Mkftkwoo o o ■+ < O < z NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 1400 BOUNDARY LAYER By L. G. Loitsianskii Translation Pogranichnyi sloi." Mechanics in the U. S. S. R. over Thirty Years, 1917-1947. Washington May 1956 16 i[ o y f i ^ so/ NACA TM 1400 NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 1400 BOUNDARY LAYER* By L. G. Loitsianskii 1. INTRODUCTION . The fundamental, practically the most important branch of the modern mechanics of a viscous fluid or a gas, is that branch which concerns it- self with the study of the boundary layer. The presence of a boundary layer accounts for the origin of the resistance and lift force, the breakdown of the smooth flow about bodies, and other phenomena that are associated with the motion of a body in a real fluid. The concept of boundary layer was clearly formulated by the founder of aerodynamics, N. E. Joukowsky, in his well-known work "On the Form of Ships" 1 published as early as 1890. In his book "Theoretical Foundations of Air Navigation," Joukowsky gave an account of the most important properties of the bound- ary layer and pointed out the part played by it in the production of the resistance of bodies to motion. The fundamental differential equations of the motion of a fluid in a laminar boundary layer were given by Prandtl in 1904; the first solutions of these equations date from 1907 to 1910. As regards the turbulent boundary layer, there does not exist even to this day any rigorous formulation of this problem because there is no closed system of equations for the turbulent motion of a fluid. Soviet scientists have done much toward developing a general theory of the boundary layer, and in that branch of the theory which is of greatest practical importance at the present time, namely the study of the boundary layer at large velocities of the body in a compressed gas, the efforts of the scientists of our country have borne fruit in the creation of a new theory which leaves far behind all that has been done previously in this direction. We shall herein enumerate the most important results by Soviet scientists in the development of the theory of the boundary layer. *"Pogranichnyi sloi." Mechanics in the U.S.S.R. over Thirty Years, 1917-1947, pp. 300-320. Joukowsky, N. E.: forme sudov. Trudy Otdeleniya fizicheskikh nauk Obshchestva lyubitelei estestvoznania, 1890. (See also N. E. Joukowsky, Collected Works. Vol. II. Gostekhizdat, 1949, pp. 627-639.) NACA TM 1400 2. LAMINAR BOUNDARY LAYER FOR CASE OF PLANE- PARALLEL MOTION OF INCOMPRESSIBLE FLUID The solution of the problem of the motion of an incompressible fluid in the stationary laminar boundary layer reduces, as is known, to the obtaining of integrals of a nonlinear system of partial differential equations: ox + V Bu Sy 55 u dU dx + V a 2 u Sy 2 bu ox + Sy (2.1) where the unknown functions u(x,y) and v(x,y) are the velocity com- ponents along and normal to the surface of the body at the points of the boundary layer, U(x) is the initially given longitudinal velocity com- ponent on the outer boundary of the boundary layer, x and y are the coordinates along and normal to the surface of the contour, and v = u/p is the kinematic coefficient of viscosity. The boundary conditions of the problem have the form u = 0, v = for y = u ->u(x) for y -»■ °° (2.2) where at times there is the further requirement of satisfying a given distribution of velocities u = U/-j(y) at the initial section of the layer x = . The conditions of existence and uniqueness of solutions of equations (2.l) have been considered by N. S. Piskunov (ref. 46). The question of an effective method for solving equations (2.l) for an arbitrary given function U(x) has not yet been answered. The existing exact solutions of the system of equations (2.1) for boundary conditions (eq. (2.2)) 'refer only to certain special classes of functions U(x) as, for example, a linear function, a monomial to some power, certain very simple exponential combinations, and so forth. The application of purely numerical devices is not of great use be- cause what is of fundamental importance is the possibility of taking into account the effect of the form of the pressure distribution on the motion in the boundary layer and not the accurate determination of the unknown velocity components in a given special case. This is why from about 1921 extensive use was made of approximate methods for computing the laminar boundary layer that were based on the application of the general integral NACA TM 1400 theorems of the mechanics of a fluid, especially the momentum theorem. The methods of Karman and Pohlhausen are primarily methods belonging to this class. By applying the momentum theorem to an element of the boundary layer, bound by the normal sections of the layer at the points x and x + dx and the outer boundary of the layer y = 5(x), where the function S(x) is conventionally assumed finite even though actually the effect of the viscosity extends asymptotically to infinity, there may be obtained the simple integral condition *£♦$<» -8-H- + 6*) = - pU< (2.3) where the prime denotes differentiation with respect to x. (This equa- tion may also be derived strictly from equations (2.l) by employing the accurate boundary conditions (eq. (2.2)). The two conventional boundary- layer thicknesses 5*(x) and &**(x) are defined by the integrals ** n u ( i u \ a 'So "l 1 -") 47 (2.4) denoted, respectively, as the displacement thickness and loss of momentum thickness, while the magnitude x defined by the equation '- ■ w (l)y< represents the frictional stress on the surface of the body; the symbols 6 and °° in the upper limit of the integral denote the possibility of employing either the theory of the boundary layer of finite thickness or the asymptotic theory. Suppose we are given, in a boundary- layer section, the distribution of the velocities expressed in the form of a polynomial of the fourth degree with respect to the nondimensional coordinate tj = y/oc with coefficients which are functions of x. Then, by satisfying the conditions u = 0, S 2 u Sy 2 - u = ciu U > By" " °> UU 1 a2 o u oy 2 for y = for y = 5 ] (2.5) NACA TM 1400 the polynomial approximating the velocity distribution may be given the form U where H = ± - (2H** + H*)X g(x) - k(X) = with the notation H * = T = f (1 " ^^ *** = V \f ^ - ^ \> (2.9) U \ m /dcp\ 'd b ± = 3 5/y=0 For the given form (eq. (2.6)) of the function -o where f s is the separation value of the form parameter that is given by f s = -0.085. The expression in parentheses on the right side of equation (3.2) is computed, once and for all, for a given aerodynamic NACA TM 1400 11 wind, tunnel from tests on a plate or other body for which the point of transition coincides with the point of minimum pressure. This very approximate semi-empirical theory was sufficiently well confirmed by numerous Soviet and foreign tests. The more accurate theory, presented at the end of the paper cited above, shows that, in fact, the constant y is a function of the non- dimensional velocity at the transition point. There is also given an explicit relation between the magnitude y and the intensity and scale of the turbulence. It is important to note that the previously mentioned semi-empirical theory can be easily generalized to the case of motion of large velocities where it is no longer permissible to neglect the effect of the compressibility of the air. Let us now turn to the question of the turbulent boundary layer on a wing profile. The absence of a rational theory of the turbulent boundary layer has not up to the present permitted devising a theoret- ically justified method for its computation. The first solutions of this problem for the case of the wing profile were based on the utili- zation in the boundary- layer sections of the velocity distributions corresponding to a known power law, for example, the l/l power law, de- rived for the steady motion in a pipe. As is known, power laws have the fundamental defect that laws of such type are applicable only within a certain range of Reynolds numbers. The first investigator to overcome this deficiency was G. A. Gurz- hienko (ref . 6) who applied a logarithmic velocity distribution not de- pending on the Reynolds number to the computation of the turbulent boundary layer. By making use of a logarithmic formula for the veloc- ities in the sections of the boundary layer, Gurzhienko reduced the problem to a certain relatively complicated differential equation and gave a method of integrating it by successive approximations. From its very nature, this method cannot take into account the effect of a longi- tudinal pressure gradient on the shape of the velocity profile and it is therefore not applicable to those cases where such a gradient is of importance. The first attempt to take into account the effect of the longi- tudinal pressure gradient on the velocity distribution in a turbulent boundary layer is that of K. K. Fedyaevskii (ref. 57) who presented a new theory of the turbulent boundary layer based on the application of the idea of "mixing length". The proposed law of variation of the "mixing length" with the dis- tance from the wall is the same for the boundary layer as for the pipe. By approximating the distribution of the friction stress in a cross section of the layer by a method analogous to the previously mentioned device in laminar motion, Fedyaevskii established the form of the one- parameter family of velocity profiles in the sections of tne layer, 12 NACA TM 1400 choosing for the form parameter a magnitude equal to the ratio of the longitudinal pressure drop over a length equivalent to the thickness of the boundary layer to the friction stress at a given point on the sur- face of the wing. By generalizing the idea of a laminar sublayer for the case of the presence of a longitudinal pressure drop and applying the formula for the velocity to the boundary of the sublayer, Fedyaevskii obtained a formula for the resistance after which the equations of the problem formed a closed system and the solution was carried to the end. The method of Fedyaevskii was subsequently developed in the direc- tion of greater convenience of computation by L. E. Kalikhman (ref. 12), who also carried out a large number of computations of the boundary layer for different wing profiles and showed the effect of the shape of the profile, the lift coefficient, and other factors on the flow about the wing. A somewhat different method was followed by A. P. Melnikov (refs. 41 and 42) . Employing the semi -empirical theory of the turbulent motion between two parallel walls in which the "mixing length" is expressed through the derivatives of the longitudinal velocities along the direc- tion normal to the surface, Melnikov applied this theory to the boundary layer and obtained comparatively simple formulas for the one-parameter family of velocity profiles with the same form parameter which figures in the method of Fedyaevskii. Later Melnikov simplified the method, at the same time, made it more accurate, and confirmed its practical appli- cability by a number of computations. In the theory of turbulent boundary layer, there is still a third line of attack considerably more simple from the point of view of its applications, which, in contrast to the above-mentioned semi -empirical methods, might be denoted as empirical. This approach has recently re- ceived the greatest development. The underlying basis of all work using the empirical approach is the employment of the momentum equation, which in the case of the turbu- lent boundary layer maintains the same form (eq. (2.3)) as in the case of the laminar layer. The equation contains essentially three unknown magnitudes 5**, 5*, and t . In the semi-empirical theories, having chosen a certain one-parameter family of velocity profiles in the sec- tions of the layer, the two unknowns 6* and 5** are expressed in terms of one unknown, the thickness of the boundary layer 5 (see eq. (2.4)); after this there remains only to establish a formula for the resistance connecting t w and 5. For this purpose there is employed the concept of laminar sublayer, introduced, strictly speaking, only for the case of the absence of a longitudinal pressure gradient. NACA TM 1400 13 In the investigation using the empirical approach, the family of velocity profiles in the sections of the "boundary layer remains undeter- mined, while the unknown magnitudes 5*, 5**, and t w , or their combi- nations, are connected by approximate relations obtained from tests or from certain assumptions of an intuitive character. Thus, for example, two experimental curves are employed connecting the nondimensional coefficient of resistance and the thickness ratio &*/&** = H with the form parameter Instead of using experimental curves connecting the resistance coefficient and the magnitude H with a certain form parameter, curves which incidentally are drawn through a very small number of test points and refer to the region of small Reynolds numbers, it is possible, on the basis of certain general assumptions, to construct a method suitable for computations; the accuracy of this method is found to be entirely sufficient in a number of cases. Thus L. G. Loitsianskii (ref. 36) introduced a form parameter T and a reduced resistance coefficient £ according to the formulas r = U'S** „,„*« , ^ G(R**), (,^~ G(R**) U "*" " > pU 2 where G(R**) is a certain function of the number R** = U5**/v deter- mined from tests on plates. In this case, equation (2.3) may be trans- formed to the form !4*"")4r (3.3) dx U w ' U which is entirely analogous to equation (2.1l) for the determination of the form parameter of the theory of laminar boundary layer. The function F(r; R**) entering above and given by F(r; R**) = (1 + mK - [3 + m + (l + m)H]r T (3.4) is a weak function of R*~* because the number R** enters into it chiefly through the magnitude m, which is equal to d In G(R**) R**G'(R**) m= d in R** = G(R^) 14 NACA TM 1400 Making the simple assumption of similarity of the changes of £ and H as a function of r in the turbulent and laminar (m = l) bound- ary layers easily makes the problem completely determinate, and the functions F(r), C(r), and H(r)> which are the same for different cases of flow, can be tabulated. The function G(R""~ X ") may, however, evidently be well approximated by the empirical formula 1 G(R**) = 153. 2R** 6 whence it follows that m = l/6. The function F(r) is as readily linearized as in the case of the laminar boundary layer. From equation (3.3), which becomes linear, the magnitude T is determined by simple quadrature. Computations show satisfactory agreement with test results. The method may be applied also for determining the abscissa of the point of separation, that is, the value x = x s for which £(x s ) = 0. If the turbulent boundary layer is considered for the case of smooth flow without separation about a wing (small relative thicknesses and small lift coefficient), it is sufficient in equation (3.4) to put simply m = i, £ = 1, H « 1.4 b after which equation (3.2)[NACA note: Eq. (3.3).] is easily integrated. For this very simple and also important case from the point of view of practical application a somewhat different, but likewise simple, equation, convenient for solution, was given by L. E. Kalikhman (ref. 15). To the empirical methods based, as in the method above, on the mo- mentum equation there may be added the method of computing the boundary layer worked out by L. E. Kalikhman (ref. 14) . In the U.S.S.R., as is seen from the previous review, a whole series of original methods of computing the turbulent boundary layer has been developed. The further development of this important field of hydrodynamics requires experimental work on turbulent motion in general and the turbulent boundary layer in particular. 4. CERTAIN SPECIAL PROBLEMS OF THEORY OF BOUNDARY LAYER IN INCOMPRESSIBLE FLUID Parallel to the laminar and turbulent internal friction in the boundary layer, the processes of heat transfer occur which are associated with a similar mechanism and which depend on the distribution of the temperatures and velocities in the layer. Investigations along these lines have been conducted principally in U.S.S.R. NACA TM 1400 15 G. N. Kruzhilin (ref. 23), making use of the concept introduced by him of a thermal boundary layer of finite thickness, established a simple integral relation for the heat transfer in a laminar layer. Apply- ing a method analogous to that earlier described for the computation of the laminar layer but in a more simplified form, Kruzhilin reduced the problem to quadratures and obtained for N = aZ/\, R = VqZ/v, and P = v/a the following general formula which interconnects them: 1 1 N = _L_ F^R 2 (4.1) F(x) where F(x) , a function of the nondimensional coordinate x = x/z , I being an arbitrary scale dimension of the body, is a quadrature depend- ing on the shape of the body; the magnitudes a, ^, a, and v are respectively, equal to the coefficients of heat transfer, the heat con- ductivity, the thermal diffusivity, and the kinematic viscosity of the fluid. In the case of the flow along a plate, equation (4.l) assumes the form 1 1 N = O.eVO^R 2 (4.2) The coefficient entering it differs little from that of the accurate solution. Equations (4.1) and (4.2) are derived on the assumption that the thermal boundary layer is thinner than the velocity boundary layer, that is, P is greater than 1. The equations retain their form, however, also for P less than 1 but greater than l/2. In his further studies, Kruzhilin applied equation (4.l) to the forward part of a circular cyl- inder (ref. 25) and made a comparison with test data obtained by himself and V. A. Shvab (ref. 26) . The results of the comparison were found to be entirely satisfactory. In one of his subsequent papers (ref. 24), Kruzhilin studied the effect of a longitudinal pressure gradient on the form of the velocity profile in the boundary layer and also the genera- tion of heat arising from the dissipation of energy due to the internal friction in the rapidly moving fluid in the boundary layer. It should be remarked that at the time of the appearance of Kruzhilin 's papers there existed in world literature individual theoretical investigations of the heat transfer of bodies in a forced flow but only for the partic- ular cases of given distribution of the velocities in the outside flow and of the temperatures over the surface of the body and without account taken of the generation of heat due to the dissipation of mechanical energy. In the U.S.S.R., the first investigations were carried out in the field of heat transfer in a turbulent boundary layer. V. A. Shvab, in a theoretical paper (ref. 69) dating from 1936, first gave a solution of the problem of the heat transfer under the conditions of the external problem in the presence of a turbulent boundary layer in an incompress- ible fluid. In this paper Shvab makes use of a well-known analogy 16 NACA TM 1400 between the turbulent transport of momentum and heat and, assuming mono- mials with various powers for the velocity and temperature distribution, he gave formulas for the heat transfer both for a plate and for a cyl- indrical body and body of revolution. For P equal to 1, Shvab obtained an equation connecting the numbers N and R in the form 1+n N = c • R 1+3n where n is the exponent in the assumed distribution of the velocities in the sections of the boundary layer. With the usual power law n = l/7 O Pi there is obtained N ~ R in contrast to the previously mentioned law N ~ R for the laminar boundary layer. In a second generalizing paper appearing in 1937 (ref. 68), Shvab developed the ideas of the preceding paper, showing how the effect of the point of transition is to be taken into account and comparing the results of the computations with experimental data obtained by him, to- gether with other coworkers, in the aerodynamics laboratory of the Leningrad Polytechnical Institute. K. K. Fedyaevskii (ref . 56) generalized his method of computing the turbulent boundary layer to the case of a thermal boundary layer. Making use of a polynomial 'representation of the distribution of the heat trans- port in a section of the layer, he obtained the distribution of the tem- peratures over the cross section and then a new integral formula of the dependence of the local value of N on P and R (the latter enters in nonexplicit form through the coefficient of resistance) . Comparison with the results of the tests of A. S. Chashchikhin showed good agree- ment of theory with experiment. Other studies by Soviet investigators in the field of forced heat transfer of bodies in the boundary layer will be discussed in the fol- lowing section devoted to the problems of motion of a gas at large velocities, a case which is inseparably connected with heat transfer. There should be mentioned the investigations of Soviet scientists in the field of free convective heat exchange and also on turbulent jet T.heory in which so much progress has been made principally by the work of G. N. Abramovich (ref. l) . In these investigations, practical methods are given for the computation of turbulent jets both with and without heat transfer. Together with turbulent jets, there belongs to the number of prob- lems of the so-called "theory of free turbulence" also the problem of the turbulent motion of a fluid in the aerodynamic wake behind a body, that is, in the region of flow formed by the boundary layer coming from the body. We may mention the interesting experimental investigations NACA TM 1400 17 of G. I. Petrov and R. I. Shteinberg (ref. 45) who were concerned with the question of the effect of the shape of the body on the frequency of the pulsations, of pressure or velocity in the wake behind the body, and the work of B. Y. Trubchikov (ref. 49) on the measurement of the temper- atures in the wake behind a heated body. These investigations led Trubchikov to establishing a method of measuring the turbulence in wind tunnels. In considering the flow about the fuselage of an airplane, the interference of the fuselage with the wing, the flow near the tips of a wing of finite span, and also in studying the phenomena of slip and the flow about a back- swept wing, it is of great importance at the present time to study the three-dimensional flows of a liquid or gas in the boundary layer. The problem of the three-dimensional boundary layer in general presents great theoretical difficulties; the simplest case to solve is that of the flow with axial symmetry. In this field, practical application has been made in the U.S.S.R. of the method for computing the frictional resistance of bodies of revo- lution worked out by K. K. Fedyaevskii (ref. 52), based on the applica- tion of power laws of velocity and resistance with variable exponents. The first application of the logrithmic velocity profile to the compu- tation of the boundary layer and the resistance of bodies of revolution for the case of axially symmetric flow about them was made by G. A. Gurzhienko (ref. 6) . All new methods of computation of plane laminar flow or of the tur- bulent boundary layer henceforth automatically were carried over to the case of axially symmetric flow about bodies of revolution. The pre- sentation of these methods may be found in the previously cited refer- ences. An approximate method of computing the laminar boundary layer analogous to that described in section 2 is given in a separate paper by L. G. Loitsianskii (ref. 3l) . Turning to a consideration of the more difficult problem of the computation of a three-dimensional boundary layer, we may note first that L. E. Kalikhman (ref. 16) gave the derivation of the fundamental integral relations which can serve for the development of approximate methods of solution of the problem analogous to those applied in the two- dimensional case. In the period from 1936 to 1938, Loitsianskii published a number of papers in which, by employing various approximate devices, he was able to solve the following three-dimensional problems: (l) The laminar and turbulent motion of a fluid in a boundary layer near the line of intersection of two mutually perpendicular planes (there was applied the method of the finite layer (ref. 29) and the method of the asymptotic layer (ref. 33)) 18 NACA TM 1400 (2) The analogous problem for planes inclined to each other by a certain angle (ref. 38) (3) The laminar boundary layer along the line of intersection of two surfaces (ref. 30) (4) The laminar boundary layer near the lateral edge of a plate in an axial flow (ref. 37) In these papers new phenomena were revealed by mathematical compu- tation, the most interesting of which are: the thickening of the bound- ary layers and the decreasing of the friction in the region of juncture of the planes or surfaces and, coversely, the thinning of the boundary layer and increase in the friction as the lateral edge of the plate was approached. Consequently, there appears the phenomenon of the premature, as compared with the two-dimensional layer, separation of the boundary layer near the line of intersection of the surfaces. The latter phenom- enon, usually aggravated further by the harmful interference of the external potential flows, which are as yet not subject to computation, are actually observed in the region where the wing and fuselage are joined and in other flows where there is an intersection of surfaces in the diffuser region of the layer. Very recently V. V. Struminskii (ref. 48) gave a theory of the three-dimensional boundary layer on a cylindrical wing of infinite span moving with constant angle of slip. For this purpose he applied the theory of the boundary layer with finite thickness. We now proceed to consider the investigations on the effect of the roughness of the surface on the boundary layer. The effect of surface roughness on the resistance of a body is determined principally by the ratio of the mean height of the roughness protuberance to the thickness of the laminar sublayer. The semi-empirical theory of the turbulent boundary layer near a rough surface was worked out by the combined efforts of several Soviet specialists. Particularly to be mentioned are a num- ber of systematic studies conducted by K. K. Fedyaevskii and his coworker, N. N. Fomina. Fedyaevskii (ref. 53) in his early work, dating from 1936, provided the answer to two fundamental questions of interest to the design- ing constructer: what is the "permissible" roughness which does not appreciably increase the resistance of a wing, and what is the effect of a given over-all roughness on the resistance of a wing. Later on, carry- ing out tests on the resistance of an individual schematized protuberance, Fedyaevskii and Fomina (ref. 61) sharpened the question of the possibility of applying the hypothesis of plane flow to the roughness protuberances. By introducing the notion of the equivalent height of a roughness pro- tuberance, the authors gave a table of conventional heights equivalent to various wing and fuselage surface roughnesses that are encountered in practice. A similar investigation on the roughness of a ship's hull was conducted by I. G. Khanovich (ref. 67). He is also to be credited with a method for computing the boundary layer on a rough surface in the presence of a longitudinal pressure drop. NACA TM 1400 19 An analysis of the parameters determining the resistance of a rough surface and also the basis for the derivation of the fundamental formulas of the velocity distribution were given in a note by L. G. Loitsianskii (ref. 34). The results of the investigations of our aerodynamicists on the problem of the effect of roughness are widely applied in airplane con- struction practice and in work on the analysis of the effect of roughness on the resistance of ships, on the efficiency of hydraulic turbines (39), and so forth. The attention of Soviet investigators was likewise drawn to special problems on the decrease of the friction due to changes in the physical constants of the liquid or gas by having the boundary layer consist of a liquid or gas differing in its properties from those of the approach flow and, also, by heating the surface of the body in the flow. An interesting experimental investigation of the surface of a body in a flow was made by K. K. Fedyevskii and E. L. Blokh (ref. 59) who showed that the coefficient of resistance of a body in an air flow with the surface of the body heated decreases as the square root of the squares of the absolute temperatures of the approach flow and the surface of the body. The effect of a boundary layer consisting of a fluid with other constants was investigated in the theoretical note of L. G. Loitsianskii (ref. 32) where it was shown that of fundamental importance for reducing the resistance is a decrease of the ratio of the density of the fluid in the boundary layer to that in the approach flow since this ratio enters as a power close to unity, in contrast to the very small influence of the ratio of the kinematic coefficients of viscosity. Fedyaevskii conducted interesting experiments on the effect of the aeration of the boundary layer on the resistance of a body moving in water and showed the practical possibility of decreasing the resistance. Several general considerations on this subject may be found in the theoretical paper (ref. 58) of this author. In conclusion, we note the investigations of N. A. Zaks (ref. 11 ) on the control of the boundary layer by suction or blow-off of air on the wing. The theoretical basis of the possibility of obtaining a gain in the lift force from the application of various methods of control of the boundary layer and by adding flaps to the wing was first given by V. V. Golubev. In his investigations on the theory of the slotted wing (ref. 4), Golubev showed that the presence of a forward flap retards the separation of the boundary layer toward the region of larger angles of attack than for the wing without flap and, in connection with this fact, he advanced several general considerations on the structural param- eters of the wing with flap. Later Golubev (ref. 5) occupied himself with the theoretical investigation of other forms of mechanization, in particular, with the suction and blow-off of the boundary layer. 20 NACA TM 1400 5. BOUNDARY LAYER AND RESISTANCE IN COMPRESSIBLE GAS AT LARGE VELOCITIES The investigation of the effect of compressibility of a gas on the motion in the boundary layer, the resistance, and the heat transfer is the newest branch of the theory of the boundary layer. The first theoretical study in which a method was given for the complete computation of the distribution of the velocities and tempera- tures in a laminar boundary layer in a compressible gas was the work of F. I. Frankl (ref. 63). In this paper, Frankl generalized the usual method of the boundary layer of finite thickness to the case of a com- pressible gas. In his later papers (refs. 64 to 66) dating from 1935 to 1937, Frankl solved the problem of the heat transfer and friction in the turbulent boundary layer on a plate. The latter problem, as well as the analogous problem of the laminar boundary layer, presented serious com- putational difficulties but the author carried his investigation far enough to give quantitative conclusions. An extremely simple approximate theory of the turbulent friction on a plate in a compressible fluid flow was given by K. K. Fedyevskii and N. N. Fomina (ref. 61) who showed that if the usual quadratic distribu- tion formula for the turbulent friction is assumed for the cross sections of a compressible-flow boundary layer, the effect of compressibility on the resistance of the plate may at first approximation be taken into account through a change in the physical constants in the boundary layer and reduced to the previously mentioned law of the square root of the square of the ratio of the temperatures at the wall to those of the approach flow. A fundamental step forward in the solution of the problem of the boundary layer in a compressed gas was the investigation of A. A. Dorodnitsyn (ref. 7) conducted by him even before the war but published only at the beginning of 1942. In this work, Dorodnitsyn showed that at P equal to unity, and in the absence of heat transfer, the system of differential equations of motion of a gas in a laminar boundary layer can be reduced to a form differing slightly from the equations of the boundary layer in an incompressible gas if we pass from the coordinates x and y to the new coordinates £ and r\, connected with the old coordinates by the integral relations jf ' 4 dx - " - 4 dy {5 - 1] where p 00 and pqq are the pressure and density in the gas adiabat- ically brought to rest. NACA TM 1400 21 In the particular case of the plate in an axial flow, Dorodnitsyn obtained the following equation for the resistance coefficient: c f = i 2 where the magnitude *" s ^ 01 >. X ~" -C ■J .2 CO B x S fc dl t- g o u c o x tc 01 a a u Se D en E u K > O 0. o £ o "* .s «CH CO ^ CJ u t < QJ H ■h 0) > o K ESQ 6- -r en t- cn cd 01 o eg CO 1 O O CO f £ E E J Z 5 P s« Q. ^ esi co « h 5 >iT3 o bi c 01 CO CO 1 - £ 1 c 3 O Cb o a CJ B o CO -C 3 ^. DO Q. e rt c o s £ a -J* o X u O In ^ a -C CTj 0) DO 4) >.05 CJ a. 0) < q CM 0, ed CJ c u -C u s t> a. s o o £ CD £ 03 o (h 01 c 1 0) 3 in 0) % Cb ■- o ^ a o u CO Cb ffl a s be c > a S X B n 00 Eh rt 01 E* •> c 0) > < < o o a 5 H >l u CO 5* 0) Cb B CO z E o u o ° o .2 < E ed o o (h > o T3 01 a 0) ■* > (fi (-. c o X! ACA TM 1 ational Ad OUNDARY OB j a 5 < < z > o cd od od h O 3 c3 a> rt G O ej Eh 01 t— X o C s o c/3 ai a ZZfflJ P H Ed 1- CJ _ c CO 0) 3 *^ Cb •^ S CO ,— ' p x *-J o ■-" > s a> u s O c CO X cu u □ o U a, o 5 o K-< X He H it 01 C- 03 o CM CO I* ^ *5 <5 < A Cfl ■fi u o o 7 o o ° o cd rt cb CO £ E fc. J 2 S 6 >* Di . —J w e*3 hh o CM c 1> C^ kl f I c o Cb *- o -- DO sg P ca c 5 2 t-' X u a o en « ^. u •,— a •? » Cb 03 QJ >.oi O ^, o. SI < c CN cb | rt u c L, S g a B tb £ o cS ■- c IM B to o 31 ^ CD CO in O Cb 01 § Cb Lh CTJ t-. O. « OL T-< *— X o ~ -t a CJ X B < s s nj >• Cb -C 01 > < o u cn ^ - X X Cb 01 a B 3D 2 B o o o o .2 < a B cd > t-) -. rt £ o u c N s (A (U a o o ( , CJ Cl 01 ■ 3^* QJ " - 1 > CQ *H -C •— ■ ^H o H t- CO cu Ih a. S o CJ 5 X 01 Q, 3 o U OD 9 u X > J .2 X a 3 o o s Cv JZ E X Cj £ H > O cn 1 O CM CO t* k* i X < rt u CO © o o 5 < od rt Cb CO £ h Ejz s P > 0. ^ c4 eg -i H g >,T3 o Fi 0) CM CO i C -C 1 01 •*-» © s a. OD CJ B o CO Q 3 rt c ^, X d c ** o c t— " o DO Eh O o X rt ^ (4 u .^ Q. J3 C75 Cb X 01 >,<> CJ --< Q. 0J < e CN1 B] 1 rt § •a h s t- Q- cb O cu § to US £ m O Cb Eh c -c 01 H Ci u a. M be 1— 1 M X L - £ 1 e o ft >l rt s BB B rt C< cb X cu 01 > < < o ;~ H 1-, X pi Cb X C CO z E h (" -^ -C a- "tjl (- <= 2 o 2 < X B a o o If > 0) ■a en OJ ■* ^ cb s- B O NACA TM 1 National Ad BOUNDARY L. G. Loits S < O t > O cr CO CO p a u ed Cb H rt c O ej cb >> rt e'- en £ h HH c M O If] QJ Q. O u ^_^ ( rj c^ QJ 3 ^ * ■" rt ^ «rjr9 r- d-d H t- Incompres Compress CO ix 3 — II > § O -T -H s Qj JB X CJ £ H u 01 > cn 1 CD O eg CO \ W 1 1 i* S? *2 < rt J2 CO Eh © © ^ 5 '3 < ai CO rt Cb CO E E fc J z S p >* 0. ^H CJ c»j t-i c g c^-a O b CM Qj C*J i tn JS 1 § Cb 53 O a. CO 5§ Cb jB 3 S? S 5 s d S e-" C O X (h O O CO a ^»i (h Ih ,a> CJ ,-H Pi 0) < c CN QJ | a C O ^"S s ^ a B 0> -X CD S2 O En cu aj rt in 0) CD tfl CJ) u n El 2 bo •-. on '— ^ ii aft a rt s X Cb >> C CJ > < < CJ « J Eh X 0) X B CO z E u !» ■^ • J2 Cb T u <; X B .2 > Cb -c 01 cn (U ■* > . *-h QJ h c: O XJ NACA TM 1 National Ad BOUNDARY L. G. Loitfi S H . < K O CO < IM Eh O £ rt 01 jq H cd C CJ Eh cb >» rt 33 1— 1 £ h c s tfl (V i u _ 3 ""] ss '.-O Cu - - > CO — ' 3 b Li CQ ^ cu u o. s o u c C-i •f. 01 a a o o en G U > i a o £ 01 J2 E a) u s 1h CD > O CC -T en c— OS o eg CO Z? o * c < U < u 91 -A u re QJ o o CO E u. Ejz S P >< d - c-i <-■> ~ tz S 3 01 CM CO i ■v ^r b 3 B -2 o a CO u c o 0) 3 ^ CO a. a c o n n r- In . rt d -C C) ai 00 Cu >.o> u a. QJ < c CO 89 re u c u 5 c- CL c o o 01 ■-. c ■M s to B O v 2 CO X m 0j u >> B > ifl a s u z ft I 3 B Li re u a u 03 CD < < o U OS = H >. n B ad z E o IH ;x ^; JZ a -r u o o < 7] a a O o > cu T3 QJ 03 01 ACA TM 14 ational Adv OUNDARY B 3 J o < < z > o cc Cd C CJ 0> >> O t- oa a o X) a c M S o V] 0) I ZZMJ P H cd l-l u c\ CO a* . 3 ^ 0J •"• ^ >i to ^ 3 ^ ^ a .B! r- CO QJ h a. B o u 5 CD Ih a B u CO CJ /. > .2 1 o o -r H 0. JS c DO c H bi ai c cc T en i o eg « ?' is" ^' Dfl < re u w ■r, u o / o o o a < ^ re 0j C-3 / E U^ bijZ s P >H d „ (N CO 3 1—1 >>-o o H o CJ rt a CO -o ;- JZ c 0/ o 3 a CO C o CO Q .2 cu 3 CQ C ^4, 00 d - ■*-* o u c- O CO o Ji re 'T h V4 d -C CD Q> ao Cu >>oi u o. CD < e ca ai re U b4 -C s c- a c QJ o q CO s o^ o 01 S cu r^ in o Q> Cfl cu U 03 i «' 5 G O >» re s H re 03 u BD CD 43 QJ > < < o - *J >. h 00 CD ■ GO z E o J-, >* *A A X T h o 2 o « < ■J 'Si B rt o o CD -0 C — «*• > U B o n c n s o HI 1 ACA TM 1 ational Ad 0UNDAR\ 3 < < 2 > o cc E0 ad o cd 0) J3 re B o t- < d 3 -Z? s ° o to <3 — c Cu cct cu t« " ho .« O eft 5^" m i: ^ 5 •* »!?•-" a y N ". | rt ° St- a. c "" cu S2 o . u cc o S. < s<« < §2 < d o z z o H 5- S ■ 3 co o t-, c o ^ 0) > a CO < . O w < CQ « S c as cu ■-■' -