^lEp?**** E2/Peru UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ®AR[j Agricultural Research Administration Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington 25, D. C. PLANT QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OF THE REPUBLIC OF PERU August 26, 19^6 B. E. P. Q. - 556 (Superseding P.Q.C.A. --310) The following revised summary of the plant quarantine restrictions of the Republic of Peru has been prepared for the information of nurseymen, plant quarantine officials, and others interested in the exportation of plants and plant products from the United States to that country. The summary was prepared by R. G. Oakley, Supervisor of Export Certification of the Division of Foreign Plant Quarantines, from his translations of the original texts of the Peruvian laws, decrees, and resolutions, as compiled by Senor Julio Guadron, Chief, Service of Phytosanitary Seed and Plant Inspection, Section of Applied Botany, National School of Agriculture and Veterinary Science (Jefe del Servicio de Inspeccion Sanitaria de Semi lias y Plantas, Seccion de Botanica Aplicada de la Escuela Nacional de Agricultura y Veterinaria) , in an official circular of May 1936, and from subsequent decrees. It was reviewed by Senor Gaudron. The information contained in this circular is believed to be correct and complete up to "Che time of preparation, but it is not intended to be used independently of, or as a substitute for, the original texts, and it is not to be interpreted as legally authoritative. The decrees themselves should be consulted for the exact text. ^- — bureau of Entomology Chief, Bi and Plant Quarantine PLANT QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OF THE ■-■■ REPUBLIC OF PERU BASIC LEGISLATION Law No. 1221 of December 20, 1909. The Junta de Sanidaa Vegetal, by Supreme Decree No. l3l of June 1, 1920, is empowered to promulgate and enforce laws and regulations for the protection of national agricultural interests . SUMMARY General Entry Provisions 1. Shipment of seeds, living plants or parts of plants, and fresh fruits and vegetables, for entry into Peru, must be supported by the following: a. Phytosanitary certificate issued by competent authority (Federal or State) and certificate of origin (by shipper) endorsed by local authorities. (See par. 6, p. 3.) b. Import permit (listing any special requirements applicable) issued in advance of exportation. (See par. 5, P- 3-) c. Consular invoice for cargo or parcel post packages. (See par. 7, p. k.) Authorized ports of entry are as follows: Callao and Iquitos for general cargoes and mail; Callao only for flaxseed, fruits and vegetables; and Lima for mail only. Entry at other ports may also be authorized in special cases. (See par. 9, P- ^. ) Importation Prohibited 2. Importation of the following articles is prohibited, except as noted : a. BANANA PLANTS ( Musa spp.) and parts thereof, except the fruits. (See par. 15, p. 6.) b. COFFEE ( Coffea spp. ) plants and parts thereof, including the seedsT ("See par. 17, p. 6. ) c. COTTONSEED ( Gossypium spp.), except shipments not exceeding 1 kilogram of each variety imported by official agencies from localities free of the pink bollworn ( Pectinophor a gossypiella (Saund.) and certified accordingly by the United States Department of Agriculture. (See par. 12, p. 5.) d. FLAXSEED ( Linum spp.), except shipments directed to the Campaha de Foment o del Cultivo de Lino, and accompanied by an official certificate attesting either that the seed vere grown in a locality free of wilt ( Fusarium lini Boll.) or that they are wilt- free. (See par. 25, p. "3. )" e. FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, except from the States of California, Oregon, and Washington. (See par. 19, p. 7- ) f. PLANTS AND PARTS TBEREOF imported by airplane, except with special authorization in each case from the Direccion de Agricultura y Ganaderia. (See par. 2h , p. 7.) g. SEEDS AND PLANTS in diplomatic pouches. (See par. 11, p. 5.) h. SUGARCANE (Sa ccha rum offfcinarum L.), except importations from experiment stations by the Escuela Nacional de Agri- cultura in quantities not exceeding 25 kilograms for each variety. (See par. 13, p. 5-) i. PARASITIC t INSECTS, except by the Direccion de Agricultura y Ganaderia. (See par. 18, p. "J. ) j. CITRUS PLAIITS and CUTTINGS on account of "wilt" disease. (See par. 29, p. 9. ) Importation Restricted 3. Importation of the following is permitted, subject to the conditions prescribed: a. LIVING PLANTS AND SEEDS must be free of cryptogenic pests and be accompanied by a certificate of origin and a phytosanitary certificate. (See par. 6, p. 3.) b. FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES from the States of California, Oregon, and Washington must be free of pests and be accompanied by the documents specified in parajjraph c. POTATOES ( Solanum tuberosum L. ) must be fumigated at the port of arrival in "holds of ve33el3 transporting them, or else at the port of export on the day of departure and be accompanied "by a fumigation certificate. (See par. 14, p. 6.) a. POSTAL SHIPMENTS of vegetable ana flower seeas. (See par. 27, P. 8.) e. GEAPE PLANTS -and CUTTINGS, (See par. 28, .p. 8.) Importation Unrestricted k. Importations of dried or otherwise processed fruits and vegetables, nuts, grains, etc., for consumption are not restricted. GENERAL REGULATIONS Import Permit Required in Advance of Importation l/ 5. Any prospective importer of plants, cuttings, or seeds (see also par. 20, p. 7, for fruits and vegetables) of any kind^must previously apply in writing on sealed paper to the Direccion de Agricultura y Ganaderia (Directorate of Agriculture and Livestock, requesting the corresponding authorization, indicating in the application the kind and quantity of seed or plants, the country, locality, and the shipper. (See note below.) Prospective importers of cottonseed and of sugarcane cuttings or seea must airect their requests through the Socieaaa Nacional Agraria. Certificate of Origin ana Phytosanitary Certificate Requirea 2_/ 6. The importation of seeas, cuttings, plants, ana shrubs (see also par. 20, p. 7, for fruits ana vegetables) is prohibitea, except when a shipment is accompaniea by the following documents: a. Certificate of origin (declaration by producer, dealer, or exporter of the plant products enaorsea by local authorities, which may also be incluaed in the phyto- sanitary certificate.) b. Phytosanitary certificate issuea by competent authority (Feaeral, State, or experiment station officials) ae daring the shipment free from (cryptogamic) pests and aiseases aamaging to crops in locality of origin. c. Consular invoice issuea by a Peruvian consul. NOTE: For the entry of plants ana seeas whose importation offers little aanger, such as vegetable or flower seeas in general, or of plants of slight value, previous certification is sufficient; 1/ Supreme Decree No. l80 of June 1, 1928. 2/ Law No. 1221 of December 20, 1909. - h - "but when plant products representing crops of commercial significance are concerned, and which may carry major pests, previous authoriza- tion in required in order that supplementary requirements may "be effected, such as fumigation of the products in place of origin, or a declaration in the phytosanitary certificate that the locality of production is free from specific pests.. Consular Visas Required for Cargo and Parcel Post Packages l/ 7. Peruvian consular agents in foreign countries will not issue consular invoices for cargo or parcel post packages that contain seeds, plants, cuttings, and forages, unless the shipper presents for legalization the certificate of origin and phytosanitary certificate specified in paragraph 6, together with a copy of the import permit required by paragraph z>. 8. The payment of consular fees is exempted in the case of shipments with a value not exceeding one Peruvian gold pound ($h.7k U. S. currency). 2/ Authorized Ports of Entry 3/ 9. Sanitary Inspection Services for plant products are available as follows: a. In the Customhouse at Callao and in the Lima Post Office by the Seccion de Botanica of the Escuela Nacional de Agricultura; b . In the Customhouse and Post Office of the river port of Iquitos by an inspector designated by the Government; and c. At other ports of the Republic when the Chief of the Plant and Seed Inspection Service and technicians of the respective experiment stations and agricultural commissions can verify sanitary inspection to be available at such ports. Inspection and Treatment on Arrival h/ 10. Once importations of seeds, cuttings, plants, and shrubs (See also par. 20 for fruits and vegetables) have been landed in Peru, the importer must make application for entry license, following which the importations will be subjected to one of the following four procedures: 17 Supreme Decree of October 5, 1923, and Art. 338 of the Peruvian Consular Regulations, 19UU. 2/ Supreme Resolution of September 30, 1910. •premo Decree of June 13, I91U , as amplified by Supreme Decrees of September 28, I91U , and August 12, 1931. }i/ De ioptember 3, 1911 . a. The issuance of a simple import permit, when, in the Judgment of the Director de Agriculture y Ganaderia, the nature of the importation implies that the sanitary certificate provides adequate assurance against the introduction of pests. b. A previous inspection, when the kind of imported plants may constitute danger to the national cultures. c. Scientific disinfection, when the precautionary inspection establishes the necessity therefor. d. Burning of the imported material when it comes from a place previously declared infested, or when it is 3hown by the inspection that the importation would endanger national cultures. SPECIAL PROHIBITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AGAINST IMPORTED PRODUCTS Importation of Plant Products by Diplomatic Pouches Prohibited l/ 11. It is absolutely prohibited to import any class of seeds, plants, cuttings, or shrubs by means of pouches of the diplomatic service, even when the country from which they may come is deemed free of pests considered a3 dangerous. Restrictions Governing the Importation of Cottonseed 2/ 12. The entry of cottonseed (G ossypium spp. ) in general into Peru Is prohibited: Provided that a maximum of 1 kilogram of seeds of each variety may be imported through the Escuela Nacional de Agricultura y Veterinaria (National School of Agriculture and Veterinary Science) by the Estacion Central Agroncmica or by the Sociedad Nacional Agraria when accompanied by certificates issued by the United States Department of Agriculture attesting the seeds were grown in localities free of the pink bollworn ( Pe c t inophor a gossypiell a ( Saund . ) . Restrictions Governing the Importation of Sugarcane 3/ 13. To prevent the introduction of mosaic diseases, the Importation of sugarcane ( Sac c h ar urn off icinarum L. ) cuttings or seed is not permitted, except by the Escuela Nacional de Agricultura under . the following conditions: T? Supreme Decree of September 6, 1927- 2/ Supreme Resolutions of March §1, 1922, and November 9, 1923. 3/ Supreme Resolution of June 5, 1925. a. The cuttings or seed must originate in an experimental station, they must bo accompanied by the sanitary certificates prescribed in paragraph 6, and the quantity of each variety must not exceed 2b kilograms. b. The imported seed will be grown in quarantine for a period of two years in the Estacion Central Agronomica. (Supreme Resolution No. 6 72, September 26, 1<&5, quarantines the Rimac and Carabayllo Valleys on account of the black weevil ( Cosmopolites sordidu s Germar. ) Fumigation of Potatoes Required l/ lU. To prevent the introduction cf the Colorado potato beetle (Le ptinotarsa docemlineata (Say)), the -.importation of potatoes ( Solanum tub e ros um L. ) from the United States shall be subject to one of the following: a. Fumigation in the holds of vessels transporting them upon their arrival in Peru, according to methods in- dicated by the Seed Inspection Service; or b. Fumigation in the port of origin on the day of departure under the supervision of an authorized official and s imported by a legal certificate of fumigation. Importation of Banana Planar Prohibited 2/ 15. The importation of banana plants (Muga spp. ) or parts thereof (stalks, leaves, etc.) from all foreign countries is prohibited on account of the Panama disease ( l^. sa ri vim oxys porum Schl. var. cu bonse (E. F. Sm. ) Wn. ). The black weevil (Cosmopolites sordidus Cermar. ) has also been considered as cause for Internal quarantine action in Peru. (Supremo Resolution Wo. c'72. , September 26, L9'-f..) Importation Lnto Moquegua Valley of Plants and Parts eof Prohibited 3/ 16. The imDortation into the M | 'alley is f all kinds of fruits, vegetables, plants or pe "te of living pL flowers, etc., proceeding from any other r j of the oountr; i'r r T.i jountries, except plants furnished oy the DU do Agriculture y Oanaderle for bhe improvement ]7 Supremo Resolutions of April 17, 1" . emd Kay 22, 1 of January 3/ Supreme R ' ■ . ' ■ . orchards in the valley, to prevent introduction of fruitflie3 ( Anastrepha spp. ). Importation of Coffee Prohibited l/ 17. The importation into and transit through' 'the territory of the Republic of all coffee plants (Co ffea spp. ) or parts of plants including beans, is prohibited for all purposes to prevent the introduction of the coffee berry borer (Steph anoderes hampe i (Ferr.) . Importation of Parasitic Insects Controlled 2/ 18. The importation of natural parasitic insects into Peru may be effected solely by specialists of the Direccion de Agricultura y Ganaderia, with the previous authorization of the Junta de Sanidad Vegetal in every case . Importation of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables from the United States Prohibited, Except from the States of California, Oregon, and Washington 3/ 19. As a temporary measure against the introduction of the Mediterranean fruitfly ( Ceratitis capi tata (Wied . ) , the importation is prohibited of fresh fruits and vegetables from Central America, Antilles, Bermuda, Territory of Hawaii, and the United States of America, except from the States of California, Oregon, and Washington. 20. Importations of fruits from the States of California, Oregon, and Washington will be subject to the same measures prescribed for seeds and plants in paragraphs 5 to 10, inclueive. 21. The landing of fruits and other plant products in ships' stores from the prohibited countries will not be permitted. 22. Peruvian consuls in the United States will not vise invoices for. products referred to in paragraph 19 unless a certificate of origin, issued by a competent official, is presented for legalization, and will refuse to legalize- invoices in the case of products from the State of Florida. 23. Failure by the importer to present the certificate of origin prescribed in paragraph 22 will prevent the unloading of fruits and vegetables, and may cause the products concerned to be destroyed. Importation of Plant Material by Airplane Prohibited 3/ 17 Supreme Resolution of July 19, 19^1- 2/ Supreme Resolution of July 19, I9UI. 3/ Supreme Resolution of August 2, 1929, as amended by the Decree of December 11, 1930. - a - 24. The importation by airplane transportation of the products referred to in paragraph 20, also of seeds and living plants, is prohibited until a customs service for the inspection of airplanes has been established: Provided that exception to this prohibition nay be taken in special cases upon application by the importer to the Direccion de Agricultura y Ganaderia for authorization to import plant products by airplane. (Letter from Sr. Gaudron, Lima, Peru, April 25, 1942) Restrictions Governing the Importation of Flaxseed l/ 25. The importation of flaxseed (Linum spp. ) is prohibited: Provided that importations are authorized by the Direccion de Agricultura y Ganaderia to cover needs of planters engaged in flax culture, when made through the Campana de Fomento del Cultivo de Lino, subject to the following conditions: a. A shipment must have been produced in a locality free of flax wilt (Fusa rium lini Boll. ) and be certified accordingly by official authorities of the country of origin; or a shipment must be accompanied by an official biological certificate declaring the consignment to be free of the aforesaid disease. b. Imported seeds will be disinfected and fumigated in the Estacion de Sanidad Vegetal at the maritime terminal in the port of Callao, at the expense of the importer. 26. The Campana de Fomento del Cultivo de Lino is entrusted with the importation, distribution, and trading of imported 3eed, and with the enforcement of the regulations pertaining thereto. 27. Postal Shipments of Vegetable and Flower Seeds. 2/ Advance jpermits are required from the Direccion de Agricultura y Ganaderia for the importation of postal shipments of vegetable and flower seeds. The applications must include information re- garding the variety of the seeds, quantity, place of origin and destination. The seeds to be imported must be accompanied by a certificate to the effect that they are free from insect pests and diseases. Inspection is made by agricultural authorities at Peruvian postoffices before entry is permitted. Grape Plants Placed Under Control 3/ The importation of grape plants or cuttings has been broi under the control of tho State, so that a careful distribution of tho different varieties may be made for their bost adaptation to 17 Supremo Decroe of Juno 3, 1942, as modified by Supremo Decrees September 23, f of December 1\ 1943- 2/ Par. 1, Dispatch No. 379, October 10, 1945, U. S. Embass;. . '±1 Supreme Resolution August 10, 1 » - 9 - the various viti cultural zones In Peru. Importation of Citrus Plants Prohibited 29. The entrance into Peru of citrus plants and cuttings is prohibited as long as preventive measures for the control of the disease called "wilt" are unknown. (Supreme Resolution No. 673, September 26, 19^5- ) * iiinliiiiiiiiii 3 1262 09313 7064