^;AfA-^//i CB No. L5F01 NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS WARTIME REPORT ORIQNALLy ISSUED June 19'4-5 as Confidential Bulletin L5F01 EFFECT OF ELETATOR-EROFII^E MODIFICATIONS AED TRATLING- EDGE STRIPS ON ELEVATQR KEHGEE -MOMENT AND OTHER AERODYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF A FUUL-SCALE HORIZONTAL TAIL SURFACE By Carl F. Schueller, Peter F. Eoryclnski, and H. Kurt Straps Langley Memorial Aeronautical Lalaoratory Langley Field, Ta. i^XcA WASHINGTON f . NACA WARTIME REPORTS are reprints of papers originally issued to provide rapid distribution of advance research results to an authorized group requiring them for the wair effort. They were pre- ^ vlously held under a security status but are now unclassified. Some of these reports were not tech- nically edited. All have been reproduced without change in order to expedite general distribution. L - 111 _ DOCUMENTS DEPARTMENT Digitized by tine Internet Archive in 2011 witln funding from University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries with support from LYRASIS and the Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/effectofelevatorOOIang 7irf2^ 3 1 rr9L ?^/y^ NACA CB NO. L5P01 CONFIDENTIAL NATICNAT. ADVISORY CCMi'^ITTES FOR AERONAUTICS CONFIDEITTIAL BULLETIN EFFECT OF ELEVATOR -PROFILE MODIFICATIONS AND TRAILING- EDGE STRIPS ON ELEVA.TOR HINGE- MO ?/!ENT AND OTHER AERODYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF A FULL-SCAI.E HORIZONTAL TAIL SURFACE By Carl F. Schueller, Peter F. Korycinskl and H. Kurt Strass SUia^.ARY Results are presented of tests of a full-scale horizontal tail surface made to determine the effect of elevator-profile modifications and trailing-edge strips on the elevator hinge-moment characteristics for elevators having fixed plan form and constant balance. A reduction of 6° in the trailing-edge angle of the elevator produced incremental changes in the slopes of the curves of hinge moment against angle of attack and elevator angle of approximately -0.0026 and -0.0013, respectively. The incremental changes in Chs (slope of curve of hinge moment against elevator deflection) due to elevator nose-shape modifications were of about the same magnitude as those predicted by the m.ethod presented in NACA ACR No. lI[-E15; whereas the nose-shape changes had little effect on the values of Chn (slooe of curve of hinge moment against angle of attack) . By use of a more blunt nose and a reduced trailing-edge angle, the values of Ch„ for the elevator could be reduced from the unsatisfactorily high value of 0.0020 to without affecting the values of Ch.=.' Trailing-edge strips were found to be very effective in reducing a positive value of Chf, but produced an adverse increase in C^g • No appreciable loss in trailing-edge-strip effectiveness in producing changes in hinge-moment coefficient occurred up to the maximum test I,5ach number of O.65 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL NACA CB No. L5F01 INTRODUCTICN The design of highly balanced control surfaces has not been sufficiently developed for the desired control characteristics to be obtained in the first design and, for that reason, the control surfaces of most new air- planes usually must be modified. In an investigation in the Langley l6-foot high- speed tunnel of a typical full-scale semispan horizontal tail surface of a proposed fighter airplane, a number of systematic profile modifications had to be made to produce the desired aerodynamic characteristics. The present report shows the effect of elevator nose shape, trail ing- edge angle, and trail Ing-edge strips on the aerodynam.ic characteristics of the tail surface, the elevator of which had a fi.red plan form and a constant ratio of balance area to elevator area. COSPPICIENTS AND SYMBOLS Cj3 drag coeffici lent m ^'*' / H \ Cj^ hinge-moment coefficient I =^ j /T \ Vl°e^be/ Cl lift coefficient (■ CjTi pitching-moment coefficient 'ic' ^ qscy D drag of entire model H hinge moment L lift of entire model M(,t/Ji pitching moment about quarter-chord point of moan aerodynamic chord b span, feet c chord, feet c» mean aerodynamic chord Ce root-mean-square cf elevator chord behind hinge line CONFIDENTIAL IT AC A CB MO. L3F01 CONFIDENT I AT. 3 q dynamic pressure ( — pV'") S tctal model area, square feet M Ivlach number R Reynolds number V velocity of air, feet per second X horizontal distance along chord from leading edge, percent chord y vertical distance, from chord, percent chord a angle of attack of stabilizer, degrees p mass density of air, slugs oer cubic foot 5 angle of elevator chord with respect to stabilizer chord (positive when trailing edge is down), degrees '^^ included angle at elevator trailing edge, degrees (The subscri;:ts outside the oarentheses rearesent the factors held constant during the measurement of the parameters . ) Subscripts ; b balance CC''"^ir)^NTIAL a oJ orig- C0NFID7NTIAL NACA C3 No. L5F01 e elevator (back of hinge line) f flap (balance and elevator) DESCP?IPTION OF MODEL For the present tests, the left side of the horizontal tail surface of a modern fighter airplane was used as a model. The airfoil was made according to the profile of the NACA 66-OO9 airfoil. For the metal elevator (the or inal elevator), this airfoil was modified to have a straight contour behind the 0.72c station. The general arrangement and geometrical characteristics of the model are presented in figure 1, Figure 2 is a photograph of the model installed in the Langley 16 -foot high-speed tunnel. Stabilizer , - The stabilizer was of metal construction and metal covered. All rivets were flush and the surface had been filled, rubbed with abrasive cloth, and waxed to increase the surface smoothness; however, considerable surface waviness existed. The gap between the elevator and the stabilizer was approximately'- I/I4. inch and was con- stant for all elevator angles. In order to reduce undesir- able air flow through the elevator hinge pockets, cover plates attached to the top and bottom of each stabilizer hinge bracket were included. Elevators.- Four modifications of the metal elevator were tested. ^The plan-form dimensions of all elevators were the same. The hinge line was located at 0.72c and the elevator balance was 0.[j.8cq (c^^/Cg = O.I4.8). No trim tab is used on the elevator because the angle of incidence of the stabilizer is adjustable in flight. The metal elevator was constructed of aluminum and had a semielliptical nose and a straight taper behind the hinge line; this arrangement resulted in a trailing-edge angle of approximately 15°. The coordinates of elevators 1 to I4. are given in table I. These elevators were constructed of spruce and' incorporated systematic modifications to the elevator pro- file as shown in figure J> . Elevator 1 had a blunt nose and a straight taper behind the hinge line with a trailing- edge angle of 13°, the same as the metal elevator. CONFIDENTIAL NAGA CB No. L^FOl ' CO!IFIDS:iTIAL Elevator 2 had the same blunt nose as elevator 1 and a cusped contour behind the hinge line y^i^ = 7°)' Elevator 5 had a modified blunt nose and the same cusped contour behind the hinge line (0'i = 7°) as elevator 2. Elevator [\. had the semiellipticsl nose profile of the original ele- vator and the same cusped contour behind the hinge line ('0'i - 7°) ^s elevators 2 and J* Examination of the model showed that the stabilizer brackets v;ere approximately 5/$2 inch above the chord line. The center line of the hinge pins for the metal elevator, however, was found to be slightly above the chord line. The net effect of these constructional defects v.^s to cause ■che upper surface of the metal elevator to project approxi- mately l/l6 inch above the contour of the tail when the elevotor was in the neutral position. These defects caused the hinge-moment curves to be asymmetrical, but the incre- mental changes of a given coefficient, which result from the elevator m.odif ications described herein, are believed to be correct. Trailine-edge strios.- Strios of 7T-inch- or T-r-inch- diameter tubing wer^ attached to both surfaces of the metal elevator at the trailing edge. The method of attaching the tubing to the elevator is shown in figure I).. The length of the trailing-edge strips was varied first by testing the full-span length and then by cutting equal lengths from the root and tip ends of the strips. (See fig. k') APPARATUS A.ND TilETHODS Model installation .- Inasmuch as a semispan model was used for the tests m.ade in the Langley l6-fcot Ll.vh- speed tunnel, the center line of the horizontal tail sur- face had to be located in the plane of the tunnel-wall flat in order to oroduce air-flow conditions that approxi- m.ated those of flight. (See figs. 1 and 2.] Labyrinth- type seals were used at the openings where the model support v/ent through the tunnel-wall flat to minimize the leakage of air from the test chamber to the tunnel. Hinge-moment measurem-ent . - The elevator control tube was so extended that it passed through the tunnel-wall flat and tv^o self -alining bearings mounted on the COITFIDEI^'TIAL 6 CONFIDENTIAL NACA CB No. L^FOl tunnel-balance frame. The elevator? hinge moment was transferred through the elevator torque tube to a 6-lnch crank and then through a jackscrew to the platform of a scale. The jackscrew was also used to vary the elevator angle. The platform scale was rigidly attached to the tunnel-balance frame and, since all other related parts were also attached to the tunnel-balance frame, the ele- vator hinge-moment measurements could not Interfere with the measurements of lift, drag, and pitching moment. All force and moment data were recorded simultaneously. Elevator-angle measurement .- An Autosyn vjas used to measure the elevator angle. The transmitter of this Autosyn was rigidly attached to the stabilizer at the inboard hinge cut-out. A small pinion gear on the trans- mitter shaft was driven by a large sector gear that was rigidly attached to the root of the elevator. Any elevator deflection that occured was therefore multiplied by the gear ratio (approx. 12:1) and was electrically transmitted to the receiver. A calibrated dial attached to the receiver provided a continuous visual indication of the elevator angle. A templ^^te wfis used to check the zero reading of the Autosyn indicator. This arrangement is believed to have measured the elevator root angle within ±0.1°. Angle-of -attack measurement .- An inclinometer located on a reference surface of the model support system was used to m_easure the angle of attack of the chord line of the stabilizer root. The measurements are believed to be accurate within -0.05°. TESTS In general, test data were obtained for a = -5*^, 0°, and 3°, £e ='-o° to 8°, and'M = 0.55' Some comSinations of the angle variables could not be tested because of the allowable loac limitations on the model. One of the trailing-edge-strip modifications on the metal elevator was tested at Mach numbers as high as O.65. Tests to determine the aerodynamic characteristics of the original metal elevator and the effect of tralling- edge axigle (elevators 1 and 2) were made with the original hinge location; whereas tests to determine the effect of nose shape (elevators 2, 5j ^I'-^d l\.) were made with the CONFIDENTIAL NACA CB NO. L^FOl COKTID^ITIAL i stabilizer hinge brackets lowered 5/32 inch in order to loci-te the hinge line exactly on the chord line of the tail section, REDUCTION OP DATA The data presented herein have been corrected for tunnel-v/all effects by the use of the reflection-plane theory given in reference 1. The projected frontal area of the model was such a small part of the tunnel area that tunnel-constriction corrections were negligible. Corrections to pitching moment due to model deflection and balance-frame deflection also were found to be negli- gible. The corrected data were cross-plotted and the values used herein are for selected angles of attack, elevator angles, and Mach numbers. The average dynamic pressure and average Reynolds number corresponding to the test Mach number are shown in figure 5» The Reynolds number is based on the calculated mean aerodynamic chord of [1-.27 feet. Tests in which the gap around the model support was varied from \/\\ inch to shov/ed that no corrections due to end leakage v^/ere necessary for this setup. RESULTS AWD DISCUSSIONS Basic Data with iMetal Elevator The variation of hinge-moment, drag, lift, and pitchlng-moment coefficients with elevator angle at M = 0,55 ^i^d CL - -5°» 0°> ^J"-d 3° are presented in figures 5 to 9> respectively. Kinge -moment coefficient,- For the data shown on figure 6, Ch5 = -0,0015 and Ch„ = 0,0020. A construc- tional defect in the hinge-bracket locations (see section entitled "Description of Model") is the main cause of the asymmetry of the curves; a slight asymmetry in the ele- vator contour is probably also a contributing factor. Drag Coefficient .- No unusual drag characteristics (fig. ']^ozQ.\xvx- respectively. Effect of Trailing-Sdge Angle Flight investigations have shown that the value of Cj^- should be approximately in order to avoid adverse efiects on the stability and control characteristics, par- ticularly in gusty air, and .that the value of 0.0020 obtained for the original elevator was unsatisfactorily high. Frellminary calculations based on unpublished data indicated that a value of C^q^ = could be obtained by decreasing the trailing-edge angle from approximately 15° to 7°« This change in elevator shape is illustrated in figure 5> ^nd its effect was evaluated by a comparison of the results obtained for elevators 1 and 2. Hinge-monient c oef ficien t.- The effect of tralling- edge angle on the elevator hTnge-moment coefficient is shown in figure 10 for three angles of attack and for M = 0.55 • Ti"^e nonlinearlty of these cui-ves prevents the exact use of the usual parameters, but the 6° change in elevatoi' trailing-edge angle resulted In the follov/ing changes in the parameters: ACh5 " -O.OOIJ and '^ChcL ~ -0,0026. The change in Cj^ due to a reduction in trailing-edge angle was of the desired magnitude, but the accompanying increase in 0^= was undesirable because the control moment was about doubled for the metal elevator. The undesirable Increase in Chfi due to a reduction in trailing-edge angle may be nullified with no appreciable change in Chn ^ changing the elevator nose shape (discussed in section entitled "Effect of Nose Shape"). Figure 10(a) indicates a reversal in Ch5 at a = -3'' This undesirable variation is believed to be a result of the asymmietry of the hinge-bracket location. Drag' coefficien t.- The variation of the drag coef- ficient for elevators" 1 and 2 {^± = 15° and 7°, respec- tively) with elevator angle is presented in figure 11 for three values of a and for M = 0,$5» The drag coef- ficient for a given increment of elevator deflection is slightly greater for elevator 2 {0i = 7°) than for elevator 1 (^j_ = 15°) . CONFIDENTIAL MAC A CB NO. L5?01 CONPIDEKTIAL 9 Lift coefficient .- A decrease in elevetor trailing- edge angle was usually accompanied by a slight increase in liit. A reduction in trailmg-sdge angle from 15° to 7^ increased Cl from O.O6I to 0,06Ii. and increased Clq fro:n O.OJl to O.O32. Pltching-noment coefficient . - Reducing the tr ailing- edge angle from 15° to 7° caused a rearward shift of the center of lift. Vii'hen the lift was varied by changing the angle of attack at 5 = 0°, the csnttr of lift shifted from 22.6 to 2[j..2 percent of tne mean aerodynamic chord; when the lift was varied by changing the elevator angle for a = 0°, the center of lift was shifted from 5o to 57*7 percent of the mean aerodynaMic chord. Effect of Nose Shape Hinge-moment data obtained for the various trailing- edge modifications indicated that the desired value of Ch could be obtained with a trail:Lng-edge angle of approximately 7°. The reduction in trailing-edge angle, however, caused C^^ to increase from -O.OOI5 to about -O.OO2S. Since the original value of Chg obtained for the metal elevator (-O.OOI5) was consider&d satisfactory, it was believed desirable to reduce the new value of Ch5. ipe accordingly made to the nose profile (see fig. 5) in an attempt to obtain a satisfactory value of ^hp.' Compari- son of elevators 2 and 3 with elevator )4 shows the changes in elevator contour. Kinge-moment coefficien t.- The effect of the nose miodif icaticns on the hinge -mo:nent coefficient at M = 0.55 is shown in figures 12 and I5 . Because of the difference in structural stiffness between the v/ooden and metal ele- vators and because of the asj/Tmnetry of the metal elevator (see section entitled "Description of Model"), elevator I4., which had a semdelliptical noce profile the s.ame as that of the metal elevator, was used as a reference. Figures 12 and 13 indicate that modifying the nose profile of the m.etal elevator to the modif ied-blunt shape (elevator 5) would result in AC]-^ = 0.0010 and AC^^ = 0.0002; these figures indicate also that modifying the nose profile of the metal elevator to the blunt shape (elevator 2) would C0NFID3''ITTAL 10 COITFIDENTI\L NAG A CB No. L^FOl result In AC^g = 0.0020 and C^.^ z O.OOO.'i. An elevator with a balance -moment area intermediate between elevators 2 and 5 would provide the desired decrease of 0.0015 in C]^ and would thus nullify the adverse effect of reducing the trailing-edge angle to 7°« The tests of the wooden elevators therefore indicate that the desired values of ^h ~ 0> Ch« ~ -0.0015 at M = 0.55 may be obtained if the profile of the metal elevator is so modified that it has a more blunt nose (intermediate between elevators 2 and 5) and a cusped contour behind the hinge line (elevator 2) with a trailing-edge angle of about 7°. An exact quantitative check of the experimental and predicted effects (reference 5) c-f' the elevator-nose modi- fications cannot be raade because of the nonlinearity of the curves of hinge-mcm.ent coefficient against elevator angle. The increm.ental changes in Cj^c due to miodifica- tions of the elevator nose, however, are of about the same magnitude as changes calculated by the method of refer- ence 5' Very poor agreement is obtained when the value of ^hR for any one elevator is calculated from unbalanced section flap data and corrected for balance effects by the method of reference 5* Lift coefficie nt.- The effect of elevator-nose con- tour on G^g is shown in figure 114. for 5 = 0°, M = 0.55» and a = -5° to 5°' Figure II4. shows that GL5 increases slightly as the surface discontinuity between the rearward portion of the stabilizer and the elevator nose is reduced by making the elevator nose more blunt because, as the contour of the tail surface approaches that of the true airfoil, optimum pressure distribution and lift are obtained. Drag coefficient .- The effect of elevator-nose con- tour on di'ag is also shown in figure l[[.. The drag decreased slightly as the surface discontinuity between the rearward portion of the stabilizer and the elevator nose was reduced. Pitching-moment coefficient . - The effect of elevator- nose contour on the pitching moment was not appreciable and no data are presented. GONPIDENTIAL NAG A CB No. L^FOl COMFIF'^WTIAL 11 Effects of Tralling-Edge Strips Tests v.'ere made also to deterT.ine combinations of length and diameter of trailing-edge strips that could be used on the metal elevator as a temporary expedient to obtain Chn ~ ^ f°^ flight tests of the first experi- mental airplane having this tail surface. Various lengths of -i-inch- and — rr-inch-diameter strins were tested at o 16 M = 0.35 and ■V 0° and 30. Kinge-mom.ent coefficient.- Figures 15 and 16 show the variation of hinge-moment coefficient with elevator angle for vsrious lengths of 7: -inch- and — r-inch-diam.eter trailing- ^ 3 lb ^ edge strips, respectively, at M = 0.35 ^^^-d at a = -5'^> 0°, and 5°' Decreasing the length of the strip decreases the slope of the hinge-moment curves, and no abrupt changes in the trend of the curves occur. The data pre- sented in these figures have been used, to obtain the hinge-moment parameters Ch^ ^.nd Ch5 shown in figure 17. The desired value of Chn~ ^^^ ''^® obtained by using 1 •J- -inch-diameter strips Zli oercent of the scan in length O ]_ or —r -inch-diameter strios 33 percent of the soan in 16 ~ length, but v.'ith an accompanying adverse increase in Chs over the desired value of -O.OOI5. The effect of speed on the effectiveness of the traillng-edge strips is shown in figure l3. No serious reduction of hinge-moment coef- ficient Cyy occurs up to the maximum test Mach number (M = 0.65) with the full- the elevator trailing-edge. s")an i-inch-diam.eter strios on 8 Lift coefficient .- Figures 19 and 20 shov/ the effect of the. length of the trailing-edge strips on lift coef- ficient for TT-inch- and -—-inch- diameter strips, resoec- o 16 tively. The use of strips of either diam.eter usually results in an increase in lift at the higher elevator angles . Drag coefficient .- Figu.res 21 and 22 show the effect of the length of trailing-edge strips on the drag coef- ficient for ^-inch- and. —tt -inch- diameter striy^s, resoec- o Id • ' tively. The increase in drag due to lengthening the ^-inch-diameter strips is usiially twice the increase which C C^T IDSNT I AL 12 CONFIDENTIAL NACA C3 No. L5F01 occurred with the — --inch-diameter strips. The maximum 16 1 increase measured with n -inch-diameter full-span strips was 15 percent. Pitching-moment coefficient .- The change in pitchlng- moment coefficient due to trailing-edge strips was negli- gible and no figures are presented herein. The center of lift, however, was shifted from 25 percent to 25 percent of the mean aerodynamic chord for 5=0° when the lift was increased by changing the angle of attack for -^-inch- diameter full-span strips. The maximum shift in the aero- dynamic center v/as from 52 percent to 58 percent of the mean aerodynamic chord for a = 0° when the lift was increased by changing the elevator angle. CONCLUSIONS Prom tests made in the Langley l6-foot high-speed tunnel of a full-scale hori20ntal tail surface to determine the effect of elevator-profile modifications and trailing- edge strips on the elevator hinge-moment characteristics for elevators having fixed plan form and constant balance, the following conclusions were reached: 1. A reduction of 6'-' in the trailing-edge angle resulted in incremental changes in the slopes of curves of hinge moment against angle of attack and against ele- vator angle of approximately -0.0026 and -O.OOI3, respec- tively. 2. The incremental chancres in C^g (slope of cui'-ve of hinge Moment against elevator angle) due to elevator- nose modifications were of the same magnitude as the changes predicted by the use of methods given in NACA ACR No. 1)4.^15 • These nose-profile changes had virtually no effect on C}-^ (slope of curve of hinge moment against angle of attack) . 3. A reduction in trailing-edge angle and an increase in the bluntness of the nose profile reduced the values of Ch^ for the metal elevator from 0.0020, which was unsatis- factorily high, to without affecting the value of Chg. J4.. Trailing-edge strips were found to be very effec- tive in reducing a positive value of ChQ> but an adverse CONFIDENTIAL NACA CB NO. L5F01 CONFIDENTIAL 15 increase in the values of 0^5 accompanied the use of these strips. No appreciable loss In the effectiveness of the trailing-edge strips in producing changes In hinge -moment coefficient was apparent up to the maximum test Mach number of 0.65. Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics Langley Field, Va. R^ERENCSS 1. Sv/anson, Robert S., and Toll, Thomas A.: Jet-Boundary Corrections for Reflection-Plane Models in Rectangu- lar 'Vlnd Tunnels. NACA ARR No. $S22, I9I1.3 . 2. Purser, Paul E., and Rlebe, John M. : Vjind-Tunnel Investigation of Control-Surface Characteristics. XV - Various Contour Modifications of a . JO-Alrf oil- Chord Plain Flap on an NACA 66(215 ) -OlL|_ Airfoil. NACA ACR No. 5L20, 1914-3. 5. Purser, Paul E., and Toll, Thomas A.: Analysis of Available Data on Control Surfaces Having Plain- Overhang and Frise Balances. NACA ACR No. lI^-EIJ, 1914+. CONFIDENTIAL ■n\c\ CB No. 1.5^01 C0NFID^1\^IAL TABLE I Ik CCCRDINATSS FOR ELEVATORS 1 TO 1; IK PERCENT c "iiU ^1 06 09 12 111 17 20 26 29 52 35 ?'^ ^? 69 81 92 Olf 15 27 58 61 9b 08 ?1 77 'levator 1 (a) SI 5.0U 6.26 7.10 7.61 e.03 8.23 8.ii6 8.62 8./]5 8.91 8.95 8.95 8.99 8.95 8.67 8.76 8.61; Q-hh- 8.05 Elevator 2 5.91 5.01^ 6.2b 7.10 7.61 8.03 8.25 0.62 8.85 8.91 8.95 8.95 6.99 8.87 8.76 8.61^ 8.05 7.57 7.10 6.59 6.13 5.58 ■■.53 3.118 5.01 2.1|7 2.02 1.56 1.15 .32 .52 .27 i. ]levator 3 ^ .19 '4.. 19 5.33 6.19 6.7i 7.20 7. '+7 7.75 8.16 8.51 8.50 8.65 8.69 8.65 8.60 8.Si| 8.38 8.01 7.55 7.10 6.59 6.13 5.58 . oil .53 3.1+8 3.01 2.1+7 2.02 1.56 1.13 .82 .S2 .27 Elevator I4. y , E. radius = 0.0 5 inch 2.1i7 1^.40 5.27 5.80 6.38 6.71 7.0k 7.28 7.57 7.7f .07 8.23 8.27 S.l+L. e.hh 8.i^ 8.31 7.99 7.53 7.10 6.59 I 6.13 5.58 4.53 3.I4.8 3.01 2.1;7 2.02 1.36 .82 .52 .27 Dashes Indicate straight taper behind . 32I4. c CONFIDENTIAL NATION \I IDVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUT JOS NACA CB No. L5F01 Fig. 1 CONFIDENTIAL — 112 Horizonfa/ (I funnel £ of oirfbtl ond hinge l/ne Root-meon-squora of elevator chord behind hinge line, in. 13.74 Mean aerodynamic chord, in. 51.3 Stabilizer area, sq in. 3259.0 Elevator area, sq in. 1429.0 Overliang area, sqin. 596.0 /-/->k.irir>CKITIAl NATIONAL ADVISORY CONFIDENTIAL COHHITTEE F0« AEBOmUTICS. Figure 1.- General arrangement of the horizontal tail surface in the Langley 16-foot high-speed tunnel. (All dimensions in inches and measured in plane of section. ) 1 NACA CB No. L5F01 Fig. Eh 2 Q O O < I—* E-< Z Cd Q I— I Ee, .a o o 0} o e o o •H C(3 03 c ( ft CM (U bo NACA CB No. L5F01 Fig. z 9 iZ z o u « o> (/) c bi o 55 • o i o> — Q o 1 ^' f o p ^ ~ ■ I- a 3 ° z « o > " < '^ Z u O ui I- t- o > o E c o Q. O I c o o o «A o o Q. < — o a u. z o o c o C C O o u o _l 3 NACA CB No. L5F01 Fig. 5 3 l/> u £ o c >. o> 2 > < 540 / CC NFID iNTI/ VL / / 500 / / 460 / / 4PO / ^ / / / y 380 / / / / // 'i.Ar\ // O'tU / 300 ' 1 1 / 260 / 1 / oor\ Q*r / ^1 C-CX) c/- / 1 / 180 ," /^ ^ > b^" 140 C / ^ i^ 100 ^ e' / Jf r / / NATI ONAL i iOVISO BY cr> / CC )NFID ENTl AL c OMHITl EE fOB AERONl UTICS 17 X 106 14 13 II q: o JQ E 3 C •o 10 o 8 o 2 > < .3 .4 .5 M .6 .7 Figure 5 . — Voriation of the average dynomic pressure and average Reynolds number with test Mach number. NACA CB No. L5F01 Fig. 6a-c 02 CONFIDENTIAL 1 1 \ \ \, \ \ .02 "^ ^- -^ "^ ^ (a) a = - -3" • o 9 O « o u o E o E I \je. ^ ^^ 02 ^~^ --. ^ "^ (b) x = C )'. .\JC. ~~^ ^ -^ ^ 02 "^ \, CONF DEN- ■|AL \ (c) 00 = 3«. •8 -4 ef, deg 8 NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE F0« AER0M4UTICS Figure 6 . — Variation of hinge- moment coefficient with elevator angle; metal elevator, M=o,35. NACA CB No. L5F01 Fig. 7a-c 04 CONFIDENTIAL » N, .02 •n \ - (a) a- -3° o O o o o> o .04 .02 ^ ^ ^ ^- -,__ __^ ^ (b) a" ° u*t ^ y 02 --. ^ (c) a = 3 °. -8 -4 4 ^s^ / ni 1 -(a)a = -3 « -^ Elevotor (deg) I 2 13 7 .03 .02 .2 .01 u o u 9 ,;;/ ^\ ,/ \^ ^ S N ^ • ^ (b )a = 0° .03 / / / / .02 CO NFIDi :nti/ kL / / / 'V y .01 V ^^ -- r=ui ^ -{c )oc = 3' ■8 -4 S J deg 8 NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FM AERONAUTICS Figure II. — Effect of elevator trailing-edge angle on drog coefficient. M=0.35. NACA CB No. L5F01 Fig. 12a- c .04 -.04 sz O •* ^— c 0) u .04 H— «♦- 0) o o ^M c a> E o -.04 CONFIDENTIAL 1 ^ ^i?^-3 ^^ '-^ Elevator 1 ■^ ^ ^ — 4 (a)oc = 3 • — \ 2_ E I c X ^ ""^ 2^^!^^ "^ ^- ^ c^~ :^ 4 ^ \ V --- -(fc »)oc =0 o ■--^ ^2 1 .04 .04 ^ ^ El svot \ or_ ^ ^ -- I CON FIDEt griA -^ ~5 1 -(C :)0C = _ 3V ■2 -12 -8 -4 S ,cleg 8 12 NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE F0« AERONAUTICS Rgure /2.- Variation of hinge-moment coefficient with elevator angle for the three nose shapes. M=o.35. r I NACA CB No. L5F01 Fig. 13 > M O > »- !2 o > ^ LlI 1 1 / NATIONAL / COMMITTEE FOR 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 / 1 1 1 1 < 1- ;| < z LJ 9 I / 1 I ' UJ 9 li. z O U Z 8 1 1 I I I I 1 / 1 1 1 1 ro cvj O r CVJ Q I CVJ I ro I 0) O u c a> E o E i o» c x: 11 c O _^ N o »♦- »*- UJ 'n O f NACA CB No. L5F01 Fig. 14 .02 .01 CONFIDENTIAL -4-2 2 oc » deg Elevator 4 ^-3 .04 .03 .02 Elevator ^2 -3 _4 CONFIDENTIAL I I 1 NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOB AERONAUTICS _i I I -4-2 2 0^, deg Figure i4-.- Variation of C^ and G|_ with a for various nose shapes. M ■ 0.35i<^«0**. NACA CB No. L5F01 Fig. 15a-c .04 -.04 CONFIDENTIAL J(a)a=-3' Length of trailing-edge strips (percent b) — 100 50 25 .2 '5 .08 .04 ?s 0) i -04 E I o \ ^\ \ \ --.^^ V ->s \. ^ ^:: ^ ~ -._ (b)< x = o. \ ^ - .04 N, \ \ ^^ >^ \ >c % V "^ ^, .04 \ \" c ■-^ .^ "^ \ X -^- ^ -.08 c)c 1=3 CON • • FIDFN TIAI ^_ NA COMMI NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOII AERONAUTICS ■12 -8-4 4 c .U"^ \ ^ ^^^ ^ ^~ -^ ^ 04 X V "^ (c] a =3°. \ ^ -{ 3 —^ \ C ) A ^ { 3 12 cT^deg NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE F0« *£«ONAUTICS CONFIDENTIAL Figure 16. — Variation of C^ with elevator angle for three lengths of -|^-inch- diameter trailing-edge strips. M= 0.35. NACA CB No. L5F01 Fig. 17 o o u .004 o -.004 CONFIDENTIAL ^^ <^ — ~" Diameter of trai (in.) ling -edge stri ""^ -^ ■ — — ^ -— . , , l/l6 ^- -^ 1/8 ^ -.004 u VJ o -.008 -.012 ^" ^ ^ ^ ^ ^~^- .^ j/l6 > "^ ""^ — «. J j/8 NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOfi AERONAUTICS III, 20 40 60 80 100 Length of trailing-edge strips , percent span Figuj-e 17. — Effect of length of trailing-edge strips of -^-inch and -f^- inch diameter on Cl^ and Gu a M= 0.35. CONFIDENTIAL NACA CB No. L5F01 Fig. 18 k O 0> ro ro ■ / > 1- « 2 !2 o NATIONAL AD COMMITTEE FOR AE -1 _l < Z Z 1 CONFIDE 9 Z O u tt) in lO CM _ CVI lO Q Q O 1 1 1 ,c o ."t Q. $ w "5 UL o . • ^^ V> •^ Q. »^ • ^^ a> ^ o U) u a> *" o> c •^ a> a> h o 2* E ^c 1 0) S O) *~ c k. c a> ♦— 0) o E o o > •6 a> jC 1 o -)« c o u. ^ k. ^ p a> > .o 1 E 3 00 C — o 2 o O fff NACA CB No. L5F01 Fig. 19a-c -.2 -.4 CONFIDENTIAL" .(a)oc=-3 — Tt. O 8 ideg) 9 5 -4 -8 .2 o c 'o o (b)a=o°. 9 5 8 9 4 -^ — - . ' 5 .2 iTtrs C NATI OHMITT 3N/U. / EE ro« DVISO AERONA -4 lAL " -8 (c)oc= 3». 1 1 25 50 75 100 Length of trailing-edge strips, percent b Figure 19.— Variation of lift coefficient with length of -^-inch- diameter troiling'^edge strips. M«=0.35. NACA CB No. L5F01 Fig. 20a-c -.2 -4 -J .2 o •e « o o -.2 CON FIDEr JTIAl -(a) a = -3' > (deg) 9 -8 9 5 -4 -fl L(b) 03 . ■ 02 . • ni it .05 o u p .04 .03 .02 .01 (b) a«0« -8 5 -4 = 9 NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE F0« AERONAUTICS (C)a"3 . CONFIDENTIAL -0 -8 -4 25 50 75 100 Length of trailing- edge strips, percent b Figure 22. — Variation of drag coefficient with length of -[^-inch- diameter trailing -edge strips. M=0.35. I UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08104 960 2 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA DOCUMENTS DEPARTMENT 1 20 MARSTON SCIENCE UBRARY RO. BOX 117011 GAINESVILLE, FL 32611-7011 USA