Registry No. 302—1—01 NATIONAL RECOVERY ADMINISTRATION PROPOSED CODE OF FAIR COMPETITION FOR THE ROSIN BARREL MANUFACTURERS INDUSTRY AS SUBMITTED ON AUGUST 31,21933 WE DO OUR PART The Code for the Rosin Barrel Manufacturers Industry in its present form merely reflects the proposal of the above-mentioned industry, and none of the provisions contained therein are to be regarded as having received the approval of the National Recovery Administration as applying to this industry UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1933 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D.C. Price 5 cents Submitted by ROSIN BARREL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (H) ROSIN BARREL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION RULES OF BUSINESS CONDUCT I. This Code of trade practice (hereinafter designated as the Code) is adopted in accordance with the National Industrial Recovery Act (hereinafter referred to as the Act), and shall continue in force during the life of the Act or as it may be extended or amended. This Code is adopted for the sole purpose of committing the indi- vidual and collective rosin barrel manufacturer (hereinafter re- ferred to as manufacturer) to compliance with the purpose and intent of the Act, and shall not be used to promote or engender monopolies, or discrimination against the consuming trade. II. In order to effectively carry out the purpose of this Code, the Governors of the Rosin Barrel Manufacturers Association are hereby authorized to make such detailed rules and regulations as may be necessary and are empowered to enforce the provisions of this Code and any amendments thereto which are prescribed by the Act. III. Participation in the Code through membership in the Asso- ciation shall be open to any rosin barrel manufacturer under con- ditions and terms of equality with present members. IV. In order to further the practical application of the Act each member of the Association shall make his or its records available to an authorized representative of the Association. V. It is to be understood that nothing is to impair the right of the employer and employee to bargain individually or collectively as may be mutually satisfactory to them, nor the right of employer to operate open shop. VI. The maximum hours of labor per person shall be 40 hours per week. This maximum provision shall not apply to watchmen, firemen, and millwrights, or laborers necessary to plant repairs and maintenance. VII. The minimum wage paid by any manufacturer shall be 17y 2 $ per hour. It is to be understood that this Association definitely commit its members to a minimum wage scale as near the minimum prescribed by the Act as will be allowed by the economic condi- tion of the farmers, i.e., gum rosin producer, served by the manu- facturers. VIII. The Association shall at all times have on file at its head- quarters information as to the cost of a rosin barrel complete, or one bundle of staves with two heads, as represented by the average cost of its various members. IX. It shall be deemed an unfair trade practice to sell rosin bar- rel material below the cost of production plus a reasonable profit. It shall be deemed an unfair trade practice to give any rebate or allowance, other than 5% discount to a bona fide factorage house or any operator or consumer for cash in ten days, or to give any al- lowance or price cut in the form of service or articles of value, or 10185 — 33 (1) UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 1262 08855 7540 advantages or information which could be used to the advantage of one manufacturer over another, or the excessive use of samples or the use of any device which conceals the true price or terms of sale. X. The price of rosin barrel material shall be basic free on board cars or trucks at plant where manufactured, and any absorption of transportation charges, except as herein provided, shall be deemed an unfair trade practice. It shall be here understood and agreed that the manufacturer moving, or causing to be moved, barrel material from his or its plant or elsewhere, for the account of a customer, or distribution for ultimate sale to consumer shall charge a minimum of 5$ per set of staves and two heads. It shall be the privilege of the manufacturer to equalize the freight charges of an accredited railroad system to any point of destination in common with another manufacturer, but in no event shall the minimum freight charge be lower than stated above. XI. All contracts between the manufacturer and his or its cus- tomers must be immediately changed to read that the terms of this contract are subject to the rules and regulations of this or any other approved Code of fair business practice that may be adopted by the manufacturers. XII. The Board of Governors may select a committee of not more than three members which will act for this Association on all mat- ters pertaining to the Code and its handling with the National Re- covery Act Administrating Board, and in otherwise administering its provisions. XIII. This Code shall be in effect immediately after its approval by the President of the United States. o