LIBRARY UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY AND PLANT QUARANTINE Washington 25, D. C. B.E.P.Q. 573-10 June 29, 1950 SUMMARY OF STATE NURSERY-STOCK SHIPPING REQUIREMENTS AND PLANT QUARANTINES AND REGULATIONS AFFECTING INTERSTATE SHIPMENTS FLORIDA The information contained in this summary was compiled from material received from the plant quarantine official of Florida and has been ap- proved "by him. It is issued for the convenience of plant quarantine in- spectors, shippers, transportation agents, truckers, and others concerned in the interstate movement of plants, plant products, and other materials subject to State regulation on account of plant pests. The summary for Florida gives the general requirements for shipping nursery stock into that State, as well as digests of the State plant quar- antines and regulations affecting interstate shipments. An appendix fur- nishes information on post-office requirements for mailing plants as well as terminal-inspection procedure. This summary does not include digests of nursery-stock or plant -quarantine requirements relating to the movement of plants entirely within the State. The information contained in this circular is "believed to be correct and complete up to the time of preparation, but it is not intended to be used independently of or as a substitute for the original texts of the regulations and quarantines , and it is not to be interpreted as legally authoritative. For detailed information address the Plant Commissioner, State Plant Board, Gainesville, Florida. In addition to State requirements, shippers will need to take into consideration applicable plant quarantines of the United States Department of Agriculture. In most instances these quarantines regulate the inter- state movement of specified plants, plant products, and other articles from designated regulated areas. However, some of these quarantines regu- late the interstate movement of certain articles into designated protected areas. Copies of such quarantines may be obtained from the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Washington 25, D. C. Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine "lorida nursery- stock shipping requirements -2- ■ ■ FLORIDA Summary of General Furs cry- Stock Shipnjng Requirements (Rule 20, as amended Hay 33, 19I+O; Rules 22, 23, 2j£, effective Jan. 1, 1923) Definition of Nursory Stock. — Palms, orchids, and woody perennials or parts thereof intended for propagation. General Ship-ping Requirements. — Any person desiring to movo nursery stock into Florida must applj to the Nursery Inspector, State Plant Board, Gainesville, for a permit to do so. Application blanks will be provided by the Florida Nursery Inspector. The applicant should furnish with the application a statement as to the location of his nursery, place of busi- ness, or location, of plants to be shipped, and a valid State certificate of inspection of his nursery or plants- The application should be accomp- anied bj payment for the number of Florida permit certificate tags desired, one of which should be attached to each container or package of nursery stock shipped into Florida. The tags are valid until June 30 following date of issue; they are serially numbered, each must be accounted for, and spoiled or unused tags must be returned. An invoice showing names and addresses of consignor and consignee, kind and quantity of nursery stock in the shipment, and serial number of the tag attached to the shipment should be mailed to the Florida Nursery Inspector within one week after date of shipment. In of club orders one permit tag should be attached to .each individual order and one permit tag to the package containing the individual orders, and an invoice is required for each individual order in a club order and also for the package containing such orders. All host plants of San Jose scale must be fumigated or thoroughly scrubbed with fish oil soap, as specified by Florida requirements, imme- diately before shipment. Shipments into Florida ports of plants, fruits, vegetables, or other materials likely to introduce injurious plant pests subject to inspec- tion and, if apparently free from such pests, will bo permitted to move into Florida. All plants or plant products moving into Florida subject to inspec- tion, whether certified or not, and if found to have been moved in violation of rules or regulations of the State Plant Board, or if found infested with injurious pests, such plants or plant products must be deported or treated upon order of the Board. Common carriers must notify the Board of any ship- ment not meeting requirements, which is offered for transportation and de- livery, and hold such shipments for instructions. Florida nursery-stock shipping requirements -3- Plar-t Materials Subject to Terminal Inspection The State of Florida has arranged, under the plan explained in the ap- pendix, for terminal inspection of the following plant materials: Trees, shrubs, and vines (except soft-bodied, other than sweetpotato, plants) or any part thereof. Note. — Shrubs and vines of a woody nature such as rose bushes, hibiscus, grapevines, blackberry vines , etc., are subject to inspection. Bedding plants (such as coleus and pansy), vegetable plants (such as cabbage and tomato), and strawberry plants are not subject to inspection. The State has also arranged, under the above-mentioned plan, for en- forcement of Rule 2o pertaining to citrus canker, quick decline, and other citrus diseases. Terminal Inspection Points in Florida Gainesville Miami Tampa Jacksonville Pcnsacola West Palm Beach Florida plant quarantines -h_ Summary of State Plant Quarantines Brown Rot of Lemons and Oranges (Rule 30, revised. effective Mar. 22, 19^7) Conditions governing movement of citrus fruits, — The movement of citrus fruits from Arizona and California into Florida is prohibited unless each shipment is accompanied "by State-of-origin certification to the effect that such shipment was prepared in accordance with instructions of the Florida State Plant Board. All shipments are subject to inspection upon arrival. Citrus fruits for food purposes. — Oranges grown in Arizona may "be moved into Florida, in carlots only, urdor perrjit issued "by the Florida State Plant Board, from Juno 1 through August 31. Lemons grown in California may he moved into Florida throughout the year, in carlots only, under per- mit issued hy the Board and when handled and treated in accordance with the requirements of the Board. Each carload of such oranges or lemons must he accompanied by a permit attached to the waybill, and each box must have a sticker or stamp identifying it as part of a permitted ship- ment . Camellia Flower Blight (Rule 51, revised effective Dec. 15, 19U9) Prohibited articles Camellia plants with soil about the roots; camellia f lowers, either on the plant or as cut flowers. Restricted articles. — Camellia plants free of soil about the roots and without flower buds. Conditions governing movement. — The prohibited articles may not be moved into Florida from the quarantined area. Restricted articles will be al- lowed to move into Florida from the quarantined area when prepared for movement in conformity with this regulation and accompanied by valid in- spection certificates of the State of origin and of the State of desti- nation, provided that certified camellia plants, with flower buds and without soil, may be moved into Florida when accompanied by statements from duly authorized inspectors of the States of origin that the plants were free of flower buds showing any trace of color at the time the plants were offered for shipment. Quarantined area California: Entire State Georgia: Fulton County Oregon: Entire State Florida plant quarantines -5- Citrus Canker, Quick Decline, and Other Diseases (Rule 2g, revised effective Mar. 22, I9U7) The shipment into Florida of any kind of citrus trees and parts thereof, including seeds, budwood, and scions, is prohibited except that citrus nursery stock accompanied by an inspection certificate may be ad- mitted when shipped from Washington, D. C. , by the Federal Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engineering; and limited quantities of citrus pl/snts of new or rare varieties of demonstrated commercial value may be shipped into Florida under special permit obtained from tho State Plant Board, Gainesville. The shipment of citrus fruits into Florida is prohibited except that certain citrus fruits intended for food purposes may be admitted under permit, as provided in Rule 30 (se<2 page h) . Florida plant ■6- European Corn Borer (Rule 32, revised effective Nov. 10, I3U5) Restricted plants and plant products. — Stalks, ears, cobs , or other parts or debris of corn, broomcorn, sorghums, or Sudan grass (except clean seed and grain); green and lima "beans in the pod, beets with tops, and rhubarb; cut flowers and entire plants of aster and chrysanthemum; and cut flowers and entire plants of gladiolus and dahlia (except bulbs without stems). Conditions governing shipment. --The movement into Florida of restricted plants and plant products originating in or shipped from the infested area is prohibited unless they have been (l) manufactured or processed in such manner as to eliminate risk of disseminating the borer; or (2) certified as having been officially inspected and found free from the borer; or (3) certified as having be^n produced in a borer-free area; or (h) certified by a State or Federal inspector as having beer, treated under his super- vision in such manner as to eliminate risk of transporting the borer. Winter-grown rhubarb produced in greenhouses located in the infested areas may be shipped into Florida when certified by a State or Federal in- spector as having been grown and produced during the normal period for greenhouse production of rhubarb and otherwise handled under safeguards. Infested area Connecticut Michigan Pennsylvania Delaware Minnesota Rhode Island Illinois Missouri South Dakota Indiana Nebraska Tennessee: Counties Iowa New Hampshire of Montgomery, Kansas Few Jersey Robertson, Sumner Kentucky New York Vermont Maine North Carolina Virginia Maryland North Dakota West Virginia M as s ac hus e 1 1 s Ohi 0 Wi sconsin Florida plant quarantines -7- Swcetpotato Weevil (Rule 7 A, revised effective Jan. 27, 19^9; Rule 7 B, adopted Mar. 22, 19U7) The shipment into Florida of sweetpotatoes and sweetpotato plants and parts thereof produced in or shipped from areas in other States in- fested with sweetpotato weevil is prohibited, except that sweetpotatoes for food purposes may he shipped into Florida from such infested areas when fumigated as prescribed under the supervision of an inspector of the State of origin. Shipments of sweetpotatoes originating in other States and destined for Florida should have attached to each container a certificate of the State of origin to the effect that (1) the shipment originated in an area in which there is no known infestation of the weevil, or (2) the shipment has "been fumigated under the supervision of an authorized State official as prescribed. In case of bulk movement by rail or by truck, a copy of such certificate must be attached to the i^aybill or be in the possession of the operator of the truck. Infested areas Florida: All that portion of the State lying east and south of the counties of Hamilton, Jefferson, and Madison Other States: Areas infested with the sweetpotato weevil The foregoing summary was checked and approved on August 13, 19^9. by Arthur C. Brown, Plant Commissioner. The revised camellia flower blight quarantine was summarized thereafter. AFPIHDIX Requirements for Hailing Plants and Plant Products Under the postal laws and regulations, nursery stock, including all field-grown florists' stock, trees, shrubs, vines, cuttings, grafts, scions, "buds, fruit pits, and other seeds of fruit and ornamental trees or shrubs, and other plants and plant products for propagation, including strawberry plants (except field, vegetable, and flower seeds, bedding plants and other herbaceous plants, bulbs, and roots), nay be admitted to the nails only when accompanied by a State inspection certificate to the effect that the nursery or premises from which such stock is shipped has been inspected within a year and found free from injurious insects and plant diseases. Parcels containing such nursery stock must be plainly marked to show the nature of the contents and the name and address of the sender. (Postal Laws and Regulations 19*40 , sec. 595) Inspection and cer- tification must be done by a plant quarantine official of the State of ori- gin. An individual mailing of such plants or plant products, if from uninspected premises, will also be accepted upon examination and certifi- cation by a State plant quarantine official. The address of the Florida plant quarantine official is given in the preceding summary. Terminal Inspection of Mail Shipments of Plants and Plant Products (Act Mar. k, 1915. &s amended June k, 1936; Postal Laws and Regulations 19^0, sec. 59&) Establishment of Terminal Inspection. — Any State desiring to operate under the provisions of the termina„l inspection law so as to regulate the move- ment of mail shipments of plants and plant products into (or within) the State may, after having provided therefor at State expense and having designated one or more places where inspection will be maintained, arrange to have such mail shipments turned over to Ste.te plant quarantine inspec- tors for examination at designated inspection points. Application will be made to the Secretary of Agriculture by submitting a. list of plants and plant products and the plant pests transmitted thereby, which are to be examined. The list, when approved in vrhole or in part, will bo transmitted to the Postmaster General, whereupon postmasters will be informed and in- structed. Anyone mailing a parcel containing any plants or plant products ad- dressed to any within a State maintaining terminal inspection there- of is required, under the law, to have the parcel plainly marked on the outside to show the nature of the contents. Materials shipped under Federal quarantine certificates issued by the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine may he exempted from terminal inspection at the option of the receiving State. -9- Under the provisions of the 193^ amendment to the lav;, any State may- arrange through Federal channels, after approval by the Secretary of Agri cult ure as indicated above, to regulate or prohibit the movement into (or within) the State of mail shipments of designated plants and plant products the movement of which would constitute a violation of State plant quarantine laws or regulations. Terminal Inspection Procedure. — Upon arrival in any State maintaining ter- minal inspection, plants or plant products named on the approved list will he forwarded by the postmaster at destination to the nearest inspection point. If the plants or plant products are found, upon inspection, to be free from injurious posts and not in violation of my plant quarantine or regulation of the State of destination or the United States Department of Agriculture, or if disinfested when they are found infested, such plants or plant products will then be forwarded by the postmaster at the point of inspection to the addressee upon payment of postage. If plants or plant products, upon inspection, are found to be infested with injurious pests and cannot be Satisfactorily disinfested, or are in violation of any plant quarantine or regulation of the State of destination or the United States Department of Agriculture, the postmaster upon notifi- cation by the Sta.te inspector will inform the sender that the parcel will be returned to him upon his request and at his expense. In default of such request the parcel will be turned over to the State authorities for de- struction. Terminal inspection of plants and plant products is now maintained by Arizona, Arkansas, California, District of Columbia, Florida., Hawaii, Idaho, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Oregon, Puerto Rico., Utah, and. Washington. Plants and plant products subject to terminal inspection and plaices where terminal-inspection sendee is maintained are listed at the end of the sum- mary of the general nursery-stock shipping requirements for each of the above-mentioned States, District, and Territories. Procedure for Paying Forwarding Postage. — Methods of paying forwarding postage are provided to expedite the handling of parcels subject to ter- minal inspection, a.s follows: (1) The addressee may have the parcels ad- dressed to himself in care of the State inspector at a designated terminal- inspection point in the State of destination and provide the inspector with postage for forwarding the inspected plants* or (2) the addressee may arrange with the sender to place on the parcels a pledge reading, "Forwarding postage guaranteed," whereupon the additional postage for forwarding will be collected from the addressee. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09314 7618