LIBRARY STATE PLANT BOARD May 1945 E-660 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY AND PLANT QUARANTINE A SECOND LIST OF PUBLICATIONS ON DDT by R. C, Roark Division of Insecticide Investigations - 2 - In June 1944 the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine issued a list of 174 articles on Di)T (l-trichloro-2,2-bis(£-chloro- phenyl) ethane) published from the time of its original synthesis in 1374 through April 3J, 1944, and a digest to accompany this list appeared in December (E-631) . This second list of publications on DDTT is designed to bring the bibliography of tnis subject up to date, and also to call attention to a few older publications that were over- looked at the time of compiling the first list. This second list includes 413 titles published not later than December 31, 1944. In all cases where no year of publication is given it is understood to be 1944, (1) ANONYMOUS. JlNB-A in Army louse powaerj U. S. Govt. Adver- tiser 62(19): 5. Aug. 5, 1943. (2) .. - ■ . Synthetic insectlcidal material. Aaer* Perfumer and Issential Oil Rev. U6(5>t 67* lov. I9U3. (3) — — By any other nan©, Chea. Indus* 53(7) X 902* Dee. I9U3. (U) — Battle with typhus in Maples* Spread of epideaic* The Tiaes (London) 9 Jan L5» P* 3* (5) — — DDT upsurge* Business Week 75^1 6 1-62* Peb* 12. (6) ■ 1 1 1 ?lght against typhus in Haples. Allied doctors* success* The Tiaes (London). Psb* 22* p. 3* (7) . . ■ ■ DDT production expanded, Chea. and Ingin. lews 22(U)t 25U. Feb. 25* (g) _ New way to kill flies* Skagit Co-op Dairyman 21(6): U* Feb* (9) — Da Pont DDT plant* Soap and Sanit* Chea. 20(2) 1 127* ?eb. (10) — — Hew synthetic insecticide. Chea. Trade Jour, and Chea. Bngln. llU(296U)i 265. Mar* 10* (11) ■■■— Synthetic insecticides* Chea. Trade Jour, and Chea. Kngln. llU(2966): 302. Mar. 2U. (12) — ... More aerosols promised* Chea. and Me tall. Kngln. 51(3): 86. Mar. (13) — « Insecticide for typhus. Chea. and Metall. Xngin. 51(3) 1 1^3 • Mar* (lh) . Kereulee to make "DDT." Soap and Chea. 20(3): 121. Mar* (15) n)T for the farm. Pathfinder 51(2622) t 25. Apr. 3. (16) — ■ ■■ More makers of TDT. Chem. Trade Jour, and Chem. Engln. llU(2968): 373. Apr. 7. -3 - (17) AI0BTM0U8* "Do you knovT" (Column) Sol* lews Letter ^5(l7)t 268. Apr* 22. (18) _ A new lneectlcide. U. 8* Army Ned* Dept. Bui. 75; 19-20* Apr. (19) _ Experiments with new lerrlcldes. Alaaoda County, Calif,, Mob quite Abatement District Amu Rpt. 19^3 » 5» Apr. (20) -~ For victory keep moths out of jour rugs— use DDT MERCK* (Cartoon) Merck Rev. 5(H) ? 16* Apr* (21) — . The discovery of "DDT** Chea* Trade Jour* and Chea. Bngln. 11U( 2973)l 509* May 12. (22) *»~ Sweating for a cause, (iditorial) Washington (D. C.) Poet. May 20, p. 6. (23) — Death to bugs. Bevsveck 23(22) t 81. May 29. (2V) —— Norwood firm disclosed as sole producer of "wonder" insecticide. Cincinnati Tines Star , Nay 31, p* 26* (25) Typhus fever in civilians in Italy* D. 8* Aray Med. Dept* Bui. 7^1 13*16. May. (26) — A new insecticide. I. J. Para and Garden 15(5) t 18. Nay. (27) — 8e descubre un nueve preduoto qulaleo que destroys la aoeea y la plaga de la coseehac. Rer. lac. de Agr. [Bogota ] 3«( u 7$)t U% Nay. (28) — White aaslc. Arthur D. Little. Inc., Indus. Bui. 200: 1-2. Nay* Reprinted under title "Synthetic insecticides" in Chea. trade Jour, and Chea. Bngln. 115(2981) t 21. July 7. (29) _ Insecticide pr obi ens* Chea* and Netall* Bngln. 51(5) t 80. Nay. (50) — The conquest of typhus* (iditorial) lev York Sunday Times , June \ % See. U, p. B-8* (31) — Typhus curbed ae soldier peril la invasion areas, says Oen. Vox* Washington, D* C, Evening Star, June 8. p. B*lU. Also under sla&lar title Washington (D* C.) Poet. June 8. p. 11* (32) — - Double dellrlua treaens threatens plant insects* The inside story about DDT. What it has done for the forces and what it any do for plantsaen. Florists 1 Bxch. 102(24) j 9. June 10. - U _ (33) aHOHTKOUS. DDT. Tiae H3(2*0: 66, 68. June 12. (3U) — ~ Super-delouser. Hews week 23(2U)| 96. June 12* (35) —• DOT specification* discussed by WPB. Oil. Paint, and Drug Hptr. lU5(24)t 3, UO. June 12. (36) ■■■■ Insecticide, disinfectant Bakers discuss postwar probleas. Oil, Paint, and Drug aptr. 1*5(25)1 3t 6l. June 19. (37) — — Insecticides. Oil, Paint, and Drag Bptr. 11*5(25)1 3U. June 19* (38) _ DDT* Chea. and Xngin. levs 22(12)| 1037* J*ne 25. (39) ■■■-■ Canada to renew fight on spruce bud vora. Paper Trade Jour. 118(26) 1 10. June 29. (Uo) — — Xeep your DDT shirt on. aaer. Fruit Grower 6H(6)| 22. June, also in Citrus Leaves 2U(9)j 23 tt Sept. and Calif. Citrog. 29(H)t 3*5, Sept. (hi) -^. bot outlook. Soap and Sanlt. Chea. 20(6)i 127, 129, 1U7, 1*9. June. (U2) — — Orexwef fee tire insecticide. Chea. and Metal 1. Xngin. 51(6) t 82, £*• June. (hj) mmmm Out of the editor's basket. Jour. Chea. Id. 21(6)s 293* June* (hfc) «~- Skeeters. (iditorial) lev York Sunday Tines, July 2. (U5) ■■ ■ DDT production increased. Chea. and Xngin. lews 22(13) i 1113. July 10. (1(6) _ DDT. Chea. and Xngin. Hews 22(13) t 1120. July 10. (U7) — Insecticides. Oil, Paint, and Drug Rptr. lU6(2)i 39. July 10. (1*8) . .,., study aethods for increasing production of DDT. Cheaurg. Digest 3(13): 176. July 15. (U9) -■■■ DDT not effective for all purposes, needs further test* lag. trtah Paraer 6U(l)i 13. July 15. (50) — Defeat of epldealc typhus. Lancet [London] 2(U) : 115-116, July 22. (51) — - The chealcal news parade. Chea. and Xngin. Hews 22(lU): 1162-1163. July 25. - 5 - (52) AHOBYMOUS. DDT not universal insecticide* Chen, and Bngin. lews 22(lU)t 1200. July 25. (55) — ■ Oipsy moth wiped out. Sci. Hews Letter U6r 68. July 29. (5U) —— DDT use on crops studied on west co&ste Oil* Paint* and Drug Hptr. lU6(5): 7. July 31. (55) — — fhe promise of DDT. West. Lives tock Jour. 22(1*3) t 69, July, (56) — - Insects can be controlled. Sci. Amer e 171(1) ! 13-15* July. (57) «~— Budwora. Timber of Canada U(ll): 49-50 „ July. (58) — — Growing strength of synthetics indicated at HAIDM Meeting. Chem. Indus. 55(1)? 66-68. July. Similar report under title "Aerosols and DDT in spotlight as the S.A.I.D.M. meets in Chicago." Soap and Sanit. Chem© 20(7)t 102. July. (59) — • DDT under closer control. Chem. and Metall. Xngin» 51(7) I 88. July/. (60) — — [DDT not available for civilian use.] Soap and Sanit. Chem. 20(7) : 99« July. (61) — - Tale ends. Soap and Sanit. Chem. 20(7): l4S. July. (62) — - DDT and structural pest control, (iditorlal) Pests 12(7) iK July. (63) mmmm DDT research and our pest control industry. Pests 12(7) S 9* July. (64) — — Here's the story about the insecticide that has created furore. florists* Rev. 94(2436) J 19, 20, 21. Aug. 3. (65) — — DDT. fruit Grower, fruiterer, florist and Market Oard. 98(2538) t 83. Aug. 3. (66) — - DDT used in study of nervous system. Washington (D. C.) Daily lews; Aug. 4. (67) ■-■■ British work on DDT. Chem. Trade Jour, and Chem. Xngln. 115(2985)i 111-112. Aug. 4„ (68) — — Post-war prospects. Chem. Trade Jour, and Chem. Bngin. 115(2985): 112. Aug. 4. - 6 - (69) AHOBYMOUS* The Aaerlcan chenical scene* DOT in agriculture. Chea* Trad* Jour* and Chea. Begin. 115(2985): 125. Aug. 4. (70) — Bogs la wonder drugs, lewsweek 2*»(6) t 75-76. Aug* 7. (71) _~ DOT vanillic, Tiae 44(6): 66* lag. 7* (721) ■■■■■ Oelgy appoint! Duaas Insecticide DIt. head. Oil, Paint* and Drag Bptr. l46(6): J 9 Aug* 7* Also In Aaer* Dyestuff Bptr* 33(18): 383. Aug. 28. and Soap and Sanlt. Caea* 20(8): 127| Aag * (73) _ Publieatioas on DOT. Chea. and Bngin. lews 22(15): 13*4. Aug. 10. (7U) _ [DOT ▼•• gypsy aoth.] Seionoo 100(2589)! 10. Aag* 11* (75) „ A aulti-purpose insecticide. Nod* Off* 72(7); 5^-55. Aag* 12. (76) — — D.D.T. t A new synthetic insecticide* Brit* Med. Jour. 8(1*362)1 217-218* Aag. 12. (77) ■■■- DOT aay be useful for studying nervous systea. 8ci* lews Letter* 46(7): 104. Aug* 12* (78) —— . Amy has new bug killer* Wallaces* Baraer and Iowa Hoae- stead 69(l6)t 56l* Aug* 19* (79) -™ B?q celebrates 90 years. USDA 3(17) 1 1. Aug* 21. (80) — — DOT* USDA 3(l7)t 3. Aug. 21* (81) ■■■■■. D*D*T* in agriculture* Taraer and Stockbreeder 58(2863) : 1322. Aug. 22* (82) — — Toluae production of DOT* Chen* and Ingin. lews* 22(l6): 1393. Aug* 25. (83) ■ The DOT patent* Chea* Trade Jour, and Chen. Ingin. 115 (2988): 209. Aug. 25* (84) — — Triple achievement, (Editorial) Chen, and Drug. 142(3368): 223* Aug. 26. (85) — Insect front. Tlae 44(9): 86-87. Aug. 28* (86) ■-» - Pest control discussion at aeeting in Biversids. Citrus Leaves 24(8): 27. Aug. •• 7 '«» (87) AHOJTYMOUS* DDT not effective for all purposes* Coastal Cattleman 10(b) j l6. Ans. (88) ~- Hygionie plasties. Plastics 8(87): 352-353* Aug. (89) _ Monsanto to produce DDT, Drug, Yitanln and allied Indus* 30(8) | 25* Aug. (90) « M « DDT in fly sprays* (Editorial) Soap and Sanit* Chea* 20(8) t 95. Aug. (91) — ■ DDT controls* spruce bud worn* Soap and Sanit* Chea. 20(8) j 129. Aug. (92) — — DDT patent correction* Soap and Sanit. Chea* 20(8)t 133. Aug. (93) — - U.S*D*A. Statement on DDT. Soap and Sanit. Chea. 20(8)$ 135. Aug. (9U) ■ — ■ Pest control discussion at meeting in Rivers id©* Citrus Leares 2*1(8)} 27* Aug. (95) «™ Lice repellents. Mfg. Chea* and Pharm* and Fine Shea* Trade Jour. 15(8): 29U. Aug. (96) — — More U.S. makers of DDT. Chea* Trade Jour* and Chea. Engin* 115(2989)i 232* Sept* 1. (97) — — DDT exempt from price control* Oil* Paint, and Drug Bptr. 1**6(10): 5. 8«P*. u . (98) — -» OPA regulations. Chea. and Sngin. lews 22(17): 1516. Sept* 10. (99) —— DDT production scramble. Hewsweek 2*1(12): 22. Sept. 18. (100) ■■■■ — i Insecticide, fungicide makers discuss supplies and postwar. Oil, Paint, and Drug Bptr. lU6(l2): 3, Ul. Sept. 18. (101) —— Baker pushes DDT project. Oil, Paint, and Drug Rptr* lU6(12): 37. Sept. 18. (102) — — lew wonder •insecticide" has its limits. Chicago Dally Hews. Reprinted in Pests 12(9): K Sept* (103) -~ Malaria controlled in TJ* 3* Scl. Hews Letter U6(lU): 220. Sept. 30. (10U) 1 ■ DDT— The new British insecticide* Chea. and Drug., Export Her. 5(53)l *»-5. Sept* 30. - 8 - 105) AX0XYM0TJ8. Leaf roller cheeked through use of DDT* Better fruit 39(3) I IS. Sept. 106) ■ « ■■ DDT * great Insecticide, but more crop pests need testing. South. Seedsman 7(9) » 20„ Sept, 107) «~ What's been going oaf Jour. Chen, Id. 21(9): **18. Sept. 108) ~- Out of the editor's basket. Jour. Chea. Id. 21(9) t ^2. Sept. 109) ™- Monsanto to aako DDT. Soap and Sanit. Chea. 20(9) l 125. Sept. 110) — — DDT toxic to aalaals. Soap and Sanit. Chea. 20(9) I 13&* Sept. 111) ~™ American DOT article. Soap and Sanit. Chea. 20(9) I 136. Sept. U2) — — Good-bye, gypsy moth. Country Gentleman 114(9): 4. Sept. 113) — — • BDT and cotton pests. Frog. Faraer, Tex. Xd. 59(9) t 50. Sept. llU) — «— Mr. Churohlll on DDT. Chea. Trade Jour, and Chea. Xngln. 115(299 u )t 3*7-3**«. Oct. 6. 115) — .■- DDT supplies. Chea. Trade Jour, and Chea. Xngln. 115(299*0 t 352-353. Oct. 6. 116) — *- DDT being used by British troops. Chea. and Xngln. lews. 22(19) I 1710. Oct. 10. 117) -™ More about DDT. Fruit Grower. Fruiterer, Florist and Market Gard. 98(25*18) i 273* Oct. 12. 118) ■ ■■■■ D.D.T. The new spray: what it can do. taallhold. , Poultry- Keeper and Gard. 72(180U)| 11. Oct. 13. 119) — — Still aore DDT makers. Chea. Trade Jour, and Chen. Xngln. 115(2995)1 393. Oct. 13. 120) — - Typhus likely abroad. Sci. Hews Letter. U6(l6): 2U5-2U6. Oct. lU. 121) — - Malaria carriers. Sci. lews Letter U6(l6)i 2U6. Oct. lU. 122) — - ■ DDT production planned by Marietta Dyes tuffs. Oil, Paint, and Drug Bptr. lU6(l6)t 37. Oct. 16. 121) — - Insecticides. Oil, Paint, and Drug Bptr. lU6(l7): 3*+. Oct. 23. - 9 - (12U) AH0HYM0U3. Insectieidal paints, Chem. Trad* Jour, and Ch«n. sagin. 115(2997): >02. Oct. 27. (125) - ■ ■ ■ DDT for Salford. Chem. Trade Jour* and Cbem. Ifagin. 115(2997): ^3«. Oct. 27. (126) — — Agricultural Ass'n. discusses DDT. Oil, Paint, and Drug Eptr. lU6(lg)j 3- Oct. 30, (127) — - .- Bug bomb. Pressure package for self -dispensing product. Mod. Packaging 1«(2): 98-102. Oct. (128) — — DDT aa mosquito killer. Soap and Sanit. Cham. 20(10): 129. Oct. (129) »■■■- Civilian insect control program after war. Amer. Med. Aaaoc. Jour. 126(g) % 504. Oct. (130) «~~ Suppllea of DDT. Mfg. Chem. 15(10): 3^8. Oct. (131) — ~— lo D. D. T. Juet yet. Smallhold. Poultry-Keeper and Sard. 72(1807): 9. For. 3. (132) — «*- Pharmacology of D.D.T. Chem. Trade Jour, and Chem. SngJA. 115(2998)i U58. Hot. 3. (133) — - - Tory bad newt for huge. Baltimore American. Amer. Wkly. Mag. Sec. Hot. 5. 9 p. 12. (I3U) — - Peat control. (XditortaJ.) Tines-Picayune, lev Orleana, La. Hot. 5. (135) „ Iaaectlcidea. Oil, Paint, and Drug Bptr. lU6(19); Mo. Hot. 6. (136) ~- Pharmacology of D.D.T. Cham. Trade Jour. 115(2999): i*o*6. Hot. 10. (137) — - D.D.T. freed from price control. Chem. Trade Jour, and Chem. Hngln. 115(2999): 506. Hot. 10. (138) — — More DDT findings. Sol. Heve Letter U6(20): 310. Hot. 11. (139) — — Bomber apraya DDT. Sci. Heve Letter U6(20): 310. Hot. 11. (lUo) — - Toxicity of DDT deectibed by Dr. Paul A. Heal. Aner, Med. Aaaoc. Jour. 126(11): 71*+. Hot. 11. (lUl) _- DDT in commercial production. Chemurg. Digest 3(21) 1 320. Hot. 15. - 10 - lH2) AH0HTM0US. DDT Insecticide. Chen. Trade Jour, and Chea. Hngin. 115(3001) j 56O. »oy. 2U. IU3) —— Toxicity of DDT, Chen, and Ingln. Hews. 22(22) t 2026. Hot. 2*>. 1 1U*0 — ¥ar on bugs. Business Week 795? 66, 68, 70, 72. For. 25, 1U5) -~ Typhus control praised. Sel. Hews Letter U6(22)t 3^2. Hot. 25. lU6) — — DDT not manufactured tn Brasll. Chea. and Ingln. Hsvs 22(22): 2033. *<>▼• 25« 1U7) — — Vill DDT eupplant the 7CC? (Iditorial) Pests 12(11): k m Hot. lk3) — - [Reports on DDT] (iditorial) 8oap and Sanlt. Chea. 20(ll)i 97. Hot. 1U9) ■» — . McCoralck A Co. honored for Any louse production record. Soap and Sanlt. Chea. 20(11): lOU-105. Hot. 150) — H.P.C.A. aeets In Chicago Soap and Sanlt. Chest. 20(11): 107, 109, 127. Hot. 151) — 1 POO tests show DDT superiority. Soap and Sanlt. Chea* 20(11): 1?1. Hot. 152) — • Tale ends. Soap and Sanlt. Chea. 20(11): lUo. Hot. 153) — — •Preon" fights overseas. Du Pont Nag. 38(5) : 22. Hot.. Dee. I5U) ■ — The hoys coae hone, Alraen fight insects on Pacific islands, florists* Ixeh. 103(2U): 77. Dee. 9. 155) -™ DDT found highly toxic to fish and frogs. Sel. Hevt Letter H6(2H): 376. Dee. 9. 156) -•■■ Paul Laeuger honored for DDT research* Oil, Paint, and Drug Bptr, lU6(2U)j 3. Dee. 11. 157) *«— Insecticide-disinfectant Bakers discuss legislation aha supplies. Oil, Paint, and Drug Rptr. lU6(2U): 7, Us. Dee. 11. 158) — HiTal fl/ Ullere. Cheaurg. Digest 3(23) I 35U Dee. 15. 159) ■■■■■ Iaportanee of postwar research stressed. Aaer. Med. Assoc. Jour. 126(17): 1093. Dec. 23. 160) — — Another DDT Tlctory. Sci. Heve Letter ty>(26): ^02. Dec. 23. - 11- (161) ANONYMOUS. Science speeds victory. Sci* lews Letter U6(26): UOfi-Ullo Dec. 23. (162) — . DOT p*int. Tine U4(26> 70. Dec, 25. (163) — DDT sprayed fron a bomber in the South Pacific* Chea. and Ingin. Hews 22(24): 2236. Dec* 25, (16U) — — . DDT nay control malaria* Sol* lews Latter 46(27): 4l8. Dee* 30* (165) — about leocid. (Advert is eaent) Soap and Sanlt* Chesi. 20(12): 103* Dec* (166) [Safety of DDT], (Editorial) Soap and Sanlt* Chea. 20(12)| 111* Dec, (IS?) — — Geigy warns on DDT use* Soap and Sanit* Chea, 20(12): 149* Dec* (l68) — - Mich* Chea* increases DDT output* Soap and Sanlt* Chea* 20 (12): 153. Dec (163) — Post- war aaterials. adoption standardised control procedures discussed at 12th annual meeting B.P.C.A. Pests 12(12): 7- 8, 10-12, l4. 16, 18. 20* Dm, (170) — - Him hears about DDT at New York meeting. Chea* Indus* 55t 9?5-927. Dec. (171) ABRAHAMSON, 9, DDT is being used in air raid shelters* Chea, and Bngin. lews 22(22): 2030* Nov, 2$, (172) — Inseetlcidal paints incorporated with DDT* Chea, and lngln* lews 22(24): 223U-2235, Dee, 2% (173) AGRICULTOBAL INSECTICIDE AND FUNGICIDE ASSOCIATION. [DDT notes,] AIT Hews 2(8) 8, (9) 6. 8, (10) 3. June -Aug. (173a) — « DDT research continues; auch more knowledge still needed* AI7 lews 3(1): 1-2. lov. Beprlnted in Chea. Digest 3(22):. 335- 336, Iot* 30, (17^) AHNFELDT, A. L* [DDT louse powder*] Address presented at press luncheon under auspices of Qeigy Co., Inc*, I* T. . I. T*« Nay 31i 8 pp. [Processed.] Also in Drug. Titaain, and Allied Indus* 30(8): 13-l4. Aug* (175) ANNAND, P. N» Entomologists help increase crop yields* U. 8* Bur. Agr* Scon., Agr. Situation 28(8): 11-14* Aug* (176) — — DDT no panacea. Hoard T s Ttairyman 89: 5^1» Oct, 10* (177) ASSOCIATED PRESS. Superior new insecticide. Scl. Digest 15(3): 93. Mar* (178) — — New compound saves plants from insects* The Washington (D* C„) Sunday Post* May 21, p. 6r. - 12 - (179) ATASS, J. S. Getting the dope on bug*. Successful Turning 1*2(6) i 26, U8. June. (180) B., W. B. Study DDT on plante. Florists' Rev. 9**(2U36)i 21. Aug. 3* (181) BAILEY, H. L. To experiment with DDT spray. Agrlvlew 3(7): 1« June 21. (182) BATHE-JONES, S. Typhus. Amer. Jour. Nursing. UU(9)j 821.823. Sept. (183) BEDELL, J. DDT, chemical made here, fights typhus. The Evening Sun. Baltimore. Md.» Aug. lU. Reprinted in Mc Hews War JTlcCormick and Co J] War Issue No. 11, Oct. -Nov., p. 7. (184) BISHOFP, F. C. [Development of DDT as an insecticide.] Address presented at press luncheon under auspices of Qeigy Co., Inc., V. T., V. To Nay 31 » 7 PP* [Processed.] Beprlnted in South. Florist and Nurseryman 57(1*0* 22-25. June 30. (185) BLAKESLEE, H. V* DDT, war-developed insecticide, may rid U. 8. . of flies and fleas* Washington (D. C.) Evening Star, June 1, p. B-10. (186) BLAUVELT, W. 1. DDT and the florist. Canad. Florist 39: 202 e July 20. (187) BRAND, I.* and BTJSSB-SUHT5EF.MANN, A. foer da a l,l,U,4-Tetrabis- [2 > U M aylyl>hutatrlen«.(l > 2,3) und die Blldung von 1,1-Biaryl- 2,2-dichler-athenen aus 1,1-Diary 1-2,?, 2-trichlor-J.thanen. XlY. Mitteilutygen uber die Reduction organ is cher Halogenver- bindungen und uber Yerbindungen der Tetraarylbutanreihe. Pent. chem. OeselL>Ber. 75Bt 1819-1829. 19U2. (188) BRAZELTOH, J. 8. Pruning hits a snag. Ian a. Farmer 81(5): 8. Mar. U. Also In Mo. Ruralist 85(6): 23. Mar. 25. (189) BRECKENRIDOl. J. 0. The preparation of "DDT." Hew insecticide finds war and peacetime uses* Canad. Chem. and Process Indus. 28: 570* Aug. (190) BUETTHER, V. 0. Visit to Bureau of Entomology research laboratoriss at Orlando, Florida. Pests 12(12): 5-6. Dee. (191) BURNET, F. M. Promising new insecticides; Inhibit developments of red scale crawlers; military use in combating typhus epidemic* Citrus Hews 20(5): jK May 31. (192) CALIFORHIA FRUIT GROWER'S EXCHANGE, BUREAU OF PEST CONTROL. Summary of a symposium on DDT, the new insecticide. Exch. Pest Control Clr. 118: U55-U56. Oct. (193) CALLAHAM, J. R. DDT fights insects in war and in peace. Chem. and Metal 1. Engln. 51(10): 109-llU. Oct. (19**) CAJCEHOT, T. W. M. 31y sprays and repellent** Part Canad. Jour. Compar. Med. 8 s 25*^258. Sept. • (198) — ~« ire tea on DDT. @hem. and Indue* }6% 319* Sept* 2, (199) _. CDT» ite preparation and .potentialities. Chen. Age [London] 51(1315)? 2^U7. Sept* 5» (200) — — DDT a aav weapon in the war against the ineeet eneaiet of maaklmaW Mfg, Chem. [London] 15 t 312-317» Sept. (201) —— Persistence of D.D.T. in oil-bound water-paint, lature [London] 15 u (3912) : 512. Oct* 21* (202) «— «• Observations on DDT, potent B important and versatile insecticide. Soap, Perfumery & Sosmetics 17? ?^*7^5« 7^2. Oct, (203) .—- DDT, the nev insecticide; a general surrey and some possible paint applications. Oil & Colour Chea. Assoc. Jour. 27t 2&1-262, Dee, (20*0 — - DDT sad paint. Oil and Colour Trades Jour, 106(23): S55-S56, Dee. 8. (205) CAMPBELL, B, J. Tests of nev inseetieidee against the pepper veerll at Alhaabra, California, U, 8, Bur, 5nt, and Plant Quar, 3-6 2J 6 pp., Oet. [Processed.] (206) CHAMBERS, 7. H., and EST, 0. L, An experiment with DDT for the eontrol of apple blossom weevil. Fruit 5(9) | 218.220, June, (207) — « »'' HIT, 0. L. t and SMITT, B, K. D.D.T.— -a review, fruit Orower, Fruiterer ^Florist & Market Card, 98: 178-179, 218, 221*222. Sept. 7, 21. (208) ™ DDT, the new insecticide, with notes on preliminary experiments on the eontrol of various insect pests. Market Orower (leprint, 7 PP.), a, d, (209) CHAEL18, V. X. DDT... it makes bugs* Jitterbug* J furrow U9* U, 12. Oct.-J?OV. . 1U . CHILI, MIHIST1RI0 Dl AGRI OTLTURA* DKPARTAMENTO DI SARI DAD VEGITAL. 11 V80 del EOT en el combats da las plages agricolae, 11 Agrarlo 9(350) J 30. Hot. 30, COLORADO, I« R«, and LFJVA, R. I* Hota sobre la preparacion del 2,2(ble)p-clorofenil-l,l,l~trieloroetano (D* Do T«). Hex* Inst* de Salubridad y Infers* Trop. Rot* 5i 71-7 1 *- June. COMPTOH, C, C* Better insecticide* in postwar period. South. Florist it Hurseryaan 57(20): 22* Aug* lis Also in Canad* Florist 39(16) I 23U-235. Aug. 20. COKAHT, R* Ho joy in insect-free world* Philadelphia (Pa.) Ironing Bui., Oct* U t p. 10. CODE, S. J. Use of DDT is restricted* Chea. and lngin« lews 22(18): 1592* Sept. 25* COVIH, R* 0. Aerosol bombs ts* spray insecticides* Soap and Sanit* Chea. 20(7)* 111* U3« July# COX, A* J* Drug aspects of DDT* Calif* Cltrog* 3O1 6, 22-23* 26-27* Hot* ■■ ■■■ Safer handling of econoaic poisons* Soap and Sanit* Chea* 20(l2)t 115, 117, H9t 181* 139. Dec. ■ ■ 11 . Bureau of Chemistry — Annual Report for the calendar year 19^3» Calif. Dept. Agr. Bui. 32(U)t 323-33$. CRAIK, 0* DDT— '-scientific suspect, wonder insecticide begins to show shortcomings. Financ. Post 58(35) 8 1* Aug. 26* CUNNBEH, C* J* RAIDM holds 30th aidyear aeeting* Chief Interest centers around aerosols and DDT* Chea. and Ungln. lews 22(13)1 1100.1101* July 10* DAD Cpeeudonya]* Here's deliriua treaens for the insects* a new discovery for delousing soldiers will benefit dahlias, says old man Ature to his son* Aaer. Dahlia Soc. Bui* 17(2) t 5-6* Kay* DATIADLT. L* La lutte eontre la tordeuse [Archlps fualferanal * Foret Quebecoise gj 277* Hot* D1AH, R. V* DDT in Sao Paulo* Ho* 535, Aaer* Consulats Gen%, Sao Paulo, Brasil. [Processed*] Dec. 15* D1MPS1T, P. V* DDT* Mass* Cob* Veg* Grower, p* 2-3* Dec* 1* DXNMARI, STATINS FORS0GSVIRKSOMHED I PLAHTXETDLTDB* Fors^g mod gesarol- pudder aod skadedyr [Bxperlaent with gesarol powder against pests]. Dansic FrjfaTl* 27 1 l60-l62. June 15* - 15 - (226) DSQFIHR, 0, C, and J01CE3, H, (229) 2E1I25B, J. H., IKLSOH, A. A., and CALVKRT, H. 0* (With the assistance of R. B. Lane and J* M. Qlaesman.} The percutaneous absorption of DDT (2»2-blf(p^hlorophenyl)l.l,l-trichloroethane) In laboratory animals. Jour* Pharmacol, and 2xpt. fher. H2j 159- 166. Oct. (230) — woodard, a., jitzhugh, o. a., mscar, a. a., smith, r. b. jr., and CAIVKRY, H, 0* Summary of toxlcological studies of the Insecticide DDT 3 2,2-bls(>-cblorophenyl)l,l t l-trichloroethane, Cham, and Rngln. Sews 22i 1503-15<&. Sept, 10, (231) DRIGGIRS, a. J. A few facta relative to the new Insect lei de„ SOT. I. J. State Hort. Soe. lews 25 I 1636, l6Uh. Hot. (232) — «-. and SMITH, C. L. Field tests of DDT to control the peach tree borer. Jour. Boon. Int. 37(*Ot 537* Aug. (233) 5ASTMAI, J. V. DDT as an animal parasiticide. M[ieh.] 3[tate] CTel] Tot. ht 178-179. 8ummer c (23*0 SLLIS, M. If., WSSTFALL, B. A., and 3LLIS, ££. D. Toxicity of dlchloro- dtphcnyl-trichlor ethane (DDT) to goldfish and frogs. Science 100(26oU): klJ* Ifov. 2K (235) SMSLIB, B. L. Remarkable repellent. Sensational insecticide dis- covered. Saskatchewan Farmer 35(11): 11» Juaa 1* (236) -— DDT insecticide. Hols teln-Friesian Jour. 7(3) J 18, 19* June. (237) _. DDT insecticide is sensational. Oanad. Cattleman. 7(1) 1 39. June. (23S) _ fhe new DDT insecticide. Farmer Mag. Ul(6)s 68-69. June. (239) — «. DDT. Macdonald Col. Jour. U(ll)t 9. July. (2U0) FIRLDHRR, A. C. Research by government and its value to small business. Chem. and Sngin. lews 22(20): 1773-1775. Oct. 25. (2Ul) ?ILMXR, R* S.^ and SMITH. 0. I. DDT as a contact poison for honeybees. Jour. Scon. Xnt. 37(*0« 537» Aug. (2U2) 7ISHXR, 0. Xinwlrkung von Chloral und Aldehyd auf Toluol. Deut. Cham. Gesell. Ber. fi 1191-1197. 187U. - 16 - (2U3) FLICK, lo H. Hate of evaporation of DDT, Jour, fi con. Bnt. 37(6) t 853. Dee» (2UU) •— and HALLEB, He Le Catalytic removal of hydrogen chloride from some substituted alpha-trichloroe thanes. Aaer. Chen* Soc. Jour, 66: 2095* "D*c (2U5) PLEMIHG, ¥. X., and HAINES, W. W. Influence of temperature on the effectiveness of DDT, and the comparative toxicity of DDT and lead arsenate to larvae of the Japanese beetle in soil, U. S. Bur. Ent. and Plant Quar, E-62H, 11 pp. Sept. [Processed*] (246) PRET, W. "GesaroL-Staub^ein neues chemisches Mittel gegen den Rapeglanzkafer. Mitt. f. die Land*. 59: 235-236. Mar. 11 (2U7) FROELICHER, V. The story of DDT. Soap and Sanit. Chem. 20(7): 115, 117. 119. l*+5. July. (248) GARMAH, P«, and TOWNSEND, J. P. Apple maggot investigations. Conn. (State) Agr. Expt. Sta. Bui. U81, p. 280. Oct. (2U9) GEIG^R, H. DDT controls spruce bud worn. Daluth (Minn.) Hews Tribune. June 25. [Abstract In Soap and Sanit. Chem. 20(8): 129. Aug.] Also In Denver (Colo.) Post, June 25, p. 12. (250) G1I3Y, J. R. t A. G. Gesarol Sprltzmittel. Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Obst. u. Welnbau 51(6): (Advertisement, opposite front cover) Mar. lU, 191*2. (251) — - Geearjol. Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Obst u. Welnbau 52(7): (Advertisement, aack cover) Mar. 27, 19U3 . (252) —-. Oeearol ungiftig. Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Obst u. Welnbau 52(12): (Advertisement, inside back cover) June 5, I9H3. (253) — - Gesarol. Schweis. Ztschr. f. Obst. u. Welnbau 52(12): (Advertisement, opposite p. 352) June 5» 19^3* (25^) GIIGT CO,, IIC. Scientific data concerning compositions of DDT. Press release A, 3 PP* [May 31*] [Processed.] (255) — — Scientific data—Gesarol. Press release B. 6 pp. [May 31.] [Processed.] (256) - .1 .. Heocld— a generic term, by Geigy, of a series of lnsecticidal compositions of DDT for use against insects affecting man and animal, press release C v 3 PP* [May 31.] [Processed.] Reprinted In Pests 12(7): 8, 10. July. (257) — About GHB-iA-DDT. (Advertisement) Soap and Sanit. Chem. 20(7): 86. July. (258) — How it can be told. The true story of DDT which alleviated the typhus epidemic in Italy; amazing preventive possi- bilities in other fields; tremendous benefits to agriculture; - 17 - scientists do 8 years research in 2; end of possibilities not in sight. Press release, lU pp. May 31* [Processed* Reprinted in Pests 12(7) t 6, 3. July* Also in Drug, Vitamin and Allied Indus. 30(8) i 11-13. Aug. (259) OEIGY CO., ZHC. Oesapon. TJ. S. Trade-Mark U09,S20, registered Oct. 2U. (260) GIBBT, X* Typhus no menace in World War II, Senior Scholastic »»5(ll)s U6-U7. lor. 27. (261) 0IL7ERT, D, Science finds powerful exterminators. Washington (D* C.) Post, Sept. 12, p. 6B, (262) OOTZ, B. I sue Bekampfungemittel gegen den Himbeerkafer* Deut* Obstbau 58(9)* 1*^-152. Sept. 19^3. (263) SRH0TSKT, A* A* The ralue of DDT for the control of potato insects* Amor* Potato Jour* 2l(U): 89-91, Apr* (26U) ■ Jests of DDT for the control of potato insects* Jour* Icon* *nt* 37(^)x U93-H99, Aug, (265) QBAT, X« W. and 8CHUH, J* Potato flea beetle control, Oreg. Agr* Ixpt* Sta. Stat* Inform* Cir. 227, rev., 6 rp. Nov. (266) OROOGIBS, P. H. The market outlook on insecticide materials* Soap and Sanlt. Chen. 19(7) J 9**~95« July I9U3, (267) (HJSTHJER, P. A* A rapid method for the quant ita tire estimation of DDT and of DDT spray or dust deposits* Calif* Unir, Citrus Xxpt* Sta. U pp. June* [Processed*] Addenda, 1 p* Oct* [Processed* ] {2&8) GUTIXRRSZ, M* R. D.D.T*Dlchloro-diphenyl-trlchloroethane* Dichloro- difenil-trlchloroetano* Agrononia [Habana] Uj 321-322* June* (269) BABT7SSLRR, 0* J* Research In Insect control* Cumberland- Shenandoah Fruit Workers f Conf. Proc* 20: U* Hot* I9U3. (270) BALL, S. A., SCRTCHTXR, M* 3., and PIXCX, X* B* Chemical determination of DDT* U* 8. Bur* Xnt* and Plant Quar* BT-211, 6 pp., Iot* [Processed*] (271) RALLK, R* L. New agricultural crop insecticides. Jour* Icon* *nt. 37(3)* 3^- *»•• (272) HAB8BRRRY, R. Tlctory model Insecticides. Pests 12(10){ 22, 2k m Oct, (273) RAISBT, 1* L*, BAVSSV, J. W«, and CRAIO, R, The distribution of a bromine bomologue of DDT in insect tissue. Jour, Bcon. Int. 37(6): 853. Dec. - 18 - (27*0 HAYWARD, K. J* Las "mosca* blancas* (Aleyrodidae) 7 su control* Tucuman Istac. Szpt* Agr. Cir. 128, 8 pp. 19 1 *. (275) HEPBURH, G* A. *D*D*T* f - & new synthetic insecticide. Citrus Grower 128: 6* Sept* 28, (276) HERMS, W. B., and GRAY, H* P. Mosquito control— Practical methods for abatement of disease rectors and pests* Ed. 2, U19 pp. Hew York. (DDT on pages lUH. 239- 2Ul, 291. 29^, 306, 319, 329. 372). (277) HEUBER03R, J. W., and WOLFENBARGXR, D. 0. Preliminary report on DDT in the potato fungicide program* Phytopathology 3^(12): 1003* Deo. (278) HEY, 0. Lo ▲ note on DDT* Gard. Chron. 116(3013): 112. Sept. 23* (279) — — The new insecticide DDT. Hort. Adr. 3209, p* 8* Oct. 18* (280) HILL* B* 1., and TATE, D* H* Potato flea beetle control in western Hebraska. Hebr* Agr, Ixpt. Sta« Bui. 361, 23 PP»t illus* Aug. (281) EOLDAWAY, P. G.. and NISHIDA, T* The toxicity of DDT to Adoretus sinlcus in Hawaii* Jour* Icon* Sat* 37(*Ot 558-559. Aug. (282) HOLST, B. ■Gesarol* ein Wonder der Chemie. Mitt. f. die Landw. 59 1 **5. May 13. (283) HOUGH. V* S* DDT experiments; a report of experiments recently carried on in Virginia. last. Pruit Grower 7(10): 5, 10-11, 15, 17* 20. Dec. (284) ■■■■ i. Results of tests with DDT on apple insects at Winchester, Yirginia, 19UU. Cumberland-Shenandoah Fruit Workers' Conf. [Proc] 21: [9-ll]« [Processed*] (285) HURT, R. H. Inorganic spray materials rereus organic material! as fungicides and insecticides. Y a. Truit 32(10): 8-9* Oct. (286) JAMES, V* I* Synthetic drugs of recent introduction. Soap, Perfumery and Cosmetics 17(10): 731~73^t 7&>. Oct. (287) JAHL, P* Orienterande forsSk aed flugbekaapnlngsmedlet "Gesarol M R [Orientation experiments with the fly control remedy "Gesarol M"] Lantaannen 28: 1119-1120, 1123* Dec. 9. (288) lAEMPFTERT, W. DDT, the Army's insect powder, strikes a blow against typhus and for pest control. Hew York Sunday Times, June U, 93(sec* U), p. I 9* - 19 - 289) EOTM?, G. Scientists ylew gun that won battle behind the linee in Italy* Washington (D. C.) Brening Star 9 Hot. 17 , p. B-12. T t- M id.?* 290) DSHSBLT, A. B. Fighting insects with DDT« Farm I 63(7)i 12-13. July. 291) KILLHTBR, D. H", Insect* can be controlled,, Sci. Amer* 171(1) t 13-15. **ly 292) IRUIF, P. de. Atabrlne fully ▼indicated? Malaria, scourge of mankind, can be licked. Reader 8 s Digest U5(272)j 22-27. Dee* 293) L., B. F« »D,D.T.» Florists* Bxch, 101(25) I 8. Bee, 18» 19^3. 29U) LAV01, ¥, H, Jr, The effect of the war on t ruck #rop Insect control in California, Jour. Bcon, Int. 37(6) I 73*»-737. Deo, 295) LAPAOB, 0, applications of D,D.T, Rature ^London] 15^1 600- 601, Hot, 11, 296) LaPAGR, H. 8., and GIARHOTTI, 0. D.D.T. (Dieiora-difenll-tri- cloroetana). Biologic* lOi ?39-252. Aug, 297) and GIANNOTTI, 0. Expieriencias com o D.D.T. Biologico 10: 353-366. So*. 298) lIWbR, P., MARTII, H», and MILLER, P, fiber Konstitutlon und toxlsche Virkung ron naturlichen und neuen synthetischen lnssktentotenden Stoffen. Helretlca Chim, Acta 27 1 892* 928, 299) UBTT, H. 9 and 0LI71IRA, 8. J, DX, Vota prelininar sobre a aeae do DDT (dlcloro-difenil-trlcloroetana) em insetos transnlssorss da doenca de Chagas, Rev, Bras 11 de Biol, **» 329-331. Sept, 300) LXSLIB, A, B, The Introduction and sale of DDT insecticide in Brazil. Ho, fkS t Amer, Embassy, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2 pp. [Processed,] Aug, 19* 301) — — The sale of DDT insecticides In Brasll, lo, 2023, Aner. Embassy, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 2 pp, [Processed,] Dec, 18* 302) L[erer], R, J, A. V, The new insecticide DDT. Fiji Dept, Agr., Agr, Jour, 15(3) t SO. Sept, 303) — Entomological notes. Pi.1l Dept. Agr., Agr, Jour, 15(3) I 76- 80, Sept, 30*0 LILIIX, Re D. , and SMITH, M. I, Pathology of experimental poisoning in cats, rabbits, and rats with 2,2-bls~parachloxo- phenyl-l,l,l-.trichlorethane, U. S. Pub* Health flerr. Rpts, 59(30)i 979~9«k. July 28, - 20 - (305) LINDGKEH, D. L. , and LA DOT, J. P. Laboratory studies on of fact of TOT on 3 major citrus scale insects In California. Citrus Leave* 2U(9) : 16. Sept. (306) ~- Iff act of TOT on three scale insects, Calif. Citrog. 29(12) : 350. Oct. (307) — — LA DOT, J. P., and DOW, D. Preliminary studies with TOT in control of the California red scale* Calif. Citrog. 29(7)l 180-181. May. (308) LIIDQJJIST, A. *., and BUSHLAND, R. C. Toxicity of DOT and pyre thrum to Chaoborue punctlpennl* . Jour. Icon. Xnt. 37(6) t 8U2. Dae. (309) LONG, SO (pseudonym). Don«t jump, Clarence J "I said O.D.T. not DDTJ* (Cartoon) Soap and Sanit. Cham. 20(9): 129* -Sapt. (310) LYTLE, V. H. Deadly insect pest killer rediscorered. Oreg. Dept. Agr. Bui. IU3: 28-29. Sept. 1. (311) McCORD, D. Dusty answer. Few Torker 20(26) 1 56. Aug. 12. (312) McCormick, A. O'fi. Undoing the German campaign of the mosquito. lew York Times, Sept. 13* (313) McCoy, 0. H. Malaria and the war. Science 100: 535-539» Dec. 1^ (3lU) McDONALD, J. 1. Urges measure to stem tide of pink bollwora. Cotton Digest 17(1): 6, lU. Sept. 30. (315) McOOVRAH, 1. R. Tests of new agricultural crop insecticides. Jour. Icon. Int. 37(3) t 336. June. (316) McGREGOP., X. A. The citrus thrips, measures for its control and their effect on other citrus pests. U. S. Dept. Agr. Cir. 708. 12 pp., illue. Oct. (317) MAIDKOS, A. Toxische Wlrkung von Ueocid auf Larran, puppen und Imagines von Ano pheles und Cu^ex. Daut. Tropenmed. Ztschr. %Si 8U-S8. Peb.-Mar. (318) MARKWOOD, L. I. Plan postwar insecticide business now. House Jurnishing Her. 100(U): 67, 70, lK Apr. (319) MARTII, H. v STRINGER, A., and MAIN, R. L. The qualitative examination of insecticidal properties. Progress report- I9U3, Bristol Univ., Agr. and Hort. Bes. Sta. Ann. Rpt. 19^31 62-76. (320) — ~, and WAIH, R. L. Insecticidal action of D.D.T. Nature [London] 15^(3912) i 512-513. Oct. 21. - 21 - (321) MARTIB, H., and WAIH, B. L. D.D.T.: Its property and possible uses la horticultural post control* Hoy. Hert. Soc. Jour, 69: 366-369. Doc. (322) MERCK A CO., DTO. Tee, Merck Is making DDT. (Advertisement) Oil, Paint, and Drug. Bptr. lU6(2)s 8. July 10. Also la Pasta 12(7)t 11* July; and Soap and 8anit. Cham. 20(7) I 120, July. (323) MBSSBBLI, £* Kann Gesarol don Blenen schadent Schweiz* Blenon Ztg* 66(U)t 217-218. Apr. 19^3. (32U) MILUM, T. 0. DM poisonous to honeybees* Aster. Bee Jour* &i 19^195. June. (325) MuLLBB, K* BL, Grosser Portsehrltt In der Pliegenvernichtung* Landeebcuernschaft Sachs en-Anbalt. Vchnbl* 101s 553« Oct* 23. 19^3« (326) WISED* J* A* Sew Insecticides. I. Dak* Agr* Bxpt* Sta* Bi*o. Bol* 6(5) t IK May-June. (327) MUMR0, J* V* D.D.T. 1 A new insecticide. Mature [London] I5U (3907)l 352-353* Sept. 16. (328) MUBPHT GEBMZCA& CO., LTD* De De Tane, (Advert 1 semen t Inside back cover of reprint of article by Chambers, Hey, and Saitt la Fruit drover. Fruiterer, Florist a Market Sard. Sept* 7 and 21* See reference Bo, 207*) (329) SEAL, P. A*. OBTTIHGBM, V. F. von, SMITH, W. *.. MALMO, B. B., DUMB, B. C, MORAB, H. B«, SWEBHSY, T. B., ARMSTB0H5, D. V.* and VHITB, if. 0* Toxicity and potential dangers of aerosols, aists and dusting povdere containing DDT. U. S. Bub© Health Serv. Bpts. Sup* 177, 32 pages. (330) BJLSOH, A. A., DRAIZB, J. H.» VOODABD, 0. 9 FITZBUGH, 0* 0., SMITH, B. B. Jr.. and CALVERT, H. 0o Histopathologlcal changes following administration of DDT to several species of animals. U. S. Pub. Health Bpts. 59(31): 1009-1020. Aug. U. (331) B0BRI8, D. 0* The evaluation of DDT. as a fungicide. Austral. Council Sci. and Indus. Res. Jour* 17: 289-290* Hot* (332) O'BEILL, J. J. Bug killer. Relief from pests Is promised by one of the war's most spectacular and welcome discoveries. DDT. Science Illus* 5(7): 38-U2. Oct* (333) OPD WASHIHGTOH BUREAU. DDT under M-300. Oil, Paint, and Drug Bptr* lU5(26): U. June 26* (33*0 — - DDT advisers discuss supplies and toxicity. Oil, paint, and Drug Bptr. lM6(l8): 3, 55. Oct. 30. * 22 - (335) OPD WASHINOTOH BTJRXAU. Agricultural chemists approve definitions. Oil, Paint, and Drug Rptr. lU6(l?)i 3, 51. Oct. 30. (336) — — DOT not recommended for agricultural use. Oil, Paint, and Drug Rptr. lU6(l9): U. Hot. 6. (337) PAIKTOH, 7. C. The second battle of Haples— against lice. Header »s Digest UU<266): 21-22. June. (33^) PALM, C. 1. DDT—a new synthetic Insecticide. Para Res* [H. T. State Sta.] 10(3): 1. 5. July 1. (339) PATTERSOH, J. D. What will the farmer do with DDTT Oreg. Dept. Agr. Bui. 1U3: 8. Sept. 1. (3U0) PSAZZHt P. [pseudonym ]» Over the transom. Soap and Sanlt. Chem. 20(6) 133. (7) 105, («) 125, (9) 121. (10) 127, (11) 119. ( June-Hov . Issues.) (3^1) PXEDX, L. &. XL DDT augura el trlunfo contra los lnsectos. Hacienda 39(8): 362-363, 367. Aug. (3^2) PORTXR* 3. A. Statement regarding DDT. Cumberland-Shenandoah Fruit Workers' Conf. [Proc.] 21 j [7-9]* [Processed.] (3U3) PROULX, J. R. Puissant Insecticide. Bul.des Agr. W0(S)| 2U- 25. Aug. (3^h) H., 1. P. DDT kills gypsy moth. Amer. Hurseryman 80(7)t 22- 23. Oct. 1. (3**5> RADCLIPTB, J. C. DDT. I. J. Dept. Health, Pub. Health Hews 27 t 118-119. Aug. (3U6) RAYMOHD, A. How we can lick typhus. Sat. Xvening Post 2l6(U3) : 1**-15. 70. Apr. 22. (3U7) RHJTXR'S LIHITXD OP LOHDOH HEWS SERTICX. Clentlflcos Brltanlcos hacen un iaportante descubrlmlento que salvara mlllones de rldas. La Prensa, Lima, Peru. Aug. 3* (3U8) RHODES, W. W. Aerosol. Pamphlet, 17 pp. Compressed Oas Kfrs*. Assoc, Inc., 11 West U2 St., H. Y. i3 N< y» (3U9) ROARI, R. C. Hew Insecticides aid the war effort. Chen, and Ingln. Hews 22(17) 1 IU6U.1U69. Sept. 10. (350) ROBIHSOH, 0. 0. Testing insecticides on the argasld tick, Ormlthodorue moubata Murray. Bui. Knt. Ree. 35(2): 95-99. July." (351) [ROOT, X. R.] The new DDT a deadly foe to nearly all noxlons insects. (Xditorial) Gleanings Bee Cult. 72(7) t 332. July. (352) ROSENBERG, G. El DDT en el control del "capacho" de la vid. _ Rev. Unier. Agr. del Sur, 2(L4): 1-2. Oct. 18. [Reprint J - 23 - (353) BOSTflfKBRG, 0. "11 efecto de algunoe Insect lcldas en el ee tabled* aiento 7 deearrollo de las larvae algratorlae de la eonehuela roja de lot el true Aonidlella aurantli (Mask)." Bol. Sept; San. Yeg. Chile 3(2): 1^3-^65» (35*0 BOSS* W. A* Summary of experiment* with DDT at Tineland Station* 0nt.» February to May. ind.* 19^. Canada Dept. Agr. Ait* Branch, 15 pp» [Processed.] (355) — * DDT~~a powerful new insecticide* Panaere Adrocate and Eoae Hag. 79(3230)t 313. May 11. (336) — a powerful new insecticide. Caned. Hort. and Home Nag.* Orower'e Bd. 67 t 123-12^. June* (357) — ■ DOE, powerful Insecticide, in experimental stage, nay be* eoae pests 1 no. 1 eneay. Country Life la Brit. Columbia 28(6, I.e. 7)l 3. **€* (358) SCHBCHTBB, II. 3«, and HALLKH, H. L. Coloriaetrle teett for DDT and related compounds, Araer. Chea. Soc. Jour. 66j 2129- 2130* Dec. (35$) 3CHMITT, J, B. Ticks cause important health problem; entoaologlet outlines control measures. AIT Bows 2(10): **• Aug. (360} SCHOH, J.* and GRAY, K. W. Control of the oblique-banded leaf roller on cane berries in the Willamette Valley of Oregon. Oreg. Agr. Bxpt. Sta. Inform. Clr - 352, U pagee. Hot. (361) 3CIBBCB SBBTICB. Hew insecticide prores success. DOT wipee out gypsy moth caterpillars on test area. Philadelphia (Pa.) Sunday Record, July 23, p. 5* (362) SBABROOX, W«, and 8018, LTD. Apple bloseoa weerll«~good newe. Trait 5(9) » 216-217. June. (363) SBROBBT, B., and BBGUBT, M. Conclusions pratiques a tirer d*une experience d , epouillage par poudrage insecticide faite a Maison-Carree et l'Arba (Alge'rle). Inst. Pasteur d'Algerie. Arch. 22t 109-112. June. (3&0 SIB8LBR, B. H. Insecticide. U. 3. Patent 2,35ft,9U8. Sept. 26. To the people of the United States. (365} — — and GERTLBR, S, I. Toxicity of diary 1 trichloroethanee and dlchloroethylenes to codling moth. Jour. Icon. tht. 37(6)| 8U5. Dec. (366) SIMMOBS, J. S. Wartime importance of trooical diseases. Sci. Monthly 59(6): U05-U13. Dec. (367) SINKS, A. H. Another enemy surrenders. Pop. Sci. Monthly lHH(6): 56A, 56B, 56C, 231. June. - 2U- (368) SLAWSOI, H. fl. Experiment stations report on I9U3 Insecticide studies. Soap and Sanit. Chen. 20(12) : 122, 123, 125, 135. 137. Dec. 369 370 371 372 373 37U 375 37$ 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 SMITH, B. Bug blitz. Amer. Mag. 138(U)t U7, 81-82. Oct. SMITH. C. L.» and DRIGGERS, B. T, Toxicity of DDT to Macrocentrue ancyllvorus Rohwer. Jour. Icon. Bit. 37(*Ol $3 8. Aug* SMITH, M. I. t and STOHLMAH, E. ?» The pharmacologic action of 2,?— bit(p-ehlorophenyl).-l,l,l-trichloro«thane and Its estimation In the tissues and body fluids. U. S. Pub* Health Serv. Rpts. 59(30) ! 98U-993. Jtily 28. STATTORD, J. Insect war aay backfire. Sci. Hews Letter U6<6) g 90-92. Aug. 5. STAGE, H. H. Mosquito research In the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine of the Agricultural Research Administration* U. S. D. A. V. J. Mosquito Extermin. Assoc. Proc. 30: 93-97. 19^3. STANFORD, 1. N. Post-war pest control. Canad. Business 17(9) t 90.91, l6o 9 162, l6k % 166. Sept. 8TEIHER, L. P. Residual effect of DDT sprays on early spring apple aphids. Jour. Icon. Int. 37(*0* 560~5&U Aug. — — . SUMMERLAHD, S. A., ARNOLD, Co H., and FAHIY, J. I. Tests of DDT mixtures against codling moth larvae. U, S. Bur. Ent. and Plant Qjuar. 1-628, 17 PP» [Processed. } lov. ■ STXLLKAA0, 7. line einfache und virkeame Bekampfung der Ileidermotten. Ane. f. Sehadlingsk. 19: 70-72. 19^3* STIHIRSOH, H. W. XAIDM holds 31«t annual meeting. Chem. and Ingln. lews 22(2U): 2179-2181. Dec. 25* STEUART, M. A. Rotenone and ox warble control. Jour. Icon. Int. 37(6) r 756-760. Dec. 3UTJGR, J. Antworten. Kann "Gesarol* den Bienen schadenT Schvsis. Bienen Ztg. 66(5): 2U9-250. May 19U3. TILPORD, H. S. Chicken louse control. Soap and Sanit. Chem. 20(8): 113. 139. Aug. — — Three insecticides given tests In chicken lice control experiments. Utah ?armer 5M*):13. Nov. 25. THOMANN, H. Ueber Irdraupenschaden im lommer I9U3 am Tabak und Mais im Bundner und St. Caller Rhelntal. Schwel*. Landv. Die grune 7K^5)» 1176-U80. lov. 5, 19^3 • 25- (3SU) THOMABB, H. Uebsr Erdra-npenschlden la Soareer 19U3 an Tabak und Mais la Graubundner Rheintal. Mitt* Schweiz. Bnt. Retell. 19(l4*^)s 169-179, illue. [Abstract In Her, Appl. Ent. 32A(10)| 321. Oct J (385) TIPTOE, B. DDT and aerosol boabs spell death for insect*,, Acco Press 22(6)i 9« June. (386) TVXHH, 0. R. 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(39*0 UHITED STATES EAR DEPARTMEHT AHD HAVY DEPARTMEHT. Joint Aray- Bary specification. Dlchlordiphenyl trichloro ethane (DDT) (technical grade). Aray Bo. U-1122; lavy tyo. 51D1U, 8 pp., illus. Jan-D-56© June 30. (395) UHITED STATES WAS DEPARTMEHT, BUREAU OF PUBLIC RBLATIOHS. Aray's training will aid civilian insect control prograa after war. Press release for release Friday a. a., Oct. 6, 2pp. (396) UHITED STATES WAR PBODUCTIOH BOARD. General allocation order M-300, schedule 25* June 15* Federal Register 9(120): 66?6. June l6. (397) — - General allocation order M-300 as aaended Oct. 2. Federal Register 9(197): 12008-12013. Oct. 3. (398) — General allocation order M-300, appendices A, B, and C, as aaended Oct. 5. Federal Register $(200); 12152-12153. Oct. 6. - 26 - (399) ■VSl'TJCD 8TAT2S WAR PRODUCTIOI BOARD, [Federal entomologists do not recommend DDT for commercial agricultural use ] Press release WPB-LD-1025, 3 pp. Sot. 1. (1400) — - CONSERTATIOH DITISIOI, Material substitution! and supply list. Issue Ho. lU (final Issue), k pp. Oct, 1, (U01) YXLSICQL CORPORATIOI. AR-60 - DDT combinations (when available). Oil, Paint, and Drug Bptr. l**6(5)j 33» Ji»ly 3-U (U02) VALP, R. L. DDT as an lneectlcida. Cray Mem. Bot. Assoc. Jour* 11(2/3) « 15. p** 6 **" 4 *] Ju iy* (U03) WARIHER, J. Wo D.D.T. kills cabbage worms. Pa. Parmer 13 li ISK Hot. 11, (UoU) WASICXY, R., and D1TI, 0* Dichloro~dif enil-trichlorostano (DDT) no coabate at larvae de eulicideot. ArquiTos ds His. e Saude Pub* 9(21) I 87-102. (U05) WATSOH, J. R. Postwar Insecticides promising. 71a. Grower. 52(6) t 8. June. (U06) WIST, T. P., and CAMPBELL, 0. A. DDT. Indue. Chem. and Chem. Mfr. 20 t &6l~H65 c Sept. (•107) - The behaTlour of DDT in paints; a promising method of application* Indus. Chem. and Chem. Mfr. 20: 6U7-648, Dec* (M08) WXSCOTT, C* Those D Insecticides; new developments which look as thougJPthey may finally lead to the gardener's promised land. Home Oard. }(($): gU_86. June. (H09) WIESMAOT, R. Yerglelchende Tereuche rur Bekampfung des Traubenwlcklers nit den neuen Arsenersatsstoffsn. Schwelt. Ztschr. f* Obet u. Welnbau 52(5): 117-131. *•*. 27t 19^3* (UlO) mm m m, and PZHJ VJES , 1* Autotomle bel Lepldopteren und Dipteren nach Beruhrung mlt Gesarol* Mitt. Schwelz. Int. Qesell. 19(^5): 179-18**, lllus. [Abstract In Rev. Appl. Int. 32A(10): 321. Oct. (Ull) WILSOH, B. J. and KTCT.LY t J. A. DDT, insecticide, protects Paclflo troops against epidemics* Washington (D. C.) Post, Hot. 3, p. SB. (•112) WILSOV, J. L, Plea for DDT supplies to control pests. Parmer and Settler 38(U6): 10* Dec. 15* (•413) WIHO, D. C. Still experimenting with DDT; gOTernaent entomologists reluctant to recommend general use of new insecticide for agricultural purposes—none available for civilian use. Cattleman 31(5): U2-UU. Oct. - 27 - (UlU) WOLCOTT, 0. N. How to make wood unpalatable to the Weet Indian dryvood termite Oryptotermea brevls Walker* II, With organic coasponnds «, Caribbean 7oreet. 5(*0t 171-180. July* (Ul5) WOLPBTBAJRGIH, D. 0, DDT for "out of place" honeybee colonies. Jour* Scon, Snt. 37(6): 8H9-S50* Dec* (Ul6) — — and HOFFMANN, X. Usee of DDT on the poultry farm* Poultry Scl. 23 j 5H5-5U6. Hor« r« (Ul7) WOODARD, 0., NSLSOH, A. A*, and CALVERT, H. 0* Acute and subacute toxicity of DDT (2 t 2~bie(p»chlorophenyl)-l t l v L»trlchloroethana) to laboratory anlnals. Jour* Pharmacol* and Ixpt* Ther* 82: 152-158. Oct. (Ul8) WOODBURY, D. 0* DDT In action. Scl. Illus* and Practical Mechanics 5(7) 1 te-43* Oct. UNIVERSITY OP FLORIDA 3 1262 09238 7058