f 0.7 3 TECHNICAL NOTE number 255 FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATORY UNITED STATES FOREST SERVICE MADISON 5. WISCONSIN R ^ ,HgB*UA RY~~>52 ____ DOCUMcNT^ OEPT HAM) -OPERATED PORTABLE GLUE SPREADER U.S. DEPOSITORY A convenient method of applying-g±trer~to long, harrow wood strips more uniformly and faster than by brush is provided by a simple, hand-operated glue spreader developed by D. V. Doyle, engineer of the U. S. Forest Products Laboratory, during the course of research. The spreader was designed so that it can be moved by hand along the upper surface of a wood strip. It will handle material up to k inches in width. The glue reservoir has sufficient capacity to cover about 75 lineal feet of nominally 2- inch-wide lumber at a spreading rate of 50 pounds of glue per 1,000 square feet of area. The simplicity of the unit facili- tates thorough, easy cleansing after use. The compactness and portability of the device make it especially useful for small gluing operations where limitations of space or cost do not permit the use of a stationary, motor- driven spreader. Its construction requires only those skills and facilities ordinarily found in a small workshop. As shown in figures 1 and 2, the spreading mechanism con- sists of a cylindrical wood or metal block or roller mounted in a plywood frame. The cylinder is covered with corrugated rubber floor matting and is flanked with a protruding metal disk or flanges. The metal glue reservoir is hung on a bolt so that its bottom edge forms a "doctor" bar with the cylinder and can be adjusted to regulate the flow of glue. Rubber retaining skirts form a seal between the sides of the reservoir and the flanges. Since this spreader is the invention of an employee of the Federal government, permission is hereby granted to United States citizens for the free use of the design herewith published. The device is not patented. METAL 'DOCTOR BAR' ^^— .1 (BOLT OR SOLDER TO 1 — 1 CLUE RESERVOIR) FINELY CORRUCATEO RUBBER FLOOR MATTING BONDED - TO CORE END VIEW FOR A MORE PERMANENT CONSTRUCTION AND FOR CLOSER CONTROL OF THE CLUE SPREAD, A METAL CYLINDER MAY BE SUBSTITUTED FOR THE WOOD CORE THE USE OF COPPER AND BRASS IS REC- OMMENDED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE METAL PARTS *M-IHCH PLIABLE GASKET RUBBER MAY BE USED FOR THE RETAINING SKIRT ROTATE GLUE RESERVOIR ON BOLT TO REG- ULATE THE FLOW OF GLUE- TIGHTEN i TO LOCK IN DESIRED POSITION Figure 1.— Detail drawing of FPL glue spreader. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA Figure 2. --Glue spreader in use Z M 89U35 F HCULTUM . MADISON