September 19U3 E-60? United States .Department of Agriculture Agricultural Hesearch Administration Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine and Bureau of Animal Industry BOTE170NE SEDUCED IN DUSTS FOB CATTLE GEUS TBZATMZ.TS Treatments of cattle made for control of cattle grubs show that rotenone dusts mixed with tripoli earth or with pyrophylli te are more efficient than those made with talc and sulfur, because they penetrate the hair better and also because twice as many animals cr more can be treated with the B amount of derrie. The results obtained with these dust mixtures in Wyoi were comparable to those obtained in Texas and Florida. They show that the northern animals with thick coats of hair are treated just as effectively as ara the a.nimals with short hair. It waa also found that mixtures of ground cube were as effective as those made with ground derri s root when the dusts contained the same percentage of rotenone. When applied with a shaker can, an peerage application of 2 to 3 our.c of the raixad powder is sufficient for n single treatment of an animal wit heavy coat of hair. The en or jar is provided with a close— fitting top in which about 15 hol^s, one-fourth inch in * :, are punched outward through the lid. At the time the dust is applied, or. tc ruffle the hair. This permits th<= dust to penetrate the haiJ iter the or of the cysts that contain the grubs. The success of the treatment is dot)' uuon the thoroughness with which the powder is worked into Zn t use of such a method two men working on opposite sides of n chute have tod 100 cattle in an hour. Because of thp excrll^nt results obtc:: with pyrophylli te and tripoli earth as dry diluents, either of thei alt is recommended for use in dusts for cattle grub control m.' as n rqaAI of greatly extending the use of the avail- 1 Formula for Making Dusts with Pyrophylli te or Ti Ground cubr- or derri s (5 percent rot 1 pnrt v )li earth i/ (aOO-raesh fiasnsss) 3 parti -r Ground cube or derri s (5 percent rotenone) 1 pari Pyrophylli t*» 2/ (}2^r.^eh fineness) sf Tho tripoli earth to be u?- ' is t • • rose tripoli. SI She UNIVERSITY OF FLORID lllillll 3 1262 09239 1340 '