ACE No. Ll^LOT NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS WARTIME REPORT ORIGINALLY ISSUED Deceniber I9UJ1 aa Advance Confidential Report L4L07 CLBffi AMD HIGH-SPEED TESTS OF A CURTISS NO. 7U-1C2-12 FOUR-BLADE PROPELIER ON THE REPUBLIC P-^TC AIEPLAKE By A. W. Vogelej Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory Langley Field, Va. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA DOCUMENTS DEPARTMENT 1 20 MARSTON SCIENCE LIBRARY P.O. BOX 117011 GAINESVILLE. FL 32611-7011 USA NACA WASHINGTON NACA WARTIME REPORTS are reprints of papers originally issued to provide rapid distribution of advance research results to an authorized group requiring them for the war effort. They were pre- viously held under a security status but are now unclassified. Some of these reports were not tech- nically edited. All have been reproduced without change in order to expedite general distribution. L - 177 I Digitized by tine Internet Arcliive in 2011 with funding from University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries with support from LYRASIS and the Sloan Foundation I ?.Gf 5 - i i 1^0 lkk(:k ACR No. Li+L07 NATIONAL ADVISORY COMaTTEE FOR AERONAUTICS ADViiNCE CONFIDENTIAL REPORT CLIMB AlO lilGH-SPEED TESTS OP A CURTISS NO. 71.^--1C2-12 FOUR-BLADE PROPELLER ON THE REPUBLIC P-i-J-7C AIRPLANE 3y A. Vif. Vogeley SmiMARY Plight tests were made of a Curtlss No. 7ll|-lC2-12 four-Llade propeller on a ?lepublic P-/_|-7C airplane in climb and at high speed. The loss in efficienoy v;/hen power v;as increased from normal to military was found to be from ^ to ?:> percent in climbs at an indicated airspeed of 165 m.iles per hour. This loss was attributed primarily to reductions in section lift-drag ratios resulting from increased operating lii't coefficients. In high-speed flight at m.illtary power, losses in efficiency due to compressibility started at an airplane Mach numiber less than O.I4. and increased steadily to 10 or 11 percent at an airplane Mach number of 0,7. These losses were encountered whenever the prooeller-tip Mach number exceeded 0.83 and the propeller efficiency decreased at a rate of about 7 percent for an increase of 0.1 in tip Mach number. At an airplane Mach number of 0.7 S-nd constant propeller rotational speed the propeller efficiency decreased with a decrease in power below military povver. In comparison with the efficiencies of low- speed flight tests (a Mach number of approxi- mately 0.3) at the same advance-diameter ratio, however, the compressibility loss was relatively independent of power . The tests indicated that, by suitably increasing the solidity and reducing the rotational speed, it may be possible to improve the propeller efficiency in both climb and high-speed operation. CONFIDETfriAL NACA ACR No. L^LO? lA^THOLUCTTON Ar pax't of a pro£:i8^ri of flight tests of several nropellers en the Keoubllc v-IlJC airplane for tne purpose of dett-rmlning clirn'o u.nd high-speed characteristics, tests have been i.jede of a Ciirtiss No. 71M--1C2-12 four- blade prooeller. Results of these tests and a brief analvijis ax'c presented herein. The climb tests consisted of runs at normal rated ■oower, indicated airspeeds of l5o and 165 miles per hour, and altitudes froiri sea level to about ^0,00G feet and runs at iiiilitarjr power, an indicated airspeed of 165 miles per hour, and altitudes froni sea level to about ^5,000 feet High-speed tests consisted of a series of i^uns covering a Mach number ran^-e from J.L. to 0.7 at approximately constant p^v.-er and rotatioufl speed and a series of runs at a Ilach nixmber of O.7 and constant rotational speed with varying power. In order to determine the affects of co..ipi-es3ibility, the efficiencies measured in the high-speed runs were compared with those -rieasured in runs made at the rower coefficient and advance -diameter ratio but at a Mach namler of ao'^ut O.J, SysPOLS V true airspeed n propeller rotational speed, revolutions per second D propeller diameter -T advance-diameter ratio {V/nD) [i section blade angle at 0.75R 9 blade angle at any section R pro poller- tip radius V propeller-section radius b blade- section chord CONFIDENTIAL 1 KACA aCR j'lo. r'lLO'; GCNFIDEI^TIaL 2; h - se ct ion tlii ckne ss radial distance from thrust axis to survey point P-p, Ap.-p Cp P ¥ Kt R free-strea.T! ctatic pressure free -stream "cctal pressure difference betv^feen sliostrearu total pressure and free-streani total pressure ororeller thi'ust ■oroceller torque propeller thi'ust coefficient propeller po»'er coefficj ent r»ropeller efi'iciency ratio of asnsLtj of free air to density of air at sea level density of free air airolane Mach number proTDeller-tip Vach number PROPELLER AKD TEST EQUIPMENT General specifications of the propeller and power ■Dlant are as follows: Number of blades . . Blade design .... Blade se:;tlon.3 . . . propeller diaaeter . Propeller gear i-atio En.siine ....... . . . . . ...... Pour . Curtiss No. 7.1 J+- 102- 12 .......... Clark Y . . . . 12 feet, 2 inches ........... 2:1 Pratt ic VVnitnev R-2300-21 COUPIDEaTTIAL Ij. COKFTDEKTIAL IIACA ACR No. Li;L07 Military-povjer rating of ongine : Engine speed, rpm 27OO Manifold pressure, inches of mercury ^2 Horsepower 2000 Critical eltitude, feet (approx.) 1^,000 i\-ormai-power rating of engine : Engine speed, rpni 255^ Manifold prescure, Incnes of mercury J4.2 Horsepower lo25 Critical altitude^ feet . (approx.) Z^,000 The propeller, as tested, was equipped v-ith the standard production cooling cuffs. Biade-forTi curves are presented in figure 1. propeller thrust was measured by the slipstream. total-pr-es3ure sui'vey r.^ethod. For tnls purpose tv/c survey rakes J connected tc NIG/ rocoi-dlng multiple menoneters, were mounted horizontally on either side of the fuselage at the rear of the engine coi.-llng, as shown in figure 2. A photograph of uhe alrplan^^, pi'-opeller, ana survey rakes is presented as figure 5. propeller toi-qua v/es -nessured with a standard Pratt & Whitney torque meter, to v;hicn was connected a standard NACA pressure recorder. An indicating pressure gage was mounted in tiie cockpit for use by the pilot. Standard NACA recording Instrui-nents were used to record engine speedy, impact pressure, static pressure, and free- air temperature. Propeller blade angle was m.easui-ed with a special NACA spark -type biade -angle recorder. TEST Climb t ests . - 'Aith engine speed, m:.8nifold pressure, and inalcated airspeed adjusted to the desired values, short records on all instruments were tfken at intervals of 2000 feet as the airplane climbed frcm sea level to altitude . Climbs were m.ade under the following conditions: (1) Militar:/ pcwer at normal climbing indicated airspeed of 165 m.iles per hour CONFIDSI'TTIAL NACA'ACRNo. Ll+LOy CONFIDENT T....L 5 (2) Nonral T:.ower at Indicated airspeed of l60 miles -oer hour (5) Normal power at indicated airspeed of 165 miles per hour ';^he climb at military power v/as terminated at the relacively low iHitaie of 25,000 feet te'^:^.Ll,<:e of insufficient eac^-;:,ne cooling indicated by nigr-. cylinder- head 'ceniperat-ure . High-speed tests.- Each high-speed run was made at value 'T of en£-ine~~3pe5d. torque, indicated airspeed, and pressure altitude selected to produce a desired combination of values of aii-Dlane I,"ach number, propeller advance - diamecer ratio, and power coefficient. Because the air- olane v.-as usvxaily either or diving during a run, only engine speed, torque, and airspeed coula be fixed. These values were therefore held constant as the airplane passed through the desired altitude, when a shore record ■.vas taken. The low-speed runs (''I '~ O.5), used as a basis for determining the effects of compressibility, were miade in the same manner as the high-speed runs. REDUCTION 07 DAT. True airsDeed, airplane Mach number, and air density were obtained by standard reduction methods from the recorded values of imoact oressure, static pressure, and indicated free -air temperature. Engine speed, torque, and propeller blade angle were recorded directly. Propeller povi?er coefficient was calcultited by the formula Cp - pn^D'^ ProTjeller-tip Mach numbei' was obtained from the equation .t = v^ . (5) , r percc-nt. By I'educing the power coefficient at essentially the sairie advance-dian'e tsr ratio, as in the normal -pov;er climb at an indicated airspeed of l60 miles per hour (fig. 5)» the propeller efficiency is increased to approximately 80 percent. An additional gain in efficiency of about 5 oercent is achieved by Increasing the airplane speed and thereby increas-*_ng bhe advance -dianieter ratio, as in the climb of figure o. These gains in efficiency are due primarily to reductions in the section lift coef- ficients that cause the sections to operate at lift-diag ratios anoroaching the optimum.. The climb perform.ance of the airplane is, of course, not im.proved bj the increase in nroDeller efficiency because of the large reduction in oovver required to effect the Increase. Jn order to improve the airplane climb oerform.ance , a prorieller designed to absorb military power at these higher section lift-drag ratios is necessary; in effect, an increase in solidity is required. H igh-3'oeed test s.- In order to determine tiie effects of compressibility on prooeller operation at constant power, two series of i-uns v.'ere made at airplane ¥ach numbers ranging from .Ij- to O.7. One series v^as made at a povver coefficient of about 0.33> which corresponds apnroximatel;^ to military-power operation at critical altitude {^'J.OOb ft). The second series v.-as made at a pov^er coefficient of about O.29, \mich corresponds to m.ilitary oower at an altitude of about iSjOOO feet. The data obtained in these tests are given in table II. The pi-cpeller ex'f iciencies measured at high speeds are compared in figure 8 with the efficiencies measured at low spced (F ~ O.J) in runs covering the same ranges of power coefficient and advance-diameter ratio. The lowf-speed tests are surrmiarized in figure 9> v.'hich shows the variation of propeller efficiency with power coefficient and advance-diameter ratio. CONFIDENTIAL NACa ACR No. lI^LO? CONFIDENTIAL 9 At the oroDeller s-oeed used, in the runs of figure 8, losses in efficiency due to compressibility apparently tegln at an airolane Mach number below O.Li, increase steadily, and reach 10- to 1]. percent at an airplane Mach number of U.7. The corresponding propeller-tip Kach numbers range from about O.95 to I.07. The effect of propeller- tip Mach number on efficiency is shown in figure 10, in which the ratio of high-speed efficienc7f to low-speed efficiency is given as a function of >he high-speed propeller-tip Mach numoer. Figure 10 shows that losses in efficiency begin at Mt = 0.38, which is in close agreement v/ith the results of the climb tests. The efficiency loss due to compressibility is shov/n to increase at the rate of about 7 percent for an increase of 0.1 in tip Kach number. Thrust-grading curves of runs at a power coefficient of 0.35 3-1^6 presented in figure 11. As in the climb runs, only the right side of the propeller disk shows any apprecisble compressibility loss (fig. 11(a)). As the Mach num.ber is increased, nowever, compressibility losses also beconi.e evident on the left side (fig. 11(b)). With further increase in Mach number, the losses becom.e larger and extend inboard over a greater portion of the propeller blade. The thrust-grading cui'-ve of a run made at an airolane Mach number of about O.5 and at a reduced rotational speed is presented in figure 12. The advance- diameter ratio and oower coefficient are approxim.ately the sam=e as those of figure 11(f), The marked difference in the shape . of these grading curves indicates the extent of the losses in the high-speed run of figure 11(f). Figure 12 may also be com.oared vi'lth figure 11(b). These two runs were made at roughly the same power coefficient and airplane Mach number. The curves for the two runs illustrate how compressibility losses may be reduced by decreasing the propeller rotational speed and thereby reducing the section Mach numbers. By reducing the rotational speed, the propeller efficiency is increased about L percent or about one -half the Increase to be expected from the reduction in tip Maeh number alone (fig. 10). This difference indicates that the propeller- tip Mach numiber alone does not determine the magnitude of the comipressibility losses. CONFIDENTIAL 10 CONFIDENTIAL MCA ACR Ho. I^-LO? The effect of loading on the prupeller efficiency at high sneed was investigated "by making a series of runs at an airrilane I.iach number of about 0.7 and constant nrooeller speed with varying r)ower. The results of these tests are compared in figure IJ with the results taken from figure 9 '^^ low-speed tescs at the same advance- dia?neter- ratio and pov,'er coefficients. The extrapolated, point in figure IJ was determined, by first extending the curve for the high-speed tests (Cp :: 0.55) in figure 8 to an airolane Mach number of 0.7 and an advance-diameter ratio of 2.6. The value of efficiency obtained was then corrected to an advance-diameter ratio of 2.7 by using the curve for the low-speed tests (Cp - 0.55) of" figure S. As the cower Is reduced the propeller efficiency decreases at both low and high speeds. The compressibility loss at high speed, as measured by the diffei-ence in high-speed and low-speed, efficiency, appears to be relatively independent of povver and is about 10 to li| percent throughout the rango investigated. The effect of compressibility is to reduce the lift coefficient for maximum section efficiency as the critical Lach number is exceeded. A decrease in po'vver would, consequently, be expected to cause a reduccion in comores sibi lity loss. In this case, however, some sections of the propeller are apinarently operating at approximiately maximum efficiency and som.e, at lift coef- ficients above those for efficiency. Under such circuniPtances a reduction in power would result in a decrease in efficiency of sections and an improvement in efficiency in others; the over-all effect vould be only a small change in compressibility loss. Figure lU shows that the tip sections are operating at highest efficiency at high Dower, since' as the power is reduced the tip sections prodvice a decreasing amiount of thrust in comparison with tne inboard sections. Some gain in high-speed efficiency could rrobably be obtained by an adjucjtment in load distribution. A comparison of the results of the high-speed and low-speed tests indicates that. In order to prevent large losses in efficiency, blade-section Mach numbers m.ust be limited by reducing the rotational speed. At the sam.e time, however, any adverse effect due to the increase in section lift coel'f icients necessary to absorb the same engine power at a lower rotational speed must be avoided by a proper increase in propeller solidity. CONFIDENTIAL NACA ACR No. Li|L07 CONFIDENTIAL 11 CONCLUSIONS Plight tests of the Gurtiss No. 7li4.-lC2-12 four- blade propeller on a Republic P-ij-YC airplane indicated the following conclusions: 1. In climbs at an indicated airspeed of 165 miles per hour^ from S to 8 percent was lost in efficiency by- increasing from normal to military power, primarily because of the reductions in section lift-drag ratio that resulted from increased operating lift coefficients. 2. '\i1:ith military DOwer, losses in efficiency due to compressibility started at an airplane Mach number less than, increased steadily, and reached 10 to 11 percent at an airplane Mach number of 0.7. Compressi- bility losses becajue evident whenever the propeller-tip Mach number exceeded about 0.88, and the propeller efficiency docreased at a rate of about 7 percent for an increase of 0.1 in tip I.Tach number. 3. At an airplane Mach number of O.7, a reduction in engine power below military power resulted in a lower propeller efficiencjr, but the loss in efficiency due to compressibility (based on low-speed tests at a corre- sponding advance-dlam.eter ratio) was relatively independent of power. Ij.. By suitably increasing the solidity and reducing the rotational speed, an improvement in the propeller efficiency in both climb and high-speed operation m.ay be possible . Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics Langley I-'leld, Va . REFERENCE 1. Vogeley, A. W , : Flight Measurements of Compressi- bility Effects on a Three-Blade Thin Clark Y Propeller Operating at Constant Advance-Diameter Ratio and Blade Angle. NACA ACR No. 3G12, I9I4.5 . CONFIDENTIAL I NACA ACR No. L4L07 12 TABLE I PLIGHT DATA OBTAINED FROM CLIMB TESTS OP CURTISS NO. 711^.-102-12 POUR-BLADE PROPELLER Pig. Run J Cp Cip Tl n (rps) K 1 * t a (dag) h 29-1 °:l't 0.11^6 0.122 0.783 22.52 .235 0. .240 812 0, 025 26.6 k 29-2 .179 .1S7 .159 .ili5 .750 22.65 818 858 28.4 k 29-3 29-U .99 :?^^ 22.62 246 823 . 805 28.9 h 1.02 .200 .151 22.14 264 82S . 845 756 29.9 h 29-5 1.05 .212 'I5k .761 22.50 22.1+4 799 50.8 h 29-6 1.08 .230 .160 .750 .264 662 51.6 k 29-7 29-8 1.12 .238 .162 .758 22.57 §50 629 52.4 k 1.15 .253 .165 .736 .7^ 22.54 ,290 §^9 592 55.5 ^4.5 k 29-9 1.19 .273 .289 •^71 22.49 .306 g^5 555 k 29-10 1.22 .178 .749 22.61 .520 . 882 512 .489 55.2 h 29-11 1.26 .302 .179 .7U8 22.49 .554 .896 56.2 3, 7(a) 20-1 .9U .11^0 .116 .779 .798 21.21 225 782 968 26.4 27.6 28.6 5 20-2 .99 .150 .121 21.29 .237 .240 .790 . 903 5. 7(b) 20-3 20-It. 1.00 .165 .132 .lll6 .799 .810 21.56 795 858 5 1.06 .191 21.20 .254 792 812 775 50.2 5, 7(c) 20-5 1.08 .189 .140 .798 .802 21.52 .263 751 50.4 5 20-6 1.09 .195 .11^3 21.73 .271 828 692 .648 51.1 5, 7(d) 20-7 20-8 1.15 .213 .150 .806 21.49 .284 825 52.2 5 1.17 .228 .156 .799 21.50 .290 849 .610 52.q 5, 7(e) 20-9 1.20 .2l|0 •1^? .790 .813 21.74 .302 . .566 Hi 5 20-10 1.26 .261 .168 21.52 21.45 517 .852 .528 5, 7(f) 20-11 1.28 .272 .168 .791 525 . §52 .506 .467 35. 3 5, 7(g) 20-12 1.36 I.UI .303 .178 •799 .808 21.15 21.14 542 861 57.0 5 20-15 20-14 20-15 .518 .135 357 374 424 37.. 8 5 5, 7(h) It ■M .185 .136 .786 .787 .816 21.48 :Wb 891 920 'M 39.1 4o.o 6 18-1 1.00 .lU5 .113 21.25 M .780 M 27.2 28.0 6 18-2 1.01 .158 .126 .809 21.57 788 6 18-3 18-II 1.07 .171 .133 .858 21.16 .254 786 .852 29.0 6 1.11 .196 .157 .111.5 .820 21.56 .264 794 764 726 50.2 6 18-5 1.15 .81^7 21.22 .274 792 - 818 50.7 6 18-6 1.16 .205 .1I4.9 .81+5 21.55 .283 . 294 685 51.6 6 18-7 1.20 .220 .155 .833 21.50 21.45 825 645 6o4 52.4 6 18-6 l.Pli 1.28 .257 .156 .819 305 . §?5 . 845 . m 6 18-9 .252 .163 .822 21.45 .517 . 565 6 18-10 1.32 .269 .168 .822 21.57 . 550 . 544 . 851 . 551 499 55.5 6 18-11 1.51; .279 .170 .819 21.60 874 56.2 6 18-12 1.37 .296 .176 .811 21.48 550 • 875 . ^70 57.2 58.3 6 18-13 18-lli. .320 .178 .791 21.51 . 568 . 8S2 . 458 6 iM .332 .181 .808 21.58 . 589 . 4o5 . 922 . ^91 584 ?9-2 40.4 6 18-15 1.5^ 1.5b .366 .191 .801 21.40 . 922 6 18-16 .379 .186 .761; 21.65 1|?,0 , 952 557 41.2 NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE POR AERONAUTICS NACA ACR No. L4L07 13 TABLE II PLIGHT DATA OBTAINED PROM HIGH-SPEED TESTS OP CURTISS NO. 7li<--lC2-12 POUR-BLADE PROPELLER Wg. Run J Cp Crp T| n (rpa) M Mt (deg) 11(a) 24-6 1.59 o.5i;5 0.171 0.792 22.62 0.451 0.952 0.416 59.8 11(b) 24-5 1.8U .5i^7 .151 .801 22.47 .U95 .979 .416 u.u 11(c) 24-1 2.08 .552 .I5i; .786 22.44 .557 1.009 .41B hk.l 11(d) 2I4.-2 2.21 .551 .121 .759 22.46 .59!^ 1.055 .J|22 1^5.5 11(e) 24-5 2.45 .558 .107 .755 22.50 .655 1.064 .422 U7.5 11(f) 2k-k 2.47 .51^6 .099 .708 22.48 .666 1.077 452 i+7.9 ll+(a) 17-1 2.69 .ikk .021 .595 22.62 .711 1.092 .576 17-2 2.77 .151 .026 .482 22, OS .712 1.075 .560 17-5 2.70 .164 .050 .500 22.52 .702 1.079 .575 ll^(b) 17-1^ 2.75 .176 .051 .1^76 22.20 .706 1.077 .569 17-5 2.75 ,204 .040 .5i+5 22.05 .705 1.069 .557 18-17 2.68 .216 .051 .656 22.50 .701 1.078 .559 1^7.8 ll+(c) 13-18 2.67 .221 .046 .557 22.28 .695 1.070 .545 1+7.8 20-18 2.58 .256 .060 .609 25.51 .699 1.100 .551 1+7.2 ll4.(d) 21-9 2.68 .282 .071 .672 22.42 .695 1.071 .51+1 21-10 2.55 .290 .080 .704 22.45 .662 1.047 .521 21-11 2.52 .292 .096 .758 22.47 .604 1.015 .525 21-12 2.14 .291 .108 .797 22.41 .554 .984 .527 21-15 1.95 .295 .122 .805 22.49 .508 .960 .515 12 12-1 2.5U .550 .109 .842 17.81 .505 .805 .716 NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS NACA ACR No. L4L07 Pig- 1 r/^ure I.-B/oc/e-form curtres- for Curhss /Vo. 7/4--/C2'/Z four- b/ac/e py-ope//er: NACA ACR No. L4L07 Fig. 2 'Each rake Con fains 2G ioial pressure -hubes NATIONAL ADVISORY COMKiniE FOR AEliONAUIKS Figure Z.- Locaf ion oi propeller and survey/ rakes or a. f?epu bhc P-4-7C airplane. NACA ACR No. L4L07 Fig. .—I I o r— I I m w ■M -p • u w 3 0) o ^ cd (ri kl x; >2 +j (U •H > s S-, =s XJ w (U a.T3 a- c •H td =! cr u QJ 0) r-t OJ M G OJ ct3 p. rH o U i-> S-i (X • H cd (D Td o cd D- M 1 ^ I a, 1 d o o •H t(-i rH Xi :i (X (D Pi 1 CO (D S-i 3 to fJACA ACR No. L4L07 Fig. fi,deg J 35 .30 .25 .20 .15 .18 .16 .// .12 90 rj, percent gO 70 1.0 .9 Mi. Cr ,o — — n o G n Q _^ O ■ o — o o M -— o— -G o ■^ — — o- Q- -o- NA COMMI' riONAL TEE FOR iDVISORY AERONAI TICS '^ 8 12 16 Densjfy al+ifude , ff 20 24 28 x 10^ Figure 4-.- Milifarij -poller climb of an indicated airspeed of /6S mi/es per hour. Curhss No. 7J4--IC2-f2 four- blade propeller on J?e public P-47C airpJane. NACA ACR No. L4L07 ■Fig. 5 /3 ,deg J Ct r),perrxnf Mt M 30 80 70 1.0 .9 .8 .7 .4 J o ^ 3 P) o- 00 a , ^ '■ 3- ^ TT— tj O— ^ ^ o — _<,- G -- ^^ ^-^ NATI lOMMITT )NAL a; ;e for / VISORY ERONAUl CS 8 /Z J6 20 Densiiy alfi+ude, ff 24- Z8 SZ x/O" F/gure S.- A/ormaf-potver climb at an mdicafed airspeed of /60 niiJe^s per hour. Cur+iss A/o. 7/4-/C2-I2 four -blade propeller on Pepubhc P-47C a/rp/ane. NACA ACR L4L07 Fig. /3, deg 8 IZ 16 20 Dens/fy alfifude , ff SZx/0^ f/gure 6- Normal -po^er climb ai an ind/cafed airspeed of /6S miles per hour. Curfiss No. TI'!}--IC2-I2 -Four- blade propel/e/- on fPepublic P-4-7C airplane.. NACA ACR No. L4L07 Figs. 7a, b .J 5 ■' -I (a) Ran 20-/. ■§ to ^.^R'lghf survey J = 1.00 .Cp = J65 Ct = J32 r) =.799 M =.^40 Mt=.793 (b) Run 20-3. Figune 7.- Thrusf-gradjng cunres for cJ/mh at normal poi^er. /ndicafed airspeed , JGO rnjles per hour. NACA ACR No. L4L07 Figs. 7c, d K ^ .3 .2 .1 -./ .J ^ ^ -I QJ J = /.08 .Cp = J89 Cr = J40 yw = .2£3 .Mt = SI 2 Cc) Pun 20 -S. - (b ^/^/?f suryey — ---^4^°T-^ --L J — J =/./J Ct ^150 y) -=.806 M = .28^ NATIIINAL AD/ISORY qOMMITTiE FOR A ;R0NAUTCS -®— *- /^ ^o^; ^un 20-7. Figure 7. " Conf/nuedL NACA ACR No. L4L07 Figs. 7e,f k ^ ^ ^ ^ (e) /?an 20-S- (■f) R'un 20-/1. Figure. ~7.- Continued. NACA ACR No. L4L07 Figs. 7g,h k ^ K Vi ^ (g) Pun 20-/2. J =1.36 Cp = .JOJ\ Ct = J78 >7 =-.799 M =.;54-Z Mt=££/ 9 « J. 2 rh) Run 20'IS. Figure 7. - Concluded ■ MACA ACR No. L4L07 Fig. 8 § § S -* '"' m s s "a I o 00 § -^ ^ rK No ^3c( '■U^houaioi.f^s ja/iadojfj NACA ACR No. L4L07 Fig. 9 <3 (0 5; -k «^ to s: > ^. 0) Qj .(b 1 ^ u 1 '^^ cv-^ ^ ^ ^ pd3d9 tfdiof ^v U NACA ACR No. L4L07 Figs. 11a, b \3 ~<5 'Xs :/ J- - /.S9 Cp = .34-3 Ct= J7/ M - .4-31 Mi = .952 (a) Ruh 2^-G . NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMinEE FOR AERONAUTICS Cb) k-'un 24-5. Figure //. - Thrust -grading cun/es for Cp~0.3S. NACA ACR No. L4L07 Figs. llc,d Cc) Run 24-1. "55 .2 J -I (d) Run Z4-2, Figure II. - Continued. NACA ACR No. L4L07 Figs . lie, f J = 2.451 Cp = . JJ<9 ^ = .73S M = .656 Mt=l.06A- (e) Run Z4-3 ff) Run 2^-'^. Figure II. ~ Concluded. NACA ACR No. L4L07 Fig. 12 -^ ^ > ^ ^. oq II II ii II n M w CO 9 ^/S^ 96tD (9Sr?J ^ ^i 1' ■'DP I I NACA ACR No. L4L07 Fig. 13 N 1 s en 1 \ 10 SORY tONAUTK lAL ADV FORAE g NATIO \ CJ> \ \ 1 \ O - NT-/ / o \o < o o \ ) $5 I \ N 5 -v. 5 % ^ ^o ^ ^ V) 5: QJ ^o «J .■«N s^ V qj Cft k «V >5i» ' ~N^ . -^ s^ <0 y ^ . k ^R s o 3 .?. <1 c c 7 =>^.7J C^P = ./76 Ct= .031 7 =.47^ ^,-^^ --. P'B<1>m^ /T\ /fc / 1 / ^- /. \ ■■■■ X 2 3 / /- z -1 1 G + / // «. 7 1 NATI ;OMMin )NAL A[ I FOR A VISORY LKONAUT cs Figure /4-.~ ThroLsi- grading curi/es for runs af J-^^JO and M<^0.7. NACA ACR No. L4L07 Figs. 14c, d K O Cp = .2ZI Cr^.04e n ^.-567 M = .693 Mt= 1.070 (c) Pun I9-J8. (d) Pan 21-9. Figut'C /■4-. — Concluded. ii UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08106 554 1 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA DOCUMENTS DEPARTMENT 120 MARSTON SCIENCE LIBRARY PO. BOX 117011 GAINESVILLE, FL 32611-7011 USA « « 'i/