e/2 Chile UNITED STATES DEPAETMENT OF AGRICULTUEE Agricultural Research Administration Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington 25, D. C. B.E.P.Q. 511, Supplement No. 2 February 9, 19^9 PLANT -QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS of the REPUBLIC OF CHILE . Ministry of Agriculture, Law No. 9,006 SeptemlDer 8, 19^18 Published in the Diario Oficial and Effective Octoher 9, 19^8 -. PLANT QUARANTINE LAW This new plant quarantine law of Chile revokes the Decree-Law No. I77 of December 31, 1924, some of which was quoted on page 1 of B.E.P.Q. 5II under the heading BASIC LAW. There is no indication that the General Regulations and Special Quarantines listed in B.E.P.Q. 5II have been changed, except as noted in Supplement No. 1. The present law is drawn up under six titles and k''{ articles.- Pertinent portions of the law follow . The law controls the importation, exportation and movement within Chile of agricultural products and products that might be harmful to them. Measures for the control of pests in Chile are included. Every plant product coming from a foreign country is subject to inspection by the Department of Plant Quarantine of the Bureau of Agriculture . All foreign commodities considered dangerous to plant life must be accompanied by a sanitary certificate and, when so required, a certificate of origin, both provided by the competent authorities of the country whence they come. Likewise exports of plant products from Chile must be certified for export by the Department of Plant Quarantine. The law applies to all plant products, including plants, cuttings, roots, stems, roots tocks, flowers, fruits, seeds, bark, wood, or any other part of a plant, in its natural state or processed, capable of harboring plant pests or of being such in itself; and to commodities dangerous to plants, including plant products, living organisms, containers, soil, and any other medium capable of being harmful itself or of ceirrying agricultural pests . Plant or agricultural pests are defined as any organism whether alive or of a special nature, such as a virus, capable of being harmful directly or indirectly to plants or their products. The methods of control provided under Law 9,006 include (1) quarantine or isolation "by the Department of Plant Quarantine for the period during which the material is potentially dangerous to plant life, or until it is decided whether it can or can not be safely imported into or transported within the country; (2) the elimination or destruction of all or a portion of commodities which may harbor or themselves constitute pests to plant products; and (3) treatments such as disinfection or di a infestation of commodities dangerous to plants in order to destroy the harmful agents of which they are the carriers, whether they are actually causing damage or disease or are simply accompanying the goods. If the degree of infection or infestation makes it necessary, the commodities may be reexported, confiscated or destroyed, at the expense of the importer. Other articles of Law 9,006 refer to the internal measures for the control of injurious insects and plant diseases in Chile, certification of Chilean products for export, inspection procedures, cooperation with Customs in the enforcement of the law, transit of plants and plant products, penalties, etc., all of domestic interest primarily. Acting Chief, Bureau of^llntomology and/^lant Quarantine