■^\J N m o m i NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS o < TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 1303 RESISTANCE OF CASCADE OF AIRFOILS IN GAS STREAM AT SUBSONIC VELOCITY By L. G. I.oitsianskii Translation Soprotivlenie reshetki profile! v gazovonn potoke s dokriticheskimi skorostianni, Prikladnaia Matematika i Mekhanika, vol. XIII, no. 2, 1949. Washington September 1951 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA DOCUMENTS DEPARTMENT 120 MARSTON SCIENCE LIBRARY RO. BOX 117011 GAINESVILLE. FL 32611-7011 USA y ry ^^7 <5 7 SI i^n^ NATIONAL ADVISORY COM^HTTEE FOR AERONAUTICS TECHNICAL MEf/IORANDUM 1303 RESISTANCE OF CASCADE OF AIRFOILS IN GAS STREAfI AT SUBSONIC VELOCITY* By L. G. Loitsianskii A method of computing the resistance of a cascade of airfoils in a viscous compressible gas flow is described. The case of an incompressible gas is considered in reference 1 and appears herein only as a simple particular case of the general theory of resistance of a cascade in a compressible gas. The investigation was restricted to subsonic velocities (that is, when the local velocity of sound is nowhere reached on the air- foil surface) because the required assumption of isentropic flow, that is, the absence of shock waves in any region of the motion, is valid only under these conditions. The second reason for the restriction to relatively small values of Mach num.ber is the possibility under this assiimrjtion of applying a lift formula analogous to the well-known Joukowsky formula (reference 2) and of thus assigning a definite meaning to the term "cascade resistance" or, more accurately, the "resistance of an airfoil in cascade." The resistance formula can be derived for an isolated airfoil, as is known, by applying the momentum theorem between two paireillel cross sections of the flow at an infinite distance upstream and doT-m- stream of the airfoil. In the problem of cascade resistance, dif- ficulty is encoimtered, namely, the absence of an external potential flow downstream of the cascade where the boundary layers (wakes) from the individual airfoils merge. This essential difficulty, which is expressed quantitatively in the impossibility of employing the boundary- layer (wake) equation up to a plane at an infinite distance, can be circumvented by introducing the plane of merging of the boundary layers (wakes) and by establishing relations between the gas dynamic elements in this plane and in the plane at infinity downstream of the cascade. Soprotivlenie reshetki profilei v gazovom potoke s dokriti- cheskimi skorostiami, Prikladnaia Matematika i Meldianika, vol. XIII, no. 2, 1949 NACA ™ 1303 An essential assumption of the present investigation is that a small degree of nonhomogeneity of the flow exists in the section of the aerodynamic vake of the cascade where the hoiindary layers from the individual airfoils, considered as layers of finite thick- ness, merge; the larger powers of the small velocity differences may then be neglected. The same assumption was made in the investi- gation of cascade resistance in an incompressible gas (reference l) and was subsequently confirmed experimentally. The plane of merging of the boundary layers is then assumed to be the control surface required for the application of the momentiom theorem ajid in the case of the isolated airfoil is taken to be the plane at an infinite distance downstream of the airfoil. It is evident that when the relative pitch of the cascade is increased, this plane will be farther and farther away from the axial plane of the cascade and in the limit, for a relative pitch equal to infinity, that is, in the case of an isolated airfoil, ■jid.ll go to infinity. This assumption may evi- dently be made for cascades with moderate solidities, a case that corresponds in practice to turbine and compressor cascades. Any method of calculating the boundary layer in a compressible gas may be used to compute the characteristic thicknesses of the layer and to estimate the effect of the compressibility of the gas on the external flow. The solution of the proposed problem reduces to a straightforward and direct form that is independent of the method of computation. 1. Resistance of airfoil in cascade. Joukowsky force as com- ponent of total force exerted by incompressible fluid on airfoil. - For ti^ro- dimensional flow of a real fluid, the resistance (or drag) of an isolated cylindrical wing of infinite span referred to unit length of the wing is the coraponent of the total force exerted by the fluid on the wing in the direction of the velocity of the approach- ing flow at infinity, or, in other words, of the velocity component of motion of the wing in an incompressible medium. This definition is invalid in the case of an airfoil in a t-tro- dimensional cascade, because in this more general case there is no unique velocity direction at infinity upstream and downstream of the cascade and there are no considerations by which preference is to be given to any particular direction for determining in this direction the resistance component of the total force acting on the v.-in^'. In this case, the problem is to determine what may be termed resistance. An isola.ted >n.nc of finite span is now considered. In this case, as also in the case of an airfoil in cascade, for each section of the wing, in viev; of the presence of vortex systems (films) shed from the NACA T?-l 1303 \:'-..nQ and pcsslna. dc-.TT-Strecn to Infinity, two velocities dirferent in magnitude and direction exist at infinity upstream and dovnstream of the vrin^^'. For Ideal flov.' about a vring of finite span in accordance v.-ith the scheviie of lifting lines, the total pressure force of the flov; at a given section of che '-rin,-: is I^iowti to be perpendi cu]_ar to the velocity of the flow at the corresponding point of the section under consideration on the iiftin';' line. This velocity, vmich repre- sents half the vector sum of the velocities at Jnfinity upstreara and do'imstreain of the win^, is assuined at the section considered as the effective velocity of flow; the anrle between the chord of the wins section and the direction of the effective velocity is considered as the effective angle of attac';, and so forth. For a two-dimensional infinite cascade of airfoils, a similar assumption is made with the difference only that in the theory of the wine oi' finite span the effective velocity differs slightly from the velocity of the approaching flow; whereas in the case of the cascade the jump is of the same order as the geometrical angle 'of attack. In the aerodynamics of a wing of finite span, the profile draf, is the difference between the head resistance, which is represented by the component of the total force exerted by the real (viscous) gas flow in the d'Jrection of the velocity at infinity upstream of the wins, £'nd the induced drag, which is the component in the same direct:' on of the effective lift force. For a small difference between the directions of the effective velocity and the velocity of the approaching flow, this definition of the profile drag of a wing section differs by small terms of higher order from the true profile drag, strictly defined as the vector difference between the total force exerted by the real flov? on the wing section and the effective lift force for a real fluid. In the case of the two-dimensional cascade, it is natural to assume for the profile drag R' the difference between the vector of the total force R (fig. l) and the Joukows'^ force R^ (in the teimiinologi'' of reference l) which for an incompressible gas is given by R. = pV r (1.1) .1 m NACA TM 1303 acting in the direction perpendicular to the fictitious velocity at infinity V determined as \ = i(V-^V (1-2) where V, (u^ t v-, ) and V„ (u_ t v_ ) are the vector velocities loo lao Jco 3oo * a» 2oo at infinity upstream and downstream of the cascade, p is the den- sity of the fluid, emd T is the circulation determined by the equation where t is the pitch of the cascade. Introducing the concept of the vector pitch t, which is equal in length to the magnitude of the pitch t and directed at right angles to the axis of the cascade downstream of the flow, gives the Joukowsky force by the following vector equation (reference 2): R. = pV X (t X V-,) (1.4) J *^ m ^ d' ^ ' where the following vector V, = V„ - Vt (1.5) d 2oD loo ^ ' gives the vector change of velocity produced by the cascade. The preceding formulas are valid not only for the flow of an ideal incom- pressible fluid but also for a viscous fluid. The profile drag R* is as follows (reference l) : R' = p't (1.6) where p' is the pressure loss in the cascade determined by the equation NACA TM 1503 P' = (Ploo + I P'^lJ) - (P2oo + I PV2» ) (1.7) The total force R is equal to the sum R = R. + R' = pVjjj X (t X V^) + p't ' (1.8) 2. Resistance of tvo- dimensional cascade in real gas flov 3.t subsonic velocities . - The expression for the total force R of the interaction of the flow with a two-diraensional cascade at sub- sonic velocities may be represented in the following form (reference 2) R = (Pt„ - Ppjt + p, (V^ • t)V, - p^ (V„ • t)V„ (2.1) 1» -^200 loo ^ loo loo 2oo Sod 2oo v/here p^ , p^ and p^ , p„ are the pressures and densities loo' '^loD 2oD 2oo upstream and do-vmstream of the cascade, respectively. The equivalent expressions Ploo^lcx- t = P2C.V2CO- t (2.2) evidently express the rate of mass flow per second throu.^h the section of the flow parallel to the axis of the cascade 'and equal in length to the pitch. As was shoim (reference 2) also in the case of a compressible gas for Mach nu^nbers not too near unity, the lift force of an airfoil in cascade in an ideal gas flow may be represented in the for:n of equation (l.4), provided that for the density p is taken the arith- metical mean density p equal to P,^ = o (Pt + Pq ) (2.3) ' m 2 lo° '^2oo' ^ ' The following o.pproximate expression of the Bernoiilli theorem is employed: P, - Vo = P V . V^ = i p (V„ 2 _ V 2) (2.4) ■^loD -^200 "^m m d 2 ' m ^ 2oc loo NACA Wi 1305 This equation is valid with an accuracy to tenth parts of the square of the difference of squares of the Mach ntiinbers at infinity upstream and dovrnstream of the cascade. In the case of the real (compressible and viscous) ^as, p - p = 1 p (V 2 _ V 2) + p' (2.5) lOD coc 2 HI '^* - •.rhere p' characterizes the losses in the cascade due to the internal friction in the gas; an equation may be obtained (reference 2) ana.lo- gous to equation (1.8) H = R. + R' = p V X (t X V^) + p't (2.6) J ra m d vhere p' is determined by the expression P' = Pn - Vn - - P (V, 2 _ V 2) (2.7) ^ -^loD ■" 2a) 2 rn ^ 2 P2 - P yr V A = yo+t = a dy Yo+t 1 J' Vo - V t Vo '0 Yo+t 1 t J" yo yo+t P2 - P2 P J. 1 V2 - V dy dy ay To - T dv "^ > (3.1) J NACA TM 1303 which characterize the mean relative deviations of the hydro dynamic elements of the flow at the points of section 2 of the wake from the values of these elements at the hoxindaries of the wake at the points of intersection of the boundary layers. Section 2 idLll be assumed at such distance from the cascade that the differences Ug - u, . . ., and also their mean relative values A■^» • • • niay be considered small magnitudes, the higher powers and the products of which may be neglected. Moreover, the velocities at different points of section 2 are assumed parallel and in a general direction coinciding with that of the velocity at infinity behind the cascade. It follows at once that ^u=^v=^V (3.2) Comparison \n.th analogous mean relative deviations in section 2' gives the magnitudes .■4.1 u„' - u' — — ; dy', . . . (f = t cos |3„J (3.3) Jo 2 In the subsequent discussion, it >ri.ll be assumed that, for a sufficient distance of planes 2 and 2' from the axial plane of the cascade, all the magnitudes (3.3) and so forth are correspondingly equal to the magnitudes (3.l)> that is, Au' =Au Ap' =Ap . . . (3.4) This additional assumption may be justified as a consequence of the assumption of a small degree of variation of the gas dynamic elernents near plane 2 and behind it downstrean of the flow. In accordance \rith the fundamental property of the wake a ' = 0, the following equation may be obtained: Ap = (3,5) NACA TM 1303 Because of the smallness of the magnitudes A , A , . . . , the gas dynamic magnitudes in the intermediate plane 2 are easily shown to be connected with the corresponding values of these magnitudes in the plane 2od by relations that are analogous to the case of the incom- pressible gas. For this purpose, a segment of a flow tube is assumed between sec- tions 2 and 2», where a length equal to the pitch t is taken for the transverse dimension of the tube in the direction parallel to the axis of the cascade. Application of the theorem of the conservation of mass then yields J pu dy = J^ [P2 - (P2 - P)] ^2 - (^2 " ^^^^^ = P2ooU2oo* Expanding the brackets and neglecting the product (p„ - p) (ug - u) as a small quantity of higher order gives the following equation: J [P2^2 - ^2(P2 - P) - P2(^2 - ^fl^y = P2o=^a»* ^0 From this expression, the following relation is obtained in the notation of equation (3.l): PoUo(l - A - A ) = po Uo ^2 2^ p u' "^200 2oo or, with the same degree of accuracy, P2^2 = P2=o^2c»(l +^p + V (3.6) The momentum theorem in the projection on the x-axis applied to the same segment of the flow tube gives J pdy +J pu2dy - pgj: - Pg^u^^t = yo yo 10 NACA TM 1303 This equation may be written in the form Yo+t yo+t J [P2 - ^P2 - PQ^y +J [P2 - ^P2 " pO &2 - K - ^3<^y yo yo 2 = Po t + p u t If the smallness of the differences Po - P? Po " P; ^^^ u„ - u is taken into account, the following expression may be obtained: P2(l - ^) + P2^2'tl - ^p - 2AJ - Pa, + P2^U2^2 (3.7) With the aid of equations (3.5) and (3.6) and the same approxima- tion, the following equation may be written: P2 + P2o."2o=^2(l - ^i) = Pax + P2 (4.2) y •=x yn'+t- [pg - (P2 - p)] [Vg - (Vg - V)] Vg - V >> yo' ^2^2 dy' > = t'Ay' = tA^ cos P2c (4.3) ^^ The profile drag will now be determlnedj the magnitude p' must first be found. In equation (2.7), p' is expressed as a small dif- ference between two large magnitudes and is therefore unsuitable either for experimental or for approximate theoretical determination of p'. In order to eliminate this defect, equation (2. '7) is rewrit- ten in the form P' = Pio,- P2oo T (Pio. + P2 (5.1) NACA TM 1303 17 where for the longitudinal (coordiante s) and transverse (coordinate n) projections of the velocities, the symbols Vg and V^^ are used in contrast to the velocity projections u and v connected with the axes Ox and Oy; p is the local density, t the friction stress, and p the pressure on the outer boundary of the layer. By rewriting the system (5.l) in the following form, according to the second of equations (S.l) and the general Bernoulli equation. OS on ds St ■N > ^(pVs) 5(pVn) — s — + — s — = OS on -/ (5.2) where p and Vg denote the density and the longitudinal velocity at the outer limit of the boundary layer. Both sides of the second equation are then multiplied by Vg to yield S , _ , S . _ , dVg 5J (PV,V3) . - (PV.VJ - PV3 jf . The first of equations (5.2) is then subtracted term by term from the equation just obtained; the resulting equation is then inte- grated, which gives dV, St ^KCTs - V3)] . |^K(V3 - V,)] . (PV, - PVJ _. = - ^ along the normal to the section of the wake, which is considered either infinite in the usual sense of the theory of asymptotic boundary layer or finite, as is assumed in the theory of the finite thickness layer. In either case, the following relation holds: dsj +0:,S pVg(V3 - V^) dn + ^ _ -K»^& -00, & r (pVg - pV^) dn -oo)& The following expression is then obtained: -hx,8 dV„ / V„\ dn s ^ 's d -MX,0 sv3^r ^(1-^) -Oo;'- _ dV, +OD^5 + pVp ds dn = 18 MCA TM 1303 By expanding the parentheses and introducing the notation of reference 4, +CC,5 --S (-t) N > 6** = = 1 dn (5.3) the required momentum equation is finally obtained. ds ^Vvds^pds/^ ""yds b"" = (5.4) In such form^ the momentum equation for the compressible gas differs from the corresponding equation for the incompressible gas only in the term p" dp/ds (and, of course, in the definitions of the magnitudes S* and 5* *) . If the moraentiim equation for the incompressible gas is considered for the case of axial symmetrical motion, the term p~ dp'/ds, which expresses the effect of the variable density of the gas, may be taken equivalent to the term that takes into account the transverse curvature. In addition to the momentum equation, the heat equation is con- sidered; it can be easily set up by a method analogous to the preceding method from the known heat equation of the boundary layer. (pV3 I . PV„ I;) (. . ^) . ^ (5.5) where a = \xq. JX is the Prandtl number. i = Jc T P on \a 2 ' MCA TM 1303 19 The value of q is given in the case of the laminar boundary layer; equation (5.5) holds also for the turbulent layer, but in this case q would be expressed in a different form. The so-called temperature of adiabatic stagnation T is now consideredj it is given by rp* = T' 4- ^ 2Jc, (5.6) By means of the conti.nuity equation, the following system of equations may be set up: I- (PV3T*) + ^ (pVj^T*) = -^ $a ds on Jc_ on ^ (pVsT*) + ^ (pV^T*) = ■> (5.7) J In the second equation of the system, the stagnation temperature T* ' at the outer limit of the boundary layer, which is constant (because the external flow is isentropic), is taken under the sign of the derivatives in the continuity equation. Subtracting one equation of the system (5.7) from the other and successively integrating over the cross section of the wake gives +00,5 r -oc,6 "N 1 v*.,^ 4 J" PV3(T*- T*)dn = +00,5 pV (T* - T*)dn = constant J (5.8) The fictitious thickness of the wake is now introduced +00^6 J , PVs \ TV -00,0 (5.9) 20 NACA TM 1303 which may be termed the thickness of the energy loss; equation (5,8) may then be rewritten as pVT*0 = constant (S.IO) Equation (5.4) is again considered. After each side is divided by 5**, the expression is integrated along the wake from section k at the trailing edge of the airfoil to plane 2', previously defined. The result is /^\ _ ^^ /PkVk!\ _ r^'^5^ d In Vg (^0 The notation of equation (4.7) is used for the ratio of the ficti- tious wake thicknesses, H = 1^* (5.12) and it is noted that equation (S.ll) is integrated to completion if the magnitude H is replaced by some average value; for example, the following relation may be set up: H = H^p = I (Eg + E^) (5.13) By this simplification, the following expression is immediately obtained: \6kW VpzVgV 2 ^M:^y= i"Mr^;-i (^2 ^ h^,) m Z2 Vk or finally. V* Pk KV + I (H2+H^) This eq\iation connects ^2** ^^^ ^k**' ^^^ does not explicitly contain Bg*'" "^^^ exponent on the right contains the magnitude Hg^ which is equal to the ratio 52*7^2* ** From equations (4.8) and (4.9) previously derived, equation (5.14) serves as one of the equations NACA TM 1303 21 * ♦ for expressing the two unknowns Sg and Hg entering in the equations for the losses in the cascade and the resistance in terms of the elements of the boundary layer at the trailing edge of the airfoil. The second equation is obtained by use of equation (5.10)^ which may be rewritten as follows: P2V2T2*02 = PkVkTk*^k or, because of the isentropic character of the motion outside the boundary layer, T„ = T, j the expression then becomes PgYgSg = Pk^k^k (5.15) In this equation a new unknown quantity 0^ appears to enter; because of the small degree of nonhomogeneity of the fields of hydro- dynamic elements in planes 2 or 2' , however, this term can actually be expressed in terms of the previous unknowns. When the small degree of nonhomogeneity and the formulas relating the elements in planes 2 and 2or, (derived in section 3) are accounted for, equation (5.14) and then equation (5.15) are transformed. By equation (5.14), ^ iL. P2c.^l + %) Lv^Ji^V^J 24(H2+Hj^) ^(fe)^^'"^^"^'a-Vf-[-|("e^%3^} >(5.16) Pk P2a- V> \24(Hp+Hj ^20./ A - [2 + 1 (H2 + \)\ ^,] Because in this section everything will be expressed in terms of the unknowns Sg** ^^^ ^2' equations (4.2) and (4.3) are applied; the following expression is then obtained: 22 6£* 2-4-iHv+iH. NACA TM 1303 -1^1)^] (5.17) or '"''^"U^) 2+^^432 [-(-i%4Ha)2f;*] For a first approximation, the subtrahend in the "brackets on the right may he neglected in comparison to unity to obtain 52**= 6^**£k. P2c 24^1,+|h2 (5.18) The second fundamental equation (5.15) is similarly transformed. With the chosen degree of accuracy. +00, 5 +00, & "00^ o -05, 5 pVs(T2* - T*) P2V2T2* dn +00,0 +ex>,8 _P P2V2(V - ^) .. - P ^2* - T* dn MCA TM 1303 23 Therefore, +OD^6 +a»S (Tp; - T)dii ^ p V272Jc^ - Vs^/2JCp P V2 /^J^T v) _ To + 2 + Vg^/SJCp ^^^5 Tg + V22/2JC dn = 1 r T2 - T 1 + V„2/2Jc Tp J T2 2 ' P 2 ^,6 dn + +CD,5 P V2V2Jc^ -[V22 - 2V2(V2 - V)] A Jc^ ^ _ -00^ & T, + V22/2JC 1 + V22/2JCpT2 V V22/2JC T^^+V2^/2Jc 1 _ /^^2te '200 ^— V=(^*^^T:'^-*)V '2cx> p 2oo -l2^-A -Z2» A\t' .Jc„T ■* u p-'2cx ^2» T"p or, by equations (4.2) and (4.3), V2^/(k - l)JCpT2 :oo \yJ |(k-l)M2 2-.l \*\\J 1„ } (5.21) This transcendental equation in H^ may be solved by one of the approximate methods in any concrete case. According to equation (5.20), . . . ^ 4fc - ^'"^.^ ^^ e^ (5. 33) The terms bg** and Hg referring to section 2, the location of which is unknown, are thus eliminated and expressed in terms of the magnitudes &k** and 9-^ either measurable or computable by any method of boundary- layer theory and in terms of the velocity, density, and temperature at the outer limit of the boundary layer near the trailing edge of the air foil and at infinity behind the cascade. The terms p' and R' may then be obtained with little difficulty by equations (4.8) and (4.9). MCA TM 1303 25 6. Approximate formulas for computing losses and resistances in cascade. - At these relatively small subsonic Mach numbers considered herein, the nonisothermal character of the flow in the wake behind the airfoil of the cascade can occur mainly through the heating or the cooling of the surface of the airfoil and not through the internal transformations of kinetic energy into heat. In order to verify this fact, equations (5.2l) is employed. The following notation is introduced for briefness: 9 ^00 >» m He = € > (6.1) 3 + Hv = P- 2 ^ Equation (5.2l), which is transcendental relative to £, then assumes the form m - £ ^ 1 \ /^2o°'\ 1 + m 2 sT' VVk / ^l+£ (6.2) The unknown magnitude £ is now expanded into a series in powers of the small parameter m. (For air the value of m at Mg^^^ < 0.7 does not exceed O.l) e = £q + £-|_m + figm + (6.3) Substituting this series in equation (6.2) gives [-.o.(i-,,»-...](i-.-...) = i^(|f)^"°(|ff £nm+. . . (6.4) or ^0 + i^ + ^0 - ^i)"i - ■•-^(^)^^^'^-(^)"-] 26 NACA TM 1303 By equating coefficients, the following equation is obtained: - ^0 for determining e . Because of the assiomption previously made on the small heat transfer from the surface of the airfoil in the cascade, the quantity £ is considered small for M^ =0- The following equation, accurate to small quantities of the second order, is then obtained: '^ = \ (^)'° = \ [l ^ ^0 1- ^] (6.6) where A, = 1 3^ /l2«\ ^^'^""^^ (6.7) ^^k From equation (6.6), ^ ■0 1 + Aj^ m iV2j^^) (6.8) The ratio ^2ioJ^'k generally differs little from unity; hence, the natural logarithm of this ratio is small so that e^ = - A, Ok may be written without great error. By equating the coefficients of m to the first power, in equation (6.4), the expression c, = 1 + C^ = 1 - A, is obtained with the same degree of accuracy. The approximate equation is then C = - A, + (l + A, )m « m - A, (6.9) NACA TM 1303 27 Equation (5.22) is now employed and in the new notation has the form * * _ 1 + m Pk^k 2(m -e) p. V, (6.10) 2oo 2oc According to equations (6.1l) and (6.7), 5 ** ^ Pk^k % ** Pk_/Z]^\ iC^-Hl.) (6.11) If it is assumed that at the trailing edge Hi^ = 1.4, equations (6.11) and (6.7) assume the form 2 1^ P2»\V2oc^ 3.2 "^ ^ 2 5,-^vJ 2.2 (6.12) y From equation (4.8), an approximate formula for the losses is readily obtained: P' = [Pm^2j ^ k ^^2.(^2^ - \Jll ^^2 >v t cos Bo = P^V, m 2oD ^ P2*\^ Vo J 2oo' *♦ t cos Pp OD l_ 1 + ^ (m - Aj^) £2» ^2.^ - ^lo, Pr. V^ 2 m '2» jl* >(6.13) and therefore a corresponding approximate formula for the resistance differing from the right side of the previous equation only in the factor t . 28 NACA TM 1303 The further possible simplifications of equation (6.13) are connected with the choice of devices for computing the characteristics of the bovmdary layer at the surface of the airfoil in the cascade and for taking into account the effect of the compressibility on the external flow. Translation by S. Reiss National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics REFERENCES 1. Loitsianskii, L. G. : Resistance of a Cascade of Airfoils in a Viscous Incompressible Fluid. Prik. Mat. i Mek. , T. XI, No. 4, 1947. (Translation available on loan from NACA Headquarters . ) i 2. Loitsianskii, L. G. : Generalization of the Joukowski Formula to the Case of an Airfoil of a Cascade in a Compressible Gas Stream with Subsonic Velocities. NACA TM 1304, 1950. 3. Loitsianskii, L. G. : Inverse Effect of the Boundary Layer on the Pressure Distribution on the Surface of a Body in a Real Fluid. Prik. Mat. i Mek., T. XI, No. 2, 1947. 4. Squire and Young: Computation of the Profile Drag of a Wing. Collection of articles on the problem of Maximum Speed of an Airplane. N. Oborongiz, 1941, pp. 100-126. 5. Loitsianskii, L. G. : Resistance of a Cascade of Airfoils in a Gas Flow with Subsonic Velocities. Prik. Mat. i Mek., T. XIII, No. 2, 1949, pp 171-186. MCA TM 1303 29 Figure 1. Figure 2. 30 WACA TM 1303 z^\y Fig-ure 3. rt CM ^ , ^^ ^ in I r*. 01 .-■, ■«" S3 - 3 g"^ a - to O jSs> h a H :2 -H n n o u c § o o (U ■O cu CJ a oitsiansk ACA TM rikladnay Mekhanik D.2, 1949 \^ Ik U ►J z a .- c ^aH ^-. eg ^ »-< .-H ifi "73 r^ QJ '"' ^ >»'^0 CD co" n. F a o QJ i, L. 1303 a Ma a, v.l o u c o o o o ■o CJ Loitsiansk NACA TM Prikladnay i Mekhanik no.2, 1949 u. u< U -hS u P a " !S « « i; - S 3 M en CS y] hD O Q; D.'O c s5 ■ o £ « •2 o a a T) x: 6 m hii D u 3 3 w Q, S a w £:• .8 M t. c * a •-' a, M ii a o ' S " 'r c w .i3 hi) CJ ^ 5: 3i5 en g >. HI •a c ii « 3 " & ^ e o Q >, OJ o •K "«•-. 5-2 S5 en -^ ?! < I. QJ C5 ^" St ^ ■ °* 3 ! £ 3 Ih r- n '^ ?! « 5^< nj o H r/l o (1» w >. g J= C/1 > w 5 5 C ys. C = ; E I O ■; '.I I QJ o ill o TD • O £■ CJ CO C ^ ^J r- .^ S CO .Q S W 0) t. $ CJ (U g « O - '^ >> CTJ rtj Cfl i: j= V s . « S S QJ Q, M J= .•O ^ ■" t« O •" O ^ O ,S " E E'g'S ?! a* 2 aT3 E j; ° 3 CJ W >, rt a g >) QJ ^ -O .Q n ii « "= -g CJ £ g o 0) 0) o en L, M cj 5 ■= w >. < w ■ < U CO CO "O -o ^ CM ...4 QJ a w ^ O T3 ^ a 3 « OJ^ qJ QJ QJ s £ 3 »H ca ^ .1-1 tH IfJ I X3 - ;. nj c 3 r^^-O «) eo" CO P" 0) o ■1 CO ^ • h a H ::2 ^ cfl eq o a o S o o sT o •a a u m c« Loitsiansk NACA TM Prikladnay i Mekhanik no.2, 1949 ;:^ Ik U ^hB ^ CM ^ I -^ -i "i O t-o a a . 01 CO a ^ u S ii^ o •^ «a 5r ^ U 3 o < 'u ►4 Z 0, ^ eg ^ 3 ci « d ■*; m m t- ^ < Q -^ rt Qj rt § = H >,■ s z ° 3 >. « c a; a g t. T3 c oj a, § £ S « • c a in y^ ,^ ' 3 = 2 Q. o 5.S Si " o a) o MX! S < < z o ■" •5 3 i! ■a ■" o i "2 o .S '- 'C .S " .2 -2 ■s "-3-. 2 ■g- ' TS (11 T « O S O M 5 Ul J3 •-lU.S£t.^D.3 *:• ni CO Q. ,-, . O < CJ CO W bo ? O o ■O T3 2 ttJ 0) s •£ 3 i-H CM ^ 0) . ~ . ;2 ■>»< « ■R "2 >.c; a> CQ 2 a. U3 IV ^J s ^ H a. H !2 -H « rt a 1 tsiansk kladnay ekhanik 2, 1949 a ■3 < 'C S d Ik Ik U J Z 0. - c «bB 3 d-^ d- ■* <5 a J= '-'^ s Q. H ,<^ q P .^ 7 s ■s rt f » » u — .:3 « 6 eo" >j CO s > « nf c .3 ■a M 05 OJ < 3 ^ ■^ D o; rsi < u s 6 c J z a ^bB < < z w M •o •a CJ M ■ " S a* « .2s53 3 •■? 5^' to ^ — ■ Mm « = "' O (1) rt cfi bO'j >> ID -5 I o a " ■^ CTi rtj ra CO « 3 Is « e C ti -o c ■S, I' a B £ E w ■"Si' so 5 t. >.T3 ^ — ■D « !^' 5 S »5 a) « « bfl ^ ^ Oca 2£5 «5 E o o o C (D C Q : £ •§ o :? ■- « 5- re :S "^ I'S S-S a> u ■2 a,i:£ ■e m CO "^ Q m H S S,5g 3 u o r [0 "O "O C CO Q) a n m ^ o T3 '^ — o- 2 S M " m .Si J= 7; •^ .4-) .«-» A UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 262 08106 261 3 UNIVEBSnY OF FLORIDA DOCUMEI^S DEPARTMENT 120 MARSTON SCIENCE UBRARY PO. BOX 117011 GAINESVILLE.FL 32611-7011 USA