4 ">F Fl_ LIB DOCUMENT'S ^P" UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Agricultural Economics. S Economic Library List No. 2k Washington, D. C, June 19I+I CROP AND LIVESTOCK INSUEAHCE, 1937-1940 A Selected List of References Compiled by Mamie I. Herb Library, Bureau of Agricultural Economics This list supplements Agricultural Economics Bibliography No. 67, Crop and Livestock Insurance, A Selected List of References to Lit- erature Issued Since 189 8. ** supersedes two typewritten lists on crop and livestock insurance compiled in this Library, dated July 6, 1937 and April 22, 19^1* respectively. The scope of this list is similar to that of the bibliography which it supplements, with the exception that proposed legislation and debate in Congress have not been included. The Congressional Record should be con- sulted for such material. With a few exceptions, unsigned arti- cles have been omitted. The first^part of this list contains references on the United States, and the sdcond, references on foreign countries, Call num- bers following the citations are those of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Library. An author and subject index is appended. References listed were compiled from the card catalogues of the libraries of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Bu- reau of Agricultural Economics; Agricultural Economics Literature, Dec. I936 to Apr. I9UI; Agricultural Index, Nov. I936 to Feb. I9UI; Experiment Station Record, Oct. 1936 to Mar. 19^-1; Monthly Bulletin of Agricultural Economics and Sociology, issued by International Institute of Agriculture, Dec. 193& to Mar. 19*4-1; Public Affairs Information Service Bulletin, May 1, 1937 to Apr. '26, 19^-1; Monthly Catalogue of United States Public Documents, Dec. 193& to Jan. 19^1. United States 1. Arcoleo, F. Crop "insurance in the United States of America.- Inter- natl. Inst. Agr. Monthly Bui. Agr. Econ. and Sociol. c reprint from Internati: Rev. Agr. D . 30(3) :87E-95E. Mar. 1939. 28C.29 In83 This is an account ■ of the organization and progress of insur- ance against crop damage resulting from adverse natural conditions in the United States. ~ 2 - 2. Baggett, R. T. The application of crop insurance to cotton. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Agr. Econ. Agr. Finance Rev.2( l) : 2U—30. May IQ39. 1.9 £c78A 3. Baggett, R. 1. A plan for cotton-crop insurance. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Agr. Econ. Agr. Situation 23(7):10-13. July 1939. 1 Bc7Ag k, Baggett, ft. T., and Rowe, Wm. H. A suggested plan for cotton-crop insurance. Letter from the acting Secretary of agriculture trans- mitting a report containing pertinent data and information assem- bled by the Bureau of. agricultural economics of the Department of agriculture relative to crop insurance for cotton. 76th Cong. 1st Sess. House Doc. 277. I5PP« Washington, D. C, U. S. Govt, print, off., 1939. 1 Ec7S 5. Baggett, R. T., and Rowe, Wm. H. Wheat crop insurmce program. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Agr. Econ. Agr. Situation 22(6):9-10. June 1938. 1 Ec7Ag 6. Bast, Otto F. Crop insurance and storage under farm bill. Grain & Feed Jours. Consolidated 80(7): 279, 309. ^pr. 13, 1938. 298.8 G762 Address before the Society of Grain Elevator Superintendents. 7. Bennett, Ira. Bennett's analysis of federal wheat insurance. Wyo. Stockman-Farmer UU(6):8. June 1938. b W992 8. c Bennett, W. K #] ' Revelations made on the corn loan program of the C.C.C. ^Commodity Credit Corporation-, Natl. Underwriter ^Weekly ed. D U3(33):3, 15, 3U, 35, 36. Aug. 17, 1939. 2gl+.68 N21 a report on the Commodity Credit Corporation corn loan pro- gram by the National association of Insurance Agents through Secretary W. H. Bennett. He tells of a w«ek spent in Washington "in an attempt to dig into and find out about what this CCC is doing, particularly in relation to the business of insurance." Various conferences with government officials are described. 9. Berryman, Carl W. Federal crop insurance. Mont. Farmer 26(19) J 15* Feb. 15, 1939. b M76I+ There is also an editorial on this subject on p. 6, entitled Crop Insurance Popular. 10. Bird, John A. Four times as many insure wheat. Kans. Farmer 77(5) ;2 ^. Mar. 9, I9U0. 6 K13 11. Bird, John A. Insuring the wheat crop. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Agr. Econ. Agr. Situation 23(l): 22-23. Jan. 1939. 1 Brf*g 12. Bird, John a. Two years of crop insurance. U. S.'Dept. Agr. Bur. ^.gr. Econ. Agr. Situation 2k( 7)! 20-22. July I9U0. 1 Ec7Ag -3'- 13. Bird, John A. The wheat crop insured. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Agr. Econ. Agr,. Situation 23('5):9-10. May 1939. L Bc7Ag lU. Black, Albert Gain. Crop insurance. South, Planter 57 (12):' k,!}, Dec. 16, 1936. 6 SoS9 15. Black, Albert Gain. Crop insurance on v/heat. U. S. Dept. Agr. Ext. Serv. Ext. Serv. Rev. 8(6): 83, 93. June 1937. lEx 892Ex 16. Black, Albert Gain. The goal of crop insurance. Nation's Business 25(6): 120, 12U,126 t 158 f 159, 160. June 1937. 286.8 N212 ."One of the men appointed by the President to study the possibilities of protecting the farmer against losses from crop failure explains the studies that led to the present plan and explains how the system will work, what it is expected to do and why it should work where private operation has not." 17. Black, Albert Gain, and Sterling, Robert E. Should we insure the wheat crop? Yes, says A. G. Black... No, says Robert E. Sterling. Rotarian 50(H): 10, 13, 53-57. Apr. 1937. ' Pam. Coll. (Black, A. G.) Reprinted in Northwest. Miller and Amer.' Baker lU(5): 39, kS-kj. May 5, 1937. 298.8 N81 18. Black, Albert Gain. Toward farm security. U. S. Dept. Agr. Misc. Pub. 308, 23pp. Washington, D. C., 1938. 1 AgS^M no.308 Security against crop losses, pp. 12-15 (This section was originally published in U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Agr. Econ. Agr, Situation 21(7): 9-10. July 1, 1937.) Holds that sound crop insurance for farmers is one of the essentials of farm security; 'that an all-risk crop insurance program should be undertaken by the government; and discusses briefly the disappointing history crop . insurance has had. 19. Botts, Ralph R. Some problems in connection with crop insurance for citrus fruits. U. S. Dept. Agr, Bur. Agr. Econ. Agr. Finance Rev. 3(1): 11-17 • Ma y 19^0. 1.9 Ec78A 20. Bowman, E. K. Crop insurance. Eirst plah came indirectly through " AAA.' Mont. Farmer 2U(9): 5, 27. Jan. 1, I937.* 6 WjGk- The Chairman of .the Montana State Board of Hail Insurance discusses -the Wallace plan, 21. Boyle, James E. The ifs of , crop insurance. Country Gent. 107(6): lU-15, 86-87. June 1937. 6 C833 Mr. Boyle discusses the success of the mutual fire-insurance companies owned and operated by farmers; the Wallace plan for crop insurance; moral risks and pressure groups; the real story of virgin wheat; the cost of storage; lessons of the Farm Board; political pressure; the road to subsidy; and mutual insurance the answer. - k - 22. Briggs, Frank A. Crop insurance not new idea. Farm and Ranch 55(23).* S« Dec. 1, 1936. 6 T31 Describes apian for crop insurance using cotton as anexample. 23. Bubolz, Gordon A. Farmers-mutual windstorm-insurance companies. U. S. Farm Credit Admin. Coop. Div. Bui. 21, 39pp. Washington, D. C, 193S. 166.2 BS7 2*4. Bubolz, Gordon A. 50 years 'of mutual wind-storm insurance. U. S. Farm Credit Admin. News for Farmer Coops. U(g): 6-7, 20, Nov. 1537, 166.2 NU7 :-•- . 25. Cady, E. L. Crop insurance, a step toward agricultural security. la* State Coll. Agr. Ext. Serv. I ova Farm Econ. 3(2): I3-I5. Apr. 1937. Pam. Coll. Mr. Cady says that the recent series of crop failures in different sections of Iowa has emphasized the need for protection afforded by all-risk crop insurance. He discusses the crop in- surance plan; payment in kind; premium determination, with an Iowa- illustration, stating that there would be no price insurance under this 'plan; and mentions some of the likely economic con- sequences . 26. Capper, Arthur. Fair trial for crop insurance. Capper's Farmer Ug(5): 1. May 1937. 6 M693 Not seen. 27. Chamber of commerce of the United States, Washington, D. C. Agri- cultural department. Current issues in the agricultural situation. Condensed forms of addresses delivered before the Agricultural Round Table, twenty-f if th annual meeting, April 28, 1937* 35PP« Washington, D. C. 1937. 281.12 C35C Crop insurance, by R. M. Bissell, pp.3~7» discusses briefly the history of crop insurance and the plan for wheat insurance as proposed. Crop insurance, by Roy M. Green, pp. 8-10, tells of the stum- bling blocks that have stood in the way of the establishment of such insurance, the plan that has been proposed, and the meaning to the wheat farmer of crop insurance. This condensed address appears also in Southwest. Miller l6( 10) : Uo. May 4,1937. 28. Chubb, Hendon. Insurance that adequately protects cotton. Cotton Trade Jour. (9th Internatl. ed.) 17(18): 125-126. May 1, 1937 72.8' C8214 29. Clapper, Raymond. Crop insurance. Rev. of Reviews 9^(5)' 30-3^* Nov. 1936. 110 aci32 Gives facts about crop insurance. ~ 5 - 30. Clark, R. M. Orchard hail insurance. la. State Hort. Soc, Trans. 1937: 72-76. - • ' Not examined. 31. Clendenin, J. C. Crop insurance - an experiment in farm-income stabilization. Jour. Land & Pub. Util. Econ. l6(3)r 277-285. Aug. 19*40. 282. S J82 A review of crop insurance under the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation. 32. Clendenin, J. C. Federal crop insurance. Best's Insurance News (Fire and Casualty Ed.) pp. 17-19. July igUo. Not examined. 33« Congressional Digest. The question of establishing a Federal system of -"all risk" crop insurance. Cong. Digest 15(12): 289-320. Dec. 1936. 110 C76 Contents: Foreword and study analysis, by N. T. N. Robinson, pp. 289-291; American experiments with crop insurance, pp. 292-293 : President Roosevelt urges consideration of "all risk" crop in- surance, p. 29*4; Tentative crop insurance plans now under consid- eration by the U. S. Department of Agriculture, by Glenn Nixon, pp.295-*296; Canada considers the -question of "all-risk" crop insurance, pp. 296-297; Pro and con discussion, pp.298-317 (Ex- tracts from "pro" statements of Secretary Wallace, Roy M. G-reen, V. N. Valgren, G. Wright Hoffman, -F. L. Teuton,- and "con" state- ments of Clyde L. Rogers, Harold Fleming, the Washington Post, the New York Journal of Commerce, Henry D. Ralph, the Chicago Journal of Commerce, the Providence Journal, the Sphere, the Christian Science Monitor, and the Northwestern Miller.); A bibliography of recent crop insurance literature *( selections from a bibliog- raphy compiled in the U. S, Bureau of Agricultural Economics), pp.318-319; A glossary of crop insurance terms, p.320. 3*4-. Cooke, Gilbert W. North Dakota state hail insurance, 1911-36. Jour. Business of the Univ. of Chicago ll(3,pt.l-)i277~307. July 1938. 280.8 J825 35 • Creel, G. Fattening the lean years; crop insurance , Collier's 99:23-!-. Apr. 10, 1937. Not examined. 36. Crop insurance plan discussed at Kansas farmers elevator gathering. Grain & Feed Rev. 26(8): lU-19. Apr. 1937. 280.28 C78 Report of the twenty-fifth annua.1 convention of the Kansas Farmers Co-operative Association which met in Wichita, Kans., on Mar. 15 and l6. It includes the address in full of Roy M. Green on "the crop insurance* proposal now pending before Congress" (pp.l6-18), -The convention went on record as favoring the- en- actment of legislation to provide wheat crop insurance and an ever-normal granary plan. Resolutions are given on pp. 18-19 . - 6 - 37. Davis, Walter B. Insurance on farm crops not a new idea. Market Growers Jour. 60(5): 139,-lUo. Mar. 1, 1937. 6 itik Describes some previous attempts and suggestions relating to crop insurance. 38. Doyle, J. H. Cotton endorsements; policy reissuances can be avoided by filing agreement with G.C.C. Weekly Underwriter 139*^21 Sept. 3, 1933. Hot examined. 39* Dutton, C. E. "Luckily, we were covered." Says C. E. Sutton, who having taken all other precautions to protect his crop, also had the foresight to slap. on hail insurance, Amer. Fruit Grower 57(5): 11, 26. May 1937. go Gg5 ■ Mr. Dutton is manager of the Ohio Orchard Company orchard which consists of 120 acres, planted principally to apples. ^0. Eriksson, Erik McKinley. Crop insurance. Canner 8^(18): ik. Apr. 10, 1937. 286.83 Cl6 ... Not examined. hit Evans, R. M. Insurance and the AAA; address before the convention of the National association of mutual insurance companies, Chicago, Illinois, October 2, 1939 • 11pp., processed. Washington, D. C. , U.S. Dept. of agriculture, Agricultural adjustment administra- tion, I939. 1.42 AdUEv c no.ll] U-2. Pagan, F. N. Hail insurance and the fruit grower. Amer. Fruit Grower 60(5): 9-, 25, 28. May 19*K). 80 G85 The author writes of hail insurance as a protection against loss for- the fruit farmer. He explains that his viewpoint "is taken (l) as a groi^er who has in past years protected 'cost of production 1 by hail insurance policies; (2) as a grower who has had hail losses paid to orchards under my care; (3) as an adjust- er of fruit hail losses, resulting in money payments to orchard and' vineyard owners." U3. Flint, W. P. Evaluation of insect damage under the crop insurance plan. Jour. Econ. Ent. 33: U99-501. June 19U0. ^21 JS22 Not examined. kk, [Flora, S. D. 3 Stark tragedy in hail losses unless crops are in- sured. Com. West. 8l(l9): 26-27, 3I+. May 3, I9U1." 286.8 C733 Relates instances of hail calamities in I9H0 and other years "taken as excerpts from an article in the April [19^-1] 'Rough Notes, 1 insurance paper published monthly at Indianapolis." U5. Genung, A. 3. Some notes on crop insurance. U.S. Dept. .agr. Bur. Agr. Econ. Agr. Situation 20( 12) : 3-5. Dec. I936. 1 Ec7Ag This article, which was written before the report of the President's Committee on Crop Insurance xvas issued, is a general discussion of the subject and of the features which any plan set up would be obliged to incorporate. - 7 ~ 1+6. Gorman, N. D. Crop insurance as it relates to North Dakota. Farmers Union Herald (n.s.)3.2( ll) : 1,5. Nov. 1938. 280. 28 F22U 1+7. Green, Hoy M. Crop insurance.' Address, Institute of rural economics, Hutgers University, New 3runswick, N. J., Jan. k, 1937* %>P»» processed. Washington, D.C., U.S. Dept. of agriculture. Bur. of agricultural economics, 1937* 1»9 Ec78Cr Discusses the place of crop insurance, planning crop in- surance, and adjusting to production cycles. 1+8. Green, Hoy M. Crop insurance. Address, the Kansas farmers cooper- ative association, Wichita, Kansas, Mar. l6, 1937- 5PP«i processed. c Washington, D. C, U^S. Dept. of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricul- tural Economics, 1937 D 1.9 Ec72Cr Describes the plan of crop insurance proposed by the Federal Government. 1+9. Green, Hoy M. An evaluation of cro^ insurance possibilities. Jour. Farm Econ. 20(l): 21*+-220. Feb. 1938. 280.8 J822 Discussion by Harold B. Rowe, pp. 220-222. 50. Graen, Roy II. Federal crop insurance plan explained. Iowa Bur. Farmer 2(6): 18 „ June 1938. 51. Green, Roy M^ Fundamentals of crop insurance. Kans. State Bd. Agr. C-Quart.j Rpt. 56(221-A>: 73-79. Mar. 1937. "2 -K13He Address at the 66th Annual meeting of : 7, 26, 28. May 1938. 80 G85 Stories from real life on the value of hail insurance. 69. James, R, C. Survivors' stories of blitzkrieg of hail. Amer. Fruit Grower 60:13. May I9U0. 80 G85 Not examined. 70. Je&ness, 0, B. Crop insurance. Minn. Univ. Agr. Ext. Div. Farm Business Notes, No. 170, pp. 1-3* processed. University Farm,' St. Paul, 1937. 275.29 M663 This is mainly a discussion of the report of the President's committee on crop insurance. • • « 71. Johnson, Cecil A. Crop insurance and the banker. Addres-s-. . .before the convention of the -Iowa bankers association, Dec Moines, Iowa... June 8, 193S. 11pp.-, processed, Washington, D. C, U,S C Dept. of agriculture, Federal crop insurance corporation, 133% * 1.9 C88J 72. Kansas company will insure wheat crop. Based on actuarial data, ■policies will operate on "cost of production" plan ~ limited to Kansas. Northwest. Miller 190(l):*19. Apr. it, 1937. 298.8 NS1 This is the Sowers Plan Crop Insurance Mutual Co., in- corporated at Topeka. 73* Mayhugh, L, T.- Agriculture has overalls. Practical crop insurance must be provided if- our nation in to prosper. Producer- Con- sumer k( 6) : 8. Jan. 1939. 280*28 P9^2 - Includes the recommendations of a committee, consisting of five farmer representatives, presumably of the Washington con- ference on cron insurance, called by Secretary Wallace. 74. Mayhugh, L. T. Crop insurance, ever normal granary, production .. control. Producer-Consumer 2(6): 3, IS. Jan. 1937. 280.28 ?9k2 Not examined. 75. Mayhugh, L. T. Crop insurance for wheat in 193& fits in with all of farm program proposed. Producer-Consumer 2(8): 5» Mar. 1937 • 280.28 P9^2 Not examined. - 10 - 76. Nelson, A. F. National crop insurance discussed with Sec Wallace, * Farmers* Elevator Guide 3l(l2): 33-3 1 !, 15. Dec. 5, 1936. 280.28 Am3 This is a report of the conference held in Washington on No- vember 6, at which representatives of the v/arehouse industry- discussed "matters pertaining to storage of grain in connection with the contemplated legislation on crop insurance" with Secretary Wallace and members of his Crop Insurance Committee. A summary of Mr, Nelson's conclusions "before the meeting of the Southern Minnesota Managers' Association is given in Grain & Feed Rev. 2o(U): 15, Dec. 1936, 1 ... 77* Nelson, A. F. Wheat loans and storage. Farmers' Elevator Guide 33(9): 22-2^, Sept. 1938. 2S0.28 Am3 Not examined. 78. North Dakota. Hail insurance department. Annual report, lyiJ-ljkO. Bismark 193 7^19^0. 28*1.69 N 2lU Reports by the North Dakota State Hail Insurance Department's activities and business for the year, by counties. Illustrated by tables and maps. 79 • Nourse, Edwin G. , Davis, Joseph S., and Black, John D. Three years of the Agricultural adjustment administration. 600pp. Washing- ton, D. C, The Brookings institution. 1937 • (Institute of economics, Brookings institution, Pub. no. 73) 281.12 N85 "Ever-normal granary" and crop insurance, pp,171-18S. The authors discuss the proposal for a crop insurance plan put forth by the Federal Government. 80. Otis, Dan H. Insuring the wheat crop. Banking 3l(^)* 6U, 66. Oct. 1938. 28^.8 Am3 Explains the wheat crop insurance program which began with the harvest of 1939* Provisions of the crop insurance law are out- lined. 81. Pope, James P. Crop insurance in the United States. Jour. Amer. Insurance 1^(3): 11-13, 26. Mar. 1937. 28^,68 J822 Also printed in Cong. Rec. 81: 2219-2221. Mar 2, 1937. In this radio address, Senator Pope briefly describes the measures taken for the relief of the farmer in the past few years, sketches the history of crop insurance in this country, and presents the provisions of the bill which he introduced and which provided for crop insurance on wheat. Under this bill a Federal crop insurance corporation would be set up. 82. Private crop insurance in Kansas. Grain & Feed Jours. Consolidated 78(8): 350. Apr. 28, 1937. 298.8 G762 Describes briefly the plan presented by the new Sowers Plan Crop Insurance Co. of Topeka. - 11 - S3. Purvines, Earl. Government wheat crop insurance. Grain & Feed Jours Consolidated 8^(8) 2 356. Apr. 2U, I9U0. 298.8 G762 Address' "by the Chicago District Manager of the F, C. I. C, before the Grain Market Analysts Club. 8*+. Rhodes, K. U.S. crop insurance policies. Natl. Underwriter ^2:5+ Sept. 1, 193S b 2SU,6S N21 Not examined. 85. Roesch,, J. L. Hail insurance; digest of recent cases. Spectator (Property ed.) 5: 3H-35. Mar. 7, I9H0. Not examined. 86. Rogers, Clyds L The weaknesses of crop insurance, as revealed "by experience and research. Annalist kS(l2k^)', 750-751 • Nov. 27, ' 1936. 28^,8 NU8 "This article has been based largely on a study of Crop Insurance issued "by the National Industrial Conference Board in the Conference Board Bulletin of Oct. 20, 1936." Names seven difficulties to be overcome. These are "(l) The problem of price fluctuations; (2) the actuarial problem; (3) the 'moral risk : ; (k) the administrative problem; (5) the question of establishment and maintenance of reserves; (6) the sales problem; (7) the danger that politicians will wreck any sound plan of crop insurance that may be devised." 87 • Rowe, William H. Costs of wheat crop insurance. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Agr. Econ. Agr. Situation. 2l('ll) : 18-19. Nov. 1, 1937 . 1 Ec7Ag 88. Rowe, William H„ and Smith, Leroy K, Crop insurance. In U.S. Dept. of agriculture. Farmers' in a changing world. Yearbook of Agriculture, I9U0, pp. 755-770. Washington, D. C.," C 19J+0 D 1 AgS^Y 1940 89» Rowe, William H« Crop insurance for' wheat. In Joint committee on appraisal and mortgage analysis. Proceedings of the rural group sessions, National appraisal forum, Nov. 19 and 20,, 1937 » pp.U3~l+5', processed.' Washington, D. C. [1938] . 282 J662 90. Rowe, William H. Crop insurance for wheat. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur, Agr. Econ. iigr. Finance Rev. l( l) : 19-22. May 193g. 1.9 Ec78A Describes the crop insurance program for wheat and the organ- ization of the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation set up to administer the program. 91. Rowe, William H, Federal crop insurance. Jour, .timer. Insurance 1U(10): 20-22. Oct. I937, 2S1+.68 JS22 . Excerpts from an address before The Mutual Convention ,at Grand Rapids, Mich. , October ^,5.6, p nd 7 • ' - 12 - 92, Rove, William H. Governmental crop insurance. Jour. Amer. Insur- " ance'lU(lO): 20-22. Oct. 1937. 2gl+.68 J822 93» Howe , William H. History of the crop insurance program, general plan of operation* and economic justification for certain salient provisions of the regulations, application and policy. 2 3PP»» processed. Washington, D. C, U.S^ Dept. of agriculture, federal crop insurance corporation, c 1938} 1»9 CS8H 9U. Rowe, William H. Is crop insurance advisable? Wharton Rev. finance and Com. ll(lj-): 10, 17. Jan. 1938. Not examined, 95* Rove, William H. Progress in Government crop insurance. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Agr. Econ. Agr. Finance Rev. 1(2): 11-lU. Nov. 1938. 1.9 Sc7?A 96. Rove, Wd.lvij.nm H„ Progress of the Federal wheat crop-insurance prc"V;-i' ■■, U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Agr. Econ. Agr. Finance Rev. 2(1,- 31-33. May I939. 1.9 Ec78A 97« Schenck, Hassil E. Crop insurance is important feature of Triple A. Hoosier Parmer 22(6): 5, 26. June 1938. 280.28 H76 98. Seibels, E. G., and Suter, G. D, Cotton cover. Weekly Underwriter lU2: 1081-1082. May H t 19^0. • Not examined. 99 • Seibels, E. G. ; Problems of the cotton underwriter. Insurance ' Field (Fire ed.) 69:20-21. June 13, 19^0. Not examined.. . - 100. Shepard, H. B. Field for more premiums in insuring private forests. Natl. Under writer ".4£i 5+. Mar. 9, 1939 . 28^.68 N21 Not examined. 101. Shepard, H. B. Fj. ra insurance for forests. Jour. Land & Pub. ! Utility Econ. 13(2): III-II5. May I937. 282.8 JS2 Calls attention, to conclusions reached in the study "Forest Fire Insurance - Pacific Coast States", and to a study in pro- gress in the Northeastern States. 102. Shepard, H. B. Forest fire insurance. Conn. Forest and Park Assoc. Conn. Woodlands y. 35-36. Sept. 1938. 99.8 C76 Not examined. . • - 103. Shepard, H. B. Forest fire insurance in the northeastern states. U.S. Dept. Agr. Tech. Bui. 65.I, U6pp. Washington, D.C., 1939.' 1 Ag8^Te ...•-. - 13 - Literature cited, pp.^5-^6. "This "bulletin covers an inquiry into the practical possi- bilities of fire insurance for forest properties into the north- eastern United States and follows the lines of an earlier study carried on in the Pacific Coast States. . .The purpose of the tv/o studies is to establish the "basic principles involved in forest fire insurance in all sections of the country." 1C4. Shepard, H. B. Forest fire insurance in the Pacific Coast States. U.S. Dept. Agr. Tech. Bui. 551, l68pp. Washington, D. C, 1937. 1 AggUTe Literature cited, p. 168. This study, which was made in-1930-3^i discusses the need for forest fire insurance in the United States; the principles of fire insurance applicable to forest properties; practical considerations in the application of forest fire insurancs; forest fire hazards; proposed schedules of rates; etc, 105« Shields, R. H., and Donoho, H. All-risk wheat arop insurance in the United States of America under the Federal crop insurance act of 1938. Internatl. Inst. Agr. Internatl. Bui.. Agr. Law, no.-l, 19U0. pp.U-19. Rome, Italy, I9U0. 30.5 In83 "Summary: 1. Historical outline - 2. The Federal Crop In- surance Act of 1938 and the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation - 3. Basic principle - U. The 1939 Wheat Crop Insurance Program - 5. The 19^0 Program - 6. Conclusions." 106. Smith, Leroy K. Crop insurance. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Agr. Econ. Agr. Econ. Agr. Situation 2U(12): 17-18. Dec. l^Jo. 1 Ec7Ag 107. Smith, Leroy K. Crop insurance and the high plains; talk before the Regional farm conference, Dodge City, Kansas, March 7» 1939 • 10pp., processed.. Washington, D.C., U.S. Dept. of agriculture, Federal crop insurance corporation, 1939 • 1«9 C88S cno.3] 108. Smith, Leroy K. Crop insurance for cotton. Amer, Cotton Grower 5(2): 9, 16. July 1939. 72.8 Am32 109. Smith, Leroy K 4 Crop insurance on the proving ground. Talk... at farmers v/eek, Ohio State University February 2, 1939. 1^-pp., processed. Washington, D.C., U.S. Dept. of agriculture, Federal crop insurance corporation, 1939» 1«9 C88S c no.2-, 110. Smith, Leroy K. A report on crop insurance; a talk' before the annual meeting of the American farm bureau federation, New Orleans, La., December 12, 1938. 8pp., processtd. Washington, D.C. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture^ Federal crop insurance corporation, 1938. 1.9 C88S c no.l : - Ik - 111. .Smith, Leroy K. c Wheat crop insurance] Grain & Feed Jours. Consolidated 81(6): 260-261.' Sept-. 23, I93S. 293.8 0762 Remarks on wheat crop insurance at the U2nd annual con- vention of the Grain & Peed Dealers National Association, To- ronto, Ontario, September 25-26-27, 1938. 112. Smith, Leroy K. Wheat income stability; text of talk... at Farm and home week, Feb. 9» 19^0 1 Kansas State college, Manhattan, Kansas. 9PP«* processed. Washington, D. C., U.S. Dept. of agriculture, Federal crop insurance corporation, 19^0. 1.9 C88S 113. Soth, Lauren K. Is this farewell to failure? Successful Farming 35(3): 20, 99-101, 113. Mar. 1937. 6 Sul2 A discussion of the advantages and the difficulties of any plan of crop insurance which might be put into effect. llU. Stratton, Clif, Wheat insurance very popular. Kans. Farmer 76(1^): 2, July 15, I939. 6 K13 115. Talbot i W* A. s ingle grade in wheat insurance. Southwest. Miller 17(2U): in,* Aug. 9, 1933. 298.8 SoS2 Explains why ordinary No. 2 hard winter wheat is the basis for calculations 'on premiums and indemnities by the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation in the hard winter wheat territory served by the Kansas City office. Il6 ♦ Thatcher, M, W. Crop insurance - another milestone. Wheat crop yield insurance becomes a national program by act of Congress. How the program was 'initiated and pushed through Congress — facts taken from the record. Farmers Union Herald (n.s.)l2(3): 1, 3, 5. Mar. I938. 280.28 F22U 117. Thatcher, M. Wi- ' c Report on] wheat crop insurance Apr. 27, 1937* Farmers' Union Herald (n.s.) 11(5): 1. May 1937. 280.28F22U Not examined. 118. They're insuring crops in Kansas. New mutual casualty company in • Topeka insures cost of production for wheat growers. Unlike the government's plan, it is on an all-cash basis. Aisiness Week, no. 397, pp. 30, 32. Apr. 10, 1937. 280.8 Sy8 On the Sowers Plan Crop Insurance co., of Topeka, Kansas. 119. Thompson, Arthur T. Could you stand a hail "blitz?" Wallaces 1 Farmer and Iowa Homestead 66(7): 252, Apr. 5, 19^1. 6 C833 Points out how farmers have survived all kinds of weather hazards and' other misfortunes and. describes the damage of a hail storm near Portsmouth, Iowa, on the night of July 8, 19^0. "Unfortunately, very few farmers were carrying hail insurance... For 19^1 , there doubtless will be. many more policies written." - 15 - 120. U.S. Congress. House. Committee on agriculture. Cotton crop insur- ance. Hearing. . .76th Cong., 1st session on H.R.6972, a "bill to amend the Federal crop insurance act. July 6 and 10, 1939 • Serial F. ^9pp. Washington, D, C, U.S. .Govt, print, off,, 1939, 2SU.6 Un3982C Contains statements of R, T, Baggett, Cecil A. Johnson, and Leroy K. Smith. 121. U.S. Congress, House, Committee on agriculture, Federal crop insur- ance. Hearings, ..75th Cong*, 1st session .on S.1397t a "bill to create a Federal crop insurance corporation, and for other pur- poses. May 26, June 2, lU, 22, 23, 1937. Serial E. 126pp. Washington, D. C,, U.S. Govt, print, off., 1937. 28U.6 Un39S2 122. U.S. Congress, Senate. Committee on agricxilture and forestry. Federal crop insurance. Hearings, . .75th Cong,, 1st session on S,1397» a hill to create a Federal crop insurance corporation, and for other purposes, February 25, 26, 27, March 1, 8, and 9, 1937'. 223pp. Washington, U„S. Govt, print, off., 1937, 28^.6 Un39S Includes statements of Secretary Wallace, a, G, Black, Roy M,' Green, and others, 123. U.S. Congress, 76th, 1st session, Senate. S«2635» • » A hill to amend the Federal crop insurance act. By Mr, Bankhead, June 19, 1939» c Washington, D.C,, 1939 3 Reported to the Senate (S. Rep-t... 68l) , June 27, 1939. Passed- Senate, June 19, 1939, Reported to -House" (H. Rept, 1207) c on H.R.6972, Fulmer companion hill to S.2635 D July 18, 1939. Passed House Apr, -20, 19^0, Vetoed by the President, May 6, 19^0. (S. Doc. 193). • • This bill would extend to cotton the system of Federal crop insurance now applied to wheat. • • • 12^-. U.S. Dept. of agriculture. Crop insurance: is it practical? 1^-pp. Washington, D, C,, 1937. (DS-1^) 1 Agg6Ds no.- lU. Issued in cooperation with the Extension Service and the Agricultural Adjustment Administration. Group discussion material on crop insurance. 125. U.S. Dept. of agriculture. Report of the Secretary, of agriculture I9U0, 184pp. Washington, D.C., 19,Uo. 1 *g%k Crop insurance, pp. 58-59 ♦ •- The Report for 1938, PP»37~39i describes provisions of the Federal Crop Insurance Act, under the caption: Crop Insurance Provided For Wheat Growers.. . ... : The Report for 1939t pp.78' i -8U, contains a report on Federal Crop Insurance. - 16 - 126. U.S.. Dept. of agriculture. Agricultural adjustment, administration. ,."..•" Amended regulations. pertaining to making of advances to persons to enable them, to obtain insurance from Federal crop insurance corporation. %>p., processed. r Washington, D. C.-, June lU, I9U0. '(ACP -99" revised) l'.H2'Ad4Acb 127. U.S. Dept. of agriculture. Agricultural adjustment administration* Crop insurance for wheat. 5pp., processed. [Washington, D, C., ... Feb. 16, 1938 D ,1.42 W56O . . . : '. . 12S. U.S. Dept. of agriculture. Agricultural adjustment, administration. Crop insurance , for wheat; a summary of t the report of the Presi- dent's committee on crop insurance as it pertains to wheat. 8 pp., processed. Washington, D, C., Sept. 1937 • (G~75) l.k AdhQe no. 75. . ■. .,;'., 129. U.S.,' Dept. of agriculture, Agricultural adjustment administration. Crop insurance for wheat growers, a brief summary of the provi- sions 'and proposed operation of the Federal crop insurance act. Upp., processed. Washington, D. ,C., Mar. 1938. ( G-8H) " 1.4 Ad4Ge frb'.'SV ' '~ 130. U.S. Dept. . of agriculture. Agricultural adjustment administration... , , ' East Central division. . Insurable losses of wheat in selected counties of Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, Ken- tucky, and Tennessee. 1930-1935* 5PP*i processed, (-Washington, D. 0..; 1938] . 1.42 Ea7Ins. \ . 131. U;S. Dept.' of agriculture. Agricultural adjustment administration. - Western division. Organization and procedure relating to the administration of the federal crop insurance program in the Western division, Agricultural adjustment administration, in • states of the western region. 6pp., processed. Washington, D. C., June 9, 1938. (WR-FCI-l) 1.42 W52FC 132. U.S. Dept.. of agriculture., Agricultural adjustment administration. Western division. State office procedure for handling crop.. . insurance applications. 8pp.., processed, Washington, D, C, June 16, 1938. ' (WR-FCI-2) 1.1+2 W52FC 133. U.S. Dept. of agriculture.. Bur. of agricultural economics. Federal wheat crop insurance. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Agr. Econ. Agr. Finance Rev. 2(2) : 62-63. Nov, .1939*; 3(l)": 32'. May I9U0; 3(2): 69-72. Nov. 19^0. 1.9 Ec78a '..,;;.'..'"'.'..•. ■< 13^. U.S. Dept, of agriculture. . Bur. of agricultural economics. .. Land sale contracts utilizing crop' insurance' protection. . U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur, Agr, Econ, Agr, Finance Rev. 2(2): 6O-62, Nov. 1939. 1.9 Ec78A - 17 - 135 • U.S. Dept. of agriculture. Bur. of agricultural economics. Re- port of the Chief. *+Opp. Washington, D. C, 1939. 1 AggU Report on crop insurance, pp. 25-26. 136. U.S. Dept. of agriculture. Federal crop insurance corporation. Annual report of the manager. . .I93S/39-I9.39/U0. 2 nos. Wash- ington, D. C, 1939-191+0. 1 Aggh 137. U.S. Dept. of agriculture. Federal crop insurance corporation. Crop insurance for wheat. 'Handbook for county insurance repre- sentatives. 13PP». processed. Washington, D. C., May 1938. 1.9 C8SC 138. U.S. Dept. of agriculture. Federal crop insurance" corporation. Danger ahead I 4pp. [Washington, D. 0. 3 I9I+I-, 1 CggD 139* U.S. Dept. of agriculture. Federal crop insurance corporation. FCI - Information, nos. l-l6. Washington, D. C. 1939-19^0. 1 CSSI Contents: No. 1. Can you afford "profitable .v;aiting?" c U]pp. No. 2. Make surplus v/heat work. 3PP«- '. No. 3» Sow with certainty." 4pp. No. 4. Drought defense. [4-jpp. No, 5» Assured farm income through cooperation. ^U^pp. No. 6. Your farm will suffer crop failure when? 4pp. No. 7» Wheat crop insurance means assured buying power. 6pp. No. S. Insure against wheat losses „ He does. 4pp. No. 9» Questions' and answers on wheat crop insurance. l}pp. No. 10. Insured harvests. l4pp. . No. 11. Crop insurance and the multiple unit land owner,. 9PP» No. 12, "Let me tell you what crop insurance means to me," 6pp. No. 13, Crop insurance and the country elevator. 10pp. No. l4. Before you plant - insure J "All-risk" crop insurance guarantees wheat income. 12pp. No. 15. Questions & answers on 19^1 crop insurance, l4pp. No. 16. Is this your farm? 10pp. 1^0. U.S. Dept. agriculture. Federal crop insurance corporation. FCI yields and rates. 24pp., processed. [Washington, D. C. , 1940] 1.952 F31 l4l. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Federal crop insurance corporation. Form FCI. Washington, D. C. -,1938-1941. 1 C88F Contents: No. 27. Instructions on signatures and authorizations re- lating to Federal crop insurance program. 6pp. May 26, 1938. - 18 - No.. 31« Wheat crop insurance - county procedure. Instructions relating to the administration of the crop insurance program. 29pp. May 17, 1938. No. 60. Wheat - 1939* Loss adjustment procedure and ad- juster's manual. 22pp. Feb. 2, 1939 . FCI-1. Wheat 19^0. County yield and rate procedure. Wheat crop insurance. 17pp. Mar. 29, 1939. Also Supplement no. 1. County yields and rate procedure. Supplement for special practices. Wheat crop in- surance. 3pp. Mar. 29, 1939. Form FCI-llr-Wheat I9U0. c Sections I-VIII-, County application procedure. Wheat crop insurance. 21pp. 1939. Form FCI-11-Wheat I9U0. Sections IX and X. 10pp. 1939, / FCI^101-Wl County yield and rate procedure I9U1 wheat crop insurance program. County procedure for I9U1 farm wheat yields. Agricultural conservation program. 13pp.' Feb. 19^0. Supplement for Special Practices. Supplement no.l. 2pp. Feb. 19^0. FCI-111-W. County application procedure. Wheat crop insur- ance. 29pp. June lk, I9U0. Section XIV of the County application procedure (6pp) issued July 23, 19^-0. Supplement to Section XIV (3pp«) issued Sept. 26, iglK). Sections XV and XVI of the County application procedure. Notice of seeding. Wheat crop insurance ( 17pp) issued Aug. 19^0. FCI-l60-W, I9I+I loss adjustment procedure and adjuster's manual. Feb. I9UI. FCI-201-'W. County yield and rate procedure, I9U2 wheat crop insurance program. County procedure for 19^2 farm wheat yields. Agricultural conservation program. 19^1. Supplement 1. County yield and rate procedure 19^2 wheat crop insurance program. Supplement for special practices. Feb. 19^1. lU2. U.S. Dept. of agriculture. '• Federal crop insurance corporation. General information series, nos. 1-6. Washington, D. C., .1938-1939.- 1 CS8G Contents: No. 1. Crop insurance for wheat growers; a brief summary of the provisions and proposed operations of the Federal crop insurance act. ^pp. No. 2. Economic justification for certain salient provisions of the regulations, application, and policy for wheat crop insurance with a brief history of the program and a brief outline of the general plan of operation. 20pp. No. 3» Questions and answers on crop insurance. 5pp. No., h. Wheat crop insurance and agricultural credit, ^pp. No. 5« Wheat in your bin every year. c 12-jpp. No. 6. Your farm will suffer croo failure when? Folder. - 19 - ll+3 - U.S. Dept. of agriculture. Federal crop insurance corporation. A graphic picture of the wheat "crop insurance program. 9PP»» processed. c Washington, D. C-, Apr. I3U0. 1.95c G-76 ikk, U.S. Dept. of agriculture. Federal Crop insurance corporation. Insured wheat income , U. S. Dept. Agr. Fed. Croo Insurance Corp. Kans. Leaflet 1,'llpp. Washington, D. C, June I9U0. 1 C88K no. 1 Issued in cooperation with the Kansas Agricultural Con- servation Committee. 1^+5 . U.S. Dept. of agriculture. Federal crop insurance corporation. Memorandum of explanation relating to lQ^+O Wheat crop insur- ance regulations designated as FCI-Regulations-1, Wheat-19^-0. U.S. Dept. Agr. Fed. Crop Insurance Corp. Memorandum Ser. Operating no. ^5»3 2 PP«i processed. Washington, D. C, June 23, 1339. 1.9 C88M ihG. U.S. Dept. of agriculture. Federal crop insurance corporation. 19^1 v;heat crop insurance regulations. 18pp., Washington, D. C. (FCI Regulations 101-W) June ik, l^llO. 1 C88Fe 101-W 19^+0 'regulations were issued as FCr-Regulations 1. 1^7. U.S. Dept. of agriculture. Federal crop insurance corporation. Now is the time to think about yield insurance on your next wheat crop. U.S. Dept. Agr. Fed. Crop Insurance Corp. N. Dak. Leaf- let" 1, Upp. Washington, D. C. Dec. 19U0. 1 C88N Issued in cooperation with North Dakota Agricultural Con- ' servation Committee. 1^8. U.S. Laws, Statutes,' etc. An act to amend section 12 of the Soil conservation and domes'tic allotment act, as 'amended, by author- izing advances for crop insurance. Approved Mar. 25, 1939* 53 Stat. 550 (Ch. 15). 1^8.5 St2 1^9. U.S. Laws, statutes, etc. An act to amend the Federal crop insurance act approved Jun'e- 27, 1938. 52 Stat. 835 (Ch. 563). lUg.5 St2 Amends the Federal Crop Insurance Act so 'as to permit the acceptance of payments from producers in any year to be applied toward premiums on their insurance contracts for the current and next succeeding year. 150. U.S. LaVs, statutes, etc. c Agricultural adjustment act of 1938] An act to provide for th'e conservation of national soil resources and to provide an adequate and balanced flow of agricultural commodities in interstate and foreign commerce and for other purposes. Approved Feb. lo 5 1938. 52 Stat. 31-77 (Ch.30). iUs.5 St 2 Title V. Crop insurance, pp. 72-77 • - 20 - 151. U.S. President's committee on crop insurance. Report and recommen- dations. U6pp., processed. Washington, D. C, Dec. 1936. 173.2 C37 Resolutions adopted on December }, 1936 " D 7 representatives of wheat producers, pp. k^-kb. In their letter of transmittal to the President, the Com- mittee, which was composed of Wayne C. Taylor, a. G-. Black, Ernest G-. Draper, H. R. Tolley and Henry A. Wallace, chairman, states: "The report consists of a discussion of the economic and social background for crop insurance, an examination of questions of public policy involved, a plan of crop insurance recommended by this committee, and a condensed statement of the committee's recommendations. In addition, an appendix is attached containing statistical data developed by the Bureau of Agricultural Economics and the Agricultural Adjustment Ad- ministration, and certain other reference material." The recommendations of the Committee appear on pp. 23-25. 152. Wallace, Henry Agard. Common aims in agriculture. Address. . .be- fore a gathering of Negro leaders and farmers at Biskegee institute, Tuskegee, Ala., September 10, 1936. 13PP»» processed, c Washington, D. C, U.S. Dupt. of agriculture, 19363 1.9 Agg636 Points to the need of a form of crop insurance. 153» Wallace, Henry Agard. Crop insurance arrives. Address. . .before meeting of farmers and farm leaders to launch the crop insurance program, at Omaha, Nebraska, broadcast over N.B.C. Farm and home hour, Apr. 19, 1938. 11pp., processed. Washington, D. C., U.S. Dept. of agriculture, 1938. 1.9 Ag8636." 15^. Wallace, Henry Agard. The report of the Crop insurance committee to the President. An address. . .broadcast during the National farm and home hour by the National broadcasting company and affiliated stations, from Washington. . .Dec. 2k, 1936. ^pp., processed. c Washington', D. C, U.S. Dept. of agriculture, 19363 1.9 Agg636 155. Wallace, Henry Agard. Responding to change in agriculture. An address.. .at the annual meeting of the Land grant college association at Houston, Texas, on November lb, 1936. 11pp., processed. c Washington, D. C, 193^: 1*9 Ag&636 Includes a discussion of the possibilities of crop insur- ance and of what such insurance would involve. 156. Webber, Norman W. The hail insurance problem. Pa. State Hort. Assoc. News l'4(l): 28-32. Mar. 1937. 81 P3S - 21 - Address at the JSth Annual meeting of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Association Jan. 20-21, 1937 in Harris"burg, Pa. Discusses the cost of hail losses and of hail insurance and suggests that it is on this basis that growers decide whether or not to carry hail insurance. An -example is cited of insuring a twenty acre fruit farm. 157» Wheeler, Marion E, , comp. Agricultural relief measures relating to the raising of farm prices — 7^+th Congress, January 3» 1935 to June 20, 193o, U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Agr. Econ. Agr. Econ. Bibliog. Sk, 75PP«» processed. Washington, D. C., Apr. 19l*0. 1.9 Ec73A no. 8l* Crop insurance, pp. 5-6. comp . I58. Wheeler, Marion E. , and Herb, Mamie I. A Agricultural relief measures relating to the raising of farm prices - 75^h Congress, January 5, 1937 to June- 16, 1938. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Agr. Econ. Agr. Econ. Bibliog. j6, 109pp», processed. Washington, D. C., Feb. 1939o 1,9 Ec73-rt. no. 76 Crop insurance, pp.ll-l^o 159 • Wickard, Claude R. Working together in agriculture; address... before the annual meeting of the North Dakota farmers' union, at Jamestown, North Dakota, October 10, 191*0. 10pp., processed. Washington, D. C". , U.S. Dept. of agriculture, Oct. 10, I9I+O. 1.91 ii2Wb3 c no.l*-, A discussion of the benefits of the farm program to the wheat farmer. Includes a brief reference to the insurance feature (pp. 5-6) of the wheat program, which has helped to stabilize farm income. 160. Wilder, S. W. The crop insurance plan. Grain & Peed Rev.. 26(5): 12-13. Jan. 1937. 280.28 C78 Also, in Farmers 1 Elevator Guide 32( l)i 13-11*. Jan. 5,1937; Mod. Miller 63(50): l6, 17. .Dec. 12., 1936; Southwest. Miller 15(1*1): 21, 1*3. Dec. .8, 1936. This is a discussion of the Washington, D. C, Conference on Crop Insurance.- .Points for and against the various types of crop insurance are outlined. 161. Yoder, Fred R, Introduction to "agricultural economics. l+9l*pp. New York, T. Y. Crowell co. c 1938]. ( Crowell 1 s social science series) 281.12 Y7 Selected r eferences at end of each chapter. Insurance for the 'farmer, 'Ch. X, pp.2l*5-26l. Windstorm insurance, pp. 25O-25I; crop insurance, pp.251-257.) - 22 - 162. Zipf, Wm. H. Hail insurance the silver lining to the dark clouds of disaster. Amer. Fruit Grower 59(5): 12, 22, 23. May 1939 . SO G35 Gives reasons why hail insurance is becoming increasingly popular in the fruit production industry.. Foreign Countries I63. Arcoleo, F. Agricultural insurance in Greece. Intematl. Inst. Agr. Monthly Bui. Agr. Econ. and Sociol. c reprint from Inter- natl. Rev. Agr.;, 29(4): 184E-199S. Apr. I93S. 280.29 In83 Hail and livestock insurance in Greece. Ion-. Arcoleo, F. Crop insurance. Internatl. Inst. Agr. Monthly Bui. Agr. Econ. and Sociol. preprint from Internatl. Rev. Agr #] 3U1&8, S»): 271E-27CE, 306E-316E. July-Aug., Sept. 19^0. 280.29 In83 The purpose of the first part of this article is to"outline the difficulties encountered in the introduction and conduct of insurance which aims at covering loss incurred from two or more forms of crop damage mentioned in the policy." The vr iter next deals with early attempts to organize this form of insur- ance, which is of fairly recent date. The second part "con- tains a study of the various forms of this kind of insurance in the different countries where it has already found practical application, namely in Switzerland, Greece, France, Bulgaria, the U.S.S.R., the United States of America and Japan." 165. -ttrcoleo, F. Livestock insurance in Italy. Internatl. Inst. Agr, Monthly Bui. Agr. Econ. and Sociol. c reprint from the Inter- natl. Rev. Agr. 2 28(5): 162E-I78S. May 1937. 280.29 InS3 "Summary: Companies and societies engaged in this branch of insurance.- Origin and development of this branch of insurance. - Legal provisions applying to ordinary live stock insurance companies and societies.- National Fascist Federation of Mutual Live Stock Insurance Societies.- Model rules of the mutual live stock insurance societies.- Compulsory notification in the e- vent of death.- Live stock insurance and agricultural credit. - Statistical data."-p.l62E. 166. Arcoleo, F. Livestock insurance in Germany. Internatl. Inst. Agr. Monthly Bui. Agr. Econ. and Sociol. preprint from Inter- natl. Rev.' Agr.] 28(11,12): 382E-39^E, 413E-U23E. Nov. -Dec. 1937. 280.29 In83 The first part of the article is concerned with private insurance against livestock mortality in Germany (origin and development, livestock insurance contracts, governmental super- vision of insurance societies, legislation for the prevention and elimination of contagious diseases), private insurance of slaughter stock, public livestock insurance, and reinsurance of livestock risks by small local societies. - 23 - 167 • Assurance des "bet te raves et des sucres contre les risque s de guerre. Revue des Agriculteurs de Trance et 1' Agriculture Pratique 71(11): kZk. Nov.-1939. Ik R325' Outlines the provisions of the - legislation of Oct. 1939* introducing compulsory insurance of stock of sugar and . "beets against war risks. • • lb8. Baldwin, H.'I. ' -^'orest fire insurance in Sweden. Jour. Forestry 3U: .IO68-IO69. Dec. 1936. 99.8 F768 Hot examined. • - 169. Banco nacional de credito agricola, Mexico. Servicio de re- posicion de animale.s de trabago. Reglamento del Servicio de reposicion de animales de trabajo. 5'8pp. ^Mexico City? 193-?] 28U.6-B22 ' /' ' The Library of the U.S. Bureau of Agricultural Economics has a typewritten English translation by May Coult of pt. I entitled: Reglamentacion para ol .Servicio de reposicion de animales. 170. Barou, Noah. Co-operative insurance. 391pp. London, P. S. King & son, ltd., 1936. 2S>+.6 B26 Bibliographical foot not^s. Contains a chapter on Agricultural Cooperative Insur- ance and- an appendix, Chronology of Co-operative Insurance Institutions. These institutions include hail, windstorm, and livestock insurance associations. 171. Bauer, Walter. Crop insurance in foreign countries; a summary of significant developments. U.S. • Dept. ''Agr; Bur. Agr. Econ. F.S.-71, l6pp., processed. Washington, B.C., Oct. 1937. 1.9 B6752 Discusses significant developments in the field of crop insurance in Belgium, Prance, Switzerland, Germany, Czecho- slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Rumania, Bulgaria, Greece, Spain, Italy, Japan and China. 172. Burger, 0. B.- Agricultural insurance in South Africa. So. African Jour Econ. f(k): UlO-^25. Dec. 1939 .' 280.8 S083 Reviews cooperative agricultural insurance societies in South Africa providing insurance against fire and' hail dam- age; and also livestock and agricultural "transportation insurance. 173 • Cannon, Cavendish V. Crop and livestock insurance in' Bulgaria. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Agr. Econ. Foreign iigr. l(l): ^9» processed. • Jan.- 1937* ' 1*9 Ec7For Insurance is said to be available In Bulgaria to all farmers for"practically all cereal, fodder, fruit, vege- table, fiber, tobacco, and nut crops. . .Sepcial insurance is also provided for livestock. . .administered through special cooperative insurance associations." - 2U-- 17^. Compulsory insurance ^on property and stock of peasants and collective farms-] in 1938. U.S. Dept . Com. Bur. Foreign and Doni. Com, Russian Econ» Notes, no. 371 » P»8», pro- cessed, Aug. 15, 1938. 157.5^ C R : 175* Confederation internationale de 1' agriculture. Annales de la Confederation internationale de 1' agriculture (Commission internationale d' agriculture) ^no.] 20. Confederation internationale de 1 'agriculture (Assemblee generale, a Prague, 7» 8 et 10 juillet 1938), Commission speciale de la cooperation agricole (Reunion annuelle, a Prague, 8 juillet 1938), Commission speciale pour les questions du travail agricole (journee du travail agricole, a Prague, 9 juillet 1938'), Rapports presentes a l'Assemblee generale de la C. I. A. et aux reunions des deux Commissions speciales, a Prague, October 1938. 3l6pp. Paris, 1938. 28 C732A no. 20. Les assurances agricoles considerees comme une des taches de la Confederation Internationale de 1' Agricul- ture, "by M. W. Beinzger, pp. 120-151. "■& study of insur- ance against hail and against livestock mortality, and of insurance of livestock for slaughter in the various coun- tries. An appendix gives the results of the author's investigations in tabular form." - U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Agr. Econ. Agr. Econ. Lit. 13(9): 991-992, Nov, 1939. 176. Hamscha, Hans, and Deutsch, Otto. Die aufgaben der Oster- reichinschen landwirtschaft . 175PP» Wien, Osterreichischer agrarverlag, 1937'. 281.177 K18 In Ch. '9 , pp.b9~71«' the authors stress the importance to the Austrian farmer of the possession of hail insurance. They deplore the decline in the numbers of those insured from I927 to 1932 and suggest that hail insurance be made obligatory. 177. Hansen, Wilmer J. Economic aspects of crop ( yield) insurance with reference to the Province of Saskatchewan. Canadian Soc.'Agr. Econ. Proc, (1937)9* ^7~58, processed. c Winnipeg, 1937] 281.9 Cl6 178. Harden, P. 3. Insurance cover against climatic damage. So. Austral. Dept. Agr. Jour. 1+0:97^-975. July 1937. 23 S08U Not examined. 179. Heske, Franz. German forestry. Published for the Oberlaender trust of the Carl Schurz- memorial foundation. 3^2pp. New Haven, Yale university press c etc,-] 1938. 99 «^6 HU62 Bibliography, pp. 33^-336. Forest fires and forest fire insurance, pp.303"315» - 25 - ISO. International institute of agriculture. International chronicle of agriculture* - Bulgaria. In.ternatl. Inst. Agr. Monthly Bui. "Agr. Econ. and Sociol. [ reprint from Internatl. Rev. Agr.;, 30(12): 5U5E-555E. Dec. 1939. 280.29 InS3 Agricultural insurance, p. 551E. Contains two tables showing the position of agricultural insurance. The first deals with insurance against hail and shows the 'number of insurance policies, the amount insured, the number of growers receiving paunents, and the amount of claims paid. - The other table gives similar data for animal insurance. Both tables' cover the years 1937, 1938 and 1939 . 181. Katkoff, V. How Russia reduces risks of farming. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Agr. Scon. Land Policy Rev. U(l): 22-25. Jan. I9U1. 1 Ec7La "The Soviet Union uses insurance to cover many agricul- tural hazards and to encourage peasants to produce needed crops. One result is strict supervision of farming - 'the peasant is becoming mor.e a farm employee than a traditional small-scale farmer.'" - Editor's Note. •182. Krull, Tiervereicherungsvereine als selbstschutz der neubauern. Neues Bauerntum 30(2): kl-kk. Feb. 1938. 282,28 N39 An account of livestock insurance in Germany and the so-called self-help method according to which the peasant members of an organization made up for the loss of an animal by one of their Dumber. The importance of livestock in- surance for new settlers is stressed. 183. Lazo, Hector. El seguro agricola en Mexico. Mexico Agrario 20): 307-311. Oct. -Dec. 19^0. "Gives in broad outline the provisions for the system of crop insurance in Mexico, which has been approved by ♦ the Secretariate' Hacienda y Cre'dito Publico, the Secre- taria de Agricultura y Eomento and the Consejo de Ad- ministracion of the Banco Nacional de Cre'dito Ejidal."- U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Agr. Econ. Agr. Econ. Lit. 15(3)" • 296. Mar. I9U1. 1SU. Lenz, A. International chronicle of agriculture - Uruguay. Internatl. Inst. Agr. Monthly Bui. 'Agr. _ Econ. and Sociol. r reprint from Internatl. Rev. Agr.-, 3l(^+): I6IE-I7IE. Apr. 19U0. 280.29 In83 Agricultural insurance, p,171E, r "The whole insurance business of Uruguay is in the hands of the State Insurance Bank '(Banco de Seguros del Estado) which was founded by a law of December 27, 1911. Since July 19, 1926, the State insurance monopoly also covers all agricultural risks, hence also insurance against hail. Originally this form of insurance only applied to wheat, flax, maize oats and barley, but later it was extended to cover also vines and rice." - 26 - 185. Manitoba. Economic survey board. Crop insurance in Manitoba; a report on the feasibility and practicability of crop insurance" in Manitoba. . .February, 1°A0. 85pp., processed. c 'Winnipeg7 3 I9H0. 28H.6 M312 Contents': Report of the Manitoba Crop Insurance Com- mittee. 11pp.; Report on crop insurance in Manitoba, by C. B. Davidson. 7^+PP* 186. Moussu, Gustave-Auguste. Tuberculose bovine et assurances mutuelles contre la mortalite* du be*tail. Academie d'Agri- culture de France. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Sdances 23(1, 7): 29-35, 203-207, Jan. 6, Feb. 17, 1937. Ik P2153C Discusses briefly the work done in the Department of Indre-et-Loire to enlist the cooperation of the Mutual insurance societies in the fight against bovine tubercu- losis and its gratifying results after ten years of effort. 187. Mukherjee, B. Cro^o insurance and its effects on agricultural stabilization in India. Indian Jour. Econ. 18(3) ; 329-337 • Jan. 1933. 280.8 In22 188. Portugal. MinisteVio da agricultura. Direccao geral da accao social agraria. Reparticao das corporacoes e associates agricolas. Inquerito as associates mutuas de seguro de gado bovino. 3 V « Lisboa, Servico de publicidade e biblioteca. 1936. 22k.G P83 "A study of the organization, functions, and activities of the mutual cattle insurance societies in Portugal, il- lustrated by many tables and charts." - U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Agr. Econ. Agr. Econ. Lit. ll(5): U06. May 1-937. 189. Rohrbeck, Walter. Die hagelversicherung in der welt. Germany. Reichsund Pr. Ministerium fur Ernahrung u. Landwirtschaft. Berichte uber Landwirtschaft, n. F. 127. Sonderheft. 2i+4pp. Berlin, P. Parey, 1937. 18 G3IA "This is a study of hail insurance in ^>2 countries, its organization and historical development, the conditions of insurance and the premium rates. Many tables and an exten- sive bibliography of the subject are appended." - U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Agr. Econ. Agr. Econ. Lit. ll(5): ^13* May 1937. 190. Rommel, Curt. Grundlagen der elementarschaden-versicherung. 20pp. c Berlin, E.S. Mittler und sohn, Buchdruckerei, 1937?d "Sonderdruck aus ' Zeitschrift fur die gesaate Versich- erungs-Wissenschaft 1 , Band 37, Heft 1. Herausgegeben voe Deutschen Verein fur Versicherungs-Wissenschaft." - 27 - "A discussion of insurance against damage from natural causes, such as "water, earthquake, cyclones', storms', hail, ice, or snow'with special reference 'to its development in Switzerland during the last decade."- U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Agr. Econ. Agr. Econ. Lit. 11(7): 758. Sept. 1937. 191. Rommel, Curt. Zur frost schadenversicherung der kulturen. 50pp. Bern, Gedruckt bei StSmpfli & Cie, 1937. 284.6 R66 "Separatabdruck aus 'Festgabe fur Hermann Lanz-Stauff er 1 ". "A st\tdy of insurance against damage caused by frost from various angles including those of the necessity for its extension,, the difficulty of putting it into effect, and its advantages. It is said to be a problem of inter- national proportions and measures taken to 'put it into effect in several countries are noted." - U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Agr. Econ. Agr. Econ. Lit. lk(2.)l 126. Feb. I9U0. 192. Ruckversicherungsverband kantonal-schweizerischer feuerver- sicherungsanstalt, Bern. Elementarschaden und versich- erung; st\idie des RuckversicherungsVerbandes kantonal- schweizerischer feuerversicherungsanstalten zur f'drderung der elementarschadenversicherung, Bearbeitet von H, Lanz- Stauff or, verbandsdirektor ^und-j 'dr. jur. Curt Rommel, abteilmgsvorsteher in Bern. 2V. Bern, Im 'Selbstverlag des RuckversicherungsVerbandes, 193^. 28^.6 R86. Bibliographical foot-notes, "Volume I. Deals with the various dangers caused by the elements, their cause and possible prevention. A survey is given of the methods of insurance against such dam- age in a number of countries, with special attention to the practice in Switzerland, including an estimate of the probahle damage by year's. "Volume II. Devoted to the methods of insurance used in the various Swiss Cantons. This material is arranged in "three part'?. - Historical aspects, Legal aspects, and Economic aspects. (Adapted from publisher's note)'" - U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Agr. Econ. Agr.' Econ. Lit. ll(S): 818. Oct. I937. 193» Sarazin C, Les assurances contre la gr'e*le. L' .agriculture Pratique 102:625-626. Apr. 30, 1938. lU JS2 I9U. Tardy, Louis.. Report on systems of agricultural credit and insurance, ll6pp. c Geneva, 1938] (Series of League of nations publications. II. Economic and financial", 1938, II. A.2^) * 280.9 L'^7P 1938 II. A. 2k. Insurance against agricultural risks, pp. 23-29'; Rec- ommendations regarding agricultural credit and agricultural insurance systems, pp.^3-^7* 195* Vagy, T. Live-stock insurance in Hungary. Internatl. Inst. Agr. Monthly Bui. Agr. Econ. and Sociol.creprint from Internatl. Rev. Agr. D 30(9): UI8E-U29E. Sept. 1939. 280.29 In83 Subtopics: General and historical considerations; veterinary conditions; legal basis of live-stock insurance; insurance companies, co-operative societies and the legal status of local co-operative societies; direct insurance, premiums, conditions of insurance; prospects. I96. Volin, Lazar. Crop insurance in the Soviet Union. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Agr. Econ. Foreign Agr. 1(9) J W7-U52, processed. Sept. I937. 1.9 Ec7For It is pointed out that "crop insurance in the Soviet Union forms, a part of the general scheme of compulsory rural insurance," and that a larger number of risks are covered than in other countries. While the system of Soviet crop insurance" is still in an experimental shape," that "it has a broad, national scope must be considered a definite advantage. It should be noted that it is a com- pulsory scheme with a provision for supplementary insurance on a voluntary basis. Placed as it is on a cash basis, the scheme has, of course, suffered from the low purchasing power of the ruble in the hands of the farmer. . .Another serious disadvantage, from the standpoint of farmers, is that the greatest hazard of Russian agriculture - the drought - is not covered by insurance in the case of most of the important crops." 197* Volin, Lazar. How crop insurance works in Soviet Russia. Rice Hews 5(10): 5-6, 20.' Aug. 1938. 59.8 R362 198. Weiss, F. J. European farmers use hail rockets; sale of hail insurance. Natl. Underwriter kk:^+ Jan. 25, 19^0. 28U.68N21 : ■' Hot examined. 199* Wheat insurance system. Manchurian Econ. Eev. 5(21); 23. Nov. 1, 1938. 280.8 M3lU Gives an outline of the insurance system which will be managed by the agricultural cooperatives, and which was undertaken "in view of the weak resistance of wheat against natural disasters as compared. with maize, kaoliang, millet, etc., and the consequent tendency among farmers of avoid- ing the cultivation of wheat." - U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Agr. Econ. Agr. Boon. Lit. 13(l): 71-72. Jan. 1939. ~ 29 - INDEX 1 1 em Item Agricultural adjustment act of 1938, crop insurance pre- visions 150 Arcoleo, F. Agricultural insurance in Greece 163 Crop insurance l6U Crop insurance in the United States of America 1 Live stock insurance in Germany. ; . . . . l66 Live stock insurance in Italy.16^ Austria 176 Baggett, R.T. Application of crop insurance. •to- cotton 2 -Plan for- cotton-crop insurance.. 3 - ■ s-tat-ement on cotton crop insurance .120 • Suggested plan for cotton~crop insurance. With W.H.Eowe. . . M Wheat, crop insurance program. With W.H.Rowe 5 Baker,. John. Progr.e.s.s of. the crop insurance program. With R.M. - - Green .......... 57 Baldwin, H.I. Forest fire in- surance in Sweden lbS Banco de seguras del estado (Uruguay) IZk Banco nacional de credito agrf- cola,- ne:-.ico» Servicio de reposicidn de aniuales de trabaio, . Reglamento lbS Banco nacional de credito ejidal, Consejo de administracion. .1S3 Bankhead, .Senator. bill to amend Federal crop insurance, act... 123 Barou, Noah, Co-operative insurance 170 Bast, O.F. Crop insurance and . storage under farm "bill 6 Bauer, Walter. Crop insurance in foreign countries. 171 Beinzger, M.W. Les assurances agricoles coneiderees comme une . des taches de la confederation Internationale de 1' agri- culture 175 Belgium 171 Bennett, Ira, analysis of federal wheat insurance 7 Bennett, W.H. Revelations made on the corn loan program of the C.C.C. S Berryman, C.W. Federal crop insurance 9 Bird, J. A. Four times as many insure wheat 10 Insuring the wheat crop 11 Two years of crop insurance. ... .12 Wheat crop insured 13 Bissell, R. . M. Crop insurance. .. .27 Black, A... G. 151 Crop insurance lU . .Crop insurance on wheat 15 . Goal of cr°P, insurance. l6 Should we insure the wheat crop. With R.E. Sterling. /v 17 . statement on crop insurance ... .122 Toward farm security IS Black, J.D. Three years of the .Agricultural adjustment admin- istration. With others ...•'..*.... .79 Botts, R.R.. .Some problems in 1 connection with crop insurance for citrus fruits 19 Bowman, E.K. Crop insurance 20 Boyle, J.E.. . Ifs of crop insurance21 Briggs, F.A. Crop insurance not new idea. 22 Brookings institution. Institute of . economics. Three years of the . .Agricultural adjustment admin- istration 79 Bubolz, G.A. Farmers-mutual windstorm-insurance . . companies 23 .50 .years of mutual wind-storm insurance 2U. Bulgaria... 16^,171,173,180 .Burger, O.E. Agricultural insurance in South Africa 172 Cady, E.L. Crop insurance, a step toward agricultural security. . . .25 - 30 - Item Canada 33 Manitoba 185 Saskatchewan ;:..-. . .177 Canadian society of agricultural economics. Economic aspects of crop (yield) insurance with reference to the Province of ' ' ' • Saskatchewan 177 Cannon, C.W. Crop and. livestock insurance in Bulgaria 173 Capper, Arthur. Fair trial for crop insurance 26 Chamber of commerce of the United States. Agricultural dept. Current issues in the agri- cultural- situation 27 China 171 Christian science monitor. ■ . . .33 Chubb,- H-endon. ■ • Insurance that adequately protects cotton 28 •Citrus fruits 19 Clapper, Raymond. Crop insurance. .29 Clark, R.M. Orchard hail insurance 30 Clendenin, J.C. Crop insurance ...» 31 Federal crop insurance 32 Confederation internationale de 1 ' agriculture , .......... 175 Congressional digest. Question : • • of establishing a Federal system of "all risk" crop insurance .. .33 Congressional Record ....p. 1 Connecticut forest and. park ■ • association.. .-.■>. 102 Cooke, G.W. • North Dakota state hail insurance, 1911-36 3^ Corn 8 Cotton insurance-.-. . . .2-U, 22, 28, 38,98- 99,108 hearings . . . . ■ 120 legislation, veto 123 Coult , May. 169 •Creel, Gv •• Fattening the lean years; crop -insurance 35 , Croo insurance 1, 6,9 ,1^,18,21, ■■■ 26,29, 31-32, 35, ^0,^5, U7-48, 50,53.58-59.66,7**,79,8M8, 91,92,9^,106,109-110, 135,13b, 138, 153, 161, 16U Item Crop insurance - Continued advantages and disadvantages .. .113 and banker 71 and the ^AA 2Q,4l,97 . Belgium . . 171 Bulgaria! ...... '. . . .l6U, 171, 173 Canada Manitoba I85 Saskatchewan 177 China ' ....171 conference 73 , 7^ , loO Czechoslovakia 171 evaluation U9 FCI yields and rates lUo favored by Kansas Farmers Co- operative Association 36 foreign countries 19I+ France '. . .16^,171 . . .fundamentals 51 . . Germany 171 glossary of terms 33 Greece. 16^,171 group discussion material 12U High plains 107 history... IS, 37,'5'+,6 1 4~65, 81, 93, 16U . Hungary 171 India . '. . '. 187 insect damage U3 Iowa 25 Italy ;:.., 171 Japan ... lbU, 171 Kansas 82 . legislation lUg-150 described 125 hearings on .... • 121-122 list ' ' 157-152 . proposed 81 Mexico 183 • need for 152 North Dakota kG objectives lo»55 organization and procedure, . . . We.ster.n division .131 place in a farm program 56 . . . Roland 171 possibilities. .. 155 pro and con discussion 33,1^0 problems 5^" procedure for handling applications, Western division 132 - 31 - Item Crop insurance - Continued progress 57.95 protection, utilized "by land sale contracts 13*+ regulations, amended .126 report of President's committee See U.S. President's com- mittee on crop insurance Rumania 171 South Australia 178 Spain 171 Switzerland l6*+, 171,192 two years of 12 U.S.S.R 16*+, 17^,181, 196-197 Uruguay 18*+ various countries 192 weaknesses 86 Yugoslavia 171 See a lso Corn; Cotton insurance; Kail insurance; etc, .... Czechoslovakia 171 Davidson, C.B. Report on crop insurance in Manitoba I85 Davis', J.S. Three years of the Agricultural adjustment ad- ministration. With others ...*-. 79 Davis, W.B. Insurance on farm crops not a new idea 37 Delaware 130 Deutsch, Otto. Die aufgaben der osterreichinschen landvirtschaft . With 'Hans Hamscha 176 Donoho, H. All-risk wheat crop insurance in the United States of America under the Federal crop insurance act of 1938. With R.H. Shields '. 105 Doyle,' J. H. Cotton endorsements 38 Draper, E.G 151 Button, 'C.E. "Luckily, we v/ere covered," 39 England 170 Eriksson, E.McK. Crop insurance kO Europe ..-.198 See also names of countries in Europe Evans, R.M« Insurance and the aAA 1+1 Item Pagan, F.N. Hail insurance and the fruit grower *+2 Fleming, Harold 33 Flint, W.P. Evaluation of insect damage under the crop, insurance plan .' I43 Flora, S.D. Stark tragedy in hail losses unless crops are insured kh Foreign countries 163-199 Foreet fire insurance 100,102 Germany 179 Northeastern states 101,103 Pacific Coast states 101,10*+ Sweden 168 France iGk, 167, 171,186, 193 Frost insurance 1§1 Fruits See ' Citrus fruits; Orchards Genung, A.B. Some notes on crop insurance htj Germany Ib6 , 171 , 179 , 182 Germany. Eeichsund Pr. Ministerium fur ernahrung u. landwirtschaft. Die hagelversicherung in der welt I89 Gorman, N.D. Crop insurance as it relates to North Dakota kS Greece .'. l63-l6*i,171 Green, R.M 33,36 Crop' insurance 27,*+7-*+8 Evaluation of crop insurance possibilities kj Federal crop insurance plan explained .50 Fundamentals of crop insurance. . 51 Insured harvests 52 New Federal crop insurance 53 Nothing new in crop insurance .. .5*+ Objectives of federal crop insurance With W.H.Rowe.'. 55 Place of crop insurance in a farm program 56 Progress of the crop insurance program. With John Baker. . . -57 Public experiment with crop insurance 58 Some aspect's of crop insurance. With W.H. Howe 59 statement on crop insurance. .. .122 Wheat crop insurance program. .. .60 Wheat storage program of U.S. crop risk corporation 6l - 32 - Item Griffin, R.A. Farm security clients insure livestock 62 Hail insurance 42,1+4,68-69,85, 156,162 Austria 176 Bulgaria 180 England ...... 170 . Europe. 198 52 countries 189 France ... . .... 193 Greece., ... . I63 Iowa..... 30,119 Worth Dakota 34, 78 Ohio. ..'.' 39 . Pennsylvania, Adams and Franklin counties . 67 South Africa . 172 Switzerland 190 Uruguay 184 various countries 175 Hamscha, Hand. Die aufgaben der bsterreichinschen landwirtschaft . With Otto Deutsch 176 Hansen, W.J. Economic aspects of crop (yield) insurance with reference to the Province of Saskatchewan 177 Harden, F.B. Insurance cover against climatic damage I78 Hatch, E.E. Security for the wheat farmers 63 Hazard, J.W. Can crops "be insured? 64 Herb, M.I, Agricultural relief measures relating to the raising of farm prices - 75* n .Congress. With M.E. Wheeler. .158 Heske, Franz. German forestry . .179 High plains 107 Hoffman, G.W 33 Crop insurance launched "by Federal Government 65 Is crop insurance advisable? .. ,66 Howard, Jonas, Bombed from the sky 67 Hail] 68 Hungary 171,195 Item India. ,,..,,..., 187 Insect damage 43 International institute of agriculture , Agricultural insurance in Greece 163 All-risk wheat crop insurance in the United States of America under the federal crop insurance act of 1938..105 Crop insurance , l64 Crop insurance, in the United States of, America 1 International chronicle of agriculture-Bulgaria 180 Livestock. insurance in Germany 166 Livestock. insurance in Hungary 195 Livestock insurance in Italy... 165 Iowa 25,119 Iowa. State college. Agricultural extension service, Crop insurance, a step toward agri- cultural security 25 Iowa State horticultural society. Orchard hail insurance 30 Italy, 165,171 James, B.C.. Survivor's stories of blitzkrieg of hail 69 Japan ..'.'. . '. . .164,171 Jesness, O.B, Crop insurance. . ,. .70 Johnson, C.a. Crop insurance and the banker... 71 statement on cotton crop insurance 120 Joint committee on appraisal and mortgage analysis 89 Journal of Commerce, Chicago and New York editions 33 Kansas..., 82,118 Kansas. State board of agriculture. Fundamentals of crop, insurance. . 51 Kansas agricultural conservation committee. Insured wheat income l44 Kansas farmers co-operative association 36|48 _ 33 - 1 1 em Item Katkoff , V. How Russia reduces risks of farming 181 Kentucky : 130 Krull. Tierversicherungsvereine als selbstschutz der neubau- ern 182 Land sale contracts 13^ Lanz-Stauffer, H. Elementarschaden und vers iche rung 192 Lazo, Hdctor. El seguro agricola en Mexico . . . .183 League of nations. -Report on systems of agricultural credit and insurance 19^- Lenz , A. International chronicle of agriculture - Uruguay IgU. Livestock insurance 62 Bulgaria 173 , 180 England 170 France 18b Germany 166,182 Greece i . . .163 Hungary 195 Italy I65 Mexico 169 Portugal 188 South Africa 172 U.S.S.R I7U various countries . , . , 175 Manchuria 199 Manitoba. Crop insurance committee. Reports on crop insurance in Manitoba I85 Manitoba. Economic survey board. Crop insurance in Manitoba. .. .185 Maryland 130 Kayhugh, L.T. Agriculture has overalls » ,73 Crop insurance, ever normal granary, production control 7^ Crop insurance for wheat in 1938 fits -in.jwith all of farm program proposed. .. .\. .75 Mexico 169,183 Mexico. Secretftria do agri- cultura y fomento 183 Mexico, . Secret aria de hacienda y. .credi.t.o publico 183 Minnesota, University, Agricultural extension division. Crop insurance ~f0 Montana, State board of hail . .insurance , 20 Moussu, Gustave-Auguste. Tuber- . culose bovine et assurances mutuelles contre la mortalite du betail '.-.'. 186 Mukherjoe, B» Crop insurance and its effects on agricultural stabilization in India 187 National association of insurance agents. Revelations made on the corn loan program of the C.C.C. 8 National Fascist federation of mutual livestock insurance societies 165 National industrial conference t board. . 86 Nelson, A.F. . Nat i orial crop insurance discussed with Sec. Wallace 76" . Wheat loans and storage 77 Nixon, Glenn. Tentative crop insurance plans now under con- sideration by the U.S. Department of agriculture. 33 North Carolina 130 North Dakota. . .' 3^,^6,78 North Dakota. Hail insurance department . Annual report 78 North Dakota agricultural conser- vation committee. 1^7 Northwestern Miller 33 . Nourse, E.G. '^hreo years of the Agricultural adjustment adminis- tration. With others 79 Ohio orchard company 39 Orchards. insurance 30,39,^2,156,162 Pennsylvania, Adams and Franklin counties 67 See also Citrus fruits - 3 U- Item Otis, D.H. Insuring the wheat ■ • crop. . .' gO Pennsylvania horticultural association.- Hail insurance problem ' 156 Poland 171 Pope, J. P. Crop insurance in the United States SI Portugal. Ministerio da agricultura. Direcc&o geral da acpao social agraria. Reparticao das corpora9oes e associates agricolas 1SS Providence Journal ^ Purvines, Earl. Government wheat crop insurance 83 Rhodes, E. U.S. crop insurance policies gk Robinson, itf.T.N. foreword and study analysis 33 Roesch, J.L. Hail insurance; digest of recent cases 85 Rogers, C.L , 33 Weaknesses of crop insurance. . .36 Rohrbeck, Walter. Die hagel- versicherung in der welt I89 Rommel, Curt Elementarschaden und versicherung 192 Grundlagen der elementarschaden- versicherung 190 Zur frost schadenversiche rung der kulturen 191 Rowe, H.B. discussion of R.M. Green's Evaluation of crop insurance poesibilities kj Rowe, W.H. Costs of wheat crop insurance. .87 Crop insurance. With L.K. Smith ' 88 Crop insurance for wheat ... .89-90 Federal crop insurance 91 Governmental crop insurance. .. .92 History of the crop insurance program 93 Is crop insurance advisable? .. .9^ Item Rowe, W.H. - continued Objectives of federal crop ' insurance. With R.M.Green. . .55 Progress in Government crop insurance 95 Progress of the Federal wheat crop-insurance program 96 Some aspects of crop insurance. With R.M. Green 59 Suggested- plan for cotton-crop insurance. With R.T.Baggett . .k Wheat crop insurance program. With R.T.Baggett 5 Ruckversicherungsverband kantonal- schweizerischer f euerversich- erungsanstalt , Bern. Elemen- tarschaden und versicherung 192 Rumania. . . .v. 171 Russia. See Union of Soviet 'Socialist Republics Sarazin, t>. ~ ' Les assurances centre la gr ele ' 193 Schenck, H.E. " ' Crop insurance is important feature of Triple A. .97 Seibels, 7..0. Cotton cover. With G.D. Suter. . . .98 Problems' of 'the cotton under- ' writer ■ 99 Shepard, H.B. Eield for more premiums in insuring private forests. .. .100 Eire insurance for forests 101 Forest fire insurance 102 Forest fire insurance in the northeastern states 103 referred to 101 Fore:-t firt insurance in the Pacific Coast States 10^ Shields; R.H. All-risk whe:vt crop insurance in the United States of America under the Federal crop insurance act of 1938. With H. Donoho 105 Smith, L,K. Crop insurance ........ i i. 106 Crop insura.nce. With W.H. Rowe. .88 Crop insurance and the high plains 107 - 35 - Item Item Smith, L.K. - Continued Crop insurance for cotton 108 Crop insurance on the proving ground 109 Report on crop insurance 110 statement on cotton crop insurance 120 Wheat crop insurance Ill Wheat income stability 112 Soth, L.K. Is this farewell to failure? 113 South Africa... . 172 South Australia 178 Sowers plan crop insurance company 72,82,118 Spai n 171 Sphere 33 Sterling, R.E. Should we insure the wheat crop. With A.G. Black 17 Stratton, Clif. Wheat insurance •very popular llU Sugar and sugar "beets, France... 167 Suter, G-.D. Cotton cover. With E.G-.Seibels 98 Sweden , l68 Switzerland 16^,171,190,192 Talbot, W. A. Single grade in ■wheat insurance "115 Tardy, Louis. Report on systems of agricultural credit and •insurance 19^+ Taylor, W.C 151 Tennessee 130 Teuton, F.L 33 Thatcher, M.W. Crop insurance - another milestone . , lib Report on wheat crop insur- ance 117 Thompson, AcT. Could you stand a hail ""blitz"? 119 Tolley, K.R 151 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 16^,17^,181, 196-197 United States l-l62,l6H U.S. Congress. House. Committee on agriculture. Cotton crop insurance. Hearing 120 Federal crop insurance. Hearings 121 U.S. Congress. Senate,. Committee on agriculture and forestry. Federal crop insurance. .Hearings 122 U.S. Congress, 76th, 1st session, Senate. S. 2635. . .a bill to amend the Federal crop in- surance act , veto 123 U.S. Dept . of agriculture. Common aims in agriculture 152 considers crop insurance 33 Crop insurance 88 Crop insurance arrives 153 Crop insurance: is it practical? 12U Forest fire insurance in the northeastern states 103 Forest fire insurance in the Pacific coast states 10^ Report of the Crop insurance committee 15*+ Report of the Secretary of agriculture 125 Responding to change in agriculture 155 Toward farm security 18 Working together in agri- culture 159 U.S. Dept.. of agriculture. Agri- cultural adjustment adminis- tration 20,97 Amended regulations pertaining to making of advances to persons to enable them to obtain insurance from Federal • , crop insurance corporation 126 Crop insurance for wheat. . .127-128 Crop insurance for wheat . growers 129 Crop insurance: is it practical? 12U Insurance and the AAA Ul statistical data in report of President's committee 151 - 36- Item Item U.S. Dept. of agriculture. Agricul* tural adjustment administration. East Central division. Insurable losses of wheat in selected counties of Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, Kentucky, and Tennessee 130 U.S. Dept. of .agriculture. Agricul- tural adjustment, administration. Western division. . Organization and. procedure re- lating to the administration of the federal crop insurance program in the Western div- ision, .Agricultural adjust- me.rit administration, in states of the western region. 131 State office procedure for handling crop insurance applications 132 U.S. Dept. of agriculture. Bur. of agricultural economics. Agricultural relief measures relating to the raising of farm r>rices~7^th and 75** 1 Congresses 157-158 Application of crop insurance to cotton 2 Costs of wheat crop insurance 87 Crop and livestock insurance in Bulgaria 173 Crop insurance 1+7~^8,106 Crop insurance for wheat 90 Crop insurance in foreign countries 171 Crop insurance in the Soviet Union 196 Farm security clients insure livestock 62 Federal wheat crop insurance. .133 Kow Russia reduces risks of farming. 181 . , . Insuring the wheat crop 11 . . . Land sale contracts utilizing crop insurance protection. .13*+ . Place of crop insurance in a farm program 56 U.S. Dept. of agriculture. Bur. of agricultural economics - Con- tinued Plan for cotton-crop insurance. . .3 Progress in government crop insurance 95 Progress of the federal wheat crop-insurance program 96 Report of the Chief 135 Some notes on crop insurance. .. .1+5 Some problems in connection with crop insurance for citrus fruits 19 statistical data in report of President' s committee 151 . Suggested plan for cotton-crop insurance h Two years of crop insurance 12 Wheat crop insurance program 5 Wheat crop insured 13 U.S. Dept. of agriculture. Com- modity credit corporation 3& corn loan program 8 U.S. Dept. of agriculture. Extension service. Crop insurance: is it practical? ..'..'.'. 12U Crop insurance on wheat 15 U.S. Dept. of agriculture. Federal croo insurance corporation. ,31 t 52| 71,93,105,107,109-110 Annual report of the manager. . .136 Assured farm income through cooperation. 139 Before you plant - insurel 139 Can you afford "profitable waiting?? . . . 139 Crop insurance and the country elevator. 139 Crop insurance and the multiple unit land owner 139 Crop insurance for wheat growers 1^2 Crop insurance for' wheat. Handbook 137 Danger ahead! 138 Drought defense'.'. 139 Economic justification for certain salient provisions of the regulations. . .for wheat crop insurance 1^2 Item U.S. Dept. of agriculture. Federal crop insurance corporation - Continued PCI - Information 139 FCI yields and rates lUO Form. FCI ■,..-. 1^1 General. information series . . . .1^2 Graphic .picture of the wheat crop insurance program 1^+3 hearings on hill to create 12.1)2.2. Insure against wheat- losses... 139 Insured harvests 139 Insured wheat income ikh Is this your farm? 139 Let me tell you what crop insurance means to me 139 Make surplus wheat work. ..... .139 Memorandum of explanation re- lating .to 19^0 Wheat crop insurance regulations designated as FCI-Regu- lations-1, Wheat-1940 IU5 19 1+1 wheat crop insurance regulations 1^+6 Now is the tine to think about yield insurance on your next wheat crop .»l^-7 organization 90 Progress of the crop insurance program. . ■ 57 proposal for .81 Public . experiment with crop insurance ■. :..... .58 Questions and -answers on crop insurance .................. lU2 Questions and answers on I9U1 crop insurance 139 Questions and answers on wheat crop insurance I39 Sow with certainty. .:;::;;... .139 uses no. 2 hard wheat as basis for calculations on premiums and indemnities in Kansas City .region 115 Wheat crop insurance and agricultural credit l*+2 Wheat crop insurance means assured buying power 139 U.S. Dept. of agriculture. Federal crop insurance corporation - Continued < Wheat crop insurance program, ,. . 60 Wheat in your bin every year. ,.lU2 Wheat income stability 112 wheat storage program 6l Yield and rate procedures lUl Your farm will suffer crop failure when? 139,1^2 U.S. Dept. of commerce. Bur. of foreign and domestic commerce Compulsory insurance c on pro- perty and stock of peasants and collective farms -j in 1938 Ijk U.S. Farm .credit administration. Farmers-mutual windstorm- insurance companies 23 50 years of mutual wind-storm insurance 2h U.S. Federal crop insurance corporation See U.S. Dept. of agriculture. Federal crop in- surance corporation U.S. Laws, Statutes, etc. Act to amend section 12 of the Soil conservation and domestic allotment act, as' amended, by authorizing advances for crop insurance lUS Act to amend the Federal crop insurance act approved June 27 , 1938 . . . . 1I49 Agricultural adjustment act of . 193S ..... 150 U.S. President (Roosevelt) urges consideration of "all risk" crop insurance y^ U.S. President's conu-iittee on crop insurance. Report, and recommendations 73.151 discussion of 70»15*+ summary 128 Uruguay lgh Vagy, T. Livestock insurance in Hungary 195 - 3S - Item . . Item Valgren, V.N 33 Virginia 130 Volin, Lazar Crop insurance in the Soviet Union 196 • How crop insurance works in Soviet Russia 197 Wallace, H.A; 33,151 calls conference on crop insurance 73 Common aims in agriculture. .. .1^2 Crop insurance arrives 153 crop- insurance plan, dis- cussed 20-21 discusses crop insurance with warehousemen jS Report of the Crop insurance committee to the President 154 Responding to change in agri culture 155 statement on crop- insurance. . .122 War ri sks 167 Warehousemen discuss crop • • insurance with Secretary Wallace 76 V/ashington Post }J> Webber, N.W. Hail insurance problem I56 Wei 88, F.J. European farmers* use hail rockets I98 Wheat insurable losses, 6 states. .. .130 insurance 5,7,10-11,13,15,21,27, 52,60-61,75,77,20,33, 89-50,96,105,111-112, llU,ll6-117,125,127- 129,133,143-1144,11+7,159 and agricultural credit ... .142 benefits 63 Wheat - Continued • insurance - continued costs 87 debate 17 PDIC forms 141 handbook for county insurance representatives 137 history 27,105 • • information leaflets ... .139 ,142 Manchuria 199 regulations 1U6 memorandum of explanation 145 no. 2 grade of wheat basis for calculations on premiums and indemnities 115 Sowers plan, Kansas 72,118 producers, recommendations on crop insurance 15^ Wheeler, M. E. , comp. Agricultural relief measures - . relating to the raising of farm prices-74th Congress. . .157 Agricultural relief measures . . . relating to the raising of . . . farm. priees~75th Congress. With M. I . Herb 158 Wickard, C.R. forking together in agriculture 159 Wilder, S.W. Crop insurance plan..l66 Windstorm insurance 23 ,l6l England 170 Switzerland. 190 Yoder, E.R. Introduction to agri- cultural economics l6l Yugoslavia.. 171 Zipf, W.H. Hail insurance the silver lining to the dark clouds of disaster l62 ECONOMIC LIBRARY LISTS No. 1. State trade "barriers; selected references. March 1939; Revised June 1940. No. 2. The frozen food industry; selected references, January 1937 to March 1939. April 1939. No. 3. High drafting in cotton spinning; selected references. April 1939. No. 4. Egg auctions; selected references. July 1939. No. 5.. Acts administered by Agricultural Marketing Service. October ' 1939. No. 6. Periodicals relating to shipping. October 1939. No. 7. Electrical properties of cotton; some references to the litera- ture, 1931-date. November 1939. No. 8. Sea island cotton; selected references. November 1939. No. 9. Cotton picking machinery; a short list of references. March 1940, No. 10. The tomato industry in Puerto Rico and Cuba; a short list of ref- erences. June 1940. No. 11. The dairy industry in the United States; selected references on the economic aspects of the industry. July 1940. No. 12. planning for the farmer; a short reading list of free and inex- pensive material. July 1940. No. 13. Indirect flood damages; a list of references. August 1940. No, 14. Relocation of farm families; selected references on settler re- location. September 1940. No. 15. Homestead tax exemption in the United States; a selected list of references. October 1940. No. 15. Mate; a list of references. October 1940. No. 17. Exhibits; a selected list of references. November 1940, No. 18. Pood and cotton stamp plans; a selected list of references. Nov- ember 1940. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08926 5689 No. 19, The "banana industry in tropical America with special reference to the Caribbean area, 1930-1940; a selected list of refer- ences. January 1941, No, 20, The sunflower, its cultivation and uses; a selected list of references. April 1941, No, 21, Delta county, Colorado; a selected list of references, April 1941. No, 22, Relation of environmental factors to cotton fiber length; selected references in English, 1915-1939, April 1941, No, 23, Almonds; selected references on the industry, 1929 to 1940. 'May 1941. No. 2'+. CroT) and livestock insurance, 1937-19>40; a selected list of references. June I9UI.