CHEMISTRY Or WOOD VIII. Further Studies of Sapiuccd and Heartuuccd June 1926 No. R917 L OF FORM Li UNIVERSITY OF FLC UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATORY Madison, Wisconsin In Cooperation with the University of Wisconsin Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 CHEMISTRY OF WOOrA VIII. — Further Studies of Sapwood and Heartwood By G-. J. RITTER, Chemist and L. C. FLECK, Associate Chemist The present paper represents a continuation of a previous study of the chemistry of sapwood and heartwood- to determine whether any additional generalizations can he made in grouping hardwoods and softwoods on the "basis of chemical differences between sapwood and heartwood. The methods of analysis are identical with those used in former experiments of this series. 2 The determinations were made in duplicate, and the average of each pair of determinations is shown in the accompanying table. Discussion of Results o The results confirm the conclusions stated in the sixth paper— of this series, to the effect that softwoods form a single group having high relative amounts of extractives in the heartwood. Also, with only one exception, the softwoods here reported exhibit another characteristic in common with those reported in paper VI, in that the high extractives in the heartwood are accompanied "by low percentages of lignin and cellulose. In the exceptional case of white spruce the lignin and cellulose content is approximately the same in sapwood and heartwood. The hardwoods, also in accord with the findings of the earlier paper,— are distributed between two groups having high relative amounts of extractives in the sapwood and heartwood, respectively. The acetic acid obtained by acid hydrolysis is uniformly higher in the sapwood than in the heartwood of both hardwoods and softwoods. By the results here reported more species have been fitted into the scheme of classification advanced in the sixth paper of the series. ^Presented before the Division of Cellulose Chemistry at the 66th meeting of the American Chemical Society, Milwaukee, Vis., Sept. 10 to Ik, 1923 . -Industrial & Engineering Chemistry, 15, 1055 (1923). ^Ibid., Ik, 1050 (1922). Rept. No. R917 -1- Whether additional groups of softwoods exist is a question that can he answered only after a larger number of species have been analyzed. Com- bining results for the hardwoods listed in the sixth and the present paoer, it is seen that Group A (with high extractives in the sapwood) includes white ash, pignut hickory, red alder, red mulberry, sugar maple, and catalpa; Group B (with high extractives in the heartwood) includes yellow-poplr.r, yellow birch, white oak, red oak, locust, and eucalyptus. Conclusions 1. In softwoods the water, ether, and alkali extracts are higher in the heartwood than in the sapwood, and the cellulose and lignin are cor- respondingly lower in the heartwood (except in white spruce, in which cellulose-lignin content is approximately the same in the two bands of growth) . 2. On the basis of water, ether, and alkali extractives, hardwoods are divided into two groups: (a) those with high extractives in the sap- wood, and (b) those with high extractives in the heartwood. The former have low cellulose in the sapwood, the latter low cellulose in the heart- wood. 3. Acetic acid by hydrolysis is higher in the sapwood than in the heartwood of all the woods. Rept. No. R917 -2- o - a - 2— - N — n x D3 CNci M N — -. z — CO 01 co ci o — coco (Mo O 1.-5 — -4 Nt £1 — 01 •"?• -~ 2 = U r. 01 N co co o -8« c* -r too so® oooco o — •& o to x o o cocm ••to O * •* i.O O — OO (NOO 00 ^ ^* ^* CO cm cm coo N x — X —lO O o ^CN^CO nooo — NOCOOI COOO N *1. rico ■3 = - ,- 5 ' — CO CO ;•- X N '2 -- E«S 0C^ — (N tN -h — co O O -"tt" Tf ox -r f o f n to OO — — Tf-O coco io x xx -- oi — — c ON • • o o CO O-h ■ CO O CO O -V — < CO 00 00 N00 co c o o O O "-C rt> coo — NCI^ICI COOC t- OC0ON NC0 oo 00 X oo o oo oo ■q. ~h o O ON 10 CO OON C !0 o ^ CI i.O oo — X ■—CI O X tC N i0 -h XX oo CO -I O CM CO O rf X-* C O O O O CM >.0 ■ NX" OCOi CO c ■ c-cc ? 13 2 c: E - o o - — CI = CI CI -CIC4 CI CI N O OXNN — ci co -j< OOOO .CM CI CI d CO TJ< CM CM CI CI o — C0 0< O-H act- o o CM 0* CMC! O CO CO NX CI CI CM CI n *r O N CO o ■*x oo -hn ■*co o o CM CO CM CS CO X CM X CI O Z i.O ■>* O ^H oo OOO O O — CI IN C< - !|g -o TO •o TO? 5?^ .. TO >>T0§ TO , o _ V TO O of 3 o f ..o'o* So* o,oJ TO TO ho TO V TO 9> 3 • * s O- ™ -M Q. rt 2 to U 2 * •• s 55 05 TO w ca " T3 TO o __ o T3 o TO •■ o > o > 2o£o* 2 s i- fc b aa a C9 „ g-ai O UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 3 1262 09216 2998