February 19U E-6L2 «_ Li v STATE < ABOARD United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Administration Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine LABORATORY TESTS OF TOXICITY OF SOME ORGANIC COMPOUNDS TO THE EUROPEAN CORN BORER, I9I+I-I9H3 By D. D. ^uestel, Division of Cereal and Forage Insect Investigations, and S. I. Gertler, Division of Insecticide Investigations Laboratory investigations of organic compounds to establish their toxicity to newly hatched European corn borer larvae have been conducted in Toledo, Ohio, since early in 1938. Compounds that have been tested in addition to those previously reported!/ are included in this discussion. The care and handling of larvae, moths, and eggs for these tests and the technique employed in conducting them were the same as described in the earlier report. All tests were run for 48 hours. Cauliflower leaves were used as the feeding medium. Materials were tested as sprays at a strength of k pounds per 100 gallons of water containing one-third pound of Areskap (sodium monosulfonate of butylphenylphenol ) as a wetting agent. Those materi- als that gave high mortality with little or no feeding were retested at the rate of 2 pounds or 1 pound per 100 gallons of water, or both. The materials tested and the corn borer mortality obtained with each are given in table 1* Only four materials tested at 4 pounds per 100 gallons of water were considered sufficiently toxic for retesting in the laboratory at a concentration of 2 pounds per 100 gallons of water, and three of these were retested at 1 pound per 100 gallons. None of the compounds tested compared favorably with preparations of ground rotenone-bearing roots containing 5 percent of rotenone, which cause practically 100 percent mortality when used at this concentration. -/Questel, D. D. , Gertler, S. I., Smith, L. E. , and Vivian, D. L. Laboratory and field tests of toxicity of some organic compounds to the European corn borer. U. S. Bur. Ent. and Plant Qunr. E-557, 17 pp., illus. 1941. (Processed.) - 2 - ratle 1. — Results of laboratory tests of some organic compounds against newly hatched European corn borer larvae Compound Larvae used in treat- ment 1/ Average mortality of larvae Not Treated treated Amount of feeding 2/ Number Percent Percent Testa at k pounds per 100 gallons l-Phenyl-U-tolylsemicarbazide CgHeNHNHCONHCgH^CHj 220 93.2 0.8 to 4 U, 6-Dinitro-o-cresol propionate CH 3 C 6 H 2( N0 2^2 O0GC 2 H 5 229 75.0 0.5 ♦ to ♦♦♦ 1 , 3-Di-o- tolyl-2-thiourea (CH^CgH^NH^CS 220 67.U 0.8 to ♦ p-Bromobenzenesulfonamide BrCgHij^NHg 7* 6U.9 1.9 ♦*♦ 4-Bromo-o-toluidine BrG6H3(GH3)NH2 252 10.2 0.6 ■M- tO ♦*♦ 2,H-Dinitrophenol propionate (N02)2 C 6 H 3 00CC 2 H 5 I65 5.H l.k *■♦♦ 5-Pentame thyl enehydanto in CgH 12 N 2 2 178 3.* 2.8 *♦♦ Bensimidazole (jgH^NCHNH 129 3.U 1.7 «■*♦ 5-Methyl-5-phenylhydantoin C 10 H 10 N 2°2 157 3.1 2.8 ♦♦♦ p-Anisidine CH-zOCgH^HHg 169 2.7 0.9 **•¥ 5- ( p-Chl o rophe nyl ) -5-me thy lhy dant o in CX0H9CIN2O2 1^9 2.6 2.8 +♦* Piperonyloin (CH2O2) : C6H3CHDHCOC6H3: (CH 2 2 ) 138 2.6 1.5 *♦♦ p-tert-Butyl phenol Cl^CgH^OH 157 2.5 0.7 ♦♦* 5,5-Diisopropylhydantoin 178 2.3 2.8 *♦* - 3 - Table 1. — Continued Compound Larvae Average mortality used in of larvae Amount treat- Not of ment 1/ Treated treated feeding 2/ 2,4-Toluenediamine 185 CHjCgH^dJHg^ Hydro quinone. 144 Cg%(0H>) 2 2-Methylcyclohexanone semicarbazone 134 CgHg ( CH-7 ) : NNHCOHHg 2-Biphenylamine 247 CgH^CgHi^ U,4-Diaminobenzophenone 126 (NH 2 C6Hi4.) 2 CO Phthalamide 170 CgHl|(C0NH2)2 3-Nitrophthalic acid 166 B0 2 c 6 H 3( COOH )2 o-Chlorobenzoic acid 153 ClCgffyCOOH 4-Methylcyclohexanone semicarbazone 135 CgH^CH^tNNHCOHHg Aconitic acid 184 C^CCOOH)^ Coumarilic acid 175 OCgHuCHGCOOH U-(l-Haphthyl)-l-phenylthiosemicarbazlde 182 CgHcNHNHCSNHC^^ Humber Percent Percent Tests at 4 pounds per 100 gallons - Cont. 2.1 0.7 2-Amino-2-methyl-l , 3-propanediol CH 2 0HC ( CH3 ) (MH 2 ) CHgOH 155 2.0 1.7 1.7 1-5 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1 0.9 1.1 1-7 0.9 0.7 1.5 1.1 0.7 1.7 0.9 0.7 0.7 0.9 ♦♦«■ ♦♦♦ «•♦♦ «•«•♦ t«* «•*♦ -k~ Table 1. — Continued Compound Larvae Average mortality used in of larvae treat- Hot ment 1/ Treated treated Amount of feeding 2 / 3 . ^-Methyl enediosycinnamic acid (CH 2 2 ) : C6H3CH: CHCOOH p-Chloro-alpha-isonitrosoacetanilide ClC6Hl|iHC0CH:N0H 1, 5 _ Diphenyl-2, U-pentadien-1-one C6H5CH: CHCH: CHCOCgH^ 6-Ve rat ral deny de semi car "baz one ( CH3O ) 2 : C6H3CH: NMICONH 2 N-Phenyluhthalimide CgH^CO^HCgB^ U-(l-Naphthyl )-l-p-tolylthiosemicar "bazide l62 2-Bromo-3-nitro "benzoic acid BrCg^CNO^COOH N • - ( alpha-Benzoyl ) "benzyli di ne-N, N-dimethyl-p-phenylenediamine Cg^CCCg^COjNCgHi^CCE^ 3-Nitrophthalic anhydride N0 2 C5H3(C0) 2 p-Hydroiypropiophenone C^COCgHl+OH Benzoic anhydride (CgH 5 CO) 2 k* -Methyl-3 • l+-methylenedi sychal cone ( CH 2 2 ) : CgB/jCH: CHCOC6H4CH3 5-Aminosalicylic acid hydrochloride hoc^coohnh^hci ■EfixnTber Percent Percent Tests at k pounds per 100 gallons- Cont. 255 0.8 l.k 125 0.8 1.H 175 0.7 0.0 135 0.7 0.0 157 0.6 1.55 162 0.6 0.7 11+0 0.6 0.7 161 0.6 1.1 183 0.6 1.1 162 0.6 1.1 182 0.5 0.9 179 0.1+ 0.0 168 0.0 1.5 +♦♦ t-M- ♦«■♦ +++ ♦*♦ ♦-M- <•*♦ *+♦ ++■► ++♦ - 5 - Table 1. — Continued Compound. Larvae used in treat- ment if Average mortality of larvae Not Treated treated Amount of feeding 2/ Number Percent Percent Teats at k pounds per 100 gallons - Cont. Adipic acid l6U 0.0 0.9 +4+ C00H(CH 2 )l + C00H Benzoic acid lU6 0.0 0.7 «■♦♦ C5H5COOH p-Chlorobenzoic acid 172 0.0 0.7 *+♦ ClCgH^COCH o-Bromo benzoic acid 158 0.0 0.9 ♦♦♦ BrCgH^COOH Oxamide 182 0.0 0.0 +«•♦ (C0NH 2 ) 2 Tests at 2 pounds per 100 gallons 1-Phenyl-U-o-tolylsemicarbazide 127 89.7 0.8 to f CgB^NHNHCONHC gH^CH, ^,6-Dinitro-o-cresol propionate 78 68.0 O.5 ♦ to ♦♦♦ CH3CgH 2 (N0 2 ) 2OOCC2H5 l,3-Di-o-tolyl-2- thiourea 137 20.0 0.8 ♦♦* (CH,CgB^lIH) 2 0S p-Bromobenzenesulfonamide Sk 6.3 1.9 ♦t-» BrC5H4S0 2 NH 2 1-Phenyl-^-o-tolylsemicarbazide $k 6l.l 0.8 *t C6H5NHNHCONHC 6HI1CH3 ^o-Dinitro-o-cresol propionate 73 58.9 0.5 ♦•♦ CH3C6H 2 (N0 2 ) 2 00CC 2 H5 l,3-Di-o-tolyl-2-thiourea 66 7.6 0.8 ♦♦ (C^CgHi^NH^CS 1/ Approximately the same number of larvae were used in the nontreated tests . 2/ 0, none; ♦, little; +t, moderate; ♦♦«>, much. 78 68.0 0.5 137 20.0 0.8 6h 6.3 1.9 ter 100 gallons 5 1 * 6l.l 0.8 73 58.9 0.5 liiiS