: PLANT BOARD f—- 1*-^ / STATE PLANT BOARD imiTED STATES DEPARTMSKT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Antonio lo£;y cind plant Quarantine TTashington, D.C. B. E. P. Q.— 449 May 20, 1937, FLAKT-QUAPAKTIKE II.1P0HT RESTRICTIONS OF IRAK (PERSIA) iraiTED STATES DEPARTMEKT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D-C. B. E. P. Q.— 449 May 20, 1937, PLAKT-QUARAKTIKE IIvIPORT RESTRICTIONS OE IRAN (PERSIA) This abstract of the plant-quarantine import restrictions of Iran has "been prepared for the information of nurserymen, plant quaran- tine officials, and others interested in the exportation of plants and plant products to that country. It T/as prepared "by Harry B. Shaw, Plant Quarantine Inspector, in Charge of Foreign Information Service, Division of Foreign Plant Qaaran- tines, from his translation of the German text published in Amtliche Pflanzenschutzbestiramungen VIII: 3, May 1, 1936, of Decision No. 7876 of the Council of xMinisters of Iran, October 22, 1314 (Jan. 1-2, 1936) and compared Yiith a translation of the Irardan text furnished "by the American Legation in Teheran. The information contained in this circular is believed to be correct and complete up to the time of preparation, but it is not in- tended to be used independently of, nor as a substitute for, the original text. iLEE A. STRONG^, Entomology and/Plant/Q.uarantine . PLANT-QUAEMTINE IMPORT RESTRICTICKS • • OF IPJffl (PERSIA) Decision of the Council of Ministers, No. 7876, January 1-2, 193 6. Import Permit Required for Plant Material Article 1. The importation of any kind of plants, shrubs, seeds, fruit pits, bulbs, roots, stems, cattings, tubers, branches, fruits, or other pa.rts of plants may be effected only with the previous permission of the Department of Agriculture. NOTE: The Department of Agriculture is authorized at any time, and for an unlimited period, to prohibit the importation of any kind of plants, seeds, fruit pits, bulbs, roots, stems, cuttings, tubers, branchei fraits, and other parts of plants from any country deemed advisable. Phytosanitary Certificate Required Art. 2, The permission to import may be granted on condition that the exporting country possesses an authoritative organization for combat- ting plant diseases and that the official plant protection service of that country has issued a phytosanitary certificate. Frontier Ports of Entry Art. 3. The frontier offices at which the above-mentioned plant material VTill be inspected and through which it may bo imported will be designated by the Department of Agriculture. Importation of Potatoes and Cottonseed Prohibited Art. 4. The importation of potatoes and cottonseed intended for private persons and firms, for any purposes, is prohibited. Only the Department of Agriculture can undertake the importation of the necessary quantity for seed requirements with due regard to technical consideratioj 2 - Presence of Disease to Be Eeported UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA llllllliillllilllilllilllilllllilll 3 1262 09244 7431 Art. 5. TJhoever imports the kinds of plants mentioned in Article 1, under the provisions of these regulations, in the event that a disease is determined, is in duty bound to inform the Department of Agriculture at once and send to it a specimen for examination and the determination of the disease. Art. 6. The headquarters for the examination and disinfection of seeds will he determined hy the Department of Agriculture. Art. 7. Relates to the domestic control of plant diseases. Inspection on Arrival Art. 8.- All customs officers are required, on inspecting any kind of plants, seeds, fruit pits, bulbs, roots, stems, cuttings, tubers, branches, fruits, and other parts of plants that enter by mail, with trav- elers, or by other means, to act as follows: (a) If importation is permitted, the conditions prescribed in the permit must be complied with. (b) If importation was made without special authorization (that is, without previous permission by the Department of Agriculture) or through a port or frontier office other than that desi.piated by the Department, the customs authorities are in duty bound to confiscate the said plants, notify the importer and, after preparing a report of the action and sending a copy to the Department of Agriculture, they must destroy the plants. Arts. 9 and 10. Relate to the domestic control of plant diseases.