]" DQCyA<£NT8 DFFT ' ' ^ AGRtCIJI^URAL_aCILLS NEEDED BY Tp P^CE CORPS :d . MAY I > ^ 5 i It List [ of agriciiltural skills, with bri^. d^Jscri^^i^ns of duties, is taicen from project requests nov being filled or considered "bjPfSe Peace Corps. Many variations on these job descriptions may be expected as more agriculturaJ. requests come in from other countries. The omission of a particular agricultxiral speciaJ-ty from this list does not mean that people so trained are not desired. The Peace Corps will welcome applications from all persons experienced or trained in farm skills, whether or not college graduates. Agricultural Economist College trained, to set up crop reporting procedures, marketing record-keeping, sales and income data keeping, ability to demonstrate and teach in field of farm economics, crop marketing; set up economic plans for small farmers or cooperatives. Agricultviral Engineer BS degree in agricultural engineering or Masters who has specialized In agricultxural machinery. Able to operate, repair agriciilttiral machinery, teach courses in care and maintenance of same, plan simple assembly lines and production of agrictiltural inrplements. Able to do research on impact of new machine methods on primitive agrictiltural economy, through experiment and conclusions therefrom. Also: assis- tant lecturer or instructor for Pacvilty of Agricvilture. Agricultural Extension Ability to work in and teach all fields of General Agrictilture — ^Agronomy, Animal Hvisbandry, Horticultxure, etc. (a) k-E Club Leaders - Male or female; persons with experience in club activities, rviral, in k-E, FFA, or FHA, or simllax school-connected rxiral club work, k-E show project xrork. (B) Health Education - Familiar ■vd.th methods of sanitation applicable in rural areas, vaccination practices, first-aid, hygiene, malaria control, and control of corarmmicable diseases. (C) Home Demonstration - Able to apply all usual farm and rural home techniques and teach canning, food preservation, storage, child care, nutrition, garment -making, sanitation and other home economics practice. Agricultural Teacher Professional agrictilturlst able to teach methods of agricult\jre, general secondary school level; prefer man who has taioght vocational agricxilture in U.S. school or college. Non-professional with strong faxm youth club background plus practical experience who can develop educational materials and training aids and do demonstration Agronomist To operate sprinkler -irrigated farm plots on experimental farm; apply trial farming methods to Indlgenoois farms. BS degree and/ or substantial background in forages, pastures, and grain crops, along with soil management knowledge. Instructor in agronomy with BS degree, MS if possible, to Instruct in all phases of agronomy, tising practical demonstrations as a teaching aid. Animal HusbanrlTna,^ Professional ; should have background In all phases of livestock handling, in feeding, breeding, selection and management (including workable knowledge of goats, rabbits, if possible). Should also have knowledge of soil conservation. Knowledge of veteri- nary practices also advantageous, along with ability to teach the above-mentioned. \ Won -prof ess ional ; those experienced in practical work with all types of farm livestock; ex., i^-H, FFA, etc. Carpenter - Rxiral Able to build simple farm structtires, animal sheds, fences, corrals, etc. Constructor - Rural (earth materials) Man familiar with building with clay or earth materials and also able to construct village drainage and sanitation systems; sufficient academic background to enable man to convert practical experience to applicable programs for the village level. Dairyman - Dairy Specialist (processing ) Professional ; thoroughly conversant with modem dairy operation; able to plan and operate small modem facility — order equipment therefor, and supervise and build dairy buildings; knowledge of milk standards, hygiene, pa^teiirization, etc. Non -professional ; good practical background dairy work, as job, or through farm club work. Diepel Engine Mechanic Familiar with diesel equipment used in agriculture; able to maintain amd repair; teach other mechanics. Earth'Moving Machine Operators Men experienced in operating bull dozers or heavy farm tractors; shovel and grader experience would be added qualification, but not essential. Entomologist Professional; BS degree; junior research technician to work at Agricultural Institute under supervision of senior staff. Farm Background - General Practical experience in operating a family farm; inclination and suitability to teach basic farm skills. Farm Implements Production (see Agric\altural Engineer) Farm Machinery Mechanic To operate and repair farm machinery, teach others to operate, repair and maintain. Forester Professional ; able to plan and supervise ref orestry projects or work on same under svrpervision. Non -pr of e s s 1 onal ; men with experience in forestry, logging, tree planting, grove work. Foundry Technician Man able to set up and operate small fotmdry to produce agricultural tools and parts. Horticulttire Teacher Teaching assistant who will instruct and give pracoxctil demonstrations at a school of agriciature, working with fmits and vegetables. BS degree acceptable, MS degree preferred. Hydrology Agriculture Engineer with BS degree. Discovery of, planning for, and use of water resources for: agric\ature, including working with water sources (ponds, streams, etc.), irrigation, and drainage; and/or domestic supply, including water sources (wells, ponda, dams) and pimiping equipment. - 3 - Land Classification Specialist Professional ; able to classify laxid by field surveys to determine its best and possible uses i/lth reference to indigenous agriculture and possible new agricul- tiiral uses; able to train land classifiers. Non -professional ; general agriculture- trained people able to do land classification \3nder supervision. Machinist - Farm Equipment Shop Skilled in vise of lathe^ drill press, milling machine, machine shop hand tools; backgroimd in small non-production machine shop in agricxoltural area woxild be best; able to improvise in absence of sophisticated tools; knowledge of metals, etc. Plant Pathologist Professional; BS degree; junior research technician to work under senior staff at Agricultviral Institute; also junior instructor or assistant lecturer for Facvilty of AgricultTjre. Plant Physiologist Professional; BS degree; jvtnior research technician (as above). Poultry Husbandman Background in management, breeding, selection, and feeding of project -donated poultry. BS degree in poultry husbandry, if possible; BS degree in agriculture, if strong background is available in poxiltry management. Know-how in field of commercial poviltry management would be of value. Recreation Director Able to organize groups for community psirticlpation in projects; leader of group, planner of community activities in farm villages. Road Worker - Rural Able to build, repair and maintain rural roads; familiar with road "blade" or bull- dozer, ditching, draining, culvert work. Soil Chemist Professional; BS degree; junior research technician to work at Agricultural Institute. Soil Physicist Professionail; BS degree instructor, junior, or assistant lecturer for Faciolty of Agriculture. Welder - Farm Machinery Arc and acetylene welder; shotild be expert at burning, welding with torch possibly tTill be required to use forge; should have experience, above all, in welding heavy- iron machinery parts; experience in tempering and case hardening would be very valuable. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08851 7429