UBRART fTATE PLANT BOARft Technical Series, No. 13o U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BXJRE^TJ OF EI^TTOIVEOLO&Y. L. 0. HOWARD, Entomologist and Chief of Bureau. A REVISION OF THE TYROGLYPHID Jl OF THE UNITED STATES BY NATHAlSr BANKS, Assistant Entomologist. Issued November 14, 1906. SB WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, 1906. B UREA U OF ENTOMOLOG Y. L. O. Howard, Entomologist and Chief of Bureau. ('. J.. Marlatt, Entomologiftt and Acting Chief in absence of Chief. R. S. Clifton, Chief Clei-k. ' ' ' F. H. Chittenden, in charge of breeding crperivitiifs. A. D. Hopkins, in charge of forext iuMct investigations. W. D. Hunter, in charge of cotton boll ireetil i n rest i gat ioni<. F. ;M. Webster, in charge of cereal and forage-plant insect inrestigations. A. L. QiAiNTANCE, m charge of deciduous-fruit insect iyivestigations. Frank I^enton, in charge of apicidtural investigations. D. 'M. RociERS, in charge of gipsy and broivn-tail moth work. A. W. Morrill, engaged in vjhitejly iiaestigations. E. A. Schwarz, I). W. Coquillett, Tii. Pergande, Nathan Banks, Assistant Ento- mologists. Pv. S. G. Titus, August Busck, Otto Heidemann, R. P. Currie, J. G. Sanders, A. N. Caudell, F. D. Couden, K. R. 8ass( er, J. H. Beattie, 1. J. Condit, Assistants. Lilian L. Howenstein, Frederick Knak, ArtiftU. Mabel Cou^ord, lAbrarian. H. E. Burke, W. F. Fiske, J. L. Webb, J. F. Strauss, engaged in forest insect investi- gations. W. E. Hinds, J. C. Crawford, W. A. Hooker, W. W. Yothers, A. C. Morgan, W. D. Pierce, F. C. Bisiiopp, C. R. Jones, F. C. Pratt, C. E. Sanborn, J. D. Mitchell, Wilmon Newell, J. B. Garrkti, C. W. Flynn, A. W. Buckner, R. A. CusHMAN, AV. H. (iiLsoN, engaged in cotton boll weevil investigations. G. I. Reeves, W. J. Phillii's, C. N. Ainslie, engaged in cereal and forage-plant insect investigations. Fred Johnson, A. A. (tirault, Dudley "Moulton, engaged in deciduous-fruit insect investigations. E. F. Phillips, J. M. Rankin, engaged in djncultural investigations. C. J. GiLLiss, T. A. Keleher, W. A. Keleher, engaged in silk investigations. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/revisionoftyroglOObank Technical Series, No. 13. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, L. 0. HOWARD, Entomologist and Chief of Bureau. A REYISIOX OF THE TYROGLYPHIDJ: OF THE UNITED STATES KY NATHAN BAJSTKS, Ass'lstant Entomologist. Issued November 14, 1906. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, 1906. LtTrER OF TRANSMITTAL r. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology, Was/iin(/to7), D. C Septernhe?' 10^ 1906. Sir: I have the honor to .submit herewith a manuscript entitled "A Revision of the Tyroghphidje of the United States," prepared by Mr. Nathan Banks, assistant entomologist. Mites belonging to the family T3a'()glyphidie are destructive to a variety of stored products and other connnodities, certain species injure living plants, while others are useful because they destro}' certain injurious insects. The group is therefore one of ver}' c()nsidera})le economic importance. This paper ])v Mr. Banks shoukl prove a valuable contribution to the study of these mites and greatly facilitate the determination of the different species; I therefore recommend it for publication as Technical Series, No. 13, of this Bureau. Respectfully, F. H. Chittenden, Acting Chief of Bureau. Hon. James Wilson, Secretary (f Agriculture. CONTENTS Page. Habits and economic importance 5 Structural characteristics 6 Transformations 6 Previous work on species occurring in the United States 7 Occurrence of European species in the United States 8 Genera of the Tyroglyphidye 9 Table of the genera 9 Genus Histiostoma 10 Table of the species 10 Genus Glyciphagus 12 Genus Tyroglyphus 13 Table of the species 13 Genus Rhizoglyphus 19 Table of the species 19 Genus Monieziella 23 Table of the species 23 Genus Carpoglyphus 24 Genus Trichotarsus 25 Bibliography 26 Index 29 3 ILLUSTRATIONS PLATES. Pagre. Plate I. Fig. 1. — Gh/ciphagus robustus 12 Fig. 2. — Ghic'i phagua ohesus: leg 1 12 Fig. 8. — Glyciphagus ohesus 12 Fig. 4. — Histio^tomd americanum: tarsus I 12 Fig. o. — Glyciphaguii ohesus: genital plate 12 Fig. 6. — Histioslonui americanum: tarsus IV 12 Fig. 7. — Hist iostoma americanum: mouth parts 12 . Fig. S. — Illstiosioma hrevipes: palpus 12 Fig. 9. — Histiostoma gracilipes 12 Fig. 10. — Histiostoma hrevipes: tarsus IV 12 Fig. 1 1 . — Histiostoma hreripes: tarsus I 12 Fig. 1 2. — Histiostoma gracilipes: tarsus I 12 1 1. Fig, 18. — .Uou iezielhi longipes 14 Fig. 14. — Ti/rogh/pJius farimv and tarsus IV of male 14 Fig. 15. — Monieziella angusta _ 14 Fig. 16. — Tgroghiphus farina:: venter of male 14 Fig. 17. — Tf/rogli/p/ius farimv: leg I of male 14 Fig. 1 8. — Mon ieziella hreritarsis 14 Fig. 19. — MoniezieUa hreritarsis: male venter and mandible 14 III. Fig. 20. — Tiiroghjplius americanus 16 Fig. 2\.^7)/roglifj>Jius americanus: genitalia 16 Fig. 22. — Tip'ogli/jthus americanus: tarsi I and IV 16 Fig. 28. — Tiiroglyphus Unineri: vulva 16 Fig. 24. — Tgrogh/phus lintneri: tarsus IV of male 16 Fig. 2o. — Tgroglyphus lintneri: genitalia of male 16 Fig. 26. — Tj/roglgphus termituilis: leg 1 16 Fig. 27. — Tiiroglyphus tcrminalis: tarsus IV 16 Fig. 28. — Tyroglyplius terminalis: vulva 16 Fig. 29. — Tyroglyplius lintneri 16 IV. Fig. 80. — TyroglypJi ns hrerireps 18 Fig. 81. — Tyroglyplius hrericeps: tarsus IV 18 Fig. 82. — Tyroglyph us hrericeps: leg 1 18 F"ig. 83. — Tyroglyphus cocci philus: vulva and anal suckers 18 Fig. 34. — Tyroglyphus cocciphilus: male aperture 18 Fig. 35. — Tyroglyphus cocciphilus: tarsus IV — male and female 18 Fig. 36. — Tyroglyphus lieteromorplms: tarsus IV 18 Fig. 37. — Tyroglyphus hrteromorphus: leg III of male 18 Fig. 38. — Tyroglyphus Jieteromorphus: tarsus I 18 Fig. 39. — Tyrogly pints heteromolyhus: male 18 V. Fig. 40. — Carpoglyplius passularum 20 Fig. 41. — Tyroglyphus armipes: tarsus IV 20 Fig. 42. — Tyroglyplius armipes: tarsus I 20 F"ig. 43. — Tyroglyphus armipes: vulva 20 Fig. 44. — Tyroglyphus longior: tar-^^i I and IV, and body hairs 20 Fig. 45. — Elilzoglyphus tarsalis: tarsus I 20 Fig. 46. — Bhizoglyphus tarsalis: tarsus IV 20 Fig. 47. — Rliizoglypltus liyacinthi: leg III of male 20 Fig. 48. — Rhizoglyplius liyacinthi: tarsi I and IV 20 Fig. 49. — Rhizoglyplius liyacinthi 20 VI. Fig. 50. — Rh izoglyphus rhizophagus 22 Fig. 51. — Rhizoglyplius rhizophagus: tarsus I 22 Fig. 52. — Rhizoglyplius rhizophagus: tarsus IV 22 Fig. 53. — Rhizoglyplius elongatus 22 Fig. 54. — Rhizoglyphus elongatus: tarsus 1 22 Fig. 55. — Rhizoglyphus longitarsis: tarsus IV 22 Fig. 56. — Rhizoglyphus rhizophagus: male venter 22 Fig. 57. — Rhizoglyplius phylloxerse: tarsi IV — male and female 22 Fig. 58. — Rhizoglyphus longitarsis: tarsus 1 22 Fig. 59. — Rhizoglyphus phylloxerse: tarsus I 22 Fig. 60. — Rhizoglyphus phylloxerse: leg III of male 22 Fig. 61. — Rhizoglyphus phylloxeras: half of front of body 22 A REMSION OF THE TYROGLYPHID^ OF THE UNITED STATES. HABITS AND ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE. From an economic standpoint the lyroglyphid?e are one of the most important groups of mites. But owing to their small size and pale color they have often been overlooked and the damag-e accredited to some larger insect which happened to be present. By their rapidity in breeding they make up for their minute size, so that articles, such as flour and sugar, are often so badly infected that the whole mass of the substance appears to be in motion. It is chieflv thru their ravages to stored foods that they are inimical to human effort. Dried fruits, dried meats, and grain in mills are perhaps most seriously affected by them. Their frequency in cheese and sugar has won them the names of ''cheese mites" and ''sugar mites," while the disease known as "grocers itch" is due to their presence on the hands of persons handling infested products. A list of materials attacked by tyro- glyphids would include cheese, flour, sugar, hams, dried meats, hair in furniture, mattresses, and pillows, grains in mills, cereal foods, man}^ drugs, wine, dried fruits, seeds of all kinds, bulbs, roots of plants, mushrooms, feathers, hay, scale-insects, pinned insects of the entomologist's collection, and even the human corpse. Some species are, however, of little economic interest and occur in the nests of mice, moles, and ants, in decaying bark of trees, in sap from wounds in trees, and a few are attached to certain insects. The species of the genus Monieziella do some good by feeding on scale-insects. The "bulb mite" or "Eucharis mite," RhizoglypJms liyacinthi^ has long been a prominent enemy to hot-house cultivation. It burrows into the healthy tissue of bulbs and roots, thus giving entrance to destruc- tive fungi and bacteria. This is the species infesting Bermuda lil}^ bulbs; and it has lately been shown that an allied species does great damage to the roots of the vine in Europe. Another species has been described that caused injury to the stems of carnations. Still another Rhlzocjlyphus has been found to eat through the grafting wax on grafted plants, bore beneath the bark, and so prevent the union of graft and stock. The mushroom mites, both in this country and in Europe, are prominent obstacles to successful mushroom culture. Cellars apparently clean in the beginning of the season maj^ be so badly infested by Christmas that crops are impossible. 5 b A REVISION OF THE TYROGLYPHID^. STRUCTURAL CHARACTERISTICS. The Tyroglyphidae are pale-colored, soft-bodied mites, devoid of tracheiv: with small, appressed palpi; usuall\^ with prominent chelate mandibles; with moderately long- legs, ending in one claw, and often a sucker or caroncle; and with a body about twice as long as broad, and })roadest behind the middle. There is commonly a distinct suture between cephalothorax and abdomen. There are no eyes, unless cer- tain spots on the front margin of certain Hypopi and on Carpoglyplms represent these organs. The dorsum bears a few, usually long, hairs, in size and ai'rangement constant for each species. The legs have bristles, line hairs, and sometimes distinct spines, the more prominent of which are constant in position for each species. One long bristle near tip of the penultimate joint is especially prominent; another is a thickened or clavate hair near base of tarsi I and II, and is probably a sense organ. The latter is always upon this joint, altho several authors have figured it on the penultimate joint in some species. On the venter are two apertures; the genital is usually elongate and situate between hind coxa', and there are often U-shaped marks each side of it known as the genital suckers, which can be })rotruded. The anal opening is toward the tip of th<' l)()dy. and is often but an elongate slit, with a sucking disk each side of it. In the genus GlyciphaguH these openings are nuich larger, and the genital sometimes occupies the entire area between the coxa*. There are but slight differenc(\s in structure between the sexes; but in some cases the male has one pair of U^gs enlarged, or there may be two forms of the mah'. In some species the male has two little suckers on the hind tarsi; in others there is a curved ])lumose bristle on the basal part of front legs. The mah\s are smaller than the females, and have a less tumid abdomen. TRANSFORMATIONS. The transformations of the Tyroglyphidie are among the most mar- velous of the animal kingdom. All tyroglyphids lay eggs, often of large size, which are scattered haphazard over the infested material. The young on hatching have six legs and at molting obtain two more. Thenceforward their life history ma}' take the simple and direct path to the adult condition, but often passes through a stage called the Ill/pop U.S. This Ilypojnis is a very different creature than that from ^vhich it developed — the octopod nymph. Its bod}^ is hard and chiti- nous, there is no mouth orifice, and no distinct mouth parts; the legs are short and ill adapted to walking. On its ventral surface near the tip is an area separated from the general surface and provided with PREVIOUS WORK ON SPECIES IN THE UNITED STATES. ( several circular marks or suckinti' disks. B>^ means of these suckers the Hypopus attaches itself to an insect or other creature, and is trans- ported to another locality, where it may hnd a suitable breeding- place. The Tlypopus is therefore a stage in the life of a tyroglyphid fitted for migration. The IJypojpui^^ upon reaching a suitable locality, molts into an octopod nymph, which will feed and develop into an adult mite. The causes that w411 induce a nymph to transform to a Ilypopus are yetimknown; Megnin supposed that dryness of the air or a scarcity of food were necessar}" causes, but Michael has shown that Thjpopi are developed in the absence of these conditions, and that this stage is a natural and normal means of distributing the species. The structure of the llyj)<>pui< is characteristic for each species; but it has not yet been found in all species, and in Glycqjhagiis the hypopial stage is only partially developed, so that species should not be described from this stage alone. Ill the early days of acarology Ilypopus stood for a separate genus, allied more to Gamasus than to Tyroglyphus. Dujardin, in 1850, con- cluded that IIyp>opus was the pupal stage of Gamasidte. As investi- gation proceeded, IlyjMjpus was so frequently found in association with Tyroglyphus that views were advanced as to their relationship. One was that Ilypopus was a ferocious parasite, devouring the Tyroglyphus from within; another, that Ilypopus was the male of Tyroglyphus; and a third, that Ilyjjopus was the real adult of certain species of Tyroglyphus. The "Hypopus question'' distur])ed acarologists for a long time, but was finally settled b}^ the work of Megnin and Michael. PREVIOUS WORK ON SPECIES OCCURRING IN THE UNITED STATES. The T3^rogl3^phidie of the United States have never been investigated in a systematic manner. The principal economic species have been called Tyroglyphussiroov T. longior^ but without compaiison with European specimens. Fitch, in his Third Report (1856), described a mite, Acarus rihis, which may be a tyroglyphid. In 1868 Shimer described a mite as Acarus mains/ this was interpreted b}^ Riley and some Euro- pean authors as a tyroglyphid, but from the description it is evidently what Lignieres describes as Hem tsar copies cocclsugus. Riley, in 1874, described a Tyroglyphus pliyllo.rerx as destroying the grape Phyllox- era. 1 have identified as this a common species of Rhizoglyphus. Riley's opinion of the predaceous habit of this species was erroneous, as it undoubtedlv feeds on the roots of infested plants. In 1884 Haller described Tyri>glyphus crassijjes and T. curtus from "Amerika." I have not recognized them, and do not know whether they were from the United States or not. In 1893 Osborn described a mite infesting mushrooms as Tyroglyphiis Untneri. I have seen numerous specimens 8040—06 2 8 A EEYISTON OF THE TYROGLYPHID^. of this species, which is allied to what Canestrini has called Tyrog- lyphns siro. -In 1896 Felt described a mite injuring the roots of car- nations as Tyroqlyphus heteromopplim. This species I have seen also, and retain it in the genus TyrogJyphus. OCCURRENCE OF EUROPEAN SPECIES IN THE UNITED STATES. As regards the occurrence of p]uropean species- in this country, I have had great difficulties in arriving at dctinite conclusions, owing to the fact that few European writers have appreciated the importance of minute characters in chissitication. They have identified as one species forms totally ditl'erent and treated under dirteront names forms closely allied or identical. The greatest trouble centers around Tyro- (jhjpJuis s'lro^ the type of the g(^nus. Several European acarologists have figured this spicies. Michael is later than the others, and men- tions the other ligures in his references. Canestrini has figured more bristles than the others, and they are longer. The pair on dorsum of abdouKMi behind middle, according to ]\Iichael. are very short; with both Canesti-ini and Berlese they aie long. Canestrini and ^Michael, however, agree and differ from Berlese in showing a i)air of short bristles n(^ar the larger humeral bristles. Michael figures the male hind tarsus rather short and with the two suckei's barely more than their diameter apart, w liile. according to H('rles(\ this joint is very much longer and the two suckers are very remote from each other. Canestrini's figure shows the peculijir thickened hair of the anterior tarsi as arising from the preceding joint. Se\ cral European writers (especially Kobin, Pagenstecher, Karpelles, and Murray) have identi- fied specimens of A1rur()J)nix fay^'nur as T. siro^ and Doctor Oudemans writes me that he does not know T. siro; that the specimens formerly placed by him in that species are Aleurohlns farina. Berlese has suggested that these two species are one, the spurred male of Aleti- rohius being a dimorphic form. The habitat gives no clue to the species. Specimens of a Tyroglyj/lms are referred to elsewhere in this paper which were taken from Limburger cheese, and doubtless of European origin. These are not the T. -stro of any author, but more related to T. inycopluKjus Megn. In a collection of mites obtained by the Department of Agriculture from Doctor Berlese is a slide labeled by him as T. Jonii'wr. The specimen seems to be T. siro as figured by Canestrini and himself; the hind tarsi are not nearlv as long as they figure for T. lougior, and I can not see any hairs or pectinations on the large bristles of the body. In the same collection is a slide labeled T. krameri by Berlese. Michael considers this form to be what he Calls T. rnycophagns Megn. Their figures show a species with very short abdominal bristles, and the inner cephalic ones much shorter than the outer pair. The slide has three specimens, all females, with TABLE OF THE aENERA. \3 four subequal bristles on the cephalothorax, and the bristles at tip of abdomen are as long as body; moreover, these bristles are provided with fine, short hairs. In fact, it agrees very well with Michael's figure of T. longlor^ except that the abdominal bristles are not quite so long. Michael, however, figures the tarsus of this species as much shorter than figured by Canestrini and in my specimens of T. longior. Michael, in detail figure of Aleurohms farhiee^ male leg I, shows the clavate hair arising from tip of tibia, whereas it should be from basal part of tarsus; at least it is so in m}^ specimens and so figured by Berlese. Michael figures Aleurohius farinx with but two long poste- rior bristles on the cephalothorax; Canestrini shows four of these, but no long humeral bristle, as in Michael. My specimens have the humeral bristle like Michael's figure and the cephalic as figured b}' Canestrini. Berlese figures six cephalic })ristles, besides the frontal, on this species. Berlese figures the hind tarsi of male Aleurohius farinde with suckers far apart. My specimens agree with Michael in this respect. Michael considers that his Qirpoglyphiis (cnonynacs is the same as Phycohius anonymui< of Canestrini and Trichodactyhis anony- mus of Berlese; 3^et Michael's figures show numerous differences from their figures. Michael, for example, shows short spines on the body, while they figure simple hairs. In view of these and other discrepancies among European authors, I have been sorely tempted to abandon all attempts at identification and describe everything as new. However, I believe that we have TyroglypJms lJius. Genus GLYCIPHAGUS Hering. Cuticle of body more or less granulate; claws very small and incon- spicuous; some of the hairs of body plumose, or formed into foli- aceous scales; the ventral apertures are very large and occup}" all the space between the coxie; mandibles chelate, usually with a suture between cephalothorax and abdomen; male without anal suckers; female with the bursa copulatrix projecting slightly at tip of the a))d()men. Type. — G. domt'Sticus De Geer. This genus is abundantly represented in Europe, but in this country I have seen l)ut few species or specimens. The geiuis should form a tribe or subfamily in the Tyroglyphidie on account of its wide diver- gence in structure from the ty])ical Tyroijlyphu^. These mites have been found feeding on all sort^ of substances, ])ut the name indicates that they are the true ''sugar mites," and cause the disease known as ''grocer's itch." Two species are known to me. Glyciphagus obesus n. sp. (PI. I, tig. :^>.) Body about one and one-half times longer than broad, parallel- sided; pointed in front, broadlv rounded ))ehind. Dorsum with scat- tered, irregular granules. Cephalothorax with four pairs of short, simple bristles; two pairs in front, a submedian pair behind, and one in each posterior corner; and a short, broad hair or scale near margin over coxae II. Abdomen with a submedian pair of plumose bristles on basal third, a pair of simple bi-istles nearer to margin on pos- terior third; three simple bristles each side, and five each side at and near the tip, the outer one the longest. Legs i-ather short and stout, I (PI. I, fig. 2) and II with a curved, plumose bristle near base of third joint and near middle of fourth joint, the latter joint with a long, simple bristle at tip; tarsi I and II one and one-half times longer than preceding joint, tarsi III and IV twice as long as preceding joint. Venter minutely granulate, genital aperture (PI. I, fig. 5) occupying all the space between coxae and mouth parts. Length, 0.33 to 0.38 mm. Taken from a necktie that had been for some time in a drawer, at Berkeley, Cal. (E. J. Wickson.) Tech. Series 13, Bureau of Entomology, U. S. Dept. of Agricul+ure. Plate I. Tyroglyphid Mites. Fig. 1. — GIi/rij)finfiii.< r'/busfus. Fig. i.—Gh/ciphagus oht'sa^. leg I. Fig. 3. — (rlyciphagus obesus. Fig. 4 — Ilisf/nsfoiiiii iiiiK licanum. tarsns I. Fig. -t — Glyciphngus oftesH.s, gtMiital plate. Fig. G.—IfistiosfoiiKi iiiiii rlraiiinii. tarsus IV. Fig. l.—in'stiostoma amencanii nt . mouth parts. Fig. 8. — HMioHtoma brevipex, palpus. Fig. 9. — Histiostoma gracilipe><. Fia. 10. — HisUoi'tomd brevipes, tarsus IV. Fig, 11. — Histiostoma brevipes, tarsus I, Fig. 12. — Histiostoma gracilipes, tarsus I. GENUS TYROGLYPHUS LATEEILLE. 13 Glyciphagus robustus n. sp. (PL I, tig. i.) Body short and ))road, rather broader behind middle than else- where, broadly rounded behind. Dorsum with man}^ large, rounded granules, irregularh' arranged. A submedian pair of long, sparsely plumose bristles on front margin; a still larger pair near the hind mar- gin of the cephalothorax, as near to side as to middle; one bristle in each posterior corner, and two shorter sybmarginal ones each side in front of the last. Abdomen with about six pairs of long, discal, plu- mose bristles, the subbasal pair not nearly as long as the others; and six submarginal bristles each side, the two on the posterior margin not nearly as long as the others. Legs rather short, but the tarsi are slender; tarsi I and II twice as long as preceding joint; tarsus IV more than three times as long as preceding joint; all with scattered, simple hairs, a longer hair near tip of third and fourth joints of legs I and JI. Venter rather linel}^ granulate; the large, broad genital aperture occupies all the space between coxae II, III, and IV, but does not extend forward between coxa? I. Length, 0.2-t mm. Specimens from Leetonia, Ohio, in a lot of seeds, from Mr. H. E. Wolfgang. Genus TYROGLYPHUS Latreille. A suture between cephalothorax and abdomen; mandibles chelate; tarsi with distinct claws; cuti<'le without granulations; ventral aper- tures small; four distinct posterior bristles on the cephalothorax; tarsi rather slender, in some species with spines; male with anal suckers; in some cases there is a dimorphic male, or the anterior legs of male may be thickened. Type. — T. niro L. Oudemans uses the name Acarus for this genus, bat I think the application is strained and that jNIichael is right in this matter. I include in Tyroglyphus the genus AleuroMus^ which is based on a male character of not more than specific value. There are doubtless a numl)er of species in the United States. From the materials at hand I separate, the following nine species: Table of the Species. 1. Some bristles on tarsi I and II near middle are distinctly spine-like; the sense-hair about its length from base of joint 2 No spine-like bristles near middle of tarsi; sense-hair not its length from base ' of joint 4 2. Hind tarsi with two long hairs, one as long as the joint terminalis. Hind tarsi without such long hairs 3 3. Male with third legs enlarged heteromorphus. Male without enlarged third legs armipes. 14 A REVISION OF THE TYROGLYPHID^. 4. Of the terminal abdominal bristles at least six or more are very long, nearly as long as the body 5 Of the terminal abdominal bristles only two are about as long as the abdo- men; leg I of male greatly thickened, and with a spine at apex of femur below farinpe. 5. Bristles of body distinctly plumose or pectinate; tarsi very long longior. Bristles of body not pectinate 6 6. Cephalothorax very short; legs I and II of male stouter than usual hreviceps. Cephalothorax longer, legs normal 7 7. On living trees, usually with scale insects; third and fourth joints of hind legs more than twice as long as broad; abdominal bristles long coccipliilus. On nmshrooms, or decaying matter; third and fourth joints of hind legs not twice as long as broad ; abdominal bristles very long Untneri. In mills, stored foods, grains, etc. ; third and fourth joints of hind legs scarcely twice a#long as broad; abdominal bristles shorter americanus. Tyroglyphus farinae Dv (iovv. (PI. II, fig. 14.) Ceplialothonix with four long .subequal bristles above in a trans- verse row, a short pair in front over the mandibles; one on each hmnerus, not as long as width of body, and a very short one near by; two pairs on the middle of dorsum, rather farther back than usual, the posterior pair the longer, but these not more than one-half the length of the a))domen; two hairs on each posterior side, not one-half the length of abdomen, and near the tip are two more pairs of ])ristles, one of which is nearly as long as the abdomen, the other pair being much shorter; a pair of short bristles near anus below (PI. II, fig. 16). Legs rather short, and the front pair thickened; in the male very greatly so, and the fennir provided with a sharp, apical process below at tip, and two small teeth on next joint. The long bristle on penultimate joint is as long as the tarsus in all leus; tarsus I (PI. II, tig. IT) is scarcel}' twice as long as the preceding joint, tarsus IV (PI. II, tig. 14) more than twice as long as penultimate joint; the third and fourth joints of the hind legs are about twice as long as broad; none of the hairs on the legs is spine-like. Length, 0.45 to 0.60 nun. Specimens have been examined from various localities, all, however, in the North, as Marblehead, ]\Iass., Lancaster, Pa., Adrian, Mich., and Minneapolis, ^linn., in mills, granaries, and seeds. I keep this species in the genus Tf/ror/Zt/jf/n/s^ since the genus Aleu- rohi.us is based on a secondary sexual charact'^r; in other respects it is a true Tyroglyphys. If this genus is used, then other genera should be made for T. lieterornorpliuH and T. (trmipes^ which is, I think, unnecessary. Tyroglyphus longior Gervais. Cephalothorax with four long, subequal bristles in a transverse row, and two shorter bristles on front margin; two long humeral bristles; two pairs of submedian bristles on dorsum, the anterior pair more than one half the length of abdomen, the jwsterior pair as long as the Tech. Series 13, Bureau of Entomology, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate II. Tyroglyphid Mites. Fig. 13. — Monie: zziella longipes. Fig. \A.— Tiirnqliiphiixfariiur and tarsus IV of male. Fig. \b.—Mon- xta. Fig. \6.— Ti/n>r//i/pfius farhin'. venter of male. Fig. ll.— Ti/ronli/phus farinse, leg I of male. Fig. 18.— Moniczlella brevitarsis. Fig. l^.—Monieziella hrevitarsis, male venter and mandible. TYROGLYPHUS LINTNERI OSBORN. 15 entire body, behind toward tip are six pairs of bristles, most of tliem fully as long as entire body; all these bristles of body are seen to be hairy (PI. V, fig. .1:4): the cephalic bristles show these hairs more dis- tinctly toward tip. The basal joints of the legs are of the usual length, but the tarsi are extremely slender; tarsus 1 (PI. V, fig. i-i) is about as long as the three preceding joints together, while tarsus IV (PI. V, fig. 44) is about as long as the rest of the leg; the bristles on legs are about as usual, fine and slender, but that at the tip of the penultimate joint of leg IV is scarcely half as long as the tarsus; the hair near tip of tarsus is rather short on all legs. Length, 0.40 to 0.60 mm. This species is readily known by the hairy bristles of body and by its extremely long tarsi. It has been received only a few times, but usually in great abundance and usually attended with some predaceous m\iQ^—Cheyletus or Gammus. Specimens have been examined from grain in mill at Milwaukee, Wis. ; from Winfield, Ontario, Canada, in house and barn in great numbers, and Doctor Oudemans writes me that he has seen it from California. Tyroglyphus lintneri Osborn. (PI. Ill, fig. 29.) Cephalothorax with four long, subequal bristles in a slightly curved transverse row; a pair on front margin, longer than the mandibles; two long humeral bristles and a short one close b}^; two pairs of sub- median bristles on the dorsum of abdomen, the anterior pair about one-half the length of the abdomen, the posterior pair as long as abdo- men; and six each side near tip, all very long except the inner one, which is scarcely as long as abdomen, and a short pair on venter near the anus. The legs have the usual bristles, the long one at end of penultimate joint is plainh^ longer than the tarsi in all the legs; the hind tarsi (PL III, fig. 24) are full}^ as long as the two preceding joints together; there is a curved plumose bristle above on the third joint of legs I and II. (Male genitalia, see PI. Ill, fig. 25.) Length, 0.30 to 0.38 mm. This mite is very similar in all respects to the T. americanvs. but the bristles of abdomen are longer and somewhat differently arranged. In the male the tubercle-like suckers on hind tarsi (PI. Ill, fig. 24) are farther apart than in T. american^is; in the female the vulva (PL III, fig. 23) shows a broader emargination behind than in that species. These differences, associated with the different habitat, demand some recognition in nomenclature; therefore I consider the mushroom mite as a distinct species. It differs at once from T. hmgior in the simple bristles of the body. This species has been received from Freehold, N. J. ; Hazelton and West Chester, Pa. ; and from York Corner, Me. It does enormous damage to mushrooms, but appears to be a native species. Lintner records it from Jamesport, Suffolk County, N. Y, 8040—06 3 iO A REVISION OF THE TYROGLYPHIDiK. Tyroglyphus americanus n. sp. (PI. Ill, ti^\ 20). Cephalothoi'ax with four long, line, equal bristles in a slightly curved transverse ix)w, a pair of shorter bristles on front margin; two long humeral bristles, longer than width of body, a pair of sub- median bristles each side on the dorsum, the anterior rather short, the posterior ver}^ long, as long as abdomen; on posterior margin and near the tip are six bristles each side, five of them about as long as abdomen, the other much shorter and near the median line. Legs of moderate length, like figures of T. s'lro^ but the tarsi (PL III, fig. 22) are more elongate and slender tlien in Michael's figure of that species; the usual bristles are present, none spine-like; that at tip of penulti- mate joints is ver}^ long; there is a curved plumose bristle above on the third joint of legs I and II; the hair at tip of tarsus is not one- half the length of the joint; in the male the sucker-like tubercles on tarsus IV are but little more than their diameter apart. (Genitalia, PI. Ill, fig. 21.) Length 0.27 to 0.30 mm. This species is close to Michael's identification of T. siro^ but has much longer bristles and longer tarsi; indeed the hind tarsi are as long- as the two preceding joints together; however, it can not be T. longioi\ since the bristles are not serrate. It* may be that some European writers ha\e mixt this species with T. lon(jioi\ but I regard Michael's identification of T. longior as correct, that is, a mite with long serrate bristles, and the same as the form I regard as T. longior in this paper. There are many specimens of this species in the collection of the Department of Agriculture, as follows: Washington, D. C, on rotten plums; Paola, Kans., in flaxseed; Minneapolis, Minn., in wheat; Savannah, Ga., in rice; College Station, Tex., in cotton seed; Racine, Wis., in flax mill, and on decaying orange at Washington, D. C. Many of the references to T. siro and T. longior in our economic literature doubtless refer to this species. Tyroglyphus cocciphilus n. sp. Cephalothorax with four long bristles in a transverse row, the mid- dle pair plainly longer than the outer pair, 3-et the latter is as long as width of body; a short pair on the front margin, longer than the mandi- bles; two pairs on dorsum, the basal pair about one-half the length of body, the posterior pair about as long as entire body; two long humeral bristles each side and a short one near by; behind and near tip are 12 bristles, 3 on each posterior side and 3 each side near tip in a vertical or longitudinal line, all about as long as abdomen or a little longer; a short pair below near anus. Legs of moderate length, with the usual bristles, none spine-like; the tarsus (PI. IV, fig. 35) about as long as two preceding joints together in all the legs, the bristle at tip of Te ch. Series 13, Bureau of Entomology, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate III. Tyroglyphid Mites. Fiff. 20.— Ti/roglyphas americanus. Fig. 'll.— TiirogUjpha^^ iunrnrnim^, genitali.i. Fir. 22.— r.v roqlvphu^ americanus, tarsi I and IV. Fig. 23.- Tumgh/pl' '(■<>> n1n< n, vulva. F g. 24.- T// o gli^jln. Ii„tnevi, tarsus IV ot male. Fig. ^h.-Tinnglnplms lintnrn. genitalia ot malt^ Fig 26.-r>iru,ili,pln}nix'tn-mi)i(di)<, vulva. Fig. l^.— Turoulnplmx lintnen. TYROaLYPHUS TEEMINALIS T^. SP. 17 penultimate joint about as long as tarsus; third and fourth joints of hind legs more than twice as long as broad; in the male the suckers on hind tarsi (PI. lY, fig. 35) are more than twice their diameter apart and nearh^ as close to each end of joint as to each other. (Vulva and anal suckers, PL IV, fig. 33: male aperture, PI. IV. fig. 34.) Length, 0.35 to OAO mm. Specimens from Columbia, Pa., with Lecanivrn on plum; also wdth oj^ster-shell scale on osage orange (probably from Missouri), w4th mealy bug on guava at Rock Ledge, Fla., and on orange leaves at Sanford, Fla. This species is very close to T. lintnerl Osb., and might have been considered as only a variation of that species but for the totall}^ difier- ent habitat. The legs are rather more slender, but the hind tarsi are no longer, and the hair at the tip of the penultimate joint is not as long as in T. Vintiitrl^ nor as heavy. Tyroglyphus breviceps n. sp. (PL IV, fig. 30). Cephalothorax very short, in proportion to the length of the body; four rather long, subequal bristles above in a transverse row, and a short pair in front over mandibles; two moderately long humeral bris- tles; two submedian pairs on the dorsum, the basal pair short, the other scarceh^ as long as abdomen ; six bristles each side and near tip, rather widely separated at base, from two-thirds to fully the length of the body; a short pair below near anus; tarsus about twice as long as preceding joint, the bristle at tip of latter as long as tarsus on the front legs (PL IV, fig. 32), and three-fourths as long on the hind legs; each tarsus with a fine bristle beneath near middle; hind tarsus (PL IV, ^g. 31), with apical hair not one-half the length of tarsus; the third and fourth joints in hind leg not twice as long as broad. Length, 0.35 to 0.50 mm. The hairs are a little shorter than in T. americanus and the legs rather stouter, and especially so in the front legs of the male. Specimens from Victoria, Tex., taken from dead larva? of the cotton boll weevil. Tyroglyphus terminalis n. sp. Cephalothorax with four bristles in a transverse row, the outer pair nearly twice as long as the inner pair, a pair of short bristles on ante- rior margin; two humeral bristles, about two-thirds the width of the body, two pairs of bristles above on abdomen, and five pairs near tip, all about one-half the length of the abdomen except one pair each side near tip, which are about as long as the abdomen; all are simple. Legs rather stout, especially the anterior pair (PL III, fig. 26), the bristles stout, and many of those on the tarsi are spine-like; tarsus I is not twice the length of the penultimate joint, while the hind tarsi (PL III, fig. 27) are about as long as two preceding joints together; 18 A REVISION OF THE TYROGLYPHID^. the hair near tip of tarsus is very long in all legs, but the hind tarsi have two long hairs near tip, one of them longer than the tarsus. (Vulva, PI. ILL fig. 28.) Length. 0..50 mm. Specimens from Limburger cheese, Washington, D. C. (Dr. G. Marx). This species is near Michael's figure of Tyroglyphxis mycophagm^ but the mite is not so slender, the bristles are longer, and those on tarsi are longer. 1 am not certain that Michael has correcth^ identitied Megnin's species. Tyroglyphus heteromorphus Felt. Male (PI. YW tig. 39). — Cephalothorax with four long bristles in a transverse row, but the inner pair is not one-half as long as the outer })air; a pair of short Ijristles on anterior margin; two bristles on each humerus, one short, the other as long as width of body; two pairs of submedian bristles on dorsum, each a))out two-thirds the length of the abdomen; a rather long bristle on the middle each side, another long one behind this, then a short one. and three long ones each side near tip. each l)ut little shorter than abdomen. Legs with the usual bris- tles, that at apex of pemdtimate joint scarcely as long as tarsus; the sense hair on tarsi 1 (PI. I\', tig. 38) and II is about its length from the base: most of the tarsal bristles are distinctly s[)ine-like; the hair at tip of tarsus IV (PI. IV. fig. 36) is not one-half the length of the joint, the bristle at tip of penultimate joint of leg IV is not one-half as long as tarsus, the latter joint as long as two preceding joints together; leg III (PI. \W tig. 37) enlarged, as in figure, ending in a large claw and two very long bristles. The female ditiers in having the bristles of bod}' shorter, especially the a})dominal ones; there are four at tip which are not one-half as long as width of body; the tarsi, especially the hind tarsi, are shorter than in the male. The abdomen is, of course, broader, and larger in proportion to the cephalothorax. Length 0.60 to 1 mm. A peculiar species, which I have seen onh' from decaj'ing asparagus roots from near Washington, D. C. It was described as injuring the roots of carnations at Berlin, Mass. The RhizoglypJiuH f^^?7/.s' Michael, 1903, ma}' be a synonym; however, there are several minor differences which may possibly be due to Michael's inaccurate figures. Tyroglyphus armipes n. sp. Cephalothorax with four long bristles in a transverse row, but the inner pair is not half as long as the outer pair; a pair of short bristles on front margin. Male with two bristles on each humerus, one short, the other nearly as long as width of body; three pairs of bristles on dorsum, basal pair very short, the others long and reaching beyond tip Tech. Series 13, Bureau of Entomology, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate IV. Tyroglyphid Mites. Fig:. 30.— Tyroglyphus breviceps. Fig. 31 .— Ti/ronli/pfiKs brrr/Wpx, tarsus IV. Fig. 32.— Ti/ronlunhus brevicep.^, leg I. Fig. SS.— Tywglypluis r<,rriphihis. vulva and anal suckers. Fig. 34.— ty'ror/h/- pIni.-< rocriphilus, male aperture Fi^. ■<'\~ Tiiraqhiphn^ n>rrij>/iihis, tarsus IV— male and female. Fig •Se.— Tynuflyphtoi Jieteromorphns, tarsus IV. Fig. ■Sl.— Ti/rudh/pfuis liFln-omorphux, leg III of male. Fig. •SS.— Tyroglyphus heteromorphus, tarsus I. Fig. m.— Tyroqlyphus heteromorphus, GENUS RHIZOGLYPHUS CLAPABEDE. 19 of abdomen;, two on each posterior side, quite long, and behind are four each side, three of which are about as long as the abdomen, the inner pair much shorter. Legs rather slender, tarsi as long as two preceding joints together; most of the tarsal hairs are spine-like; the hair at tip of penultimate joint is rather shorter than tarsi, but in leg IV (PI. V, fig. 41) it is about two-thirds as long as tarsus; the hair at tip of tarsus not one-half length of tarsus. (Tarsus I, PI. V, Hg. 42.) In the female the bristles are much shorter, the humeral '■iiistle not nearly as long as width of bod}-, those on dorsum not reach- ing to tip, the posterior lateral ones ver}^ short, and those behind near tip are scarcely one-half as long as width of body. (Vulya, PI. Y, fig. 43.) "^ Length, 0.75 to 1 mm. Specimens from Lincoln Nebr. and from Atlanta, Ga., on dead lary?e of corn pyralid. Genus RHIZOGLYPHUS Claparede. A suture between cephalothorax and abdomen; mandibles chelate; tarsi with distinct claws; cuticle not granulate; yentral apertures small; only two distinct posterior bristles on the cephalothorax, but in some forms a minute intermediate pair is present; tarsi short and stout, proyided with some stout spines; male with anal suckers, and in some cases there is a dimorphic male with the third pair of legs greatl}' enlarged and ending in a large curyed claw. The species are yege- table feeders, and attack healthy liying tissues, usually the part in the ground. Type. — R. hyacinthi Boisd. {echmopns Robin). This genus was based on the absence of a caroncle to tarsus, a char- acter of yariable value in allied genera. Michael uses the dimorphic male as a distinguishing character, but I would rather not use a sexual character for a genus, so base the genus on the two posterior cephalic bristles and spiny tarsi. I distinguish six species in our fauna by the following table; Table of the Species. 1. Tarsus I with a large spine close to the sense hair 3 Tarsus I without a spine near the sense hair 2 2. Abdominal bristles as long as width of body; tarsi longer tarsalis Abdominal bristles much shorter than width of body; tarsi shorter... phylloxerse 3. Tarsus I fully two and one-half to three times as long as broad longitarm Tarsus I not more than twice as long as broad 4 4. Body three times as long as broad; legs very short elongatus Body less than three times as long as broad 5 5. Hind tarsus two and one-half to three times as long as broad; abdominal bris- tles longer; no dimorphic male seen rhizophagus Hind tarsus about twice as long as broad; abdominal bristles very short; a dimorphic male is common hyacinthi 20 A REVISION OF THE TYROGLYPHID^. Rhizoglyphus phylloxerae Riley. (PI. VI, fio-. 61.) Cephalothorax with a pair of frontal bristles and a pair of much larger posterior bristles, also a pair of minute intermediate bristles; one bristle on each humerus: in the female there are six short bristles near the tip of the abdomen, the longest pair not one-half the width of the body; a submedian pair of short ones behind the middle of the dorsum, and one short bristle on each posterior side. The male has eight bristles at tip of abdomen, some about as long as width of body; while the dimorphic male with the thickened leg III (PI. VI, tig. 60) has these apical bristles about as long as the abdomen, and two pairs of long bristles on the dorsum. The legs are rather long; tarsus I (PI. VI, fig. 5t>) has no spine above near the sense hair, but toward the middle is a stiti bristle; the othei- spines are present and are long, the apical hairs are shorter than th(^ joint; the bristle from the penultimate joitit is longer than the tarsus in all except the hind legs; tarsus 1\' (PI. \'I. tig. 57) is about as long as two preceding joints together, and in tlie male is still more elongate; it has two spines below near middle: the apical hairs are shorter than the joint. The enlarged leg III of the dimorphic male ends in a long claw; several bristles are near by. l)ut no tooth. In life these mites are rather yellowish white, with chestnut-brown legs and a dark spot on each posterior side of the al)domen. Length 0.75 to 1 nun. I identify this with Riley's species, since his figures of the legs show a rather slender tarsus, and the other characters shown by his figure agree with this form. Specimens have been examined from the roots of cowpeas from Macon. (Ja.; from Auburn, Kv., on scabby potatoes; from Lawrence, Mass., on young potato plants, and from Akron, Ohio, on rotten potatoes; also from Illinois, infesting pine cones. Michael has considered that Riley's species was a synonym of B. echinop^is Megn. {hyaclnthi Boisd.). This species is, however, abundantly distinct from the '"bulb mite,'' and perhaps does not now occur in Europe, altho it was introduced into France. At that time it was supposed to feed on the Phylloxera. Rhizoglyphus tarsalis n. sp. This species is similar in nearly all respects to B. phylloxei'se; that is, there is no spine on tarsus I (PI. V, fig. -15) near the sense hair, and the tarsi are long. I have not seen any males, but the female difiers from R. jyhylhKcerm in having the bristles near tip of abdomen nearly as long as width of body, and in the plainly longer hind tarsi (PI. V, fig. 46), w^hich are longer than the preceding two joints together. The specimens come from Spreckels, C^al., taken from sugar beets by Mr. E. S. G.Titus. Tech. Series 13, Bureau of Entomology, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate V. Xyroglyphid Mites. Fig 40—CarpogIyphiis passularum. Fig. -ll.— Ti/wglyjjhus armipes, tarsus IV. Fig. 42 —Tiiro- &■"' «''"V/f-'- ^'T)^^r ^- P^.^i.-Tiiroglyphus armip^s. vulva. Fig. U -T>,roglyphus Zo«r,/o,. tarsi I and IV. and body hairs. Fig. Vr>.-Bhizor/l,iphu., tarsali.<^. tarsus I. Fig. fl-~Rhip9\yphus t'u-sahs. tarsus IV. Fig. il.—Iihizoghjphu.ifn/acinthi, leg III of male. Fig. ^^.—FJazoglyphus hyacinthi, tarsi I and IV. Fig. A^.—Rhizoglyphus hyacinthi. RHIZOGLYPHUS RHIZOPHAGUS ]^. SP. 21 Rhizoglyphus hyacinthi Boisd. (PL V, fi^. 49.) Cephalothorax with a pair of frontal bristles, and a pair of large and long- posterior bristles (intermediate bristles not visible); a rather long hunieral bristle; a submedian pair of short bristles on the dorsum, one on each posterior side and six near the tip, all short, the longest scarcely one-half the width of bod3\ Legs short and stout, the tarsus I (PI. V, fig. ttcS, at right) but little longer than preceding joint, the spine above is close to the sense hair, and the apical hairs are longer than the joint; the bristle at tip of penultimate joint is longer than the tarsus in all except the hind legs; the hind tarsus (PI. V, fig. 48, at left) is about twice as long as broad, with two spines below near mid- dle, the usual apical spines, and the apical hairs are longer than the joint. In the male there are six hairs near tip of abdomen above, some nearly as long as width of body, and below are four rather long, sub- equal bristles in a straight transverse row; in the dimorphic male leg 111 (PI, V, tig. 47) is enormously thickened, and ends in a stout claw, with a stout tooth at inner base. In color it is white with brownish head and legs, and a dark spot on each posterior side of the abdomen. Length, 0.55 to 0.75 mm. Specimens have been taken from the bulbs of Bermuda lilies shipped to this countr3^ Under the name of R. echinopus Megn. several European authors have gathered various species; whether this form, which seems partial to bulbs, is the same as Megnin's species 1 can not tell from descrip- tions; however, I think it identical with the R. echinopus of Michael. Its ravages in various bulbs and orchids have given it the name of "bulb mite" and " Eucharis mite." The damage caused by it to Bermuda lilies has been treated by Mr. A. F. Woods in 1897, in a paper entitled "Bermuda lily disease." (See bibliograph}^, p. 27.) The R. megnini of Haller appears to be a distinct species, with plainly shorter bristles. Rhizoglyphus rhizophagus n. sp. (PL VI, tig. 50.) Cephalothorax with a pair of frontal bristles, and a pair of long posterior bristles (no intermediate bristles visible); a humeral bristle fulh^ one-half the width of body, two on each posterior side and six at tip in the female, all short, the longest about one-half the width of the bod}', and a submedian pair above on dorsum. Legs short, the anterior pairs very heav-y, the tarsi I (PL VI, tig. 51) and II with a spine above near the sensory haii*; and one below, rather before the middle; apical hairs longer than the joint; the bristle from penulti- mate joint longer than the tarsus in all legs, except the hind pair; hind tarsus (PL VI, fig. 52) two and one-half to three times as long as broad, two spines below near middle, and the usual spines at apex; the apical hairs as long as the joint. In the male the abdomen has eight bristles near tip, one pair rather more than one-half the width 22 A REVISION OF THE TYROGLYPHID^. of the body; and on the venter (PI. VI, fig. 56) behind anus are four subequal bristles in a transverse row; the leg III of male is like that of IV and- not thickened in the many males examined bv me. Length 0.65 to 0.80 mm. This species differs from ^. hyacintlil in several minute points, namely: the longer tarsi, especially hind tarsi; the position and size of certain bristles, and the proportionately larger front legs. Specimens have been studied from Missoula, Mont., on roots of apple trees; from Missouri, under a cotton wood stump, and on onions, from Glenellen, Cal. Rhizoglyphus elongatus n. sp. (PL VI, fig. 53). Ceplialothorax with a pair of long frontal bristles, and a pair of posterior bristles, barely longer than the others, no intermediate bristles visible; a humeral bristle each side no longer than cephalic bristles, and six short bristles near tip of abdomen, the superior pair the longest, but no longer than frontal bristles. Body very elongate, more than •three times as long as broad, mandibles large. Legs very short and stout; tarsus I (PI. VI, fig. 51), but little longer than penultimate joint, a spine above near the sense hair, one below beyond middle, and two near tip, apical ))ristles short; the bristle from tip of penultimate joint very large and prominent, and longer than tarsus in all legs; hind tarsus but little longer than front ones, and with short apical hairs. Length 0.30 to 0.35 mm. The onl}' specimens seen were taken from the roots of clover in October, 1879, probably in Missouri. Distinct by elongate body, very short legs, and short posterior bristles of cephalothorax. Rhizoglyphus longitarsis n. sp. Cephalothorax with a pair of long frontal bristles, a pair of very long and large posterior bristles, and a pair of minute intermediate bristles; a long humeral bristle; the female with six bristles near tip of abdomen, none more than one-third the width of bod}^; in the male the bristles are longer, some nearly as long as width of body, and on the venter, behind anus, are four bristles in a transverse row% but the outer pair is very much longer than the inner pair. The legs are rather long; tarsus I (PI. VI, fig. 58) about two and one-half times as long as broad, and w^ith a spine close to the sense hair, one below near middle and two others near tip; the apical hairs nearly as long as the joint; the bristle at tip of penultimate joint is longer than the tarsus in all legs, except the hind pair; the hind tarsus (PI. VI, fig. 55) is very long and slender, with two spines beyond middle, and the apical hairs about two-thirds the length of the joint. Length 0.75 mm. I have seen specimens from Emporia, Kans., taken from the rotten bulbs of Caladium, esculentum. Tech. Series 13, Bureau of Entomology, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate VI. Tyroglyphid Mites. Fig. bO.—PJdzoqhjphus rhizop/iagus. Fig. bl.—Rhizoqlyphm rhizophar/us, tarsus I. Fig. o2.—Rhi- zo(jl[iplim rhizophagus. tarsus IV. Fig. b^.—B}nz<»ihiplut.'< elongdtus. Fig. M.—RMzoqlyphus dongatus, tarsus I. Fig. bb.—Rhizoglyphus loiu/it'irsis. [arsus IV. Fig. b6.—Rhizogli/phns'rhizo- phagus, male venter. Fig. b^.—Bhizoglyphu>- phiillo.rrrH'. tarsi IV— male and female. Fig. bS.—EJn'zoglj/phiis longifarsis, tarsus I. Fig. b\).—Rhizoglyphus phijlloxerse.. tarsus I. Fig. 60.— Rhizoglgphus phylloxeras, leg III of male. Fig. Gh—Ehizoglyphus phylloxeras, half of front of body. MONIEZIELLA LONGIPES N. SP. 28 Genus MONIEZIELLA Berlese. A suture between cephalothorax and abdomen; mandibles large, chelate; tarsi with distinct claws; cuticle without granulations; ven- tral apertures small; but two distinct posterior bristles on the cepha- lothorax; tarsi without spines; male with ventral suckers; abdomen usually more elongate than in Tyroghjphus. All the species so far known are predaceous or feed on recently killed animal matter. Type. — M. entoraophagus Lab. The genus Ilistiogaster is based on H. carpio Kramer, a species with spiny tarsi, a peculiar male abdomen, and of very different habits; so that I retain MoniezieUa as distinct from it. There are probabh^ from five to ten species in our fauna. I have recognized the following three species: Table of the Species. 1. Body about three or four times as long as broad; apparently no cephalic nor humeral bristles angusta Body scarcely twice as long as broad; cephalic and humeral bristles distinct. . 2 2. Tarsi barely longer than preceding joint brevitarsis Tarsi nearly twice as long as preceding joint longipes Monieziella angusta n. sp. (PI. II, tig. 15.) Body three to four times as long as broad: apparently without any cephalic or humeral bristles, and only four short ones near the tip of abdomen. Legs very short: tarsi not longer than the penultimate joint; the bristle from this joint longer than tarsi, especially in the anterior legs, where it is very prominent. Length, 0.80 to 0.35 mm. Specimens taken from under scale insects {Aspidiotus) at Haywood, Cal., and stated to be feeding on the coccids and their eggs. This is probably what Doctor Riley tigures in the Fifth Missouri Report as Tyroglyphus mains; however, his figure shows some bristles on the head which I can not see in the specimens before me. iMichael has identified Riley's species with the European J/. {Ilistiogaster) entomophagiis; but MichaeFs figures show a form very different; more elongate and with shorter bristles. The TyrogJyphns vialus of Lignieres is probably a 2L)nieziella^ but a different species, perhaps M. entornophagus^ as asserted by Michael. Monieziella longipes ii. sp. (PL II, fig. 13.) Cephalothorax with a pair of frontal bristles, and a pair of very long posterior bristles; a long, fine humeral bristle each side; two shorter bristles on the margin, and four rather long bristles near tip of body, ther inner pair nearly as long as the abdomen. Legs rather slender, and the tarsi nearly as long as the preceding two joints '24 A REVISION OF THE TYROGLYPHID^. together, and in the hind pair still longer; the hair at tip of the penul- timate joint is longer than the tarsus in all except the hind legs. Length, 0/33 mm. Specimens from among Mytilasj^U scales at Crescent City, Fla. (Hubbard). Monieziella brevitarsis n. sp. (PL II, lig. 18.) Cephalothorax with a pair of short frontal bristles and a pair of longer posterior bristles; a humeral bristle each side rather more than one- half the width of bod}', and three bristles each side on posterior margin toward tip, the outer one very short, the next longer, and the inner pair about one-third the length of the abdomen. Bod}^ scarcel}^ twice as long as broad; mandibles (PI. II, tig. 19) large and prominent. Legs short, with only a few short bristles, but that at tip of the penul- timate joint is rather longer than the tarsus; the latter joint is onl\' a trifle longer than the preceding joint, l)ut much more slender; the sense hair on tarsi T and II is much curv^ed. (Male venter, PL II, fig. 19.) Length, 0.35 mm. What is evidentl}^ th(* Ilypopus of this form has a projection on the anterior part of the cephalothorax, with a black eye-spot each side; the legs I and II are thick and heavy; leg III ends in a claw, as do I and II; but leg IV terminates in two long bristles, the outer one much the longer, ])ut both longer than the leg, and there is also a short bristle near tip of the legs. The ventral sucking plate lias six suckers — two in front, smaller than others, and four in a curv(Ml i-ow behind. Specimens have been taken from Ch'docoruH at Southern Pines, N. C, and Marshallville. (ni., and it evidently feeds on the San Jose scale. Genus CARPOGLYPHUS Robin. No suture between cephalothorax and al)domen; mandibles chelate; tarsi with distinct claws; cuticle without graiudations; ventral aper- tures small; the epimera of the first two pairs of legs joined to each other and to the sternum, thus forming a sort of skeleton; tarsal claw^ arising from a clavate onvchium; the l)ristle on poimltimate joint of legs arises from near middle, not at tip of joint. The legs are rather slender, not thickened in the male; the male has no anal suckers. On the anterior margin of cephalothorax near base of mandibles there is each side a rounded eye-like spot or projection, very doubtfuU}^ an eye. No llypopus is known. Type. — C. paHHidaruni Robin. There are doubtless several species; I have described one from Java; C. anonymus of Berlese and Michael has very short bristles on TRICHOTAESUS XYLOCOP^ BONN. 25 cephalothorax, and Michael shows them spine-like, so that their figures probabh' represent a species different from that of Canestrini. and which I find in the United States. The species of this genus feed on a great variety of substances, perhaps favoring dried fruits. Carpoglyphus passularum Hering. (PI. V, lig. 40.) Cephalothorax with a pair of short frontal bristles, apparently a little back from the front margin; four posterior bristles in a curved, transverse row, none very long; a humeral bristle each side, with a short one near by; two submedian pairs of short bristles on the dorsum; two short ones on each posterior side margin; a short pair near tip above, and three each side at tip, one pair very short, the others more than one-half length of ])ody. Legs moderately long, tarsi long and tapering; the sense hair on tarsi 1 and II tapers to tip; the bristle above on penultimate joint is situated near the middle and not at tip, and is ver}^ large and prominent, and longer than the tarsus in all except the hind pair of legs. There are a number of hairs on legs, but no spines; the hair near apex of tarsus is long and rather farther from the tip than usual in tyroglyphids. Length. 0.40 to 0.50 mm. Specimens have been seen from Fresno, Cal., on figs; from St. Anthony Park, Minn., on dried tigs and apples; from Albany, X. Y., on smoked ham. and on pollen of honey bees from Ohio. Genus TRICHOTARSUS Canestrini. No suture between cephalothorax and abdomen; mandibles chelate; legs ending in distinct claws; male without suckers on hind tarsus; no clavate or thickened hair on tarsi I and II; palpi not enlarged at tip; cuticle not granulate; male without anal suckers; vulva of female situated close to beak, between coxie I; hypopial nymphs found upon bees, adults in nests of bees. Type, — T. osini;^ Dufour. The adult form is but little known; I have seen none from this countr}"; the h3'popial nymphs are more common, and two forms have been found in the United States. These agree well with the European species, but as the adults are not known, their identification is rather uncertain. They are of no economic value, and therefore I shall simply list the two species as the European forms until such time as mature specimens make possible a more exact identification and satisfactory description. Trichotarsus xylocopae Donn. Prof. H. Osborn has recorded this European species as taken from a California Xylocopa^ and sent to him by Mr. D. W. Coquillett. I have not seen it, and possibly some other species was concerned. 26 A KEVISION OF THE TYROGLYPHID^. Trichotarsus osmise Duf. I have taken specimens of a species of Trichotarsus^ which agree with the European form, from a species of (hmia at Sea Clifi', N. Y.; however, the adult females may present some differences. This species differs from T. .rylocop^ in having two claws at the tips of tarsi I, II, and III. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Banks, N. — New genera and species of Acarians. 5 echinop us. ( See Rh izoglyph us ech inopus. ) elongatus. {i^ee Rhizoglyphus elongatus.) entomophagui<. (See Moniezlella entomophagus.) ' ' Eucharis mite. ' ' ( See Rh izoglyphus hyacinth i. ) farimv. (See Tyroglyphus farinvr.) Feathers, food of Tyrogly phid