fe.l OJ B. 1 United Stales Department of HI Kl VI 01 i N fOMOl OG1 ami PI AN I (jl NOTICE OF QUARANTINE NO. 60 (REV HAW Ml v\ AM) PI KKK) KH AN Ql ARANTINE CQ\ BRING SAND, SOIL. OK EARTH, WITH PLAN1 - IMKOIH CTOR1 NOTE \ Quarantine N riginally prohibited the movement of plants In s(»ii from tin- Territories oi Hawaii and Puerto Rico i«» the mainland, informa- tion accumulated since thiv quarantine was tir-t promulgated Indicates that. um.er Batislactory safeguards, plants In >• to the plant quarantine Inspector thai the soil about the plants has eriliaed <»r otherwise treated thai pesl risk is eliminated, thai it is . h nature thai there is do pes! risk, or that the safeguards erected around •ucb s,.ii arc adequate to preclude pesl escape. Lee A. Str<»- Chief, Bureau 0/ Entomology and Plant Quarani NOTICE OF QUARANTINE NO. 60 (REVISED) [UH UIAN AND PUERTO RICAN QUARANTINE COVERING SAND, SOII* OR EARTH, WITH PLANTS (Approved Au?. it. 1986; effective Sept l. 1936) Whereas the Secretary of Agriculture, after holding the required public Ing, did Issue Notice of Quarantine No. 80, on February 19, 1926, In order to prevent the spread of certain Injurious Insects named therein, and did declare In, under the authority of the Planl Quarantine Ad of Augusl 20, 1912 amended, thai Band (other than clean ocean Band), soil, or earth around the roots of plants, should nol be shipped, offered for shipment ed for transportation or transported by a common carrier, or carried, transported, moved, or allowed i" be moved from the Territories of Puerto Rico and Hawaii. Into <>r through any other Stal l torrid of the Di Ited States ; and Whereas it i- now believed thai plants in sand, soil, <»r earth originating In U or Puo which are carried Cor ornamental purposes on \- Dg the territorial wat< atinental United States, may be al main on hoard, under certain conditions and safeguards, withaui r>k of tfi named In the said Notice of Quarantine N 80, and that ■ No i M L Wilson, Acting Secretary of Agriculture, under Q rantine Ad « : 2S9, 1912, the requln d ; d duly given, and having determined thai it - quarantine Itoriea of Hawaii and Puerto B revent the sprei UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1282 08721 6106 earth about the roots of plants, of Immature stages of . Including PhyUophaga spp. (white grubs), Phytalut reral species of termites or white ants, new to and doI dent or distributed within and throughout the Dnited e said Territories of Hawaii and Puerto Rico, effective l. 1986, Thereafter, pursuant to the provisions of 20, 1912, sand (other than clean ocean sand), soil, or ~^SL± ro uml >^ ro / s ° r Plants, shall not be shipped, offered for shipment J.o a^ QMmwr caltiy received for transportation, or transported by a common jrrtH', carried, transported, moved, or allowed to be moved from the Terri- tor>^oXJjtaivfrri and Puerto Bico Into or through any other state Territory or District Of the United States: Provided, That this prohibition shall not apply to sand. sod. or earth around the roots of plants winch are earned, for orna- mental purposes, on vessels into mainland ports of the Dnited States and which are not Intended to be landed thereat, when evidence is presented satis- factory to the Inspector of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine of the Department of Agriculture (a) that such sand. soil, or earth has be processed or is of such nature that no pest risk is involved, or (b) that the plants with sand, soil, or earth around them are maintained on board under such safeguards as will preclude pest escape. The prohibition of this quarantine shall not apply to the movement of sand soil, or earth around the roots of plants moved from the Territories of Hawaii and Puerto Bico for experimental or scientific purposes bj the United states Department of Agriculture. Effective September 1, 1936. this notice of quarantine revises and supersedes Notice of Quarantine No. 60. approved February 19. 1926, which became effective March 1, 11)26. Done at the city of Washington this 14th day of August 1936. Witness my hand and the seal of the United states Depart- ment Of Agriculture. Acting Secretary of Agriculture. U S GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: ItSC