SALVAGING LUMBER IN THE FLCCDED AREAS No. Dll Revised february 1957 FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATORY MADISON S. WISCONSIN UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE In Cooperation with the Univeriity of Wi»con»in . . ■. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 SALVAGING LUMBER IN FLOODED AREAS By RAYMOND C. RIETZ, Engineer Forest Products Laboratory ,± Forest Service U. S. Department of Agriculture As soon as the water in flooded areas recedes, lumber dealers, manufac- turers, builders, and others whose dry lumber has been submerged are con- fronted with a tremendous task of salvage. Of first importance are meas- ures to reduce losses from stain and decay, particularly in easily dam- aged wood species. Cleaning and redrying operations should therefore begin at once. Treatment of Lumber in Stickered Piles Where the water has been high enough to float lumber stored in stickered piles, sapwood will be thoroughly infected with fungi before the boards can be collected, cleaned, sorted, and repiled. Heartwood boards of either softwoods or hardwoods are not so likely to stain and decay, but the wet boards should be cleaned and piled for redrying as soon as possible. Quick redrying, either in air-drying piles or in dry kilns, is the only certain way to prevent excessive losses from stain and decay. If the piles have stood fast on their foundations, the lower courses in the piles are likely to be covered with silt or choked with rubbish brought in by the water. This debris should be flushed away with a hose at the earliest opportunity, and water left standing on the yard, particularly under piles, should be drained off. It may be necessary to repile stickered lumber in order to remove silt from the boards satisfactorily. The dryer lumber from the upper layers of the old pile should be placed in the lower parts of the new piles, so that the wet stock is higher in the pile where more favorable atmospheric conditions speed the redrying process. If wet lumber must be bulk piled for as long as a week before it is repiled with stickers, a chemical treatment is advisable. ^Maintained at Madison, Wis., in cooperation with the University of Wisconsin. Rept. No. 190U (Revised) -1- Agriculture -Madison Losses due to stain and decay may not be serious if lumber is cleaned promptly and the weather favors fast drying of stickered piles. Suggestions regarding stickered piling of lumber and chemical treatment of wet stock are given elsewhere in this report. Treatment of Lumber in Bulk Piles When lumber that has been dried and bulk stored in either a shed or a yard is flooded, it should be cleaned and redried as soon as possible. The boards should be cleaned to remove surface accumulation of silt and allowed to drain long enough to remove surface moisture. A dip or spray treatment with antistain chemicals may be helpful at this point. The stock should then be piled on stickers for air drying. Kiln drying soon after the stock is cleaned is the safest procedure for avoiding losses, however. A chemical treatment is advisable if the cleaned wet boards must be bulk piled for some time before they can be kiln dried. Piling Lumber for Air Drying A hand stacked pile of lumber properly stickered for air drying is shown in figure 1. For this type of pile, the best practice is to sort the boards for length so that the piles can be built with square front and rear ends. If sorting for length is not possible, mixed lengths of lumber should be box piled to avoid serious losses due to warping of unsupported ends. Box piles are characterized by the square appearance of both pile ends, the support of all outer board ends and most of the inner board ends by stickers, and the support of the outer ends of stickers by boards. The longest boards or planks are placed in the two outer tiers . Shorter boards are placed between the tiers of long boards with ends alternating between the front and rear ends of the pile. Lumber should be piled on strong foundations high enough off the ground to allow good air circulation underneath the pile. The pile foundations for hand-stacked piles are usually sloped about 1 inch per foot of length from the front to the rear. The posts or piers, stringers, and cross beams of the foundation should provide adequate support to the pile and rows of stickers. The stickers used to separate the layers of boards are usually ripped from nominal 1-inch lumber and are 1-l/U inches wide. They are usually several inches longer than the width of the pile, and they should be made from dry stock if it is available. The number of stickers used will vary, but at least five stickers should be used on l6-foot lumber. In building up the pile, the stickers should be carefully alined, as otherwise the boards they rest upon may warp. Rept. No. 190U -2- In yards and plants using lift trucks and unit-package handling methods, the cleaned lumber should be repiled into good, sorted-length, stickered packages. The packages can be box piled if sorting for length is not feasible. Package foundations should be higher than usual in flooded and drained areas. Good package -piling practices, as shown in figure 2, should be followed, since poor package building and placement result in warp. Additional detailed information on how to pile lumber for air drying is given in Forest Products Laboratory Report No. Rl657j "Air Drying of Lumber." Kiln Drying Flooded Lumber Kiln drying promptly after cleaning is the best and safest way to reduce losses from stain and decay in flooded lumber. Dried lumber that has been wetted will dry rapidly, and the experienced dry-kiln operator will be able to put through charges of either softwoods or hardwoods much more rapidly than is usual for wood at the same moisture content that has not been previously dried to a lower moisture content. The regained moisture is mostly in the outer fibers of the boards and evaporates quickly. Dips or Sprays with Chemical Solutions Dip or spray treatments with common antistain solutions are used principally to prevent deterioration of sapwood, but these treatments may also help protect heartwood against infection. They are most effective if applied as soon as possible to the wet lumber. Lumber that has been wet for a week or more will benefit little from chemical treatment unless temperatures have been too low (below 60° F.) during flooding for rapid infection to take place. At best, chemical treatment should be considered only as a supple- mentary measure to rapid air drying or kiln drying. The dipped or sprayed stock should be properly piled soon after treatment, so that drying will not be retarded. If it cannot be promptly repiled on stickers for air drying, the treated stock may be temporarily left in bulk piles. Temporary bulk piling after dipping is known to be safe with freshly cut lumber, but with flooded stock the situation is uncertain; consequently, efforts should be made to hold bulk storage of the wet, chemically treated wood to as short a time as possible. Rept. No. 190 1 ! -3- The following solutions are recommended for dip or spray treatment of lumber to prevent' stain, mold, or decay: Product Dowicide H Melsan Lignasan Suggested number of pounds per 100 gallons of water 12 Limitations or advantages In the South re- commended only for hardwoods In bulked pine and in situations where drying is particularly slow, this chemical may alio 1 some molding Noxtain 20 Permatox 10s 20 Dowicide H and Permatox 10s can be obtained from Chapman Chemical Co., Memphis, Tenn.; Melsan and Lignasan from E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Wilmington, Del.; and Noxtain from Wood Treating Chemicals Co., St. Louis, Mo. At small sawmills green lumber is commonly dipped by hand, the work being done by one or two men. This method can be used at retail lumber yards and manufacturing plants where chemical treatment of flooded lumber seems necessary. One man can regularly dip about 5^000 feet of 1-inch lumber in a day. Dipping vats need to be little more than sturdy wood troughs of sufficient size to accommodate the largest boards and fitted with sloping sideboards to permit draining of the lumber and to prevent excessive waste of solutions from splashing. Suggestions for constructing hand-operated dipping vats may be obtained from companies supplying antistain chemicals . A well-designed dipping vat is shown in figure 3A. At some mills lumber, dimension, and timbers are sprayed by passing the stock on a roller conveyor through a spray box fitted with perforated pipes or special nozzles. Similar equipment can be used in a large salvage operation. Excess solution is recovered and flows or is pumped back into a storage tank. Such a device is shown in figure 3B. Where the salvage operation is such that hand dipping or spraying is not feasible, the chemical can be applied with a hand-operated spray, sprinkling Rept. No. 1904 -k- can, broom, or brush. Any of these devices is adequate so long as all surfaces of the cleaned lumber are completely wetted with the chemical solution. Treatment for Salvaged Logs Logs are safe from stain and decay as long as they are submerged, but they will begin to deteriorate as soon as they are partly or wholly exposed to the air. Ordinarily the organisms that cause blue stain attack first, and they develop rapidly. Decay organisms work more slowly, but are more serious because they destroy the wood on which they grow. Information on the partical procedures to minimize log deterioration is available in a report, "Prevention of Deterioration in Stored Southern Hardwood Logs," obtainable upon request from the Southern Forest Experiment Station, 2026 St. Charles Ave., New Orleans 13, La. Rept. No. 1904 -5- 1.-9 Likl'UtUll ■ l l |i' l l^| l i|liuim\i|ftjuiiii ^l^iiijiiijiititliiliiiiiiiisiliiiiHiiauiaii! : ,,!, Muiiiiiiiiiiiiii|Hlii||||iiiiji|iiiijSiy !|lilllll!j||l|l|hHlill|iiHilM8l|j [plliiliiii'lilllljf 11 !'!! :::;;;.« !iiHi|iiiiiiiiiifi ■•.•'III !i mm ) "TAJ \ll\()l\%llllllllltlllllll« I! s h |ll, i u l l i wW'itil||l|.il lWnlri'1 l M^iii»illli.||-l|i »flMMll|l!tll|||i|Ji| .—I v« •a ° J -a u *■> «J 2 o ™ 03 U 2 wj M n h s tn ^ &> « rt a u (0 <« T) 4) *-> rH (^ XI o • rt xi >• xi rt C « l< O ^ ft c *" 01 - o *> jC -^ U e £ o 3 ™ U 60 .S S .5^ « ■?J8 6 c c o * oi ft TJ •" >» cj rt ■" C ij C Mm 01 C D C ^ C 5 1 O ° ^< rt c «l a GJ i rt 1 ,£ « . ^ M «, ^ C <" a -^ ** c ti 3 C u 60 rt TJ 00 o oo 00 2 N :: m UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08927 3634