed any process by which the article has been melted, clarified or refined and made to appear as or like genuine butter, unless, upon each roll, package or vessel, or envelope of any kind containing it, for the purpose of sale, &c, there be printed, [tainted, stamped or otherwise placed the words "process" butter or the words "renovated" butter expressed by means of letters not less than one half inch in heighth and so placed as to be readily visible and easily legible, and the letters of the words "renovated" and "process" must be in all cases larger than the letters of any other word appearing on the label. ( 'UEE8E. For the purposes of this regulation the word "Cheese" shall be understood t<. mean the food product known as cheese and which is made from milk or cream without the addition of any butter or other animal, vegetable or other oils or fat foreign to such milk or cream and with or without additional coloring matter. Every article that is sold, stored, exposed or offered for sale in Porto Rico, or that is transported in or into said island, with the purpose of Belling, storing, exposing <>v offering it for sale therein, as or under the name of "Cheese" or ol "cream ehi that contains less than 30 percent of butter fat, or that contains any injurious or unwholesome ingredient, or that d<>v> not conform in all respects to the standard above established, will be considered to be adulterated: Provided, that nothing in this regulation shall be deemed to prohibit the sale of cheese made of pure milk and that contains not less than L5 percent of butter tat, no unwholesome, unclean or inju- rious ingredient, and that is [narked "half-skim cheese/' by means of letters not less than one inch in heighth and so placed on the cheese or the vessel or envelope containing it s. i a- to he readily visible and easily legible. Nor shall anything in this regulation he held to prohibit the sale of such cheese Bfl IS made of pure -kirn milk, that contains not less than 10 percent of butter Eat, no unclean unwholesome or injurious ingredient, and that is marked "skim chei the WOlds "Skim Cheese" expressed by means of letters not less than one inch in heighth and so placed on the cheese or on the vessel or envelope containing it for the purpose of aale, Ac., bo a- to be plainly visible ami easily legible. Nothing in the above shall be deemed to apply to "edam" " brickstein," "pine- apple," "limburger," ">ni^ or haml made cheese" (nol made by the "Cheddar" Provided, that, these conform in all respect- t<> the standard established tot their respective class. Everj article manufactured, stored, sold, exposed or offered for sale, in Porto Rico, or transported in or into the -aid island for the purpose of storing, selling, exposing or offering it for Bale then -in as or under the name of "cheese" alone u ith no other word or word- descriptive of its class or quality, will be considered as cream cl and if found to differ in anj respect from the type established above for such i . . will be considered to be adulterated. No article can be manufactured in Porto Rico with the purpose of selling il under the name of Cheese or under any name of which the word "cheese" forms a part, if it i- made of Impure, unclean or unwholesome milk, or if it is in such ■ con- dition, or if its composition Is such as to make it repulsive or liable t.. injure the health of an\ one using it a- f00r more than •"> per cent of ash or I I per cent of water. If it is toasted, it must contain not less than 0.65 percent of Caffein. 26 percent of extract soluble in water (boiling), no1 more than 5.25 per cent of ash, or i per cent of w at ii 1 1 toasted and lintoasted coffee must be free from adulteration within the mean- ing of t his term as defined in these regulatioi CONDITIONS QNDKH WHICH MIXTURES 01 OOITKl JHTH OTHER 8UBBTANCBB MAI BS SOLD. Substitutes of Coffee, such as Chickory, Hediona seeds, etc. may be sold mixed with coffee, Provided, That upon ev< i I containing such mixture for the pur- of sale there be printed, painted, stamped or otherwise placed, the following .xpre~~i-.n-rc.ifee with chickory, coffee with hedionda, etc., according to the nature PORTO RICO. 561 of the mixture, these words being expressed by means of letters not less than one half inch in height, the letters of the name or names of the ingredients other than coffee being in all cases larger than any other letters appearing on the label; and all of them so placed as to be easily visible and readily legible. No article made so as to resemble natural Coffee, and made for the purpose of sale as Natural Coffee can be so sold or offered for sale, stored or exposed for sale nor be transported in or into the Island of Porto Rico with the purpose of selling storing, exposing or offering it for sale as natural Coffee. No article can be sold or offered for sale, or be stored or exposed for sale, or be transported in or into Porto Rico with the purpose of selling or storing, exposing or offering it for sale therein as or under the name of Coffee, if it contains any sub- stance not naturally occurring in it: Provided, That this prohibition shall not extend to the sale of those mixtures of Coffee with other substances recognized as coffee substitutes (as has been provided for herein), nor to the sale of coffee "faced" or colored with a reasonable amount of harmless material. The prohibition of the sale, transportation, offer or exposure for sale will also extend to all coffee that has been deprived in any way of its natural or normal virtues. Confectionery. No article can be sold, stored, offered or exposed for sale in Porto Rico, nor be transported in or into said island with the purpose of selling, storing, exposing or offering it for sale therein, as or under the name of candy, confectionery, sweet meat, &c, if it contains or is colored with any of the following sul 'stances: aniline colors (except those that are free from arsenic) Arsenic, Antimony, Tin, Lead, Mercury. Copper, Cadmium, Uranium, Terra alba, Chalk, (mineral substances of any kind,) poisonous extracts or essences, alcohol or any substances generally recognized as injurious or deleterious to health: nor can any candy, confectionery, -weet meat-. etc., be sold, etc., if they are adulterated in any way within the meaning of this term as defined in these regulations. Drugs The word "drug" as used in these regulations will include all medicines and medic- inal preparations, for interna! or external use, that are official in any Pharmacopeia recognised as authority in Porto Rico at the time of the investigation. DEFINITION "i \ dm i i i; \ i i. >\ WD MISBRANDING OF DRUGS. For the purposes of these regulations, a drug will be considered to be adultered in the following cases: (1) If it .lifters from the standard of identity, quality, strength, or purity as described in the Pharmacopoeia of the country from which it comes or pretends to come, official at the time of the investigation. If it differ- in any respect from any declaration, written or verbal, made by one selling it in regard to its identity, kind quality or strength. For the purposes of these regulations ■ drug -hall be deemed to be misbranded in the follow ing cast - i If it is an imitation or is offered for sale under the name of another article, if "ii the vessel, snapper or envelope containing it. there is anj false state- ment in regard to its Ingredients «>r composition, or in regard to the place in which it iras manufactured or prepared, or from which it was secured. I"i oi it. N" article can be sold, stored, exposed or offered for sale nor can it be transported in oi- into Porto Etioo s ith the purpose of selling it, or of storing, exposing or offering L8621 No. 09, pi 7—08 l' 562 FOODS AND FOOD CONTROL. it for sale therein as or under the name of wheat flour or wheat meal or under any name of like import, if it is wholly or in part the product of unsound or unclean wheat, or if it is wholly or in part flour that contains any unclean or deleterious sub- stance, or if it is wholly or in part flour other than that of wheat, or if it is wholly or in part flour whose condition is such as to make its use as food liable to cause injury to health, or if it is wholly or in part wheat that contains worms, flies, bugs or insects of any kind or if it contains more than 14 percent of water, less than 0.3 percent or more than 2 percent of ash, less than 10 percent of moist gluten or 5 per- cent of dried gluten, or that is adulterated in any way within the signification of this term as defined in these regulations. SALE OF MIXED FLOURS AXI) BLENDED FLOURS PERMITTED UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS. The sale of mixtures of wheat flour with flour of other origin or of wheat flour of different kinds is not prohibited, Provided, that upon each barrel, sack, bag or vessel containing each for the purpose of sale, there be painted, printed, stamped or other- wise placed the words "mixed flour" or blended flour expressed by means of letters not less than one inch in heighth, the words "mixed" and the word "blended" being in all cases expressed by letters larger than the letters of any other word appearing on the label or vessel, and so placed as to be readily visible and easily legible, and the whole accompanied by the name and direction of the manufacturer or packer. Neither is the sale of flour of an inferior quality prohibited provided, that every barrel, bag, sack or other vessel containing such be marked with the word "flour" immediately followed by the word "second class" or "third class" as the case may be, so as to plainly and clearly show that the flour is of an inferior quality: the words "second class," "third class," &c, must be expressed by means of letters not less than one inch in heighth, and so placed as to be readily visible and easily legible, and the letters of the words "second class," "third class" &c, must be lamer than any other letters appearing on the label. Every article sold, offered exposed, &c., for sale as flour, with no other word or words describing its class or quality, will be considered to be- sold as good wheat flour: and if found to differ from the standard established for such, will be considered to be adulterated. AHOVK BEGULATION8 APPLICABLE TO Fl.oru OTHER TflAB that 01 WOTAT. All of the prohibitions above will apply to the sale, Ac. oi flour other than that of wheat, in BO bras they apply (1) to the sale of mixed th.ur (2) to the sale, &c. of flour containing unclean or deleterious substances, or bugs, worms or in-ecK or that IS in an unsound or unclean condition, or that is the product of unsound or unclean grain or of grain thai h;is been fumigated or treated with any chemical Bubstance. The sale or offer for sale of any mixture of flours under the name of anv ingredient of the same is prohibited. Tia 1 1 Pbodu< ra \i:tii n I \ I, JELLIES, JAMS, PB1 5BBT I B, I No article can be Bold, stored, or exposed or offered for sale, nor be transported in or into Porto Rico with the purpose of selling it or storing, exposing or offering it le therein, as or under the name of fruit, jelly, jam, preserves, 4c, or nuclei- a name of like impor*, and thai is made of dextrine, Btarch, glucose, or of any Bub- Btance or Bubstancea similar to these, unless such jellies, jams, preserves, Ac., are free from all injurious and deleterious BUbstanceS and unless U] each can, bottle, cask, bucket, or other vessel containing them for the purpose of sale, there be printed, painted, stamped, or otherwise placed the expression imitation unit jelly, imitation PORTO RICo. 563 fruit jam, preserves, &e\, (according to the nature of the article) or other appropriate expression which will state clearly and distinctly that the article is an imitation or artificial one. The words describing the article must be nol less than one half inch in heighth, and the letters of the words " Imitation " must be in all cases larger than the letters of any other word appearing on the label, and must be so placed as to be easily visible and readily legible. juh No article containing any unwholesome < >r poisonous ingredient can be sold, stored, exposed or offered for sale, nor be transported in or into Porto Rico with the purpose of selling or storing, exposing or offering it for sale therein, as or under the name of a natural or artificial juice of fruit or under any name that would induce a purchase] of the same to believe it to be an artificial or natural juice of fruit: nor can any arti- ficial juice of fruit, although free from all unwholesome and poisonous ingredients, sold, stored, offered or exposed for sale or be transported in or into Porto Rico with the purpose of selling, storing, offering or exposing it for sale therein, unit Ld under its true name as an artificial juice of fruit, and unless, upon every vessel containing such for the purpose of Bale, &c., there be printed, painted, stamped or otherwise placed, the words ''imitation juice of" followed immediately by an appropriate word expressing the true name of the fruit of w hose juice it is an imita- tion, the word "imitation" being expressed by means of letters not less than one half inch in heighth and must be in all case- larger than the letters of any other word appearing on the label, and followed by the name and address of the manufac- turer, bottler, Ac. Honey. No article can be sold or offered for Bale, Or stored or exposed for sale or be trans- ported in or into Porto Rico with the purpose of selling it or of offering, storing or exposing it for sale therein, as or under the name of honej thai is not entirely the product of the apis mellifica, or that contains more than 26 percent of water, less than 60 percent of total glucoses, more than 0.75 percent of ash, or that is adulterated in any way within the meaning of this term a- defined in these regulation.-. P.ut this prohibition shall not extend to the sale of artificial honey or compound honey, provided that, upon every vessel containing such for the purpose of Bale, «\c there be printed, painted, stamped or otherwise placed, the phrase artificial honey, or compound honey or other appropriate expression, which shall show clearly that the article so marked is an artificial one, such phrases expressed by means of letter- not I-— than half an inch in heighth and BO place! as to be easily visible and readib legible, and in all cases the letter- of the words " artificial. " " compound " iVc. mu-t be larger than the letters of any other word appearing on the label, and must be accompanied by the names of the ingredients and the name and address of the man- ufacturer, canner, bottler, Ac L LSD. BTAKDA&n I oi; '■ |'l |;| " I w;l>. No article can be sold or offered, stored oi exposed for sale, nor transported in or into tie- Island of Porto Rico with the purpose of Belling orof offering, storing oi exposing it for -ale therein as or under the name of " lard.'" that contains an) fal other than that of the hog: and an} article, sold a- lard, and that contains fan> "t oily substance other than thai derived from the hog, or that contains an) hi >>i a diseased or sick hog, or of a hog that has fed on an) Bubstance that would tend to make the lard derived from such unwholesome or deleterious, or (thai i- in part or wholly lard) that contains more than i percent of water, will be considered to be adulterated. 564 FOODS AND FOOD CONTROL. "compound" or "mixed" lard and similar artici.ks mist be properly marked. No article can be Bold, stored, offered, or exposed for sale, nor be transported in or into Porto Rico with the purpose of selling it, <»r of storing, exposing or offering it for sale therein as an article similar in its nature and properties to genuine lard, <»r under any name of which the word lard forme a part, that contains any fat other than that of the hog, unless, upon every roll, package or vessel containing such article for the purpose of sale, there be printed, painted, stamped or otherwise placed the expres- sion "compound lard," "substitute lard," "adulterated lard," or other appropriate expression which shall correctly and plainly describe the nature of the contents of said vessel, the word "compound," "substitute." "adulterated," Ac., must be expressed by means of letters not less than one half inch in heighth, must be in all eases larger than the letters of any other word appearing on the label, and must be BO placed as to be readily visible and easily legible, and followed by the name and address of the manufacturer. Milk. No article shall be sold or offered, stored or expose,! tor sale in Porto Rico, nor be transported in or into said island with the purpose of selling it or of storing, expos- ing or offering it for sale therein, as or under the name of milk that contains Less than three ('A | percent of butter fat, less than 12 percent of solids, or more than 88 percent of water, and all milk that differs in any respect from this standard will be consid- ered to be adulterated, whether this difference is due to natural or artificial causes. This prohibition will not extend to the sale of milk deprived wholly or in part of its fat, Provided, that the purchaser of the same is informed of this fact prior to it- -ale. No article shall be sold or stored, exposed or offered for sale, in Porto Rico nor be transported in or into said island with the purpose of selling, storing, exposing, or offering it for sale therein, as or under the name of milk, for food, or with the pur- pose of using it in the preparation of any article used as food, if it has been taken from a cow fifteen days prior or subsequent to parturition or if it consists wholly or in part of milk from a COW that has fed or been fed on distillery waste or on any -lib- stance in a state of fermentation or putrefaction (except silo ensilage) or on unclean or unwholesome substances, or on substances, that would tend to make the milk of the cow feeding on the same unclean or unwholesome: or if it be wholly or in pari milk of a sick or diseased cow, or of cows that have been kept in an unhealthy or crowded condition: or if it be wholly or in part milk that has been handled prior to its delivery to the purchaser, b) a person suffering from an unclean, infectious or con- tagious disease, or by any person that lives or associates with any one having such unclean, infections or contagious disease: or if it is wholly, or in part milk taken from, or sold, exposed or offered for sale in any unclean place, or any place forming a part of an inhabited room, or any place in which meat, vegetables or similar mate- rial IS Stored, sold or offered for sale, or any place w here any bird, animal or reptile i^kept: or if it is wholly or in pari milk that is dirty, unwholesome sour or decom- posed, or milk from which any normal COnstituenl has been removed (except as is herein provided for | or to which any foreign substance whatsoever has been added : or if it be milk that is being transported or sold or offered for sale from vessels, nol properly cleaned, closed, and marked ;i- described hereafter. Ever) person firm or corporation thai receives milk or cream for the purpose oi sale, in can-, bottles, or other \ esse Is and t hat has been transported, on any railroad. Steamboat or other DOal or vehicle; w hen such cans, bottles, or other vessels are to be returned to the place from which such milk or cream was sent, must empty such vessels before their contents have bee. ssour, ami immediate!) thereafter, said ves- sels mn-i l»e thoroughly cleaned and aired. Every article sold as milk will be considered to be the milk of the com unl PORTO RICO. 565 statement to the contrary is made to t lie purchaser immediately before the delivery of the milk to the same. Every article that is sold, offered, stored or exposed for Bale, in Porto Rico, or that is transported in or into said island with the purpose of selling it or of storing, expos- ing or offering it for sale therein, as or under the name of Milk in its natural state. will he considered to he misbranded, unless, on every vessel containing said milk for the purpose of sale, there be clearly stamped or printed or otherwise placed 1 1 i the name of the owner of the vessel containing the milk, with the address of the same or (2) the name and address of the legal agent or representative of the said owner; and for the purposes of this regulation, the real owner of any milk that is being trans- ported or Bold, stored, exposed or offered for sale, will be considered to be he or she whose name appears on the vessel containing it. CONDBNSXn MILK AND CREAM. No article can be sold or stored, exposed or offered for sale, nor can it be trans- ported in or into Porto Rico with the purpose of Belling, storing, exposing or offering it for sale therein, as or under the name of "condensed" or "evaporated" milk or under any name of like import, if it is wholly or in part milk from which any of the normal or natural constituents of pure, unadulterated milk have been removed | w ater excepted) unless, upon each and every vessel containing such article from which any normal or natural constituent other than water has been removed, there be printed, painted or otherwise placed the words "condensed" milk or "evaporated" milk, followed immediately by the words made from skimmed milk or made from separated milk a> the case may be. The word "skimmed" and the word "separated" must be formed of letters not less than one third of an inch in height, and in all cases these letters must be larger than the letters of any other word appearing <>n the label, and mn.-t be so placed as to be readibly visible and easily legible. Any condensed or evaporated milk or any article sold as such, that i- made from milk other than w hole milk, and is not marked s<» as to clearly and plainly show this tact, will be considered to be misbranded. Any article sold, stored, transported, exposed or offered for sale in Porto Rico under the name of "condensed" or "evaporated " milk and that is contained in an 3 \ esse] for the purpose <»t sale or of Btoring, exposing or offering it tor Bale in Porto Rico, on which appears any word, sign or symbol, thai would tend to induce any purchase] of the same to believe it to be of greater strength or purity than it reallj is, will be considered to be mi.-l >ran< led. The above regulations referring to the sale. &C. of "condensed " or "evaporated " milk, will apply also, in bo Ear as is possible to the sale, transportation, and offering, Ac. tor sale of "condensed " or "evaporated " cream and to all articles Bold under a mime of like import. Mol \ — I - \" article can be sold, exposed I red or offered for Bale in Porto Rico, as or under the name of mola sses , nor cam it be t ransported in or into said island with the purpose of bo Belling it, or of storing, exposing or offering it for sale as or under the name of mol aB B OS , if it contains Baltfl of tin, terra alba, or any injurious ingredient It' it contains glucose other than that normally occurring in it. upon every v esse l con- taining such article forthe purpose of -ale, must be printed. -tamped or otherwise placed, the woid- "glucOSO mixture," expr OO B O d by mean- of letters not le-s than one inch in height and BO placed a- to he it a< lily legible and visible. For the pur- "i this regulation the word "molasses" -hall be understood to mean the pure, residua] saccharine liquid, obtained in the manufacture of crude cane sugar, and any article -..id or offen d i"i -.tie in Porto Rico or stored, 01 exposed tor -ale therein, as 01 midei the name oi inula.— e . ,.1 that 1- transported in or into said l-land lor the 566 FOODS AND FOOD CONTROL. purpose of sale under the name of molasses that contains any ingredient not nor- mally occurring in pure and unadulterated molasses, or that contains any normal ingredient of molasses in an amount in excess of that normally occurring in pure and unadulterated molasses, shall be considered to be adulterated. ( >UYE Oil. No article can be sold, offered, stored or exposed for sale, nor be transported in or into Porto Rico with the purpose of Belling, Storing, exposing or offering it for sale, therein as or under the name of olive oil, that is not entirely the product of the fruit of the Olea Europea Saliva, or that has been extracted from this by means of heat or of hot water or vapor applied either directly to the fruit, or to the press used in its extraction or that has been obtained or separated from said fruit by means of solvents such as Bisulphide of Carbon, Petroleum, Ether, Benzine or other similar substances, or that is the product of dried, decayed or fermented olive-. Preservatives. No article of food can be sold or stored, exposed or offered for sale or transported in or into Potto Rico with the purpose of selling it or of storing, exposing or offering it for Bale therein as an article of food if it contains any of the following substance.-: Boric, benzoic or salicylic acid or the salt of either one of these, formaldehyde, or any antiseptic substance whatsoever (except common salt and potassium nitrate), unless, upon every vessel or wrapper containing articles of food that has been treated with any antiseptic substance, there he printed, painted, Stamped or otherwise placed, the true and proper name of each antiseptic substance, expressed by means of letters not less than one-half inch in height and so placed as to be easily visible and readily legible. [f any article of food is found by means of proper tests to contain an antiseptic substance in addition to that expressed on the label, it will lie considered to be adulterated Si GAR. r\Ki 1 i\ 11. op, COW ftffEBOl \i StTG \H. No article can be sold, stored, exposed or offered for sale in Porto Pico nor be transported in or into said island with the purpose of selling, storing, exposing or offering for sale therein, as or under the name of commercial or unrefined sugar, if it contains Less than 86 per cent of can. sugar, or more than 5 per cent of water, 6 pei .-.•lit of < rlucose, or i.r> per cent of ash, or that contains Tin or its salts or Terra alba, or thai is in anyway adulterated within the meaning of this term as defined in these regulations. ii i,i ok REFINED BUG \K. No article can be sold or offered for sale, nor stored or exposed for sale, in Porto Rico, nor be transported in or into said island for the purpose of -filing it orof offer- ing, storing or exposing it for sale .therein as or under the name of pure or refined SUgar: or under any name of like import, if it contains more than one half per cent of foreign material, or any injurious or deleterious substance: or if it is adulterated in any ua\ within the meaning of 1 1 1 i - term ;i- defined in these regulations. Sh im p. For the purposes of these regulations, the word "syrup" shall he undent 1 to mean the residual, nccharine liquid obtained in the refining of cane sugar, and anj article sold or stored, exposed or offered for sale in Porto Rico, a- or under the name "i cane syrup, or that is transported in or into said island with the pu rp ose of sell" PORTO RICO. 567 ing it or of storing, exposing, or of offering it foi under the name of cane syrup or under any name calculated to induce any purchaser oi the same to Relieve it to be cane syrup, ami that contains any ingredient not normally in such syrup, or that contains any ingredient occurring normally in such can.- syrup, but in an amount in access of that naturally occurring in the same, will be considered to be adulterated, unless, such articl< rom injurious or deleteri< lients, and unless upon every vessel containing such article for the purr> . there be printed, stamped or otherwise plao to be readily visible and easily legible, the w^ds "compound cane syrup" thet by means of S than half an inch in height. But any article made in imitation of cane syru; - \ ruj ». and not containing pure and unadulterated cane syrup, in an amount exceeding the total amount of all other ingredients contained in said syrup, must be marked "arti- ticial" or "imitation** cane Byrup. The word "artificial" and th<- word •"imita- tion" must lie ex pre— ed by means of letter- not Less than half an inch in height, and ti. - must be larger than the letters of any other word appearing on the label, and bo placed as to be readily visible and easily legible. Tea. No article can be Bold, offered, stored or exposed for Bale in Porto Rico nor be transported in or into said island with the purpose of selling, offering or storing it for sale therein, as or under the name of tea, that contains more than 7 per cent or less than 5 per cent of ash, of which at least 50 per cent must be soluble in water. The ash insoluble in acid should not exceed i percent, and that insoluble in water er cent of the weight of the tea; the aqueous should not be lees than 90 • nt of the weight of the tea. Neither can any article be sold, stored, offered or exposed for Bale, nor be trans- I in or into the island of Porto Rico with the pui • Uing, storing, i ing or offering it for Bale therein as or under the name of tea, that consists in part or wholly of leaves other than those of the plant 1 ■ other variety < f the plant thea. or of leave- of a variety of the plant thea that have b. en deprived of their natural virtue- by steeping, decOCtioD or by any other mean- whatsoever, or that i> any way adulterated within the meaning of this term as defined in th< tions. Van \I I \ I\K(. LBS Ml'-. |] AVDARD. No article can be sold or offered for -ale. or stored or exposed for -ale in I Rico, nor can it be transported in <>r into the said Island with the pui • Lling, or of offering, storing, or exposing it for salt- therein a- or under the name of •• vine- gar," that does not conform to the provisions of this regulation, as hereinafti forth. » II.KK. kPPl I ■ •!: ol:i h u ' •, I..- -old or offered, stored i ported in or into the Island of Porto Rico with the pui exposing il for sale therein as or under the name < rchard w that i- not entirely the product of the pure juice of apples -aid article • erally known a- rider, on hard or apple \ ine-jar or that COntail ■i matter whatever, proved by appropriate tests, or that contaii than 2 per cent of ti,,- -,iids of cider <"• apple vii.. • complete the temperature of boiling water, and ad such vinegar must contain not nt of absolute acetic acid, by weight. 568 FOODS AND FOOD CONTROL. FERMENTED VINEGAR. All vinegar made by fermentation and oxidation, without the intervention of dis- tillation, (cider vinegar excepted) must contain not less than 1.5 per cent of solids determined by evaporation at the temperature of boiling water, and obtained exclu- sively from the fruit or grain from which said vinegar purports to be made; not less than 0.25 per cent of ash or mineral matter naturally occurring in said solids, not less than 4 per cent of acetic acid (absolute) by weight, and must be entirely the product of the fruit or grain whose name it bears. DISTILLED VINEGARS. All vinegar made wholly or in part of distilled liquors, must be free from coloring matter of all kinds, added before, during or after distillation and from all color other than that produced by the distillation itself. No article can be sold or offered for sale, or stored or exposed for sale in Porto Rico, nor can it be transported in or into said island with the purpose of selling it or of storing, exposing or offering it for sale therein, as or under the name of vinegar, if it contains any product of the destructive distillation of wood, other than water and acetic acid, or that contains any foreign matter whatsoever. WAY IN WHICH VESSELS CONTAINING VINEGAR ARE TO BE MARKED. On every vessel that contains vinegar for the purpose of storage, transportation or sale, there must be marked, stamped, printed or otherwise attached so as to be easily visible and readily legible, the following (1) the word (in Spanish) "Vine- gar," immediately preceded by an appropriate word indicating its class, such as "cider," "malt," wine, etc., (2) a word or words that shall describe the process used in its manufacture e. g. " fermented," "distilled," etc. (3) the name and place of business of the manufacturer. All of these words except those expressing the name and address of the manufac- turer, must be formed of letters at least half an inch in height, and must be so placed as to be readily visible and easily legible throughout the time the said vessel contains any of the vinegar. RELATIVE TO M1SKRANDED VINEGARS. Every article sold or stored, exposed or offered for sale in Porto Rico or trans- ported in or into said island with the purpose <>f selling, storing, exposing or offering it for sale therein, as or under the name of "vinegar" alone, without a word or words that describe its kind and the general mode of manufacture, will lie consid- ered to he misbranded. Articles of Pood wot Otherwise Provided for in the FoRBoonra Rbqulatioiib. All articles of food and drink not specifically provided for in the foregoing regula- tions must conform in all respects to the general regulations applicable to adultera- tion and misbranding, and these will he considered to be adulterated or misbranded BS the case may he, it' they depart in any respect from these regulations. RHODE ISLAND. No provision is made for the enforcement of the food laws of this State, except in so far as the local inspectors and assayers, whom the city and town authorities are authorized to appoint, may have author- ity to act. GENERAL FOOD LAW. Sec. 1. Unwholesome provisions; penalty. Every person who shall sell any kind of diseased, corrupted, adulterated or unwholesome provisions, whether for meat or drink, without making the same known to the buyer, shall be imprisoned not exceeding six months or be fined not exceeding two hundred dollars. Sec. 2. Adulteration of food or drink; penalty. Every person who shall adulterate, for the purpose of sale, any substance intended for food, or any wine, spirits, malt liquor or other liquor intended for drinking, shall be imprisoned not exceeding six months or be fined not exceeding two hundred dollars. Sk< . S. KilUng calf not four toeeks old; penalty. Every person who shall kill, or cause to be killed, for the purpose of sale, any calf less than four weeks old, or shall sell, or have in his possession with intent to sell, the flesh of any calf which he knows to have been killed when less than four weeks old, shall be fined not exceed- ing twenty dollars. General Laws, 1896, ch. 282, p. 1005. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES Bbc. 1. Assayer of liquor*. The governor shall annually appoint a state assayer of liquors, who may appoint as many deputies as he may deem necessary. Bbc. 2. Duties. The assayer or his deputy shall analyze all spirituous and intoxi- cating liquors whenever required bo to do by the attorney-genera] or by the sheriff of any county or by the chief of police of any town or city. Bat . :;. Salaries. The assayer or his deputy shall be allowed and paid from the genera] treasury for each analysis and certificate the mho of three dollars. Sac 4. Adulteration, No person shall sell, keep lor sale <»r offer to sell any impure or adulterated spirituous or intoxicating liquors, nor shall any person sell or keep for sale or offer for sale any Liquors of quality inferior to what the same are repre- sented to be. ". Penalty. Every person keeping tor sale or offering to sell or selling any lienors in violation of tin- preceding section, shall be fined not less than on.- hundred dolmrs nor more than three hundred dollars or be imprisoned in tin- state work- house and house of correction for a period not exceeding three months. 8. Injurious adulteration*; penalty. Every person keeping for sale or offering to -ell or selling any spirituous or intoxicating liquors which arc adulterated with any poison or deleterious ingredients injurious to health, shall be fined not i«->->- than three hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars or be imprisoned in the state workhouse and hoUSS of correction for not lew than three months nor more than six months, and upon the second conviction of a violation of this or of toy pre- ceding section of this chapter, the peraon convicted shall be sentenced to be both fined and imprisoned •oy 570 FOODS AND FOOD CONTROL. Sec. 7. Seizure of adulterated liquors. In addition to the penalties hereinbefore provided for keeping or for offering for sale or for selling impure or adulterate' 1 liquors, all such liquors and the casks, barrels or other vessels containing the same shall be forfeited to the state, and a warrant for their seizure may issue upon com- plaint for keeping for sale, selling or offering for sale any liquors in violation of the provisions of this chapter, if such complaint shall charge that the offender kept such adulterated or impure liquors for sale, and the officer charged with the service of any such warrant, in addition to apprehending such offender, shall search the premises and seize the liquors in such warrant described, and hold such liquors to abide the event of the suit; and if the accuse. 1 shall be found guilty, the said liquors, it they shall be found to be his, shall be adjudged to be forfeited to the state and be ordered to be destroyed under the direction of the court before which he shall be tried; otherwise, the officer having the custody of such liquors shall return them to the place from which he took the same. Sec. 8. Possession evidence of sale. The having in possession, in a place of business or in any place, building or dwelling where liquors are sold, of one gallon or upwards of impure or adulterated liquors shall be evidence that such liquors are kept tor sale by the person in whose possession such impure or adulterated liquors may be found. 9. False certificates; penalty. Every assayer or deputy-assayer who shall give any false certificate of the quality of liquors assayed under the provisions of this chapter shall be imprisoned three months. Sec. 10. Gratuities; penalty. No assayer or deputy-assayer appointed hereunder shall accept any reward or gratuity from any person in any way engaged in the sale of liquors, and every such assayer or deputy-assayer receiving any such reward or gratuity shall be fined one hundred dollars or be imprisoned not exceeding three months. General Laws, L896, ch. L51, p. 459. BAKING POWDERS. 9ac. L. Inspectors. The city of Providence shall, and the town councils of the several towns may, appoint an inspector of saleratus, bicarbonate of soda and cream of tartar, for said city and towns respectively. 2. Tests and certificates. Every inspector shall, whenever requested, tesi any of such articles which shall be presented to him tor inspection, and shall give his certificate to any person applying therefor, whether said article be impure or adul- terated, and for every BUCh certificate he shall be entitled to the sum of two dollars. -M. .;. Analyses; certificate. Every inspector shall, whenever requested, make an analysis of any such article which may be presented to him for that purpose, and shall give his certificate to any person w h<> shall apply therefor, of I he result of such analysis, tor which certificate lie shall l»e entitled to the sum mi' i en dollars. Sac. i [dulierations ; penalty. Every person who shall Bell saleratus, bicarbonate ■ -I soda oi cream of tartar, which has been adulterated and thereby rendered an impure article, shall be fined twenty dollars, together with the oosl of testing and analyzing BUCh impure article; one-half of said tine to the US6 of the city or town where sucb sale shall he made, and one-half thereof, together with the cost of testing and analyzing such impure article, to the use of the person who shall sue for the same. I leneral Laws, L896, ch. L38, p. ll."-. RHODE I9LAND. 571 BUTTER. I. Branding of butter tubs. Every person who shall make of bring into the state any butter firkins <>r tubs shall brand or mark each one of the same with the weight thereof and with the initial letters of his name, in a plain and durable man- ner, before he offers the same for sale. Sec. 2. Sale without hnnid prohibited. No person shall offer for sale any butter by the firkin or tub unless each firkin and tub shall be branded or marked as aforesaid. S» . B. Penalttj. Every person who shall offer for sale any butter firkin or tub before the same shall be marked or branded as required in section one of this chap- ter, or any butter by the firkin or tub, in any firkin or tub not marked or branded a- aforesaid, or in any firkin or tab which shall weigh more than the mark or brand on it, allowing two pounds additional for the brine absorbed by the same, -hall for- feit five dollars, unless there shall be a special contract in relation to the kind, quan- tity and quality of the article sold. . 4. Branding of oleomargarine. Every person who -hall manufacture for sale or who shall offer or expose for sale any article or substance in semblance of butter, not the legitimate product of the dairy, and not made exclusively from milk or cream, but into which the oil or fat of animals, not produced from milk, enters component part, or into which melted butter or any oil thereof has been introduced to take the place of cream, shall distinctly and durably stamp, brand or mark upon the top and side of every tub, firkin, box or package qf such article or Bubstance the word oi.kom akoakixk, in letters at least one-half inch in length; and in case of retail sale of such article or substance in parcels, the seller shall in all cases deliver there- with to the purchaser a written or printed label bearing the plainly written or printed word OLBOKABGABINX; and every sale of such article or substance not -■> stamped, branded, marked or labeled, shall be unlawful; and no action shall be maintained in any of the courts of the state to recover on any contract for sale >^ any such article "i' substance not bo stamped, branded, marked or labeled. Sao. 5. Penally; evidence. Every person who shall knowingly sell orofferto Ball or expose for sale or have in his possession with intent to sell, contrary to the pro visions of this chapter, any of the said article or Bubstance required by Bection tour of this chapter to be stamped, branded, marked or labeled as therein stated, or in CaS< "i retail sale w ithoul delivery of the label required by section lour of this chap- ter, shall for each -uch <»ffeiice be fined one hundred dollars; One-half thereof to the OSS of the complainant and one-half thereof to the 086 of the Mate; and on trial of such offence, proof of tin- -ale orofferto -ell or of the exposure for sale, shall be evidence of knowledge of the character of the article bo sold or offered orex] and of knowledge that the same was not marked, branded, stamped or labeled as required bj t hi- chapter. < reneral Law-. L896, ch. L46, p. 161. 3ac. l. \'o pci-. .ii or corporation -hall by himself, hi- servant or agent, or as the servant oi agent of any other persoa or corporation, manufacture for sale or know- ingly Bell, or offer lo -ell any cand\ adulterated by the admixture of terra alba. tea, talc of any Other mineral -ub-tance. by poisonOUB Colon 01 flavors <■! other ingredients deleterious or detrimental to health. Lnj person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be for every offense fined not less than fifty dollar! nor more than two hundred dollar-, and any < so marked. Every person who shall sell, exchange or deliver, or shall have in his custody or possession with the intent to sell or exchange or deliver, for himself or as the employee of any other person, milk from which the cream or any part thereof lias been removed, or which shall not contain two and one-half per centum of milk-fats, shall distinctly mark, in letters not less than one inch in length, in a conspicuous place above the center, upon the outside of every vessel, can or package containing BUch milk, the words skimmkd-mii.k, and such milk shall only be sold in or retailed out of a can, vessel or package so marked. Bb . v \IWc standard. In all prosecutions under sections six and seven of this chapter, if the milk shall be shown upon analysis to contain more than eighty- eight per centum of watery fluids, or to contain less than twelve per centum of milk-solids, or less than two and one-half per centum of milk-fats, it shall be deemed Eor the purpose of said sections to be adulterated. '.i. Penalties. Every person who shall be found guilty before a district court of violating any of the provisions of the three sections next preceding, upon the first conviction shall be lined twenty dollars; and upon the second, and every subsequent conviction, shall be fined twenty dollars and be imprisoned in the county jail for ten -lays. Sec. b>. Inspector to enter complaints. Every inspector of milk shall institute com- plaints on the information of any person who shall lay before him satisfactory evi- dence by which to sustain the same. 8bc. 11. Inspectors to publish this law. Every inspector of milk shall cause the pro- visions of this chapter to be published in his town a! least three times in some news- paper published iu said town or some newspaper in the county in which the town is situated. 8bc. 12. Inspector i<> publish convictions. Every inspector of milk shall cause the name and place of business Of all persons convicted under this chapter to be pub- lished in two newspapers published in the town or county where the offence shall have been committed. 13. / ecutions. Any chief of police and any inspector of milk, and such Bpecial constables as the town council of any town, or the board of aldermen of any city, may appoint lor that purpose, may make complaints and prosecute for all vio- lations within the city or town wherein they are a] "pointed or elected, of any of the provisions of tin- chapter; and they each shall be exempt from giving surety for costs on any complaint made as aforesaid. I reneral Law-, 1896, ch. l »7, p. 163. Bbc. I. Inspectors of milk may appoint collectors of samples. An\ inspector of milk of any town or city now in office or hereafter elected under authority of Chapter 147 of the < reneral Laws, entitled "Of Milk." or of any act in amendment thereof, may employ, subject to the approval "i the town councilor 'he mayor and aldermen, one per-, m as collector of samples, who shall have the same powers and be subject to the same duties and liabilities provided by law relative to the taking of specimens or samples, a- an inspectoi of milk. Ml Bpecimens or sample- taken and retained by an\ such collector shall be delivered to such inspector, who shall have the aame powers and duties relative to the same a- in case of specimens or -ample- taken by hiiii-elf. siiih iii-jicen ,r at am time m;i\ discontinue the employment of any such collector, ami Bubjecf to the approval aforesaid, emplo> another per-on in his stead. 574 FOODS AND FOOD CONTROL. Such collector upon being employed shall be duly engaged to the faithful discharge of his duties before the city or town clerk, who shall keep a record thereof; and shall receive such salary as the mayor and aldermen or town council shall determine. Passed May 13, 1896. General Laws. 1896, eh. 333. VINEGAR. 1. Adulterated vinegar prohibited. No person shall by himself, his servant, or agent, or as the servant or agent of any other person, sell, exchange, or have in his custody or possession, with intent to sell or exchange, or expose or offer for sale or exchange, any adulterated vinegar, or label, brand, or sell as cidar" vinegar any vinegar not made exclusively from apple cider. — As amended April 17. 190.J, Laws of '>>. no:. r . 42. Sec. 2. Vinegar standard. All vinegars shall be without artificial coloring-matter, and shall have an acidity* equivalent to the presence of not less than four and one-half per centum by weight of absolute acetic acid; and in case of a cider-vinegar, shall contain in addition not less than two per centum by weight of cider-vinegar solids upon full evaporation at the temperature of boiling water; and if any vinegar con- tains any artificial coloring-matter, or less than the above amount of acidity, or, in the case of a cider-vingar, if it contains less than the above amount of acidity or of cider-vinegar solids, it shall be deemed to be an adulteration within the meaning of this chapter. Sec. •">. Complaints; inspectors* <}nirnni analyses. Every inspector of milk, or any officer appointed a- hereinbefore provided, may enter any place where vinegar is stored or kept for sale, and examine all carriages used in the conveyance of vinegar; and whenever he has reason to believe any vinegar found by him is adulterated, he shall take speci- men- thereof and cause the same to be analyzed or otherwise satisfactorily tested, the result of which he shall record and preserve as evidence, and a certificate of such result, -worn to by the analyzer, shall be admissible in evidence in all prosecu- tions under this chapter. Sec. 5. Penalty. Any person violating the provisions of this chapter shall be lined not exceeding one hundred dollars. Sec; 6 Adulteration tiu<r>i /;, t90S t Laws of 1903, ch. tJC < reneral Law -, I B96, ch. L48, p. f">'i. a So m Statutes. SOUTH CAROLINA. The State board of health is charged with the enforcement of tho food and drug laws of the State, and is authorized to appoint inspec tors, analysts, and chemists, and prepare rules and regulations with regard to the proper method of collecting and examining samples. The law of March 9, 1896, provides that the sworn certificate of the chemist of the State Agricultural College regarding the analysis of a suspected sample shall he recognized in all courts as prima facie evi- dence of the composition of that sample. No attempt has been made to enforce the food laws in this State, and no appropriation has been granted for that purpose. GENERAL FOOD LAWS. 306. Penalty for telling adulterated <>r unwholesorm food or drink. Whoever shall knowingly sell or expose, or offer for sale, or have in hi- with intent t<> sell, or offer for sale, any kind of meat <>r vegetables, or fruits, or other articles "I provisions, whether for food or drink, that are diseased, corrupted or unwholesome for food or drink, or shall fraudulently adulterate or canst- to be adulterated tor the purpose of sale, or have in his possession with intent to sell or offer for sale, any article or kind of food or drink so adulterated, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and. upon conviction thereof in a Court of competent jurisdiction, shall he punished by fine or imprisonment, not exceeding om- hundred dollars line or thirty day's impris- onment. And the article so adulterated shall he forfeited and destroyed. 306b. (1) Falte labeling prohibited. From and after the passage of this Act it shall he unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to brand, stamp, mark or label any article of food or food product, or any substance used a- food, mixed or unmixed. manufactured or not. -,. as to misrepresent it< true value or constituent parts, or to mark, label, brand or stamp with any name or designation any such articles by any other than its true name or source of its origin. 2 /'■ naUy. Every person, firm or corporation falsely marking, branding or label- ling any article of food or food product, such a- contemplated in Section one > he falsely or fraudulently marked, branded, -tamped or labelled, -hall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, mid, qj conviction, shall pay a tine of five hundred dollar-, or he Imprisoned one year at bard labor, or both, in the discretion of the Court. March i:. /.'">;. Lotus "/ 1904, eh. Code ot Laws. 1902, oh. 15, pp. .'Ms. I Penalty for handling adulterated food or liq No person -hall within this state manufacture, bn \\. distill, have, offer for -ale. or -ell, an} .mi. drugs, spirituous, fermented or malt liquors which are adulterated within the mean< - tion 1.~»sl> of the ( ivil I ode, and an j person violating this provision -hall l-e deemed guilt] of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof -hall he pun by a tine not exceeding tit'tv dollar-, or by Imprisonment i. ng fifteen days, 576 FOODS AND FOOD CONTROL. for the first offense, and not exceeding one hundred dollars or imprisonment for thirty days, or both, for each subsequent offense. — Code of Laics, 1902, vol. 2, ch. 15, p. 336. 1578. (5) Enforcement of laic by State board of health. The State Board of Health shall take cognizance of the interests of the public health as it relates to the sale of food, drugs, spirituous, fermented and malt liquors, and the adulteration thereof, and make all necessary inquiries and investigations relating thereto, and for such purpose may appoint inspectors, analysts and chemists, who shall be subject to its supervision and removal. Within sixty days after February 19th, 1898, tne said State Board of Health shall adopt such measures as it may deem necessary to facili- tate the enforcement thereof. It shall prepare rules and regulations with regard to the proper method of collecting and examining drugs, articles of food, and spiritu- ous, fermented and malt liquors. 1579. (4) Exemptions. It shall be the duty of the State Board of Health to pre- pare and publish from time to time lists of the articles, mixtures or compounds declared to be exempt from the provisions of this Article in accordance with the preceding Section. The State Board of Health shall from time to time fix the limits of variability permissible in any article of food or drug, or compound, the standard of which is not established by any national Pharmacopoeia. 1580. (6) Penalty for hindering enforcement of law. Every person offering or exposing for sale, or delivering to a purchaser, any drug or article of food, or spirit- uous, fermented or malt liquors included under the provisions of Section 1578, shall furnish to any analyst, or other officer or agent appointed hereunder, who shall apply to him for the purpose and shall tender to him the value of the same, a sample sufficient for the purpose of analysis of any such drug or article of food or drink which is in his possession. 1581. (2) "Food" and "drug" defined. The term "food" as used in Section 1578 shall include every article used for food or drink by man, including all candies, teas, coffees, and spirituous, fermented and malt liquors. The term "drug" as used in Section 1578 shall include all medicines for internal or external use. 1582. (3) "Adulteration" defined. An article shall be deemed to be adulterated: (a) In the case of dru^s: 1. If, when sold under or by a name recognized in the United States Pharmaco- poeia, it differs from the standard of strength, quality or purity laid down therein. 2. If, when sold under or by a name not recognized in the United states Pharma- copoeia, but which is found in some other Pharmacopoeia or other standard work on Pharmacopoeia Materia Medica, it differs materially from the standard of strength, quality <>r purity laid down in such work. 3. If it- strength or purity falls below the professed standard under which it is sold. ( b) In case of food or drink: 1. If any substance or substances baa or have been mixed with it BO M to reduce or lower or injuriously affect its quality or strength. 2. If any inferior or cheaper substance or substances has or have been substituted wholly or in part for the article. 8. If any valuable constituent of the article bas been w holly or in part abstracted. 1. If it be an imitation of, or he sold under, the name of another article 5. if it consists \\ holly or in pari of a deceased," or decomposed, or putrid, or rot- ten animal or vegetable substance, w het her manufact ured or not, or in the case of milk, if it is the produce of B diseased animal. r to averted into any product of human food whatsoever, any unclean, impure, unwholesome, adulterated or Bkimmed milk. <>r milk from which has been held back what is known as BtrippingS, <>r milk taken from an animal having d - sickness, ulcere ora Provided, That this Section shall not prohibit the sale of buttermilk or of Bkimmed milk when sold as such. For the purposes of this Section, milk which is proven by any reliable test or analysis t-. contain less than three percentum of butter-fat and eight and one-half per cent, of >.,lids other than butter-fat >hall lie regarded as Bkimmed milk. the purposes of this Section, every article, substance, <>r compound, other than produced wholly from pure whole milk, or cream from the same, made in semblance of butter or of cheese, and designed to be used as a substitute for butter or cheese made from pure milk or cream from the same, is hereby declared t<> be imitation butter or imitation cheese, as the case may he: Provided, The use of salt, rennet and harmless coloring matter for coloring the product of pure milk or cream shall not be construed to render BUCh product an imitation. .*{()!>. Coloring of imitation butter and cheese. No person shall coat, powder or color with annatto or any coloring matter whatever any substance designed to be used as a substitute for butter or for cheese whereby such Bubstance or product shall be caused to resemble butter or cheese the product of pure milk or .ream. 810. Compounding ith butter and ( N i person shall com- bine any animal fat or vegetable oil or other substance with butter or die. combine with butti with, animal fat or vegetable "il or combination of the two, <»r any other Bubstance or substances whatever, any annatto or any other coloring matter for the purpose or with the effect of imparting thereto a yellow color, or any shade of yellow. BO that BUCh Bubstance shall resemble genuine yellow butter or chees,-, nor introduce an\ BUch Coloring matter or any such Bubstance into any of the ingredients of which luch substitute may be composed: P I, That nothing in this or the three | ons shall be construed to prohibit the us,, of salt, rennet or harmless coloring matter for Coloring the | •: pure milk or cream from the same. 580 Foods AND FOOD CONTROL. 311. Selling of imitation butter and cheese. No person shall by himself, or empl< >\ & ■. or agent produce or manufacture, or sell, or keep for sale, or offer for sale, any imi- tation butter or imitation cheese made or compounded in violation of this or the four preceding Sections, whether such imitation shall have been made or produced in this State or elsewhere: Provided, That said Sections shall not be construed to prohibit the manufacture and sale of imitation batter or imitation cheese, under the regula- tions hereinafter provided, not manufactured or colored as herein prohibited. ll\'2. Branding of butter and cheest substitutes. Every person who lawfully manu- factures any substance designed to be used as a substitute for butter or for cheese shall mark by branding, stamping or stenciling upon the top and side of each tub, box or Other vessel in which such substitute shall be kept, or in which it shall be removed from the place where produced, in a clear and durable manner, in the Eng- lish language, the words "substitute for butter", or "substitute for cheese", as the case may be, in printed letters in plain Roman type, each of which shall be uoi Less than one inch in height and one-half inch in breadth. 313. Possession of butter and cheese substitutes. No person shall have in his p sion or control any substance designed to be used as a substitute for butter or for cheese unless the tub, box or other vessel containing the same shall be clearly and durably marked as provided in Section 303: Provided, That this Section shall not apply to a person who has such imitation butter or imitation cheese in his possession for the actual consumption of himself or family. .'{14. Imitation butter and cheese sold as genuine. No person, by himself or agent or employe, shall sell or offer for sale any imitation butter or imitation cheese under the pretense that the same is genuine butter or genuine che< 315. Regulations as to use of imitation butter or cheese in hotels, etc. No keeper or proprietor of any hotel or restaurant or other person having charge thereof, shall knowingly use. .,r serve therein, either as food or for cooking purposes, any imita- tion butter or cheese, as denned in Section 308, unless such keeper, proprietor or other person in charge of such place of entertainment shall keep constantly posted in a conspicuous place in the room or rooms, or other place or places where such imita- tions shall be served, so that the same may be easily seen ami read by any person in such room or place, a white card, not less than ten by fourteen inches in size, on which shall be printed in the English language, in plain black Roman Letters, not smaller than one inch in height and one-half inch in width, the words "imitation butter Used here", or "imitation cheese used here", as the case may be. and the cards shall not contain any other impressions than the words above prescribed. :J1 .">!>. Appointment of city inspector, Charleston; bond. The city Council of Charles* ton shall appoint a competent person a- [nspectorof Flour for the city of ( lharleston, who shall hold his office for two years, and who shall give bond to the State of Houth Carolina, with good security, to be approved by the city Council of Charles- SOUTH CAROLINA. 581 ton, in the penal sum of two thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful dis- charge of the duties of the said office. 1560. Flour sold in Charleston mu^t be inspected; exported Hour exempted. It shall not be lawful, if inspection be demanded by the seller or purchaser, to sell in the City of Charleston any barrel, half barrel or bag of flour or meal of wheat, rye or corn unless the same shall have been first submitted to the view and examination of the Inspector of the aforesaid city, and by him examined in some lot. street or warehouse, open and accessible to all persons; but flour of wheat, rye <>r corn manu- factured in the City of Charleston for export to any other port or ports beyond the limits of the State shall not be liable to inspection in the said city. 1561. Construction of barrels. Every cask or barrel containing flour or meal of wheat, or rye or corn brought into or manufactured in the City of Charleston for sale shall be well made, of good seasoned materials, and sufficiently hooped and nailed; and the said Inspector shall cause all casks or barrels not made as aforesaid, and not in merchantable condition, but capable of being made so at a reasonable expense, to be repaired and put in merchantable condition at the expense of the owner thereof. 1562. Quantity of four in barrel* and half barrels. Every barrel submitted for inspection as aforesaid shall contain such quantity of flour or meal as upon inspec- tion shall be found to be of the net weight of one hundred and ninety-six pounds; and each and every half barrel shall contain such quantity as shall be of the net weight of ninety-eight pounds; and the said Inspector shall cause all barrels or half barrels containing a less quantity to be made of full weight at the expense of the owners thereof. 1568. Inspector's brand — locality and grades. Every cask or bag of flour or meal submitted to the view and examination of the Inspector as aforesaid shall by him arched and tried, by boring on the head and piercing it through with an instrument by him to be provided; and he shall afterwards plug the same with soft seasoned wood, to prevent the entrance of water therein. If the Inspector shall judge the same to be merchantable, he shall brand every such cask or bag with the word "Charleston", and shall brand the decrees of fineness of which he shall, on inspection, determine the said Hour or meal to be, in letters of half an inch in Length, which degrees shall be distinguished as follows, to wit: "Family", "Extra", "Super", "Fine", "First Middlings", or '-Second Middlings", "Ship stuff", "First Rye - «d Rye", "First Corn", or ••Second Corn", a- the case mav he; but if, on examination, it proves unsound, then he shall mark the cask or bag w ith the broad am >w. l."><>4. Inspection fee. The Inspector shall he allowed not more than two and a half cents per package for inspecting, which shall be paid by the owner thereof, or hi- agent I .■»<;.">. Deputy inspector. 1 n case of sickness or temporary absence of the [nspector, or if necessary for the convenient dispatch of the duties of bis office, be is hereby empowered to appoinl a deputy to act for him during such sickness, absence, or such time a- he may think proper, who shall also be made liable to the same penalties, and shall take the oath hereinafter prescribed. 1566. Inspector* s oath of office. The Inspector of Flour and Meal under this Chap- ter -hall, before he proceeds to perform the duties, make oath or affirmation, as the case may be, before the clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, that, without favor or affection, malice, partiality or roped of persons he will diligently am fully examine and inspect, to the best of his skill and ability, all flour or meal i to him for inspection, and that he will brand, or cause lobe branded, as merchant- able, all barrels, half barrels or bags of (lour or meal that appear -utlicienth and sound, and no other, according to the u-st of his knowledge and Judgment; and als.. the oath provided for public offio i 582 POODS AND POOD OOWTBOL. 1507. Flour in transit not .subject to inspection in Charleston. No flour merely pass- ing through the City of Charleston from any place in this or any other State to another port or place out of this State shall be required to be inspected in the said City of Charleston: Provided, Such flour be distinctly marked before it comes into the said city, upon the barrels or bags, with the name of the place from whence it comes, and the name of the port or place of it* destination, witli the words "in transit " between the names of the said two places. L56S. Flour committee to arrange flour standards. The Charleston Chamber of Commerce shall appoint a Flour Committee consisting of five members, who shall arrange and adopt suitable standards for the different grades of flour; the standards so selected to conform as nearly as possible to similar standards adopted by the Boards of Inspection in the principal Atlantic cities. 1500. Grades of flour; standard brand. The said Committee shall, as often as once in every three months, provide and adopt suitable standards for the different grades of flour, viz.: "Fine," "Superfine," "Extra," "Family," and "Extra Family." The standards thus approved shall be kept in the possession of the com- mittee for reference in all eases of dispute which may arise. They shall also furnish the Inspector or Inspectors herein provided for with similar standards for their guid- ance; and all flour inspected by the said Inspector shall be legibly branded or marked "Charleston Chamber of Commerce Standard", with grade, day, month, year, and name of Inspector. 1570. Flour committee to aire final decision in disputed case*. The said Flour Com- mittee shall also be umpire to settle and decide all cases of dispute that may arise in nit fence to the inspection of flour between the Inspectors and the parties for whom the inspection may have been performed; and when an Inspector is charged with pass- ing flour which proves to be below thestandard, unsound or damaged when inspected. or deficient in any way, it shall be the duty of said committee, when called upon, t<> investigate the ease, and, if the Inspector is in fault, to assess such damages to be paid by him as in their judgment is fair and just. In all eases calling for their action a majority of said Committee shall constitute a quorum, and their decision in such casefl -hall be made in writing; the decision so made, however, to he subject to the righl of appeal by either party to the Arbitration Court of the said Chamber of Com- merce the decision <>f the said Court to he final; and suit may be brought on the bond herein provided for the Inspector, if he shall he in default, in the name of the Charleston Chamber of Commerce, by the party in whose favor a decision may be so made, to recover the amount of damages so assessed. 1571. Inspectors appointed by committee. The said Committee shall appoint one or more Inspectors of Flour; and the [nspectors BO appointed shall each make and exe- cute a good and satisfactory bond to the Charleston Chamber of Commerce in the penal -urn of two thousand dollars ($2,000), (the said bond to he approved by the President of Bald Charleston Chamber of Commerce) , conditioned for the faithful performance Of the duties of the Inspector, and for the payment of all claims and demands which may be decided against him as aforesaid: Provided, always, That the said Committee shall have power to suspend or dismiss an Inspectoral any time for any cause satisfactory to them; ami no Inspector so t<> he appointed shall he directly or indirectly engaged in the Hour trade during such time as he may hold the office, on penalty Of the forfeiture of his com mission as I QSpector. I57-. Duty of inspectors. It shall he the duty of the [nspectors bo appointed care- full} to insped all Sour submitted to them, and to decide on the grade and soundness of the same; all Hour thus inspected must be equal in quality to the standard fur- Dished hy the Committee; and any Inspector passing lloiirwhich is not equal in quality to the standard for the -rade which he makes it, shall he liable for any damage accruing from such action. SOUTH CAROLINA. 583 1573. Weighing of barrels of flour; fees. It shall be the duty of the Inspector to weigh a suitable number of barrels of each lot of flour inspected, to be assured that they contain the full weight of one hundred and ninety-six (196) pounds, and no Inspector shall use the brand of the Charleston Chamber of Commerce on any flour in barrels that is of less weight than one hundred and ninety-six (196) pounds to the barrel. For such inspection, weighing, and branding, the Inspector shall receive two (2) cents per barrel or bag for each and every barrel or bag BO inspected, weighed and branded, to be paid by the party requesting the same to be done, and the same fee on re-inspection. 1574. Fee of members of committee in disputed cases. In all cases calling for the action of the Committee to decide disputes as regards grade, soundness, or any other defect, between the Inspector and parties lor whom such inspection has been made. the members of the Committee serving in said cases shall be paid one dollar for each meeting, the amount to be paid by the party against whom the case is decided by the Committee, or, in case of appeal, by the party against whom the appeal Court, herein provided for, shall decide. 1575. Toll for grinding grain. No person shall take more toll for grinding corn. wheat, rye or any other grain into good meal or flour than one-eighth part of any quantity under ten bushels, and for ten bushels, or any quantity above, at one time brought, one-tenth part only; and for all grain, as aforesaid, chopped for hominy, feeding stock or for distilling, one-sixteenth part. 15 7(>. Fine. Any person or persons taking more toll than hereinbefore directed shall be subject to pay a 'fine to the amount of ten times the value of the toll so taken, to be recovered in the most summary way before the nearest Magistrate; one- half to the prosecutor and the other half to the person aggrieved. 1577. Municipal control of measurement and weight. The City Council of Charles- ton shall have full power and authority to regulate and control the sale of grain by measurement or weight, or both, sold within the corporate limits of the city, in such manner as will insure a fair, equal and uniform sale and measurement of the same. Code of Law- L902, voL l, ch. 34, pp. 610-614. MEAT. 305. Sal, of meat from diseased animate; penalty. Any person who shall knowingly sell, or expose for sale, the tlesh of any animal which was diseased or seriously injured at the time of slaughtering, <»r which died a natural death, or which may be found dead from a cause, or Causes, unknown to such person, shall he guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction, shall he fined not less than five dollars, nor more than one hundred dollar-, or imprisoned not less than ten nor more than thirty da\ > Provided, That this Section shall not apply to the sale of the flesh of any animal which i> accidentally killed, when the same is Immediately prepared for market. and the seller inform- the buyer of the time, place and nature of the death of BUCh animal. \~ amended February 22, L905, lets of 1906, ch. 432, pp. 86( leof Laws L-902, vol. l', ch. 15, p. :::;::. I.V.m;. Weight of barrels of pork or beef ; packing regulations. Everj barrel of pork or beef packed and sold in this State -hall contain thirty gallons and two hundred pounds weight of wholesome, well-cured meat in the same, which shall he weighed by the packer-, and well packed with -alt and pickle, each piece not to weigh more than eight pound-, and not to be cut or mangled further than to take out the kernels or where the bones require it, and no1 more than two head- In one barrel of pork. So beefs head- oi -hank- -hall at all he packed. 584 FOODS AND FOOD CONTROL. 1597. Penning before slaughter; penalty. In case any person shall kill any cattle to put in barrels for sale, without having first penned them twelve hours before killing them, every such person shall forfeit the sum of ten dollars, current money, for every head of cattle so killed, to the person who will sue for the same, to be recovered before any Magistrate. 159S. Construction of casks. Every person in this State shall make the casks for packing beef or pork of sound, dry, and well-seasoned white or water oak timber, without sap, the heads as well as bodies of which casks shall be made tight, so as to hold pickle, and shall fill the said casks with water before the same are packed with any beef or pork. Code of Laws, 1902, vol. 1, eh. 34, pp. 619-620. . RICE. 1 599. Fraudulent mixtures of rice; penalty. If any planter or other person shall sell or expose tor sale to any merchant, factor, or any other person, at any port or place of exportation within this State any casks or barrels of rice which, upon opening or uncasking the same, shall be found to contain any unfair and fraudulent mixture of small or damaged rice, then, and in every such case, the seller of the said rice, or person offering the same for sale, shall immediately, on request of the buyer, or person offering to buy the same, name one indifferent person, being a freeholder, and the said buyer another, to view the said rice, and if such two persons shall agree in opinion, and certify the same in writing under their hand?, that such rice was deceit- fully and fraudulently packed and exposed for sale, every such cask or barrel so fraudulently packed and exposed for sale, shall be forfeited to the State, and the same shall be sold or caused to be sold by the State Treasurer, or by the person or persons who shall condemn the same for the use aforesaid, who shall be allowed thereout five per cent for their trouble. L600. Nomination of persons to certify to quality of rice. If the seller shall refuse to nominate a person to view the said rice, then the buyer shall nominate both the [h none to view such rice, who shall have the same power as if one had been named by the seller and one by the buyer: Provided, That in case the said persons nomi- nated as aforesaid shall not agree in opinion, they shall have power to nominate a third person, being a freeholder as aforesaid, who shall have the same power as the first two by this Chapter have; and in case either of the said two persons shall refuse or neglect to join or cannot agree in nominating such third person, then in such case any Magistrate, on notice given by both or either of the said persons, shall, and he is hereby, required to nominate such third person, which third person shall have the same power ill the premises as it he had been nominated by both. And such adjudication and certificate shall be made within twenty-tour hours from the first application, and the said certificate shall be deemed a sufficient condemnation of the said riee to warrant the sale thereof as aforesaid; any law, statute, usage, or Custom to the contrary notwithstanding. Code oi haws, L902, vol. l, ch. 34, p. 620. SOUTH DAKOTA. The State food and dairy commissioner is charged with the adminis- tration of the food laws of South Dakota. The chemical work in con- nection with the enforcement of the law is performed by the chemist of the State agricultural experiment station. GENERAL FOOD LAW-. Sec. 242. * * * Powers and duties of state board of health. 5th. To remove, or cause to be removed, any dead, decaying or putrid body, or any decayed, putrid or other substance that may endanger the health of persons or domestic animals. 6th. To condemn and cause to be destroyed any impure or diseased article of food that may be offered for sale. Session Laws 1903, ch. 217, p. 292; Revised Codes, 1903, Political ('ode, art. 6, subdivision 1. Bee. 242, pp. 45-46. 4(J7. Adulterated product* represented to be pure. Every person who adulterates or dilutes any article of food, drink, drug, medicine, strong, spirituous or malt liquor, or wine, or any article useful in compounding either of them, whether one useful for mankind or for animals, with a fraudulent intent to offer the same, or cause or per- mit it to be offered for sale as unadulterated or undiluted, and every person who fraudulently Bella OT keeps or offers for Bale the same as unadulterated or undiluted, knowing it to have been adulterated or diluted, is guilty of a mi-demeanor. 4()S. Tainted or unwholesome products. Every person who knowingly sells, or keeps or offers for sale, or otherwise disposes of any article of food, drink, drug or medicine, know Log that the saint- has become tainted, decayed, spoiled or otherwise unw hole- some or unfit to be eaten or drank, with intent to permit the same to be eaten or drank by any person or animal, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Revised Codes of L903, Penal Code, ch. 38, pp. 1149-1150, l.'{.'{4. One who makes a business of selling provisions for domestic use, warrants. by a sale thereof, to one who buys for actual consumption and do1 for the purpose of sale, that they an- Bound and wholesome. Revised Codes, L903, Civil Code, p. 766. l. Creation of food . If it consists in whole or in part of a diseased, filthy or decomposed animal or iMe BUbstance, or any portion of an animal unlit for food, whether manufac- tured or not, or if it is the product of a diseased animal, or one that has died other- wise than by slaughter. 6. If it he mixed, colored, coated, powdered, polished, or -tained in a manner whereby its tine color or character is concealed. Misbranding defined, lor the purposes of this act an article shall be deemed to he misbranded in any of the following cases: 1. If it he offered for sale under the distinctive name of another article. 2, If it is labeled or branded bo as to mislead the purchaser as to the true char- acter of the composition of the article or compound. :;. If the package containing it or the label shall hear any statement, design or device regarding the ingredients, or the substances contained therein, which state ment, design or device shall he false <" misleading in any particular, or if the same is falsely branded or labeled a- to the Btate, territory or country in n hich it is manu- factured or produced. -i<. '.i Labeling of mixtures, 2 ; 3o-42 found under various heads describing subject matter.] Sb . :;.'). Use of preservatives and dyes unlawful. It shall be unlawful tor any person to manufacture, sell, offer or expose for sale any article of food to which has been added formaldehyde, borax, boracic acid, benzoic acid, sulphites or sulphurous acid, salicylic acid, abrastol, beta-naphthol, fluorine compounds, Baccharine or- coal tar . 34. /'. natty. Any person violating any of the provisions of the preceding tionfi of this ad shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars, or by Lmprisonmenl in the county jail not to exceed thirty days, or by both such fine and lmprisonmenl for each offe 8bc. i-'i. Penalty for hindering execution of law. Whoever hinders, or obstructs, or in any way interferes with the food and dairy commissioner, or his employes, deputies or inspectors, in the performance of his or their duty, shall be punished by a tine of fifty dollar.- ($60) for the first offense, and one hundred dollars ($100) for each sub- sequent offense, and shall stand committed to the county jail until such line i- paid a- |.io\ ided by law . ii. Article eight (8) and Article ten (io i. of Chapter twenty-seven . the Revised Political Code, and all other acts and part- of acts in conflici with this act are thereby repealed. Approved February 24, 1906. Law- of L905, ch. IN, pp. Ifil 168. LLOOHOLIC BEVEB \<.l - 7.V2. Adulteration of liquors. It -hall be unlawful for any person or persons to adulterate or cause to be adulterated any intoxicating, vinous or spirituous liquors to be offered for -ale a- a beverage or for medicinal purposes by mixing with the same any coloring matter or any drug or foreign ingredient whatever, or by mixing the same with other Liquors of different kind ->r quality or with water. ..t to -ell or offer t'M -ale for Mich purposes such I iquoTi so adulterated, it -hall be unlawful for anj person to mil vrithanj vinous or spirituous liquors thai maj be offered for sale by him or hi- agent an\ -ub-tan.-e or ingredient not normal, orany unheallhful ingre- dient w hatSOever, or any BUbstance that may be deleterious OF detrimental t>. health. when Mich liquors ate to be used as a beverage or for medicinal purposes It shall be unlawful to iel] oi otter foi sale in this state an} vinous oi spirituous liqu< 58r4 FOODS AND POOD CONTROL. sary, who shall hold office for a like term; and such inspector and all deputy inspec- tors shall take an oath of office to faithfully and impartially discharge all the duties thereof. The inspector shall promptly report to the city or village attorney, or to the proper prosecuting officer, for prosecution of every violation of the ordinance in force in such city or village under the provisions of this act, and shall also report to the board of health of said city or village, at least monthly, all inspections made by him, and all violations of said ordinance. Si:t . .">. Sanitation of slaughter houses. Any city or village having enacted an ordi- nance under the provisions of this act shallspecify the following requirements for all slaughter houses within its limits: (a) No slaughtering shall be done in barns, sheds or other buildings not designed and not suitable for slaughtering animals, and for the handling, dressing and cooling of meats, (b) All slaughter houses shall have an abundant supply of water, from a well or other source which is not contaminated from the slaughter house or surrounding pens or enclosure- <>r any part of the prem- ises. (c) Cooling and store rooms for meat shall be properly ventilated, (d) All offal and refuse shall be removed from the slaughter house on the day of slaughter- ing, and disposed of in a decent and sanitary manner, (e) All animals kept in yards attached to slaughter houses shall be treated in a humane manner, and if kept there over twelve hours shall be fed and watered, (f) All pens and enclosures con- nected with any slaughter house shall be kept in a proper sanitary condition. i). Meat brought from without city limits. Any city or village having a meat inspector Under the provisions of this act may refuse to permit to be brought within its limits, to be -old or offered for sale therein, any meat from any slaughter house situated outside its limits whose owner, lessee or occupant has not conformed to the requirements Bpecified in section live of this act, and the provisions of the ordinance enacted by said city or village, pursuant to this act and in force therein. 7. Appropriation. Any city or village having an Inspector under the pro visions of this act shall appropriate out of its general fund such sum- of money a- shall be deemed proper for'the salary of the inspector and his deputies, and in addi- tion thereto may apply the license fee and any fees accruing from the inspection of animals and meats, to he paid thereunder, for that purpose, or require said fees to be covered into the city or village treasury. 8. Duties of deputy inspectors. All deputy inspectors shall have the same powers and perform all the duties devolving upon the inspector, under his direction and superintendence, except that they shall make all reports required by this act to the inspector, by whom same shall he reported, as hereinbefore provided. 9. Federal inspection. All meat which has been inspected by federal authority shall not be Bubjed to local inspection, except as to market, vehicle or place at or from which il is to be sold or offered for sale, and as to changes or decomposition. Sec. 10. Possession of meat evidence Hmt U is meant for food. In all prosecutions for violation of any ordinance enacted pursuant to this act, the fact that any meat is found in any slaughter house, market or vehicle within such city or \ illage shall be presumptive evidence that the same was intended for use as human food. Sec. II. Location of slaughter houses. No slaughter house shall be established or maintained nearer to the limits of any city Or village than is prescribed by law in tin- state. Approved March 7, L905. Session Law-, L905, ch. L35, pp. 228-229. SPI0ES.C 31. [dulteration defined, It shall be unlawful for any person, by himself, his servant or agent, or u the servant or agent of any other person or corporation, to General Pood Laws, p. 587, sees. W, 13, for penalty BOUTH D4KOTA. manufacture, sell, offer or expose for sale to the residents of this state any spire- and condiments, either ground or anground, which arc adulterated with any foreign sub- stance or substances within the meaning of this article. The term "spices and con- diments," as used herein, shall embrace all substances known and recognized in commerce as spices and used as condiments, whether the same be in their natural slate or in the form which would result from the grinding, milling or mixing, or the (•'impounding of the natural product. Approved February 24, L905. Laws of L905, ch. 114. p. bits. SYRUPS.* 24. Standards. It shall be unlawful for any person to manufacture, -ell, offer or expose For sale as maple sugar or maple syrup any substance not tin- legitimate and exclusive product of the Bap of the maple tree; nor sorghum that is not produced wholly from sorghum cane; nor cane Byrup or molasses uot wholly produced from sugar cane. Approved February 24, 1905. Laws of L905, ch. 114. p. 165. VINEGAR. ,32. Standards; cider and maU vinegar . Et shall be unlawful for any person to manufacture. Bell, or offer For sale, any vinegar that does not contain at least four and one-half per cent, by weight, of absolute acetic acid, or which contains any prepara- tion of copper, lead, sulphuric acid or other injurious ingredients, or any artificial coloring matter; and in the case of apple or cider vinegar it shall contain not less than two per cent by weight of cider vinegar solids, and be the legitimate product of apple juice. And in the case of malt vinegar it shall contain at least two per cent of natural malt vinegar solids. Approved February 24. 1905. Laws of 1905, ch. 114, p. bin. RULINGS oh Till. COMMISSIONER. RULINGS OH NIK M"W PURE POOO LAW TOR THE STATE 01 BOUTH DAKOTA, I" GO INTO > : i i i :< i mi.v 1, 1*>05. Juru />•/. 'I'm Retail I dealers: In order that the provisions of the Food Law, which goes into effect July l. 1905, may be enforced with as little hardship as possible, it is hereby ruled that all goods in the hands of the retailers on .Inly 1. L905, which comply with the present Pood Law but which d<> not meet t be requirements of the incoming law , may be sold until October 1, 1905. But ;ill gooda purchased or shipped into the state on and after July I, L905, must conform strictly to the requirements of the law then in force, both a- to quality and labelling. I \\ . Bm Ml . Food and Dairy < 'onnnii i. The term " Ft >< >1 >" includes all articles used for food, drink, flavoring, confec- tionery or condiment, by man or domestic animals, whether simple, mixed or compound. 2. All foods and be^ erages must be free from chemical preservath es, formaldeh) de, borax, boracicacid, benzoic acid, Bulphites or sulphurous acid, salicylic acid, abi i" -ia naphthol, fluorine compounds, saccharine or coal tar dyes. \ll food- and leverages nntsl be labeled true to name in every n -|>< > t i. Every box, can, carton, or other container must bear the nai f the manufac turer and the location of the Eactory. It must also -bow the trtie grade, c character of t he goods, i reneral I 1 Laws, p. 58 penal! 59fi Fi>- AM) Fool) CONTBOL. 5. Any article of food shall be deemed adulterated — if any substance has been mixed with it Lowering or injuriously affecting its quality, strength or purity; if any substance has been substituted wholly or in part for it: if any essential ingredient has been wholly or in part abstracted from it; if it contain any added poisonous or other ingredient detrimental to health; if it consists in whole or in part of a diseased, filthy or decomposed animal or vegetable substance; if it is colored, powdered or treated in any manner whereby damage or inferiority is concealed; if it is an imita- tion of, or sold under the name of any other substance or article. 6. The sale of any adulterated article of food is prohibited unless the package bears a label with the word "adulterated" preceding the name of the article, together with the name and address of the manufacturer. The provisions of this law are extended to all persons who manufacture for sale, sell, or cause to be Bold any article of adulterated food whatsoever. Foods shipped into this state not labeled as required under the provisions of law are subject to confiscation. Baking powder. — Every can, box or package must be labeled with the name of the manufacturer, his address, the name of the baking powder and also the words: "This baking ponder is composed of the following- ingredients and none other," immediately followed by the true and common name of each and all the ingredients contained in such powder. All this must appear on a light colored label in type no smaller than brevier heavy got hie "CAPS." All baking powder must be true to label and contain no injurious substances. Butter. — Must be made from pure milk and cream and contain no preservative other than salt and no substance injurious to health. May be colored with harmless vegetable butter color. Process or reworked butter must not be labeled or sold for dairy or creamery butter. Canned goods. — Must bear the name and address of the packer and contain no poisonous ingredient, preservative, or injurious coloring matter. Copper or iron greening of vegetables is prohibited. ('undies. Must contain no coal tar dyes, mineral substances, poisonous coloring or flavor, or other ingredients injurious to health. Catsups. — Must contain no injurious ingredients, coloring matter or preservatives. Benzoate of soda, 1 to 1 ,200 is allowed for the present. | The right to withdraw this concession is reserved. > starch or other substances must not U- used as a filler. Cheese, South Dakota. — Must be made from pure milk and cream. Each cheese and each box must be stencil let 1 " South Dakota Full Cream Cheese" or "Skim" or "Imitation" as the case may be, and must be true to name. Full cream cheese must contain not less than 50 per cent, butter fat in the water iva' cheese in compari- son with total solids. If [eSS than 60 percent in the water free cheese it mn.-t be marked '•skim" and if containing any fat or oleaginous sill .stance <.r foreign fat or the fat from any stale, rancid or impure butter, shall be branded " imitation." Cheese factories must annually procure License from the Food and Daily Commis- sioner. Cheese, Made from pure milk and cream, and containing not less 50 per cent butter fat in the water free cheese in comparison with total solids, may be sold as " Full < 'iea m Cheese." ( 'heese con t a i li i liL r leBB I han ">0 per cent of butter fat in the water in->- cheese may be sold if plainlv and conspicuously labeled or stencilled £> Skim Cheese" Or "Imitation Cheese." Cider. Apple cider ifl the only product which can be sold under the one word name " cider." It must be produced wholly from unleriuented juice of the apple and must contain no pr e s e rvatives forbidden by law. At present, berhsoateoi soda, i to 2,000 will be allowed. (The right to withdraw this privilege is reserved. I ( 'nil, < . 1 1 sold M BUCh must be true to name and not coated to conceal inferiority. I Mended coffee- mUSt give t he I Kline- and proportions of t he coffees employed. < W" fee may be mixed with chicory or other BUbstance not injurious to health if labeled "Coffee Compound," with the name and address of the manufacturer. ( of fee BUD- SOUTH DAKOTA. 597 statutes composed of cereals in combination, labeled or sold as a substitute for may be sold under a coined name, if the name is not any one of the ingredient- con- tained therein. Cream. — Mu>t not contain less than 18 per rent of butter fat. The use of preserva- tives is forbidden. Cream of tartar. — Must be true to name and unadulterated. Flavoring extracts. — Must be true to label. Bottles, packages and containers must bear the name of the manufacturer and 1 i is address, and the name of the article. Extract of lemon. — Must contain not less than 5 percent of lemon oil, dissolved in ethyl alcohol and can be colored only with lemon peel. Any preparation containing Less than •"> percent of lemon oil must be labeled "Imitation Lemon Extract," but the word " Imitation" must be in no smaller type than the name of the article, and this preparation must be colorless. Extract of vanilla must be made wholly from the extractive matter of the vanilla bean dissolved in ethyl alcohol, containing not less than 40 per cent of alcohol by volume, and must be free from all foreign coloring matter. A single extract of vanilla should carry at least 0.05 per cent vanillin. Imitation vanilla flavoring must be labeled with the name of each ingredient, in Legible type of equal size and style, and must be free tn.ni all foreign coloring matter. Orange extract must contain at least 5 per cent orange oil. Artificial extracts. — Flavorings not made from the natural fruit must be labeled "Artificial" with the word "Artificial"' immediately preceding the name of the article and in the same size- and style of type. Must be free from artificial coloring matter. Farinaceous goods. — Must be true to name, pure and unadulterated. If mixed or compounded musl be Bold under a coin name. Honey. — The only product which can be -old under the one word name "Honey" must be wholly made by 1 h-cs fnun the natural secretions of (lowers and plants. All other honeys must be Bold as provided in " Mixtures and ( 'on i pounds.*' JeUieSfjams and preserves. — This embrace.- all foods and preparation of foods known under the above names, whether prepared from animal or vegetable products. They must be pure and true to label, otherwise they must be labeled "Imitation," together with the name and address of the manufacturer, and the names of the constituent parte in as conspicuous type as the trade name. No preservatives or artificial color- ing matter ifi allowed. Lard.- Must be wholly, legitimately and exclusively the rendered fresh fat from slaughtered healthy hog-. Adulterated lard, and lard substitutes may be sold as provided in case of "Mixtures and Compounds," or under a trade or coin name No preservatives can be used in any kind of lard or lard substitute. Mxtt. Musi be procured from healthy animals and be in a wholesome condition. Must not in- tainted or.otherwise unwholesome and must bi itives of an) kind. The sale ot meat procured from calves less than four weeks old is prohibited. Mill.. Must be pure and unadulterated. Must not be taken from unhealthy cowe or contain preservatives of anj nature This applies t" milk furnished to creameries or cheese factories, by milk peddlers, or served to guests at any hotel, restaurant or boarding house. Btandard milk must contain not less than IS per cent of true milk solids of which.; percent must be butter fat; nor more 87 per cent of water fluids. Maple sugar and syrup. Must be the legitimate and exclusive product of th< of the maple tree. Blends or mixture ma} be sold under the provisions of section 9 of the f I law as ruled under " Mixture- and Compound-. " ' Oleomargariru Ma\ be sold under its true name if uncolored and containing no rvatives or injurious substance. The term "Oleomai nstroed to mean an\ substance, not pure butter, contaii ntormoreol butter fat, Used in the place of butter 598 FOODS am> FOOD CONTROL. Pickled, prepared, preserved or canned meats. — Must be free from prohibited pre- servatives and artificial coloring matter. Prepared mustard. — May be sold under this name if it does not contain any foreign, injurious or other substance to cheapen its value. Sausages. — Must be free from prohibited preservatives and artificial coloring matter. Spices and condiments. — Must be pure and wholly unadulterated with any foreign BUbstance. Other than pure spices must be sold as provided in "Mixtures and Compounds." Syrups. — Sorghum syrup may be produced wholly from BOrghum cane. Cane syrup or molasses must be wholly produced from sugar cane. Blends or mixtures must be sold under the provisions of section 9 of the Food Law as ruled under "Mixtures and Compounds." Vinegar. — Must be pure, of an acidity equivalent to the presence of not less than A\ per cent by weight of absolute acetic acid and containing no preparation of lead, copper, sulphuric acid or other injurious ingredient, or any artificial coloring matter. Must be true to name and in the case of apple cider vinegar must be the legitimate product ot pure apple juice, and contain not less than two per cent of cider vinegar solids. The barrel must be stencilled or labelled with the name and address of the vinegar manufacturer, the kind of vinegar contained in the barrel and the acid strength of the vinegar. Mixtures and compounds. — May be sold when properly labelled. Any article of food coming under this definition must contain no poisonous or deleterious ingredi- ents; must be plainly labelled or branded to indicate that it is a mixture, compound, combination, imitation or blend and show the true character and constituents, together with the proportions of said constituents, all of which must appear on the same label and in as conspicuous type as the t rade name of the article. The name and address of the manufacturer must also be given. The use of preservatives and artificial coloring matter is prohibited. BULING8 ox [NTOXICATINQ LIQUORS, TO GO [NTO EFFECT JULY L, L905, l\ ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER L21, SESSION LAWS OF L905, BTATE OF BOUTS DAKOTA. 1. No coal tar colors are permitted in any malted, fermented or distilled liquors used as a beverage or for medicinal purposes. 2. No malted, fermented or distilled liquor shall contain any poisonous alkaloidal drugs, any poisonous metallic salts, any methyl alcohol or any antiseptic forbidden by Section 33, Chapter Ml, Session Laws of L905. :;. \o whiskey under 90 percenl proof shall be allowed, and all bottled whiskeys shall declare their presenl proofage on their labels. 4. The minimum percentage proof for distilled Liquors other than whiskey shall be as follows: Brandy, 90 per cent; rum, 90 per cent; gin, 80 per cent. 5. The minimum percentage of alcohol for wines shall be 10 per cent Traces of Bulphurous acid employed in disinfecting the wine ban-els are permissible. Bottled wine- must declare on the label the name and address of the producer. Win.- in and barrel- mu-t carry the name and address of the producer on the container. (). Excessive amounts of the higher alcohols, etc., com ily called "fusel oil," in distilled liquors is prohibited. The right to fix the maximum amount permissible is red. 7. All distilled liquors Bold in bottles must carry OH the label the true name and address of the manufacturer and the bottler togel her with a truthful statement of the exact quantity of liquor which the bottle contains. Usoall distilled liquors in Larger packages such as kegs, barrels, etc., musl be plainly stamped or stencilled with the name and address of manufacturer. TENNESSEE. The State board of health is charged with the enforcement of the food laws of the State, and authorized to establish a chemical and biological laboratory and employ such expert assistants as may be necessary. Owing to the lack of appropriation for that purpose, however, a rigid enforcement of the law is not possible. GENERAL FOOD LAWS. (>74i{. Unwholesome provisions; adulterated food and medicine. It shall be a misde- meanor: (1) To sett unwholesome provisions. For any person knowingly to sell any kind of diseased, corrupted, or unwholesome provisions, whether for meat or drink, without making the same fully known to the buyer. (2) To adulterate food or drink. For any person fraudulently to adulterate, for the purpose of sale, any substance intended for food, or any wine, spirituous or malt liquors, or other liquor intended for drinking. (:j) Or any drag or medicine. For any person to adulterate, for the purpose oi Bale, any drug or medicine, in such manner as to lessen the efficacy or change the oper- ation of BUCh drug or medicine, or to make them injurious to health, or sell them knowing that they are thus adulterated; and such adulterated drugs and medicines shall be forfeited and destroyed. Tainted meals, sour bread, or drugged wines, etc. For any person to sell, offer, or expose for Bale, or Buffer or permit his servants or other person for him, to sell or expose for Bale any tainted, putrid, or unwholesome fish or flesh, or the flesh of any animal dying otherwise than by slaughter, or slaughtered when diseased, or any bread made from sour or unwholesome t lour, or any drugged or manufactured wines, or adulterated spirituous liquors; and. in addition, he shall forfeit ten dollars to any person who will sue therefor, before a justice of the peace, for a violation of this subsection. c.do of Tennessee, 1896, <•!>. 7, p. 1646. Bac. 1. Penalty for handling adulterated or misbranded food products. The manufac- ture. Importation, or sale, or offering for sale of any article of food or drink, which la adulterated or misbranded, within the meaning of thia act, is hereby prohibited in Tennessee, and any company or individual who shall knowingly receive from with- out the state, or who, having so received, shall deliver for pay or otherwise, or offer to deliver or sell or trade any such article so adulterated or misbranded, within the meaning of this act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and for such offense shall be lined not | ( -~ than twenty-live nor more than one bundred dollars for the first offense, and for each subsequent offense, not It--- than two hundred dollars, or be imprisoned In the county jail not exceeding one year, or both, In the discretion of the court. Bac. 2 Chemical and biological laboratory. The state board of health is hereby authorized and directed to establish, under such rules and regulations as it may think best, a properly organised and fully equipped chemical and biological labora- tory, in which, with such expert assistance as they ma\ elect, shall be made such 600 FOODS AND FOOD OONTBOL. examinations of food and drink, offered for sale in Tennessee, as may be collected, from time to time, under such rules and regulations as said board may prescribe, and the results of such analyses or examinations, they shall publish in bulletins for the information of the people. But the names of the manufacturers or venders of such foods or drink analyzed shall in no case be published, as hereinbefore indi- cated until after conviction in the courts of violation of this act. If it shall appear from such examination that any of the provisions of this act have been violated, the state board of health shall at once cause a report of the fact to be made to the dis- trict attorney for the district in which such violation occurred, with a copy of the results of the analysis, duly authenticated by the expert making the examination under oath.— As amended April 15, 1905, Acts of 1905, ch. 508, pp. 1121-1 Itt. Sbc. •'). Duty of district attorneys to prosecute. It shall be the duty of every district attorney, to whom said state board of health shall report any violation of this act, to cause proceedings to be commenced and prosecuted without delay for the tines and penalties in such cases provided, unless upon inquiry and examination, said dis- trict attorney shall decide that such proceedings cannot probably be sustained; in which case said attorney .-hall so report back to said state board of health. Sec. 4. Definitions. The terms " food and drink," as used herein, shall include all articles used for food or drink by man, whether simple, mixed, or compound. The term " misbranded," as used herein, shall include all articles of food or drink (or which enter into the composition of such articles of food or drink) the package or label of which shall bear any statement purporting to name any ingredient or sub- stance as not being contained in such article, which statement shall be false in any particular, or any statement purporting to name the substance of which such article is made, which statement shall not fully give the names of all the substances contained in BUCh article in any measurable quantities. - .5. Adulteration defined. For the purposes of this act an article shall be deemed adulterated, in case of food or drink: 1. It any substance or substances has or have been mixed and packed with it bo as to reduce or lower or injuriously affect its quality or strength so that such product, when offered for sale, shall be calculated and shall tend to deceive the purchaser. li. If any inferior substance or substances has or have been substituted, w holly or in part, for the article BO that the product, when sold, shall tend to deceive the purchaser. :}. If any valuable constituent of the article has been wholly or in part abstracted BO that the product, when sold, shall tend to deceive the purchaser. 4. If it be an imitation of and sold under the Specific name of another article. 5. If it be mixed, colored, powdered, or stained in a manner, whereby danger is concealed ao thai such product, when sold, shall tend to deceive the purchaser. 6. [f it contain any added poisonous ingredient, or any ingredient which may ren- der BUCh article injurious to the health of the person consuming it. 7. if it consist of the whole or any part of a diseased, filthy, decomposed, or putrid animal or vegetable snh-tance, or any portion of an animal unlit for food, whether manufactured or not, or if it is the product of a diseased animal, or of an animal that has died otherwise than by slaughter. / iions. \n article of food or drink, which does not contain any added poisonous ingredient, shall not be deemed to he adulterated in the following 1. In the case of mixtures or compounds, which may he now . or from time to time hereafter know n a- articles of food Or drink under their own distinctive names, and not im hided in deli nit ion fourth of this section [section ■> ]. 2. In the case of article- labeled, branded, Or tagged BO as plainly to indicate that they are mixture.-, compounds, combinations or blinds." " So in laws; read " blends.' TENNE89EE. 601 3. When any matter or ingredient has been added to the food or drink because the same is required for the production or preparation thereof, or an article of commerce in a state fit for carriage or consumption, and not fraudulently to increase the bulk, weight, or measure of the food or drink, or conceal the inferior quality thereof: pro- vided, that the same shall be labeled, branded, or tagged, as prescribed by the state board of health, so as to show them to be compounds and the exact character thereof. 4. Where the food or drink is unavoidably mixed with some extraneous matter in the process of collection and preparation. Sec. 6. State hoard of health may demand samples; analyses. Every person who manufactures or offers for sale, or delivers t<> a purchaser, any article of food or drink, shall furnish upon demand a sample of such article of food or drink to any person duly authorized by the stale board of health to receive the same, and who shall apply to such manufacturer, or vender, or person delivering to any purchaser such article of food or drink, for such sample, for such use, in sufficient quantity for the analysis of any such article or articles in his or her possession. And in the pres- ence of such dealer and an authorized agent of the said state hoard <>f health, if bo desired by either party, said sample shall be divided into three parts, and each part shall be sealed by the seal of the state board of health. One part shall be left with the dealer, One delivered to the state board of health and one deposited with the district attorney for the district in which the sample is taken. Said manufacturer or dealer may have the sample left with him analyzed at his own expense, and if the results of -aid analysis differ from those of the state board of health, the sample in the hands of the district attorney shall be analyzed by a third chemist or expert, \\li" shall be chosen and agreed upon by the said dealer and the state board < comply, upon demand, with the require- ments <»f section t t«. mil or adulterate with any Bubstance whatever, the line for sale, and give bond in t he -inn of five hundred dollars, with good and sufficient security, for the payment of all costs arising from prosecution for violation of provi- sions herein. Cod,, of Tennessee, L896, p. i\! 18, [ It -hall he a misdemeanor: ) Selling liquors without oath and bond. For any person to sell any spirituous or alcoholic Liquors without complying with section 994, and, upon conviction ti i shall be fined not less than fifty nor more than five I mi re 1 1 . ■ I do 602 FOODS AXD FOOD CONTROL. H744. It shall be a felony: (1) 1<> adulterate liquors. To adulterate spirituous or vinous liquors by the use of strychnine or poisonous liquids or ingredients. (2) T<> sett adulterated liquors. To sell by wholesale or retail any spirituous or vinous liquors, knowing the same to be adulterated by or with strychnine or poison- ous liquids or ingredients; and any person convicted thereof shall be imprisoned in the penitentiary not less than one nor more than live years; and the grand jury may have power to send for persons or papers in cases where they may be of the opinion that any person or persons have been guilty of violating any of the provisions of tins article. Code of Tennessee, 1896, eh. 7, p. 1645. CANDY. 6743. [It shall be a misdemeanor:] (6) To manufacture for sale or knowingly sell, or knowingly offer for sale, any candy adulterated by the admixture of terra alba, barytes, talc, or other mineral substance or poisonous colors or flavors, or other ingredients deleterious or detri- mental to health; and, upon conviction thereof, the manufacturer or seller shall be fined not exceeding five hundred dollars, and the candy so adulterated shall be con- fiscated and destroyed under the direction of the court before whom the offender is tried. Code of Tennessee, L896, ch. 7. p. L645. DAIRY PRODUCTS. :»4<)tt. Stomping of adulterated batter and cheese. Whoever manufactures, sells, or oilers for Bale, or causes the same to be done, any substance purporting to be batter or cheese, which substance is not wholly from pure cream or pure milk, unless the same be manufactured under its true and appropriate name, and unless each pack- age, roll, or parcel of such Bubstance, and each vessel containing one or more pack- of BUCh substance, have distinctly and durably printed, stamped, or marked thereon the true and appropriate name of such substance, in ordinary bold-faced Capital letters, not less than live lines pica, shall be punished as provided in section 3468. .'J4(»7. Dealers must label imitation products. Whoever shall sell any such substance to consumers, or cause the same to be 'lone, without delivering with each package, roll, or parcel so sold, a label on which is plainly and legibly printed, in Roman let- ters, the true and appropriate name of such substance, shall be punished as provided iii Bection 3 Wfi :{ His. Penalty. Whoever knowingly violates either of the foregoing sections of this chapter shall be lined any sum not less than ten nor more than three hundred dollar-, or imprisoned in the county jail not more than ninety nor less than ten days, or both, at the discretion of the court; but nothing contained herein shall be con- strued to prevent the use of skim milk, salt, or rennet, or harmless coloring matter in the manufacture of butter and cheese Laws of tS69, ch. 169. :\ (69. Laix Is described. Whoever, in person or by agent, Bells, exposes for sale, or has in his possession With interest ! intent l to sell, any article, substance, or com- pound made in imitation or semblance of butter, or as a substitute for butter, and not made exclusively and u holly of milk or cream, or containing fats, oils, or grease not produced iron i milk or cream, shall have the words "Imitation butter," or, If such substitute is the compound known ae oleomargarine, then the word "Oleomarga- rine," or, it it is known as butterine, then the word " Butterine, " or if it be kno wn by any Other wool, name, or term Si a substitute lor butter -tamped, labeled, or marked in a straight line, in printed letters of plain, uncondensed Roman type not TENNES8EE. 603 lees than one-half inch in length and one-quarter inch in width. ><» that Baid words, name, or term cannot he easily defaced, upon the top, side, and bottom of every tub, firkin, box, or package containing any of said article, substance, or compound. The stamps or label or mark shall contain no other words. .'{470. Labels to be attached when taken from original packages. Whoever, in person or by agent, exposes or offers for sale any of the said article, substance, or compound not in the original package, shall attach to said article, substance, or compound, in a conspicuous place, a label bearing the words. "Imitation Butter," "Oleomargarine,'' " Butterine," or other name, word, or term, as the article may be, in printed letters of plain Roman type, as provided for in section 3469. .'J471. Label with package in retail sales. In cases of retail sales of any said article, substance, or compound not in the original package, the seller shall, in person or by agent, attach to each package BO -old. and deliver therewith to the purchaser, a label or wrapper, bearing in a conspicuous place upon the outside of the package, the words provided for in the two preceding sections, and no other, in printed letter-, in a straight line, of plain Roman type, such as provided for in said sections. .'54 72. Ii/tit;{7.">. Reguiations for manufacturing. All wheat flour or kiln-dried meal shall be made by the miller or manufacturer *>i due fineness, shall be well bolted, not mixed with other or coarser flour or meal, and in all respects merchantable. :{.'&7<». Brands. Every miller or bolter of flour, made or intended for exportation, -hall provide and use distinguishable brands or mark-: and before the Hour is removed, shall impress on the head of each barrel the name of the miller or bolter by whom it was manufactured, and the quality of flour contained in each particular barrel, by branding or marking thereon, at full Length, the word- "family," " super- line," " line,*' "middling," a- the ca-e ma> ;i;:j77. Exp ling flour nut /ereon who will sue for the same. 604 FOODS AND FOOD CONTROL. 3878. Penalty for branding cask after removal from mill, etc. If any person impress or brand the mark "family," "superfine," "fine,"' or "middling," or the sem- blance thereof, upon any barrel or cask of flour, after the sam.' bae been removed from the mill or place where it was manufactured or bolted, or, at any time or place, impress or brand on any barrel or cask of flour the name of any other person than the proper name of the miller or bolter by whom it was manufactured or bolted, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be imprisoned aot less than three nor more than twenty days, and be fined in the sum of fifty dollars, one-half to the use of the person who will sue for the same, the other half to the use of the county. Code <>f Tennessee, 1896, p. 780. Sec 1. Adulteration unlawful. It shall be unlawful for any miller, manufacturer of or dealer in flour, or any other firm, to mix or adulterate the flour manufactured, sold, or offered for sale by him or them with borite [boride], cornmeal, cornstarch, or any noxious, deleterious, or injurious substance whatever. _'. Penalty. The violation of the first section of this act shall be and the same is hereby declared to be a misdemeanor, and the violation of the same shall be pun- ishable by a fine of not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred dollar-. and by Imprisonment at the discretion of the court. Art of March L9, 1897, ch. 45, p. 177, as amended March 11, 1903, ch. 9S, p. 178; Supplement to Code, 1897-1903, p. 822. 1. Containers; marked with weight of flour and tare. All flour, grits, or corn- meal packed in barrels or half barrels, made of any material, or any packages made of wood or metal in which flour, grits, or corn meal are offered for sale, shall be well made and of good material, and shall have the net weight of flour plainly marked on the head, top, or side of the barrel or package with a stencil or paper label or pencil, with letters and figures not less than one inch in Length, and the tare marked on the reverse end or side of the barrel or package in like manner. Sec. 2. '.',<<. weight for barrels, sacks, etc., fixed; must he stamped. Every miller, bolter, blender, or mixer, or other person who manufactures orwho buys flour, grits, or cornmeal for the purpose of repacking, shall put into each barrel the full quantity and weight of one hundred and ninety-six (196) pounds of Hour, grits, or cornmeal, and shall put into each half-barrel the quantity and weight of ninety-eight (98) pounds of Hour, grits, or cornmeal. When Hour, grits, or cornmeal is packed in Backs, the gross weight shall be as follows: Half-barrel sacks, 96 pounds; quarter- barrel sacks, 48 pounds; eighth-barrel sacks. 24 pounds; sixteenth-barrel sacks, 12 pounds; thirty-second barrel sacks, »; pounds; and may be packed in any other size package, bul whatever the size of the package, the gross weighl of each package shall aped, stenciled, or printed on each package. Bbc. •!. Allowance made. From the weights above specified, variations from inac curacies will be allowed iis follows: On all packages weighing 90 pounds or over, an allowance of one-fourth of I per cent, and on all packages smaller thai 90 pounds, an allowance of one-half of I per cent less than the weigh 1 specified in section 2 of i his act. Bbc. i. Penalty. Any violation of this act shall he a misdemeanor, and upon Conviction the offender shall he lined not less than fiftj dollars nor more than live hundred dollar.-. Passed \pnl n, L903. Acts of L903, ch. it:;, p. L252; Supplement toCode, L897 L903, pp. 666-667. Bn . I. Corn meal, standard weight. That the standard weighl of a bushel of corn meal, whether bolted or unbolted, shall he forly-eiidit (48) pounds. TENNESSEE. 605 Sec 2. Corn meatpacking regulations; labels. That it sliall be unlawful for any per- son <>r persons to pack for sale, Bell, or off er for sale in this State any corn meal except in bags or packages containing by standard weight two bushels or one bushel or one- half bushel or one-fourth bushel or one-eighth bushel respectively. Each bag or package of corn meal shall have plainly printed or marked thereon, whether the meal is "bolted" or "unbolted," the amount it contains in bushels or fraction of a bushel, and the weight in pounds: Provided, the provisions of this section shall not apply to the retailing of meal direct to customers from bulk stock when priced and delivered by actual weight or measure. Sec. 3. Penalty. That any person or persons guilty of violating either of the fore- going sections of this Art shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by fine of qo1 exceeding one hundred ($100) dollars or by imprisonment not exceeding thirty [30) days, or by both line and imprisonment in the discretion of the court. !. Effect, That this Act shall be of force and effect from and after September 1st, 190."), the public welfare requiring it. . 5. Repeal. That all Acts and parts of Acts in conflict with this Act he, and the same are hereby, repealed. Approved April 17, 190-"). Acts of 1905, eh. 482, pp. L039-1040. WATER. 1. Contamination of water supply; penalty. It Bhall be a misdemeanor for any person to in any way wilfully injure the pipes, pumps, reservoirs, tanks, standpipes, or other apparatus or fixtures belonging or in anywise appertaining to any water- works, or to wilfully disturb, pollute, contaminate, or injure the water in the tanks, standpipes, or reservoirs of any such waterworks by bathing therein or by any other act of acts tending to injure the water, or to make it unpalatable, unwholesome, or unfit for domestic or manufacturing purposes, of any plant supplying water for r manufacturing purposes, whether the same shall belong to a city or town government, or to a waterworks company, or to any person, linn, or corporation; and thai any person found guilty thereof, or anything prohibited hereby, shall pay a fine of not Less than $5 nor more than $50, one-half of which shall go to the informer, and The other half to the public school fund. Si:< . 2. Corruption of streams. It shall be a misdemeanor for any person to wilfully corrupt or to permit anything to run or fall into any stream from which water shall be taken for the purpose of supplying water to any water plant such a- is referred to uon 1 of this act, ami any person violating this section shall i»e punished as pro\ ided in section 1 hereof. :{. Jurisdiction. The grand juries of this state -hall have inquisitorial power of all offenses committed against this act and the same shall be given in charge to such juries by the judges of 'he several circuit court- of the state. Approved April 10, 1903. Acts of L903, r\i. 310, p. l .'(»:>; Supplement t<> I 1903, p|'. 807 BOS. TEXAS. Texas authorizes the State health officer to enforce the food laws of the State and to expend for that purpose an amount not exceeding $2,000. This item, however, has not been included in the appropria- tion hills of the Legislature and no serious attempt lias been made t<> enforce the laws that have been enacted regarding the manufacture and sale of foods. GENERAL FOOD LAWS. 42(>. Unwholesome foods. It any person shall knowingly sell the flesh of any ani- mal dying otherwise than by slaughter, or slaughtered when diseased, or shall sell any kind of corrupted, diseased, or unwholesome substance, whether for food or drink, without making the same fully known to the buyer, he shall be lined not Less than twenty nor more than one hundred dollars. 1*27. Penalty for injurious adulteration. If any person shall fraudulently adulterate, for the purpose of sale, any substance intended for food, or any spirituous, vinous, <>r malt liquor, intended for drink, with any substance injurious to health, he shall be punished by line not less than fifty no)- more than live hundred dollars. 42N. Penalty for selling injuriously adulterated liquors. Tf any person shall sell any spirituous, vinous, or malt liquor intended for drink, knowing the same to be adul- terated with any substance or Liquid injurious to health, he shall be punished by line not less than fifty nor more than five hundred dollars. l'*U. Drugs and medicines. If any person shall fraudulently adulterate, for the pur- pose of sale, any drug or medicine, in such manner as to change the operation of such drug or medicine, or render the same worthless, or injurious to health, he shall be punished by fine not less than fifty nor more than five hundred dollars. l.'SO. General penalty. That no person shall within this state manufacture, offer for sale, or sell any article of food, wines, beers, fermented or distilled liquors or drugs, which is by him known to be adulterated, within the meaning of this law. Any person violating this provision, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall he punished by a tine not exceeding five hundred dollars. 181. Terms "food" and "drug" defined. The term food, as used in this law, shall include every article used for food or drink by man. The term drug, as used in this chapter, shall include all medicines for internal or external use. \'.V1. Adulteration defined. An article shall be deemed adulterated within the mean- ing of this chapter, (a) [n case of drugs: 1. If, when -old under or by a name recognized in the United states Pharmaco- poeia, it differs from the standard of strength, quality, or purity laid down therein. 2. If, when sold under or by a name not recognized in the United states Pharma- copoeia, but which Is found in some other Pharmacopoeia or standard work on mate- ria medica, it differs materially from the standard of strength, quality, or purity laid down in -mil work. :;. tf its strength or purity fall below the professed standard under which it is sold. ( b) In the case "I i< »od or drinks: 1. If any Bubstaiice <>r sub-tances has or have been mixed with it so as to reduce or lower or injuriously affect it- quality or strength. 2. If any inferior or cheaper substance or Bubstancee have been substituted, wholly or in part, for t he article. TEXAS. tt07 3. If any valuable constituent of the article lias been wholly or in part abstracted. 4. If it be an imitation of, or be sold under the name of another article. 5. If it consists, wholly or in part, of a diseased or decomposed or putrid or rotten animal or vegetable substance, whether manufactured or not; or in the ease of milk, if it is the produce of a diseased animal. 6. If it be colored or coated or polished or powdered, whereby damage is con- cealed, or it is made to appear better than it really is, or of greater value. 7. If it contains any added poisonous ingredient, or any ingredient which may render such article injurious to the health of a person consuming it; provided, that the state health officer may, with the approval of the governor, from time to time, declare certain articles or preparations to be exempt from the provisions of this law : and provided further, that the provisions of this act shall not apply to mixtui compounds recognized as ordinary articles of food; provided, that the same are not injurious to health, and that the articles are distinctly labeled as a mixture, stating the components of the mixture. 438. Exemptions; standards. It shall be the duty of the state health officer to pre- pare and publish, from time to time, lists of the articles, mixtures, or compounds declared to be exempt from the provisions of this law, in accordance with the pre- ceding article. The state health officer Bhall also, from time to time, fix the limits of variability permissible in any article of food or dru^r or compound, the standard of which is not established by any national Pharmacopoeia, 4.'J4. State health officer toenforce law; appropriations. The state health officer shall take cognizance of the interests of the public health, as it relates to the Bale of food and drugs, and the adulterations of the same, and make all necessary Investigations and inquiries relating thereto. He shall also have the supervision of the appoint- ment of public analysts and chemists, and upon his recommendation, whenever he shall deem any such officers incompetent, the appointment of any and every such officer shall he revoked, and be held to he void and of no effect. The State health officershall adopt such measures as may seem necessary to facilitate the enforcement of this law, and prepare rules and regulations with regard to the proper method of collecting and examining articles of food or drugs, and for the appointment of the isary inspector and analysts, and the said health officer shall be authorized to expend an amount not exceeding two thousand dollars, for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this law : and the sum of two thousand dollars is hereby appropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the purpose in this article piw [ded. 185. Samples for analysis; penalty for refusing .to sell same. Every person selling or offering or exposing any article of 1 1 or drug for sale, or delivering any article t<> purchasers, -hall he required to serve or supply any public analyst or other agent of t he state, or local health ollicer appointed under this law, who shall apply to him for that purpose, and on tendering the value of the ,-ame, with a -ample sufficient \>>r the purpose of analysis of any article w hich is included in this law , and w Inch is in the possession of the person selling, under a penalty not exceeding lifts- dollars for a first offense, and one hundred dollars for each subsequent offense. 186. Penalty for obstructing law. Any violations of the provisions of this law shall he treated and punished a- a misdemeanor; and whoever Bhall impede, obstruct, binder, or otherwise prevent any analyst, inspector, oi prosecuting officer in the per- formance of his duty, shall he guilty of a misdemeanor, and -hall be fined in any sum not less than fifty, aor more than live hundred dollars. 187. fainting <>/ regulations. All the regulations and declarations of th< health ollicer, made under this law, from time to time, and promulgated, -hall he printed for general distribution. Wilson's Criminal Statutes, 1896, Penal Code, title L2, ch. 2, pp. 166 :<' s BOS FOODS AND POOD CONTROL. The city council shall have power: Art. 422. Inspection. To establish or erect, or cause to be established or erected, markets and market houses, designate, control and regulate market places and priv- inspect and determine the mode of inspecting meat, fish, vegetables and all produce and every article and Lhing therein brought for sale. Bayle's Civil Statutes. L897, vol. 1, title is, eh. 4. p. 193. The city council shall have power: Art. 4:)7. Butchers. To make such rules and regulations in relation to butchers as they may deem necessary and proper. Art. 438. Inspection. To regulate the inspection of beef, pork, flour, meal, salt and other provisions whisky and other liquors to be sold in barrels, hogsheads, and other vessels and packages; to appoint weighers, gangers and inspectors, and pre- scribe their duties and regulate their fees. Art. 439. Bread. To regulate the weight and quality of the bread to be sold or used w ithin the city. Sayle's Civil Statutes, 1897, vol. 1. title 18, ch. 4, p. 195. FLOCK. Sec. 1. Standard weights for various meals. Meal products hereinafter mentioned shall have the following Standard weights, viz: Flour, one hundred and ninety-six pounds per barrel, or forty eight" pounds per sack; corn meal, bolted or unbolted, thirty-five pounds per sack, and feed made from cereals of any kind, whether pure, mixed or adulterated, one hundred pounds per sack. Fractional barrels and sacks shall weigh in the same proportion, and these weights shall be net and exclusive of the barrel or sack in which such product is packed. 2. Branding of name and weight. The correct name and the true net weight of the contents of each and every hogshead, barrel, box, cask, bale, sack or pack- age of any of the foregoing products, whether sold in single packages or lots, shall be plainly marked, branded or stenciled in large, legible letters and figures, nol less than two inches in size, upon the exterior of such hogshead, barrel, box. cask, bale, sack or package in a conspicuous place, as the head in case of hogsheads or barrels, and the front or branded side in case of sacks, bales <>r packages; and it shall bo unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, or the agent, employe or representa- tive of any person, firm or corporation to sell or exchange or offer for sale or exchange any of BUCh products SO packed or contained until t he pr< i\ision> hereof have been complied w ith. [duUerated products must be labeled. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, or the agent, employe or representative of any person, firm or corporation to sell or exchange or offer for sale or exchange, \\ nether in single pack- ages or lots, any product composed of mixed cereals of any kiml or any cereal adulterated in any manner, unless the word "adulterated" is plainly marked, printed or stenciled diagonally across the other marks or brands, if any. on the hogshead, barrel, box, bale, cask, Back or package containing the same, or in case there are arc' no other marks thereon, then across such hogshead, barrel, box, cask, bale, sac* or package, in a conspicuous place m large Legible Letters and figures ao1 Less than two inches in size. I. Penalty, [f any person shall knowingly violate the provisions of this \«'t he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction t hereof shall be fined in any sum not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one thousand dollars, and each transaction shall be deemed a separate offense. D Statutes. TEXAS. 609 Sec. 5. Repeal. All laws and parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed. Sec. 6. Effect. There being now no law to regulate the sale of certain mill products, the near approach of the close of the -session and the crowded condition of the docket, creates an emergency and imperative public necessity requiring bills to be on three several days, be suspended, and that this bill be placed upon its third reading and final passage. General Laws 1905, ch. 118, p. 227. 18621— No. 69, pt 7- UTAH. The food laws of this State are administered by the dairy and food commissioner. GENERAL FOOD LAWS. 4268. Poisoning food, milk, or water; penalty. Every person who wilfully mingles any poison with any food, drink, or medicine, with intent that the same shall be tak.n by any human being, to his injury, and every person who wilfully poisons any spring, well, stream, or reservoir of water, is punishable by imprisonment in the state prison for a term not less than one nor more than ten years. 4288. Adulterating food, drink, or drugs. Every person who adulterates or dilutes any article of food, drink, drug, medicine, spirituous, or malt liquor, or wine, or any art'iele useful in compounding them, with a fraudulent intent to offer the same, or cause or permit il to be offered for sale as unadulterated or undiluted, and every per- son who fraudulently sells, or keeps, or offers for sale, the same, as unadulterated or undiluted, is guilty of a misdemeanor. 4290. Saleof tainted food, etc. Every person who knowingly sells, or keeps, or ,r otherwise disposes of, any article of food, drink, drug, or medicine, Lug that the same has become tainted, decayed, spoiled, or otherwise unwhole- eomeorunfitto be eaten or drunk, with intent to permit the same to be eaten or drunk, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Revised Statu I. Dairy and food « ier appointment; term; compensation. The office oi dair) and food commissioner for the State of Utah, is hereby created. Such Com- . h; ,l! ,„ appointed by the I Governor, by and with the consent oi the Senate. and i,; term of office shall be for two years from the date of his appointment, and vacancies occurring in the office for any cause, shall be filled by appointment for the balance of the unexpired term. The salary of the Commissioner shall be $1,200 per annum, together with his necessary and actual expenses incurred in thedischai hit official duty, which shall be paid in the same manner as other State officers. ..,/.... || shall be the duty Of the Commissioner, and he is d with the powers to enforce all laws that now exist orthal max he.e- ,,,,.,. ,„ en acted in regarding the production, manufacture or sale oi dairy products, or the adulteration of any article of food, and regarding the , ime d or adulterated milk, and the feeding unwholesome food I cattle having infectious or contagious d nd said comn issioner tally, or by his deputy, inspeel any article of u>n,\, made or offered for ii| lMl this State which he mm suspect, or have reason to believe to be impure, unhealthy, adulterated, or counterfeit. Me shall also visil and inspeel the various the State, and shall have power to enforce prop* their managemenl and surroundings. \ml said Coi ahall personally, or b) his deputy, when complainl i " ' * n ) );1U reiatij , keeping upon the premises, forthe purpose oi feeding, ome food for cattle, or the keeping of cattle afflicted with an 3 ta niectiousd omediately inv< ttion violating any of the laws of this State, which it is the duty "l said Commissioner t<» enforce. (no T T TAH. 611 :-!. Examination* and analyses; searches and seizures; penalty for obstructing. Said Commissioner shall have power in the performance of his official duties to enter into any creamery, factory, store, salesroom, or other place or building, where he bag reason to believe that any food is made, prepared, Bold, «>r offered for sale, and to open any package, or receptacle of any kind containing, or supposed to contain, any such article, and to examine or cause to he examined and analyzed, the contents thereof; and the commissioner may seize or take, any article of food for analysis, but if the person from whom such sample is taken shall request him to do so, he shall, at the same time, and in the presence of the person from whom such property is taken, securely seal up two samples of the article seized or taken; one of which shall be for examination or analysis, under the direction of the commissioner, and the other of which shall be delivered to the person from whom the articles were taken. Any person who shall obstruct the commissioner by refusing to allow him entrance to any place which he desires to enter, in the discharge of Ins official duty, or who refuses to deliver to him, a sample of any article of food made, sold, offered, or exposed for sale, by such person, when the same is requested, and when the value thereof is tendered, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and punished by a fine of not exceeding twenty-live dollars for the first offence and not exceeding five hundred dollars nor less than fifty dollars for each subsequent offen Bbc. -1. County attorney to aid; disposal of fines. It shall be the duty of the county attorney in any county of the state, when called upon by the commissioner, to render any legal assistance in his power to execute the laws, and to prosecute cases arising under the provisions of this act: and all fines and assessments, collected in any pros- ecution begun or caused to be begun by said commissioner shall be paid into the state treasury. 8bc. 5. Report of commissioner; /ml, nation. Said commissioner shall make a bien- nial report to the Governor, which shall contain an itemized account of all expenses incurred and fines collected, with sued statistics and other information as he may regard of value; and. with the con» .t of the < rovernor, not exceeding one thousand copies thereof may be published annually as other official reports are published. '27. Adulteration or dilution offooda misdemeanor. Every person who adulter- ates or dilutes am article of food, or any article useful in compounding them, with a fraudulent intent to offer the same, or cause or permit it to be offered, for sale as unadulterated or undiluted, and every person who Bells, or keep-, or offers for sale, the same, as unadulterated or undiluted, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Definition of "food." That the term "food, 'as used in this hill, shall include all articles used for food, confectionery, flavoring, drink, or condiment, by mam whether simple, mixed or compound. The term "misbranded herein, shall apply to all article- of food, or articles which enter into the composi- tion of food, the package or label of which shall hear any statemenl regarding the ingredients or substances contained in such article, which statemenl shall be fa misleading in any particular; or any statemenl purporting to name the substances of which said article is made, which statement shall not fully give the names of all substances contained in measurable quantities, in such article, or which shall be false as to the State. Territory, ni -country in which the article is manufactui pn duced. 29. [dulteration defined. That for the pur p os e of this act, an article shall be deemed ;idu Iterated, in 1 he case of i 1 0T drink: First If an\ substance or substances has or have been mixed and packed with it. - to reduce or lower <>r injuriously affect its qualit) or stn that such product, when offered for sale, shall deceive or tend to deceive the | nd. If any substance or Bubstanot lave been substituted wholly or in part for the article, bo that the product when sold, shall deceive 01 tend to de the purchfl 612 FOODS AND Food CONTROL. Third. If any valuable constituent of the article has been wholly or in part abstracted, bo that the product when sold shall deceive or tend to deceive the punch Fourth. If it be an imitation of. <>r Bold under the specific name of any other article. Fifth. If it be mixed, colored, coated, powdered, polished. or stained in a manner whereby db g inferiority is concealed, so that such product when sold shall deceive or tend to deceive the purchaser. Sixth. If it contain any added poisonous ingredient, or any ingredient which may render snch article injurious to the health of the person consuming it. S enth. If it he labeled <>r branded so as to deceive or mislead the purchaser. Eighth. If it consists of the whole or part of a diseased, filthy, decomposed, or putrid animal or vegetable Bubstance, or any portion of an animal unfit for food, whether manufactured or not: or if it is the product of a diseased animal, or of an animal that has died otherwise than by slaughter. Adulterated candy. It shall be unlawful for any person to manufacture e. or knowingly offer for sale, any candy, adulterated by the admixture of terra-alba, baryta, talc or any like substance, or by poisonous colors, or flav< other matters deleterious or detrimental to health. 31. Unw) It shall b« unlawful for any person to knowingly sell, or keep, or offer for sale, any article of food, knowing that the same has become tainted, decayed, spoiled, <»r otherwise unwholesome or unfit to be eaten or drunk. My. Any person who shall violate any provision of this act, or who shall misbrand any package, containing any article of food, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not ban ten, nor more than one hundred dollars. And any article of food found in hi- d in violation of any provision of this act shall be subject to confisca- tion and spoliation. /. Sections 244'i to 2460, 729 to 74n, I J90, all inclusive, of tb< tea of Qtah, 1898, and Chapters 34 and 48 of the laws of Utah, 1899, are hereby repealed. - i .",4. fiat, of effect This act shall take effect upon approval. Approved March 2, 1903. Laws «.f Qtah, 1903, ch. 25, p. 1*-: 1. Appointment of State ehemitt The office of State Chemist is hereby created. Such Chemist -hall be appointed by the Governor, by and with the consent of the Senate, and his term of office shall be for two yean from the date of his appoint- ment; and vacancies occurring in the office from any cause, shall be tilled byaypoint- ment". for the balance of the unexpired term. The salary of the Chemist -hall be one thousand dollars per annum, which shall include all expenses incurred in the discharge of his official duty. of & M be the duty of the chemist to analyse all article- and drink utvd. sold and used, within this State, when sub- mitted to him by the State Dairy and Pood Commissioner, or the state Board of Health, and to make s biennial report to the hairy and F I ( iommissioner and the Board of Health, which report -hall contain a record of all analyses made by him, and BUCb other information at he may consider of value and interest. — Al " ' -hall take effect upon approval. Approved March 12, 1*.'":;. Lav, ch. 97, pp. B4 B6. UTAH. 613 DAIRY PRODUCTS/' Sec. 6. Milk standard; impure or adulterated milk prohibited. .Milk must contain not less than three per cent, of fat and twelve and one-halt per cent. Bolide. .Milk from which cream has been removed must be labeled and sold as •• < kim Milk." The sale of milk which is impure, unwholesome or adulterated, or from cows which are diseased, or fed upon the refuse of a distillery or brewery, or upon any substance deletereous'' to the quality of the milk, such as garbage, swill, or any substance in a state of putrefaction, or from cows kepi in connection with a family in which theft- is infectious disease, is prohibited. The addition of coloring matter or preservatives to milk is prohibited. Sec. 7. Proof in prosecutions for sale of impure milk. In all prosecutions or other proceedings under this or any other law of this State, relating to the sale or furnishing of milk, if it shall be proved that the milk sold, offered for sale, furnished, delivered, or had in possession with intent to Hell, offer for sale, furnish, or deli\ er as aforesaid, as pure, wholesome, and unskimmed, has been adulterated or diluted, or any pari of its .ream abstracted, or that it or any other part of it was drawn from any COW, within twenty days before or five days after parturition, or from any cow that has any disease, or ulcer or other running sore, then and in either case, the said milk shall be held and adjudged to have been adulterated, impure or unwh< ilesome, as the case may be. Beg s Skimmed milk must be labeled; standard. No person shall sell, exchange, deliver, or have in his custody or possession with intent to sell, exchange, or deliver, milk from which the cream or any part thereof has been removed, unless in a con- spicuous place, above the center, upon the outside of every vessel, can, or package, from or in which such milk is sold, the words "Skimmed Milk" are distinctly marked in uncoudensed gothic letters, each not less than one inch in height. Such skimmed milk shall not contain Less than nine per cent, of milk solids, exclusive of hits. 9. Tests. Proofs of adulterations and skimming may be made with such standard tests and lactometers as are used to determine the quality ^i milk, or by chemical analysis. Cream of standard purity shall be cream produced from normal milk, free from all kinds of additions and containing not less than twenty percent, of butter-fat. The sale of cream which is not of siandard puretj is prohibited. Sbc. 10. Preservatives prohibited; butter standard. No person shall Bell, or offer for Bale, consign, or have in his possession with intent to sell or otherwise dispose of to any person, any milk, cream, butter, cheese, or other dairy products, or shall deliver to ;m\ creamery or cheese factory, milk or cream to be manufactured into butter or cheese, to which boracicacid, formaldehyde, salicylic acid, viscogen, or compounds containing them, or any antiseptics, have been added. Butter of standard purity, shall be butter made from normal milk or cream, free from all kinds of additions, except salt ami harmless coloring matter, and shall contain not less than eighty-three per cent, of butter fat. to dairy cattle. No dairyman or other person Belling milk, butter, or cheese, shall ii-ii\ dairy cattle or keep "U hi- premises, for the purp feeding the same, any -will, brewer's malt, vinegar Blops, vinegar malt, distillery Bprouts, oian\ other f 1 which may make said butter, milk, or cheese, unwhole- some or unhealth j for u 12. Cattle with infectious diset N person selling, exchanging, furnishing, or delivering milk or dair) products, shall have in his possession, at an) place where milch cow - are kept, any cattle having tuberculosis, or other infectious or contagious disease. It shall be the duty of the Dair} and Food Commissioner of thi S.i in Statute- 614 FOODS AND FOOD CONTROL. case he shall find that cattle are kept in violation of the provisions of this act, to cause all such cattle having any contagious or infectious disease to be killed. Sec. L3. Skimmed-milk cheese. No person shall manufacture, or shall buy, sell, offer, ship, consign, expose, or have in his possession for sale, any cheese, manufac- tured from or by the use of skimmed milk to which there has been added any fat which is foreign to such milk. Sec. 14. Size of \sbimmed-milk cheese. No person shall manufacture, or shall buy, sell, offer, ship, consign, expose, or have in his possession for sale, within this Stale, any skimmed milk, cheese, or cheese manufactured from milk from which any of the fats, originally contained therein have been removed, except such cheese be not less than nine, nor more than eleven inches in diameter, and not less than nine inches in height. Sec 15. Imitation butter. Oleomargarine. No person shall render or manufacture, sell, ship, consign, offer for sale, expose for sale, take orders for the future delivery of, or have in his possession, with intent to sell, any article, product, or compound made wholly or partly out of any fat, oil, or oleaginous substance or compound thereof, not produced from unadulterated milk, or cream from the same, and with- out the admixture or addition of any fat, foreign to said milk or cream, which shall be an imitation of yellow butter, produced from pure, unadulterated milk or cream of the same, with or without coloring matter; provided, that nothing in this title shall be construed to prohibit the manufacture or sale of oleomargarine in a separate and distinct form and in such manner as will advise the consumer of its real charac- ter, but it must be free from coloration or ingredients that cause it to look like butter, and free from any word, brand, or marking, either upon the package or upon any wrapper or upon the contents of the same which would in anywise tend' to deceive the purchaser or consumer. Sec. 16. Oleomargarine sold as butter. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell, or offer for sale, to any person who asks, sends, or inquires for butter, any oleomar- garine, butterine, or any substance made in imitation or semblance of pure butter, and not made entirely from the milk of cows, with or without coloring matter. Sec. 17. Labels and placards for oleomargarine. It shall be unlawful for any person to expose for sale oleomargarine, butterine, or any similar substance, not marked and distinguished on the outside of each tub, package, or parcel thereof by a placard with the word "Oleomargarine" or "Butterine," and not having also upon the exposed contents of every open tub, package, or parcel thereof a conspicuous placard with the word "Oleomargarine" or "Butterine," such placard in each case to be printed in plain, uncondensed gothic letters, not less than one inch long, and to con- tain no other words thereon. Sec. 18. Signs on stores, etc., selling oleomargarine. It shall be the duty of every per- son who sells oleomargarine, butterine, or any similar substance from any dwelling, store, office, or public; mart, to have conspicuously posted thereon the placard or sign in letters not less than four inches in length, "Oleomargarine Sold Here," or "Butterine Sold Here." Such placard shall be approved by the Dairy and Food Commissioner. Sec. L9. Placards on wagons delivering oleomargarine. It shall be unlawful for any person to peddle, sell, solicit orders for the future delivery of, or deliver, from any vehicle, oleomargarine, butterine, or any similar substance, without having on the outside of both sides of said vehicle, the placard, in unconoYiised gothic letters, not less than three inches in length, "Oleomargarine" or "Butterine." Sec. 20. Notification of use of oleomargarine in hotels, etc. It shall he unlawful for any person to furnish, or cause; to be furnished, in any hotel, hoarding house, res- taurant, or at any lunch counter, oleomargarine, butterine, or any similar substance to any guest or patron of said hotel, hoarding-house, restaurant, or lunch counter, without lirst notifying each guest or patron that the substance so furnished is not butter. • UTAH. 615 21. Pure butter and cheese to be used in public institutions. Xo butter or ch not made wholly and directly from pure milk, or cream, .-alt, and harmless coloring matter, shall be used in any of the charitable or penal institutions of the State. Sec. 22. Search warrants. When complaint shall be made on oath to any magis- trate, authorized to issue warrants in criminal cases, that imitation butter, or imita- tion cheese, or any substance designed or intended to be used as a substitute for butter or cheese, is in the possession or under the control of any person or persons contrary to the provisions of the law of this State, and that the complainant believes that it is concealed in any particular warehouse, store or refrigerator for mercantile purposes, the magistrate, if he be satisfied that there is cause for such belief, shall issue a warrant for such x>roperty. Sec. 28. Contents of warrants. All such warrants shall describe and designate the place and property to be searched for, and shall be directed to the Sheriff of the county, or his deputy, or to any constable of the county, commanding such officer to search the house, building, store, or other place, where imitation butter, or imita- tion cheese, or any substance designed or intended to be used as imitation butter or cheese for which he is required to search, is believed to be concealed, and to bring such property when found, and the person or persons in whose possession the same shall be found, before the magistrate who issued the warrant, or before some other magistrate or court having cognizance of the case. Sec. 24. Seizure; analysis; confiscation. When any officer, in the execution of a search warrant, under the provisions of this act shall find any imitation butter or cheese, or any substance designed or intended to be used as an imitation of butter or cheese, and for which a search is allowed by this act, all the property so seized, shall be safely kept by the direction of the court or magistrate, so long as shall be neces- sary for the purpose of being produced as evidence on any trial; provided, that it shall be the duty of the officer who serves a search warrant, issued for imitation butter, or imitation cheese, or any substance designed or intended to be used as imitation butter or cheese, and alleged to be in his possession, or under the control of any person or persons contrary to law, to deliver to any person, authorized in writing to receive the same, a true and perfect sample of each article seized by virtue of such warrant, for the purpose of having the same analyzed: such analysis to be made by a chemist of any state institution, and the result of such analysis or test shall be recorded and preserved as evidence, and the expense of such analysis or test, not exceeding twenty dollars in anyone case, may be included in : such prosecution. If any sample be found to be imitation butter, or imitation cheese, or substance designed or intended to be used as an imitation of butter or chees< that the same, at the time of such seizure, was in the possession or- under the control of any person or persons contrary to any of the provisions or requirements of this act, then and in such case the property bo seized shall be confiscated under the direc- tion of the court or magistrate; otherwise the said property shall be forthwith returned to (he person or persons from whom it was taken, and no cost or expense shall be charged to such person or persons. Laws of Utah, L903, ch. 25, p. L8. Sec. 1. Uenovated butter to be branded. No person or persons, firms or corporation, by themselvi s or their agents or employee, shall sell, lie or expose for sale or have in his or their possession for .-ale any renovated butt' r, unless the same -hall have printed upon each and every package, roll, print, square, or anj contah such renovated butter the words " renovated butter" in letters no1 less than one- half inch in height, or who shall not havesecured from 1 Food and Dairy Commissioner, now existing under the laws of this Btal cense as provided hereinafter. 6K> FOODS AND FOOD CONTROL. Sec. 2. Renovated butter defined. The term renovated butter, as used in this art. is hereby defined to mean and include butter that lias been reduced to a liquid state by melting, and drawing off such liquid or butter oil and churning or otherwise manipulating it in connection with milk or any product thereof. Se< . 3. License. Any person or persons, firms or corporations, desiring to manu- facture or deal in renovated butter shall make application to the State Food and Dairy Commissioner for a license, ami upon payment of license fee of the amount mentioned herein, to the State Food and Dairy Commissioner, said State Food and Dairy Commissioner shall issue to the applicant a license. All such licenses shall expire December .'list of each year and may be issued in periods of one year or six months, upon payment of a proportionate part of the license fee. Manufacturers of renovated butter within this state shall pay an annual license fee of one thousand dollars; wholesale dealers shall pay an annual license fee of four hundred dollars; in such renovated butter retail dealers shall pay an annual license fee of fifty dol- lar-: hott Is, restaurants, boarding houses and all other places where meals are served and payment is received therefor, either immediately or by the day, week or month, where such renovated butter is used, shall pay an annual license fee of twenty-live dollar-. The term wholesale dealers, as used herein, includes all persons, arms or corporations, who shall sell renovated butter in quantities of ten pounds or more. The term retailers includes all persons who sell in quantities of less than ten pounds. All licenses while in force shall be conspicuously displayed in the place of business of the [arty or parties to whom they have been issued. The State Food and Dairy Commissioner -hall require all persons holding manufacturers or wholesale license-, as provided in this act, to keep a record in a form separate from all other business in which every sale of renovated butter shall be recorded, giving the quantity sold, the name and location of the buyer and the place to which it was shipped. Such record Bhall be accessible at all times to duly authorized representatives of the State Pood and Dairy Commissioner. Sec. 4. License to l>> paid into state treasury. All license fees paid to the state Food and Dairy Commissioner under this act shall he paid by said Pood and Dairy Commissioner into the State Treasury. •"). Penalty. Whoever shall violate any of the provisions or sections of this act shall be guilty <-f a misdemeanor, and shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished for the first offense by a line of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars; or by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than ten da\s and not exceeding thirty days; and for each subsequent offense, by a tine of not le— than fifty dollars nor more than two hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail lor not less than twenty days nor more than one hundred da\ s or l>\ both such line and imprisonment, at the discretion of the court. 6. County attorney must prosecute; payment <>jjin<-<. It shall he the duty of the County Attorney of each and every count} in the state, upon application to attend to the prosecution in the name of the State of any action brought for the violation of any of the provisions of this act within his district. A 1 of the tines imposed tor the ttion of anj of the provisions of this act -hall he paid to the county in which the fine i.- imposed. Approved March 9, bio."). Laws of L906, ch. 91, pp. L06-107. VINEGAR Standard; brands. All packages containing vinegar mud be branded with the name and address of the manufacturer. All vinegars must contain not less than four per cent, by weight of absolute acetic acid and must not contain any preparation a Penalty clause given under General Pood I .aw . sec. 32. UTAH. 617 of lead, copper, sulphuric acid, or any other mineral acids, vinegar eels or ingredients injurious to health. All vinegars made by fermentation and oxidation, must be branded " Fermented Vinegar," with the name of the fruit or substance from which the same is made; must be free from foreign substance, and must contain not less than one and three-fourths per cent, by weight, of solids contained in the fruit or grain from which said vinegar is fermented, and not Less than two and a half tenths of one per cent, ash or mineral matter, the same being the product of the material from which said vinegar is manufactured. All vinegars made wholly or in part from distilled liquor must be branded ''Distilled Vinegar" and must be free from harmful artificial coloring matter. Only vinegar made from pure apple juice, free from for- eign substances, drugs, or acids, and containing not less than one and three-fourths percent, by weight, of cider vinegar solids, can be sold as apple, orchard, or cider vinegar. Mall vinegar must be made from malt, by fermentation and oxidation without distillation, and contain by weight four per cent, absolute acetic acid, and yield upon evaporation at least two per cent, of malt solids. . 26. DUwted vinegar to be labeled. No person or persons, known as retailers who sell vinegar by the gallon, shall reduce by water or other mixtures, the strength of vinegar, purchased and sold by them, unless he shall mark in plain figures on said package or barrel, the strength of the vinegar, still contained in said package. haws of ('tab. 1903, ch. 25, p. 21. RULINGS <)N THE PURE Fool) LAWS OF MARCH 2, bun. 1. Labels. All foods manufactured, sold, offered or exposed for sale are held to be represented as pure, unless accompanied by adequate aotice to the contrary, in which case they must be distinctly labeled as "mixtures," or "compounds," or as "artifi- cial preparations." 2. Pure foods. Food sold as pun- must be true to name, of standard strength, quality ami purity, and not a compound, mixture or an artificial preparation or imitation. :;. Standards. Where no standard of strength, quality or purity i- tixed by law, the standard required shall be that adopted by the highest recognized authorities, such as the United states Pharmacopoeia, or the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. 4. Injurious ingredients. No food shall have added to it any substance or ingredient "which is poisonous "r injurious to health." ."). Worthless ingredients. No fraudulent or worthless article having little or no food value, shall be mixed with standard goods or substituted for them, and be sold as food under the label "compound " or" mixture; " but all foods sold under this < nation must be composed of substances recognized a- "ordinary article- or ingredients of articles of food." Vamt and address of manufacturer . Poods manufactured in Utah, except when' exempt by statute from such requirements, Bhould, for tin- purpose of identification, !.«• labeled with the name and address of the person or firm manufacturing them. Poods not mi marked are regarded a- suspicious. 7. Artificial extract*. Artificial preparation- or imitation.- shall not be labeled '•extract-." but must be labeled a- "artificial vanilla extract-.*' etc. Oolormg matter. The use, in f I. of a moderate quantity of coloring matter that is not poisonoofl or injurious to health, ia not prohibited, provided tin- are otherwise pur.- and of standard quality; except in caseoi oleomargarine, milk and cream. 9. Preservatives. Articles of food that can he prepared by the nee of impi processes, bo as to preserve them from decaj or change, -hail have no preservative added, other than -alt. s\ nip. BUgar, -pi. e. vinegar or m 1 -moke. 618 FOODS \xi> POOD CONTROL. 10. / rd. VvTien an " extract " is below standard, and ataine a sufficient quantity of the substance after which it is named to entitle it to be labeled as a "compound" or "mixture," the percentage of its distinguishing Lent or ingredients should be stated on its label. 11. '. Dry mustard i ore. A preparation of mustard, vinegar and Id if labeled " stard." Mustard may also be sold when ; with vinegar, spices and sufficient starch to secure a mild flavor, it Lai ared mustard, compoun 12. Spic -. Mixl ires of its valuable by-produc r with pepper hulls, >m which part of the essential oil has been removed, must be labeled "•ompound" »r "mixture." Spic* acts, themselves - i ■; under their own distinctive nan,.-. 13. Coffee. Coffee mixed with chicor . etc., cannot be sold as npound." 14. / i articles may be sold if they have name of the adulterant plainly printed on tin- label. 1-"'. Candy and confi <• from inert mineral matter. an074-. Slaughter of calves. A person who kills or causes to be killed, with intent to Bell the meat thereof for family use, a calf le.-s than four weeks old, or knowingh sells or ha- i'i his possession such meat with intent to sell the same in the state, or •1 the same for such use to any foreign market, shall he punished as provided in th«- preceding section. 5075. Penalty for adding injurious ingredients to foods. A person who fraudulently adulterates, for the purpose of sale, bread «>r lienor or any substance intended for food or drink, with a substance injurious to health, or who knowingly sell- adulterated food or drink, shall he imprisoned in the state prison nol more than two or fined not more than three hundred dollar.-: and the article- -. . adulterated shall be forfeited and destroyed under the direction i>\ the court Statutes 1894, p. 905. I. Adulteration prohibited. No person shall sell, or oi le, anya< ated drug or Bubetance to be used in the manner of medicine, or an] i article of food or substance to be used in the manner of food or drink, for man or domestic animals. [dulu ration defined. If any food or substance intended to be eaten i i in the manner of f 1 or drink, contains a l< than is contain* d in the genuine ai I foreign to the well known article under w hose name it is sold, • polished or powdered, whereby dded poiw I lent, or ' i' >11_\ or pa stance, or has ured from age or ii all be deemed to be adulterated w ithin the m< I. Penalty. Whoever fraud u artii le of f 1 or drink, di i nth adul- terated article of food or drink, drug runwhole- 620 POODS AND FOOD CONTROL. ■ some provisions as defined in this act, shall be imprisoned not exceeding one year, or fined not more than four hundred dollars. Sec. 5. Sampling. Every person offering or exposing for sale any drug or article of food within the meaning of this act, shall furnish to any member of the state board of health, or any local health officer, who shall apply to him for the same and tender him its value in money a sample sufficient for the purpose of the analysis of such drug or article of food. Sec. 6. Analysis requested of State hoard of health; prosecution. Any person who has reason to doubt the purity or genuineness of any article of food which he has pur- chased, may send at his own expense a sealed sample of it to the laboratory of hygiene of the state board of health for inspection. If upon examination the article appears to be adulterated, the board may obtain a certified sample of it, and should this sample prove to be adulterated, the board shall begin proceedings at once against the vendor. Sec. 7. Penalty for hindering health officers. Whoever hinders, obstructs, or in any way interferes with any member of the state board of health or any local health officer in the performance of his duties under this act, shall be fined not more than fifty dollars for the first offense, and for each subsequent offense shall be lined one hundred dollars. Sec. 8. Duplicate sample. Before commencing the analysis of a sample, the ana- lyst shall reserve a portion, which shall be sealed; and in case of a complaint or indictment, part of the reserved portion of the sample alleged to be adulterated shall. upon application, ho delivered to the defendant or his attorney, and pari to the sec- retary of the state board of health. '.». Adulteration of liquor; penalty. Whoever adulterates, for the purpose of sale, any Liquor used or intended for drink, with cocculus indicus, vitriol, grains of paradise, opium, alum, capsicum, copperas, laurel-water, logwood. Brazil wood, cochineal, sugar of lead, or any other substance which is poisonous or injurious to health, or knowingly sells any such Liquor so adulterated, shall be imprisoned not exceeding one year, or be fined not more than one thousand dollars. lo. Slaughter of calves. Whoever kills, or causes to be killed, for the purpose of sale for food, a calf less than four weeks old, or knowingly sells, or has in possee sion with intent to sell, for food, the meat of any such calf, shall be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, or fined not more than fifty dollars, or both. 1 ]. Authority of health officer; inspection and seizures. The health officer of any city, town or village may inspect the carcasses of all slaughtered animals intended for food for men, and all meat, fish, vegetables, produce, fruit or provisions of any kind found in their cities or towns, and for- such purposes may enter any building, enclosure or other place in which such carcasses or articles arc stored, kept or exposed for -ale. If. on such inspection, it is found that such carcasses or articles are designed for food for man and are tainted, diseased, corrupted, decayed, unw holes.. me, or from any cause unfit for food, the hoard of health shall seize the same and cause it or them to he destroyed forthwith, or disposed of otherwise than for food. The powers conferred in this section UDOD local health otlicers, arc conferred upon any mem her of the state hoar. I of health lo perform the same acts in any part of the State. . 12. Destruction of adulterated products. Any meat, unwholesome provisions or article- —Id, kept or offend for -ale ior food or drink for human beings, and any articles adulterated in violation of any of the preceding sections, shall be deemed a public nuisance and summarily destroyed. 17. Adulterated candy to be forfeited. No person shall by himself, his servant lit. or :i- the Bervant or agent of any other person or corporation, manufacture e, or know ingly sell or offer for -ale, any candy adulterated by the admixture of terra alba, barytes, talc, or any other mineral substance, by poisonous colors or flavor- or other ingredients, deleterious or detrimental to health, and the candy so adulterated -hall he forfeited and clestruv< .1 u ction of the court. VERMONT. tf21 Sec. 18. Rules and regulations of State board of health. The state board of health shall, as soon as may be after this act takes effect, adopt such rules and regulations, not inconsistent with existing laws, as it deems necessary to facilitate the enforce- ment of the provisions of this act, and for the collecting and examining of drugs, foods, liquors, and candy, articles of clothing, fabrics, wall paper or anything con- taining poisonous pigments or substances whereby the health of any person may be injured. Said board shall cause said rules and regulation- to be printed in pamphlet form for distribution, shall furnish to each local health officer a sufficient number of copies to supply the members of the local board of health and all practicing physi- cians in such town, and furnish to each town clerk a sufficient number of copies for distribution under the provisions of law as to the distribution of the acts and resolves of the genera] assembly; and it shall be the duty of said local health officers and town clerks to distribute the same. Any violation of any such rule or regulation made under the provisions of this act, after the publication and distribution of such rules and regulations, shall be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars. — As amended December ,\ 1904, Laws of 1904% No. 144, p. -0..'. Sbc. L9. Penalty. If any person violates any of the provisions of this act, for which no penalty is hereinbefore provided, he shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars and not less than fifty dollars. m < . 20. Jurisdiction. Justices of the county shall have concurrent jurisdiction with the county court of offenses under this act to the extent of fining the respon- dent fifty dollars, or may bind him over for trial by county court. Any state's attorney, grand juror or other public prosecuting officer may institute prosecutions for violations of this act'. 3» . '-'1. st securel) sealed with a label thereon stating the time when, place where the Bample rawn, from whose milk taken, and signed by the person taking the same and by one or more disinterested witnesses. Upon requests like sample shall be to auch person, his a rvant, for w Inch a • taking or drawing the same. 1331. Milk Standard. Standard milk -hall contain not half p< r cent, oi not less I h of total 3 ept in the months of Ma) and June, when it shall contain not less than e per cent, of to le at the experiment -tat ion, and an offici r or employee there in making tests shall be fined one thousand doll 1832. / to he marked • i- i tail :tt a ci i ill 1m« lined not more than ll ree h\ • dol an an that a person □ " private creami 624 FOODS A XD Fool) CONTROL. 4-3.'{.'J. Jurisdiction. Justices shall have concurrent jurisdiction with the county court in prosecutions under the six preceding sections. Statutes, 1894, p. 777. 4\n~). Penalty for sale of diluted or adulterated milk. A person who knowingly sells or furnishes or offers to sell milk diluted with water or adulterated, shall forfeit to the person to whom such milk is sold or furnished not more than one hundred dollars and not less than twenty-live dollars, to be recovered in an action on this statute before a justice. 4-i>7<». Penalty for selling diluted or adulterated milk to butter and cheese manufactories. A person who knowingly sells, supplies or brings to he manufactured to a butter or cheese manufactory in the state, milk diluted with water, or adulterated, or milk from which cream has been taken, or keeps back part of the milk known as " strip- pi njzs; " or knowingly brings or supplies milk to a butter or cheese manufactory. that is tainted or partly sour from want of care in the keeping of strainers, or vessels in which said milk is kept; or a butter or cheese manufacturer who knowingly uses or directs his employees to use cream from the milk brought to said butter or cheese manufacturers, without the consent of the owners thereof, shall forfeit not more than one hundred dollars, and not less than twenty-five dollars, to be recovered in an action founded upon this statute, before a justice, in the name and for the benefit of those upon whom such fraud is committed. Statutes 1894, p. 867. Si:<\ 1. Month!;/ report from creameries. Every owner, operator or manager of a creamery in this state, whether cooperative or proprietary, shall make and deliver monthly to each patron of said creamery a statement of the number of pounds of milk or cream such patron delivers for that month, together with the test, pounds of butter fat, gain per cent, from the churn, and the price paid for the same -hall be computed by the number of pounds of butter fat. Said monthly statement sent to • ■ach patron shall contain the total number of pounds of butter made for that month. Asa,, icuh d December 9, I90.' t , Laws of 1904, No. ill, p. 196. 2. I'm ■, \fixed by amount of hatter fat in milk. Any owner, operator or manager of any creamery whether co-operative or proprietary, who sells or otherwise disposes of any of the milk or cream received at such creamery shall weigh and carefully sample the same, and shall test such samples for the purpose of ascertaining the Dumber of pounds of butter fat in such milk or cream sold or otherwise disposed of and the price paid lor the same shall be computed by the number of pounds of butter fat. — As amended December 9, 1904, Laws of 1904, No. til, p. 196. Bbc. ::. Monthly report from cheese factories. The owner, operator or manager of any cheese factory in the state, whet her co-operative or proprietary, shall make and deliver to each of the patrons of said factory a statement represent iim the number of pounds of milk he delivers for each month, together wit h t he test and actual num- ber of pounds of cheese produced by such milk for said month. And the price paid for tin- same shall be Computed on actual number of pounds of chee-.-. i. Repeal. Repealed December!*, L904; Laws of L904, No. in. p. 126. -i..:.. Repeal. Repealed December9, L904; Lawaof L904, No. m, p. L26. 6. Penalty. An\ manager or proprietor of any creamer] in this state, who fails to comply w ith ;iiiv of the provisions of this act, on conviction in a court of Com- petent jurisdiction shall be lined Qol less than ten nor more than twenty-live dollars breach offense. — As amended December 19, 1909, Public Acts 1909, No. 81, i>. 76, <>ud as further amended December 9, 1904, Laws of 1904, No. Ill, p. t Bbc. 7. Repeal, Repealed Decembers, L904, Laws of L904, No. in, p. L25 Approved November 29, L898. Public- Acts 1898, No. 82, pp. 69 VERMONT. 625 Sec. 1. Testing and marking of pipettes; cost. All bottles, pipettes or other measur- ing glasses used by any person, firm or corporation, or their agents or employes, at any creamery, butter factory, cheese factory or condensed milk factory, or elsewhere in this state, in determining by the Babcock test, or by any other test, the value of milk or cream received from different persona <»r parties at such creameries or fac- tories, shall, before such use, be tested for accuracy of measurement and for accuracy of the per cent scale marked thereon. It shall be the duty of the superintendent of the dairy school of the University of Vermont and State Agricultural College to des- ignate some competent person to test the accuracy of such bottles, pipettes, or other measuring glasses. The person thus designated shall so mark such bottles, pipettes or other measuring glasses as are found correct in marks or characters which cannot be erased, which marks or characters shall stand as proof that they have been bo tested; and no incorrect bottles, pipettes or other glasses shall be thus marked. The superintendent of the dairy school shall received a for such service the actual cost incurred and no more, the same to be paid by the persons or corporations for whom it is done. 8b . 2. Certificate for milk testers; cost. Each and every person who, either for him- self or in the employ of any other person, firm or corporation, manipulates the Bab- cock test, or any other test, whether mechanical or chemical, tor the purpose of measuring the contents of butter fat in milk or cream as a basis for apportioning the value of such milk or cream, or the butter or cheese made from the same, shall secure a certificate from the superintendent of the dairy school of the University of Vermont and State Agricultural College that he or she i< competent and well quali- fied to perform such work. The rules and regulations in the application for such certificate and in the granting of the Bame shall be such as the superintendent of the school may arrange. The fee for issuing such certificate -hall in no case exceed one dollar, the simc to be paid by the applicant to the superintendent of the dairy school and to be used by the superintendent in meeting the expenses incurred under this section. S» :;. Penalty; disposal of fines. Any person or persons violating any of the pro- visions of this act. shall, on conviction in a court of competent jurisdiction be fined not more than t wenty-tive dollars for the first offence, and not more than fifty dollars for each subsequent offence. It shall be the duty of every sheriff, deputy sheriff and constable to institute complaint against any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this act. and. on conviction, one-half of the tines shall go to the complainant and the balance to the state. Approved November 19, L898. Public Axts L898, No. Bl, pp. < I. Labeling of butter substitutes. Whoever, by himself or his agents, sells, exposes for -ale. or has in hi- possession with intent to sell, any article, substance or compound, made in imitation or semblance of butter or as a Substitute for butter, and not made exclusively and wholly of milk or cream, or containing any fats, oils OSenot produced from milk or cream, -hall have the word-, •'imitation bul or if such substitute i- the compound known as oleomargarine, then the word, "oleomargarine," or if it is known as butterine, then the word, u butterine," Btamped, labeled or marked in a straight line in printed letter- of plain, uncondensed Gothic type, not less than one-half inch in length, bo that said words cannot be. I, upon the top, side and bottom of every tub, firkin, box or p. itain- ing any of said articles, substances or compounds. The stamp, lab.' contain no other words. Ami u boever, by, himself or ! sale any of the said article, substance or compound not in the original pa< attach t > the said article, substance or compound, in aconspicuou in Statute-. 18621 v. 09, pt . 626 FOODS A XI) FOOD CONTROL. ing the words, "'imitation butter," "oleomargarine," or " butterine," as the article may be, in printed letters of plain, oncondensed Gothic type, not less than one-half inch in length. And in eases of retail sales of any such article, substance or com- pound not in the original packages, the seller shall by himself or his agents, attach to each package bo sold, and shall deliver therewith to the purchaser, a label or wrapper bearing in a conspicuous place upon the outside of the package the words '•imitation butter," "oleomargarine," or "butterine," and no other words, in printed letters in a straight line of plain, uncondensed Gothic type, not less than one-half inch in length. Sec. -. Labeling of imitation cheese. Whoever, by himself or his agents, sells, exposes for Bale, or has in his possession with intent to sell, any article, substance or compound, made in imitation or semblance of cheese, or as a substitute for cheese, and not made exclusively and wholly of milk or cream, or containing any fats, oils or grease not produced from milk or cream, shall have the words " imitation ch< stamped, labeled, or marked in printed letters of plain Roman type, not less than one inch in length, so that said words cannot be easily defaced, upon the side of every cheese-cloth or band around the same, and upon the top and side of every tub, firkin, box or package containing any of said article, substance or compound. And in cases of retail sales of any of said article, substance or compound not in the origi- nal packages, the seller shall, by himself or his agents, attach to each package - (1 sold at retail, and shall deliver therewith to the purchaser, a label or wrapper bear- ing in a conspicuous place upon the outside of the package the words " imitation cheese,*' in printed letters of plain Roman type not less than one-half an inch in length. Sir. :;. Penalty for defacing labels, etc. Whoever sells, exposes for sale, or has in his -don with intent to sell, any article, substance or compound made in imitation or semblance of butter or cheese, or as a substitute for butter or cheese, except as provided in the two preceding sections, and whoever, with intent to deceive, defaces, erases, cancel- or removes any mark, stamp, brand, label or wrapper provided for in said sections, or in any manner shall falsely label, stamp or mark any box, tub, article <>r package marked, stamped or labeled as aforesaid, shall for every such offense forfeit to the city or town where the offense was. committed one hundred dollars, and for a second and each Bubsequenl offense two hundred dollars. 4. Penalty for false labeling. Whoever, by himself or his agents, .-ell.-, exposes for sale, or has in his possession with intent to sell, any article, substance or com- pound, made in imitation or semblance of butter or as a substitute for butter, and not made exclusively and wholly of milk or cream, or containing any fats, oil or grease not produced from milk or cream, contained in any box, tub, article or pack- age, marked or labeled with the wind, "dairy," or the word, "creamery," or the name of any breed of dairy cattle, shall for even BUCh offense forfeit to the city or town w here the offense was committed one hundred dollars, and for a second and Subsequent offense tWO hundred dollars. ,5. Definitions. For the purposes of this act the terms "butter" and "ch< -hall mean the products which are usuall) known bj these names and are manufac- tured exclusively from milk or cream with Ball and rennet and with or without coloring matter. Ution. The -tale's at ton icy sha 1 1 inst it ulc coiu| ilaints for violations of the provisions of the five preceding sections when he has reasonable cause to believe th.it such provisions have been violated, and <»n the information of any person who before him satisfactory evidence by which to Bustain .-neb complaint Said state'- attorney may enter all places where butter or cheese is stored or kept for sale, and said attorney shall also take specimens of Buspected butter and cheese and cause t hem to be analyzed or otherwise satisfactorily tested, the resull of which analysis or VERMONT. 627 test he shall record and preserve as evidence. The expense of such analysis or test. not exceeding twenty dollars in any one rase, may be included in the co>t of such prosecutions. 7. Repeal. Sections 4334, 4335, 4336, 4337, 4338, 4339, 4340 oi Chapter Is:;. Vermont Statutes, are hereby repealed. Approved November 27, 1900. Public Acts, 1900, p. 46. FLOUR. 4303. Inspector appointed. The board of civil authority in each town may, at a meeting called for that purpose, appoint an inspector of Hour, who shall not be a manufacturer or deak r in flour either directly or indirectly, and who shall be 8 worn, and may appoint deputies, for whose acts he shall be responsible; and such board may. at a regular meeting, remove such inspector, when such removal is for the public good. Such inspector shall hold office until the first day of December following his appointment, unless sooner removed. 4.'{()4. Inspection. Each inspector of flour, in the town for which he is appointed, shall inspect Hour packed in barrels or half-barrels, tor sale or exportation. 4805. "Barrel" defined. A barrel of flour shall contain one hundred and ninety- six pounds, and a naif-barrel ninety-eight pounds. 4306. Branding by manufacturer. A manufacturer of flour shall brand Legibly, on the head of each barrel or cask of Hour by him exported or Bold, the words "extra." "fancy," "superfine No. L," or- "superfine No. 2," "scratched superfine," "fine," and "fine middling," according to the quality of the Hour, and the true tare or weight of each barrel or cask, and the weight of its content.-, with the first letter of the christian name, and tin; surname at length, of the inspector who inspected the same. 4807. Fine for misbranding, etc. A manufacturer of Hour who sells or export- a barrel or cask of Horn- which contains Less than the Dumber of pounds required b) law. or is not branded as required in the preceding section, or is falsely branded in any particular, or has not been inspected previous to Buch sale or exportation by an inspector, shall be lined ten dollars. 4808. Branding by inspector as to quality. An inspector of Hour shall, when flour is inspected by him, ascertain the quality of the contents of each barrel or cask, and brand legibly on the head of each barrel or cask the words "extra. "■ "fancy," "superfine No. 1." or "superfine No. 2," "scratched superfine," "•tine." and "fine middling," according to the quality, unless the same has been previously and cor- rectly branded; and where the same has been previously and incorrectly branded, he shall alter the brand according to the quality; and he -hall brand in the same manner barrels or caflkfl containing Hour BO damaged a- to be unlit for use, w ith the word " bad." 1800. Inspection as to weight, lie shall ascertain the weight of each barrel or cask by him inspected, and if containing the number of pounds required by law. shall brand said weight Legibl] on the head of each barrel or cask, if QOt previous rectly branded, and brand in the same manner each barrel or cask not containing the number of pounds required by law with the word "light;" he -hail ascertain by examination the weight of caski or barrels which he suspects are falsel) or rectly marked, and correct the mark of the tare thereon, if falsely or incorrectly marked 1810. Misbranding by inspector. \n inspector of flour wit i cask containing flour that he has not inspected, or marks a fain j him inspected, shall be lined ten dollaj 181 l a Misbranding in general. A person not an in ■•■ cask containing Hour, in the manner directed in thw < ■ fined ten dollai 628 FOODS AND FOOD CONTROL. 431*2. Sale without inspection. A persoo who sells or offers for sale, flour by the barrel, before the same has been inspected, agreeably to the provisions of this chap- ter, unless the same has been inspected in another state or territory, agreeably to tli*' laws thereof, and marked or branded accordingly, shall be fined live dollars for each barrel of Hour so sold, or offered for sale. This section shall not extend to flour brought into this state, and transported out of this state, either by the importer of such Hour <>r the person to whom such flour is sold by the importer, whether such flour is sold before or after it is brought into the state. 4:>1*>. Samples. A flour inspector shall not draw more than two ounces of flour from a barrel inspected by him. 4314. Pay for inspection. He shall receive one cent, and no more, for each barrel or ca«k ot* flour inspected by him. Statutes, L894, p. 77:;. LARD. 4.'{41. Labeling of compound products. No person by himself, his agent or servant, shall prepare, sell or expose for sale lard or any substance intended for use as lard, which contains any ingredient but the pure fat of swine, in any tierce, bucket, pail or other package under a label bearing the words "pure," "refined," or "family," alone or in combination with other words, unless the package containing the same - upon the outside thereof, in Letters not less than one-fourth of an inch long, the words "compound lard." 4.'>4'2. Penalty. A person violating the provisions of the preceding section shall l»e fined not more than fifty dollars for each offense. Statutes. L894, p. 77s. MAPLE PRODUCTS A\I> HONEY. 4.'{44. A person who adulterates maple BUgar, maple syrup, or bees' honey with cane BUgar, glucose, or any substance whatever, for the purpose of sale, or who know- ingly sells maple sugar, maple syrup or bees' honey that has been adulterated, shall be punished by a tine of not more than two hundred dollars and not less than fifty dollars for each offense. One-half of such tine shall go to the complainant. Statutes, L894, p. 779. WATER I. State board of health in charge of water supplies. The state board of health shall have the general oversighl and care of all water-, atreamsand ponds used by any cities, tow ns, villages or public institutions or by any water or ice companies in this state as sources of water supply, and of all springs, streams and watercourses tributary thereto, [t shall have power to call for, and when it calls for il shall be provided with, maps, plans and documents suitable for such purposes at the expense of .-ii.li city, town, village, public institutions, water or ice company, and shall keep records of all its transactions relative thereto. Said board shall have authority to prohibit any town, city, village, public institution, individual or water or ice com- pany from using water or ice bom any given source whenever in its opinion the Bame is bo contaminated, unwholesome or impure that the use thereof endangers the public health. And the board <>t* chancery shall have jurisdiction and DOWOr, upon application therefor h\ the state hoard of health, to enforce by proper order and decree any order, rule or regulation which said board may make under and by \ir- tue of this section. la amended November i> 1 otoa of 1904, No. t$9, p. 185. 8bc. "-'• Examinations; mnitary regulations. Said board may cause examinations of such waters to be made to ascertain their purity and fitness for domestic use, or their liability to impair the interests of the public or of persons lawfully using them VERMONT. 629 or to imperil the public health. It may make rules and regulations to prevent the pollution and to secure the sanitary protection of all such waters as are used as sources of water supply. Sec. 3. Publication of regulations; affidavit. The publication of an order, rule or regulation made by the board under the provisions of section two or six here the newspaper of any town or village in which such order, rule <»r regulation is to take effect, or, if no newspaper is published in such city, town or village, the posting of a copy of such order, rule or regulation in three public places in such city, town or village, shall be legal notice to all persons, and an affidavit of such publication or posting by the persons causing such notice to be published <»r posted, filed and recorded with a copy of the notice in the office of the clerk of such city, town or vil- lage, shall be admitted as evidence of the time at which and the place and manner in which the notice was given. Sec 4. Biennial report of board; notice to Sate 1 8 attorney. Said board, shall include in its biennial report to the general assembly, its doings for the preceding biennial term and shall recommend measures for the prevention of tin; pollution of such waters and for the removal of polluting substances, in order to protect and develop the rights and property of the state therein and to protect the public health, and shall recommend any legislation or plans for systems of main sewers necessary i- r the preservation of the public health and for the purification and prevention of pol- lution of the ponds, streams and waters of the slate. It shall also give notice to the state's attorney for the county wherein any violation of the law relative to the pol- lution of the water supplies occurs. It shall have power to employ such expert assistants as it considers necessary. 5. Proposed systems 6f water supply y drainage, etc.; board an advisory body. Cities, towns, villages and persons shall submit to said board For its advice their pro- ems of public water supply or for the disposal of drainage or sewage. Said boards shall consult with and advise the authorities of the cities, towns, \ Ulagefi and persons having or about to have systems of public water supply, drainage or Bewage, as to the most appropriate BOUrcefi <r company. Ail damages caused by such change shall be paid by such city, town, village or company; and if the parties cannot agree thereon such city, town, village or company shall tender to the parties sustaining damages such a sum of money as in their judgment is a reasonable compensation for the damages sustained. Who- ever is aggrieved by an order under the provisions of the preceding section or with the sum so tendered as damages may appeal therefrom in the manner provided in Vermont Statutes sections :i">l4 to 3317 inclusive, relating to highways. But the notice therein provided for shall Deserved on thepartjtor parties who an- petitioners in fact under section six of this act, and also upon the state hoard of health. If the appeal he only from the compensation for damages, the order of the hoard shall he complied with during the pendency of such appeal unless otherwise authorized by -aid hoard. 7. Jurisdiction. The court of chancery shall have jurisdiction and power upon an application thereto by the state hoard of health or any party interested to enforce it< orders, or the orders, rules and regulations of said hoard of health, and to restrain tin- use or occupation of the premises or such portion thereof a.- said hoard may spec- ify, on which said material is deposited or kept or such other cause of pollution exist>, until the orders, rules and regulations of said hoard have been complied with. B. Inspection. Said hoard of health may by itself, its servants and agents, enter any building, structure or premises for the purpose of ascertaining whether sources of pollution or danger to the water supply there exist and whether the rules, regula- tions and orders aforesaid are obeyed. 9. Penalty. Whoever violates any rule, regulation or order, made under the provisions of section two or section six of this act shall be punished for each offense by :i fine of not more than five hundred dollars, to the use of the state, or by impris- onment for not more than one year, or by both such line and imprisonment. Sec. 10. Dischargi of sewage, etc., into streams and /><>ii( chancery. The court of chancery, upon the appli- cation of a mayor of a city, the selectmen of a town, the trustees or bailiffs of an incorporated village, the managing board or officer of a public institution, or a wan r or ice company interested, shall have jurisdiction in equity to enjoin the violation of the pro\ isions of section ten. mi. 13. Sewagi regulations; penalty. Whoever wilfully deposits excrement or foul or decaying matter in water which is used for the purpose of domestic water supply <.r on the -hore thereof within five rods of tin- water shall be punished bj a fine of not more than fifty dollars or bj imprisonment for not more than thirty days; and a constable of a t-.w n or police officer of a city or \ illage in w huh such water is u holly or partially situated, may act within the limits of his city or town and any executive officer or agent of a water board, hoard of water commissioners, public institution or water company furnishing water or ice for domestic purposes, acting upon the premises of BUCh board, institution or companx and not more than live rods from VKRMONT. 631 the water, may without a warrant arrest any person found in the act of violating 'the provisions of this section and detain him until complaint may be made against him therefor. But the provisions of this section shall not interfere with the sewer- age of a city, town, village or public institution, or prevent the enriching of land for agriculture by the owner or occupant thereof. 14. Safaris awl expenses of i,aar OF 1 1 k \i.in. 1 1 enry 1 >. I Ioi.ton, St '•/' tary. Honest labels. — All canned and bottled goods^must bear the nana* and add? the manufacturer or packer, and shall be labelled bo as to give true information regarding the contents, and any package with a label bo worded or in type of such size or colour as to (intentionally) deceive the purchaser, shall be deemed an adul- terated article. Antiseptics and preservatives. — Salicylic acid, benzoic acid, boric acid, hydrofluoric acid, Bulphurous acid, and compounds of these acids formaldehyde or formalin and various mixtures known to the trade as " Freezine," ■• Iceine," " Formol," •' rVeser- vatines" of various kinds, etc., are antiseptics and foods or food products containing them are adulterated except where specifically permitted. The use of salt. - vinegar, saltpetre and w l-smokes, as employed in curing meat, are not prohibited. Baking powder. — Baking powders must consist only of wholesome materials, the names of which shall be stated on the label, and shall give at least ten | lo per cent, of their own weight of carbonic acid gas on addition of water. Quantity of sample required — one-half pound in original package. Butter. butter is the product obtained by gathering in any manner the fat of fresh <.r ripened milk or cream into a mass which also contains a Binall portion of the other milk constituents with or without salt and -hall contain not less than eighty-two and five-tenths (82.fi per cent, of butter hit. Butter may contain addi- tional coloring matter of a harmless nature. Renomted or process butter. Renovated or Process Butter is the product obi by melting bnttei and reworking without the addition or use of chemicals or Bubstances except milk, cream or sail and shall contain not more than sii ent. of water and must contain at least eighty-two and five-tenths I cent, iif butter fat. butter or milk fat is the fat of milk and ha- B number uol less than twenty- four (24) and a Bpecific gravit) not less than I io C. i" I Quantity of -ample required one-half pound. Oandy. Candj i- a product prepared from a saccharine subsl with or without the addition of harmless coloring, flavoring or filling mat must contain no terra alba, barytes, talc, chrome yellow, or other min< or poisonous colors or flavors or other ingredients injurious to health. Quantity of -ample required of one I ir.d one-half pound. 632 FOODS AND FOOD CONTROL. ( 'armed goods. — Canned goods must bear the name and address of the packer. It" dried before packing, they must be labelled "soaked or bleached" goods in letters' not less than two line pica in size. The use of peas or other vegetables greened with copper is prohibited. Quantity of sample required — two one pound cans in original package. Catsups. — Catsups are preparations of tomato pulp and spices, and must contain no added coloring material or preservatives. Quantity of sample required — one pint in original bottle. Cheese. — (1) Cheese is the solid and ripened product obtained by coagulating the casein of milk by means of rennet or acids, with or without the addition of ripening ferments and seasoning. Cheese may also contain added coloring matter of harmless nature. (2) Whole milk, 'or lull cream, cheese, is cheese made from milk from which no portion of the fat has been removed. (3) Skim-milk cheese, is cheese made from milk from which any portion of the fat has been removed. (4) Cream cheese, is cheese made from milk and cream, or milk containing not less than six (6) per cent, of Eat standard whole-milk or full cream cheese, is wliole-milk or full cream cheese con- taining in the water-free substance, not less than fifty (50) per cent, of butter fat. Quantity of sample required — one-half pound. Fancy cheeses in original pack an amount approximating one-half pound. Chocolate. — Chocolate, plain or bitter, or chocolate liquor, is the solid or plastic mass obtained by grinding cocoa nibs without the removal of fat or other constituent-. except the germ, and must contain not more than three (3) percent, ash insoluble in water, three and one-half (3|) per cent, of crude fibre and nine (9) per cent, of starch, nor less than forty-five (45) per cent, of cocoa fat. Quantity of sample required — one-half pound in original package. Sin-rt chocolate and chocolate coatings. — Sweet chocolate and chocolate coatings art- plain chocolate mixed with sugar, (sucrose) with or without the addition of COCOS butter, spices or other flavoring materials, and should contain in the sugar and fat- free residue no higher percentage of either ash, fibre or starch, than is found in the sugar and fat-free residue of plain chocolate. Quantity of Bample required— one-half pound in original package. Oder. — Cider is the unfermented juice of the apple. Any substitute for apple juice or any added antiseptic constitutes an adulteration. Quantity of sample required— one pint. Cocoa. — Cocoa or powdered cocoa is cocoa nibs with or without the germ, deprived of a portion of its fat and finely pulverize. 1, and contains percentages of ash, fibre and starch corresponding to those in chocolate after correction for fat removed. Sweet or sweetened COCOS is cocoa mixed with sugar (sucrose) and must contain not more than sixty (60) percent of sugar (sucrose) and in the sugar and fat-free residue no higher percentage of either ash, crude fibre or starch than is found in the sugar and Eat-free residue of plain chocolate. Quantity ol Bample required one half pound in original package. Coffee. < offee must he true to name. It must not be coated or polished to conceal inferiority. Quantity of sample required one-fourth pound. ( bffee compounds. Mixtures of cereals or other article- sold as substitutes for coffee iniist be sold as a mixture or compound under an original or coined name, and not under the name of any ingredient thereof, and iim-t state exact composition of mixture. Quantity of sample required one original package. VERMONT. 633 Cream. — Cream is that portion of milk, rich in butter fat. which rises to the sur- face of milk on standing, or is separated from it by centrifugal force, and most con- tain not less than eighteen (18) per cent of milk fat. Evaporated cream is cream from which a considerable portion of the water lias been evaporated. Quantity of sample required — one pint. /' waring extracts. — Bottles or packages containing extracts must bear the name and address of the manufacturer. Lemon extract shall contain at Least five (5) percent of the pure oil of lemon dis- solved in ethyl alcohol. Vanilla extract shall be made wholly from vanilla bean and shall contain no arti- ficial coloring. When other flavoring Bubstances are used, such a- vanillin, coumarin or tonka, the extract shall be labeled BO as to show its true character. The label "Compound Extract of Vanilla " will not be deemed sufficient notice of the compo- sition of the article. Quantity of sample required — four ounces; preferably two two-ounce bottles. Flour. — Flour must be composed entirely of one ground, cereal. The admixture of other Hours or materials constitutes an adulteration. Glxden flour. — Gluten Hour is Hour from which the starch has been washed, wholly or in part, and must contain at least thirty (30) per cent proteids calculated by mul- tiplying the nitrogen content by the factor 6.25 and not over forty-eight (48 cent of starch. Quantity of Bample required— one-half pound. Fruit jellies, fruit jams, preserves, etc. — Fruit jellies, fruit butters, preserves, canned fruits, fruit conserves, confections, fruit juices and syrups, etc.. must consist of the fruit specified on the label, preserved only with cane Sugar, with or without the addition of glucose, and must not contain artificial flavors, coloring matters or pre- servatives, li such articles contain any substitute for the fruit, or any injurious material to make' up bulk or weight, any artificial flavor, color or antiseptic, or any substance not naturally occurring in such fruit, except spices "or other wholesome natural flavoring materials, they shall be considered to be adulterated. Quantity of Bample required — two tumblers, or an equivalent amount, in original I tack. I/nihii. Honey is the nectar of flowers and Baccharine exudations of plants gath- ered by bees. Honey made by feeding bees glucose, sugar syrup or other saccharine substance, is not pint- honey. Adding glucose Bugar or syrup to honey, or substitut- ing these materials for honey constitutes an adulteration. Quantity of sample required — "Strained " a container with at least one-half pound net weight in original package. Lard. Lard i- the rendered fresh tat from healthy slaughtered hogs. Leaf lard is the lard rendered at moderately high temperature from the internal Eat of the abdomen of the hog, excluding that adherent to the Intestines. Standard lard and standard leaf lard are lard and leaf lard respectively, bee from rancidity, containing not more than one | l i per cent of sub-tam,-. other than fait \ acid-, not fat. neces- sarily incorporated therewith in the process of rendering, and standard leaf lard has an iodine number not greater than Bixtj 6 Quantity of sample required one-half pound. I) Milk (whole milk i, i- the lacteal secretion obtained bj the complete milking of one or more healthy cow.-, properly fed and kept, excluding that obtained within fifteen d re and the days after calving, and should contain not less than twelve (12) per cent of total solids and not lees than eight and one hall per cent of solids not nit, nor less than three and one-fourth cut of milk fat. Blended milk, is milk modified in it- composition so a- to have a definite and stated percentage of one or more of its constituents, 634 FOODS AND FOOD OONTBOL. ^kini milk, is milk from which a part or all of the cream has been removed, and must contain not less than nine and a quart- per cent of milk solids. Quantity of sample required — one pint. i ondensed milk, is milk from which a considerable portion of water has been evaporated. Sweetened condensed milk, is milk from which a considerable portion of water has been evaporated and to which sugar (sucrose) has been added. Standard con- densed milk and standard sweetened condensed milk are condensed milk and sweet- ened condensed milk, respectively, containing not less than twenty-eight (28) per cent of milk solids, of which not less than one-fourth is milk fat. Quantity of -ample required— one original package. Maple sugar. — Maple sugar is the solid product resulting from the evaporation of maple sap. Quantity of sample required— one-half pound. Maple syrup. — Maple syrup is a syrup obtained by the evaporation of maple Bap or by the solution of maple concrete. The chief elements of value in maple sugar and maple syrup is the maple flavoring and any admixture of other sugars is an adulteration. Quantity of simple required — one pint in original packag Molasses. — Molasses is the product left after separating the sugar from massecuite, melada, mush-sugar, or concrete, and must contain not more than twenty-five (25) per cent of water nor more than live (5) per cent of ash. Syrup is the product obtained by purifying and evaporating the juice of a sugar producing plant without removing any of the sugar, and a standard syrup must contain not more than thirty (30) per cent of water, nor more than two and five-tenths 2.5 per cent of ash. Quantity of sample required — one pint. Oleomargarine. — Oleomargarine, butterine or kindred compounds or mixture- of the-' with butter, cannot lawfully be sold if colored in imitation of butter. Quantity of sample required — one-half pound. Olive oil. — Olive oil is the expressed oil of the olive. The substitution of other oils or fats for olive oil, either in part or in whole, constitutes an adulteration. Quantity of sample required — one pint. Manufactured meats. — Manufactured meats must bear names descriptive of the composition, and when bearing such descriptive names, if force or flavoring meats ar<« used, the kind and quantity thereof, must be made known. Sausage. — Sausage must be prepared from the properly prepared edible parts of animals, and must contain no preservative Other than SUgar, salt, saltpetre, Bmoke, condiments, and no artificial coloring matter. Quantity of -ample required- one-half pound. Spices. — Spices are aromatic vegetable Bubstances used for the seasoning of food, an«l should be composed of the sound spice true to name from which no portion of any volatile oil or other flavoring principle has been removed. All spices must be pure. Any admixture of any foreign article with any spice is an adulteration. Allspice or pimento is the dried fruit of Pimenta officinalis Lindl. and must contain not lees than eight (8) per cent of quercitannic acid; not more than six (6) percent of total ash; not more than five-tenths (0.5) percent of ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid, and not more than twenty five (25) per cent of crude fiber. Cayenne pepper > | percent of Hon -volatile ether extract ; not more than six and five-tenths (6.5) per cent of total ash; not more than five- tenths (0.6) per cent of BSE insoluble in hydrochloric acid; not more than one and five-tenths ( L.5 ) per cent of starch by the di.i-ta-e method, and not more than twenty-eighl ent of crude liber. VERMONT. 635 Cinnamon is the dried bark of any species of the genus Cinnamomum from which the outer layers may or may not have been removed and must contain not more than eight (8) per cent of total ash and not more than two | 2) per cent of sand. Cassia is the dried bark of the Cinnamomum, other than the Cinnamomum uy~ lanicum, from which the outer layers may or may not have been removed, and must contain not more than eight (8) per cent of total ash, and not more than two (2) per cenl of -and. ( lloves are the dried Mower buds of Eugenia caryophyllaia, Thunb., which contain not more than live (5) percent of clove stems. Standard cloves must contain not less than ten (10) per cent of volatile ether extract; not less than twelve (12) per cent of quercitannic acid; not more than eight (8) percent of total ash; not more than five-tenths (0.5) per cent of ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid, and not more than ten (10) per cent of crude fiber. Ginger is the washed and dried, or decorticated and dried, rhizome of Zingiber officinale Roscoe and must contain not less than forty-two nor more than forty-six per cent of starch by direct inversion; not more than eight (8) per cent crude fiber; not more than eight (8) percent total ash; not more than one i 1) percent of Lime, and not more than three (3) percent of ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid. Limed or bleached ginger is whole ginger coated with carbonate of lime contain- ing not more than ten ( 10) per cent ash; not more than four (4 | per cent of carbon- ate of lime, and conforming in other respects to standard ginger. .Mace is the dried arillns of Myrittica fraarans Bouttnyn and must contain not less than twenty (20) nor more than thirty (.'50) per cent of non-volatile ether extract; not more than three I 3) per cent total ash; not more than live-tenths | ()..*> | percent of aafa insoluble in hydrochloric acid and not more than ten | L0) percent of crnde liber. I i round mustard is a powder made from mustard seed, with or without the removal of the hulls and a portion of the fixed oil, and must contain not more than two and live-tenth- I 2.5 per cent of starch by the diastase method and not more than eight (8) per cent of total a-h. (A preparation of mustard, vinegar, spices and enough filler of starch to make a mustard of mild flavor to meet a Legitimate demand which undoubtedly exists, may be sold as French mustard or prepared mustard.) Nutmeg is the dried seed of MyrigUca fragrant Houttuyn, deprived of it> testa and with or without a thin coating of lime, and must contain not less than twenty-live nt of non-volatile ether extract nor more than five (5) percent of total ash; not more than live-tenth- 0.5 per cent of ash, soluble in hydrochloric acid and not more than ten i 10 i per cent of crude fiber. Black pepper is the dried immature berries of Pipernigrum Land must be free from added pepper sheels, pepper dust and other pepper by-products, and containing not Less than six (6) per cent of n on- volatile ether extract. Dot Less than twenty -two (22 per cent of starch by the diastase method; not less than twenty-eight 28 cent of starch by direct inversion; not more than seven (7) percent total ash nor more than two nt of ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid, and not more than fifteen | 15) per cent crude liber. ( me hundred parts of the non-volatile ether extract contain not Less than three and one-quarter (3.25) parts of nitrogen. White pepper is the dried mature berries of Pipt r nigrum L. from which the outer coating, or the outer and inner coatings, bave been removed, and must contain not less than fort} L0) per cent of starch by direct inversion; not less than four i per cent total a-h: not less than five 5 percent of a-h insoluble in bydrochlorii and not more than five per cent | 5 per cent | crude liber. One hundred parts of the non-volatile ether extract contain not Less than tour I nitrogen. Quantity of sample required Four ounces in original pack Sug is the product chemically known a- buci oarose) chiefly obtained from BUgar cane, BUgar beets, sorghum, maple Or palm. Standard BU white sugar containing at leant ninet} nine and five-tenths cent of pu 636 FOODS AND FOOD CONTROL. Starch sugar or grape sugar is the solid product obtained by hydrolyzing starch or a starch-containing substance until the greater part of the starch is converted into dextrose. Starch sugar or grape sugar appears in commerce in two forms, anhydrous and hydrous. In the former the sugar is crystallized without water of crystalliza- tion; in the latter, it is crystallized with water of crystallization. The hydrous varieties are commonly known as 70 and 80 BUgars; 7') sugar is also known as brewers' sugar, and SO sugar as climax or acme sugar. Standard 70 sugar or brewer^' BUgar is hydrous starch sugar containing not less than seventy (70) per cent of dextrose and not more than eight-tenths (0.8) per cent of ash. Standard SO sugar, climax or acme sugar, is hydrous starch sugar containing not less than eighty (SO) per cent of dextrose and not more than one and one-half (1.5) per cent of ash. Standard anhydrous grape sugar is anhydrous grape sugar containing not less than ninety-live (95) percent of dextrose without water of crystallization and not more than eight-tenths (0.8) per cent of ash. The ash of these standard products consists almost entirely of chlorids and sul- phates of lime and soda. Glucose, mixing glucose, or confectioners' glucose is a thick syrupy substance obtained by incompletely hydrolizing starch or a starch-containing substance, decol- orizing and evaporating the product. It is found in various degrees of concentra- tion, ranging from forty-one (41) to forty-live (45) degrees Baume at a temperature of 100 degrees F. It must conform in density within these limits to the degree Baume it is claimed to show and lor a density of forty-one (41 i degrees Baume, con- tains not more than twenty-one (L'l | per cent of water and for a density of forty-live (45) degrees Baume not more than fourteen ( 14) per cent. It contains on a basis of forty-one (41) degrees Baume not more than il | percent of ash, consisting chiefly of chlorids and sulphates of lime and soda. Glucose syrup, or corn syrup, is glucose unmixed or mixed with syrup or molasses containing not more than twenty-live ( 2o ) per cent of water and not more than three (3 I per cent of ash. Quantity of sample required— one-half pound. Teas. — Tea consists of the dried leaves of the true tea plant, without addition of artificial coloring matter or filler, or extraction of essential properties. Any article offered for tea which does not conform to this definition is adulterated. Quantity of sample required — one-half pound. Vinegar. Vinegar -ball contain no artificial coloring matter, and shall have an acidity equal to the presence of not less than four and one-half (4.5) percent by weight of absolute acetic acid. Cider vinegar shall, in addition, contain not less than two (2) percent by weight <»f eider solids. If vinegar contains any artificial coloring matter, or less than the required amount of acidity, or if cider \ inegar con- tain- less than the required amounl of acidity or cider vinegar solids, if shall be deemed to be adulterated. Quantity of Bample required one pint. . 1 /,-,, holic bevi rages. Quantity of -ample required— one pint Oysters. -Quantity of sample required one-half pint. Any substance, other than those heretofore provided for, that is intended to be eaten or used in the manner of food or drink, shall have the Standard of purity adopted by the United States Department of Agriculture. Any drug or Bubstance to be used for medicine shall be of the standard recognized by the United Mates Pharmacopea or other- Pharmacopea or other standard works of Materia- Medica. VERMONT. 637 Securing of samples for examination. — Agreeable to Section 5 of No. 143, Laws of 1904, any local health officer, when so requested by the Secretary of the State Board of Health, shall procure a sample of any drag, article of food, or other substance, specified in said act, and forward to the State Laboratory, securely sealed. He shall also fill out the blank furnished by the State Board of Health for the purpose, and forward to the Secretary, together with a statement of money paid out for such sam- ple. For each single sample so sent to the Laboratory, the local health officer shall receive the sum of twenty-five cents, for each additional sample the sum of ten cents, in addition to the sum he pays for the sample. Attention is called to Section 6 of No. 143, relative to individuals Bending samples. o UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA ' ' 1 1 II I II ll II 3 1262 08929 7369 i