ET-141 February 1939 United States Department of Agriculture Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine A PORTABLE STAND FOR OUTDOOR PHOTOGRAPHY By A. H. Madden, Division of Truck Crop and Garden Insect Investigations In making outdoor photographs of experimental plot arrange- ments, and similar subjects, it is often desirable to place the camera at a considerable elevation. A natural elevation may some- times be located at a convenient point from which the desired view may be obtained, but in level country such a vantage point obviously does not exist. This difficulty may be overcome by employing a ■portable stand upon which the camera and tripod may be mounted. Such a stand has been used by the writer for some time and it has proved to be satisfactory for the purpose. The stand consists of two parts, a base and a platform (fig. 1, A and B) . The four upright corner members of the base are finished 2 by 4 inch pine, while the braces and cross members are finished pine boards 2-g- inches wide. The platform was built of finished pine boards, which were nailed to three cleats placed across the bottom (fig. 1, C). A strip of wood 1 inch square was nailed around the upper edge of the platform to prevent the tripod legs from slipping and also to reduce the possibility of stepping backward off the platform while operating the camera. In practice, the stand is mounted on the body of a "pick-up" auto-truck and transported to the desired location. The cleats on the bottom of the platform are so placed that they fit tightly into the corners of the top of the base (fig. 1, D) , thus preventing the platform from being shaken off while the stand is being carried about on the truck. The advantage in having the base and platform separate is that each part can be handled easily, and the entire unit can be readily set up and taken down by one man. With the stand mounted on a truck and the tripod legs fully extended, the camera is approximately 12 feet from the ground (fig. 2) . By using the cross brace at the rear of the base as a step, the platform can be reached easily. The stand is approximately 5 feet high. This height has been found to be satisfactory and yet it is not too great to prevent passage under overhanging objects, such as the branches of trees, when the stand is being transported. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 - 3 - Figiire 1« — Drawings of the camera stand. A, base; B, platform; C, underside of platform showing cleats; D, detail showing the manner in vvhich the cleats fit into the upper comers of the base so that the platform is held in place i^ile the stand is being transported. jFlgiire 2. — The camera stand in use. The stand may be set up on the ground when the maximum elevation is not desired. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA lllllllll iiiiiil "™i"5i262 09239 5036