E2/Ryukyu Island* UNI USD STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Agricultural Research Administration Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington 25, D. C. . January lU, 1953 B.E.P.Q.-600 PLANT QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OP THE RYUKYU ISLANDS This summary of the plant quarantine import restrictions of the Ryukyu Islands has "been prepared for the information of exporters of plants and plant products to those islands and for plant quar- antine officials. It was prepared by R. G. Oakley, Division of Plant Quarantines, from the Plant Quarantine Law of the Ryukyu Islands of February 1, 1952 and associated notifications of the Department of Natural Resources and was reviewed by an official of the Civil Administra- tion. The information contained in this circular is believed to be correct and oomplete up to the time of preparation but it is not intended to be used independently of, nor as a substitute for, the original texts, nor is it to be interpreted as legally authoritative. The original law and notifications should be consulted for the exact texts. SI irH Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant ^uafantine PLANT QUARANTINE IMPOST RESTRICTIONS Off THE RYUKYU ISLANDS BASIC LEGISLATION The Plant Quarantine Law of the Ryukyu Islands, Civil Administration Ordinance No. 62, effective February 20, 1952. The Law provides that the Director, Department of Natural Resources, shall publish lists of infected or infested plants and materials that may not be transported from one area to another within the Ryukyus or exported from or imported into those islands. Its other provisions, together with Notification Nos. 1 and 2 of the Department of Natural Resources of April 2U, 1952 f are summarized in the following para- graphs. Summary of Regulations The regulations of the Ryukyu Islands cover plants and parts thereof, including seeds, and also containers, tools, etc., capable of carrying infestation, and require inspections, including treatment if con- sidered necessary, of importations prior to their release. No cer- tification of shipments in country of origin is required. IMPORTATION PROHIBITED 1. The following articles are prohibited entry into the Ryukyu Islands from the countries and places cited on account of the melon fly ( Dacus cucurbitae Coq. ); (a) Presh green beans, Prench peas, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, melons, watermelons, and pumpkins, from: (b) Australia, Burma, Ceylon, China, Formosa, Guam, Hawaii, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Siam, Saipan, and Tinian. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2. Definitions; (a) "Pest" means any infectious, transmissible, or contagious disease of plants, any form of animal life, and any form of plant life liable to be harmful to plants. (b) "Plant" Includes Thallophyta, Spermatophyta, Bryophyta, and Pteridophyta plants, parts of plants, and their products. , - 2 - (c) "Appliances" include plants, containers, conveyances, tools, and other materials infected, infested, or exposed to in- fection or infestation. 'Inspection on Arrival Required . 3. It shall be unlawful for any person to conceal or fail to present to a plant quarantine officer any shipment of plants or appliances which are or may "be infected or infested with pests. . Authorized Ports of Entry U, (a) Marine ports; AJa; Ishigaki; Itoman; Naha; Naze; Taira; Tomari, (b) Airport: Oroku (Naha), .. (c) Post Offices: Central post offices of Miyako, Naha, Nas;e, and Yaeyama. Marking of Shipments 5» Bach shipment of plants brought into the Ryukyu Islands or moved between island groups shall bear the name and address of the shipper or owner, the name and address of the person to whom the same is for- warded or shipped, country of production, and a statement of the contents. Disposition of Infested Shipments 6, Infected or infested plants shall not be imported into or trans- ported within the Ryukyu Islands unless each shipment is authorized by a written permit of the Chief Plant Quarantine Officer, When a shipment of plants, hosts, or appliances against which quar- antine has been established, is brought into the Ryukyu Islands and is found infected or infested or there is reasonable cause that it may be infected or infested with any pest, the shipment shall be immediately destroyed by, or under the supervision of the Chief Plant Quarantine Officer, unless: (a) the nature of the pest is such that no damage can be caused to plants through treatment of such plants or appliances in the manner prescribed by the Chief Plant Quarantine Officer, In such case, the shipment must be treated before release can be effected, (b) It is determined by the Plant Quarantine Officer that if only a portion of said shipment is infected or infested with a pest, then only such infected or infested portions of said shipment shall be treated, destroyed, or returned to the origin of shipment. - 3 Cost r,f Treatment UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA i nil in ii in 3 1262 09314 8376 7» Any treatment of infected or infested plants, or materials and appliances, which may be required to destroy pests, shall be at the risk and at the expense of the owner unless otherwise provided. Experimental Shipments Authorized 8, Any plant, or form of vegetable or animal life, otherwise pro- hibited, or pathogens, virus, or disease, or bacillus cultures may be imported for experimental or scientific purposes under written permit given by the Chief Plant Quarantine Officer Permit Required for Entry of Ships Stores 9. It shall be unlawful to remove food stores containing quarantined plants or materials from any vessel or aircraft except under written permit issued by the Chief Plant Quarantine Officer,