2T3 (B. A. I. Order 273— Revised.) United States Department of Agriculture, BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE INTERSTATE MOVE- MENT OF LIVE STOCK. Effective on and after July i, 1921. (Superseding previous regulations on this subject, and -including Amendment 1, effective March 1, 1922, and Amendment 2, effective July 23, 1923.) CONTENTS. Page. Regulation 1 — General provisions 1 Regulation 2 — To prevent the spread of splenetic, southern, or Texas fever in cattle 7 Regulation 3 — To prevent the spread of scabies in cattle 15 Regulation 4 — To prevent the spread of scabies in sheep 19 P»te. Regulation 5 — To prevent the spread of dourine in horses and asses 22 Regulation ti — To prevent the spread of hog cholera and swine plague- 23 Regulation 7 — To prevent the spread of tuberculosis in cattle 25 Acts of Congress 30 U. S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Secretary, Washington, D. C, May 6, 1921. Under the authority conferred upon the Secretary of Agriculture by the provisions of the acts of Congress approved May 29, 1884 (23 Stat., 31), as amended by the act approved May 31, 1920 (41 Stat., 694, 699), February 2, 1903 (32 Stat., 791), and March 3, 1905 (33 Stat., 1264), as amended by the act approved March 4, 1913 (37 Stat., 828, 831), the following regulations are hereby prescribed for the inspection, disinfection, certification, treatment, handling, and method and manner of delivery and shipment of live stock which is the subject of interstate commerce. For purposes of identification these regulations are designated as B. A. I. Order 273. The regula- tions heretofore issued by the Secretary of Agriculture on this sub- ject, under date of May 15, 1919, effective on and after July 1, 1919 (B. A. I. Order 263)? and all amendments thereto are hereby re- voked, to take effect on July 1, 1921, on and after which date the regulations herein prescribed shall become and be effective until otherwise ordered. Henry C. Wallace, Secretary of Agriculture. REGULATION 1.— GENERAL PROVISIONS. DEFINITIONS. Section 1. For the purposes of these regulations the following words, phrases, names, and terms shall be construed, respectively, to mean — Paragraph 1. Department: The United States Department of Agri- culture. 68003—23 1 2 Paragraph 2. Bureau: The Bureau of Animal Industry of the United States Department of Agriculture. Paragraph 3. Bureau inspector : An inspector of the Bureau of Ani- mal Industry. Paragraph 4. Interstate : From one State, Territory, or the District of Columbia to another State, Territory, or the District of Columbia. Paragraph 5. Southern cattle: Cattle of the area or areas quaran- tined for splenetic, southern, or Texas fever in cattle (except those which have been duly certified by a bureau inspector as free of the disease and infection of the disease), cattle infested with the tick Margaropus annulatus, cattle loaded from " quarantine yards " or " quarantine pens," cattle loaded into a car, compartment of a boat or other vehicle which has not, since southern cattle were last loaded thereinto or transported therein, been disinfected as required by sections 4, 5, and 6 of this regulation and section 11 of Regulation 2 of this order, and cattle which have been moved from a quarantined area of any State, Territory, or the District of Columbia to the free area of the same, or any other State, Territory, or the District of Co- lumbia without being certified by a bureau inspector as free of the infection of splenetic, southern, or Texas fever. Paragraph 6. Quarantined area: The States, Territories, or the Dis- trict of Columbia or portions thereof quarantined by the Secretary of Agriculture for the specific contagious, infectious, or commu- nicable animal disease mentioned in each regulation. Paragraph 7. Free area : The States, Territories, or the District of Columbia or portions thereof not quarantined by the Secretary of Agriculture for the specific contagious, infectious, or communicable animal disease mentioned in each regulation. Paragraph 8. Stockers and feeders: Animals intended for stock or feeding purposes. Paragraph 9. Public stockyards: Stockyards where trading in live stock is carried on; where yarding, feeding, and watering facilities are provided by the stockyards, transportation, or similar company, and where Federal inspection is maintained for the inspection of live stock for communicable diseases. Paragraph 10. Recognized slaughtering center: Any point where slaughtering facilities, holding pens, and chutes are provided, and to which animals are shipped for immediate slaughter. Paragraph 11. Accredited herd: One officially declared by the bu- reau and the State as free from tuberculosis and for which a certifi- cate has been issued evidencing that fact. RULE GOVERNING QUARANTINE OF DISEASED LIVE STOCK. Section 2. When the Secretary of Agriculture shall determine the fact that cattle or other live stock in any State, Territory, or the Dis- trict of Columbia are affected with any contagious, infectious, or com- municable disease for which, in his opinion, a quarantine should be established, notice will be given of that fact. A rule will be issued placing in quarantine any State, Territory, or the District of Colum- bia, or any portion thereof, in which the disease exists; and this rule will either absolutely forbid the interstate movement of live stock from the quarantined area or will indicate the regulations under which interstate movements may be made. OWNERS AND OTHERS TO EXERCISE CARE IN OFFERING ANIMALS FOR TRANSPORTATION. Section 3. Animals affected with scabies, tuberculosis, hog cholera or swine plague, dourine, glanders, lip-and-leg ulceration, anthrax, splenetic fever, or other contagious, infectious, or communicable disease shall not be shipped or transported interstate: Provided, however, That southern cattle may be shipped interstate for immedi- ate slaughter in compliance with the requirements of section 1 of Regulation 2 : And provided further, That cattle which have reacted to the tuberculin test may be shipped interstate in accordance with the provisions of sections 3 and 4 of Regulation 7. Before offering cattle or other live stock for interstate transportation, transporting them interstate, or introducing them into any stockyards or upon routes of traffic for interstate transportation, all persons or corpora- tions are required to exercise reasonable diligence to ascertain that such animals are not affected with any contagious, infectious, or com- municable disease, and have not been exposed to the contagion or in- fection of disease by contact with other animals so diseased or by location in pens, cars, or other vehicles, or upon premises that have contained diseased animals. DISINFECTION OF CARS, BOATS, OTHER VEHICLES, YARDS, AND PREMISES. Section 4. Paragraph 1. Cars, boats, and other vehicles which have been used in interstate transportation of cattle, sheep, swine, or other animals affected with, or carrying the infection of, any contagious, infectious, or communicable disease shall be cleaned and disinfected under bureau supervision in accordance with these regulations, and the final carrier shall be responsible for such cleaning and disin- fection. If a car in which diseased animals have been moved inter- state is removed from destination or unloading point without being cleaned and disinfected in accordance with these regulations, the final carrier shall, upon receiving notice from a bureau inspector that such car has contained diseased animals or animals carrying the infection of disease, locate said car on its own or other lines, and have the same moved to a point where bureau inspection is main- tained and proper facilities are provided for cleaning and disinfect- ing cars, and have such car cleaned and disinfected under bureau supervision. Such final carrier shall keep the bureau informed as to the location of said car until the same has been so cleaned and disinfected: Provided, That if said final carrier is what is known as a terminal railroad, and said car or cars shall have been delivered by such final carrier to the railroad from which it received said car or cars, such final carrier shall, upon receiving notice from a bureau in- spector that such car has contained diseased animals, inform the bureau of the name of the railroad to which such car was delivered and said last-mentioned railroad shall, upon receiving notice from a bureau inspector that such car has contained diseased animals, locate said car on its own or other lines and have the same moved to a point where bureau inspection is maintained and proper facilities are provided for cleaning and disinfecting cars, and have such car cleaned and disinfected under bureau supervision. Such last-men- tioned railroad shall keep the bureau informed as to the location of said car until the same has been so cleaned and disinfected. Paragraph 2. Except as hereinafter provided in these regulations, cars, boats, and other vehicles that have contained cattle, sheep, swine, or other live stock affected with, or carrying the infection of, any contagious, infectious, or communicable disease shall not be moved interstate for any purpose until the said cars, boats, or other vehicles shall have been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected under bureau supervision in accordance with sections 5 and 6 of this regulation. Paragraph 3. Transportation companies which have received cars that have contained cattle, sheep, swine, or other animals affected with, or carrying the infection of, a contagious, infectious, or com- municable disease, and which cars have been moved interstate from the point at which such animals were last unloaded therefrom with- out being cleaned and disinfected in accordance with these regula- tions shall furnish to the bureau, when requested, the complete car- movement record of such cars. Paragraph 4- Yards and premises which have contained interstate shipments of southern cattle or of cattle, sheep, swine, or other ani- mals affected with, or carrying the infection of, any contagious, in- fectious, or communicable disease shall be cleaned and disinfected under the supervision of a bureau employee or an authorized State employee, in accordance with sections 5 and 6 of this regulation; and no yards or premises which have contained diseased live stock or live stock carrying the infection of disease, or southern cattle, shall be used in connection with the movement interstate of healthy animals until the said yards and premises have been so cleaned and disinfected. Paragraph 5. Cars or boats required by these regulations to be cleaned and disinfected shall be treated in the manner specified in sections 5 and 6 of this regulation under bureau supervision by the final carrier at destination as soon as possible after unloading and before the same are moved from such final destination for any pur- pose except as otherwise hereinafter provided. When the animals are destined to points at which bureau inspection and proper facilities are maintained, the cars or boats shall be cleaned and disinfected at such points; but when the animals are destined to points at which bureau inspection is maintained but at which proper facilities can not be provided, the transportation company may, upon permission first secured from the bureau, seal, bill, and forward the cars to a point at which bureau inspection is maintained and proper facilities are provided and there clean and disinfect the said cars under bureau supervision. Paragraph 6. No transportation company which receives notice from the bureau that a car has contained diseased animals or southern cattle since last cleaned and disinfected shall thereafter move the said car in interstate commerce until it has been cleaned and dis- infected under bureau supervision in accordance with sections 5 and 6 of this regulation. METHOD OF DISINFECTION. Section 5. Paragraph 1. Cars required by these regulations to be cleaned and disinfected shall be treated in the following manner: Remove all litter and manure from all portions of the cars, including all the ledges and framework outside ; clean the exterior and interior of the cars; and saturate the entire interior surface, including the inner surfaces of the car doors, with a permitted disinfectant. Paragraph 2. Boats required by these' regulations to be cleaned and disinfected shall be treated in the following manner: Remove all litter and manure from the decks, stalls, and all other parts of the boat occupied or traversed by the diseased animals and from the portable chutes or other appliances or fixtures used in loading and unloading same and saturate with a permitted disinfectant the entire surface of the deck, stalls, or other parts of the boat occupied or traversed by such animals or with which they may have come in contact or which have contained litter or manure. Paragraph 3. Yards, pens, chutes, and -alleys required by these regulations to be disinfected shall be treated in the following man- ner: Empty all troughs, racks, or other feeding or watering facili- ties; remove all litter and manure from the floors, posts, or other parts : and saturate the entire surface of the fencing, troughs, chutes, floors, walls, and other parts with a permitted disinfectant. PERMITTED DISINFECTANTS. Section 6. Paragraph 1. The substances permitted for use in dis- infecting cars, boats, other vehicles, and premises are as follows : (a) " Saponified cresol solution " at a dilution of at least 4 fluid ounces to 1 gallon of water. (6) Liquified phenol (liquified carbolic acid) at a dilution of at least 6 fluid ounces to 1 gallon of water. (c) Chlorid of lime (U. S. P. strength, 30 per cent available chlorin) at a dilution of 1 pound to 3 gallons of water. Paragraph 2. The use of " saponified cresol solution " as a disin- fectant is permitted, provided that such " saponified cresol solution " shall conform to the following requirements: 1. The formula of the product shall employ not less than 28 per cent by weight of linseed oil or soy-bean oil or mixtures thereof, or the chemically equivalent proportion of the fatty acids derived from either or both of these oils. Either caustic potash, caustic soda, or a mixture of caustic potash and caustic soda may be used to form the soap. The cresol used must be at least 95 per cent pure, and enough of this commercial grade of cresol (cresylic acid) must be employed in compounding the disinfectant to bring the actual amount of cresol in the finished product up to 50 per cent. 2. The product shall remain a homogeneous liquid when cooled to 32° F. It shall contain substantially no free oil, fatty acid, or excess alkali. It shall be readily soluble in cold distilled water; the solution shall be practically clear and shall contain no globules of undissolved oil or cresylic acid. 3. Manufacturers wishing to offer saponified cresol solution as indicated above for use in official disinfectant must first submit a sample of at least 8 ounces for examination, together with a state- ment of the formula employed and a guaranty that the product will be maintained of a quality uniform with the sample submitted. 4. To prevent confusion, each product must bear a distinctive trade name or brand, together with the name of the manufacturer or dis- tributor. 1 There shall be no mention of the United States Depart- ment of Agriculture or the Bureau of Animal Industry on the labels, containers, or printed matter accompanying products permitted to be used in official disinfection. The permitted saponified cresol solution shall be used at a dilution of at least 4 ounces of the solu- tion to 1 gallon of water. INSPECTION OF SHIPMENTS IN TRANSIT. Section 7. All persons and corporations having control of the in- terstate transportation of live stock shall, when directed by a bureau inspector so to do. stop the same in transit for inspection, and if any of such animals are found upon such inspection to be infected with any contagious, infectious, or communicable disease or to have been exposed to such infection, the person or corporation having control of the transportation of such animals shall, upon receipt of an order from a bureau inspector so to do, cease the carriage, transportation, or moving of such animals unless such carriage, transportation, or moving can be accomplished in accordance with the regulations gov- erning the interstate movement of animals infected with or which have been exposed to the infection of such disease, and in all cases after the discovery of such infection or exposure thereto such animals shall be handled in accordance with such regulations. SLAUGHTER OF ANIMALS TO PREVENT SPREAD OF DISEASE. Section 8. When, in order to prevent the spread of any conta- gious, infectious, or communicable disease, it becomes necessary to slaughter any diseased or exposed live stock, and the purchase of such live stock by the United States is authorized by law and an appro- priation is available therefor, the value of the live stock shall be as- certained and compensation made therefor in accordance with the or- ders or regulations of the Secretary of Agriculture. MOVEMENT FROM QUARANTINED TO FREE AREA AND SHIPMENT THEREFROM. Section 9. No live stock shall be shipped, trailed, driven, or hauled in private conveyance from the quarantined area in any State, Territory, or the District of Columbia to the free area in the same State, Territory, or the District of Columbia and subsequently de- livered to a transportation company for shipment to any other State. Territory, or the District of Columbia without complying with all Federal and State regulations pertaining to such movements. INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION OF ANIMALS FOR INTERSTATE MOVEMENT. Section 10. Paragraph 1. When animals are inspected and certi- fied by a bureau inspector, proper facilities for restraining them and assistance shall be provided in order that a careful inspection may be made, and the inspector while making the inspection shall not be interfered with in any manner; otherwise inspection will be im- mediately discontinued. 1 Employees of the Bureau of Animal Industry will be informed in Service and Regu- latory Announcements or otherwise of the trade names of saponified cresol solution permitted to he used in official disinfection. Paragraph 2. Whenever inspection or treatment and the issuance of a certificate, statement, test chart, or other writing showing the performance of such inspection or treatment and the result thereof, is required by any of these regulations as a condition precedent to the movement interstate of any animal or class of animals, or any animal or class of animals is so required to be accompanied in inter- state movement by such certificate, statement, test chart, or other writing, no such animal or animals shall be moved interstate unless and until the following requirements are also complied with: (a) In the case of such movement by a common carrier issuing waybills or other form or forms of billing covering the movement, the said certificate, statement, test chart, or other writing shall be delivered to such carrier at the time the animal or animals are de- livered for shipment, and shall become the property of the carrier, and be by such carrier attached to the billing covering the transporta- tion of such animal or animals, and accompany such billing to desti- nation, and be filed with such billing for future reference. (b) In case of such movement otherwise than by common carrier issuing waybills or other form or forms of billing, the said certifi- cate, statement, test chart, or other writing shall accompany the animal or animals to destination and be delivered to the consignee, or, in case the consignor and consignee is the same person, to the first purchaser purchasing during or after such movement in inter- state commerce, or to the person to whom the animal or animals are delivered. INTERSTATE MOVEMENT OF DEAD ANIMALS PROHIBITED. Section 11. No dead animal shall be transported, offered, or ac- cepted for transportation in the same car with live animals from the original point of shipment in any State or Territory, or the District of Columbia, to or through any other State, Territory, or the Dis- trict of Columbia. REGULATION 2.— TO PREVENT THE SPREAD OF SPLENETIC, SOUTHERN, OR TEXAS FEVER IN CATTLE.2 INTERSTATE SHIPMENTS OF CATTLE FOR IMMEDIATE SLAUGHTER. Section 1. Paragraph 1. Interstate shipments of cattle from points in the quarantined area may be made at any time by rail or boat for immediate slaughter: Provided, That the proper official of the State, Territory, or the District of Columbia to which the shipment is destined has granted permission for the acceptance and handling of southern cattle : And provided further, That in their movement the provisions contained in sections 1, 2 and 11, hereinafter set out in this regulation, are strictly observed and complied with. Paragraph 2. The transportation companies shall securely affix to and maintain upon both sides of all cars carrying interstate ship- ments of southern cattle durable placards not less than 5J by 8 inches in size, on which shall be printed with permanent black ink and in 2 A " rule to prevent the spread of splenetic fever in cattle " is in effect throughout the entire year. This rule prescribes the quarantined area in the respective States, and should be considered in connection with these regulations. Copies of the rule may be obtained from the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry, Washington, D. C. 8 boldfaced letters, not less than 1J inches in height, the words "SOUTHERN CATTLE." These placards shall also show the name of the place from which the shipment was made, the date of the shipment (which must correspond to the date of the waybills and other papers), the name of the transportation company, and the name of the place of destination. The carrier issuing the waybills, conductors' manifest, memoranda, and bills of lading pertaining to such shipments shall plainly write or stamp upon the face of each such paper the words "SOUTHERN CATTLE." If for any reason the placards required by this regulation have not been affixed to the car as aforesaid, or the placards have been removed, destroyed, or ren- dered illegible, or the cattle are rebilled or are transferred to other cars or boats, the placards shall be immediately affixed or replaced by the carrier and the new waybills shall be marked as aforesaid by the carrier issuing them, the intention being that the billing accom- panying the shipment shall be marked and the car placarded "SOUTHERN CATTLE" from the time such shipments leave the initial shipping points until they are unloaded at destination and the cars or boats are cleaned and disinfected as required by section 11 of this regulation. Paragraph 3. No cattle, other than southern cattle, shall be placed in any car or boat containing an interstate shipment of southern cattle ; no cattle, other than southern cattle, shall be placed for inter- state transportation in any car or boat containing southern cattle; and no interstate shipment of southern cattle shall be made to any point in the free area unless proper facilities have been provided at such point for unloading such cattle directly into pens specifically provided and reserved for such cattle. Paragraph Jf. If, for any reason, such as unavoidable delays or wrecks, it is necessary to unload southern cattle which are being transported interstate as "SOUTHERN CATTLE," into pens or yards which have not been specially provided and reserved for that purpose, as hereinafter indicated, or to transfer the cattle to another car, the car from which the transfer is made and the premises shall be disinfected as provided by section 11 of this regulation, and the transportation company shall immediately report the transaction, by telegraph, to the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry, "Wash- ington, D. C. Such report shall include the information indicated below : (a) Nature of emergency. (b) Place where the cattle were unloaded. (c) Original points of shipment and destination. (d) Number and initials of the original car: also number and initials of the car into which the cattle are reloaded in case the original car is not used. Paragraph 5. The regulations relating to the movement of cattle of the quarantined area and other southern cattle as prescribed by the proper officers of the State of destination shall be carefully observed. Section 2. Southern cattle received at destination outside of the quarantined area, or which in course of interstate transportation are unloaded at a point not within the quarantined area to be fed, watered, rested, or for other purposes, shall be handled over plat- forms, chutes, and alleys, and placed in yards reserved for southern cattle, and such quarantine yards shall not be used for other live stock. Such yards, alleys, chutes, and platforms shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with the specifications set out below : (a) The outside fences inclosing such quarantine yards, and the fences on either side of the alleys, chutes, and platforms leading thereto, shall be tight board fences, not less than 6 feet high on the inside. (b) If such yards, alleys, chutes, and platforms are adjacent to yards, alleys, chutes, and platforms for cattle other than southern, there shall be between them a space not less than 10 feet wide, which shall be inaccessible to live stock: this space shall be limited on one side by the 6-foot fence required by specification (a) and on the other side by a similar fence. The remaining space around such yards shall be limited as in specification (c) following. (c) If such yards, alleys, chutes, and platforms are isolated from other yards, alleys, chutes, or platforms, there shall be built and maintained outside thereof, on all sides to which cattle of the vicinity might otherwise approach, a well-constructed, cattle-proof fence not less than 5 feet high and not less than 15 feet from the 6-foot fence required b}^ specification (a). (d) The only means of egress from yards for southern cattle in transit shall be by way of the alleys, chutes, and platforms inclosed by 6-foot fences, as required by specification (a), to cars for refor- warding, and under no circumstances shall there exist any connec- tion between such yards and the yards for cattle other than southern cattle or other adjacent premises. (e) The yards reserved for southern cattle shall be so located, or such drainage facilities shall be provided therefor, that water there- from will not flow on to the adjacent property. (/) The yards reserved for southern cattle shall be marked by a conspicuous sign bearing the words " QUAKANTINE YAKDS " or "QUAKANTINE PENS" in letters not less than 10 inches in height. INTERSTATE MOVEMENT OF CATTLE FOR PURPOSES OTHER THAN IMMEDIATE SLAUGHTER. Section 3. Paragraph 1. — Cattle of the quarantined area, or other cattle exposed to or infested with ticks {Margaropus annulatus), which have been properly dipped twice, with an interval of from 7 to 12 days, in a permitted arsenical solution at a public stockyards where proper facilities for dipping are maintained or at a designated dipping station, or which have been otherwise treated at such public stockyards or designated dipping station, under the supervision of a bureau inspector in a manner approved by the Secretary of Agri- culture, and which have been certified by the said inspector to be free from infection of splenetic fever, may be moved interstate for any purpose : Provided, That the requirements set forth in para- graph 5 of this section are fully complied with. Paragraph 2. — Cattle in areas where tick eradication is being sys- tematically conducted in cooperation with the State authorities, which on inspection by a bureau inspector are found to be apparently free from ticks, may, after one dipping in an approved arsenical solution under the supervision of a bureau inspector and certification by the 68003—28 2 10 said inspector, be shipped or transported interstate for any purpose : Provided, That the conditions are such that the cattle may be moved to the free area or to a transportation line without exposure to in- fection : And provided further, That the requirements set forth in paragraph 5 of this section are fully complied with. Paragraph 3. Cattle in the quarantined area which have been properly dipped at least once in a permitted arsenical solution under the supervision of a bureau inspector or a duly authorized State inspector may be shipped as " DIPPED TICKY CATTLE " to a place where proper dipping and stockyard facilities are provided and inspection maintained by the bureau; and if, on inspection at such place, the cattle are found to be apparently free from ticks they may, after one dipping under the supervision of a bureau inspector, in from 7 to 12 days after the last previous dipping, and certification by the said inspector, be moved interstate for any purpose : Provided, That the cattle so shipped shall be accompanied to such dipping place by a statement of dipping issued by the inspector supervising the same at the point of origin, showing the consignor, consignee, number of cattle, and date of dipping, and shall be handled as quarantined cattle until the final dipping is accomplished : Provided further, That the transportation companies shall securelv affix to and maintain upon both sides of all cars carrying " DIPPED TICKY CATTLE " durable placards, not less than 5^ by 8 inches in size, on which shall be printed with permanent black ink and in boldfaced letters not less than \\ inches in height the words " DIPPED TICKY CATTLE." These placards shall also show the name of the place from which the shipment was made, the date of the shipment (which must cor- respond to the date of the waybills and other papers), the name of the transportation company, and the name of the place of destination. The carrier issuing the waybills, conductors' manifests, memoranda, and bills of lading pertaining to such shipments shall plainly write or stamp upon the face of each such paper the words " DIPPED TICKY CATTLE." If for any reason the placards required by this regulation have not been affixed to the car as aforesaid or the placards have been removed, destroyed, or rendered illegible, or the cattle are rebilled or are transferred to other cars or boats, the placards shall be immediately affixed or replaced by the carrier and the new waybills shall be marked as aforesaid by the carrier issuing them, the intention being that the billing accompanying the ship- ment shall be marked and the car placarded "DIPPED TICKY CATTLE " from the time such shipments leave the initial shipping points until they are unloaded at destination and the cars or boats are cleaned and disinfected as required by section 11 of this regulation: Provided further, That the requirements set forth under (a), (b), (c), and- (d) of paragraph 5 of this section are fully complied with. Paragraph ^. Cattle located in areas where tick eradication is being conducted in cooperation with the State authorities, and which are on premises known by bureau inspectors to be free from ticks, may, upon inspection and certification at a suitable season by a bureau inspector, be moved interstate for any purpose without dipping : Pro- vided, That the conditions are such that the cattle may be moved to the free area or to a transportation line without exposure to infec- 11 tion, and the requirements set forth under (a) and (b) of paragraph 5 of this section are fully complied with. Paragraph 5. (a) All interstate movements of inspected and cer- tified and dipped and certified cattle shall be accompanied to final destination by a certificate of a bureau inspector (which certificate shall show that the cattle so being moved have been dipped as re- quired by paragraph 1, or by paragraph 2 hereof, and are free of infection from splenetic, southern, or Texas fever, or have been in- spected, as required by paragraph 4 hereof, and are free of infection from splenetic, southern, or Texas fever) : all movements' of dipped ticky cattle, as described in paragraph 3 hereof, shall be accom- panied to the final clipping place by the statement of dipping re- quired by said paragraph 3 hereof; all such certificates and state- ments shall be handled, delivered, kept, and preserved in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2 of section 10 of Regulation 1 of this order; and all such cattle shall be handled through noninfectious pens, alleys, and chutes, and when shipped shall be loaded into clean and disinfected cars, and shall not be unloaded in the quarantined area except at such points reserved for noninfected cattle as may from time to time be authorized by the bureau. (b) All such interstate movements of inspected or dipped and cer- tified cattle are subject to such restrictions — which are not inconsistent with these regulations — as may be imposed at destination by the offi- cials of the State, Territory, or the District of Columbia. (c) Cattle of the quarantined area shall be considered infested and shall not be placed in noninfectious pens or premises until after the final inspection or dipping. (d) The dipping of cattle for interstate movement shall be done only in a permitted dip and at places where proper facilities are pro- vided for dipping and for handling the cattle in a manner to prevent exposure to infection after the final dipping. Cattle which are to be dipped shall, prior to dipping, be given an opportunity to drink sufficient water to quench their thirst, be carefully handled, and not- dipped while they are in a heated or exhausted condition. The de- partment disclaims responsibility for any loss or damage resulting from the dipping. The dip at present permitted by the department is an arsenical solution which shall at all times show a minimum of twenty-two hundredths per cent of arsenious oxid in solution, as in- dicated by the bureau field test for the arsenical dipping bath. 3 A proprietary brand of arsenical solution may be used in official dipping only after specific permission therefor has been issued by the bureau ; and no dip will hereafter be given department permission for official use in the dipping of cattle for ticks unless it has been shown to the satisfaction of the bureau (1) that the strength of the bath prepared therefrom may be satisfactorily determined in the field by a practical portable testing outfit; (2) that under actual field conditions the dipping of cattle in a bath of definite strength will effectually eradicate ticks without injury to the animals dipped. (e) After receiving the final dipping in the quarantined area, cattle shall be handled through noninfectious pens, alleys, and chutes surrounded by a well-constructed, cattle-proof fence, immediately 3 Bulletin No. 70 of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. 12 outside of which there shall be a space not less than 15 feet wide which shall at all times be inaccessible to live stock. This space shall be limited on one side by the fence previously described and on the other by a similar fence: and no rubbish, litter, or vegetation shall be allowed to collect in this 15-foot space, the ground surface of which shall be thoroughly disinfected when deemed necessary by the inspector supervising the dipping. Such drainage facilities shall be provided as will prevent water from flowing into the pens, alleys, or chutes from the surrounding ground. (/) When deemed advisable in cases of emergency cattle may be handled, after the final dipping, through the ordinary stock pens, alleys, and chutes: Provided, That the pens, alleys, and chutes and adjacent ground for several feet are thoroughly cleaned of all ma- nure, litter, and other loose materials, and thoroughly disinfected with any one of the disinfectants prescribed in Regulation 1, section 6, or a permitted arsenical dip at double the strength required for dipping cattle for ticks : And provided further. That the cattle shall not be held in such disinfected pens, alleys, or chutes for a period longer than 12 hours after dipping before being loaded into clean and disinfected cars for shipment as noninfected cattle. UNLOADING NONINFECTED CATTLE FOR REST, FEED, AND WATER. Section. 4. Paragraph 1. Cattle not of the quarantined area, and cattle of the quarantined area when properly dipped, inspected, and certified in accordance with this regulation, which are transported interstate by rail through the quarantined area, shall not be unloaded therein for rest, feed, and water unless they are unloaded into prop- erly equipped noninfectious pens set apart for such cattle at such points as may from time to time be authorized by the bureau : Pro- vided, That southern cattle, when unloaded in a quarantined area, shall not be unloaded into noninfectious pens, but may be unloaded into other pens. Such noninfectious pens and the platforms, chutes, and alleys leading thereto shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with the specifications set out below : (a) The outside fences inclosing such pens, and the fences on either side of the alleys, chutes, and platforms leading thereto, shall be tight board fences not less than 6 feet high on the inside. (b) If such pens, alleys, chutes, and platforms are adjacent to pens, alleys, chutes, and platforms for southern cattle there shall be between them a space not less than 10 feet wide, which shall be inac- cessible to live stock. This space shall be limited on one side by the 6-foot fence required by specification (a), and on the other side by a similar fence. (c) If such pens, alleys, chutes, and platforms are either isolated from or adjacent to other pens, alleys, chutes, or platforms, there shall be built and maintained outside thereof on all sides to which cattle of the, vicinity might otherwise approach a cattle-proof fence not less than 5 feet high and not less than 15 feet from the 6-foot fence required by specification (a). (d) The only means of egress from such pens shall be by way of the alleys, chutes, and platforms inclosed by 6-foot fences, as re- quired by specification («), to cars for reforwarding: and under no 13 circumstances shall there exist any connection between such pens and the pens for southern cattle or other adjacent premises. (e) Such noninfectious premises shall be so located, or such drain- age facilities shall be provided therefor, that water from the sur- rounding area will not flow on to or through them. (/) Such pens shall be marked by a conspicuous sign bearing the words " NONINFECTIOUS PENS " in letters not less than 10 inches in height. Paragraph 2. — The hay, straw, or similar materials required for feed and bedding in such noninfectious pens shall be shipped in non- infectious cars from points outside of the quarantined area and so handled that they may not become infectious. INTERSTATE MOVEMENT OF CATTLE WITHIN THE QUARANTINED AREA. Section 5. Cattle shall not be transported, driven, or moved from the quarantined area of any State, Territory, or the District of Columbia to the quarantined area of any other State, Territory, or the District of Columbia, except in compliance with this regulation and subject to State, Territorial, or the District of Columbia restric- tions which are not inconsistent therewith. MOVEMENT OF CATTLE FROM QUARANTINED TO FREE AREA AND SHIPMENT THEREFROM. Section 6. No person, firm, or corporation shall deliver for trans- portation, transport, drive on foot, or otherwise move interstate from the free area of any State, Territory, or the District of Columbia any cattle which have been moved from the quarantined area of the same State, Territory, or the District of Columbia into such free area : Provided, however. That such cattle may be delivered for trans- portation, transported, driven on foot, or otherwise moved inter- state for the purposes for which the shipment, transportation, or other movement interstate of cattle of the quarantined area and other southern cattle is permitted by these regulations, provided that in such shipment and transportation or other movement the require- ments of these regulations governing the shipment and transporta- tion or other movement of cattle of the quarantined area and other southern cattle are strictly complied with: And provided further, That this section shall not apply to cattle of the quarantined area which, before being moved into the free area, are certified by a bureau inspector as free of the infection of splenetic, southern, or Texas fever and are accompanied by such certificate in their ship- ment and transportation or other movement interstate. TICK-INFESTED CATTLE FROM FREE AREAS. Section 7. Paragraph 1. Cattle infested with the tick Margaropus annidatus, or southern cattle tick, disseminate the contagion of splenetic, southern, or Texas fever; therefore any cattle which are infested with this tick shall be known as " southern cattle n and shall not be shipped, transported, trailed, driven, hauled in private con- veyances, or accepted for transportation interstate except in com- pliance with the provisions of this regulation governing the inter- state movement of cattle from the quarantined area. 14 Paragraph 2. Stockyard companies receiving interstate shipments of cattle infested with" the said ticks shall place the said cattle in the pens set aside for the nse of southern cattle, and transportation com- panies outside of the quarantined area are required to clean and dis- infect, in accordance with the requirements of this regulation, all ears and boats used in interstate transportation which have contained the infested cattle. Paragraph 3. If cattle not of the quarantined area be driven over platforms, chutes, or alleys or placed in the yards reserved for south- ern cattle, or are unloaded in the quarantined area into other than " noninfectious pens," such cattle shall thereafter be treated in all respects as southern cattle; likewise if cattle of the quarantined area or originating on quarantined or infected premises are moved to a point in the free area or from such quarantined or infected premises without first having been treated as required by this regu- lation for movement as noninfected cattle, the stock pens, cars, and other premises, and any cattle which may have come in contact therewith, shall be considered in all respects as quarantined premises and cattle until treated in accordance with this regulation. EXHIBITION OF NONINFECTED CATTLE IN THE QUARANTINED AREA. Section 8. The exhibition of noninfected cattle at fairs or ex- hibitions in the quarantined area and their reshipment to the free area without dipping may, by written order, be permitted: Pro- vided, That the cattle shall be handled under such conditions as may be prescribed in each case to preclude any danger of the spread of infection. SHIPMENT FROM QUARANTINED YARDS. Section 9. No person, firm, or corporation shall deliver, or receive for transportation, transport, drive on foot, or otherwise move any southern cattle interstate, except in the manner permitted by and according to the provisions, conditions, and restrictions of these regu- lations governing the movement of such cattle. HORSES, MULES, AND ASSES INFESTED WITH CATTLE TICKS. Section 10. Horses, mules, and asses which are infested with ticks (Mar gar opus annulatm) shall not be moved interstate unless they are treated in accordance with the requirements set forth in this regulation governing the interstate movement of cattle. CLEANING AND DISINFECTING CARS, BOATS, AND PREMISES. Section 11. Paragraph 1. Cars or boats which have carried south- ern cattle interstate shall be cleaned and disinfected under bureau supervision, in accordance with Kegulation 1, sections 4, 5, and 6, by the final carrier at destination as soon as possible after unloading and before the same are moved or permitted to be moved from such final destination for any purpose, except as otherwise hereinafter provided. When the cattle are destined to points at which bureau inspection and proper facilities are maintained the cars shall be cleaned and disinfected at such points: Provided, however, That if such cars are to be used within 48 hours for reforwarding southern 15 cattle to another point to which such cattle may be shipped in accord- ance with this regulation such cars need not be cleaned and disin- fected until unloaded at such latter destination. When the cattle are destined to points at which bureau inspection is not maintained the transportation company shall seal, bill, and forward the infec- tious cars to a point at which bureau inspection is maintained and agreed upon between the transportation company and the bureau, and shall there clean and disinfect the said cars under bureau super- vision. When the cattle are destined to points at which bureau inspection is maintained, but at which proper facilities can not be provided, the transportation company may, upon permission first secured from the bureau, seal, bill, and forward the cars to a point at which bureau inspection is maintained and proper facilities are provided, and there clean and disinfect the said cars under bureau supervision. Paragraph 2. Cars which have carried southern cattle within the quarantined area of any State shall be cleaned and disinfected in ac- cordance with Regulation 1, sections 5 and 6, before being moved in- terstate; but this requirement shall not apply to cars used imme- diately thereafter for the transportation of southern cattle intended for immediate slaughter. Paragraph 3. The litter and manure removed from cars, boats, or other vehicles and from pens, chutes, alleys, or other premises or inclosures which have contained southern cattle shall be destroyed or disinfected under bureau supervision by saturating it with any permitted disinfectant (see Regulation 1, section 6), or otherwise disposed of under permission from the chief of the bureau. REGULATION 3.— TO PREVENT THE SPREAD OF SCABIES IN CATTLE. MOVEMENT OF CATTLE AFFECTED WITH SCABIES. Section 1. Paragraph 1. No cattle affected with or exposed to scabies shall be shipped, trailed, driven, or otherwise moved inter- state for any purpose except as hereinafter provided. Paragraph 2. No cattle shall be shipped, trailed, or moved inter- state from the area quarantined for the disease of scabies in cattle except as hereinafter provided. SHIPMENTS FOR IMMEDIATE SLAUGHTER. Section 2. Paragraph 1. Cattle affected with scabies, which have been dipped once in a permitted dip under the supervision of a bureau inspector within 10 days of the date of shipment, and are accompanied by a certificate issued by the said inspector, may be shipped or transported interstate for immediate slaughter to a recog- nized slaughtering center, provided that the following conditions are strictly observed and complied with : (a) They shall not be diverted en route. (b) They shall be slaughtered- or again dipped wrinin 14 days from the elate of the first dipping. (c) The cars shall be placarded and the billing shall be marked " PIPPED SCABBY CATTLE," in accordance with section 4 of this regulation. 1G Paragraph 2. Cattle of the free area not visibly diseased with scabies, but which may be part of a diseased herd, may be shipped or transported interstate for immediate slaughter to any recognized slaughtering center where separate pens are provided for yarding exposed cattle : Provided, That the following conditions are strictly observed and complied with : (een dipped once in a permitted dip under the supervision of a bureau inspector within 10 days of the date of shipment, may be shipped or transported interstate for immediate slaughter to a recog- nized slaughtering center, provided that the following conditions are strictly observed and complied with: (a) The sheep shall not be diverted en route. (b) The sheep shall be slaughtered or again dipped within 14 days from the date of the first dipping. (c) The cars or boats containing the sheep shall be placarded and the billing shall be marked " DIPPED SCABBY SHEEP " in ac- cordance with paragraph 3 of this section. (d) Upon arrival at a public stockyards the sheep shall be placed in a portion of the stockyards set aside for the receipt of such sheep, and not permitted to mingle with other animals until such time as they are disposed of for slaughter or are again dipped and certified for further interstate movement for purposes other than immediate slaughter. Paragraph 2. Sheep that are not diseased with scabies, but which have been exposed to the contagion of the disease, may be shipped or transported interstate by rail, without dipping, to a recognized slaughtering center for immediate slaughter, provided that the cars are placarded and the billing is marked " EXPOSED SHEEP FOR SLAUGHTER," in accordance with paragraph 3 of this section. 5 A " rule to prevent the spread of scabies in sheep " is in effect throughout the entire year. This rule prescribes the quarantined area in the respective States, and should be considered in connection with these regulations. Copies of the rule may be obtained from the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry, Washington, D. C. 20 Paragraph 3. When sheep are shipped for slaughter in accordance with either paragraph 1 or paragraph 2 of this section, the trans- portation companies shall securely affix to and maintain upon both sides of each car carrying such sheep a durable and conspicuous placard, not less than 5 J by 8 inches in size, on which shall be printed with permanent black ink in boldfaced letters, not less than 1J inches in height, the words "DIPPED SCABBY SHEEP" or " EXPOSED SHEEP FOE SLAUGHTER," as the case may be. These placards shall also show the name of the place from which the shipment was made, the date of the shipment (which must cor- respond to the date of the waybills and other papers), the name of the transportation company, and the name of the place of destina- tion. The carrier issuing the waybills, conductors' manifests, mem- oranda, and bills of lading pertaining to such shipments shall plainly write or stamp upon the face of each such paper the words " DIPPED SCABBY SHEEP," or " EXPOSED SHEEP FOR SLAUGHTER," as the case may be. If for any reason the placards required by this regulation have not been affixed to the car as afore- said, or the placards have been removed, destroyed, or rendered illegible, or the sheep are rebilled or are transferred to other cars or boats, the placards shall be immediateely affixed or replaced by the carrier and the new waybills shall be marked as aforesaid by the carrier issuing them, the intention being that the billing accompany- ing the shipment shall be marked and the car containing the sheep shall be placarded " DIPPED SCABBY SHEEP," or " EXPOSED SHEEP FOR SLAUGHTER," as the case may be, from the time of shipment until the sheep arrive at destination, and the disposition of the cars is indicated by a bureau inspector. SHIPMENTS FOR PURPOSES OTHER THAN SLAUGHTER. Section 3. Paragraph 1. Sheep affected with scabies may be shipped interstate for any purpose after they have been dipped twice, 10 to 14 days apart, in a permitted dip under the supervision of a bureau inspector and are so certified by such inspector. Paragraph 2. Sheep that are not diseased with scabies, but which have been exposed to the contagion of the disease, may be shipped,, transported, or otherwise moved interstate for purposes other than slaughter after they have been dipped once in a permitted dip under the supervision of a bureau inspector and are certified by such in- spector to be free from the disease. Paragraph 3. Sheep in those States of the quarantined area with which the department is cooperating in the eradication of scabies, and which are not affected with and have not been exposed to such disease, may be shipped, transported, or otherwise moved interstate for any purpose after they have been inspected by a bureau inspector and found to be free from the disease or exposure thereto and when accompanied by a certificate from the said inspector to that effect. Paragraph 4- Sheep in those States of the quarantined area with which the department is not cooperating in the eradication of scabies and which are not affected with and have not been exposed to such disease may be shipped interstate for any purpose if dipped once in accordance with this regulation at stations where dipping facilities are provided and bureau inspection is maintained. 21 MOVEMENT FROM QUARANTINED TO FREE AREA AND SHIPMENT THEREFROM. Section 4. No person, firm, or corporation shall deliver for trans- portation, transport, drive on foot, or otherwise move interstate from the free area of any State, Territory, or the District of Columbia any sheep which have been moved from the quarantined area of the same State, Territory, or the District of Columbia into such free area : Provided, however, That such sheep may be delivered for trans- portation, transported, driven on foot, or otherwise moved interstate for the purposes for which the shipment, transportation, or other movement interstate of sheep of the quarantined area is permitted by these regulations, provided that in such shipment and transporta- tion or other movement the requirements of these regulations govern- ing the shipment and transportation or other movement of sheep of the quarantined area are strictly complied with: And provided further, That this section shall not apply to sheep of the quarantined area which, before being moved into the free area, are certified by a bureau inspector as free from disease and are accompanied by such certificate in their shipment and transportation or other movement interstate. SHEEP INFECTED OR EXPOSED IN TRANSIT. Section 5. Paragraph 1. If sheep free from scabies and exposure thereto be unloaded while in the course of interstate transportation on infectious premises, they shall thereafter be treated as exposed sheep and their further movement shall be subject to the provisions of this regulation. Paragraph 2. Sheep shipped interstate under a certificate from a bureau inspector, or other sheep, which are found en route to be affected with scabies or to have been exposed thereto shall thereafter be handled as diseased or exposed sheep, as provided by this regu- lation, and the cars or other vehicles, and the chutes, alleys, and pens which have been occupied by diseased sheep shall be cleaned and disinfected, as provided in Kegulation 1, sections 4, 5, and 6. SHIPMENTS FROM PUBLIC STOCKYARDS. Section 6. Paragraph 1. Except as provided in this section no sheep shall be shipped or moved interstate from public stockyards, unless for immediate slaughter, without dipping. Where, however, a part or all of the stockyards is reserved and set apart for the re- ception of noninfected shipments of sheep and is kept free of dis- ease, sheep may be shipped interstate from the noninfectious yards or portions thereof without dipping. If diseased sheep are intro- duced into the noninfected yards or portions thereof, the chutes, al- leys, and pens occupied by the said sheep shall be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. Paragraph 2. No sheep shall be shipped or moved interstate from an} T public stockyards where a bureau inspector is stationed for the inspection of live stock for communicable diseases without a certifi- cate issued by such inspector showing that the sheep are free from contagious disease or have been properly dipped : Provided, That this restriction shall not apply to shipments of sheep unloaded in transit for feed, water, and rest, and not offered for sale. 22 PERMITTED DIPS. Section 7. Paragraph 1. The dips at present permitted by the de- partment for the treatment, under bureau supervision, of sheep affected with or exposed to scabies are as follows : Lime-sulphur dip made in the proportion of 8 pounds of unslaked lime (or 11 pounds of commercial hydrated lime, not air-slaked lime) and 2-1 pounds of flowers of sulphur or sulphur flour to 100 gallons of water. Nicotin dip containing not less than five one-hundredths of 1 per cent of nicotin. The dipping bath should be used at a temperature of 95° to 105° F., and must at all times be maintained at a strength of not less than 1^ per cent of " sulphid sulphur " in the case of the lime-sulphur dip, and not less than five one-hundredths of 1 per cent of nicotin in the case of the nicotin dip as indicated by the field tests for such baths approved 6 by the bureau. Paragraph 2. A proprietary brand of lime-sulphur solution or nicotin solution may be used in official dipping only after specific permission therefor has been issued by the bureau. Xo dip other than the lime-sulphur dip or the nicotin dip will hereafter be given department permission for use in official dipping of sheep for scabies unless it has been shown to the satisfaction of the bureau (1) that the strength of the bath prepared therefrom may be satisfactorily determined in the field by a practical portable testing outfit; (2) that under actual field conditions the dipping of sheep in a bath of defi- nite strength will effectually eradicate scabies infection without injury to the animals dipped. DISINFECTION OF CARS, VEHICLES, AND PREMISES. Section 8. Cars and other vehicles, yards, pens, sheds, and chutes which have contained diseased sheep shall be cleaned and disinfected in accordance with the provisions of ^Regulation 1, sections 4, 5, and 6. REGULATION 5.— TO PREVENT THE SPREAD OF DOURINE IN HORSES AND ASSES. MOVEMENT OF ANIMALS FROM QUARANTINED AREAS PROHIBITED. Section 1. Xo horses or asses shall be offered for interstate ship- ment, shipped, transported, driven, or trailed, or otherwise moved interstate from an area o x iiarantined by the Secretary of Agriculture for dourine without bureau inspection and certification of freedom from the disease for the purpose of the particular movement Own- ers and custodians of horses or asses for whom inspection is made shall provide such reasonable facilities and render such assistance as may be required by the inspector. 6 The field test for lime-sulphur dipping baths is described in U. S. Department of Agriculture Bulletin 163. A field test outfit at present approved by the bureau for nicotin dinning baths is that designated for the purpose of identification as "Field test outfit N-o.** 23 BREEDING ANIMALS IN QUARANTINED AREAS. Section 2. If stallions or jacks shall be allowed to run at large in an area quarantined by the Secretary of Agriculture for dourine, or if there shall be any breeding of horses or asses in a herd in the quarantined area, in which there is a horse or an ass which has been exposed to the infection of dourine. within 18 months after the said exposure, the interstate movement of any horses or asses from the said area is absolutely prohibited unless and until such horses and asses have been certified by a bureau inspector as having passed the complement -fixation test for 'such disease. APPRAISAL OF AND COMPENSATION FOR ANIMALS. Section 3. TYnen it is necessary, in order to prevent the spread of dourine and to aid in its extermination, and an appropriation is available therefor, the department will cooperate with the various States in the purchase of diseased animals in the following manner : (a) The fact of infection with this disease shall be determined by the complement-fixation test applied in the laboratory of the bureau. (h) The animal shall be appraised at its actual value by a bureau inspector and the State veterinarian or an assistant State veterin- arian of the State in which the animal is located, or. when provided by State law, assessed value as shown by the assessor's books will be accepted in lieu of appraisal. (c) The department will pay one-half of the appraised or assessed value, provided such share shall in no case exceed $100, and the owner signs an agreement to accept such sum as compensation in full for the discharge of all claims he may have against the department on account of the destruction of the animal in question. REGULATION 6.— TO PREVENT THE SPREAD OF HOG CHOLERA AND SWINE PLAGUE. classes of swine prohibited interstate movement. Section 1. Paragraph 1. Iso swine which are diseased with hog cholera or swine plague shall be shipped, transported, trailed, driven, or otherwise moved interstate for any purpose. Paragraph 2. No swine shall be shipped, driven, or transported interstate from public stockyards for feeding, breeding, or stocking purposes except as hereinafter provided. MOVEMENTS FROM PUBLIC STOCKYARDS. Section 2. Paragraph 1. Xo swine shall be shipped, driven on foot, or transported interstate from public stockyards for imme- diate slaughter, except in compliance with the following conditions : (a) The swine shall be shipped to a recognized slaughtering center. (b) The swine shall not be diverted en route for any other purpose. Paragraph 2. Swine may be shipped, transported, or otherwise moved interstate from public stockyards for purposes other than slaughter to States the laws, rules, or regulations of which provide 24 for the segregation or quarantine of imported hogs for a period of not less than three weeks, provided that the following requirements are strictly observed and complied with: (a) The State requirements at destination shall be observed. (b) The swine shall be inspected by a bureau inspector. (c) If the hogs upon examination are found to be affected with cholera they may be treated by a competent veterinarian under bureau supervision in a portion of the yards set aside for that pur- pose in accordance with one or the other of the methods set forth in (e) following; and at the expiration of not less than 30 days, if found, upon examination, to be free from disease, they may be re- leased for any purpose, after disinfection in accordance with (/) of this paragraph. (d) If the hogs are found free from symptoms of cholera and other contagious, infectious, or communicable diseases, and in a thrifty condition, they shall be treated by a competent veterinarian under bureau supervision in a portion of the yards set aside for that purpose, in accordance with one or the other of the methods set forth m(e) following, provided that the temperature of each animal is taken before treatment, and that only those which exhibit a tempera- ture of less than 104° F. shall be permitted to be shipped or moved interstate. (e) /Serum-alone method. — The swine may be given the serum- alone injection with hog-cholera serum prepared under license from the Secretary of Agriculture. The dose of serum administered shall be in conformity with the amounts specified under paragraph (g). Simultaneous-inoculation method. — The swine may be given the simultaneous inoculation with anti-hog-cholera serum and hog-cholera virus prepared under license from the Secretary of Agriculture. The doses of serum and virus administered shall be in conformity with the amount specified in paragraph (g). (/) After receiving either of the treatments prescribed in para- graph (e), the hogs shall be disinfected in a 2 per cent solution of a permitted saponified cresol solution and be held in noninfectious pens for at least three hours before being loaded for interstate trans- portation. (g) The doses of serum and of virus used for the treatment of swine under the provisions of paragraph (e) shall in no instance be less than recommended in the following table : Doses of ordinary defibrinated blood scrum. 1 Weight of swine (pounds). Dose of serum (cubic centimeters). 20 to 40 30 30 to 40 40 to 50 50 to 60 60 to 70 70 to 80 80 to 100 40 to 60 . 60 to 90 90 to 120 120 to 150 150 to 180 180 and over 1 If clear serum is used the volume of which has been reduced 20 per cent or more below that of ordinary defibrinated blood serum, the dose of serum may be 20 per cent less than here shown. 25 Doses of virus. Weight of swine (pounds). Dose of virus (cubic centimeters). 20 to 40 •1 Over 40 (h) The shipment shall be accompanied by a certificate issued by a bureau inspector. (i) The swine shall be transported in clean and disinfected cars or other vehicles. DISINFECTION OF CARS AND VEHICLES. Section 3. Cars and other vehicles which have contained inter- state shipments of diseased swine shall be cleaned and disinfected as soon as possible after the swine are unloaded. Cars that have con- tained interstate shipments of swine destined to places where bureau inspection is maintained shall not be moved from such places until a bureau inspector has ascertained the condition of the live animals and the cars have been released or they have been cleaned and disin- fected, as directed by the inspector, in accordance with Regulation 1, sections 4, 5, and 6. SWINE FOR PURPOSES OTHER THAN SLAUGHTER TRANSPORTED IN CLEAN CARS OR OTHER VEHICLES. Section 4. No swine shall be transported interstate for purposes other than slaughter in cars or other vehicles which have been used in the transportation of live stock since they were last cleaned and dis- infected, unless the cars or other vehicles in which they are loaded are first cleaned and disinfected in the manner prescribed in Regu- lation 1, sections 5 and 6. REGULATION 7.— TO PREVENT THE SPREAD OF TUBERCULOSIS IN CATTLE. Section 1. Paragraph 1. No cattle shall be shipped, driven on foot, transported, or received for transportation interstate unless and until such cattle have been subjected to a physical examination and tuberculin test, applied as directed in paragraph 2 of this section and a tuberculin-test chart and health certificate, showing them to be apparently free from tuberculosis and any other contagious, infec- tious, or communicable disease of animals has been issued and the requirements of paragraph 2 of section 10 of Regulation 1 of this order are fully complied with: Provided, however, That cattle which have at any time reacted to the tuberculin test shall not thereafter be shipped, driven on foot, transported, or received for transportation interstate, notwithstanding such cattle may have been subjected again to the tuberculin test and on such subsequent test have been found apparently free from tuberculosis, except in cases where the 26 reacting cattle are permitted to be moved interstate subject to the conditions and requirements prescribed in section 3, 4, or 6 of this regulation. Paragraph 2. The physical examination, tuberculin test, health certificate, and tuberculin-test chart, required by paragraph 1 of this section shall be made, applied, and issued, within a reasonable time prior to the shipping, driving on foot, transporting, or receiving for transportation, either by a veterinarian of the State of origin, who shall have been authorized by such State and approved by the bureau to apply the test, make the examination, and issue the certifi- cate and test chart, or by a veterinary inspector of the bureau at a public stockyard or other regular bureau station: Provided, That when the cattle are destined to a State which recognizes the intra- dermic tuberculin test and such test is applied, the test chart shall show that the last observation was made not earlier than the seventy- second hour after injection and no reaction obtained on the cattle shipped thereunder, or when the subcutaneous tuberculin test is applied the chart shall show that at least three temperatures were taken two or three hours apart before injection of tuberculin; that at least six temperatures were taken two hours apart after injection, beginning not later than eight hours after the injection of the tuberculin; and that the test had run for a period of not less than eighteen hours after injection; and no reaction obtained on the cattle shipped thereunder: 7 Provided further, That if 50 per cent of any lot of cattle tuberculin tested react, the remainder of the lot shall not be shipped interstate without a proper retest, except for imme- diate slaughter : And provided further, That all cattle not identified by registration name and number shall be identified by a proper metal ear tag. Section 2. Cattle of the following classes may be shipped, driven on foot, transported, and received for transportation interstate without the provisions of section 1 of this regulation being complied with, provided the following conditions and requirements are strictly com- plied with, to wit : Paragraph 1. Accredited herds. — Cattle from a herd accredited b}' the bureau, in cooperation with the various States, as free from tuberculosis shall be accompanied by a certificate issued by an au- thorized State or Federal inspector showing the cattle to be from such a herd. Paragraph 2. Steers and range cattle. — Steers and strictly range cattle may be shipped, transported, or otherwise moved interstate to a State or Territory the laws, rules, or regulations of which do not require these classes of cattle to be tuberculin tested. Paragraph 3. Slaughter cattle. — Cattle for immediate slaughter shall be shipped, transported, or otherwise moved to a place where 7 When the cattle are tested by a veterinarian other than a bureau inspector the original and one copy of tbe tuberculin-test chart and health certificate shall be sent to tbe live-stock sanitary officer of the State from which the cattle are to be shipped or moved and upon approval by him the original copy shall be forwarded to the bureau ; one copy of the test chart and health certificate shall be sent to the proper live-stock sanitary official of the State of destination in ample time to reach him before the arrival of the cattle at destination, and one copy of the test chart and health certificate shall accompany the cattle to destination. (Each State will be expected to provide the ap- proved veterinarians with blank forms of tuberculin-test charts and health certificates along the lines of those used by the bureau, but present forms may be used until exhausted.) 27 bureau or State meat-inspection service is maintained or to a place designated by the proper State live-stock sanitary official of the State of destination. Paragraph If. Shipments to public stockyards. — Cattle free from any infectious, contagious, and communicable disease may be shipped, transported, or otherwise moved interstate to a public stockyard without restriction. Paragraph 5. Feeding and grazing cattle. — Female cattle, for feed- ing or grazing purposes, and bulls for feeding purposes, may be shipped, transported, or otherwise moved interstate from public stockyards upon permission being first obtained from the bureau in- spector at said stockyards. Such cattle shall be shipped, transported, or otherwise moved only to a State the laws or regulations of which provide for the quarantine of such cattle through the feeding or grazing period and for their release only on written permit by the proper State regulatory authorities. Paragraph 6. Emigrant shipments. — Cattle belonging to an emigrant outfit, containing not more than 10 cattle, to which it is impracticable to apply the tuberculin test at origin or at a public stockyards, shall be accompanied by a permit first obtained from the bureau inspector in charge of tuberculosis-eradication work in the State of destina- tion, or the proper State official thereof, authorizing such test to be applied en route or at destination. Paragraph 7. Cattle not under quarantine by the State may be shipped interstate subject to State restrictions at destination, without the tuberculin test required in section 1 of this regulation, from areas officially declared by the chief of the bureau as " modified ac- credited areas," i. e., areas in which the percentage of cattle infected with tuberculosis does not exceed one-half of one per cent (0.5%), when such cattle are properly identified by ear tags or registration names and numbers and are accompanied by a certificate issued by an authorized State or Federal inspector, or veterinarian approved by the State, showing the cattle to have originated in such modified area. Section 3. Shipments of tuberculous cattle for slaughter. — Cattle which have reacted to the tuberculin test shall not be shipped, trans- ported, received for transportation, or otherwise moved interstate for immediate slaughter, unless the following conditions and restrictions are strictly observed and complied with : Paragraph 1. The cattle shall be shipped, transported, or moved to an establishment or a public stockyards where Federal inspection is maintained under the provisions of the act of March 4, 1907 (34 Stat. 1260), and shall there be slaughtered under such inspection. Paragraph 2. The cattle shall be marked for identification by branding the letter " T " on the left jaw, not less than 2 nor more than 3 inches high, and attaching to the left ear a metal tag bearing a serial number and the inscription " U. S. B. A. I. Eeacted," or a similar State reactor tag. Paragraph 3. The cattle shall be accompanied to destination by a certificate issued by a bureau inspector or a regularly employed State inspector engaged in cooperative tuberculosis-eradication work, show- ing (1) that the cattle have reacted to the tuberculin test, (2) that they may be shipped interstate, and (3) the purpose for which they are shipped. 28 Paragraph £ The car or the compartment of the boat in which tuberculous cattle have been transported interstate shall be cleaned and disinfected under bureau supervision by the final carrier at des- tination in accordance with Regulation 1, sections 4, 5, and 6. Paragraph 5. The cattle shall not be shipped or transported in cars or in compartments of boats containing healthy cattle or hogs unless all the animals are for immediate slaughter or unless the tuberculous cattle are separated from the other animals by a wood partition which shall be securely affixed to the walls of the car or boat. Section 4. Reshipments of purebred tuberculous cattle. — Purebred cattle which have been shipped interstate for breeding or feeding purposes, and which have reacted to the tuberculin test subsequent to such shipment, shall not be reshipped interstate for purposes other than slaughter, unless the following conditions and restrictions are strictly observed and complied with : Paragraph 1. The cattle shall be consigned to the original owner and to the same point of origin. Paragraph 2. The cattle shall not be shipped or transported in cars or in compartments of boats containing healthy cattle or hogs. Paragraph 3. The cattle shall be accompanied to destination by a certificate issued by a bureau inspector or a regularly employed State inspector engaged in cooperative tuberculosis-eradication work show- ing (1) that the cattle have reacted to the tuberculin test, (2) that they may be shipped interstate, and (3) the purpose for which they are shipped. Paragraph 4- The original and retest tuberculin-test charts, show- ing that both tests were properly conducted, shall be submitted for examination to the bureau or State inspector who issues the certifi- cate. Paragraph 5. The cattle shall be marked for identification by branding the letter " T " not less than 2 nor more than 3 inches high, on the left jaw, and attaching to the left ear a metal tag bearing a serial number and the inscription " U. S. B. A. I. Reacted," or a similar State reactor tag. Paragraph 6. The cattle shall not be shipped to any State, Terri- tory, or the District of Columbia which does not provide for the segregation or quarantine of tuberculous cattle until their death by slaughter or from natural causes. Paragraph 7. The cattle shall not again be shipped interstate except for immediate slaughter in accordance with the provisions of section 3 of this regulation. Paragraph 8. The car or the compartment of the boat in which tuberculous cattle have been transported interstate shall be cleaned and disinfected under bureau supervision by the final carrier at des- tination in accordance with Regulation 1, sections 4, 5, and 6. Section 5. All cars from which tuberculous cattle, after having been transported in interstate commerce, are transferred en route shall be cleaned and disinfected by the carrier having possession of the car from which the animals were transferred, in accordance with the provisions of Regulation 1, sections 4, 5, and 6. Section 6. Shipments from quarantined areas. — Cattle may be shipped, transported, or otherwise moved interstate from an area quarantined for tuberculosis in cattle in accordance with the provisions of this 29 regulation, but purebred cattle which have reacted to the tuberculin test, except those cattle specified in section 4 of this regulation, may be shipped, transported, or otherwise moved interstate from the quarantined area, provided permission is first obtained from the Sec- retary of Agriculture and the proper State authorities at destination, and the cattle are intended for inclusion in a herd at destination maintained under Federal and State supervision in accordance with the system known as the Bang System : And provided further. That the conditions specified in paragraphs 2, 3, 5, 6, and 9 of section 4 of this regulation are complied with. ACTS OF CONGRESS. AX ACT For the establishment of a Bureau of Animal Industry, to prevent the exporta- tion of diseased cattle, and to provide means for the suppression and extirpation of pleuropneumonia and other contagious diseases among domestic animals. (23 Stat., 31.) Be it enacted bjj the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Commissioner of Agriculture shall organize in his department a Bureau of Animal Industry, and shall ap- point a chief thereof, who shall be a competent veterinary surgeon, and whose duty it shall be to investigate and report upon the condition of domestic animals of the United States, their protection and use, and also inquire into and report the causes of contagious, infectious, and communicable diseases among them, and the means for the prevention and cure of the same, and to collect such information on these subjects as shall be valuable to the agricultural and com- mercial interests of the country ; and the Commissioner of Agriculture is hereby authorized to employ a force sufficient for this purpose, not to exceed twenty persons at any one time. The salary of the chief of said bureau shall be three thousand dollars per annum ; and the commissioner shall appoint a clerk for said bureau, with a salary of one thousand five hundred dollars per annum. Sec. 2. That the Commissioner of Agriculture is authorized to appoint two competent agents, who shall be practical stock raisers or experienced business men familiar with questions pertaining to commercial transactions in live stock, and whose duty it shall be, under the instructions of the Commissioner of Agri- culture, to examine and report upon the best methods of treating, transporting, and caring for animals, and the means to be adopted for the suppression and extirpation of contagious pleuropneumonia, and to provide against the spread of other dangerous, contagious, infectious, and communicable diseases. The compensation of said agents shall be at the rate of ten dollars per diem, with all necessary expenses while engaged in the actual performance of their duties under this act, when absent from their usual place of business or residence as such agent. Sec 3. That it shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Agriculture to pre- pare such rules and regulations as he may deem necessary for the speedy and effectual suppression and extirpation of said diseases, and to certify such rules and regulations to the executive authority of each State and Territory, and invite said authorities to cooperate in the execution and enforcement of this act. Whenever the plans and methods of the Commissioner of Agriculture shall be accepted by any State or Territory in which pleuropneumonia or other contagious, infectious, or communicable disease is declared to exist, or such State or Territory shall have adopted plans and methods for the sup- pression and extirpation of said diseases, and such plans and methods shall be accepted by the Commissioner of Agriculture, and whenever the governor of a State or other properly constituted authorities signify their readiness to co- operate for the extinction of any contagious, infectious, or communicable disease in conformity with the provisions of this act, the Commissioner of Agriculture is hereby authorized to expend so much of the money appropriated by this act as may be necessary in such investigations and in such disinfection and quaran- tine measures as may be necessary to prevent the spread of the disease from one State or Territory into another. Sec. 4. That in order to promote the exportation of live stock from the United States the Commissioner of Agriculture shall make special investigation as to the existence of pleuropneumonia, or any contagious, infectious, or communi- cable disease, along the dividing lines between the United States and for- eign countries, and along the lines of transportation from all parts of the United States to ports from which live stock are exported, and make report of the results of such investigation to the Secretary of the Treasury, who shall from time to time establish such regulations concerning the exportation (30) and transportation of live stock as the results of said investigations may require. Sec. 5. That to prevent the exportation from any port of the United States to any port in a foreign country of live stock affected with any contagious, in- fectious, or communicable disease, and especially pleuropneumonia, the Secre- tary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized to take such steps and adopt such measures, not inconsistent with the provisions of this act, as he may deem necessary. Sec 6. That no railroad company within the United States, or the owners or masters of any steam or sailing or other vessel or boat, shall receive for trans- portation or transport, from one State or Territory to another, or from any State into the District of Columbia, or from the District into any State, any live stock affected with any contagious, infectious, or communicable disease, and especially the disease known as pleuropneumonia ; nor shall any person, com- pany, or corporation deliver for such transportation to any railroad company, or master or owner of any boat or vessel, any live stock, knowing them to be affected with any contagious, infectious, or communicable disease; nor shall any person, company, or corporation drive on foot or transport in private con- veyance from one State or Territory to another, or from any State into the Dis- trict of Columbia, or from the District into any State, any live stock, knowing them to be affected with any contagious, infectious, or communicable disease, and especially the disease known as pleuropneumonia : Provided, That the so- called splenetic, or Texas, fever shall not be considered a contagious, infectious, or communicable disease within the meaning of sections four, five, six, and seven of this act, as to cattle being transported by rail to market for slaughter, when the same are unloaded only to be fed and watered in lots on the way thereto. Sec 7. That it shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Agriculture to notify, in writing, the proper officials or agents of any railroad, steamboat, or other transportation company doing business in or through any infected locality, and by publication in such newspapers as he may select, of the existence of said contagion ; and any person or persons operating any such railroad, or master or owner of any boat or vessel, or owner or custodian of or person having control over such cattle or other live stock within such infected district, who shall knowingly violate the provisions of section six of this act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and. upon conviction, shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five thousand dollars, or be imprisoned for not more than one year, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec 8. That whenever any contagious, infectious, or communicable disease affecting domestic animals, and especially the disease known as pleuropneumo- nia, shall be brought into or shall break out in the District of Columbia, it shall be the duty of the Commissioners of said District to take measures to suppress the same promptly and to prevent the same from spreading; and for this purpose the said Commissioners are hereby empowered to order and require that any premises, farm, or farms, where such disease exists, or has existed, be put in quarantine; to order all or any animals coming into the District to be detained at any place or places for the purpose of inspection and examina- tion ; to prescribe- regulations for and require the destruction of animals affected with contagious, infectious, and communicable disease, and for the proper dis- position of their hides and carcasses; to prescribe regulations for disinfection, and such other regulations as they may deem necessary to prevent infection or contagion being communicated, and shall report to the Commissioner of Agri- culture whatever they may do in pursuance of the provisions of this section. Sec 9. That it shall be the duty of the several United States district attorneys to prosecute all violations of this act which shall be brought to their notice or knowledge by any person making the complaint under oath ; and the same shall be heard before 'any district or circuit court of the United States or Terri- torial court holden within the district in which the violation of this act has been committed. # [Extract from act approved May 31, 1920 (41 Stats., 694, 699).] And provided further, That the act approved May 29, 1884 (Twenty-third Statutes at Large, page 31), be, and the same is hereby, amended to permit hereafter cattle which have reacted to the tuberculin test to be shipped, trans- ported, or moved from one State, Territory, or the District of Columbia, to any 32 other State. Territory, or the District of Columbia, for immediate slaughter, in accordance with such rules and regulations as shall be prescribed by the Secretary of Agriculture: And ]>rori