UNITED STATES DEpAETIvISNT OF AGRICUT.TUES BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY AND PLANT qUAIL\NTINS WASHINGTON, D. C. B. E. P. Q.— U59. July 27, 1937 ADM IN I STRAT I VS INSTRUC T IONS APPROVAL OF ALTERNATIVE TREATMENTS FOR COTTONSEED AS A GONDITiai FOR I INTERSTATE MOVEMEl^TT FROM ARFA.S LIGHTLY IITFESTED WITH THE PINK BOLLWORM (Issued under Re^alation 7> (Quarantine No. 52) Pursuant to authority vested in the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine under reg^alation 7 of the revised rules and regulations supplemental to Notice of Q,uarantino No. 52, revised, which provides that permits may "be issued for the interstate movement of cottonseed from areas lightly infested with the pink bollwoim on such conditions as may he prescribed "by that Bureau, the Bureau hereby approves either of the fol- lowing alternative treatments and permits may be issued for the interstate movement from lightly infested areas to any destination of cottonseed so treated: When the cottonseed has been given a special heat treat- ment at lU5° F. maintained under approved conditions for a period of thirty (30) minutes, or has been heated to a tem- perature of 155° F. in an approved mariner separate and apart from ginning operatiuns, and subsequent to either treatment has been protected from contamination to the satisfaction of the inspector. LEE A. STRONG, Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quaran tine. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09245 5863