57;/; /yz? United States Department of the Interio Bureau of Biological Survey Wildlife Leaflet BS- 150* Washington, D. C. January 1940 SUGGESTIONS FOR BIRD HELD STUDY c O < i t— i • i By May Thacher Cooke Biologist, Section of Distribution and Migration of Birds, Division of Wildlife Research Content s Page Introduction 1 Time to begin ? Equipment 2 Where and when to go 3 Field identifications 4 Page Permanent notes . 5 Significance of the study . . 5 Organized study 5 List of hooks, periodicals and pictures 6 The beauty and animation of birds stimulate the student to learn their names and often lead him from a merely pleasant pastime to a more serious and intensive study. The present popularity of bird study makes the way of the beginner far easier than it was a generation ago. There are many other students to help him, and a wealth of literature is available for his use. Colored "portraits" of most species of North American birds are obtainable, as well as manuals for identification, some of which contain field keys in which the birds are grouped according to color. Phonograph recordings of the songs of certain birds are now on the market. Many periodicals deal entirel" r with birds, and some contain local lists and are designed especial- ly to meet the needs of the amateur. State lists have been and are being published, some elaborately illustrated, giving descriptions of the birds, details of their occurrence, and accounts of their habits. Lists of birds are also being issued for restricted areas. There are now many museums where mounted specimens of the birds of the region are exhibited and where scientific (study) skins may be examined. The beginner should always bear in mind that only a part of the birds treated in any standard manual or State list are likely to occur in his immediate locality, and he should accordingly study th~ local list to learn which ones he can expect to see. If no local list has been published, a list of birds found in his own or in an adjacent State will be helpful. \ Time to Begin Winter or early spring is undoubtedly the best time and late spring or summer the poorest time to begin a study of birds in the field. In winter, when only the resident species and a few visitants from farther north are about, the student is less bewildered than when the trees arc full of migrants and the foliage makes it difficult to see them distinctly. Winter is a good time to prepare for the time when mild weather and the returning migrants will tempt the student more afield. If a museum is accessible it should be visited as "requently as possible for the study of specimens, so that familiarity may be gained with the general abear- ance, relative Bizes, and distinctive characters of various species of birds. Where there arc no museum facilities, colored pictures and descrip- tions are excellent substitutes. To persons living outside the city, sometimes even to those within its limits, a feeding shelf or table or a bird bath affords an excellent intro- duction to the birds, bringing them near at hand where they can be studied at leisure. The number of kinds visiting a table or bath is usually lim- ited, but the repeated visits of certain individuals lead to familiar ac- quaintance, l/ Equipment A notebook and a t>air of field or opera, glasses are almost indispen- sable equipment for field study. Any kind of a notebook can be used, and the beginner will probably try several before deciding which best suits his particular needs. Several kinds of bird notebooks are published, vary- ing from those with mere lists of names to be checked to those providing a page for each species with an outline of a bird on which color notes may be made find several headings under which observations may be recorded. Because of their larger field of vision and greater ease of focusing, opera glasses are considered easier for beginners to use than are the high- er-powered field glasses, especially when it is considered that a beginner '.s identifications are usually made at relatively close range. As observations become more extensive, however, and finer distinctions must be looked for, the need for a stronger glass will be felt. When buying a field glass, it is advisable to get one of at least 6-power magnification with a wide field of vision. Good field glasses are not cheat), and it is well to compare several pairs of various makes before purchasing. "Snottin^" telescopes now on the market are often useful in identifying water birds that must be studied at considerable distances. A pocket manual or guide will be a convenience. By its use birds may be looked uo and identified on the spot, and sometimes a check on special markings, call notes, songs, and actions can be made, thus making sure of the identification and impressing the distinguishing characters on the memory. l/ Wildlife Research and Management Leaflet BS-8 lists publications on attracting birds. 2 Where and When to G-o It is seldom necessary to go far afield to find at least a few "birds* City folk may find them in small city parks, while the suburban or rural dweller has them in his dooryard. Experience will soon show which are the most favorable places for finding "birds. In general, the more diversified the territory the greater the number of species of "birds. The edges of woods, or the banks of a brushy stream, alternating with open fields and orchards, offer the greatest variety. Deep woods, either pine or hardwood, have few birds, but large clearings within forests may Throve to be good places. 0-oen woods, predominantly hardwood and not too extensive, are usu-.. ally good, particularly during migration. Lake shores and the seashores, if somewhat brushy, usually show an abundance of bird life. In winter, birds are likely to be found sheltered from the wind in brushy hollows, generally those open to the south, or near bodies of water where the air temperature is. more uniform. As he becomes more experienced, the bird student will vary his trips afield, going to various localities at certain seasons to look for species previously seen there. The best times for making observations are early in the morning and late in the afternoon when birds are feeding and active. It is not, how- ever, necessary to be out at dawn unless a long trip is planned; In fact, the jumble of song that follows the awakening of the birds and precedes their morn'ng search for food is likely to be confusing. Even in summer, birds are usually active until about 11 o'clock in the morning and again dur- ing the ?. hours before sunset, but are more quiet and retiring during the middle of the day. In itfinter and early in spring, however, thev p.re most active during the warmer part of the day. Weather, time of day, and season affect the preference of birds for certain areas. Early in the morning they are most likely to freauent fields and orchards, and later in the day they will be found along the warm, sunny edges of the woods. In windy weather birds are retiring and silent, usually keeping under cover in the lee of the woods; a blustering day, therefore, is not a good one for observations. When watching birds afield an observer should be alone or with only one or two comoanions and should speak only in undertones. He should avoid all conspicuously colored clothing and should move slowly and as quietly as pos- sible. He should often stand still, listening and looking, or conceal him- self by leaning against a tree, or sit down and let the birds come to him. Birds may of f en be attracted close to the observer by "squeaking" (imitating the call of a young bird) or by means of mechanical bird calls now on the mar- ket. The observer should have the sum at his back, if possible, for it is practically impossible to distinguish the color of a bird seen against the light, since even as brilliant a bird as the scarlet tanager may then appear black. 3 Field Identifications The "beginner should not attempt to see and learn too much at one time. At first, he should pay attention -only to the more conspicuous "birds and songs, taking careful notes on a few species at a time and not trusting to memory. His first notes will probably pertain entirely to the identifica- tion of the bird, later ones being added on song, flight, feeding, and other habits. An outline drawing of the bird, however crude, with notations on it of color or special markings as seen, is a great help in identifica- tion. Such a drawing, with notes as to size, gives the information desired for identification without ambiguity in use of terms. N t es on size, as "larger" or "smaller" than well-known birds, as the robin and English spar- row, make good bases for comparison. After a bird has been satisfactorily identified, the student should study its description, memorizing the diag- nostic markings. He should also read as much as possible of what other ob- servers have found out about' its habits, and type of country in which it is most likely to "be found, its "breeding and winter ranges, and its seasonal occurrence in his locality. The "beginner will do well at first to confine his efforts to identify- ing birds by sight , making no special attempt to learn their songs. He will soon find that the commoner and more striking songs have unconsciously be- come familiar. When giving special attention to songs, however, he should not let one pass without identifying it by name if possible. To some per- sons words or some form of graph convey the best impression of a song and are readily entered in the notes; to others the tone quality and rhythm best express it. Songs must be learned individually; no universally satisfactory way of describing them has vet been invented. Many persons, especially those who are near-sighted or who have a keen ear for music, find it easier to de- tect and recognize birds by song than by sight. Call notes or songs often reveal the presence of birds that might otherwise be overlooked. Pe rmanent Notes -' A double system of note keeping is almost a necessity — (l) a daily list or notes made in the field and (2) a permanent record to which they can be transferred. For the latter a loose-leaf notebook has generally been found most satisfactory, the sheets, one for each species, being arranged either according to the Check List of the American Ornithologist s' Union or alphabet- ically, as is most convenient. Each sheet is headed with the name of the species, and each day's records are entered in chronological order, including date and place of observation. Notes on the nature of the locality visited, and on temperature, wind, and other weather conditions may be incorporated or kept in a separate journal. With such a system the notes on each species for a season or a lifetime can readily be brought together. In addition, some observers keep a file of the daily lists of birds observed, with notes on date, locality, time afield, weather, and other pertinent data. - 4 - Significance of the Study Since ornithology is primarily a field study, a careful amateur will "be able to help a professional. He may be called upon for notes on his observations on the dates of arrival and departure of birds, or on their nesting habits and other phases of their life history, or for assistance in banding. Photography is another phase of study open to amateur and prof essional alike. As the student comes to understand the possible significance of his work its relation to that of other people, his enjoyment and interest will grow, and he will find much in common with other nature lovers to whom the bird is neither a specimen nor a problem, but something alive, to be watched and enjoyed for its life and beauty. An amateur, however, -must temper his enthusiasm with caution. - He should bear in mind that the first essential of field work is exact observa- tion , and that snap judgment should be carefully avoided. Field observation therefore must be supplemented by study. A student should be thoroughly familiar with his local bird list and kno'- r the descriptions and the season? of occurrence of the birds regularly found in his vicinity. The importance of State or .local lists can hardly be too .much stressed. Ignorance .of its status in a given locality may cause a student to misidentify a rare species. This applies also to the commoner birds that may occur before or after their regular season. Even a more advanced student should take care to make exact notations of the markings of an unusual s-oecies. Then, if challenged, he can defend his identification. • . ... '• rga n i z c d Stud y The bird lovers of a community will soon come to know one another and will find that some form of organization, however informal, will be. verv helpful to them. Besides stimulating their own interest, it will help to arouse interest in others. Meetings for the exchange and comparison of ex- periences may create a rivalrv in observation and at the same time serve as a check on bird students inclined to be over-enthusiastic in the making of large daily lists* If no authoritative local list is available, the com- bined records nf a community group will soon provide the nucleus for one. Arrangements should then be made for its preparation and publication. C-roup study should be organized, both indoors and in the field, and nature study in the schools should be encouraged and assisted. Meetings and lectures also should be arranged to stimulate public interest. A group li- brary may be formed, or the local public library may be urged to purchase good books on birds. Many St^te bird clubs or associations publish a mimeographed or printed journal. Information, about these may be obtained from 'the State game or con- servation agency or from the National Association of Audubon Societies, 1006 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Assistance in forming a local club may also be obtained, .from the latter. * "•• 5 The conservation of "birds may bo furthered by inducing the local authorities to set aside a certain area, a small park or -clot of wild land, as a sanctuary. The bird refuge '"ill soon become a nlaco of in- terest and will be the means .of awakening the local public to the general need for conservation of wild life.. Lists of Books, Periodicals , an d Pi ctures following are. brief lis'.s that will be especially useful to the beginner. A more detailed list will be- found in leaflet 3-787, Aids for Bird Study, which may be obtained free on request to the Biological Surve--, Department of the Interior, Washington, T5. C. Books Allen, A. A. The Book of Bird Life. D. v an Nostrand Co., Inc., New York, N. Y. $3.50. Bailey, P. M. Handbook of Birds of the Western United States. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, Mass. $6. Baynes, P. H. Wild' 3ird Guests. P. P. Dutton & Co., New York, N. Y. $2. Bralliar, P. Knowing Birds through Stories. Punk & Wagnalls Co., New York, N. Y. $2.- Chapman, P. M. Bird Life. D. Apoleton-Century Co., Sew York, % " r . $5. Handbook of Birds of Pastern North America. P. AoBleton-Century Co. , New York, N. Y. $5. Hoffman, P. A Guide to the 3irds of New Pngland and Pastern New York. Houghton Mifflin Co. , Boston, Mass. Cloth $3; pocket edition, fabri- coid, $4. Birds of the Pacific States. Houghton Mifflin Co. , Boston, Mass. $3.50 . Lincoln, P. C. The Migration of American Birds. Doubleday, Doran & Co., Garden' City, F. Y. $4. Mathews, P. S. Pield Book of Wild Birds and Their Music. G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York, N. Y. $3.50. Morris, P. A. Nature Photography around the Year. P. Appleton-Centurv Co. New York, N. Y. $4^ National Geographic Society. The Book of Birds. 2 vols. National Geo- graphic Society, Washington, D. C. $5. Peterson, R. T. A Pield Guide to the Birds. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, Mass. $2.75. The Junior Book of Birds. Houghton Mifflin Co., 3oston, Mass. $2. 6 Seed, C. A. Bird Guide (in two parts): Part I, Water Birds, Game Birds and Birds of Prey East of the Rockies; Part II, Land 3irds East of the Rockies. Double day, Do ran 1 Co., Garden City, N. Y. Cloth, per oart, $1.25; fabricoid, oer part , $1.50. Reed, C. K. Western Bird Guide. Doubleday, Doran & Co., Garden City, N. Y, $1.75. Saunders, A. A. A Guide to Bird Songs. D. Appleton-Century Co., New Yor^, ST. Y. $2.50. Wyman, L. S. , and Burnell, 3. P. Pield Book of Birds of the Southwestern United States. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, Mass. Cloth, 3?. 50; Leather, $5. Perio dic als Bird-Landing. Quarterly. Charles 3. Floyd, 210 South St. , Boston, Mass. $2.50. Bird-Lore. Bi_ mon thly. Bird-Lore, IOCS Fifth Ave. , New York, N. Y. $1.50. Pictures Bird Portraits in Color: Two Hundred Ninety-five North American Species. With brief descriptions by Thomas S. Roberts. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, Minn. Cloth, $3.50; limo cloth, $2.50; in port- folio without text, $1.50. Birds of New York. Plates. University of the State of New York, Albany, N. Y. $1.25. Educational Leaflets, Bird Charts, and Pictures in Color. National Association of Audubon Societies, 1006 Fifth Ave., New York, IT. Y. Fifty Common Birds of Farm and Orchard. (Color illustrations.) U. S. Dent. A~r. , Farmers' Bulletin 513. Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 25 cents. 7 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08928 0050