i;<«^%^ UBRARY STATE PLANT BOARlra__.^^ f UiFlTZD STAT3S DEP/OtT: lElIT OF AGHICUL'TURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Q,uarantiae Y/ashintiton, D. C. B. S. P. q.- 398 June 1, I936. PLAi\iT-:iUAaAIi'?INS IMPORT RIJSV'llICTICNS OF Tl-S P:-iSI'3CH CCLOilY C? /SIJ CALEDOIIIA AiiD iJiPliKDEHGIZS <'- -• Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/plantquarantinei00unit_23 U:jITJD STA'P^S DSPiLRTllSNT OF AiJRICUL'njRiJ Bureau of Entoriiolog;/- and Plajit 'Quarantine Washinj^ton, D. C, B. I:^. P. q.-398 Jmie 1, I936, PLANT •^UABAiJTIifii: Ii»l.'OHT 5JSTHICTI0NS OF THB FHiJi.CK COLONY OF iffiW CALEDONIA AiiD DSPiJxaDEHCISS This sui.raary of the plant quarantine im;oort restrictions of the French Colony of Nev/ Grledonia .ind its Dependencies has iDeen prepared for the infon.iation of nurser/.aen, plant quarantine officials, and others interested in the exportation of plants and plaiit products to that colony. It was prepared "by Harry B. Shav;, Plant Q,uarantine Inspector, in Charge of Foreign Information Service of the Division of Foreign Plant Q,uarantines, from his translation of Decree No, 103 C, January 27. 193^. The information contained in this circular is helieved to be correct and complete up to the time of preparation, "but it is not intended to "be used independently of, nor as a substitute for, the original text, and it is not to "be interpreted as legally authori- tative. LEE A. STRONG, Chief, Bureau of Entoraology and Plant Quarantine, UNITED STATES DEPARTIffiNT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Pl.a4it Q,uarantine . Washington, ...p. C« , B. 2. P. q.-393 June 1, I936. PLANT-qUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS • OP THE ... c ■ FRENCH COLONY OF NEW CALEDONIA (Including the Futuna, Alofi, Huan, Loyalty, and Wallis Islands and the Isle of Pines. ) Governor's Decree No. IO3 C, January 27, 193^- Importation Restricted Article 1. The importation into New Caledonia and its Dependencies of roots, seeds, flower bulbs, earth, and vegetable manures, and other similar goods, as well as packing mn,terials that have served for their transportation, is subject to the following restrictions: Phytosanitary Certificate Required Art. 2, The products named in the preceding article imist be accompanied by a shipper's declaration and a certificate issued by the competent authority of the place of origin, and in certain cases visaed by the consular authority, wherein it is stated that in the country of origin no injurious diseases or parasites are present in the kinds of products imported. Disinfection may be Required Art. 3« The imported products, in order to be admitted into the Colony, without reference to their origin, may be subjected to disinfec- tion, for which the Administration of the Colony will establish regula- tions. - 2 - All imported plants, grains, or products which on arrival are found to he infected or attacked hy parasites, must he destroyed at the expense of the importers. Entry Unrestricted Art. h. Agricultural and horticultural products, kitchen vegetables, grains, and fruits ixitended for consumption are free from the preceding provisions. Art. 5' Seeds intended for food purposes are not subject to any special regulation. Importation Prohibited Art. 6. Tile importation of coconuts, seed hulls of coconut palms, and basket-raaking goods of coconut palm leaves that originate outside the Archipelago of New Caledonia and the Loyalty Islands, into Hew Caledonia and its Dependencies is absolutely prohibited. Every product of this kind that is seized on arrival in No-umea shall be destroyed by burning. Potatoes must be Certified Art. 7» Potatoes will be admitted to entry only when accompa- nied by a phytosanitary certificate issued by an authorized official of the exporting country and affirming that they were inspected on shipment and were free from any kind of pest. Tubers found on entry to be infected are to be returned or destroyed. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA III 3 1262 09241 7764