E2/Brazil UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Agricultural Research Administration Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D. C. STATE PLANT I B.E.P.Q. 379 (Revised) Supplement No. k October 20, 1950 PIANT QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OF THE REPUBLIC OF BRAZIL OLIVE PLANT QUARANTINE RESTRICTIONS Decree No. 3h& of May 12, 1950 "Diario Oficial" of May 25, 1950 According to the above decree the importation of plants, branches and buds of olive trees (Qlea europea L.) and other oleaceous species, into any part of Brazil is pro- hibited, unless it is declared in the phytosanitary certificate that the plants, branches and buds come from producing areas where the disease commonly called "olive tuberculosis" ( Pseudomonas savastanol (E. F. Smith) Stevens) does not exist, and that the plants, branches and buds are free from the disease and other injurious pests. After all the requirements listed above are complied with, the plants, branches and buds will be held in quarantine for at least 4 5 days, and the interested parties, will not be allowed to remove the material before authorized to do so by the Plant Protection Service. (From American Embassy, Rio de Janeiro Despatch No September Ik, 1950.) 407 Acting Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA iiiiiiniiiiiiiiiii 3 1262 09245 1722