B.2.P.Q. 577 Effective Kay 1, Io/uq UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRI CULTURE STATE PLANT BOARD agricultural eessabch administration BUREAU 0? ENTOMOLOGY AMD BiANT gU^RANTIME DOMESTIC QUARANTINE NOTICES SLACK ST3M RUST QUARANTINE ( Quarantine No . 3$) ADM I IT I STRATI 77, INSTRUCT 1 0! T S DESIGNATING RUST-RESISTANT SPECIES AND VARIETIES OP BARBERRY, MAHONIA, aTD MAHOBMBERIS Pursuant to the authority conferred "by $ J>01.J,S-^ of the regula- tions supplemental to Black Stem Rust Quarantine No. 33 (7 CFR § 301 . 38-5 , lh P.R. 95'?^ » the following administrative instructions are hereby issued to designate the rust-resistant species and horticultural varieties of barberries, mahonias, and mahoberbcris ( l) the plants of which may be moved interstate under .permit , and (2) the seels and fruits of which, if produced in any of the States of Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa.i Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Virginia, '/fashing ton, Vest Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming, may be moved between or from such States only under permit or, wherever produced, may be moved be Ween States ether than those named, without restriction: 8 301 . 3&-5 Administrative instructions; d esignation of rust - res is tant barberry, mahonia, an d maho borberis p lants . The following species and horticultural varieties of barberries, mahonias, and mahoborberis are hereby designate;! as rust-resistant: Berber! s beaniana Berberis buxifolia Berber is buxifolia nana B e rb e r i s c an d i dul a Berberis chenaultii Berberis circumserrata Berberis concinna Berberis darwinii Berberis gagnepaini ~. c rb e r i s g i 1 g i ana t. e r -K s r i a h o r va t h i i B e r b e r i s j ill i an ae Berberis korear.a Berberis linearifolia var. Orange Ming B s rb e r i s m d n 1 r en sis Berberis pctaniui Berberis sanguinea Berberis sargentiana Berberi s stenophylla rberis stenophylla diversifolia Berberis stenophylla nana cempacta B'.-rberis thunber.^ii -2- ERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09314 8038 ■oris thunbergii atr^purpurea rberis thunbergii e recta Berberis thunberg i "^loee ,! rberis thunbergii "golden" Berberis thunbergii maximowiczii •beris thunbergii ^incr rberis thunbergii plurifXora ris thunbergii "thornless" Berberis thunbergii "variegata" rberis triacanthophora p fc c r i s v e rruc ulo sa Mahonia aquifoliun Mahohia bealei Maho nia di c. ty o ta honia nervosa Mahonia pinna ta onia repens The purpose of these administrative instructions is to relieve co.-.-erce "by designating the rust-resistant species an^ horticultural varieties of barberries, rnahoniai mshoberberis which are eli- gible for interstate movement under permit. In order to "be of maximum benefit to the public the designation of "hose- rust-resistant species an! varieties of barberries, mahonias, ?ni mahoberberis should he male effective as soon as possible. Since these administrative instructions relieve restrictions, they are within the exception in section U (c) of the Administrative Procedure Act and properly ho made effective less than 30 days after their publica- tion in the Federal Register. Accordingly, these instructions shall become effective on May 1, I9U9, vhen they shall supersede P.S.P.Q. 385, Fourth Revision, effec- tive January 2U, I9U5 (1 C?H I9U5 Supo. 8 301. 3Sa) , and B.E.P.Q. 385, Fourth Revision, Supplement 1, effective March 15, l^Ug (7 CFR 5 301.33a 13 F.R. 1^.03^ . (Sec. S, 37 Stat. 318, as amended; 7 TJ.S.C. l6l) •: at Washington, D, C. this gth day of April, I9U9. Ac ting Chi e f , ?u, reau o f Entomol'o.y/ and Pla nt Q u • 1 rantine