f\ll'f' 7 L/ Issued March •">. 1910. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU 01 PLANT l\l'i-Tl:Y Circular No. 50. B. T. GALLOWAY, Chief of Bureau. THREE MUCH -MISREPRESENTED SORGHUMS. CARLETON R. BALL, Agronomist in Charge of Grain-Sorghum Investigations. 24491 10 WASHINGTON : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1010 UNIV OF Fl Lip. DOCUMENTS DEPT 1 r\ rt try U.S. DEPOSITORY BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY. Chief of Bureau, Beverly T. Galloway. Assistant Chief of Bureau, G. Harold Powell. Editor, J. E. Rockwell. Chief Clerk, James E. Jones. [Cir. 50] 2 II. p. I fHREE MUCH-MISREPRESENTED SORGHUMS." SHALLU -CALIFORNIA WHEAT"). The following exl racts arc from lei ters received on November 1 and 8, 1909, respectively* from a well-known seed firm. They indicate thai attempts arc being made to sell seed of shallu, a variety of sor- ghum, at exorbitant prices, by unwarranted claims of enormous yields. We inclose a sample of grain which an Oklahoma man i- selling under the name of "California wheat," al 50 cents a pound. He claims it will produce from 200 to 100 bushels per acre. * We corre ponded with him and bought a pound of the Beed i" investigate. We have it over his own signature thai this grain will produce from 200 to 100 bushels per acre. He sell the seed it 50 cents a pound, or 40 cents in and lots. Of course, may be sincere in thinking that he has a wonderful new grain, but we think the public ought to be guardi d against the repeti- tion of the Alaska wheal excitement of lasl year. HISTORY OF THE VARIETY. The writer has had this variety under experimental cultivation since the season of 1905. It has been grown at different stations in the Great Plains area and also at the Arlington Experimental Farm, near Washington, D. C, under Agrostology No. 2650 and drain Investigations Nos. 85, LOO, 125, and 165. It has also been tested by a few of the state agricultural experiment stations, particularly Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Kansas. Its known history in this country may be related briefly. " Numerous van sties of sorghums have been broughl to this country during the past hundred years i e, grain, or sugar crops. Many such importations are soon discarded from general cultivation as being inferior, unsatisfactory sorts, but remain in limited usi ed localil ies. From time to time these localized crops are di anew by persons unacquainted with their history and habits ami are broughl topublii wonderfully desirable varieties. Sometimes they oe little more trouble than a burdensome corre pondence on the pari of those handling Buch crops. In other instances thi ploited for profit by individuals whose • in- are misleading, though often made without such intention. The great need for profitable drought-resistant crops in the dry regions of the West leads many farmers to invest in such over-advertised seeds. This paper gives the known facta ning three varieties of sorghum about which much confusion of ideas exists and some misleading statements are being made.— B. T. Gallowai Bureau. [Clr.50] 3 4 THREE MUCH-MISREPRESENTED SORGHUMS. It was imported directly from India by officers of the Louisiana State Experiment Station, about 1890. By them it was known as "Egyptian wheat," and was found to be an inferior variety of sor- ghum, as the following quotations will show. Recently introduced; stalk small; panicle open and spreading; not equal to other kinds given here. Low growing, inferior kind, nonsaccharine. Has seeds in open panicle. Inferior to yellow and white milo and kafir corn; should not be used with expectation of best results. & We grew it for many years at all three stations and abandoned it as inferior for forage to other sorghums. "Egyptian wheat" was imported directly from India by us and corresponds to your description of shallu. Our farm managers well recognize it from your description. <" Though discarded by the Louisiana station, small lots of the seed had been taken from time to time by visitors. In this way the variety was carried to other localities, principally westward into Texas and Oklahoma. Early in 1905 it came to the writer's atten- tion in Texas, under the name "California wheat." Through field investigation and the aid of agricultural papers it was found growing at scattered points in Oklahoma and Texas. Many names, mostly somewhat misleading, have been applied to it in the past five years. Among them are "California Rice corn," " California wheat," "Chicken corn," "Chinese Golden sorghum," "Eg\^ptian rice," "Egyptian wheat," "Mexican wheat," and "Rice corn." RELATIONSHIPS AND DESCRIPTION. Shallu belongs to a group of sorghums entirely distinct from any of the other groups grown in this country. Botanically, it belongs to the variety roxburghii Hackel. This variety is found commonly in some parts of India and also in Africa, especially in the Sudan and in central East Africa. It seems to be the leading variety in the island of Madagascar. Recent importations are represented by Seed and Plant Introduction Nos. 16856 and 18192 from German East Africa, 23422 from Natal, 23714 to 23716 from Portu- guese East Africa, and 24339 and 24340 from the Transvaal. Other recent numbers belong probably to this variety, but the plants have not matured, and this fact can not be certainly determined from the seed alone. As found in Africa and India the group possesses the following characters. The steins are tall and slender, 6 to 12 feet in height. They stool freely, producing a large number of suckers. The pith is neither juicy nor sweet, but dry. The heads or panicles (fig. 1) are " Bulletin 19, second scries, Louisiana State Experiment Stations, 1892, p. 538. 6 Bulletin 53, Louisiana State Agricultural Experiment Station, 1898, p. 12. cDr. W. C. Stubbs (formerly director of the Louisiana State Experiment Stations), in a letter to the writer, March 27, L906. |('ir. 50] I ill: I.!. MUCH-MISREPRESENTED SORGHUMS. large and loose, usually conical, that is, broad al the base and pointed at the top, like those of typical Early Amber sorgo. The long and slender branches of the head arc spreading and drooping at the tips. This group, comprising the variety roxburgMi, is separated easily from all other groups of sorghums by the shape and position of the glumes ai maturity. The two glumes, or hulls, are broadly lance- olate or ovate in shape and closely surround the young seed, as in all sorghums. As the seed ripens, however, these glumes gradually Fig. l rwo heads of shallu. (One-fourth natural size.) open or spread widely apart, complete^ exposing the seed. At the same time the edges of each glume begin to curl inward and become quite involute. In different varieties the glumes varj from pale yellow i" black and the seeds from white to buff, pale red, and red- dish 1'i'ow n. <>iil\ one varietj is found in this country. It grows from 5 to 8 feet high, according to elevation, soil, and moisture. It produces from 2 i" 5 suckers. The stems hear from 1 I to 15 leaves of medium size, 13 being the average number. The heads are of the shape [Clr.50] 6 THREE MUCH-MISREPRESENTED SORGHUMS. described above, 8 to 15 inches long, and of a pale-yellow color. The glumes are a pale-straw color and the oval seeds whitish to pale buff and about the size of the kafir seed. CROP CHARACTERS AND PROBABLE VALUE. Strong claims are being made for shallu by some of those who are growing it. Five ways are commonly stated in which the growers believe it excels all other sorghums. These are (1) in drought resistance, (2) in yields of seed to the acre, (3) in the feeding value of the grain, (4) in the tonnage of fodder produced, and (5) in the feeding value of this fodder. These five claims may be discussed in their order. (1) Drought resistance. — Little is known concerning the absolute drought resistance of shallu. In just what characters drought resistance resides is an open question. Statements as to the relative resistance of different varieties must always take account of the stand of plants, as well as of differences in the soil, in the fertility, and in the water content of the plats or fields. Experiments so far do not indicate that shallu is more drought resistant than other sor- ghums. In unfavorable seasons it suffers in the same way and in the same proportion, apparently, as do other grain sorghums; that is, on many stalks the heads fail to push completely out of the boot, or upper leaf sheath. (2) Yields of grain. — Farmers growing this crop for the first time commonly estimate that their fields will yield from 75 to 100 bushels to the acre. They are misled by the large size of the heads in com- parison with those of milos and kafirs. The heads of shallu are, however, loose and open and usually do not weigh as much as those of the other grain sorghums. Besides this, the shallu heads do not contain as high a percentage of seed in proportion to the weight of the head as do the other grain sorghums. The advertiser mentioned in the extracts at the beginning of this circular claims a yield of 200 to 400 bushels to the acre. Such claims are simply preposterous. The best of the grain-producing sorghums ra rely exceed a yield of 51 1 bushels to the acre. Their average yields in favorable seasons lie somewhere between 35 and 40 bushels to the acre. In unfavorable seasons the yields are, of course, much lower. The average yields of inilos and kafirs for all seasons in any ten-year period are not likely to be much above 30 bushels. There is yet no evidence that the average yields of shallu will exceed those of such crops as the milos and kafirs. At the experimental farms of the Office of Grain Investigations of the Bureau of Plant Industry comparatively Low yields of grain have been secured in the experiments with shallu. In the year 1906, which was a very favorable season for grain sorghums in the Pan- [Clr. 50] THREE MUCH-MISREPRES1 N I ED SORGH I MS. . handle region of Texas, 2 plats at the Charming Experimental Farm yielded at the rate of I! 1 ', bushels to the acre. On the same farm milo yielded as bigh as 16 bushels, Blackhull kafir 35, and Red kafir 17. In 1906 the yield of shallu at the Amarillo Experimental Farm, from seed grown in thai vicinity, was only 25.2 bushels. At the same time Blackhull kafir yielded from 13 to 54 bushels and a plat of Red kafir, 15.9. Most of the milo was destroyed by bail. In the years succeeding L906, shallu has never done quite as well in compari- son with the other grain sorghums as it did in that year. A considerable correspondence with farmers who are raising this crop has brought t o light only one high yield in \\ Inch actual weighing or measuring of the thrashed grain is claimed. 'This yield is said to have been 60 bushels to the acre, figured at 56 pounds to the bushel. It was secured in the favorable season of 1908, in the southern part <>f the Plains region, where the season is comparatively long and the ele\ at ion less than 2,000 feet . Feeding ruin, of t\< grain. No experiments in feeding shallu grain have been made by any of the state agricultural experiment st at ions, so far as known. Other grain sorghums are known to have a feeding value about 90 per cent as great as that of corn. It is with them t hat shallu must he compared. The chemical analysis ,>\' shallu does not indicate a different composition in any particular. One grower has published the statement that as ;i feed for milch cows he finds shallu superior to cottonseed in the production of milk and butter. This opinion i- no doubl honestly entertained, hut such a general statement is likely to lead many to believe that the starchy grain sorghums, rich in carbohydrates, can he used a- feeding sub- stitutes for bran, cottonseed, and other products rich in protein. This, of COUrse, is Hot t he cave. (4) Yields of forage." From the forage standpoint shallu does not make any better showing. At the Channing farm in 1906, the 2 grain plats yielded an average of 3,227 pounds of forage to the acre, including the weight of the seed. On the same farm, the 12 grain plats of milo averaged aboul t,800 pound- of forage, the 5 plats of Blackhull kafir about 6,300 pounds, while l plat of Red kafir yielded 7,800 pounds to the acre. On the Amarillo Experimental Farm in t he same season, the grain plat of shallu yielded at t he rate of 7,100 pound- of fodder to the acre, including the seed. In comparison. 6 grain plats of milo averaged 9,000 pounds of fodder to the acre, and 17 grain plat- of Blackhull kafir and 6 grain plats of Red kafir aver- aged over 10,000 pound- each to the acre. In the plats grown " The forage plats of sorghums on the Amarillo Experimental Farm were maintained by ih'- < »ili I Forage-Plant Investigations of the Bureau of Planl Industry. Mr. C. V. Piper, agi I in chargi in the conclusions drawn regarding the value of shallu, and the figures presented in this connection. 8 THREE MUCH-MISREPRESENTED SORGHUMS. especially for forage, Blackball kafir averaged over 12,000 pounds, Red kafir over 13,000 pounds, and the two best sorgos, a or sweet sorghums, over 15,000 and 17,000 pounds to the acre, respectively. (5) Value of the forage. — There is also no reason for believing that the quality of the forage is better than that produced by kafirs and sorgos. The. stems are dry and pithy, like those of corn, milos, and the kowliangs. The kafirs have somewhat juicy stems, while the sorgos are both juicy and sweet. The average number of leaves to the stalk is very close to 13, which is slightly lower than the average for kafirs and all sorgo varieties except the Amber group. These facts concerning the dry stalks, the ordinary number of leaves, and the comparatively low tonnage of forage do not indicate a variety of high forage value, either in quantity or quality. OBJECTIONABLE CHARACTERS IN SHALLU. While growing shallu on a small scale in 1905 and more exten- sively in 1906, some serious faults were found in it. The four most prominent of these are stooling, lodging, retaining the base of the head in the boot, and shattering. Experiments with shallu in recent years have been largely directed toward getting rid of these undesirable characters. Stooling, or producing suckers at the base of the main stalk, is not desirable in grain sorghum, however it may be regarded in forage varieties or in small grains generally. The heads borne on suckers are always later in maturing than those on the main stalk. More- over the suckers are not usually of the same height as the main stalks. This lack of uniformity in ripening and in height causes difficulty in harvesting the grain, especially with any type of header. While a smaller quantity of seed may be required in sowing a freely stooling variety, so little seed is used for any of the grain sorghums that this small saving is not worth considering. Its habit of lodging is one of the most serious objections to shallu. Just at the time when the heads are heavy with the green seeds the stalks begin to lodge. In the writer's experiments it has happened more than once that by the time one-tenth of the heads were ripe fully one-fourth of the stalks were down in a hopeless tangle. The failure of the heads to come completely out of the boot is often a serious matter to the grain grower. On a considerable proportion of the stalks the base of the head remains inclosed by the sheath, even in favorable seasons. No seed is produced on this included portion, and the yield is reduced to that extent. This basal part of the head also becomes infested with plant lice and worms and usually becomes aSorgo i^ tin- name which has been adopted for the group railed variously Bweet, Baccharine, or sirup sorghums, and commonly, but erroneously, "sugarcane." [CIr. .".oj THBEE MUCH MISREPRESENTED SORGHUMS. 9 moldy and rotten. At thrashing time this mold} material is scat- tered through the good seed and causes further loss. There lias also 1 n trouble with the shattering of the seed. This results especially where the crop is allowed to stand in the held until pasl fully ripe. It also occurs where the crop is cut when ripe and allowed to remain in the shock through the fall. When these shocks are taken u|> for thrashing or feeding, the seed shatters verj rea lily and much i- lost m spite of careful handling. CONCLUSION. It i^ not claimed that shallu is without value for the sorghum- growing regions. It- alleged superiority to other well-known and quite satisfactory varieties has not been proved, however. On the contrary, there i- strong evidence that it i- somewhat inferior to milos and kafirs. In any case it should he tried only on a small scale at first. For grain production a seeding of 2 to 4 pounds to the acre will he (piite sufficient, the quantity varying with the soil, elevation, and latitude. There is no reason w hatever for paj ing an exorbitant price for the seed in either la rire or small quantities. The following statement by Prof. A. M. Ten Eyck, of the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, published recently in the Kansas Farmer, is to the point ; The testa of the crop at this station indicate that ii is do! so valuable as sorghum or kali r cum either for fodder or for seed. The yields of the grain have been less than the yields of kafir com, and the cmp is objectionable because the stems are usually very slender and the< rop lodges badly and is hard to harvest - Inn ent seeds- men arc selling ii at a high price simply because it is a novelty or not well known. -I MMAUY. Shallu is a variety of sorghum first introduced aboul 1890 by (ho Louisiana State Experiment Station, and soon discarded. It has latch reappeared under such misleading name- a- "Cali- fornia wheat," '' Egyptian wheat," and several others. Shallu belongs to a group of sorghums quite distincl from the other groups L r row n in t In- country . It i- easily distinguished hy the loose conical panicle with slender, drooping branches and t he lanceolate glumes which spread wide apart and become inrolled at maturity, completely exposing the oval seed. Shallu i- claimed h\ -mne to he superior to all other sorghums in droughl resistance, yield and value of the grain, and tonnage and quality of the forage. These statements arc misleading. It i- now being advertised and sold al exorbitant prices as a drought- resistant \ ariety capable of yielding 200 to 100 bushels of graiD to the aciv. Such claims are absurd. [Cir. ."."| 10 THREE MUCH-MISREPRESENTED SORGHUMS. Experiments conducted by the writer and by the Office of Forage- Crop Investigations, as well as the observations of numerous farmers, indicate that shallu is rather inferior to milo and kafir varieties as a grain crop and to kafirs and sorgos as a forage crop. Those who purpose growing it are advised to do so on a small scale and not to pay exorbitant prices for the seed. All farmers who test shallu in the season of 1910 are requested to report their results to the writer of this paper. Report sheets and envelopes for this purpose will be furnished to all who request them. "CHOCOLATE CORN.'' In October, 1905, the brief letter reprinted below was published in one of the daily papers of the eastern United States. In your department "II. II. " asks for information concerning what she or he calls "chocolate corn. " Quite a number of years ago Isaac Newton, first Commissioner of Agriculture under James Buchanan, sent my father a pint of chocolate corn, requesting him to plant it and report the results to the Department. It resembled broom corn very closely — only darker and ranker. In color it was a dark brown. I suppose the crop of seed, which was thrashed out with a flail on the barn floor, was twenty times greater than broom corn; I think the crop yielded fully 200 barrels to the acre. Everything to which it was fed ate ravenously, gaining in flesh rapidly. For fattening purposes I never saw its equal. Horses and cattle would eat every particle of the stalk after it had been thrashed. The stalk grew to a great height. I remember we ground some of it in the coffee mill and used it as a beverage at the table. It was fairly good, but not as clear as the prepared chocolate which comes in cakes. I never heard it called "chocolate corn, " nor did it resemble popcorn in the least. There was no ear or husk — just the seed growing on the tassel, which was literally covered . I think it can be obtained at the Agricultural Department in Washington. It is a wonder that poultry raisers do not cultivate it. I presume its value as an article of diet for all kinds of poultry can not be equaled. M. D. Some of the statements made in this letter naturally attracted attention in many quarters. This was (•specially true of those state- ments concerning the yield of the grain, its feeding value, its use as a beverage, and the source of the seed. It scarcely need be said that the estimates of the yield and feeding value are greatly exaggerated. The letter just quoted was rather widely copied by newspapers and periodicals of all classes. The result was a Hood of Letters directed to the Department of Agriculture, asking for seed and information. All such inquirers were answered and given the known facts. Apparently the same letter has been republished recently, and the matter of "chocolate corn" is being agitated anew. The following statement lias therefore been prepared for the information of those interested : (1) The Department of Agriculture has for distribution no seed of any plant called "chocolate corn. " [Cir. 50] THREE MUCH-MISREPRESENTED SORGHUMS. 11 The plant once known and used under that name was -nine one ol' the manj \ ariet ies of sorghum. (3) From the brief descriptions given bj differenl writers il is cer- tain that the variet} was \m similar to the Early Amber sorgo to-daj . The writer of the letter quoted does not saj under what name t ho seed was sent to his father. He do< - stat •, however, thai he never heardit called ''chocolate corn." So far as recorded, the only sorghum seed distributed !>> the United States Patent Office during President Buchanan's administration was that of the Chinese sorgo. This was sent to a very few selected persons in 1855, and 175 bushelsof mostl} home-grown seed were distributed in 1857. It was undoubtedly this Chinese sorgo which the correspondent recall-. The description quoted tallies very well, as far as it goes, with the Chinese sorgo. It was verj similar to our Earlj Amber sorgo. In fact, the Ajnber sorgo variel ies are supposed \>y main to have been derived by selection from the ( Chinese sorgo. It is interesting to know, however, that a sorghum variety called "chocolate corn," and used as a beverage, was known at a much earlier date. The following quotation from a paper 6 on Sorghum saccharatum, or ( hinese sorgo, written in 1S57, is sufficient to indicate the use of such a variety about 1830: It i~ by some supposed to bave been cultivated i<> a Limited extent in western Pennsylvania, eastern Ohio, and perhaps in other Localities, twenty-five or thirty yearn since, for the Beed or grain, which was then used, in Borne instances, as an article "i t 1 by farmers who experimented in its cultivation. There were at the time mentioned two varieties cultivated, one having black panicles under the name "chocolate,' 1 and tin' other, having white panicles, was called "rice." The "chocolate" or black varietj was prepared for use by browning the seeds, still con- tained in the panicles, in the manner of coffee, and then making a coffee, w hich, with the addition of cream and BUgar, resembled chocolate in appearance and somewhat also in taste, and was quite palatable. Since i he Chinese sorgo was not known t>> Europe until 1851, and to this country until L853, it could not have been the "chocolate corn" of L830. But a black-panicled varietj was introduced to Europe in the first century A. I)., and was known to many European herbalists of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. It was grown and described in Ital\ by Arduino in L786. That it was imported to the United States is the natural conclusion. Johnson grass was brought from the Mediterranean region aboul 1830. Most descriptions refer to tin- sorghum and to the Chinese sorgo a- having black -ceil-. \\> sorghums having black seeds are known. oSorgo i- the name adopted for the sweet or saccharine group of sorghums, often erroneously called "sugar cam bJohn II. Klippart, corresponding secretary, Ohio State Board "i Agriculture. Rep |>. 109. [Cir. 50] 12 THREE MUCH-MISREPRESENTED SORGHUMS. The Chinese sorgo and the Early and Minnesota Ambers have shining black glumes, which closely surround the reddish-brown seed and often remain attached after thrashing. In such cases the spikelet is often described instead of the seed. Nothing is known of the nutritive value of the seeds of this and other sorghums in the preparation of household substitutes for coffee, chocolate, etc. Some of the grain sorghums may be found to have value as the basis of new cereal drinks comparable to those now made from wheat preparations. Tannin is present in larger or smaller quantities in the seed coats of all the brown and reddish-brown seeds. There are, however, white-seeded varieties of kafir, kowliang, and milo. SUMMARY. Attention has been recently called to a crop under the name of "chocolate corn" by a widely copied newspaper paragraph. The statements regarding its high yields of grain, its use as a sub- stitute for chocolate, and the possibility of securing seed from this Department have caused a great deal of correspondence. The Department has no seed of any crop known as "chocolate corn" for distribution. The plant mentioned was a sorghum variety. Some variety of sorghum was cultivated in this country under the name of "chocolate corn" as early as about 1S30 and, sparingly, for some time thereafter. It was probably similar to Amber sorgo. The value of the seeds of the various sorghums in the preparation of a beverage is not known. It may be possible to use them for this purpose, as other grains are used in preparing cereal drinks. GOOSENECK SORGO ("TEXAS SEEDED RIBBON CANE"). There exists among farmers and seedsmen at the present time a great deal of confusion concerning the plant known as Gooseneck sorgo, and also passing under other names. The trouble has been largely caused by the use of the name "Seeded Ribbon cane" for a sorghum. A brief statement of facts gathered during the past five years may serve to make the matter clear. In order to understand how the use of this name has caused t rouble, the following preliminary facts must be kept in mind: (1) The true sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum) is commonly known as "Ribbon cane" in the Gulf States where it is grown. (2) It does not produce seed in this country, and fields are always started by planting the stalks, .which is a comparatively laborious and expensive process. (3) Sugar planters would eagerly welcome a true sugar cane which could be grown from seed. (4) Sugar cane requires a subtropical climate, and therefore can not be grown very far from the Gulf States. [Cir. 50] THREE MUCH MISREPRESENTED S0RGH1 VIS L3 Beginning about six years ago, a planl was much advertised and its seeds widely sold at high prices under the name of "Texas Seeded Ribbon cane." It was claimed to be a form of true sugar cane which nol only produced seed, bul could be grown true from seed, thus doing away with the labor of preserving and planting the stalks. It was said to grow successfully as far north as northern Oklahoma and Arkansas. It was further claimed that the United States De- partment of Agriculture had pronounced it a true sugar cane. This last st atement was, of course, prompt ly denied. Brief invesl igal ion showed thai t he plant was a sorghum and the firsl sea- son's trials identified it as the < roose- neck sorgo (fig. 2). This was probably one of the African imphees obtained in Natal by Leonard Wray in 1851 and introduced to Europe in L85 1 and to the United States in 1857. It was a well-known variety during the days when sorgos were grown for sugar pur- poses, hut had largely disappeared from cultivation after those experiments w ere discontinued." As soon as these facts were learned a brief statement was given to the agri- cultural press and a great many in- quirers informed by letter. In the mean t ime. many farmers w ho had pur- chased and planted seed recognized the crop as the old Gooseneck sorgo. They reported t heir belief both to t his De- partment and to their agricultural papers. However, the sale of seed as that of a true sugar cane was continued under the impetus of skillful advertis- ing. The warnings of the farmers firsl humbugged seemed with- out effeel . At the close of the Second season a new complication appealed. Many farmers reported that their crop, while clearly a sorghum, was not t he Gooseneck variety hut some other. An examination of many samples submitted for idem ifical inn showed that Sumac, ( )range, and Planter sorgos, all varieties with erect beads, were being grown under the name of "Seeded Ribbon cane." Fig. 2.— A head of Gooseneck sorgo. (Oue- thinl aatural si i " At ih'' presenl time it is know a t" !»• of great value as a sirup and fodder i - the Southern State.-. [Cir. 50] 14 THREE MUCH-MISREPRESENTED SORGHUMS. From these facts it was a natural inference that, when their available supply of the seed of Gooseneck sorgo was exhausted, growers and dealers had substituted the seed of these other sorgo varieties rather than lose sales at very profitable prices. When attention was called to these facts the buying public was assured by some of the growers and dealers that .there were two strains of "Seeded Ribbon cane," one "Gooseneck" and the other "Straightneck," and the substitution was continued. Recently a fourth variety, having erect heads, has been offered by a grower as "Straightneck Seeded Ribbon cane." This time it is the Sapling sorgo, once well known under the name "Link's Hybrid." It is gratifying to note that the leading seed firms handling sorghum seeds in the Southwest, while still using the name "Seeded Ribbon cane," use also the correct name, "Gooseneck sorgo," as an additional title in describing this crop. This is helping much to clear up the matter in the mind of the public. It will be still better when the misleading name "Seeded Ribbon cane " is dropped entirely and this variety sold under its true name, "Gooseneck sorgo," alone. It is to be hoped also that the advertising and sale of other old and well- known sorgo varieties, as "Straightneck Seeded Ribbon cane," will be stopped. SUMMARY. True sugar cane (SaccJiarum officinarum) is commonly known as "Ribbon cane." In the past few years a variety of sorgo has been widely advertised and sold as "Texas Seeded Ribbon cane." It was at first claimed that this was a true sugar cane (Ribbon cane) which could be grown from seed and cultivated much farther north than other forms of sugar cane. Investigation showed that the plant was the once well-known Gooseneck sorgo, a true sorghum, and this fact was made known by publication and through correspondence. The seed continued, however, to be advertised and widely sold at high prices, and when the supply ran short seeds of other sorgo varie- ties, having erect heads, were substituted for the Gooseneck sorgo. Complaining growers were then assured that there were two strains of "Seeded Ribbon cane," one "Gooseneck" and the other "Straight- neck." The sorgo varieties thus sold were Sumac, Orange, and Planter. Recently a fourth, Sapling sorgo, has been offered by a grower as "Straightneck Seeded Ribbon cane." During the past two years leading seed firms in the Southwesl have hccn explaining that the plant offered as "Seeded Ribbon cane" is ( i'Hi^eneck sorgo. Approved: James Wilson, Secretarij of Agriculture. Washington, D. C, January 8, 1910. [Cir. 50] Q UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08928 9739