LIBRARY STATE PLANT BOARD UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OE AGRICULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D. C. B. E. P. Q.~ U50 May 27, I937 ADMINISTRATIVE INSTRUCTIONS; APPROVAL OE ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT FOR THE INTERSTATE MOVEMENT OF BALED COTTON LINTERS GINNED FROM COTTONSEED PRODUCED IN AREAS LIGHTLY INFESTED WITH THE PINK 30LL7/0RM (Issued under Regulation 9> Quarantine No. ^2) Pursuant to authority vested in the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine under Regulation 9 of the rules and regulations sup- plemental to Notice of Quarantine No. 5 2 (revised), which provides that baled linters produced in a lightly infested area to be shipped interstate to nonregulated territory must be either fumigated under vacuum, or compressed, or roller treated; or given such other treat- ment as may later be approved by the said Bureau, the Bureau hereby approves the following alternative treatment: Permits may be issued for the interstate movement of baled cotton linters ginned from cottonseed grown in a regulated area lightly infested with the pink bollworm when such linters are pro- duced from seed which has been heated to a temperature of at least 155"" Fahrenheit in approved apparatus under the supervision of an inspector and subsequently handled so as to prevent contamination. Such treatment shall be given separate and apart from ginning opera- tions and removed from other contaminated cotton products. LEE A. STRONG, Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine . UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA llllWllllWlllIlilillll 3 1262 09245 5483