LIBRARY STATE PLANT BOARD UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D. C. . P. Q.~ U6U IMPOST ATI 01T OF VIHIffERA GRAPES AND CERTAIN OTHER DECIDUOUS FRUITS SUBJECT TO IN-TRANSIT STERILIZATION AUTHORIZED (Approved and effective Sept. 15, 1937) It has,,' "be en determined that the refrigeration treatment proscribed in circular 3. E. P. 0,. — H63 , as a condition for the entry of Vinifera grapes from regions in which the Mediterranean fruit fly occurs, can he completed while the fruit is in transit on ships equipped with adequate refrigeration facilities., provided the grapes have boon cooled to the proper temperature before loading in refrigerated holds in the carrying vessels. It has also been determined that certain other deciduous fruits can be similarly treated. The treatment prescribed in 3 . E. P. Q. — U&5 > requires the cooling of the grapes until the approximate center of the fruit in the package reaches a temperature of ">H° F. and holding it at or below that tempera- ture for a period of 12 days. On the basis of the above determination and under the authority of regulation 2 of the rules and regulations supplemental to Notice of Quar- antine ITo. 56, graces of the Vinifera type, and such other deciduous fruits as may be approved in the permit , which are prohibited entry in the fresh State because of the Mediterranean fruit fly, may therefore be entered under the following conditions: (1) Before being loaded they shall bo cooled to a temperature of ?2° F. under the supervision of an official designated by the Secretary of Agriculture, or one holding a comparable position, in the country concerned, in a plant approved for the. purpose 'by the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine of the United States Department of Agriculture, (2) The temperature of the graces or other deciduous fruits shall in no case rise above 33° F. between the time they are taken from the preceding plant and the required re- frigeration treatment is began on the carrying vessel. (3) The grapes or other deciduous fruits shall be held at a temperature of V-^ F. or below for a period of 12 days. Such treatment shall oe applied only in vessels which have been aoproved by the Bureau of Entomology and plant Quarantine of the United States Department of Agriculture, and in particular holds or compartments designated by that Bureau for this purpose. Treatments must be completed in the holds or compartments in which they are begun. -2- (U) Each container of granes or other deciduous fruits to "be imported into the United States under the provisions of this circular shall be marked "by an appropriate label, or stencil, or stamp impression, which v/ill enable identifi- cation at all times. (5) A certificate shall be issued in triplicate by an official designated by the Secretary of Agriculture or one holding a comparable position, in the country concerned, indicat- ing compliance with the provisions of numbered paragraphs (1) and (2) of this circular. In additiDii this certifi- cate shall give the identifying marks prescribed in para- graph number (H). The signatures and official position of those designated to sign this certificate shall be sub- mitted to the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine of the United States Departme xt of Agriculture in quadru- plicate. (6) The original and one copy of the certificate required in numbered paragraph. (U) hereof shall be verified by the American Consul at the port of export and shall accompany the shipment and be surrendered to the inspector of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine of the United States Department of Agriculture at the port of entry. The third copy will be retadnod by the consular office verifying the certification. (7) When requested, applicants for permits to import Yinifera grapes and certa.ii other deciduous fruits under the pro- visions of this circular shall furnish or arrange to have furnished, blue prints, plaxs, specifications, or such other information as may be deemed, necessary for consid- ering preceding plants or carrying vessels , for approval by the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine of the United States Department of Agriculture . (8) When requested, provisions shall be made to authorize representatives of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine of the United States Department of Agriculture, to inspect and carry on such tests as may be deemed necessary in or on rrecoolin*- plants and carrying vessels for which approval has been requested under the provisions of this circular. (9) No permits v/ill be issued for the importation of Vinifera grapes ~r ~ther deciduous fruits the provisions of this circular until the prec Doling plant at the port of loadin* and the hold, holds, or compartments of the carry- ing vessels in which the prescribed in-transit treatment is to be given have been approved by the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine of the United St-ites Department of Agriculture . -3- Carrying vessels must be equipped with approved tem- perature-recording instruments located, installed, operated, and maintained in a manner to be prescribed by the Bureau of Entomology and j?lant Quarantine of the United States Department of Agriculture, for each vessel . Hot more than 3 days prior to the lading of grapes or other deciduous fruits to be given in-transit sterili- zation as provided in this circular, the temperature- recording instruments of the hold, holds, or compart- ments approved for the purpose shall be tested for accuracy by an official designated by the Secretary of Agriculture, or one holding a comparable position, in the exporting country, and the thermograph record shall bear an endorsement of said official in form approxi- mately as follows: Port of Export Date The instruments installed for recording temperature within compartmont__ of the S. S. or M. S. which compartment is leaded with covered by nrecooling certificate No. of the (Name of _ _ , were tested by me at the place and on the c er t i f y in'g Gov ernmeint agency ) date above indicated, and wore accurate to within F. (If no adjustments were necessary, add a statement to that effect. If adjustments were made, add a statement indicating their character.) S if nature (Title of Certifying Officer.) (12) For entry under the provisions of this circular, there shall be surrendered to the inspector of the Bureau of Entomology and plant Quarantine of the United States De- partment of Agriculture at the port of transshipment or at the -port of entry, the original thermograph record showing the temperatures maintained in the holds or com- partments in which the fruit concerned was sterilized. When necessary, additional photostatic copies of such records shall be provided at the expense of the permittee. (10) (11) UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09245 5699 (13) Vinifera graoes cr other deciduous fruits to be imported into the United States under the provisions cf this cir- cular shall not be unloaded from the carrying vessel until evidence satisfactory to the inspector of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine of the United States De- partment of Agriculture has been furnished shoeing that the granes or other deciduous fruits have received the re- frigeration treatment prescribed in this circular. (lU) Whenever graces or other deciduous fruits are offered for entry under the provisions of this circular and it cannot be established to tiro satisfacti on of the inspec- tor of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine of the United States Department of Agriculture that they have received the required refrigeration treatment, they shall either remain on the vessel under safeguards pre- scribed by toe inspector of .the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine and under seal o f the Bureau of Ento- mology and. Plant Quarantine , or they shall be transported beyond the territorial limit's of the United States under such safeguards as shall be prescribed by the inspector. (15) Vinifera graces or other deciduous fruits may be imported under the provisions of this circ liar throughout the year and no restrictions are placed on the character of con- tainers in which they shall be packed. (16) In authorizing the entry of Vinifera grapes and certain other deciduous fruits into the United Strtes in accord- ance •with the ■provisions cf this circular ,, it should be emphasized that inexactness and carelessness in applying the treatment may result in injury to the fruit or its rejection. The treatment required for the entry of fruit under the provisions of this circular represents a re- quirement considered necessary for the elimination of pest risk and no liability shall attach to the United States Department of Agriculture or to any officer or representative of that Department in the event of injury resulting to fruit offered for entry under the pro- visions of this circular. LEE A. STRONG, Chie f, Bur eau of Entomology and_ Plant Quarantine .