(B. A. I. Order 361) ) P^M^eV United States Department of Agriculture NDll lent of A\ Al. INDUSTkL _ \ U.S. DEPOSITORY (Published in Federal Register, Vol. •".. pp. 2729 2730, November it. L938 I TITLE 9— ANIMALS AND ANIMAL PRODUCTS CHAPTER I— BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY B. A. I. Order 369 Amends 9 C F R 3.052 to 3.057 to read as follows: PART 3.— Regulations Relating to the Control of the Interstate Transportation of Animals and Poultry to Prevent the Spread of Contagious or Infectious Diseases Subpart. — Regulation to Prevent the Spread of Splenetic. Southern, or Texas Fever in Cattle Effective on ami after December 1. 1938 Sua o.052 Spletu tic or tick fever i>> cattle: notice that still exists in described territory in Florida. Puerto Rico, and Texas and prohibiting interstate move- ment of cattle. Notice is hereby given that the contagious ami infectious disease known as splenetic or tick fever exists in cattle in the following-named states and Territory, to wit : Florida. Puerto Rico, and Texas. Now. therefore 1. H. A. Wallace. Secretary of Agriculture, do hereby quaran tine the areas hereinafter described, and do order by this rule 1. revision 37. (see tions 3.052 to :!.7) that the interstate movement of cattle from the areas herein quarantined shall he made only in accordance with sections 3.051 to 3.079 for the prevention of the spread of splenetic or tick fever in cattle. (Sec. 6, 2.'? St;it 32, Sees. 1, 3, 33 Stat. 1204. 1265, Sec. 1. 44 Stat. 774: 21 U. S. <\ 115, 123, 125) [B. A. I. Order 369 November 15, 1938.] Skc. 3.053 Description of area quarantined in Florida. The following counties and portions of counties are quarantined: Collier and Hendry: that portion of Glades County comprised in townships 40 and 41 south, range 20 east, townships 40 and 41 south, range :'><» east, and townships 40 and 41 south, range 31 east : that portion of Highlands County lying south of the township line hot ween town- ships 36 ami 37 south: that portion of Osceola County lying east and north of State Roads 20 and 24: and that portion of Orange County lying east of V. s. Highways Numbers 17 and 02. (Sec. (>. 23 Stat 32, Sec i. 33*Sta1 1264 Sec 1 •14 Stai. 774: 21 r. s. c. 115, 123) [B. A. I. Order 300 November 15, 1938.] Sk<\ 3.054 Description of ana quarantined in Puerto Rico. All that portion of the Territory of Puerto Rico lying east of the following described line is quarantined: Beginning at the point east of Arecibo, where the Arecibo River emptie8 into the Atlantic Ocean, thence south along said river to the town of Ctuado. thence continuing in a southerly direction from the bridge in Utuado along Road No. o. through the town of Adjuntas, to a point west of Ponce when Road No. intersects Road No. 2. thence south to Matilde ('reek, ami along said creek to Ponce Playa where Matilde Creek empties into the Carribbean Sea (Sec. •".. 2:: St.it. 32, Sec. 1. 33 Stat. 1264, Sec 1. 44 Stat. 774: 21 1' S 115 123) IB. A. I. Order 369 November 15, 1988.] Sit 3.055 Description of area quarantined in Texas. The following counties :md portion of counties are quarantined: Angelina, Hardin, Polk, Shelby, Webb, and Zapata : that part of Cameron County lying south of, and including all in eorporated and unincorporated townsites intersected by, the following described line, beginning at a point on the Hidalgo-Cameron county line where the Arroyo Colorado intersects said line, thence easterly along the Arroyo Colorado to its intersection w ; th Federal Highway 83, thence southeasterly along Federal High- way 83 to n point where ii intersects State Highway 100, thence easterly and northeasterly along State Highway 100 to a point where it approaches Laguna Madre, thence due easl to Laguna Madre; that part of Hidalgo County lying south 110807 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA mid west <>t\ and including all incorporated and unincorporated townsites inter- sected by. a line beginning at a point where the main line of the Missouri Pacific Railroad which runs between Harlingen and Rio Grande City, Texas, intersects the Cameron-Hidalgo county line, running thence in a westerly direction along the north line of said railroad right-of-way to a point where it intersects the east survey line of Porcion 80, thence northerly along said survey line to a point where it intersects the West Edinburg Road, thence westerly along the north right-of-way of said road to its intersection with the west survey line of Porcion 73, thence northerly on said survey line to a point where it intersects the Monte Christo Road, thence westerly along said road to its intersection with the Starr- Hidalgo county line : and that part of Starr County lying south and west of, and including all incorporated and unincorporated townsites intersected by, a line be- ginning at a point where the Roma-Hebbronville road intersects the Jim Hogg- Starr county line, running thence in a southerly direction along said road to a point where it intersects the southwest survey line of the Buena Vista ranch, running thence southeasterly along the south line of this ranch to a point where it intersects the southwest line of the Las Escobas ranch, following the southwest line of this ranch to the south corner, running thence in a northeasterly direction along the ranch survey line to where it intersects the Las Escobas-Monterrey Road, running thence in a southeasterly direction to a point where this road intersects the east survey line of the Francisco- Antonio Villerreal Survey 108, thence southerly on this survey line to a point where it intersects the east El Snus Road, thence running southeasterly along this road to a point where it intersects the Rio Giande-Corpus Christi Road, thence running southerly on the West survey line of Section 519 and easterly on the south survey line of sections 519 and 520 to the east line of Section 520, thence running southerly on the east line of Section 134 to the southeast corner of the survey, thence westerly on tb* 1 south line of Section 134 to a point where it intersects the east line of Section 503, thence southerly on the west survey line of the Rincon ranch to its southwest corner, thence easterly on the south line of the Rincon ranch to where it intersects the Hidalgo-Starr County line. (Sec. 6. 23 Stat. 32. Sec. 1, 33 Stat. 1264, Sec. 1. 44 Stat. 774; 21 U. S. C. 115. 123) [B. A. I. Order 369 November 15. 1938.1 Skc. 3.056 Effect of rule 1, revision 37. This rule 1, revision 37, shall be con- strued in connection with the regulation of the Secretary of Agriculture for the prevention of the spread of splenetic or tick fever in cattle and is subject to amendment or revision on statutory notice. Rule 1, revision 36 (B. A. I. Order 363), dated November 16. 1937, effective December 1, 1937, shall cease to be effective on and after December 1, 1938, on and after which date this rule 1. revision 37, which for purposes of identification is designated as B. A. I. Order 369, (9 C F R 3,052 to 3.057 » shall become and be effective until otherwise ordered. The effect of this order is as follows : In Florida: A part of Orange County is released from quarantine. In Texas : Jasper, Jefferson, Newton, Orange, Sabine, San Augustine, Trinity, and Tyler Counties; the remainder of Chambers, Galveston, and Liberty Coun- ties ; and parts of Cameron, Hidalgo, and Starr Counties are released from quarantine. In Puerto Rico : A part of the Territory of Puerto Rico is released from quar- antine. ( Sec. 6, 23 Stat. 32, Sees. 1, 3. 33 Stat. 1264, 1265. Sec. 1, 44 Stat. 774 ; 21 U. S. C. 115, 123, 125) [B. A. I. Order 369 November 15, 1938.] Done in the City of Washington this 15th day of November, 1938. Witness my hand and the seal of the Department of Agriculture. H. A. Wallace Secretary of Agriculture. Sec. 3.057 Properly equipped, noninfectious pens maintained a I a certain point in Texas. Properly equipped, noninfectious pens are maintained at the following point within the quarantined area ; TEXAS Laredo, Webb County : International & Great Northern Railroad Co. pens. (See Sec. 3.069) (Sec. 6, 23 Stat. 32, Sees. 1, 3, 33 Stat. 1264, 1265, Sec. 1, 44 Stat. 7 74 : l>1 U. S. C. 115, 123, 125) [B. A. I. Order 369 November 15, 1938.] U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE:1938