A >vr> B. E. P. Q, 509 TITLE 7— AGRICULTURE CHAPTER III— BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY AND PLANT QUARANTINE ORDER AMENDING SECTION 3OI.US-5, CHAPTER III, TITLE 7, CODE OF FEDERiX REGULATIONS AND MODIFYING THE J/J'ANESS BEETLE QUARANTINE REGULATIONS AS TO SHIPMENTS OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FROM CERTAIN AREilS IN VIRGINIA Pursuant to the authority conferred upon the Chief of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine by the second proviso of paragraph (l) of subsection A of Section J)01,k8-^, Chapter III, Title 7» Code of Federal Regulations [regulation 5 of the rules and regulations (l7th revision) supplemental to Notice of Quarantine No, Us on account of the Japanese beetle, as amended], as amended by the order of the Secretary of Agriculture dated May 22, I9U0 (5 F, R, ISU7 e_t seq « ) , subdivision (a) of said paragraph is hereby amended to read as follows: "(a) No restrictions are placed on the interstate movement of fruits and vegetables between October 16 and Juno lU, inclusive, except that in the case of movement interstate from the following areas, the exemption applies only during the period from October I6 to May 31 » inclusive : " Virginia . — The counties of Accomac and Northampton," The infestation in the remainder of the area formerly designated in subdivision (a) is of such a nature that it is considered to be of no hazard in the spread of Japanese beetles through shipments of fruits and vegetables. Therefore, it is considered advisable to reduce the area specified in the subdivision. Done at Washington, D. C, , this 20th day of June I9U0, AmY S. HOYT, Acting Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine . UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA llilllilliliillllliilii 3 1262 09312 1753