B. E. P. Q. 539 Effective May 31, 1950 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AG31CULTUHB AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH AIM-TITISTHATIOIT BUREAU CF EHTQMDL0GP2 AND PIANT QPARAHCTB METHYL "CEOMIDE FUMIGATION APPROVED AS A CONDITION FOR CERTIFICATION OF PINEAPPLES UNDER HAWAIIAN FRUIT AND VEGETABLE QUARANTINE NO . 13 In accordance with 7 CFR 301.13-U (b) of the regulations supplemental to Hawaiian Fruit and Vegetable Quarantine No. 13, methyl "bromide fumiga- tion, applied in the following manner, is hereby designated os en admin- istratively approved procedure that meets the requirements for the certi • fication of pineapples for interstate movement from Hawaii: Approve d atmosp heric fumigation. --Treatment is to be given in an approved atmospheric fumigation "vault with a circulating fan, for a period of 6 hours, with a dosage of 2 pounds of methyl bromide per 1,000 cubic feet of space, including the load. Fumigation vaults and equipment must be approved for that purpose by the Buroau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine. Both fumigations and subsequent handling of the fruits must be under supervision of a plant quarantine inspector of that Bureau. Fumigated fruit mu3t be safeguarded against reinfestation during the period prior to shipment in a manner satisfactory to the inspector. . Certification of pineapples for interstate movement will bo based on both the treatment and compliance with tne prescribed post -treatment safeguards . All costs of treatment and proscribed pest -treatment safeguards, other than the services of the supervising inspector, shall be borne by the owner of the fruit, or his representative. While the prescribed treatment is judged from experimental tests to be safe for use with pineapples, the Department assumes nc responsi- bility for any damage sustained through or in the course of treatment. This approval shall be effective May 31, 1950. (Sec. 8, 37 Stat. 318, as pmended, 7 U. 3. C. l6l; 7 CFR 301.134(b)) Done at Washington, D. C, this _6th day of May, 1950. Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA llilllllllllllllilllll 3 1262 09314 8566