.mS- E2/Cuba ONITED STATES DEPART: ENT OF AGRICULTURE Agricultural Research Administration 3ureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington 25, D. C. 3, E. P. Q. 519 Supplement No, 3 October 28, 1953 PLANT QUARANTINE BsPORT RESTRICTIONS OF THE REPUBLIC OF CUBA According to Law-Decree No. 38 of April 29, 1952, published in Official Gazette No. 102 of * ay 2, 1952, of Cuba, the following rule has been established to prevent any possible spread of the Hoof-and-i.;Outh disease virus in that Republic. FULJGATION REQUIRED FOR STRAW AND HAY FOR PACKING All imported merchandise packed in straw or hay is required to be fumigated u^on entry into Cuba , whether or not such shipments were fumigated at their point of origin. Any article or commodity packed with excelsior or any other packing material is exempt from the above fumigation requirement. . Popham Acting Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA IllllIIIIIll 3 1262 09312 1787