k^.('''7 ^ u. s. depart:\iext of agriculture, BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY- BULLETIN No. 75. L: O. HOWARD. Entomologist and Chief of Bureau. MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS ON APICULTURE. I. PEOBIICTION AND CARE OF EXTRACTED HONEY. P,y K. y. PHILLIPS, Ph. D., In Charge of Apiculture. METHODS OF HONEY TESTING FOR BEE KEEPERS. By C. A. BROWNE, Ph. D., Chief, Su^ar Laboratory, Bureau of Chemistry. IL ^VAX MOTHS AND AMERICAN FOUL BROOD. By K. P. PHILLIPS, Ph. D., In Charge of ApicuUure. III. BEE DISEASES IN MASSACHUSETTS. By BURTON N. GATES, Expert in Apiculture. IV. THE RELATION OF THE ETIOLOGY (CAUSE) OF BEE DISEASES TO THE TREATMENT. By C. F. WHITE, PH. D., Expert in Bacteriology. V. A BRIEF SURVEY OF HAWAIIAN BEE KEEPING. By E. P. PHILLIPS, Ph. D., In Charge of ApicuUure. " ^ VI. TIJE STATUS OF APICULTURE IN THE UNITED STATES. By E. F. PHILLIPS, Ph. D., In Charge of Apiculture. VII. BEE KEEPING IN MASSACHUSETTS. By BURTON N. GATES, Expertcin Apiculture. AYASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, 1911. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY— BULLETIN No. 75. L. O. HOWARD. Entomologist and Chief of Bureau. MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS OX APICULTURE. I. PRODUCTION AND CARE OF EXTRACTED HONEY. By E. F. PHILLIPS. Ph. D., In Charge of Apiculture. METHODS OF HONEY TESTING FOR BEE KEEPERS. By C. A. BPvOWNE. Ph. D., Chief. Sugar Laboratory. Bureau of Chemistry. II. WAX MOTHS AND AMERICAN FOUL BROOD. Bv E. F. PHILLIPS, Ph. D., /n Charge of Apiculture. III. BEE DISEASES IN MASSACHUSETTS. By BURTON N. GATES, Expertin Apiculture. l\. THE RELATION OF THE ETIOLOGY (CAUSE) OF BEE DISEASES TO THE TREATMENT. By G. F. WHITE, Ph. D., Expert in Bacteriology. \. A BRIEF SURVEY OF HAWAIIAN BEE KEEPING. By E. F. PHILLIPS, Ph. D., In Charge of Apiculture. YI. THE STATUS OF APICULTURE IN THE UNITED STATES. By E. F. PHILLIPS, Ph. D., In Charge of Apiculture. YII. BEE KEEPING IN MASSACHUSETTS. By BURTON N. GATES, Expert in Apiculture. WASHINGTON: GOVERXMEXT PRINTING OFFICE. 1911. 7? f 'REA ( ' OF ENTOMOLOa Y. L. O. Howard, Entomologist and Chief of Bureau. C. L, Marlatt, Entomologist and Acting Chief in Absence of Chief. R. S. Clifton, Executive Assistant. W. F. Tastet, Chief Clerk. V. H. Chittenden, in charge of truck crop and stored product insect investigations. A. D. Hopkins, in charge of forest insect investigations. \V. D. Hunter, in charge of southern field crop insect investigations. F. M. Webster, in charge of cereal and forage insect investigations. A. L. Quaintance, in charge of deciduous fruit insect investigations. E. F. Phillips, in charge of bee culture. D. M. Rogers, in charge of preventing spread of moths, Jield work. RoLLA P. CuRRiE, in charge of editorial work. Mabel Colcord, librarian. Bee Culture Investigations. E. F. Phillips, in charge. G. F. White, expert in bacteriology. B. N. Gates, a A. H. McCray, apicultural assistants. J, A. Nelson, R. E. SnodgrasSj^ agr^'nis and experts. Ellen M, Dashiell, entomological preparator. T. B. Symons, College Park, Md., collaborator for Maryland. H. A. Surface, Harrisburg, Pa., collaborator for Pennsylvania. « Resigned. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL United States Department of Agriculture, BunEAU OF Entomology, WasJiington, D. C, December 3, 1910. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith, for pubhcation as Bulletin Xo. 75, seven papers dealing with bee culture. These papers, which were issued separately during the years 1907, 1908, and 1909, are as follows: Production and Care of Extracted Honey, by E. F. Phillips, and Methods of Honey Testing for Bee Keepers, by C. A. Bro\\Tie; Wax Moths and American Foul Brood, by E. F. Phillips; Bee Diseases in Massachusetts, by Burton X. Gates; The Relation of the Etiology (Cause) of Bee Diseases to the Treatment, by G. F. White; A Brief Survey of Hawaiian Bee Keeping, by E. F. Phillips; The Status of Apiculture in the United States, by E. F. Phillips; Bee Keeping in Massachusetts, by Burton X. Gates. Respectfully, L. O. Howard, Chief of Bureau. Hon. James Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture, in CONTEXTS <• Page. Production and care of extracted honey E. F. Phillips. . 1 Introduction 1 The advantages of the production of extracted honey 2 Method of producing extracted honey 3 The ripening of honey 7 The granulation of honey 9 Heating honey for the destruction of the bacteria of disease 12 Packing of extracted honey 12 The production of ' ' candied " honey 13 Honey types 14 Methods of honey testing for bee keepers C. A. Browne. . 16 Wax moths and American foul brood E. F. Phillips. . 19 Introduction 19 Work of the large wax moth (Galleria mellonella L.) 20 Work of the lesser wax moth (Achroia grisella Fab.) 21 Conclusion 21 Bee diseases in Massachusetts Burton N. Gates. . 23 Introduction 23 The two known bee diseases ' 24 Damage from bee diseases 25 Present extent of bee diseases in Massachusetts 2G Evidence that bee diseases were not recently introduced into Massa- chusetts , 27 The spread of bee diseases 29 Brood diseases can be controlled 30 A brief account of treatment for brood diseases 31 The relation of the etiology (cause) of bee diseases to the treatment. a. F White. . 33 Introduction 33 Etiology (cause) of diseases 34 Predisposing causes 34 Exciting causes 35 Treatment of disease 38 American foul brood 39 European foul brood 41 Bo-called ' " pickled brood " 41 Paralysis 41 Summary and conclusions 42 «The eight papers constituting this bulletin were issued, two on December 19, and one each on December 31, 1907, June 30 and December 26, 1908; January 19, January 25, and May 24, 1909, respectively. V VI MISC'KLLANEUUS PAPERS ON APlCLLTUKE. Page. A brief survey of Ilawaiian bee keepinc; E. F. Phillips. . 43 Introduction 43 Publications on Hawaiian bee keeping 43 Bee keepers' association 44 Methods of management 44 "Bee rights" 45 Extent of the industry 45 Sources of honey 47 Introduction of honey plants 54 Wax production 54 Disease survey 56 The status of apiculture in the United States E. F. Phillips. . 59 Introduction 59 Scope of the industry 61 Present sources of loss 71 The needs and possibilities of apiculture 76 Summary 79 Bee keeping in Massachusetts Burton N. Gates. . 81 Historical sketch 81 Experience of bee keepers in Massachusetts 84 Number of colonies per bee keeper 85 Distribution of bees in Massachusetts 86 Increase in number of colonies 87 Production of honey and wax 87 Sources of honey 89 Periods of nectar secretion in different localities 93 Races of bees 96 Hives 97 Wintering 98 Bees in greenhouses 99 The bee market 102 Enemies 103 Bee diseases 105 Bee keepers' organizations 105 Summary 106 A list of the more important articles on bee keeping in Massachusetts 107 Index Ill ILLUSTRATIONS. PLATES. Page. Plate I. Work of the large wax moth (Galleria mellonella) in comb infected with American foul brood 20 II. Hive infected with American foul brood, the frames removed to show work of the large wax moth {Galleria mellonella) 20 III. Work of the lesser wax moth (Achroia grisella) in comb infected with American foul brood 20 IV. Map showing distribution of bee diseases in Massachusetts and pos- sible sources of infection from neighboring States 23 V. Map of the Hawaiian Islands 43 VI. Blends of algarroba honey and honeydew from the Hawaiian Agri- cultural Experiment Station 44 VII. Fig. 1. — A typical Hawaiian apiar>', the hives on stands to prevent ant attacks. Fig. 2. — An apiary in a coffee plantation 46 VIII. Fig. 1. — Part of an algarroba forest. Fig. 2. — A lantana jungle 48 IX. Fig. 1. — An apiary near a sugar-cane field. Fig. 2. — Molasses trough for feeding cattle 50 X. Fig. 1. — Hau hedge. Fig. 2. — A hive set up in cans to keep out ants. 54 TEXT FIGURES. Fig. 1. Proportionatelossof bees wintered in cellars and on summer stands 99 2. Approximate location of greenhouses in which bees are used for the pol- lination of cucumbers 100 VII U. S. D. A.. P.. E. Bui. 7',. Part I. A.. December 19, 1907. MISCELLAXEOUS PAPERS ON APICULTURE. PRODUCTION AND CARE OF EXTRACTED HONEY Ry E. F. Phillips. Vh. D., In Charf/r of Apkultiire. INTRODUCTION. Since the invention of the centrifugal honey extractor, in 1865, and its introduction into America, a constantly increasing proportion of the honey of the United States has been put on the market as ex- tracted. Formerly honey was rendered free from comb by mashing full combs of honey and straining the liquid through a cloth. This is " strained honey.'' but the same name still clings, in some quarters, to the article removed from the comb by centrifugal force. The pro- duction of extracted honey requires much less labor on the part of the bee keeper than does the production of comb honey, and it has several advantages over the latter. The principal reason why ex- tracted honey is more generally produced in the United States than formerly may probably be found in the increasing demand for honey for baking and confectionery purposes ; considerably more than half of the honey put on the markets is used in this way. The ease with which extracted honey may be adulterated has, how- ever, made the general public sceptical as to its use for table purposes; glucose, cane sugar, invert sugar, and other adulterants have been very extensively used, and are still used to some extent. However, the passage of the food and drugs act of June 30, 1906. and the recent work of this Department in the inspection of the honey market have resulted in much good, and persons who have openly adulterated ex- tracted honey in the past are now generally obeying the law. AMiile there is still some cause for complaint, the percentage of adulteration must gradually decrease. The effect of pure-food agitation can not but result in great good to the honest honey producer and bottler. The chemical detection of honey adulteration has been made more certain by the recent investigations of Dr. C. A. Browne, of the Bureau of Chemistry, and because of the improved methods advo- cated by him the detection of infringements of pure-food laws will 1 2 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS ON APICULTURE. be easier in the future. For a discussion of this work the reader is referred to Bulletin No. 110 of the Bureau of Chemistry, entitled '' Chemical Analysis and Comix)sition of American Honeys." Some of the common practices of bee keepers are, however, open to serious (juestion, and it is primarily to call attention to these that the present paper is presented. It is possible to treat pure high- f>:rade extracted honey so that on chemical examination it would be condemned or called in (piestion. In the past there has been some trouble in cases where chemists have declared honeys, to which noth- in:e to recommend or condemn this system in general, for its use should be governed by local conditions of the honey flow. In this case, as in many others, the maximum results may not be expected without a careful study of local conditions. Bee keepers talk a great deal about " locality differ- ences," and, as generally used, the term '' locality " is only an excuse for a lack of information as to the true cause of various observed facts. It is nevertheless most true that there are scores of local differences which are great enough to bring success or failure, accord- ing as they are studied or neglected. PERFORATED ZINC. The use of a perforated zinc queen-excluding board between the brood chamber and the surplus bodies is gaining in popularity. Without this zinc the queen is likely to go into the second story, or even higher, particularly toward the close of the season. Some bee keepers prefer to use combs for extracting which have never been used for brood, and if this plan is followed the perforated zinc is abso- lutely^ necessary. Honey extracted from dark combs which have been used for brood is darker in color as a rule than that produced in combs which have never contained brood. This is doubtless due to the fact that a certain amount of the larval skins and larval excreta which are packed at the bottom of brood cells becomes dissolved in the hone}^ These deposits in the cells are usually spoken of as " cocoons," but certainly only a small part is really the silk of the cocoon. If this really were merely a cocoon, no possible objection could be made to the use of brood combs for extracting. It would probably do little good to advocate the universal use of only such combs as had not been used for brood rearing in the production of extracted honey, but a strict regard for cleanliness would most assuredly demand it. REMOVING HONEY FR0:M THE HIVE. Honey should not be taken from the hive until fully "" ripened." AATien the time comes to extract, the frames should be lifted from the hive and the adhering bees shaken or brushed oft'. They may be brushed off with a regular bee brush, many styles of which are manu- factured, or a bunch of grass or weeds will usually answer as well. The only advantage of a regular brush is that it is always ready for use. If the honey flow is over or the bees are hard to manipulate on account of their stinging, a bee escape is desirable. The escape is so arranged that the bees can pass down to the storj^ below with comparative ease but can not get back. Within a few hours the 6 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS ON APICULTURE. upper story is cloarod of bees and the frames of honey may be re- moved easily. If the queen is in the upper story, however, as she may be if no perforated zinc is used, or as she occasionally is any- how, the bees will not desert the brood, and there will still be bees on the combs. Escapes may be put on by quickly lifting the upper story and inserting the board in the evening, and by the next morning the upper story will usually be entirely clear of bees. After the combs are removed from the hive, they should be kept covered so that the bees in the air will not begin to rob. The manner of carrying them to the extracting room will depend on the number of combs to be carried and the arrangement of the apiary. Tin buckets holding five combs at a time may be used; an extra hive body is often fixed with a handle and cloth cover, or the entire hive body may be carried in on a cart or otherwise if it is free from bees. THE EXTRACTING ROOM. The place where the honey is extracted should be so arranged that no bees can enter it when attracted by the odor of the honey. The windows should be so built that if some bees do enter the}^ can easily get out through bee escapes or cones so constructed that no other bees will be able to find the opening. Bee escapes may be used, but usu- ally a better plan is to have the windows covered with wire cloth tacked on the outside, the wire cloth extending above the window about G inches and held away from the side of the house by quarter- inch strips. Bees almost always crawl upward and they will crawl up the netting and out through the top openings, but other bees will not try to get in that way. A screen so arranged will allow a very large number of bees to escape very quickly. . That the extracting room be "bee tight" is practically the only absolute requirement. Honey should never be extracted in the open air except during a heavy honey flow, when bees are not inclined to rob. AVliere several apiaries are under the management of one man, it is sometimes de- sirable to make a portable extracting house on wheels so that it may be taken from place to place. UNCAl'PINC; HONEY. The honey, before it is extracted, must be uncapped, and this should be done with a long knife which is kept sharp, clean, and warm. There are several types of uncapping knives. If a considerable amount of honey is to be extracted, it is desirable to have two or more knives for each operator so that one may be heated in hot water as the other is used. As the cuppings of wax are cut oil' some lioney flows out, and con- sequently the uncapping should be done over a regular uncapping box PRODUCTION AXD CARE OF EXTRACTED HONEY. 7 or can. This may be easily made at home to suit individual require- ments, or any one of the several types offered for sale may be used. The boxes are either made of metal or lined with tin to prevent the leakage of honey, and about halfway up is a heavy wire netting to catch the wax cappings and allow the honey to drain off into the lower compartment. This honey may later be added to what comes from the extractor. THE EXTRACTOR. The extractor consists of two or more baskets into which the combs of honey are placed and which are revolved inside or with a can. The rotation drives out the honey by centrifugal force, leaving the cells empty, provided the imcapping has been thoroughly done. "While the extractor is a very simple machine in principle, its con- struction has been the subject of much experimenting, and various types have been made. The best type of extractor has been found to be one in which the surrounding can is stationary and the baskets are arranged to revolve inside it. Some tj^pes are now made so that the baskets may be turned and both sides of a comb emptied without removing the frame from the basket of the extractor. The more elaborate types, holding several frames and driven by power, may be found described in catalogues of the dealers in bee keepers' supplies. The extracted honey flies to the side of the can and then runs to the bottom of the machine: it then runs off through an opening at the bottom into a vessel or tank for the purpose. As it leaves the extractor it should be run through a cheese cloth to remove any par- ticles of wax or other foreign substance which may have got into it. The care of the honey will be described later. Empty combs wet with honey should not be returned to the bees while extracting is in progress, for fear of inciting robbing. They may be piled up in the extracting room until the work is almost com- pleted and, if any additional honey flow is expected, they may then be returned. If to be kept until the next year, they should be given to the bees for a short time to be cleaned of honey, and then removed and put away so that wax moths will not destroy them. The great- est essential in the production of the maximum amount of extracted honey is an adequate number of surplus combs. THE RIPENING OF HONEY. AMien nectar is gathered from flowers by the worker bees, the amount of water contained in it is very high. It is generally sup- posed that, by the time bees reach the hive to deposit the nectar in the cells, part of this water has been removed; at any rate, during the process of ripening, the amount of water is very much reduced, until, in thoroughly ripened honey, it will not exceed 25 per cent and is gen- 8 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS ON APICULTURE. eniUy not iiioiv than '20 per cent. Sonu' vcrv ripe honeys will have as little as 12 per cent of water in them. If more than 25 per cent of water remains in the honey at the time of extraction, it will probal)ly ferment. The ripenin<; of honey consists not only of the evaporation of the surplns water of the nectar, but especially of the transforma- tion of the sufjars of the nectar into the levulose and dextrose of honey. Unripe honeys contain a lar<]:er proportion of sucrose or cane sugar, and it is probable that the longer the honey remains in the hive the less of sucrose will l)e found in the honey. While honeys vary all the way from zero to 8 or 10 per cent in their sucrose content, the pur- est honeys are those which contain the least. The official honey standard of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists allows 8 per cent of sucrose in honey. It is the policy of most bee keepers to allow this ripening to take place in the hive by waiting until the honey is almost all or entirely capped, and this is undoubtedly the preferable method. It is a matter of common observation that honey which remains in the hive for a long time has a better " body '' and has more of the characteristic honey aroma. By ripening in the hive honey gets its characteristic flavor to a greater extent than is possible in evaporation outside the hive. Several machines have been devised for the artificial ripening of honey which has been extracted " green." that is, with too great a water content. The principle on which all of these are constructed is the application of heat, not to exceed 160° F., for a sufficient time to reduce the amount of water present to about 20 per cent. Either sun heat or artificial heat may be used. In the western part of the United States honey may be, and usually is, extracted before it is all capped, because it is the general practice of bee keepers to run the honey directly from the extractor to large tanks, sometimes holding several tons, out in the open, covered with porous cloth tightly tied down to exclude bees. ^lany of these tanks are contracted at the top, leaving only a comparatively small opening. On account of the extreme dryness of the atmosphere and total lack of rain during the dry season, this partial evaporation outside of the hive takes place very rapidly. The advocates of ri])ening outside of the hive argue that, if honey is extracted before all the water is i-emoved from it. the bees have less to do inside the hive and can dexote almost all their time to gathering nectar in the field. This obviously would result in an increased amount of nectar and, consecjuently. provided the forage will produce it. in an increased amount of honey. They argue that it is impossible to detect any dill'erence between honey ripened inside the hive and that ripened outside, as far as llavor is concerned, but tiiis is a point on which many other bee keepers and experts in honey PRODUCTION AND CARE OF EXTRACTED HONEY. \3 tasting do not agree with them. It must be admitted that, for gen- eral sale, the delicate aromas of well-ripened honey are not necessary, since the purchasing public is. as a rule, not educated on this point; but it certainly pays to produce the very best article possible for the further education of the trade, and, therefore, a thorough ripening inside the hive is very much preferable. To insure this, it is better to tier up the hives rather than extract as soon as a hive body is full. On all honeys, after extracting, if allowed to stand in a vessel, a scum will rise to the top. made up of impurities, such as wax, brood, dead bees, and particles of dirt which may get into it. This is particularh' the case with honeys which are extracted when not thoroughh^ ripened. In all cases honey should be strained as it leaves the extractor and subsequently skimmed until no further impurities come to the top. It is frequently the practice to draw honey from the bottom of the tank in which the honey is stored through a *' honey gate,'' so that the impurities do not get into the smaller receptacles in which the honey is to be packed. The thorough ripening of honey can not be too strongly recom- mended. Honey attracts moisture, and there is always a tendency for a very thin layer to form on the top in which the water content is very high. In such a film the amount of sugar is low. the acetic- acid-forming bacteria can grow rapidly, and the honey becomes sour. In thoroughly ripened honey it is very probable that a film of thinner honey is always present, but in such a case the sugar con- tent is so high that the bacteria can not grow. It is desirable that honeys from ditferent sources be kept separate as far as possible if the product is to be used for the bottling trade. This can be done only by extracting at the close of each honey flow. While it is probably impossible to get a honey from only one species of plant, except under the most unusual circumstances, at the same time honey may generally be removed at the close of each flow, so that the total quantity will have the characteristic flavor im- parted by a single kind of flower. THE GRANULATION OF HONEY. Almost all honeys granulate or " candy " after a certain time, and ma}^ become solid. This phenomenon varies greatly with ditferent honeys. For example, alfalfa honey produced in Colorado will often granulate solid within a few weeks from the time it is extracted, while the white-sage honey of southern California will often remain liquid and entirely clear of crystal for two years and sometimes longer, if properly put up. The reason for this difference in the time of granulation will be discussed under the heading of '* Types of Honey." Honey from the same species of plant varies somewhat in this respect in different localities. 78013°— Bull. 75—11 J 10 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS ON APICULTURE. Formerly tlie general ])iil)lic was suspicious of granulated honey, in the belief that it contained cane sugar, but, fortunately, it is now generally understood that pure honeys will granulate in time, and this crystallization is generally considered as a test of purity. The education of the purchasing public has so far progressed that now some bee keepers prefer to sell their honey in a solid granulated con- dition, it being cut up into bricks and wrapped in oil paper. In bottling honey, or in putting honey from any large receptacle into smaller ones, it is neceSvSary to liquefy the entire quantity com- pletely before the operation is begun. This may be done by im- mersing the receptacle in water which has been heated to 160 or 170° F., and letting it remain until the honey is all liquid and free from crystals. Honey should never be liquefied by direct applica- tion of heat, and it is extremely important that it should not reach a temperature of more than 160° F. It is well known to almost all bee keei)ers that honey heated to higher temperatures will become darker in color and lose flavor, and, consequently, they are generally very careful on this point. There is, however, a very much more important reason for avoiding high temepratures. When honey is heated to 180° F. and more, the higher alcohols wdiich give honey its aroma are driven off and, more than that, a decomposition of cer- tain of the sugars takes place; this is w-hat gives the darker color to the honey. Of all the various substances used for the adulteration of honey the one most nearly resembling pure honey is invert sugar, of which Herzfelt's artificial honey is one of the best illustrations. In the detection of adulteration, one of the tests for the addition of invert sugar is based on the presence of decomposition products due to heat. These decomposition products in invert sugar are probably identical with the decomposition products in overheated honey; at any rate, honey which has been heated to more than 180° F. for any considerable time gives the test for invert sugar and w^ould, there- fore, be declared to be adulterated if this test were applied by a chemist. A bee keeper might argue that he was not infringing on the pure-food law in overheating his honey, since he had added nothing in the way of an adulterant. If, however, he changes the chemical composition of his honey by injudicious treatment it is no longer pure honey, and he has no right to sell it under that name. It is very much safer to liquefy honey at a temperature of about 140° F. and thus avoid any danger of decomposition. If this lower temperature is used it is of course necessary to keep the honey at this temperature for a considerable time, but the safety of such a pro- ceeding makes the extra time well worth while. Two or three of the most widely circulated American text-books on bee keeping advocate the drawing off of the liquid portion of granulated honey, particularly in the case of honey which was not PRODUCTIOX AND CARE OF EXTRACTED HONEY. 11 thoroughly ripened before it was extracted. The granidated portion is then allowed to liquefy and is recommended as a very fine quality of honey. This practice is in no way permissible, as will be readily seen if the composition of honey is studied. Honey is made up of dextrose and levulose in about equal quantities, sucrose, a certain amount of ash, and water. In gi-anulation, the dextrose crystallizes readily and the levulose probably does not granulate at all. If. then, the liquid portion, consisting largely of levulose, sucrose, and water, is removed by draining or by pressure, the remaining portion is not honey, but dextrose. However fine the flavor of such a compound may be, it is not honey and can not truthfully be sold as such. Since honey separates into its component parts in granulation, it is very necessary that all the honey in the receptacle be liquefied and thoroughly mixed before any portion is removed from it for bottling or canning. If, for example, honey is in a 60-pound can and is to be transferred to 1-pound bottles, it is necessary that the entire 60 pounds be liquefied and mixed before any is poured out into bottles, in order that all the bottles may contain honey according to the legal standard. Unless this is done, some of the bottles will contain a high percentage of dextrose and will granulate rapidly, while others will contain a preponderance of levulose and will not granulate for a long time. Unless this mixing is done thoroughly, none of the bot- tles will contain absolutely pure honey. In order to protect himself, the bee keeper must be xery careful on this point. Some bee keepers prefer to pour the honey cold into the bottles and heat it afterwards before sealing. As a matter of convenience this has man}^ j^oints in its favor, but in view of the separation into component parts which may take place it is a bad practice. The honey should first be heated and liquefied completely, especially if honeys from several species of flowers are to be blended. As previously stated, there has existed and possibly still exists a l^opular idea that granulation indicates adulteration by the addition of cane sugar. This is of course untrue, since pure honeys do granu- late solid. Many bee keepers in combating this idea have stated that this very granulation is a test of the purity of the honey. This statement, so frequently made, is equalty untrue, since invert sugar, one of the adulterants sometimes used, will also crystallize solid as rapidly as do most honeys. Age seems to affect honey greatly. Repeated granulation and lique- faction, as the temperature varies year after year, in some way affects the chemical composition of the honey, changing the product so 4hat it may not have the composition that it had at first. Some honey thirty-five years old, submitted to this Department, was found to contain too much sucrose. A sample of the same honey had pre- viously been analvzed bv two official chemists and declared to be 12 MISCKLLANEOUS PAPERS ON APICULTURE. adulterated; hut tlie history of the sample precluded this possihility. The honey had apparently changed greatly with age in appearance as well as in composition. Some bee keej)ers make a practice of adding a very small amount of glycerin to the honey to j)revent granulation. This should not be done, for it is adulterating the honey. Some have argued that, since glycerin costs so nnich more than honey, they are not adulterating in that they are not adding something cheai)er to the honey to increase their profit. According to pure-food laws, however, nothing can be added to honey unless the addition is specifically stated, and the addition of even a small amount of glycerin is, in the eyea of the law, as great an offense as the addition of glucose. HEATING HONEY FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF THE BACTERIA OF DISEASE. The only condition under which honey should be heated to a higher temperature than 100'^ F. is in the case of honey which has been ex- tracted from a colony containing fonl brood. In order to kill the bacteria of either of the brood diseases, it is desirable to dilute the honey by adding an equal amount of water and then raise the temper- ature to the boiling point and keep it there, allowing the mixture to boil vigorously for at least thirty minutes; in order that no risk may be run, it is better to make this one hour. Honey which is so treated is changed chemically and is no longer pure honey, but it makes a good sirup for feeding to bees and is the best way of using honey from an infected source. Too much care can not be exercised in bringing this to the proper temperature, and it must be remem- bered that the resulting product is not honey, but a sirup, the chemical composition of which is quite unlike that of pure honey. PACKING OF EXTRACTED HONEY. If honey tends to granulate rapidly, it will save much trouble in licjuefying to put it into the receptacle in which it is to be sold as soon after extraction as possible. There will then be no difficulty from the various ingredients becoming separated. To preserve the deli- cate aromas it is desirable that honey be sealed as soon as possible. AMien honey is put up in less than 3-pound packages it is generally l>ottled. A bottle makes a much more attractive package than a tin can and shows off the contents. There is no doubt of the fact that honey sells largely on its appearance, and too much care can not be exercised in packing and lalx'lling so as to make the package attract- ive to the purchaser. In cases where a bee keeper sells directl}^ to a local trade he may educate his customers to judge his honeys by their fiavor. in which event it is immaterial what kind of package is used. rnoDrcTTox and care of extracted honey. IS and honey may even be run out from a large can into a vessel fur- nished by the customer when the honey is delivered. It is too often the case, however, that bee keepers put up their honey in such poor, unsightly packages that they can get only a low price for their goods. If honey is put up in more than 3-pound packages, tin cans are generally used and the most common receptacle is a square can hold- ing 5 gallons (60 pounds). Two of these are usually boxed together for shipment. Square and round cans of various types are often used for smaller quantities. Barrels are preferred by some for large shipments for the baking and confectionery trade, but their use can not always be advised. Before honey is put into it, a barrel must be thoroughly dry, and tight when dry, because of the fact that honey takes up a certain amount of moisture, and if, when the honey is put into it, the barrel is damp, the honey will absorb the moisture, caus- ing the barrel to leak. Barrels also absorb a certain amount of honey. In dry climates particularly barrels should be used with caution. AMien honey is packed in bottles, it is desirable that granulation be retarded, since a bottle of partially granulated honey is not attract- ive. To aid in the retarding of granulation, the honey should be entirely liquefied and thoroughly mixed in a large can and run into the bottle warm. The bottle should be as full as possible and sealed hermetically while still warm. Granulation usually begins on the edges of the top line of the hone}^ and spreads rapidly from these points. This is probably because some honey gets upon the sides and partially dries. It is therefore desirable that the honey fill the bottle clear to the cover to prevent this. It must also be free of bubbles. Bottles may be hermetically sealed b}' using some style of clamp cover or by sealing a cork with a mixture of beeswax and resin. This mixture may be colored by the addition of a dye. Granulation may be considerabh^ retarded by keeping the honey at a nearly uni- form temperature. This should not be less than 65° F. and is much better at 90° to 100° F. AAliile the honey is in the hands of the pro- ducer or bottler, it may be kept liquid for a long time in this way, but of course when sold it is generally subject to changes of tempera- ture. Honey, either in the comb or extracted, should never be kept in a cool or damp place. THE PRODUCTION OF " CANDIED " HONEY. Honeys of the average type, relatively free from nonsugars, such as that made from alfalfa, soon granulate solid and are sometimes sold in bricks. Granulation may be hastened by changes of temperature and by stirring. If it is desired to have a can of honey granulate 14 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS OX APICULTURE. rapidly, it may bo carried from a warm room out doors in winter and back a^ain at intervals of a day or two for a couple of weeks. If this is accompanied with occasional stirrin^r when granulation first begins, the whole can will soon be a solid cake. Honey may also be poured into smaller receptacles, such as waterproof pasteboard car- riers or oyster pails, and allowed to crystallize in the package in which it is to be sold. If allowed to granulate solid in a large tin can, the tin may be cut away and the honey cut into bricks with fine wire in the way that prints of butter are sometimes prepared. A market for " honey bricks " must generally be built up locally, for as yet the general public has not learned to look for honey in such shape. The cost of the package is less than that of bottles, and the granulated honey is by some considered superior for table use to li(piid honey. Several bee keepers have used this method with suc- cess and claim that it gives great satisfaction to their customers. HONEY TYPES. It is well known that honeys from different plants vary consider- ably in taste, color, granulation, etc. The taste and color are given to honey by the plants from Avhich the nectar is derived. Granulation may be considered as a property of all honeys, or rather of the dextrose contained in all of them, and, from a study of the chemical compo- sition of many samples, it seems probable that all honeys would crys- tallize were it not for the fact that some of them contain an excess of either noncrystallizable levulose or dextrin, gums, and other non- sugars. The following table will make this point clear: I. Xormal honey (from nectaries of flowers). L High purity (high in sugars, relatively low in dextrin, gums, and other nonsugars). A. Levulose type, e. g., mangrove, tiipelo. sage. B. Average ty|)e. n. High in sucrose, e. g.. alfalfa. I). Low in sucrose, e. g., buckwheat. 2. Low purity (relatively high in dextrin, gums, and other nonsugars, e. g., basswood. sumac, iK)plar, oak. hickory, apple, most tree honey). II. .Vltnormal honey (not from nectaries of Mowers; generally high in de.xtrin, gums, and other nonsugars). 1. Honeydew honey (from aphides and other in.'^ects). 2. Coniferous honey (plant exudations not from nectaries). Honeys containing ai)proximately the same amount ot levidose and dextrose and which are high in sugars (average type) granulate readily. Very few^ honeys have more dextrose than levulose. If, however, the levulose is considerably greater than the dextrose (levu- lose type), or if the nonsugars are relatively high (low purity and PRODUCTION AND CARE OF EXTRACTED HONEY. 15 abnormal honeys), granulation is retarded. Some honeydew granu- lates rapidly, but no abnormal honeys of that type were included in the samples examined, consequently they are not included in the table. The use of the terms " high " and " low *' purity in this table must not be taken to indicate the comparative values of the various honeys. Low-purity honeys which have relatively more dextrin, gums, and other nonsugars are just as good honeys as those of the high-purity class. Abnormal honeys, however, are less desirable. The presence of the nonsugars in low-purity honeys may be due largely to a slight admixture of honeydew, since most honeys contain a trace of this. It must be remembered in considering this subject that practically no honey is from a single species of plant, and therefore they will vary considerably, according to the other nectars added to them as well as according to local soil and climatic conditions. METHODS OF HONEY TESTING FOR BEE KEEPERS/' Hy C. A. liKowNK. rii. I).. Chief. Siipar Lahoratoru, liurcaK of (licmlsinj. The most common forms of adulteration which are practiced at present in the sophistication of honey are the addition of commercial glucose, cane sugar, and invert sugar. The adulteration of honey by dilution with water is less commonh^ practiced ; such addition is easily recognized b}' the increased fluidity of the honey, and there is, besides, the increased danger that the product will spoil through fermentation. It is often desirable, however, for the bee keeper to know the approximate percentage of moisture in his products in order to avoid the marketing of unripe honey Avhich might exceed the limit for water allowed by the standards (25 j^er cent). The average water content of American honey, according to the average for 99 pure samples analyzed in the Bureau of Chemistry, is 17.59 per cent, so that there is above this a margin of more than 7 per cent in which the moisture of honeys may be allowed to fluctuate. The accurate determination of moisture in honey in the chemical laboratory is a somewhat complicated process. A carefully weighed amount of the honey is evaporated at a temperature of about 160° F. in a vacuum chamber until no more moisture is given oJ0P, and the loss in weight during the interval is calculated as water. For the bee keeper such a method of determination is too involved and compli- cated; there is. however, a much simpler method by means of which the moisture content of a honey can be determined Avith ease and rapidity and with a fair degree of accuracy. This is b}- means of a specific gravity float or spindle. The liquefied honey is poured into a tall cylinder and immersed in hot water of 170° F. temperature. The honey is stirred with a thermometer and as soon as the tempera- ture has reached 1G0° ¥. the spindle is lowered into the honey and allowed to come to rest. The point at which the surface of the honey a This pnper was prepared by Doctor Browne of tlie Bureau of Chemistry after the coni|)Ietioii of his work on lionoy analysis. For greater detail the reader is referred to Bulh'tin 110 of the Bureau of Chenii>v T^r. (I. V. Wliit<>. Issued July 'J'.). VMM. Bui. 75. Pt II, Bureau of Entomology, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate -^ Bui. 75, Pt. II Bureau of Entomology, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate II. Hive Infected with American Foul Brood, the Frames Removed to Show Work OF THE Large Wax Moth 5. Massachusetts Crop Report, \o\. 17, No. 6, October, 1004, i»p. 30-40. Boston, 1004. 23 24 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS OX APR'l LTURE. that tlicir iiitrtHiuclioii is not recent. This evidence is not merely the result of bee keepers' reports or of more or less semiauthoritative and indefinite rumors, but it is based upon results of bacteriological find- ings in numerous samples of brood comb sent to this Bureau by the bee keepers in the State during the past year and a half. Under these conditions bee keeping can not be brought to the high degree of l)erfection which is possible. Xo factor in bee keeping tends to limit the industry as do epidemics of such diseases; they cause bee keepers to become discouraged by '' bad luck '' and to lose interest in their bees. The '* luck " must change ; the bee keejDers must learn the nature of the diseases, where they exist, and how to combat them; otherwise the industry will decrease even. more. THE TWO KNOWN BEE DISEASES. Two contagious brood diseases of bees are now known. These attack the developing brood and so reduce it that the colony soon dwindles from lack of young bees to replace the old. They are known, respectively, as American foul brood and European foul brood. AMERICAN FOUL BROOD. The cause of this disease is definitely known to be an organism, Bacillus larvce White. It is Avhat has been heretofore frequently designated simply as " foul brood.'* The nature of the disease is described by Dr. E. F. Phillips, in charge of apicultural investiga- tions in this Bureau,'^ as follows : When the larv?e are first affected they turn to a light chocolate color, and in the advanced stages of decay become darker, resembling roasted coffee in color. Usually the larvje are attacked at about the time of capping, and most of the cells containing infected larv.T are capped. As decay proceeds these cappings become sunken and perforated, and, as the healthy brood emerges, the comb shows the scattered cells containing larv;e which have died of disease, still capped. The most noticeable characteristic of this infection is the fact that when a small stick is inserted in a larva which has died of the disease, and slowly removed, the broken-down tissues adhere to it and will often stretch out for several inches before breaking. When the larva dries it forms a tightly adhering scale [of characteristic and diagnostic shape and] of very dark brown color, which can best be observed when the comb is held so that a bright light strikes the lower side wall [of the celll. Decaying larv.T which have died of this disease have a very characteristic odor which resembles a poor rood . Circular T'.K liureau uf Kntomology. U. S. I>ei»artment of Agriculture, pi). 1-2, ItKXi. BEE DISEASES IX MASSACHUSETTS. 25 was formerly known as *' black brood.** Its presence is less easily diagnosed by superficial examination than is American foul brood. It is described by Doctor Phillips" as follows: This disease attacks larvue earlier than does American foul brood, and a comparatively small percentage of the diseased brood is ever capi>ed. The dis- eased larvie which are capped over have sunken and perforated cappings. The larvtp when first attacked show a small yellow spot on the body near the head and move uneasily in the cell. When death occurs they turn yellow, then brown, and finally almost black. Decaying larvae which have died of this disease do not usually stretch out in a long thread when a small stick is inserted and slowly removed. Occasionally there is a very slight " ropiness,-' but this is never very marked. The thoroughly dried larvjie form irregular scales which are not strongly adherent to the lower side wall of the cell. There is very little odor from decaying larvae which have died from this dis- ease, and when an odor is noticeable it is not the '* glue-i>ot " odor of the Ameri- can foul brood, but more nearly resembles that of soured dead brood. This dis- ease attacks drone and queen larvre very soon after the colony is infected. It is as a rule much more infectious than American foul brood and spreads more rapidly. On the other hand, it sometimes happens that the disease will dis- ai^i^ear of its own accord, a thing which the author never knew to occur in a genuine case of American foul brood. European foul brood is most de- structive during the spring and early summer, often almost disappearing in late summer and autumn. DAMAGE FROM BEE DISEASES. The damage from an epidemic of bee disease is as difficult to esti- mate as is the damage from an epidemic of smallpox, of typhoid fever, or of malaria in a human communit}'. The loss of colonies is but one small item; there is the resulting loss of crop, the result- ing lack of increase in the number of colonies of bees, and that demor- alizing effect on the industry which tends to cause bee keepers to go out of business. Besides this there is a crippling of commercial queen rearing, a check on the trade in bees, and a decisive effect on the manufacture and sale of bee keepers' supplies. All these factors must be considered in an estimate; and, what is more, the damage is accumulative. It can not be calculated by the year and then totaled; the progressive loss must be figured. In Xew York State, where European foul brood has been com- bated for nearly a decade, and where it is now well suppressed, it has been estimated that the damage from loss of bees alone, in a very limited area, in 1899 and 1900, was at least $45,000. In Ventura County, Cal., where American foul brood flourishes, a thriftless bee keeper had 151 colonies which, from neglect, were re- duced to 14 colonies in a little over twelve months' time. One hun- dred and thirty-seven colonies had died or were nearly dead. But there are many more and even sadder cases, were there space to relate them. o The brood diseases of bees. By E. F. Phillips, Ph. D. Circular 79, Bureau of Entomology, U. S. Department of Agriculture, p. 2. 7S013°— Bull. 75—11 a 2(> MISCKLLANKOl'S PAPKHS OX APKTT/n^RK. PRESENT EXTENT OF BEE DISEASES IN MASSACHUSETTS. T\w extent of bee diseases in Massachusetts may be readily seen on the inap. The towns in which they are positively known to occur are listed below in black-faced type. Towns in which they probably exist are listed in liirhter-faced type. 'ruble sUoiriiKj the towns in irliic/i the hcv di. sea. s<.s nsixctircly occur. 1 Bluok.-f uced type indUiHes whore disease is positively l^Down to exist. Light-faced type indicates that disease is probably present.] American foul brood. European foul brood. Bristol Ctniutj/: Worcester Coiniti/: Berkshire County: Hampshire County: Acushnot. Hrooit field. tireat llarriii;^- Belchertown. I-'rtM'towii. Chariton. t<»ii. Greenwich. Now li.'dford. litMMiiiii.stcr. I^e. Worcester County: Wostport. SturbridKO. Sandisfield. Auburn. Esscjr Count)/: Soutbbridf^e. Sheffield. Bar re. Aniesl)ury. Warren. Franklin County: Brooltfield. Snlislniry. Worcester. Deerfield. Charlton. Uumpdcti CoiDitif: (Jreenfield. Hard wick. Hrimliold. Montague. New Brain tree. lilKlIO^V. Northfield. Southbridge. Monson. Haniytlen Counti): Sturbridge. Sprin.ij:(iold. Blandford. Warren. Wilbrahara. Brimfield. Worcester. Hampshire Cnuntu: lilllllO^V. liolcliortown. Monson. Miecome lieartily discoiira^'ed in tlieir attempts at cultivation, and lamentably appear to have abandoned them entirely. Such reports strongly suggest that some unknown agent, as dis- ease, depleted the bees and made them subjects for the devastations of bee moths. Even at that early date Doctor Smith intimates (j). 41) that all the damage ''attributed to it [the bee mothl . . . admits of some doubt.*' Without being conclusive, such evidence must be accepted as strongly indicative of the existence of disease, probably of American foul brood, in Massachusetts. About 181)(') the writer saw in Worcester a hive in which the bees had died from some affection of the brood. It was diagnosed then as a disease which is now designated as American foul brood. Only one hive out of several was affected. European foid brood, on the other hand, is of more recent intro- duction in the State. It was first recognized in New York State in 1895, where it is thought to have been introduced in importations of bees from the south. As the map shows, this disease has probably spread into ^lassachusetts from Xew York. The late ilr. James F. Wood, of North Dana, noticed in the Con- necticut and Swift River valleys of Massachusetts a brood disease of bees which nuide its appearance in that regicm about 1901. It did much damage, destroying all the bees in the 3'ards where it appeared; but, as it was apparently not American foul brood, Mr. Wood i-egarded it as a new disease. From a description made in an address before the Worcester County Bee Keepers' Association by Dr. James B. Paige,^ of Massachusetts Agricultural College, who was closely associated with ^Ir. Wood and who made a study of the disease, it w^ould appear to have been European foul brood. Being first observed in Massachusetts in 1901, it would have had ample time to have spread from Xew York State. With so little recorded data, it is difficult to draw positive con- clusions regarding the distribution of these diseases in j^ears gone by. It is far more important, however, to realize that they have existed in the State for a considerable time, that they have been and are a decided check on the progress of bee keeping, but that they can now be counteracted. "An Essiiy on the PracticabllUy of Cultivation of tlu' Honey bee * * ♦. Uy .Jerome V. (\ Smith. M. I)., lioston. ls;n. ^Wood's Bee Disease. American Hee Keei)er, Vol. 1(>, pp. ('»!► 7u, V.)OG, BEE DISEASES IN MASSACHUSETTS. 29 THE SPREAD OF BEE DISEASES. Both types of foul brood are highly infectious; the way in which they are spread might be compared to the spread of typhoid fever in human communities. Honey is the common carrier of this infection, just as milk and water are the agents which frequently spread typhoid fever. In diseased colonies of bees, practically every part of the hive becomes contaminated with the germs of the disease. Consequenth^, when disease is found in the bee yard, every precaution must be taken that bees from healthy colonies do not come in contact with any part of the diseased colonies or hives. Honey, being so irre- sistible to the bees, is of course the main thing to be guarded. Since diseased colonies soon become weakened, from the lack of young bees to replace those dying from old age, they are less likely to maintain guard against robbers, which are a great source of danger in the spread of infection. Immediately on discovery, diseased colonies should be treated. FEEDING HONEY. In these days of widespread bee disease it is dangerous to feed any honey to bees; it is far preferable and less dangerous to supply them, if they need stores, with a sirup of sugar and water, half and half. It is safe to feed honey to bees only when it has been vigorously boiled for at least a half hour, and, as Doctor Phillips has recently stated,*^ in order to avoid risk, "" it is better to make this an hour " (p. 12). In boiling, the honey should always be diluted with equal parts of water in order to prevent scorching. DISINFECTION OF TOOLS AND HANDS. All tools used in manipulating diseased bees, as well as the oper- ator's hands, should be thoroughly disinfected before opening a healthy colony. DEPLETED HIVES FROM GREENHOUSES A SOURCE OF DANGER. In Massachusetts particularly there is another source of infection which is difficult of control. Each year several hundred colonies of bees are placed in greenhouses by those who grow cucumbers under glass. In the adverse conditions of the cucumber house the hive soon becomes depleted and is promptly thrown on the rubbish pile. If the hive originally came from a foul-brood region — which is not ^ The production and care of extracted honey. By E. F. Phillips, Ph. D. Bui. 75, Pt. I, Bur. Ent., U. S. Dept. Agric, 1907. Price 5c, from Superin- tendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. oO MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS ON APICULTURK. iniproha'ble, inasmuch as the cfroonhouse men buy tlioir bees wherever Ihev can get them — all the hees within a radius of several miles of the rubbish pile ai'c exposed. More than once the writer has seen fi-om two to a half dozen such hives cast out on the rubbish heap. \Miile there is no intention of en(laneping industry, has been demonstrated to be KELATION OF ETIOLOGY OF BEE DISEASES TO TREATMENT. 37 caused by bacteria. Above all, you should understand that the death of the brood is due to one species of bacteria growing in the larvae. Protozoa. — In contrast to bacteria, the protozoa belong to the ani- mal kingdom. They are very small unicellular animals. Many species are harmless, as are many species of bacteria, while some species have the power to produce disease. They produce disease and death in a manner very similar to bacteria ; that is, by growing in the body of a living animal. As far as we know, none of the bee diseases is due to protozoa. One investigator described what he thought was a protozoon and named it Spirochceta apis. It was shown that he made an error in his observations. Therefore there is no Spirochceta apis and no protozoon, as far as we know, which is pathogenic to bees. Fimgi. — The term " fungi " is a rather broad one, but in the dis- eases of animals we usually refer, in speaking of fungi, to those forms of plant life which are higher than bacteria. They are usually made up of branching mycelial threads, and have a variety of meth- ods for producing spores. One writer described one species, Aspergil- lus poUini, which he was supposed to haA^e proved to be the cause of pickled brood, but he had not done so. To the above groups belong the known exciting causes. There are also unknown exciting causes. ^Alien the unknown causes become known they may be found to belong to the groups mentioned above. There is a very important classification of diseases into those which are infectious and those which are noninfectious. From what has been said, this classification becomes clear to us. An infectious bee disease is one which may be transmitted from one colony to another through the natural processes in the apiary. American foul brood and European foul brood are examples of this class of disease. ^Yhat is transmitted in an infectious disease ? It is the exciting cause of that disease. In American foul brood it is one species of bacteria. Bacillus larvce. In European foul brood we do not know what is transmitted. Since we do not know the exciting cause it must be classed under the unknown exciting causes. 'VMien the cause is determined it will prob- ably be found to belong to one of the three groups of micro-organisms mentioned under the known causes. A noninfectious disease is one which is not transmitted from one colony to another. The so-called " pickled brood " and paralysis, as far as we know, illustrate this class of diseases. This brief discussion of the etiology of disease is given in order that you may get a clearer idea of the nature of disease and what is meant by etiology. We shall now consider the treatment of disease and illustrate with bee diseases. 38 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS OX APRl'LTURE. TREATMENT OF DISEASE. T\w ultinialo ()l)joct in the iiivostigalion of diseases is the successful treatment of iheni. Before a disease can be treated rationally the diaofnosis must be made; in other words, it must be determined what disease is present. If, for example, the so-called " pickled brood " is present in an apiary, the treatment will be cpiite different from what it would be if American foul brood or P^uropean foul brood were present; and if no disease is present, as sometimes happens, and the bee keeper suspects a disease, it is important that a positive diagnosis be made of this condition. There is no method by which bee disease can be so positively diag- nosed as by the finding of the exciting cause in the affected and dead bees. This fact is made use of in diagnosing samples of brood sent to the laboratory and illustrates one important advantage in knowing the etiology of disease. If we. are to devise methods for treatment it is important that we should know where the exciting cause exists, under what conditions it grows, how it is carried from one place to another, and how it may be destroyed. These facts are determined by a study of the etiology of the disease, and it is upon such facts that we should base the treatment. Those who are familiar Avith bee diseases are also familiar with the different methods of treatment. It is not the purpose of the writer to discuss any of the classical methods, but to suggest a few of the principles upon which such methods must be based if the}^ are to be most effective. Treatment is both preventive and curative. PREVENTIVE TREATMENT. Too many believe that the treatment of bee diseases consists in the control or eradication of a disease after it is found in the apiary. This is only the minor part of treatment — the curative. The treat- ment which is of major importance is the preventive treatment. Pre- vention is much easier than cure. To prevent disease in the apiary is to keep it out. To keep it out is to keep out the exciting cause. In order to keep out the exciting cause, it is desirable to know its dis- tribution or where it is found. In American foul brood the exciting cause, Barillvs larva', is found in innnense numbers in the bodies of diseased and dead larviv. These dead larva\ for the most part, are allowed by the bees to remain in the brood cell as a scale. The honey also has been demonstrated to contain the bacteria which produce this disease. The i)()llen may be contaminated with the spores of this disease-producing organism. The combs from an apiary affected with American foul l)ro()(l are a fruitful source of infection. The inside of the hives which have contained colonies suffering with American foul brood may l)c contaminated with the germs which KELATION OF ETIOLOGY OF BEE DISEASES TO TREATMENT. 39 cause the disease. Honey extractors, honey tanks, and wax ex- tractors which have been used in infected apiaries are also a fruitful source of infection. Therefore if you are to keep the disease-pro- ducing bacteria out of your apiary, and thereby keep out disease, you must not feed honey unless you are positive that it did not come from an infected apiary or that it has been thoroughly boiled. Neither must you use old combs unless you are positive that they have not been in an infected apiary. Use no bee supplies from an in- fected apiary unless they are thoroughly disinfected. These things being true of the infectious disease American foul brood, of which we know the cause, until the cause of any other in- fectious disease can be determined we can do no better than to suggest the use of the same principles in the treatment of such a disease as must be used in the successful treatment of American foul brood. CURATIVE TREATMENT. In the curative treatment, considering the colony as a unit, use is made of two Avidely different principles — the removal of the disease- producing material, thereby removing the germs, and the use of drugs. In separating the disease-producing germs from the colony, all the combs are removed. This removes the principal sources from which the brood is infected — foul-brood larvae and honey. It is always safer to allow the bees to go into a ncAV hive or a hive which has been thoroughly disinfected. The greatest care should be exercised in protecting all infectious material which has been removed, that it may not be robbed by the bees. The principle involved in the treatment by drugs is that of an anti- septic. The theory is that a small amount of some drug — like beta naphthol, salicylic acid, carbolic acid, eucalyptus, formic acid, etc. — is sufficient, when taken with the larval food, to inhibit the growth of the pathogenic bacteria. Having thus in a general way considered the subject of the etiology of disease and the treatment in accordance with such knowledge, let us consider the different diseases separately. AMERICAN FOUL BROOD. That Bacillus larvce is the cause of American foul brood has been demonstrated conclusively. It is a species of bacteria which when it is introduced into the healthy larvae multiplies rapidly and causes the death of a large amount of the brood. ^Vhen the larva dies the body decomposes and the remains dry down to a tongue-like scale on the lower side wall of the cell. In this scale are millions of spores which are able to produce disease in other larvae should they be fed to them. 40 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS ON APICULTURE. Just how the bacteria are carried from a dead larva to a healthy one we do not know. It is not unconnnon, in examining the brood, to find only a portion of a larva in a cell, the bees having removed a part of it. When the body wall of a larva is broken in examining for foul brood, bees readily suck up the contents which flow out. This is true when the larva which is punctured is healthy, or when it is sick with disease, or after it has been dead a few days. The larva^ at these stages of the disease contain a very large number of the disease-producing bacteria. These observations would indicate that in this way, in part at least, the infectious material might be carried to healthy larva^. Actual contact of the appendages of the bee with the foul-brood material, and the subsequent contact of the same appendages with the food of the larva\ may be a method by which the disease-producing bacteria are spread. We do know that in foul brood it is possible to obtain Bacillus larvce from the honey, and we do know that when bees are fed the spores of Bacillus larvm in honey American foul brood will appear in the apiary. The spores of this bacillus are very resistant to heat and other disinfectants. They resist the boiling temperature of water for fifteen minutes. In 5 per cent carbolic acid they were not killed in two months' time. This was demonstrated by obtaining growth in cultures after the spores had remained in this disinfectant for that length of time. Likewise it has been demonstrated that the spores of Bacillus larvce^ when taken from the scales of American foul brood, resist the action of mercuric chloride (corrosive sublimate), 1:1,000 aqueous solution, for two months. Having such facts before us, we can better judge the methods for treatment. In treating this disease we must bear in mind the j^reventive and curative measures. In the preventive treatment many of the condi- tions you can control; others may be difficult. You can at least be sure that you import no bees or used supplies which might have been in an infected apiar3\ Use no old combs and feed no honey of which you do not know the history. In this way the bacillus which causes the disease in a large measure can be kept out of the apiary. There are conditions which are difficult to control. Should a near-by apiary be diseased and some of the colonies become weak or die out, it might be difficult for you, in a dearth of nectar, to keep your bees from robbing the diseased apiary and in this way bringing these disease-producing germs to your healthy colonies. Some preliminary experiments have been made, but the results do not indicate that drugs, in the treatment of this disease, have the value advocated by some English writers. RELATION OF ETIOLOGY OF BEE DISEASES TO TREATMENT. 41 EUROPEAN FOUL BROOD. European foul brood is another infectious bee disease. It attacks the brood at an earlier period in the growth of the larvae, as a rule, than American foul brood. The cause of this disease is not definitely known. From brood dead of this disease Cheshire and Cheyne iso- lated Bacillus alvei. From their work it was long supposed that Bacillus alvei was the cause of the disease, but later investigations make the value of their work doubtful. A number of organisms have been found in the larvae dead from this disease and some of them have been described. One species has been encountered in our investigations of the disease which is of special interest. The individuals of this species are quite small, apparently non-spore-producing, and have so far failed to grow when soAvn on our artificial media. Until we know more about this species it will be referred to as Bacillus " 1'." Since the cause is not posi- tively known, the amount of heat and chemical disinfectants to de- stroy the virus has not been demonstrated. If, later. Bacillus " Y " is demonstrated to be the cause, we shall expect that very much less heat will be sufficient to kill it than is necessary to kill Bacillus larvce^ the cause of x\jnerican foul brood. Likewise we shall expect that chemical disinfectants will be much more readily effective. Until we know more about the etiolog}^ of European foul brood we can do no better than to suggest the application of the same principles which are found advisable in American foul brood. SO-CALLED '' PICKLED BROOD." We refer to this disorder of the brood as the " so-called pickled brood '• and not pickled brood, because the condition which AVilliam R. Howard, of Fort Worth, Tex., described is not Avhat the bee keepers know as pickled brood. The exciting cause of this disease is not known. The larvae die at that age just preceding or just after capping. Some bee keepers haA^e a theory that heredity plays a very important part as a predisposing cause. As far as is known the disease does not seem to be infectious. This disease is treated by some bee keepers by requeening, on the assumption that heredity is the important factor in the production of the disease. If more were known concerning the etiolog}^, the treatment might be materially changed. PARALYSIS. Paralysis is a disease of the adult bee. The cause of this malady is not known. It does not seem to be infectious, although in some apiaries a large number of colonies ma}^ be affected at the same time. Some have advanced the theor}- that the character of the food is the exciting cause. 78013°— Bull. 75—11 4 42 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS ON APICULTURE. Since we know nothing positively about the cause, we can suggest very little in the way of treatment. The removal of the stores from the hive wouhl tend to remedy the defect if the character of the food be an important factor in the etiology. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS. We have now briefly considered the nature and the etiology of bee diseases and liave suggested some of the principles upon Avhich the methods of treatment must depend if such treatment is to be most efficient. If we review what we have just said concerning the etiology and treatment of the different diseases, we observe the follow- ing facts: There is but one disease, American foul brood, of which we know absolutel}^ the exciting cause. The cause is a species of bacteria, but there are many things concerning the nature, the distribution, and the activity of which we do not know. The facts wdiich have been deter- mined enable us to suggest some of the principles upon w^hich the treatment must be based. Just so rapidly as our knowledge of the etiolog}^ of this disease increases, so rapidly w^ill we be able to suggest principles for the improvement of the methods of treatment. In European foul brood we only know positively that the disease is infectious, and w^e can do no better than to use the principles gained by the study of American foul brood. As our knowledge of the etiology of this disease increases, the methods of treatment will be altered. In the so-called " pickled brood " w^e do not seem to have an in- fectious disease. Nothing is positively known of the etiology except that the larvic die at approximately the same age in all cases, which is about the time of capping. The treatment that is used by some is based upon the principle that heredity is an important factor, and therefore requeening is resorted to. In the disease of adult bees known as " paralysis," practically noth- ing is knoAvn and practically no treatment is known to be effective. It will be noted that in every case the treatment of bee diseases is based upon the knowledge of the etiology. There are many things of very great importance in the etiology which are j^et to be deter- mined, but there are many things which are known that, if applied by the bee keeper, will prove to be of great value to him financially. It is to be hoped, then, that the bee keei)er will make himself as fa- miliar as possible with the nature of the etiology of bee diseases, since it is clear that the better the cause is known the better will be the treatment. From this discussion one conclusion can be drawn — that in the knowledge of the etiology of bee diseases lies the hope of their control. Bui. 75, Pt. V, Bureau of Entomology, U, S. Dept. ol Agriculture. Plate V. U. S. D. A., B. E. Bui. 75, Part V. A., January 19, 1909. MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS ON APICULTURE. A BRIEF SURVEY OF HAWAIIAN BEE KEEPING. By E. F. Phillips, Ph, D., In charge of Apiculture. INTRODUCTION. Bee keeping on the Hawaiian Islands is one of the minor industries which is being conducted with profit. As in all other places, this business can never, from its ver}^ nature, become a leading industry, but there is reason to believe that there is yet room for considerable expansion. The modified methods made necessary b}^ a tropical climate and other conditions of a local character present some new phases of the keeping of bees, and in view of the fact that these modi- fications will be of interest to bee keepers on the mainland, as well as to those in Hawaii, it seems desirable to put on record a brief account of what the author was able to observe personally and to learn from others in the four weeks spent on the islands in making an apicul- tural survey. The author would express his thanks to the bee keepers of the islands for the cordial way in which they anticipated his every desire in 2:>lanning the trips of investigation. He would also mention the particular assistance of Mr. D. L. Van Dine, entomologist of the Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station, who accompanied him on all his trips, and from whom much of the information in this paper was gathered. PUBLICATIONS ON HAWAIIAN BEE KEEPING. Different phases of Hawaiian bee keeping are discussed in other publications, a list of which is appended." The bee keepers of the « Reports of the Royal Hawaiian Agricultural Society (1851-1856). A Brief History of the Hawaiian People, by W. D. Alexander, 1899, p. 286. Report of the Entomologist, by D. L. Van Dine, in Report on Agricultural Investigations in Hawaii, 1905, by Jared G. Smith. Bulletin 170, Office of Experiment Stations, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1906. Report of the Entomologist, by D. L. Van Dine, in the Annual Report of the Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station for 1907, 1908. Introduction of Honey-Producing Plants, by D, L. Van Dine; Hawaiian Forester and Agriculturist, Vol. V, pp. 9-13. Hawaiian Honeys, by D. L. Van Dine and Alice R. Thompson. Bulletin 17, Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station, 1908. Chemical Analysis and Composition of American Honeys, by C. A. Browne, including a Microscopical Study of Honey Pollen, by W. J. Young.. Bulletin I\'o. 110, Bureau of Chemistry, V, S. Dept. of Agriculture. 1903. 43 44 MISCELLANEOUS PAPKRS ON APICULTURE. islaiuls have been exlreiiiely fortunate in enlisting the interest of the Hawaii A o $ X > m = 2 > 55 2 li o c A BRIEF SURVEY OF HAWAIIAN BEE KEEPING. 45 "BEE RIGHTS." The buying of " bee rights," as it is practiced in Hawaii, is some- thing practically unheard of elsewhere, and would certainly appear to a mainland bee keeper as a new and strange procedure. The near- est approach to it is the renting of locations for outyards, which can not usually insure no competition. This practice would not be pos- sible were it not for the fact that most of the available agricultural land on the islands is held in large tracts, mostly as sugar-cane planta- tions and ranches. Arrangements are made with the manager of a plantation for locations for apiaries, and the bee keeper agrees to pay a certain amount for the use of the land and for the honey removed from these apiaries. Frequently this is in the form of an agreement to pay a certain sum for each ton of honey removed from the plantation, but at times it is a fixed sum for the year, the bee keeper assuming what small risk there is of not getting a crop. The planta- tion management in turn agrees to allow no other bee keepers to keep bees in its territor}^ There are frequently small holdings within the boundaries of the plantation over which the plantation company has no control, and some other bee keeper may lease these with the idea of allowing his bees to range over the entire plantation. If, for example, he puts 200 colonies on such a holding, the immediate placing of say 500 colonies just across the line has a discouraging- effect on this poaching and it can end in onh^ one way, since the bee keeper who has a right there has the advantage. The same thing happens when an outside bee keeper gets too close to the boundary line. Naturally, when land is divided into smaller holdings, as is the case almost everywhere on the mainland, such an arrangement is not possible and a bee keeper must run the risk of competition. There is no way of telling what amount of honey is taken from any given area when the tracts are small. The moral right of priority claim, which so many bee keepers advocate, has small place in the manipula- tions of territory in Hawaii, where the bee-keeping companies pay for what they get and insist on getting it. One of the large com- panies gains its exclusive right by reason of the fact that it owns and leases a tract of over 100,000 acres for ranch purposes. EXTENT OF THE INDUSTRY. At the present time there are on the islands probably about 20,000 colonies of bees, most of which are, as above stated, owned by four companies. From the custom-house statistics it is shown that the annual shipments of honey amount to about 1,000 tons. The island of Kauai now supports about 3,000 colonies, and, after traveling over almost the entire cultivated portion of the island, the author 40) MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS ON APICULTURE. is of the ()j)ini()n that tlie island is just about half stocked. The island of Oahu seems to be Avell covered from an apicultural stand- point. Molokai is not a cane-producing island, but the algarroba forest is nearly stocked, and the only place for heavy expansion seems to be in the mountains, where several forest trees are nectar bearing. The island of Maui could not be examined as carefully as the others on account of inclement weather, but from reports received it is ob- viously not stocked to the extent that it should be. The island of Hawaii, the largest of the group, is relatively the least developed of any of the islands. There are only a few apiaries on this area, which is almost equal in extent to Connecticut, and there are great possibili- ties. On the south coast there are vast areas of cane, and the same is true of the ITamakua coast on the north. The Kona coast would probably support some bees in the coffee plantations. One such apiary was seen by the author (PL VII, fig. 2). On the interior of the island there are vast areas wdiich are entirely undeveloped from an apicultural standpoint, and the island can doubtless support thousands of colonies of bees at a profit. The total area now actually stocked w4th apiaries would not nearly equal in size one-half the State of Rhode Island, while the honey crop is probabW 20 times as great as in that State. According to the Census Report for Rhode Island it would be 40 times as great, but we can not use this figure on account of its obvious unreliability. This comparison w^ill show the honey-producing capabilities of the islands as compared with our more northern countries, and will also show how thoroughly the areas are stocked where the industry has been taken up. A small part of Oahu is doubtless overstocked, due to crowxling into a given area by competitive companies. There was no evidence of such overstocking elsewhere. Overstocking an area with bees is a subject much discussed among bee men, and the situation in Hawaii illustrates very beautifully the fact that a theoretical discussion of how many colonies ma}' be kept in one place is of no value whatever. Each location must be judged on its owm merits, and a given area wdiich wdll support only 20 colonies in one region may support 1,000 elsewhere. It is also obvious that seasons vary to a marked degree. In many parts of the mainland it is deemed advisable to keep not more than 100 colonies in one apiary and to allow each apiary a radius of 1\ to 3 miles. On the basis of these figures, from 50 to 200 acres are necessary to support a single colony of bees. Without discussing the merits of these figures, it is enough to say that this is the connnon mainland practice, particularly in the more densely populated areas. In contrast to this, an examina- tion of the methods in Hawaii is extremely significant. One area of cane on the island of Oahu contains a little over 20,000 acres. As will Bui. 75, Pt. V, Bureaj of Er.-tonr.ology. U. S. Dept. o* Ag-icu:ture. Plate VII. Fig. 1.— a Typical Hawaiian Afiary, the Hives on Stands to Prevent Ant Attacks. 'Original.' Fig. 2.— Aw Apiary in a Coffee Plantation. (Original. A BRIEF SURVEY OF HAWAIIAN BEE KEEPING. 47 be discussed later, this is not all equally productive from a bee-keeping standpoint. Near this is some algarroba forest, but not enough to in- fluence the crop very much. This area supports nearh^ 5,000 colonies, some of which yield exceptionally large crops. In certain parts of this area competition is too strong to yield proper results, but some apiaries yield over 200 pounds to the colony. In some other cane areas this record can be almost equaled. Algarroba will not produce so much per acre, but this is parth' due to the fact that it blooms for less than six months, while cane fields furnish honeydew every day in the year. One strip of algarroba forest on Molokai supports nearly 2,000 colonies. It will not average more than one-half mile in width, and about 30 miles of it is used for bees. SOURCES OF HONEY. FLORAL HONEY. The amount of floral honey produced on the islands annually is about 200 tons. Formerly the only source of honey on the islands which was widely enough distributed to make bee keeping commer- cially important was algarroba, native '* keawe." (PL VIII, fig. 1.) This tree was introduced into the islands by Father Bachelot, founder of the Roman Catholic mission, in 1837, and the original tree still stands on Fort street, in Honolulu. It has been carried to all the islands and is one of the most valuable plants ever brought into the group. It furnishes not only an excellent honey, but the pods afford excellent fodder and the wood is the main source of fuel. The honey from algarroba is " water white " in color and granulates very soon after it is stored by the bees in spite of the warm climate of the islands. This characteristic makes frequent extractions necessary to prevent the combs from being clogged. In regions where algarroba is practicalh^ the only source of honey, at the close of the flow an amount of honey sufficient to keep up the colony until the next flow is left in the hive. This, of course, soon granulates. AMien the hone}' flow diminishes, the brood chamber is reduced* and considerable honey is stored in the space formerly occupied by brood. "Wlien the next flow comes on, a good deal of this granulated honey remains in the combs, and since this can not be extracted, these combs are re- moved and replaced either by empty combs or by foundation, to give the queen more room. These combs containing granulated honey are then placed in huge solar extractors, the largest that the author had ever seen. With 200 or more colonies in an apiary, there is often need for a solar extractor which will hold several hundred combs at a time, and practically every apiary visited by the author had such a piece of apparatus as part of the equipment. The sun's heat liquefies the 48 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS ON APICULTURE. lionev and molts most of tlio Avax, and i\w wax from the " slumgum " is then extracted by the usual methods. The honey from these solar extractors is not darkened, as one would expect. The algarroba tree {Pro^opls juUfora) is either the same species as or very closely related to the mesquite of the southwest. On the islands it grows to the size of a tree, as is also the case in Mexico. In Texas it is generally very much smaller. In 1008 the tree came into bloom about the 1st of March, the time varying considerably in dif- ferent localities on the islands. It usually blooms until August, and this very long blooming period adds greatly to its value to the bee keepers. The following list of honey plants, other than algarroba, is fur- nished by Mr. D. L. Van Dine, entomologist of the Hawaii Agri- cultural Experiment Station. Mr. Van Dine has studied the honey sources of the islands very thoroughly. Many of these plants were pointed out to the writer while he was on the islands. FOREST TREES. Texas mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa). Growing in dooryard of Mr. C. C. Conradt, Pukoo, island of Molokai. Seeds under propagation at Hawaii Agri- cultural Experiment Station. Introduced by Mr. Conradt from Texas several years ago. Obia lebua (Metrosideros pohjmorplia). Produces a particularly bigb grade of boney. Locations for apiaries as a rule somewbat inaccessible. One location on tbe island of Molokai is witbin tbe obia lebua belt. Various species of Acacia (black wattle, koa, etc.). Mountainous districts. Various species of Eucalyptus. Mountainous districts. Wiliwili (Erythrina monosperma) . In gulcbes on Molokai and Oabu. Rose-apple {Eugenia jambos). Mamani {Sophora clirysophylla). Found in bigber forest belts. Catalpa {Cntalpa speciosa and C. hignonioidrs). Introduced by Mr. .Tared G. Smitb, April, 1902, from tbe Missouri Botanical Gardens. Tbe seeds were distributed to L. von Tempsky, Makawao, and 11. P. Baldwin, Puuneue, on Maui ; to S. M. Damon, Moanalua Gardens, on Oabu ; to Francis Gay, Makaweli, on Kauai ; and to Louissou Brothers and Albert Horner, Hamakua, and B. B. Bond, Kobala, on Hawaii. Tbe seeds were sent to tbe above-named parties under date of April 10, 1902. No reports are on file at tbis station as to tbe results of tbis introduction. Logwood {Ilwinatoxylon cnmpcchinnum). Found in dooryards. Two trees are growing in tbe grounds of Oabu College and one in tbe grounds of Lunalilo Home, Honolulu. Seeds under propagation at Hawaii Agricultural Experi- ment Station. Tbe boney produced by bees from this tree is repcn'ted to be the finest table honey in the world. Tbe propagation and distribution of tbe logwood throughout the Territory would be of great value to bee keepers. Tbe wood furnishes the logwood dye of commerce. The black mangrove of Florida. Introduced by Mr. Jared G. Smitb from southern Florida, for tbe puri)ose of preventing tbe mud flats from washing, along the coast of Molokai near Kaunakakai. Tbe introduction was made several years ago and tbe trees are now well established at tbe above-mentioned place. Tbe tree is a valuable boney plant. The station is now trying to secure the Philipi)ine mangrove, a tree suitable for similar locations but po.ssessing greater value as a timber, tree. Bui. 75, Pt. V, Bureau of Entomology. U. S. Deot of Agriculture. Plate VIII. FiQ. 1.— Part of an Algarroba Forest. 'Original.) Fig. 2.— a Lantana Jungle. (Original.) A BRIEF SURVEY OF HAWAIIAN BEE KEEPING. 49 FRUIT TREES. Various species of Citrus (orange, lemon, lime, etc.)- Avocado {Persca gratissima). Bauana (Musa spp.)- Guara (Psiflium spp.). Loquat (Eriohotrya japonica). Tamarind (Tamarindus indica). PASTURE PLANTS. California burr-clover {Mcdicago dcnticulata). Introduced on Maui in 1882 by Mr. C. R. Blacow. Now found generally on the ranches of the islands. Carpet grass (Lippia rcpens). Growing on grounds of Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station. Alfilaria or filaree {Erodium cicutariiim and E. moschatiim). Seeds intro- duced in California hay. Established on upland pastures on Hawaii and Mololjai. White clover (Trifolitiin rcpens). Found on Haleakala and Makawao pastures. Maui. CROP PLANTS. Sisal (Agave sisalana). Various species of cucurbits (melons, squashes, pumpkins, cucumbers, etc.). FORAGE PLANTS. Alfalfa, several varieties. Lupine, blue and yellow. Occasionally used as green manure plant on sugar plantations. Tangier pea {Lathy rus tingitanus). Growing at Haiku, Maui. Sanfoin (Onobrychis sativa). A forage plant introduced by Mr. Jared G. Smith in 1904. Seed distributed to ranches. ORNAMENTAL PLANTS. Palms, particularly the royal and cocoanut. Poppy, a horticultural form of Romneya eoulteri, found in gardens in Honolulu. Chinese ink-berry {Cestntm diitrnum). Thevetia neriifolia. Vines (Ipomcea spp.). WEEDS. Lantana, two species. (Plate VIII, fig. 2.) California sages {Artemisia). Introduced by Hawaiian Bee Keepers' Asso- ciation in 1907. Not as yet established. Suitable for waste, arid lands. The most important honey plant in California. Valuable as a forage plant. Ilima {Sida spp.). Oi {Verbena honariensis). Pili grass {Heteropogon contort us). Spanish needle (lauki) (Bidens pUosa). Puakala {Argemonc mexicana). Alii {Dodonwa viscosa var. spathulata). Hila hila (undetermined). Other weeds are Waltheria americana, Ipomwa pes-caprw (vine along sea coast), and ilalvastruni tricuspidatum. OTHER SOURCES OF HONEY. Insect honey dew. — Hawaii is peculiar in that most of the honey produced is from some source other than flowers. Two-thirds of the 50 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS ON APICULTURE. honey shipped annually from the islands is largely or entirely honey- dew honey. By far the greater part of this comes, from the exuda- tions of the sugar-cane leaf hopper {Perh'mmella saccharicida Kirk.) and possibly some of it from the sugar-cane aphis {Aphis sacchari Zehnt.), although while on the islands the author observed none of the latter S2)ecies. (See PI. IX, fig. 1, showing an apiary near a field of sugar cane.) Of course, in a tropical country there are many other insects producing more or less honeydew. The young " plant cane " is most abundantly covered w^ith leafhoppers. Honeydew from the sugar-cane leafliopper is very dark amber in color and slightly ropy. In flavor it very strongly resembles molasses from the cane juice. Since the color and flavor are so marked, a small amount of this when mixed with the mild, light-colored algarroba honey imparts the color and flavor of honeydew to the entire amount. Most honeydew honeys on the mainland granulate very rapidly, but this type does not granulate at all. Samples several years old are as clear as when first extracted. The chemical composition ° of Hawaiian honeydew honey is quite unlike that of floral honey, and this fact has led to the charge of adulteration by bu3^ers on the mainland and in foreign markets. Since nowhere else, as far as the author is aware, is honeydew honey produced in such large quantities, it is not strange that cursory ex- aminations were misleading. The author saw enough while on the islands to convince him that, howev^er unlike floral honey this product may be, it is a natural sweet product collected and stored by the bee and is then extracted and shipped with no additions of other sugars. AVhen the food and drugs act of lOOG went into effect the Ha- waiian Bee Keepers' Association sent a representative to Washington to find out under what name they could market their crop, since it does not conform to the standard of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. They were informed that it could be sold on the mainland market provided it were labeled just what it is. This ChrmirnJ coiupoKlfion of Hawaiian lioncyilcw honcij made from siipar-cane honeydew. [From Bulletin No. no, Bureau of Chemistry, p. 37. Polarization. Complete analysis. Free acid HS for- mic. Re- duc- ing su- gars as dex- trose. Diri'ct. Invert. Im- medi- ate, 2(FC. Con- stant, 20° C. Bl- rota- tion. 20° C. 87° C. Dif- fer- ence. Wa- ter. In- vert su- gar. Suc- rose. Ash. Dex- trin. Un- de- ter- min- ed. Remarks. +24.9 +17.75 7.15 +18.68 +84.76 21.28 16.46 64.84 6.27 1.29 10.01 3.13 0.15 62.1 High in chlorid. Bui. 75, Pt. V, Bureau of Entomolog-y. U. S Dept. of Agriculture. Plate IX. Fig. 1.— An Apiary Near a Sugar-cane Field. 'Original. Fig. 2.— Molasses Trough for Feeding Cattle. (Original.) A BRIEF SURVEY OF HAWAIIAN BEE KEEPING. 51 the Hawaiian bee keepers have done and it is now sold as ** honeydew honey." The bee keepers of Hawaii fully realize the peculiar honey with which the}^ have to deal and are not attempting to market honey- dew honej' in competition with floral honey for table use. It goes to the baking trade and for such use is reported to be satisfactory; at any rate, the price received is equal to that received for algarroba honey. As stated elsewhere, bees prefer floral nectar to honeydew. How- ever, when the supply of floral nectar is not great, the bees work on both, and as a result there are mixtures of the two. stored in the hives, varying all the way fi'om the x^ure honeydew honey to pure floral honey. It is these mixtures that cause the trouble in labeling. One of the requisites of a pure honey as defined by the standards" is that it shall be laevorotator}^ to polarized light ; hence, since honey- dew honey is dextrorotatory and there are blends made by the bees of this and algarroba honey, it is necessary to have a chemical analysis made to be absolutely certain whether a given quantity of the product of the islands may be sold as honey or as honeydew honey. The various mixtures which occur are well illustrated in Plate I of Bul- letin 110. Bureau of Chemistry, here reproduced as Plate VI. This plate illustrates very well the influence of honeydew on the physical properties of honey. At one end of the series is the pure algarroba, which is represented as granulated, while at the other end is a sam- ple of honeydew honey which is as pure as it is usually found. Be- tween the two in perfect gradation are shown various mixtures just as they came from the hive in various extractings. The chemical analyses of these particular samples, made by Miss Alice R. Thomp- son,* show that the chemical composition varies in exactly the same way. Of these samples. Doctor Browne ^ says : From the polarizations and analyses of these samples (as given in the table) it will be seen that there is a range in direct polarization from — 22.0 to « U. S. Dept. Agr., Office of the Secretary, Cir. 19, p. 11. ^ Polarization and analyses of honeydeic blends. [From Bui. 17, Hawaii Agr. Exp. Sta.] Data. Algar- roba honey. Polarization direct (°V) -22.00 Polarization invert | (°V) -27.61 Sucrose (percent).- 3.58 Reducing sugar I (percent) ' 76.84 Ash (percent) ' .34 Nonsugars (per I cent) 1.41 -18.3 21.4 2.4 76. M .58 1.67 Blends. 14.3 -17.3 2.3 T7.28 .69 1.81 11.5 2.2 72.36 .72 -0.3 -3.8 2.7 65.56 1.06 +0.5 -4.2 56.16 1.11 12.09 -1-4.0 -1.0 2.3 67.28 1.12 11.84 ^3.2 4.5 63.08 1.33 15.27 +19.2 +12.4 5.3 58.92 1.77 17.68 Honey- dew. 10. +24.5 +15.3 7.2 59.76 2.04 15.88 Bill. 110, Bnrean of Chemistry, pp. 55-56. 52 MISCKLLANEOUS PAPERS ON APICULTURE. +24.5; in a«b, from 0.34 per cent to 2.04 per cent; in redncing sngars, from 70.S4 per cent to 59.70 per cent ; and in organic matter not sngar, from 1.41 per cent to 15.S.S per cent. In sncrost* also tliere is an irregnlar increase from 3.58 to 7.2 iH'r cent, tills increase lu'coming more regular as soon as tlie quantity of lioney(l<'\v is sullicient to mask the variation in sucrose content of tlie individual honeys in the series of blends. The granulation of the blends decreases with the increase of honeydew and ceases at about the point of optical inactivity. The latter point, as has been said, is taken by the chemist as the arbitrary dividing line between normal and abnormal honeys, and bee keepers, in the Hawaiian Islands who are troubled with honeydew have in the matter of gran- ulation a rough guide for the classification of tlieir product. If the honey granulates, it may be put in the normal class; if it remains liquid for any length of time, it probably belongs to the class of honeydews. This statement does not apply in general to mainland honeys. The dextrorotatory honeydew honeys can not be regarded as adulterated, in the strictest sense of the word ; nevertheless they are frequently so pronounced by chemists, who, in the general work of routine, are often satisfied with a most superficial examination, and regard dextrorotation or high ash content as cer- tain evidence of adulteration. Tliere is a test which may be applied with considerable safety. Algarroba honey granulates rapidly and pure honeydew honey does not ; it has been found by analysis that mixtures which granulate are as a rule of such a chemical composition that the}^ may be sold as honey. The flavor and color may be characteristic of honeydew honey in spite of the fact that the mixture contains enough floral honey to be sold as such. The sugar-cane leafhopper was first collected on the islands by Dr. R. C. L. Perkins, now connected with the Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Agricultural Experiment Station, in 1900," and by February or March of 1903 had " appeared generally throughout the cane fields of Hawaii in numbers sufficient to prove a serious check to the growth of the cane." ^' For several years the work of this insect caused a loss of about $3,000,000 annualh^ ^ to the planters, and naturally they were anxious that something be done to stop this heavy loss. By various means the leafhopper has been brought under control until to-day it is not abiuidant enough to hinder the growth of the plants, " and plantations that were to a certain extent abandoned are again pro- ducing heavy crops of sugar." '^ During (he time spent on the islands the author saw no sugar-cane fields that were seemingh' injured b}^ the leafhopper, but, on the other hand, there were no cane fields examined that did not contain many » oThe Leaf-IIopper of the Sugar Cane, by R. C. L. Perkins. Bulletin No. 1, Division of Entomology, lioard of Conunissioners of Agriculture and Forestry, Territory of Hawaii, V.HV.i. ^ The Sugar Cane I.eaf-IIopiicr in Hawaii, by I >. U. N'.iii l>inc. linllctin No. .5, Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Stati..u. ISMM. '^ Ifeport of the (Jovernor of Hawaii to the Secretary of the Interior for the fiscal year ending June 30, 11M)7, p. 22. <^ Ibid. A BRIEF SURVEY OF HAWAIIAN BEE KEEPING. 53 leaf hoppers. The fact that the leaf hopper is not doing damage enough to hinder cane raising does not signify that it has disap- peared, nor is there any biologic reason for believing that it will, while cane is grown, unless some entirely new methods of fighting it are found. The fact that -iOO tons « of honeydew are produced annually from this source in spite of the fact that only a limited amount of the cane area is accessible to bees is a certain indication of the untold millions of these insects which still exist. The leaflioppers exude a sweet, gummy substance on the leaves of the cane and the honey bees work on this eagerly. However, where bees have access to both honeydew and floral nectar, they prefer the nectar to a marked degree. '\Alien algarroba begins to bloom the honey stored becomes noticeably whiter. In view of the fact that honeydew honey has the taste and color of common molasses, it has been suggested that probably this product is gathered by the bees from the sugar mills which are so numerous on the islands. The writer visited several such mills located near apia- ries on days when bees Avere actively flying. Xo bees were to be seen anywhere around the mill. If bees actually did come to the mill after sweets, the}^ would become a serious nuisance to the workmen. ^Ali}' they do not is something of a mystery to the writer, but he can vouch for the fact that he saw no mills screened to keep bees out, nor did he see any bees at work in the mill or even on the pile of sweet refuse (" mud cake ") outside. Molasses is used quite extensively for feeding cattle on the islands. It is poured out in troughs or half barrels where the cattle can get it easily, and frequently these are located near apiaries. Many of these were examined as the writer went about among the apiaries, and in not a single instance did he ever see a bee at work on the molasses. In some cases these feeding troughs are as near as a quarter of a mile to apiaries. A dairyman near Waimea. Kauai, whose trough (PI. IX, fig. 2) is located not a quarter of a mile from a large apiary, informed the writer that he had ncA'er seen bees working on the molasses. Ob- vioush\ Hawaiian honeydew honey does not come from this source. Extra-floral plant honeydew. — The situation in Hawaii as regards sources of honey is made still more complicated and interesting by the fact that the hau tree {Parithim tiliaceum) has nectaries on its leaves which secrete a honeydew. These are located on the veins of the leaves near the stem and are one, three, or five in number. Small drops of honeydew may frequently be seen on these spots. It is in- teresting to note that these extra-floral nectaries are jDresent on the outside of the calyx of the flowers. There is apparently no true floral nectary. oFive linudrecl tons in 1908, 54 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS ON APICULTURE. The hail tree is used quite extensively as a hedge, and grows from 20 to 30 feet high (PL X, fig. 1). It is doubtful whether this is the source of any great percentage of the honeydew honey, but the fact that it is present makes it still more diflicult to analyze the bee-keep- ing situation on the islands. INTRODUCTION OF HONEY PLANTS. In addition to the nectar-secreting plants now found on the islands, either as native plants or as recently introduced, the bee keepers are anxious that other good honey-producing plants be introduced to increase still more the amount of floral honey. As before stated, bees show a marked preference for floral nectar over honeydew. There is on the islands a great deal of land which is not only not cultivated at present, but which, from its rough character, can never 'be cultivated. There is doubtless an opportunity for the introduction of some honey plants to the mountainous regions, Avhere they would not interfere with cultivated crops or grow on land of value for any other purpose. From the sad experiences in plant introductions on the islands, it will be well to watch any new honey-plant introductions very care- fully. Lantana, which is used so much as a greenhouse plant on the mainland, was introduced a few years ago. It soon escaped from the greenhouse, however, and found in the climate of the islands the proper conditions for rank rapid growth. It spread to all the islands and forms dense jungles 10 feet or more in height, through which it is impossible to pass without cutting a path (PI. YIII, fig. 2). Va- rious methods are being tried with a vicAv to exterminating this pest, but to-day there is still plenty of lantana. The cost of clearing a lantana thicket for cultivation is about $10 an acre. Lantana secretes nectar, but that is the only good thing which can be said for it. It was, of course, not introduced for its honey, but this experience should make the bee keepers cautious about what plants the}" bring in. The sages of California are now being tried, as well as various kinds of mangroves. WAX PRODUCTION. The price of honey fluctuates relatively much more than that of beeswax. On account of the fact that Hawaiian honey has been sell- ing for a low price and also because of the peculiar character of most of the honey, the bee keepers of the islands are desirous of converting their honey into w^ax, if it can be done, even at no great profit. The long shipment necessary to get their honey to market means more or less loss by leakage and heavy freight. AVax does not lose anything Bui. 75, Pt. V, Bureau of Entomology, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate X. Fig. 1.— Hau Hedge. (Original.) Fig. 2— a Hive Set Up in Cans to Keep Out Ants. (Original.) A BRIEF SURVEY OF HAWAIIAN BEE KEEPING. 55 in transit, and naturally also wax weighs much less than an amount of honey of equal money value, and the freight would be very much reduced. ^\lien the author arrived on the islands one of the first questions asked him was how to bring about a production of more wax and less or even practically no honey. After getting the available data, which were freely given, a method was suggested which promises to give some results, if we may judge by results obtained in some experi- ments conducted in the short time which could be spent in Hawaii. Before outlining this proposed method it will be well to review the basis for the recommendations. It is a well-known fact among bee keepers that at the time a swarm is hived the activity of the inmates of the new home is at its height. The bees not only collect nectar with great vigor, but, there being no wax in the hive under natural conditions, the wax secreters become very active and in a marvelously short time the hive is supplied with combs. It is also true, of course, that wax is secreted at any time during the active season when it is necessary that more combs be built to accommodate brood or stores, provided, of course, that there is room. If a comb is removed from the center of the brood chamber or from the super, it is replaced as needed, but, as a rule, not so rap- idly. The rapidity of the honey flow influences this wax secretion greatly. The amount of honey consumed in the secretion of a pound of wax is a much-debated question among students of bees, the various esti- mates ranging all the way from 2 to 20 pounds. There seems to be little hope at present of arriving at anything definite on this question, and the author is strongly inclined to the belief that the reason for this great variation in estimates is due to the fact that the same amount of honey is not always needed to bring about a desired result. It would be bootless, therefore, to pay any attention to this phase of the question in trying to get a method of wax production. Syl- viac, in a series of articles in L'Apiculteur for 1901, offers evidence that the amount of honey consumed in secreting a pound of wax is least following swarming, and this quite coincides with the fact that wax building is most rapid at that time. In dealing with wax secretion on a commercial basis, data must be drawn from the receipts per colony under different methods of man- agement. The actual consumption of honey becomes of minor im- portance. It was learned that the average annual return per colony, after deducting freight charges, leakage, and other expenses incurred after the honey leaves the apiary, would not exceed $2.50. The hives are on an average two stories high during the entire year and, during the height of the honey flow, are often higher. All figuring was 5() MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS ON APICULTURE. done on a basis of two-story colonies. The Avax m such a hive weighs over G pounds," averaging in vahie $1.80, Hawaiian wax being of the finest quality. As additional data, it was learned that it is possible to increase the number of colonies very rapidly. In one renuirkable case reported, 20 colonies were increased to 4'20 in eight months. This fact show^s that a colony of bees can build up very rapidly under the conditions existing on the islands. It must also be remembered that in cane sec- tions there is practically no stopping of the honey flow. In view of all these facts it was obvious that if the wax be taken from each colony it will form a good beginning in the annual return from a colony. If, then, the colony is in as good shape in a year's time as it was when the wax was removed, there will be honey enough stored to make the annual money return higher than if the colony had been run for honey alone. The method recommended is to shake the colony onto starters of foundation. The brood is placed over another colony to develop so that it may not be lost; the honey is to be extracted. By dividing the apiary into two parts, one-half may be shaken and the brood piled on the other half. These in turn may be shaken in three weeks or more and their brood added to the colonies shaken at first. This manipulation is identical with the shaking in treating for bee dis- ease. Similar methods are often employed in honey producing to prevent swarming and to cause bees to work in the supers. In the present instance, however, there is an entirely different reason for the i^ractice. In the trial made with a view to wax production, a surprising showing was made, and it seemed obvious that the operation could be repeated in not more than three months' time, and probably less. If this be true, then there will be removed $1.80 w^orth of wax or more at each shaking, which means a considerable gain. Xo positive statements of results can be made until the method has stood trial for a time. If this plan serves the purpose in Hawaii, it will also be valuable in other regions where there is a heavy honey flow for a long time. DISEASE SURVEY. The bee keepers of the islands were very anxious to learn whether or not they had any brood disease among their bees. They were quite certain that there was none, but desired this opinion to be confirmed. For this reason the apiaries visited were carefully examined by the author and absolutely no trace of any known infectious disease wals « Since this was written the writer has received a report, dated May 19, 1908, on this series of experiments, sliowinj: that S.SS pounds were extracted from 20 frames, this being tlie actual average in an apiary of 120 colonies. A BRIEF SURVEY OF HAWAIIAN BEE KEEPING. 57 found. In view of the fact that a brood disease would spread rapidly in that climate, the bee men may consider themselves extremely fortu- nate. Some time ago Mr. D. L. Van Dine sent to the Bureau of Ento- molog}' a sample of brood which had died, and it was reported that there had been considerable loss on this account. There was no indi- cation of any infectious disease in the sample, and before another sam- ple could be obtained the trouble had disappeared. Of this trouble Mr. Van Dine wrote, under date of April 27, 1906 : About tlie 1st of January it began and appeared simultaneously in several of the apiaries of the Honey Company. In the majority of cases [of hives having this trouble] from one-half to three-fourths of the brood died when the larvae were nearly full grown or after transforming to the pupje. The sunken caps and black color resembled the descriptions of foul brood, but there was no odor or other symptoms. Many of the pupae showed signs of life after turning nearly black and some adults emerged before dying * * *. As a precaution the bees were fed medicated sirup, but I am of the opinion that the trouble is not an infectious disease, but due to improper food. When the algarroba, our principal honey tree, had ceased to flower the main source of pollen was gone, but the bees could still get an abundance of honey from the sugar cane. The bee bread was scanty, very dark in color, and rather hard. I have not been able to trace out where they got it. Probably from various weeds * * *. The algarroba is coming in flower again and it is a fact that the trouble is fast disappearing, and I am inclined to believe that it was due to the food conditions I men- tioned * * *. On the island of Kauai the same trouble appeared at the same time as on this island and the conditions are exactly the same. On the island of Molokai the trouble did not occur and there they have no sugar cane and when the honey plants failed the queens ceased to lay and no outbreak of the disease occurred. Under date of June 5. 1906, he wrote : For a time after the bees began to bring in pollen in abundance the trouble seemed to disappear, but just now in certain colonies it is as serious as ever. This seems to contradict the idea that the trouble is due to food conditions. T^liile the author was on the islands only one case was seen which resembled what was described in 1906. This was in an apiary on the island of Kauai. The dead larvse in no way resembled those which die of American foul brood or European foul brood. There is no in- dication that the trouble is contagious, and the dead larvae resembled certain phases of what is generally called '* pickle brood.'' The bee keepers are anxious that no disease be allowed to enter their territory, and at the request of the Hawaiian Bee Keepers' Associa- tion the author drew up a letter of recommendation which is here given : For the information of your association in formulating proposed regulations relative to the establishment of an effective quarantine against the various dis- eases of the bee. I take pleasure in presenting the following statements as my opinion concerning the questions involved. 78013°— Bull. 7.5—11 5 58 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS ON APICULTURE. 3. Th< iKitiirr of the disra.scs. — There are now recoj^nized two diseases, viru- lent and contajrious in their cliaracter, which attaclv the hrood of the bee. These are know^i as American fonl lu'ood and Enropean foul hrood. It is defi- nitely known that Anierican fiaries in wliich disease is present and which are shipped in cages stocked with candy made from infected honey. It will be obvious from the local conditions that (&) does not apply to the Hawaiian Islands. It is doubtless true also that (a) does not apply. I can not say positively that neither disease is i)resent in the Territory, but it is almost certain that they are not. Means of itrcvvuting ihc introduction of disease to the Ilaicaiian Islands. — As an innnediate action, it is desirable that all queens which are shipped to the Territory be removed from the cages in which they arrive and be introduced to colonies from a clean cage containing candy made from honey free from disease organisms. This precaution, which is a very simple operation, will be a very good assurance that disease will not be brought to your islands with imported queens. It is desirable that as soon as possible a quarantine apiary be established, to which all importtnl queens shall be introduced. After two months' time, if the colonies to which the (pieens are introduced are free from disease, the queens may be sent to the owner with perfect safety. It is above all desirable that no honey of any kind shall be shipped to your islands unless it comes from healthy colonies and is accompanied by a certifi- cate of a qualified inspector of apiaries that such is the case. This precaution is of much more importance than those against infection through importation of (pieens. The bee keeper who imports queens would probably soon recognize disease if it aiipeared in a colony containing a choice imported queen, but if disease is brought in with honey it might gain a strong foothold before its dis- covery. This provision will not constitute a i)rohibition of the importation of honey, since on the mainland there are now about 55 qualified apiarian inspectors. On September 2, 1908, the Ik)ard of Commissioners of Agriculture and Forestry of the Territory of ITa^vaii passed re' bo considered as a fair estimate of the aver- age number of jxmnds of com!) lioney produced in the United States, since relatively few sections are exported. Extracted honey is pro- duced more extensiveh', and it is safe to say that the annual crop is three or four times that of comb honey. Taking into consicU^ration also the chunk honey .sold and the honey not marketed but used in home ccmsumption, the estimate of $20,000,000 is none too high. Tt may be of interest to compare the data of various years given by the census. Table 1 gives the amount of honey and wax, with the ratio between them. It is very interesting to note a reported in- crea.se in the ratio of honey to wax produced as the use of the honey extractor has Ixrome more general. Table I. — Vrodudion of honey and wax in the United States, 1S40-1900. Census of— Honey. Wax. Ratio of honey to wax. 1840 Pounds. PoundH. 628, 303 1850 14,853,790 23,366,357 14, 702. 815 25,743,308 63,897,327 61.196,160 1860 1,322,787 631,129 l,ia5.689 1,166,.'588 1,765.315 17.7:1 23.3:1 23. 3:1 54. 8:1 34. 7:1 1870 1880 1890. 1900 " Beeswax and honev. The last census, that of 1900, recording crop data for 1S99, gives the following : Total number of farms reported in censu.s Number of farms reporting bees Percentage of total Number of colonies, June 1, 1900 Average number per farm reporting l^ees Value of bees Pounds of honey in 1899 Pounds of wax in 1899 Value of honey and wax in 1899 Number of farms of white farmers reporting bees Percentage of all farms of white farmers Number of farms of colored farmers reporting bees Percentage of all farms of colored farmers Average crop j)er farm rej)orting bees: Honey Wax Average value of honey and wax ])er farm reporting b Average value of bees j)er farm reporting Average value of bees per colony Average pounds of honey per colony Average pounds of wax i)er colony Average value of lioncy and wax ]>cr colony o, 739, 657 707, 261 12. 4, 109, 626 3 8106 })ounds. . ...d...... $10, 186, 513 61, 196, 160 1, 765, 315 $6, 664, 904 677, 985 13.6 29, 276 3.8 86.5 2.5 $9.42 $14. 40 $2.48 14.9 .43 $1. 62 STATUS OF APICULTURE IX UNITED STATES. Tables II and III "^ give additional data on distribution. 63 Table II. — Xumber and value ofsuarms^ of bees, June 1, 1900, on farms and ranges, by geographic divisions. Geographic division. Number of farms. Farms report- ing bees. Per cent of farms report- ing bees. Swarms of bees. Value of bees. The United States 5.739.657 707. 261 12.3 4,109,626 $10,186,513 North Vtlantic 677.506 64.110 962, 225 151, 863 2.196.567 233.721 9.5 15.8 10.6 13.6 13.3 2.0 413.709 1.370.732 South Atlantic 854.909 1.664.636 North Central 1.187,856 1.289.384 362,381 1,387 3,5a5.675 South Central.. . l.a58.166 '242,908 2,285 225,100 32.421 46 2.513.397 1, 123. 647 Alaska and Hawaii . 8,426 1 The word ''swarms" used in census reix>rts evidently should be "colonies." Table III. — Pounds and value of honey and wax produced on farms and ranges in 1899, with averages per farm reporting, by geographic divisions. Geographic division. Honey. Wax. Value of honey and wax. Total. Average per farm. Total. Average per farm. Total Average per farm. The United States Pounds. 61.196.160 Pounds. Pounds. 1.705.315 Pounds. 2.5 $6,664,904 $9.42 North Atlantic. . 0.855.027 9,468,843 20,055,502 14,849,824 9,870,094 96.870 106.9 62.4 85.8 6<3.0 304.4 2,105.9 1S2 S19 *> 9 801 147 1' 50 South Atlantic 379. 192 396.604 588,960 216.020 1 720 2.5 1.7 2.6 6.7 37.4 1.029.233 2,353.001 1,553,141 920.089 8 293 6.78 North Central. 10 07 South Central 6.90 Western '>8 38 Alaska and Hawaii 180.28 ■ Taking the number of farms keeping bee.s as the basis, the five most important bee-keeping States, June 1, 1900, were Texas, with 60,043 farms reporting; Kentucky, with 44,974; Missouri, with 41,14o; North Carolina, with 41,051; and Tennes.see, with 38,225. Taking the number of swarms, or colonies, of bees as the basis, the five leading States were Texas, with 392,644; North Carolina, 244,539; Tennessee, 225,788; Alabama, 205,369; and Missouri, 205,110. Of the States included in the series given first, Texas, Missouri, Tennessee, and North Carolina are found in the second. Taking the value of the bees as the basis of classification, the five leading States were Texas, with $749,483; New York, $593,784; Pennsylvania, $531,578; Kentucky, $527,098; and Missouri, $508,217. The five greatest producers of honey in 1899 were Texas, with 4,780,204 pounds; California, 3,667,738; New York, 3,422,497; Missouri, 3,018,929; and Illinois, 2,961,080. California, which has not been included in any of the preceding classifications, here stands second. Of the States producing wax, Alabama led with 162,020 pounds; Texas was second, with 159,690; North Carolina third, with 135,920; California fourth, with 115,330; and New York fifth, with 84,075. & a Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900, Vol. Y, Agriculture, Part I, p. ccxxxiii. & Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900, Vol. V, Agriculture, Part I, pp. ccxxxiii-ccxxxiv. 64 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS ON APICULTURE. It will bo noticed that the data on honey and wax crops do not at all agree with the author's estimate given above. In the light of the evidence previously given, it is obvious that the census figures are entirely too small and are far from doing justice to the industry. The other data are probably much more reliable. It is hardly a fair test to compare 1000 data as to the num})er of bee keepers with those of 1906, but it should be noted that in the recent work of the Bureau in Massachusetts " there were reported 2,127 bee keepers as compared with 1,799, the number given in the census. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS. Tables IV to VII show the imports and exports of honey and wax through the ports of entry of the United States. The data for these tables were obtained through the courtesy of the Bureau of Statistics of tliis Department.'' « Gates, Burton N. — Bee Keeping in Massachusetts. Bulletin No. 75, Part VII, Bureau of Entomology, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. (In preparation.) b Tariff schedules on honey and wax under the different acts of Congress subsequent to 1841 are as follows: Acts of- Tariff on honeJ^ TarilT on wax. August 30, 1842 July 30, 184«.... March 3, 1837... March 2, mil... July 14, 1862.... June 30, 1864... March 3, 1H83... October 1, 1890. .Vugust 27, 1894 July 24, 1897.... Not specifically mentioned 30 per cent ad valorem 24 per cent ad valorem Not specifically mentioned 15 cents per gallon 20 cent.s i)er gallon. 20 cent.s i)er gallon 20 cents i)er gallon 10 cents per gallon 20 cents per gallon 15 per cent ad valorem. 20 per cent ad valorem. 15 per cent ad valorem, 10 per cent ail valorem. 20 per cent ad valorem. .\ot specificallv mentioned. 20 per cent ad Valorem. Free. Free. Free. STATUS OF APICULTURE IX UNITED STATES. 65 Table IV. — Imports of honey into the United States, 1901-1908, by countries from which consigned. Cuba. Mexico. Year ending Jime30— Pounds.o Average ! in cents. Percentage of total imports Pounds.a from all countries. ' Average ^^^f^^^ 1901 1902 1903 1904 809,784 131,736 1,-565,088 1,296,912 1,575,768 756,312 $31,591 5,807 64,867 42,597 57,918 26.9SQ 3.9 4.4 4.1 3.3 3.7 3.5 3.6 4.0 37.0 6.6 45.3 52.4 66.1 45.6 43.4 4.5.7 727,728 1,. 361, 052 1,166,796 652,404 516,804 724,488 884,340 1,045,944 $25,6.59 33,269 31,697 12,345 10,477 18, 107 27,534 37,926 3.5 2.4 2.7 1.9 2.0 2.5 3.1 3.6 33.3 67.8 33.8 26.3 1905 21.7 1906 43.7 1907 915,744 1 33^380 1,162,872 46.726 42.0 1908 41.1 Santo Domingo. Haiti. Year ending June 30— Pounds.a Average 1 in cents. Percentage of total imports from all countries. ' 1 Average Pounds.a Value.^ ^'^^^^ in cents. Percentage of total imports from all countries. 1901 327,876 160,440 198,204 373,212 162,792 $13,091 4,853 4,897 8,982 4,063 820 746 1,376 4.0 3.0 2.5 2.4 2.5 2.9 2.4 2.8 15.0 8.0 5.8 15.1 6.8 1.7 1.5 1.9 146,256 $5,086 35,184 1,173 255,588 , 5,013 58,476 j 1,273 44,052 1 779 81,444 1,703 188,640 4,849 3.5 3.3 2.0 2.2 1.8 2.1 2 fi 6.7 1902 1.7 1903 7.4 1904 2.4 1905 ... . 1.9 1906 27,840 31,272 49,068 4.9 1907 8.9 1908 106,116 2,870 1 2.7 4.2 All other countries. Total. Year ending June 30— V Potmds.a Value.b \x-pr5ifrp Percentage! Value.b Average price per pound in cents. 1901 174,708 $8,172 319,200 11,281 266,676 8,926 94,500 3,856 &3,988 3,482 68,568 3,782 88,068 4,345 179,904 9,527 4. 7 8 2,186,352 2,007,612 3,4.52,352 2.475,504 2,383,404 1,658,652 2,108,064 2,543,904 $83,599 56,383 115,400 69,053 76,719 50,651 70,854 98,425 3.8 1902 3 5 15 9 2 8 1903 3.3 4.1 4.1 5.5 4.9 5.3 7.7 3.8 3.5 4.1 4.2 7.1 3.3 1904 2.8 1905... 3.2 1906 3.1 1907 . . 3.4 1908 3.9 a Custom-house returns of honey are given in gallons, assumed here to weigh 12 pounds. h Imports of honey into the United States are subject to a specific duty. Values.— TYiQ values of all imported articles, whether subject to ad valorem or specific duties or free of duty, are regulated by the act of Congress of June 10, 1890. The actual market value or wholesale price of such merchandise as bought and sold in usual wholesale quantities at the time of exportation to the United States in the principal markets of the country from whence imported, and in the condition in which such merchandise is there bought for exportation to the United States or consigned to the United States for sale, including the value of all cartons, cases, crates, boxes, sacks, and coverings of any kind, and all other costs, charges, and expenses incident to placing the merchandise in condition ready for shipment to the United States. Valuation deceptions.— The value of imported articles subject to ad valorem duties is believed to be determined with more accuracy, according to the legal method of valuation, than other imports, with si)ecific duties or free, and exported articles; the valuation of dutiable imports and of exports dutiable in foreign countries tend to understatement, and the valuations of imports that are free of duty are often inflated for the purpose of trade deception. 66 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS ON APICULTURE. Tahle \.— Imports of hccstrax into the United States, 1901-1908, by countries from which consigned. Cuba. Mexico. Year ending June 30— Pounds. Value.a Average price per pound in cents. Percentage of total imports from all countries. Pounds. Value.a Average priai per pouiKl in cents. Percentage of total imports from all countries. 1901 110,778 $28,5.39 l.')7,8:}9 44,. 364 147,917 42,3.57 98,4.'>5 28,682 79,926 24,006 1.58,. 523 ! 48,120 331,942 93,702 264,984 76,431 2.5.8 28.1 28.6 29.1 30.0 30.4 28.2 28.8 51.8 38.0 30.3 23.1 21.4 27.0 36.2 39.5 13,446 23,366 162,332 167,843 87,943 46.421 47,262 41 489 $3,080 5,070 36,476 45,673 23,265 13,485 15,417 l?l 900 22.9 21.7 22.5 27.2 26.5 29.0 32.6 32.0 6.3 5.7 33.2 39.5 23.5 7.9 .5.2 6.2 1902 19a3 1C04 19a5 190(5 1907 1908 Santo Domingo. Haiti. Year ending June 30— Pounds. Value.a Average price per pound in cents. Percentage of total imports from all countries. Pounds. Value.a Average price per pound in cents. Percentage of total imports from all countries. 1901 41,225 73,364 82,829 80,783 46,816 34,052 67,264 55,311 $10,241 21,118 21,364 21,061 11,193 8,. 596 16,941 13,085 24.8 28.8 25.8 26.1 23.9 25.2 2.5.2 23.7 19.3 17.9 16.9 19.0 12.5 5.8 7.3 8.2 11,286 6,373 25,276 38,106 62,547 27,311 48,831 58,147 $4,292 3,013 7,692 10,359 16,047 7,326 13,555 15,379 38.0 47.3 30.4 27.2 25.7 26.8 27.8 26.4 5 3 1902 1.6 1903 5 2 1904 9.0 1905 16 8 190(j 4.6 1907 5.3 1908 8.6 All other countries. Total. Year ending June .30— Pounds. Value.a Average price per pound in cents. Percentage of total imports from all countries. Pounds. Value.a Average price per pound in cents. 1901 37,038 147,764 70,222 .39,981 96,337 .321,. 310 421,789 251,595 $9,732 42,372 19,331 11,103 26,610 90,487 125,022 76,584 26.3 28.7 27.5 27.8 27.6 28.2 29.6 30.4 17.3 36.2 14.4 9.4 25.8 54.7 46.0 37.5 213,773 408,706 488,576 425,168 373,569 587,617 917,088 671,526 $55,884 115,937 127,220 116,878 101,121 168,014 264,637 194,769 26.1 1902 . . 28.4 1903 26.0 1904 27.5 1905 27.1 1906 28.6 1907 28.9 1908 29.0 a Imports of beeswax into the United States are free of duty. Values.— The values of all imported articlos. whether subject to ad valorem or specific duties or free of dutv, are defined by the act of Congress of .Time 10, 1890, as— The actual market value or wholesule i)ric(' of such merchandise as bought and sold in usual whol<'saIe quanliti(>s at the tim(> of e.xportation to the Tnited States in th(> priiieijial markets of the country from whence inij>orted, and in the condition in which such nierehaiulise is there bought for exportation to the Ignited Stati'S or consigned to the rnited States for sale, including the value of all cartons, cases, crates, boxes. .s;vks, and eovcrinizs of any kind, and ail other costs, charges, and exix'nses incident to placing the merchandise in condition ready for shipment to tlie United States. Vahintion decrptinns. The value of imported articles .subj(>et to ad valorem duties is Ix'lieved to be determined with more accuracy, iieeording to the legal metliod of valuation, than the value of imports with siKY-ifie duties or free of duly, or the value of exported articles; the valuations of dutiable imports and of exports dutiable in foreign cotmtries t<'nd to understat<'ment, and the valuations of imports that are free of duty are liable to inflation for the purjiose of trade deception. 67 STATUS OF APICULTURE IN UNITED STATES. Table VI. — Imports and exports of honey of the United States, 1855-1908 [The terms 'Comb" and "Extracted" honey used in these headings are used in place of -'Uns and "Strained" honey in the reports of the Department of Commerce and Labor.] Imports. Exports. « Year ending June 30— Pounds. Value. Average price, in cents. Comb. Extracted. Both comb and ex- tracted. 1855 5,245,908 5, 142, 432 4, 975, 908 4, 790, 388 5, 448, 372 4, 626, 420 S138, 189 169. 643 202, 436 149, 915 196. 751 163, 027 2.63 3.30 4.08 3.13 3.61 3.52 1856 1857 1858 1859 1 1860 1 30,229,328 1,019,961 3.37 1 . 1861 . -- - 3, 970. 320 4,311,960 3, 394, 896 3,461.832 1,899,072 3, 332, 724 2, 614, 824 2, 546, 112 146, 464 195, 48.5 158- 852 162, 071 87, 954 135,253 128, 537 117, 172 77, 405 76, 459 3.69 4.53 4.68 4.68 4.63 4.06 4.91 4.00 1 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1808 1869 si,i.52 8,520 1870 i 1,285,652 1 1871 56,891 80,014 128, 925 88, 379 109, 368 72.935 61,205 67,111 48, 169 59, 806 2,479 2,677 1872 $28, 168 $30, 845 1873 1874 714 3,586 2,534 36, 302 6,212 134, 728 26,820 57, 895 29.563 20, 079 54, 063 24,638 27, 958 28, 439 58, 009 1875 33. 149 1876 28, 613 1877 90,965 1878 1,403,724 1,005,984 1,293,360 4.78 4.79 4.63 30,850 1879 162, 086 1880 55, 259 772,803 i 1881 2,364.528 1,831,164 1,939,500 1, 530, 432 1,821,432 1,-520,688 1, 766, 592 1, 893, 816 968,976 757, 428 110,059 78,976 78,911 57, 443 67, 572 45,551 47, 679 46,210 26, 624 27, 191 4. 65 4.31 4.07 3.75 3.71 2.99 2.69 2.44 2.74 3.59 109, 007 19, 082 27, 820 89, 761 30. 592 4,907 198. 768 1882 49, 674 1883 32, 733 1884 68, 764 1885 224, 212 1886 44, 735 1887 67, 154 1888 7,579 1889 93, 888 1890 113, 101 16,394,556 586,216 3.58 900, 608 1891 572,880 841,236 2,113,764 1,831,716 809, 328 959, 820 797, 184 1,159,248 1,514,604 1,762,320 20,808 31,418 79,396 56, 156 22,993 30, 009 27,599 38, 158 51,599 70, 857 3.63 3.73 3.76 3.07 2.84 3.19 3.46 3.29 3.41 4.02 83, 325 1892 78, 048 1893 15.115 1894 127. 282 1895 118.873 1896 90, 909 1897 22. 368 1898 98, 504 1899 55. 900 1900 30, 191 12, 362, 100 379,593 3.07 720, 575 1901 2, 186, 352 2,007,612 3, 452, 352 2, 475, 504 2.383,404 1,6.58,652 2,108,064 2, 543, 904 83.599 56, 383 115,400 69, 053 76, 719 50,651 70,854 98,425 3.82 2.81 3.34 2.79 3.22 3.05 3. 36 3.9 55. 574 1902 106,112 1903 64, 220 1904 69, 317 1905 63, 367 1906 111,945 1907 93, 690 1908 78,102 a Only values are given in reports. 68 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS ON APICULTURE. Table VII. — Imports and exports of beeswax into the United States, 1851-1908. Imports. Exports. Year endinp June 30— Pounds. Value. Average jwic-e, in cents. Pounds. Value. Average price, in cents. 1851 ! 6 415,923 6 32(5, 3(58 6 37(5, (593 6 327, .554 6 2.'-i7, 415 6 270, 320 6 315,378 6 36(5, 246 6 290,374 6 362, 474 6 $122, 835 6 91,499 6 113,602 6 87,140 6 69, 905 6 74,005 6 91,983 6 85,926 6 94,850 6 131,803 629 5 1852 .11 6 28 1853 1 6 30 2 1854 1 6 2(i. 6 1855 6 27 2 1856 6 27.4 1857. ... 6 29 2 1858 6 23.5 1859. 1 6 32 7 1860 6 36.4 6 3,308,745 6 963,548 29.1 1861. 1 6 270, 425 6 142,312 6 258,901 6 341,4.58 6 338,776 6 272, 987 6 253,065 6 826,887 6 94, 495 6 47, 383 6 80,899 6 170,418 6 2(51,381 6 130, 650 6 96,282 6 255, 365 189, 39(5 6 137, 443 6 34.9 1862 6 33.3 1863. :::;i;:: 631.2 1864 a 54, 087 20,899 23,900 25,617 a $13, 667 6,414 a 10, 420 5,450 5,609 2.5.3 30.7 43.6 21.3 6 49.9 1865 6 77 2 1866 6 47.9 1867 6 38.0 1868. 6 30.9 18(59 1870. a 19, 897 6 346,668 639.6 6 1, 463, 712 1871 o 16, 817 20,196 14,661 7,918 15,400 14,6(58 o 16, 844 13,302 a 15, 861 o2,766 6 365, 195 6 446, 474 6 374, 486 6 342,068 6 353, 425 6 218,610 6 276, 891 6 326,613 168. 745 193,217 6 113,070 6 126, 130 6 118,053 6 113,800 6 96, 578 6 69, 127 6 84, 461 6 9.5,074 45,823 48,880 631.0 1872 6 28.3 1873 631.5 1874 6 33.3 1875. . 6 27.3 187(5 6 31.6 1877. 6 30.5 1878 1 6 29.1 1879. 27.2 1880 25.3 o 138, 433 3,065,724 910,996 29.7 1881 o6,733 o5,312 41, 681 9,323 21,211 5,718 2,371 9,411 11,773 20,282 164,090 124,227 59, 455 51,748 30,877 136, 179 90,350 78,070 99,917 171,391 40,203 32,325. 17,604 16,042 9,758 36,626 24,997 20,554 23,918 19, 727 24.5 1882 , 26.0 1883 168, 879 48, 123 91,754 26, 546 10,843 51, 702 75,951 126,319 24.7 19.4 23.1 21.5 21.9 18.2 15.5 16.1 29.6 1884 31.0 1885 31.6 1886. ... 26.9 1887 27.7 1888. 26.3 1889 23.9 1890. 11.5 133, 815 1,006,304 241,754 24.0 1891 379, 135 271,068 248,000 318,(5(50 288,001 273, 464 174,017 272,097 452.016 213,813 80,485 65,487 62,024 80,024 78, 776 75,970 43,339 72, 473 109,957 51,526 21.2 24.2 25.0 25.1 27.4 27.8 24.9 2(5. 6 24.3 24.1 120,548 127,470 77, 434 469, 763 309, 212 222, 612 195,048 151,094 152. 494 319,379 30,027 31,898 22,048 118,093 90,875 65,844 56. 462 41,827 41,916 91,913 24.9 1892 25.0 1893 28.5 1894. 25.1 1895 29.4 1896. 29.6 1897 28.9 1898. .... 27.7 1899 27.5 1900. 28.8 2,890,271 720,061 24.9 2,14.5,054 590,903 27.5 1901 213,773 408.70(5 488, 57(5 42.'), \m 373. .569 587,617 917,088 671,626 55,884 115.937 127,220 116,878 101,121 168,014 264,637 194,769 26.1 28.4 26.0 27.5 27.1 28.0 28.9 29.0 140,276 125,283 70,811 5.5.631 85,406 101,726 117,169 39,464 36,541 21,337 16, .545 24,966 29,894 36,392 28.1 1902 29.2 1903 30.0 1904 30.0 1905 • 29.2 1906. 29.4 1907 31.0 1908 « Tnrliidlnp manufactured wax. 6 Stated siiTiDly as "wax," and Inclndinri wax of all lin 's. as well as beeswax. STATUS OF APICULTURE IX UNITED STATES. 69 The following figures give additional evidence of the magnitude of the industiy: Bee keepers' associations (estimated) 100 Number listed in office of Bureau « 86 Journals devoted to bee keeping ^ 3 Breeders of queens actually recorded (not including duplicates) c 164 Breeders of Italians 146 Breeders of Camiolans 37 Breeders of Caucasians 35 Breeders of Cyprians 6 Breeders of * ' Holylands '' 5 Breeders of Banats 6 In addition there are several large factories devoted either entirely or in large part to the manufacture of supplies for use in the apiar}'. VALUE OF THE HONEY BEE AS A POLLEXIZING AGENT. The honey bee is of great value as a pollenizing agent, and in estimating the value of the industry- in addino^ to the resources of the countr}' this phase of the subject must be included. Other insects, of coui^e, aid m this way, but the honey bee occupies a peculiar position in a consideration of this subject. Waite '^ mentions a large number of species of insects vrhich visit pear blossoms, but says: "The common honey bee is the most regidar and important abundant visitor, and probably does more good than any other species." Mtiller,^ in. his vers' comprehensive study of the fertilization of flowers, summarizes his results as sho^Ti m Table \^II. Table YIII. — Fertilization of plants by insects./ Coleoptera Diptera Hvmenoptera. (A"pidfP) Lepidoptera.. Other insects. Total... In Low Germany. On the Alps generally. Above the limit of trees. \h II ii 2fe || SI 3S o . Ii || 1 K"" >-^ , - ^ re- >" PhO DQ"" ' 129 469 8.96 83 337 5.90 33 134 4.82 I 253 1,598 30.55 348 1,856 32.49 210 930 33.46 368 2,750 j 52.57 183 ! 1,382 24.20 88 519 18.68 (205) (2,191)! 41.31 (120) (1,141) 20.00 (49) (402) 14.46 79 365 6.98 220 2,122 37.15 148 1,190 42.83 14 49 ' .94 7 15 .26 3 6 .21 843 6,231 S-il 5, 712 482 2,779 a Several of the State and county organizations are affiliated with the National Bee Keeper's Asso- ciation. 6 Gleanings in Bee Culture, Medina. Ohio, founded 1S73. Bee-Keeper's Review, Flint, Mich., founded 1SS8. American Bee Journal, Chicago, 111., founded 1861. cThe total number is probably twice this. dWaite, M. B., 1895.— The Pollination of Pear Flowers. Bulletin No. 5, Division of Vegetable Pathology, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. eMiiller, H., 1883.— The Fertihzation of Flowers. Trans, by Thompson, London / From Miiller, pp. 596-597. 70 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS ON APICULTURE. In Tabic VIII the entire family of the Apidae is credited with 41.31 per cent of the visits, but in the text Muller frequently refers to the fact that on some plants the honey bee far outnumbers all other insects. He speaks of the honey bees and the bumblebees of the genus Bombus as playing ''by far the most important part in fertilizing our [German] indigenous flowers." On the other hand, Brit ton and Viereck « attempt to show that the honey bee is not so imj)ortant as has generally been claimed by horticulturists and entomologists. They find that ''honey bees were exceedingly scarce in comparison with other species of Ilymenoptera — or in fact with other insects." From collections made from flowers in 1904 at the experiment station at New Haven and in 1905 at Branford, Conn., the following records were made: 1^ 03 2 d (S 1 I & 5^ Ilymenoptera Apis inellifcra 46 28 15 5 23 29 1 4 4 8 1 32 1 16 3 1 17 3 22 1 7 1 8 1 13 4 Diptera i9 4 3 2 7 1 8 2 16 5 Coleoptera 2 IleiTiiptera Total number of sp>ecimens 72 59 23 15 44 37 8 52 20 30 8 13 6 It seems fair to assume that on account of their great numbers the small bees belong- ing to the Ilalictidne and the Andrenidte are more important agents in carrying pollen than has been supposed, and in the vicinity of New Haven during the seasons of 1904 and 1905 were of far greater benefit in pollinating the flowers of the plants from which they were collected than were the honey bees. Earlier in the paper they say: "It is not known to the writers that bees are kept in the immediate vicinity of the experiment sta- tion; there are several hives less than 2 miles away. Wild honey bees are probably not veiy abundant so near the city." There are several facts which should be taken into consideration in connection with this paper — facts not mentioned by the authors. In the first place, comparatively few honey bees are kept in the part of Connecticut around New Haven. Furthermore, a scourge of bee disease is said to have decimated the bees of Connecticut some years ago, and doubtless this decreased the number of bees in a wild state as much as it is known to have done in the case of bees in hives. No disease is now recorded from the vicinity of New Haven, but it may still ])e there unreported, it being found in many parts of the State- Further, in the vicinity of cities, bees are generally less prevalent « Britton and Viereck, 1906. — Insects Collected from the Flowers of Fruit Trees and Plants. Fifth Report of the Connecticut State Entomologist for the Year 1905, New Haven, Conn. STATUS OF APICULTURE IX UNITED STATES. 71 than in the country. The principal point which should be consid- ered, however, is that the winter of 1903-4, just before these counts were made, was exceedingly severe, and 75 per cent of the colonies of honey bees in Xew England are reported to have died. Honey bees do not hibernate, and long-protracted cold weather is detrimental to them. Taking these facts into consideration, it is not so strange that the honey bee played a minor part in pollinating the flowers in the cases investigated. While in the particular cases observed by these authors the honey bee was of little value as a pollenizer, the ease with which an enormous number of honey bees could be brought to the aid of the orchardist places this species in a class by itself. Estimating the population of a colony of bees as low as 10,000 in early spring, it may easily be seen how reacUly the orchardist may insure pollination by carri^^ing a few colonies of bees to the orchard, provided of course that the weather is such that bees can fly while the trees are in bloom. Under adverse conditions in winter the other insects may be so decimated that they are few in number, but while honey bees may also be killed off in ^^'inter, there are means of protecting them, wliich is not the case with the purely wild species. Fruit growers as a rule recognize the value of the honey bee to their industry. Taking into consideration the insurance of pollina- tion by transporting colonies of bees to the places where their services are needed, it is safe to say that the indirect benefit of the bee- keeping industry annually adds to the resources of the country considerably more than the amount received from the sale of honey and wax. PRESENT SOURCES OF LOSS. There are several sources of great loss to bee keepers which might be eliminated to a large extent by careful manipulation, but there is much work wliich must be done before bee keepers are able to over- come all these diflS-Culties. Certain losses are expected regularly, and, while some do their utmost to overcome them, an annual loss must figure in their calculations. Swarming. — The average bee keeper loses many of the swarms which issue from his hives, and these escaping swarms may well be valued at a high figure. By careful manipulation and the use of large hives swarming may be largely controlled, but among the majority of bee keepers too little attention is given to this phase of the work and nothing is done until the swarm actually issues. In the produc- tion of comb honey smaller hives are generally used, and the control of swarming becomes more difficult . It is doubtless true that swarms aggregating in value $1,000,000 are lost every year. This loss may be considerably reduced. 72 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS ON APICULTURE. The greatest obstacle in the control of swarming is the fact tha the activities bringing on swarming ate so little understood. Thi j)h(Miomenon represents the bee's natural method of increasing the number of colonies, and it* may be attributed to instinct. This, however, does not explain what factors induce the bees to swarm or wliat tlieir activities are previous to swarming. When the behavior of the bees before and during swarming is better understood, we may have greater hope of a method of control. Winffr losses. — The losses in winter are considerable, due largely to starvation, dampness, too long a time without a cleansing flight, or extreme cold weather. By wintering bees in cellars in the North tliis loss may be considerably reduced, but while much has been written on this subject the general loss to northern bee keepers is probably at least 10 per cent every winter. An even temperature of about 45° F. and a dry^ atmosphere are considered best, and the best method of obtaining these conditions is an individual problem. Wliere bee keepers do not pay any attention to the selection of their best stock for breeding purposes, the loss of 10 per cent or more of their colonies in winter must not be looked on as a total loss, for generally the poorest colonies succumb. In the southwestern part of the United States the winter problem can be said not to exist in the way it does in the North, and, as a result, a large part of the bees kept there are of poor stock, vastly inferior in many cases to equally neglected stock in portions of the country where winters are severe. On the other hand, in these warmer portions of the country it is necessary to leave much heavier stores of honey in the hives to carry the colonies over from one season of activity to the next, so that ' 'wintering " is very expensive. It has been suggested seriously that colonies be placed in cold storage for several months to save this heavy consumption. ' ' Winter loss " is in many cases caused by disease, which so weakens the colony during the summer that it is not able to survive the winter. In such cases the bee keeper is usually ignorant of disease. Waste of wax. — No other mani])ulation of the apiary is so primitive as wax extraction and nowhere is there more room for improvement. As every bee keeper knows, it is difficult to remove wax from the comb, particularly in the case of old combs whicli have been used for brood rearing for years. Th(^ amount of wax wasted ever^^ year by inadecjiiate methods of extraction amounts to thousands of dollars annually. In most cases over 10 ])er cent of the wax remains in the ''slumgum, " and even l)y careful work 5 per cent is left. By repeated rendering, the amount may b(^ nnluced, but the time necessary for this usually makes it un])roiitable. STATUS OF APICULTURE IX UNITED STATES. 73 With the advent of the movable-frame hive and honey extractor it became orthodox to continue the use of combs year after 3-ear. The invention of methods making this possible was of such great benefit to the apicultural industry that it may almost be said that without it there would be no industry. At the same time it may be that bee keepers have formed the habit of using their combs in this way, and in consequence are losing wax. It must not be overlooked that it is part of the life activity of bees to build wax, and in working bees to get the maximum financial return from them it may be desirable to allow them to spend some energ}^ on wax production. For example, immediately after swarming, under natural conditions, bees secrete a large amount of wax; they also, of course, build wax at other times, but there is much more of a tendency then than at any other period of their activity. There is good reason to believe, also, that at the time specified the amount of honey consumed in building a pound of wax is less than at any other time. With wax worth so much more per pound than honey, it would seem to be desirable in some cases to take advantage of the wax-building abihty of bees. In rendering wax from comb the usual procedure is to squeeze the combs in a press while hot. With but few exceptions, this is the only method used. Since this takes too long, and especially since all the wax can not possibly be removed, it would be wise to look for some other method. A better method would not only mean greater profits, but would be a gigantic step in advance in bee-disease eradication. The loss due to inadequate extraction does not, of course, include the enormous loss from wax which is tlirown away or which is allowed to be destroyed by wax moths for lack of fumigation. Enemies. — ^When it is considered that bees five in a large com- munity and seemingly present an excellent opportunity for the intrusion of parasitic forms and predaceous animals, it is a matter of surprise that they are so free from this source of loss. The wax moths {Galleria melloneUa L. and Achroia grisella Fab.) rarely trouble thrifty colonies, and therefore are not dreaded by progressive bee keepers in the colonies; they do, however, often destroy stored combs. Diseases. — From the standpoint of present need there is no question in apiculture which at all compares in importance ^vith the control of bee diseases. There are now recognized two distinct brood diseases which are contagious and which annually cause enormous losses to those engaged in the industry. There is reason, too, to beheve that these diseases are spreading to new localities at a rapid rate, and unless vigorous steps are taken there can be no doubt that in a few years they will be distributed to every part of the United States. 78013°— Bull. 75—11 6 74 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS ON APICULTURE. The a])athy of bee keej)ers, as a class, to these scourges is re- markable, in view of the fact that information is available wliich should ])oint out tlie dan^ijers now incurred by inadequate efforts toward the control of these j)ests, or in most cases by no effort at all. As an example of the annual loss from this source, the following figures, furnished the author by Mr. Charles Stewart, one of the State inspectors, froni the statistics of the New York department of agriculture, are of value. These figures are based on the actual number of colonies suffering from European foul brood wliich were destro^^ed or ordered destroyed b}" the inspectors of apiaries and do not represent the decreased returns from colonies not treated or from those affected with disease and treated. This epidemic started about 1897. The decrease in annual loss will be discussed later. Previous to 1899 $39, 383 During 1899 25, 420 1900 20,289 1901 10, 853 1902 860 During 1903 $4, 741 1904 2,220 1905 1,725 Total 110,491 In the majority of cases it is absolutely impossible to estimate the losses, because so little is known of the actual territory covered; but if a loss of $25,000 is possible in a few counties in one State and there are many areas much larger where disease is equally epidemic, the loss ma}^ well be estimated at $2,000,000 annually. The figures of the epidemic in New York offer an excellent example of what may be done in eradicating a contagious disease. Unfor- tunately that State had no means for taking up an extermination of European foul brood as soon as it appeared, but steps were taken to begin inspection as soon as such an innovation could be introduced. B}' hard work on the part of four competent inspectors the annual loss was rapidly reduced. The same results may be obtained any- where by the employment of competent men to do the work, so that from a rapidly spreading epidemic, threatening the bee industry, the situation is changed until the disease becomes not so much a scourge as an inconvenience. In the case in (piestion there can be no doubt that the annual loss would soon have reached S50,000 or that the industry would have been practically destroyed had no State aid been given just when it wjis. Not only is inspection of value in a case of tliis kind, but it is of inestimable value in making j^ossible the stopping of an epidemic in its early stages. To continue with New York as an example, the same disease, European foul })rood, has since broken out in three other localities, but the force of inspectors went to work at once and there is litth* .3. Records of the Governor and Company of tlie Massachusetts Bay in New England. Boston. Vol. 2, p. 101. [I»eriod covered. 1()42-1G49.] John Kales was " Freeman made att the Generall Court, May 14, 1(534." Ibid., Vol. 1, p. 3G9. ^ See also : Adams, George W. 1906. Massachusetts Bee Keeping in 1044. American Bee Keeper, Vol. XVI, pp. 280-281. Gerstacker, A. 18G2. tJber die geographische Verbreitung und die Abander- ungen der Ilonigbiene nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Ausliiiulischon Honigbienen der alten Welt. (Zur XI. Wanderversammlung Deutsche Bienenwirthe zu Bolsd.ini am 17, 18, und 19 September, 1S(;2.) Potsdam. According to Von Buttel-Beepen this paper was given as "a card of admission" to those attend- ing the Potsdam meeting. It has apimrently become lost, excepting one copy from which Von Buttel-Keepen reprinted it as a part of his paper, "Apistica." Von Buttel-Iieepen, Dr. II. 1900. Apistica. Beitrjige zur Systematik, Biologic, sowie zur geschichtlicheu und geographischen Verbreitung der Ilonig- l)iene (.4/>f.v mcUiflra L.), ihrcr Varictiiteu und der iibrigen Apis-arten. Milllieilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum zu licrliii. Ill, lleft 2, 8 tig., pp. IV + 121-201. Issued also as a separate. ** Haydn, Joseph. 19(»4. Haydn's Dictionary of Dates and Universal Informa- tion. 23d edition. New York. Also other editions. BEE KEEPIXG IX MASSACHUSETTS. 83 shown by a letter of a father to his son, dated. '* Sutton [Massa- chusetts] June the 2d, 1788." « Besides sjDeaking of sending to his son some homespun clothes the father adds, '^ as for news we have no grate to rite to you our bees have swormed yesterday and they flew of today." New England is reputed to have suffered severely from attacks of bee moths in the early part of the nineteenth century. There appears to have been a period of general devastation by this enemy from about 1800 to 1850. It handicapped the industry considerably, and, according to some, completely wiped it out in certain localities, ^^^rit- ing from Greenfield in 1853, L. L. Langstroth sa^'s : ^ *' The present condition of practical bee keeping in this country [meaning the whole of Xew England and Xew York] is known to be deplorably low. From the gi-eat mass of agriculturalists * * * j^ receives not the slightest attention." There is room for considerable doubt, how- ever, whether the moth was the primary cause of this devastation, as is explained below under the headings, "* Enemies " and ** Disease." At the middle of the nineteenth century Langstroth, who had been experimenting for several years, brought out his invention, the movable-frame hive. As is explained under the head of '* Hives," this revolutionized the industry; at that time modern bee keeping began. Considering the very early date of the first introduction of bees to what is now Massachusetts, and that from this locality as a center much of the present-day bee keeping "■ spread westward with the home seekers, it is not a little surprising to discover so few extensive bee keepers in Massachusetts, while there are many in Xew York and Vermont. Compensating, however, for the lack of extensive bee keepers, there is a vast number of small apiaries; their number in jDroportion to the territory is probably greater than in any other State in the Union. There are at least 2,100 '^ who derive some profit from their bees. V^^ere these 2,100 to keep twenty-five colonies each «A photograph of this letter is in the possession of the writer. ^ Langstroth, L. L. 1853. Langstroth on the Hive and the Honey-Bee, a Bee-Keeper's Manual. Northampton. First edition. ^ The details of the present status of bee keeping in this pai^er are based upon the returns from a series of questions sent to every known bee keeper in Massachusetts. The method of securing the statistics was described in the author's paper read before the Association of Economic Entomologists, Balti- more, Md., December 29, 1908. This paper is published in the Journal of Economic Entomology, Vol. II, No. 2, pp. 117-120, April, 1909. ^ By actual count, the recorded bee keepers for Massachusetts number 2,127. This exceeds the number recorded in the 1900 census by 328, which, consider- ing that the author's work was accomplished through mail while the federal census is the result of a house-to-house canvass, suggests a deficiency in the figures of the federal census reports. Of the 2,127, 1,050 reported. 84 MTSCELLANKOUS PAPERS ON APICULTURE. and Avere their apiaries properly distributed over the State, there ini|)erly distril)uted. EXPERIENCE OF BEE KEEPERS IN MASSACHUSETTS. Although there are too few bees kept, it is interesting to ascertain how ex})erienced the Massachusetts bee keepers now^ are. In order to gain this information, a question, *"" How long have you kept bees? " was included in the list of questions circulated throughout the State. By thus knowing the length of time these men have been keeping bees, some idea of their proficiency may be reached. Of those who reported to the author, 38 per cent have had less than five years' experience and must consequently be classed as amateurs. While this array of amateurs, at first glance, appears high, it becomes more significant upon considering that 32 per cent, having successfully passed their apprenticeship, report from five to fifteen years' experi- ence, or, in other words, have persisted and succeeded in bee keeping. On the other hand, roughly estimating, 50 per cent of the bee keepers who undertake this branch of agriculture discontinue it within their first five years' trial. This is not due to lack of possibilities in the bee-keeping industry, but must be attributed in a large measure to sensational presentation, in the popular press and elsewhere, of the ease of managing and the huge profits to be derived from bees. This overstimulation of the bee industry is a positive detriment to the bee-keeping interests. The number of persons who have taken and will take time for a proper study of bee culture is exceedingly limited in j)r()i)()rti()n to the number who undertake the work uninstructed. Consecjuently a 50 per cent weeding-out process during the first five years of attempted bee culture is a stroke of fortune for the industry. After fifteen years' exi)erience, and before the twenty-five-year mark of service is ])assed, there is another falling oti'. The figures of this census show that 10 per cent of those reporting have kept bees from fifteen to twenty-five years, which, when it is considered that a bee keej)er is well along in life by that time and often must necessarily relieve himself of care and work, is exactly what might be expected. No less interesting is the fact that 1(> per cent continue after twenty- five years of service. These are the truly old bee keejiers, many of whom remember Langstroth and his experimenting. AVhile they may not b(» exactly up-to-date, they are to be respected for their [)ersistency. BEE KEEPING IX MASSACHUSETTS. 85 For purposes of comparison divide the State into two sections, the eastern section to inchide Worcester County and all other eastern counties save Barnstable County, which is not at all comparable either in population or from an agricultural point of view. If these two sections be contrasted, there will be found an obvious difference in their jDopulation. In the eastern section the cities and towns are large and the population concentrated, Avhile in the western part the population is less dense and is thus far less influenced, on the whole, by large communities than the eastern section. It is in the large communities that bee keeping is usually promoted by supply houses and conventions, and it is there also that the majority who seek niral recreation along lines promoted by popular agricultural papers reside. Consequently, it is to be expected that the progress and stimulation of bee keeping, either as a recreation or an industry, should first be felt in and adjacent to these communities. This is precisely what is noticeable in Massachusetts. Back in the country of the more strictly rural section of the State, where population acquires but slowly the progressive impulses which are first launched in the larger communities, there are fewer new or amateur bee keepers than in the more thickly populated eastern section. In this western section the ratio of beginners to advanced bee keepers is as 30 to 70; while in the eastern section, where are found two bee-keepers' societies, the proportion of beginners is larger, with a possible ratio of 41 to 59. Aside from the influence of societies in the eastern section, supply houses have had a noticeable effect in stimulating popular in- terest and in promoting new and improved methods. As is jjointed out above, sensational stimulation is unfavorable to the industry. Table I. — Proportion of amateurs to ijracticcd hcc keepers in the eastern and icestern sections of Massachusetts. t_ „ 1 Practiced bee keepers. Total number Section of State. ers (5 vears and less). 5 to 15 years. 15 to 25 years. 25 years and over. Percent. of bee keepers report- ing. We'Jt of Worcester County Worcester County and east, exclusive of " Barnstable County Barnstable Countv Number. 95 302 3 Per cent. 30 41 Number. 105 209 8 Number. 56 104 Number. 67 94 1 70 59 323 709 1» Total for the State 400 38 322 i 166 i 162 , 62 1,050 11 1 86 MISCKLLANEOUS PAPERS ON APTCI'LTURE. NUMBER OF COLONIES PER BEE KEEPER. There are but two bee keepers in the State who rej)ort more than 100 colonies, bnt several have nearly this numl)er. 'IVmm K II. — l.iKdtiou of Mtis.sncliusclls' Inri/t si (iii'uirUs, as rcjtortcd for lUOG. County. 60t«i75 colonies. 75 to 100 colonies. 100 colo- nies and over. County. 50 to 75 colonies. ?«; f« inn ' 100 Colo- 1 Bnrnstalilo 1 •i 1 ll Essex 1 PlviiuiiiMi .. . ' a2 i*| 1 ' ' Hutiiixlcii . 2 1 1 Total 9 3 2 1 " One of these bee keepers writes that he increased from .15 to l.'>."> colonies in 190G. It is a peculiar fact that in Worcester County, where more bees are to be found than in any other county and where bee keeping is ju-ogressive, none reports 50 colonies and few have even 25. The two largest bee keepers in the State are located in Plymouth County. That there are so few large bee keepers in Massachusetts is due, in the writers estimation, to the heretofore unrecognized ravages of disease. This is discussed elsewhere in this paper and in another publication of this Bureau." In ^liddlesex County, for instance, where, so far as at present known, disease is not prevalent, the greatest number of large bee keepers is found and also the second greatest number of colonies. DISTRIBUTION OF BEES IN MASSACHUSETTS. In the eastern section, exclusive of Barnstable County, with its high ratio of novices, there are practically as many colonies of bees l)er bee keeper as in the western section. According to the figures for 190(), the following table presents the conditions: Table III. — Distrihution of hccs in Massachusetts. Spring. Fall- Section of .State. Number of col- onies. Colonies per bee keeper. Number of col- onies. West of Worcester County Worcester County and east, exclusive of Barnstable Comity TlRrimt>i(>l(> ('oiiiitv .. . 1.760 3,897 182 .5.4 5.5 10.0 2.530 5,595 227 Total for the State 5,839 5.6 8,352 From the foregoing table it will be seen that the minimum number of colonies is in direct disproportion to the large number of bee o GateB, Bnrton N. Ift08. Bee Diseases In Massachusetts. Bulletin No. 75, r.irt III. MtiroMU of Knt.000.000," and with the esti- mated crop of 100 tons in 190() would have afforded each person less than one tablespoonful. Too little honey is available in Massa- chusetts. This is ])()rne out by the common experience of those who try to buy extracted honey in convenient amounts or even in bulk for table use. The writer's experience is that it is almost impossible to ])urchase at retail a 00-pound can of good honey or even of a poorer grade at any price. As for being able to buy a gallon or a quart, it is impossible unless the j^urchaser is willing to pay a high price for a lot of small, fancy bottles, which may or may not contain good-grade honey. With these facts in mind, it is evident that much may be done to improve the retail trade in extracted honey. Comb honey, on the other hand, is usually available either from a producer or a retail store. The crop in Massachusetts for 1900, as reported by something less than half the number of bee keepers recorded, was 145,257 pounds, approximately 73 tons; but since only a little over half the re- corded bee keepers were heard from, 80 tons would be a conservative estimate, as is shown below\ It is somewhat surprising that this study should show the largest recorded crop, and especially so in view of the fact that the investigation was carried on through the mails, while census data are obtained by personal canvass. This at least suggests that the census figures probably do not justly represent the industry. Although 145,257 pounds of honey, of which 108,000 pounds was comb and 36,597 was extracted, is the heaviest crop recorded for the State, the product looks pitifully small when it is remembered that single apiarists in the West frecjuently produce in a season a fourth to a third more honey than Massachusetts' annual crop. If the actually recorded crop is divided by the number of colonies reported in the spring of 190(), this is an average of but 24 pounds per colony. Conservatively estimating from experience and reports of large prac- tical apiarists in New York State and the ^yest, the average yield, considering all classes of bee keepers, should be about 35 pounds. 'J1iis would have made Massachusetts' crojD, merely from the recorded number of colonies, sj)ring count, 204,330 pounds, or 102 tons. Con- sequently the estimate of SO tons, assumed for convenience, is safe. The question is, however, a larger one. The possibilities of the for- age and the number of colonies which it would sui)port is more vital than criticism of the present discrepancy. The writer has already a Mass. Census. lOOH, popiiljition n.OOa.OSO. BEE KEEPING IN MASSACHUSETTS. 89 fctated ^ that Massachusetts can support approximately 40,000 colonies of bees. This number, producing an average of 35 pounds of honey to the colony, would supply 1,400,000 pounds, or TOO tons, of honey a year, contrasted with 73 tons. This crop would not be especially burdensome, and, divided among the people, each would have less than a half pound a year. Furthermore, there is no immediate danger of the production of any such amount. Table IV. — Honei/ «"f^ 'f«-P production reported in Massachusetts. Date. Honey. Wax. Sources of data. 1839 Pounds. Poiivds. 1,196 59,508 2, 324. 5 3,289 2, 454 1,195 2, 463 1,690 6, 250 1, 289 U. S. Census Kept, for 1840. U. S. Census Rept. for 1850. 3d Ann. Rept. Sec. Mass. Bd. Agric. for 1856. U. S. Census Rept. for 1860. 13th Ann. Rept. Sec. Mass. Bd. Agric. for 1866. U. S. Census Rept. for 1870. U. S. Census Rept. for 1880. 1849 1855 73. 677 59,125 80, 356 25, 299 49, 397 90,929 109,050 6145,257 1859 1865.. 1869 1879 1889 U. S. Census Rept. for 1890. U. S. Census Rept. for 1900. The author's census 1899 1906 ° Includes both honev and wax product. " Extracted, 36,507 pounds ; comb, 108,660 pounds. WAX CROP. It is customary for bee keepers to save their old combs from year to year before rendering them, which produces an annual variation in the product. Futhermore, outbreaks of bee diseases cause much more comb to be rendered. Severe winters, which frequently result in a loss of bees, usually produce a relative increase in the wax output the following year. It is therefore difficult to calculate a representative annual product of Avax. The commercial importance of the wax crop, and the relative returns from it as compared with honey, are gradually becoming more and more realized; therefore, as the honey product increases it is to be expected that the wax out- put will proportionally increase. Table IV presents all the recorded information on wax production in Massachusetts. SOURCES OF HONEY. Too little attention is given the nectar-yielding flora, even among those who seek a livelihood in the production of honey. Although it is sometimes difficult to learn the sources from which bees get ou. S. D. A., Bur. Ent. Bnl. 75, Pt. Ill, p. 23. Allowing an average of 100 to 125 acres to support a colony of bees, based on experience of large bee keepers who maintain a series of outyards, and eliminating 500 square miles as probably unavailable for bee pasturage, there remain 7,814 square miles, or 5,000,960 acres, for forage in Massachusetts, which would support approximately 40,000 to 50,000 colonies of bees. 78013°— Bull. 75—11 7 90 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS ON APICULTURE. their stores, a bee keeper should have some knowledge of the honey plants of his locality and their honey value. White clover. — Among the several clovers, white clover ranks first. Tt is found in nearly all quarters of the State, but flourishes best on liiiii'd or limestone soils, and is particularly abundant in the northern and western parts of the State. Just over the line in the Champlain A^dley of Vermont the chief source of honey is white clover, which grows there in tangles and mats. AVhite clover honey ranks high in the market ; its color and flavor make it one of the finest of Ameri- can honeys. Alsil-e clover. — This is frequently sown for forage, and is becoming more and more renowned as a honey source. Under favorable con- ditions it yields not only a good quality of nectar, but large quanti- ties of it. It rivals the red clover, on which bees work to a limited extent, but in which the vast stores of nectar are too deep in the flower tubes to be within reach of the bee's tongue. Alsike blooms with white clover and Avill bloom a second time wdien wdiite clover has ceased, thus prolonging the honey flow from clover. Red clover. — This is also a more or less continuous bloomer, which, inasmuch as the second flowering brings smaller, shorter-tubed heads, is somewhat accessible to bees. Sweet clover. — There are two species, white and yellow, but neither is abundant in Massachusetts. It is a bountiful source of honey else- where, and may become so in this State. Crimson clover. — As a hone}^ plant this is of slight importance as far north as Massachusetts. Golden-rod and asters. — These plants, as reported in this State, rank close to the clovers in nectar secretions. Both begin to flower in July and continue imtil frost. The early bloom, however, is not Visited by bees to any extent, and it is not luitil September that the flow begins, when the hive takes on a characteristic strong and pleas- ant odor. The honey, though rather dark and thick, has a rich, aromatic flavor, which many people consider superior. In Massachu- setts a luMilvctable surplus is frequently taken in September. Fruit hlooni. — Apple, pear, cherry, plum, peach, etc., which are found in abundance throughout the State, are next in importance. Fiiiit bloom is the source of early stores u})on Avhich the colonies build up for the clover har\est. Insufficient numbers of bees at this season and unfavorable weather make it difficult to secure a surplus from this source, but the fortunate bee keeper who does secure a crop should realize that he has a superior ]^roduct. The body is heavy, the color is clear and light (usually an amber), and the flow comes with a rush which insures handsome sections; but best of all is the exquisite aroma of the 'A]}\)\q. blossom, which places fruit-bloom honey in a class by itself. BEE KEEPING IN MASSACHUSETTS. 91 Linden or hasswood. — Cutting for lumber has tremendously re- duced the number of basswood trees in the State. It was once gen- erally distributed in the forests, but at present occurs largel}^ only in the northern and Avestern woods. This is doubtless the most val- unable tree honey plant in Massachusetts and, together Avith its value for timber, merits cultivation. It makes a fine shade tree. The honey has quite a characteristic flavor and aroma, but requires to be well ripened before its delicious qualities are appreciable. Buckwheat. — This is a famous honey plant in New York State and is reported from all counties of Massachusetts. Here, however, it is far less extensively grown than across the line. Some bee keepers say they plant small fields for the sake of their bees, but there is great doubt if the bees benefit materially by it except in cases of extreme scarcity of nectar. The honey is dark, with a brownish or purplish cast, a heavy body, and a strong, rank flavor to those who are accus- tomed to more delicate honeys, such as clover or fruit bloom. Many in Xew York State, however, often prefer buckwheat to clover honey. Especially if extracted, it usually commands a good price. ^Vild raspljerry and hlaclxherry. — In the highland pastures wild raspberry and blackberry abound. The nectar flow is of long dura- tion, beginning soon after fruit bloom has ceased, and thus is an important stimulant for the clover harvest to follow. Cultivated varieties are quite as valuable for forage as the wild species. Sumac. — There are several species of sumac which are important honey sources, but which are greatly underestimated by the majority of bee keepers. The}^ are free bloomers and flourish in nearly all parts of the State. Apparently, however, the nectar yield is some- what erratic. The writer recalls seasons in AVorcester County when bees paid no attention to the great heads of greenish flowers. Sumac honey, although not light, has a clear and firm body with a pleasant flavor. Locust. — Like the basswoods, locusts have been largely cut from the woodlands. There are several species now found to a limited extent by roadsides and in pasture walls, where they are valuable forage for bees. In Colrain, Franklin County, one bee keeper at- tempted to cultivate locust for his bees, but met with no great returns for his efforts. Another bee keeper reports that locust is sporadic, yielding nectar only once in three years. Maple. — A considerable number of bee keepers report that maple is a honey plant. It is, to be sure, one of the best sources of pollen in early spring, which doubtless has confused the bee keepers and caused them to report it as a honey plant. Swamp maple is especially val- uable in early brood rearing. Maple is probably of less importance as a honey source than, for instance, the mints, strawberry, and milk- weed, which were reported but a few times. 92 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS ON APICULTURE. CletJwa, — This is also known as black alder and sweet pepper bush, and is a valuable honey-secreting plant, largely confined to a belt paralleling the eastern coast, where it thrives in profusion. The aroma, a sweet smell, i:)owerful and penetrating, may be perceived a ft)ng distance from the bush. Bees work upon it freely, and unques- tionably produce considerable surplus honey, which is of good body and light color. These, so far as bee keepers' observations afford, are the most prominent honey plants. Of the remaining list — each reported from one to fifteen times — milkweed, wild cherr}^, knotweed, dandelion, strawberry, chestnut, mints, gill-over-the-ground, and mustard are of most importance. No one of these taken alone is a source of surplus honey in Massachusetts, but all are important in the total yield. The writer has observed, in the spring when fruit trees are in bloom, a perceptible effect of dandelion nectar upon the delicate flavor of fruit-bloom honey, producing the characteristic bitterish taste. Mill'wccd. — Where milkweed occurs in large quantities it is a val- uable honey plant. In Berkshire County, Mr. Dewey, of Great Bar- rington, reports that milkweed is an important source of nectar. One bee keeper in Hampshire County reports the Tartarian honey- suckle as important and very productive. Sunflowers are valuable but must occur in considerable numbers to make a perceptible differ- ence in the crop. Most of these plants are quite as important, so far as the economy of the bee is concerned, for their pollen as for their nectar. ¥ov instance, the willow and skunk cabbage, while they are reported as honey plants, are far more important as pollen yielders, because at their season of bloom pollen is scarce. The chestnut and, to a certain extent, the dandelion are more valuable for the pollen which they yield than for the honey. TIIK :M()1{E IMJ'OirrANT IIONEV PLANTS IX MASSACHUSETTS. Table V. — List of the mUinis in Massachusetts. |Arranjj:od acfordin^' to frequency of report.] Name. Clovers: White ( Trifoliiim rrpnu) Alsike ( 7'. hi/hridum) Ked ( T. jiidiam) ('riniHon ( T. iiirarnatuiii) Sweet (Mfii/otiiK alhti and M. qtficinalis) . Yellow ( T. wjrariu m) '. fiolden-rods {SttUdago spp Asters {Asler Hpp. ) Times reported. 626 37 7 3 3 1 677 330 99 429 BEE KEEPING IX MASSACHUSETTS. 93 Table Y. — List of the more i)ni)ortant honey plants in Massaehusetts — Cout'd. Name. Times reported. Fruit bloom (includes pear {Pynis spp.), apple, cherry, peach, plum {Prunus spp.). etc... Linden or basswood ( Tilia spp. ) Buckwheat {Fayopyrum spp.) Raspberry (Eubus spp.) Blackberry {Rubus spp. ) , Sumac ( Rhus pp. ) Locust a ( Robinia spp. ) Maple {Acer spp. ) Clethra ( Clethra alnifolia) : " Does not yield everj- year; " Once in three years," one bee keeper says 337 160 114 103 23 120 LIST OF PLANTS REPORTED RELATIVELY FEW TIMES. (Reported from one to fifteen times.) Alder {Ahius spp.). Arnica, white flowering {Arnica mon^ tana). Barberry {Berheris spp.). Blueberry (raccin/wm spp.). Burdock (Arctium lappa). Buttercups (Ranunculus spp.). Button bush (Cephalanthus occiderir talis). Cherry, wild (Prunus spp.). Chestnut (Castanea dentata (marsh)). Columbine (Aquilegia canadensis). Cowpeas (Vigna catjang). Cranberry (Vacciniuni spp.). Cucumber, cultivated (Cucu)nis spp.). Cucumber, wild (ilicrampelis lohata). Dandelion (Taraiacuni spp.). Elderberry (Samhucus spp.). Elm (Ulmus spp.). Gentian, fringed (Gentiana crinita). Geranium, wild (Geranium spp.). Gill-over-the-ground (Glecoma hed- eracea ) . Gooseberry, wild and cultivated (Rihes spp.). Hickory (Hicoria spp.). Honeysuckle, Tartarian « (Lonicera tatarica). Horse chestnut (JEsculus spp.). Huckleberry (Gaylussacia spp.). Knotweed (Polygonum spp.). Milkweed (Asclepias spp.). Mints, catnip, etc. (Mentha spp.). Mustards, wild (Brassica spp.). New Jersey tea (Ceanothus anicri- canus) . Radish (Raphanus spp.). Shad bush, wild (Amelanchicr hotry- apium ) . Skunk cabbage (Spathyema fwtida). Strawberry, wild and cultivated (Fragaria spp.). Sunflowers (Hclianthus spp.). Syringa (Philadelphus spp.). Thyme ^ (Thymus serpyllum). Yiburnum (Viburnum spp.). Willow (Salix spp.). Witch-hazel (Hamamelis virginiana). PERIODS OF NECTAR SECRETIONS IN DIFFERENT LOCALITIES. Through the courtesy of several bee keepers the writer is able to present with considerable detail the periods of nectar secretion of ° Reported of importance and very productive in Hampshire County. ^ Jackson, Joseph J. 1894. Through Glade and Mead. Jackson (p. 293) lists it for Worcester County. It was also reported to the writer three times from Berkshire County. 94 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS ON APICULTURE. the more important honey plants in several sections of the State. It should be remembered, however, that the dates of nectar yielding must necessarily vary from year to year and at dilTerent elevations in the same territory; consequently the data here presented may be slightly at variance with other observations. HEKKSIIIHE RPXJION. ( I'urnishcd l)y E. II. I)«>woy, of (iroat Barrinj^ton, Mass.) Pussy willow, April 1 to 15. Pussy willow in slioltored places will bloom as early as' the loth of March aud be visited by bees for pollen. Whether they ji(»t honey as early as that from this source I do not know. Just when pussy willow bej;ins to yield honey I can not positively state, for bees work on it very early, but I have seen them with tongues extended in search of honey as early as the dates indicated. Soft maple, April 1 to 8. Hard maple, April 20 to May H. Fruit bloom. May 1 to 25, liaspberry, June 5 to 30. Locust, June 5 to 15. Wild mustard. Wild nnistard, I am told, appears about six weeks after culti- vation. It is most frequently seen here from the middle of June to the 1st of July. Clover, June 5 to July 25, White sweet clover, July 10 to Au.uust 25, Sumac, July 10 to 20, Basswood, July 1 to 15. Milkweed, July 5 to 20. Chestnut, July 10 to 15. Buckwheat, August 1 to 25. Smartweed, September 5 to frost. Brook sunflower (Bidcns Iwvis), September 5 to — . It is fairly covered with bees. I have seen three or four working on a single blossom. Grows on low land and margins of water. Golden-rod, August 20 to frost. One variety of golden-rod appears here the middle of August, but never secretes honey. Asters, September 1 to frost. Tag alders, September 1 to frost. In my immediate locality tag alders are not common, but can be found in swampy places a few miles from here. CENTRAL REGION. (Furnisl)O(l l).v Dr. ,Tainos I'.. Paij^o. Massaclnisotts Afjricultiiral CoUejif". Amherst. Mass.) Fruit l)loom. May 12 to ."^O, Cherry, plum, :nul peach are the earliest. Appl<* lasts the longest. Clover, June 10 to August 1. EuroiK'an linden, June 15 to July 1. Raspberry. June (5 or 7 to about June 20. American linden, July 21 or 25 and lasts ten days to two weeks. Buckwheat, latter i)art of July or August 1, Lasts nearly a month, according to (|uality of soil and location, Golden-nxl and as'ters, September 1, Listing until frost. .Smartweed, August 25 until frost. Does not api)ear to secrete after frost comes. BEE KEEPING IN MASSACHUSETTS. 95 Wild clematis, July 25 to September 1. Cultivated variety {Clematis paniculala) blooms early in September, but I doubt if it secretes honey ; it is sparingly visited for pollen. Thoroughwort. ceases about 1st of September. About the 1st of April we get soft maple, willow, skunk cabbage, alder and some elms, and cultivated plants, such as crocuses, etc., which, I suspect, supply more pollen than nectar. CAPE COD REGIOX.« (Furnished by Mr. Allen Latham, Norwich, Conn.*") Dandelion, in May. Huckleberry, in late May. Blackberry,^ in late May. White clover, in June and July. Common locust (in Truro), June. Sumac (Rhus copaUina) (occasionally), in July. White alder {Clethra alnifolia), July to August. Fireweed {ErecJitites hicracifoUa). August to September. Cut-leafed water hoarhound (Lycopus amcricaniis), August to September. Burr-marigold, August to September. Pink knotweed, August to September. Various golden-rods, August to September, especially Solidago scmpcrvircns. a gigantic variety of golden-rod which thrives in the sand along the beach. Various asters, like those which are common all over New England, September to October. Cranberry, flourishes and blooms for a long period. This may yield nectar. Strawberry, grows wild by the acre and the children and women carry bushels upon bushels of these berries home every June. Possibly in that region this plant yields nectar. The beach plum is an old settler and is found all about the Cape whitening all the beach and dunes with its blooms in May. Whether the bees get any honey from that bloom I do not know. Wild cherry, both the black or " rum " and the " choke." grow in abundance. As these yield practically nothing inland. I judge they furnish the bees no nectar there. Listed in the order of their importance to the bee keeper : 1. Huckleberry. — Without this one could not be sure of a crop of honey often er than every other year, and possibly not one year in three. 2-3. Hoarhound and fireweed. — Probably the hoarhound should rank ahead of fireweed. 4. Fall fiowers, golden-rod and asters especially. The fall flowers will always furnish a crop if the weather permits the bees to gather it, but too often the weather is foggy or high winds blow, or else it is °A good account of bee keeping in this region is found in the following paper: Miller, Arthur C. 190G. A Fnique System. How an Ingenious School Teacher Harvests Crops of Honey from a Desert. American Bee Keeper, Vol. XVI, pp. 206-210, October. Illustrated. ^ Mr. Latham specifies that the data relate to the " plants known to yield honey near Provincetown," the extreme end of Cape Cod, about 50 miles direct by sea from Boston and 25 miles from Plymouth. <' It is possible that blackberry is very important. I do not know its honey, and the flavor may be lost in the honey from huckleberry bloom. 96 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS ON APICULTURE. too cold. I Lave never bad such crops of fall honey here (Norwich, Conn.) as I have had down among those sand dunes, once hi three or four years, strong colonies laying upward of a hundred pounds. 5-6. White clover and Clethra, about equal. 7. Sumac. RACES OF BEES. Among the bees of Massachusetts are found representatives of those kept in all parts of the United States. They occur only in relative degrees of purity, due to the fact that young queens often mismate. " Hybrid " means any cross between recognized races, but more par- ticularly and generally the cross between Italians and Germans. ITALIAN BEES. According to the data at hand, 594 bee keepers say they have Ital- ians. This does not mean pure Italians in every instance, but it does indicate that practically half of the bee keepers who reported have Italians, a highly encouraging condition. Furthermore, 342 report that they have hybrids, which may almost universally be interpreted as a cross between Italians and Germans. By adding this to the number who report Italians, it makes 930, or about 80 per cent, of those reporting who have some Italian in their hives. This clearly demonstrates the popularity of the race. There are several strains of Italians, such as " long-tongued," or " red-clover," and " golden," or '* five-banded," and the like. Al- though these strains are all found in Massachusetts, data concerning them is not sufficient to decide their relative merits or popularity. GERMAN BEES. Pure German or black bees are exceedingly scarce. In the county of Worcester the writer has seen what he believed to have been the pure-blooded Germans ; but these colonies are seldom met with. Al- though, as is shown in the table below, 19G persons report that they have German bees, there is as much or even more doubt that these are strictly pure as there is doubt that all of the Italians reported are pure. This race, at least in ^lassachusetts, is destined to be sup- j)lanted by the Italians, although some bee keepers still complain that their Italians are constantly being crossed with blacks. CARNIOLAN BEES. This race, from Carniola, Austria, is not generally used in Massa- chusetts. Many who were interested when it was first introduced into America tried it and since discarded it ; but 34 persons, or 3 per cent, reported having it in 190G. BEE KEEPING IN MASSACHUSETTS. 97 OTHER RACES. Practically every other race of bees known in the United States is on trial in Massachusetts. Several mention the newly introduced Caucasians. The Punic, Q^prian, and Banat bees are also reported. Considering the races by localities in the State, it is difficult to see that either the Italians or the Germans are more common to any one section than to another. Italian blood tends to predominate. Per- sonal observation, however, shows that hybrids or the more purely German are found in the back country, where newer methods of bee keeping usually receive less attention; the pure Italians and more recently introduced races are found near the large communities. Table YI. — Prevalence of different races of bees. Number reporting. Percentage Italian. 594 50 Hybrids.a 342 30 Black or German. 196 16 Carnio- lan. 34 other Hybrids are largely an admixture of Italian and German races. HIVES. In 1852 Langstroth patented his movable-frame hive, which marked the beginning of modern bee keeping. In the same year he moved from Philadelphia, Pa., to Greenfield, Mass. Bee keeping was then in a deplorable condition, as he remarked, most of the hives in use being those impractical devices classed under the names of " box hives," " patent hives,"' and the like. According to the writer's ob- servations, these old-fashioned hives are fast being replaced by frame hives ; colonies in box hives in the country are being exterminated by disease; they are also bought up for transferring and for use in cucumber greenhouses; at present, bee keepers seldom, if ever, start with anything but frame hives. Of those who reported the kind of hive which they use, 10 per cent have exclusively box hives and 8 per cent more acknowledge having a few. ^loreover, there are a thousand persons who did not reply, and it is fair to presume that a considerable percentage of these have box hives. It will, conse- quently, not be exaggerating to estimate that 25 per cent, and possibly 30 per cent, of the bee keepers of Massachusetts still use these hives to some extent. Lamentable, too, is the fact that the apiaries in Berk- shire County, against the Xew York State line, are perhaps in worse condition, so far as the box-hive problem is concerned, than other apiaries of the State, for figures show that one-third of the bee keep- ers of Berkshire County are using the old-fashioned hive. This circumstance is particularly unfortunate because the flora promises 98 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS ON APICULTURE. g(K)d honey iH'oduction; and again because this is a border-line county, which may serve, with its high jiercentage of box hives in which diseases are controlled with difficulty, as a source of bee diseases in both States. The condition on the whole is hopeful — 90 per cent of those report- ing hiive largely oi* exclusively frame hives, which shows a progressive tendency. It is not, however, within the province of this paper to discuss the relative merits of the various frame hives which are in use. The several makes and patterns in principle are the same; they vary only in detail of construction and proportion. Climatic conditions, the methods of the bee keeper, whether for comb or extracted honey — in a word, the needs of the individual should govern his selection. By far the most i)opular hive is the one generally used in the United States, perfected by Langstroth. In its simplicity and propor- tions it has proven satisfactory to the climate of Massachusetts. Two sizes, the 8 and the 10 frame hives, are popular. According to the statistics, the 8-frame hive is more common (340 bee keepers report having it) than the 10 frame (260 bee keepers). There is a rather strong tendency, judging from remarks in the reports, toward the 10-frame hive. Another 10-frame hive, devised in Franklin County, has a shorter and deeper frame" than the standard, and is second in j^opularity. Its use is rather local, however, being confined largely to central and western Massachusetts, where 100 bee keepers report having it. There is but one '' closed-end frame " hive in use to any extent. Seventy-seven bee keepers are using it. Besides these three types and the box hive, there are a great many homenuide contrivances and a few patent hives wath some merit. WINTERING. METHODS. Bees are wintered in two ways. By far the most common and at the same time least laborious and less efficient in the latitude of Mas- sachusetts is on the summer stands. The writer has seen bees go thi'ough a winter in Massachusetts unprotected, without bottom board and the corners of the hive rotted away. All manner of devices for protecting the bees on the sununer stands are used. They are packed, put in winter cases, and wrap])ed in ])aper. But the safest method ill a climate as famous for severe and variable weather as that of "The frniuo Is 14 inches lonj? and 10? inches deep, with a top bar one-half incli lliick. 1 inch wide, and KJJ inclies lonj;, witli tlic corners clipped at each end. Tile ends of the frames are one-half l)y seven-eijrhths inch, and the bot- tom bar is one-fourth by seven-eighths inch. BEE KEEPING IX MASSACHUSETTS. 99 Massachusetts is to winter in the cellar. Unfortunately, many of those who attempt it are not altogether proficient. Of those who have reported their method of wintering only 13 per cent winter their bees in a cellar. It is well established that by proper cellar win- tering the loss in northern countries may be reduced to a minimum. In order to do this properly the bee keeper must be painstaking and observing: he must use a dry cellar and maintain as nearly a uniform temperature as possible. MORTALITT. In New England and the Xorthern States loss during severe win- ters may run as high as 70 per cent. This loss is greatly reduced in favorable winters, when it is as low as 10 per cent. Were all the bee keepers competent and careful, this loss might generally be reduced to 2 or 8 per cent. II i>) 0^% \B/IPNST/JBL£ \ BR/STOL £SS£X M/DDL£S£)( /VO/?£Ol/< PLVMOC/r/f y5U££0l/< C^^ ( B£/?/rs////?£ \ 15 Middlesex 244 Norfolk 1 50 1 20 Suffolk ... . . 1 1 15 Worcester 40 ' 100 Total 118 o73 i J>584 "Average of those reporting, 8. ** ICsti mated total, 044. THE BEE MARKET. It is doubtful whether in any other State in the Union more colonies of bees are sold, in proportion to the number on hand in the spring, than in Massachusetts. As is pointed out, the cucumber in- dustry has much to do with this. Although there are many small, more or less amateur bee keepers in the State w^ho customarily sell their surplus colonies, the trade is not at all confined to them. The sup2^1y houses and commercial bee keepers sell heavily, which is remarkable in a region where there is so little bee keeping on a large scale. Peculiarly, every county in the State shares in the trade about equally, in proportion to their respective number of colonies. The table, arranged from the statistics of 190G, shows that the bee keepers of Bristol, Essex, Franklin, Hampden, Hampshire, Middle- sex, Norfolk, and Worcester counties sold approximately one-fifth of all the colonies on liand in the spring. Plymouth County, however, took the lead, selling 39 per cent, while in the remote counties of Barnstable and Berkshire, and in the metropolis county, Suffolk, the sale was relatively light. Table VIII. — Xuniber of colonies sold as compared with colonies o/f hand in spring of I'JOiJ. Number of colonies of bees. County. Number of colonies of be^s. County. Sj>ring of 1906. Sold in 1906. Spring of 1906. Sold in 1906. BftrnRtftblc 185 495 321 531 491 366 1 29 80 J 07 102 73 1 Hampshire 408 962 364 463 67 1,199 46 Middlesex 142 Bristol Norfolk 72 Fsscx Plymouth 170 1 Suffolk Worcester 3 202 BEE KEEPING IN MASSACHUSETTS. 103 PRICES OF BEES. Figured on a basis of $5 a colony, which is an exceedingly low average price, the total sales reported for 1906 would have amounted to $5,135; at $6 per colony they would have amounted to $6,162, which more justly represents transactions. Colonies of bees sell as low as $2, or, if they are in a nail keg or soap box, for $2.50 ; at about $3 if in a regular box hive ; and from $1 to $10, according to the race, strength, and season, if in frame hives of standard patterns ; a usual price is $6. The customer sometimes furnishes an empty hive to the bee keeper, in which to hive a swarm. Such swarms bring about $3. THE QUEEN TRADE. Besides a trade in colonies of bees, there are several persons in- terested in commercial queen rearing. All but three of these, how- ever, do a relatively local business. On account of late and cold springs, Massachusetts is handicapped in producing early queens for market which shall compete Avith those raised in the South. The prices prevailing throughout the country — 75 cents, $1, and up — are charged for queens produced in Massachusetts. It is difficult to calculate just how many queens are reared for sale, but an estimate of 500 may not be far from correct. ENEMIES. The only enemy which is formidable in all parts of the State, but which is not detrimental to progressive bee men, is the bee moth, Galleria mellonella L. This insect, however, has been credited by all the early apiarists, Langstroth included, with devastating, crip- pling, and practically annihilating the bee-keeping interests through- out New England. According to Edmund Smith," it first took hold in eastern Massachusetts about 1800. In 1805 it reached Connecticut. Thence it spread westward. Writers — as, for instance. Smith — were formerly inclined to consider the moth as a formidable enemy. Smith says : " For a time, Avherever it appeared it nearly destroyed the bees. At first it was more fatal than it has been since.'' The inroads of the moth led to all sorts of claptrap devices in the form of " patent hives " to protect the bees from the pest. But there is serious doubt, in view of recent discoveries of the relation of moths and bee disease, if this historical disaster was really due to the moth. There is good reason to believe moths were secondar3^ while disease, not then under- stood, was primary. This matter is more fully discussed in a former " Smith, Edmund, Chairman. 1864. Bee Culture, Essex. From the report of the Committee on Bread and Honey. Abstract of the returns of the agri- cultural societies of Massachusetts. Bound together with Eleventh Annual Report of Secretary of INIassachusetts Board of Agriculture, pp. 221-229. 104 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS ON APICULTURE. paper." The moth does not materially damage strong, healthy colonies, but is a menace only to persons who are inattentive to their bees or who are careless, leaving empty combs about their hives and bee yards, and who fail to recognize and to treat bee diseases. Combs not in use or not covered by l)ees should be fumigated with carbon bisulphid and sealed in tight boxes for storage. dama(;e to the bee-keeping industry by the gipsy moth (porthe- TRIA DISPAR) and BKOWN-TAH. MOTH (eUPROCTIS CHRYSORRHCEA) . Xumerous complaints came from eastern Massachusetts, where gipsy and brown-tail moths are doing tremendous damage to forest and shade trees, that they were causing a loss to the apiarist as well. Damage is done both directly to the bees and indirectly to the honey flora. From Cliftondale, Plssex County, one bee keej^er says that they have bothered during June and July by trying to crawl in at the entrance of his hives. Another speaks of the caterpillars having eaten up all the plants which the bees commonly forage upon, save golden-rod and burdock, and have thus caused a loss of his bees. Failure of his honey crop in 190G is attributed to severe ravages of gipsy and brown-tail moths. The basswood of New England was formerly a good honey producer and could be counted upon for a crop, is a report from Melrose, but since the brown-tail and gipsy moths defoliated the trees it can no longer yield much. A Medford bee keeper contributes this interesting note: Gipsy and brown tails liavo so spoiled the fruit bloom, an important factor in spring buildinj?, that colonies fall to become sufficiently strong for the har- vest. The willow, maple, and elm, early pollen yielders. have also suffered from the moths, which has consequently damaged bee keeping. Another peculiar case is reported from Cliftondale. Brown-tail and gipsy moths were so thick on the trees when a number of swarms came out that the bees did not stay near the apiary. The trees were covered with them so that the bees would not stay to be hived. * * * In regard to tlie honey plants, the moths destroyed all the blos- soms on the fruit trees and wild plants. Every place was covered with them each year from 1904 to 190(5; the result is that there was no honey this j-ear (1900), owing to so many of the fruit trei^s and honey plants being destroyed by the pest. BEE DISEASES. This subject lias already been treated with some detail in a former paper.'' 'Since the api)earance of that paper, however, the extent of diseases and the damage they are doing have become more fully real- « dates, Rurton X. 190.S. Bee Diseases in Massachusetts. Bui. No. 75, Part III, Bureau of Kntomology; Bui. 124, Mass. Agr. Exp. Station. ''Ibid, pp. 2IWJL*; also Bui. No. V24, Agr. Exp. Station, Amherst, Mass. BEE KEEPING IN MASSACHUSETTS. 105 ized. Consequently their general distribution has been found to be even greater than was then believed. BEE KEEPERS' ORGANIZATIONS. Bee keepers' societies, fairs, institutes, conventions, and the course of instruction in bee keeping at the Massachusetts Agricultural Col- lege at Amherst are strong factors in the advancement and progress of apiculture in Massachusetts. The societies bring together the practiced and proficient bee keepers in several sections of the State. The instruction at Amherst reaches a few, largely beginners, each year; conventions and institutes bring together the new and the old bee keepers from over a large area for consideration of present-day problems ; the State and county fairs and agricultural shows educate the public and benefit the industry. There are at present two societies organized in the interest of pro- moting bee keeping. The oldest is the Worcester County Bee Keepers' Society, organized April 14, 1900. Meetings are held monthly throughout the winter months. At least once each summer there is a field meeting and institute. Since 1906, in the fall of each year, a '* bee show " or fair is held at T^'orcester, where are held com- petitive exhibits of bees, products, supplies, etc. There is usually a series of lectures in connection with the fair. The other society is the Massachusetts Society of Bee Keepers, which was organized March 24, 1906, when the Massachusetts Api- cultural Society was disbanded. Meetings are held in Boston once each month during the winter. Another society, to be called the Franklin, Hampshire, and Hamp- den Bee Keepers' Association, was provisionally organized at an insti- tute meeting of the Massachusetts State Board of Agriculture at Lud- low, Mass., July 21, 1908. INSTRUCTIOX IX BEE KEEPING. At the Massachusetts Agricultural College, Amherst, there is given each year, beginning the fourth Wednesday in May and continuing two weeks, a course in apiculture, which is free to those who enroll. The course includes excursions to apiaries of peculiar interest, lec- tures, and practical demonstration and practice. CONVENTIONS. The Massachusetts State Board of Agriculture is exceedingly in- terested in promoting bee keeping and holds several institutes each year, usually with the bee keepers* societies. Several papers on bee keeping, enumerated in the appended bibliography, have been pub- lished by the board. 78013°— Bull. 75—11 8 106 MlSCKTJ.ANEors PAPKRS ON APICULTURE. SUMMARY. As early as 1(*»14 Iho colonii's made a he^inniiitj: in apiculture in Massachusetts. Moie than two centuries passed, however, before modern Ikh' keeping l)e0G-7 was 10 to 17 per cent, which taxed the Ix'e keepers nearly $5,000. By far the majority winter their bees on summer stands, protected in various ways or unj)rotected. A few take advantage of cellar wintering, but most of those who follow this practice are not especially proficient. BEE KEEPING IX MASSACHUSETTS. 107 A thousand colonies or more are annually used in cucumber green- houses. Since practically all of these colonies are useless after com- ing out of the houses, there is a constant demand and sale for bees. Several greenhouse men use from 40 to 80 colonies a year. The average number reported is 8 colonies. In the sale of bees the several counties, exclusive of Barnstable, Berkshire, and Suffolk, sold in 1906 approximately one-fifth of all their bees, spring count. In Plymouth County the sale amounted to 30 per cent. The total income amoimted to between $5,000 and $6,000. The queen-rearing industry is limited to a few persons and late springs make it difficult to compete with southern producers. The chief enemy reported is the bee moth. There is great doubt, however, if the damage attributed is really and primarily due to it. There is, on the other hand, sufficient reason to believe that disease is primary and that destruction by the moth is secondary. Gipsy and brown-tail moths are also reported as interfering severely with apiculture in the eastern part of the State. Massachusetts is particularly fortimate and in some ways in advance of other communities in her bee keepers' institutions. Xot alone do local societies aim to promote bee keeping, but the State Board of Agriculture, State Experiment Station, and Agricultural Station as well, are deeply interested in the advancement of api- culture. A LIST OF THE MORE IMPORTANT ARTICLES ON BEE KEEPING IN MASSACHUSETTS. 1906. Massachusetts field uieetiug. Americau Bee-Keeper, X\'I. i»i». ISS- 189. VJiJS. Worcester County (Mass.) convention. American Bee-Keeper. XVI 1 1, p. 43. 1908, Has annual meeting:. Worcester County Bee Keepers' Association Elects Officers. American Bee-Keei)er, XVIII, pp. 40-41. Adams, Geo. W. 1906. Farm bee keei^ers [in Massachusetts]. American Bee-Keeper, XVI, pp. 88-89. 1906. Massachusetts bee keeping in 1(>44. Supply manufacturing before the clays of new-fangled fixtures. American Bee-Keeper, XVI, pp. 180-181. Babcock, L. B. 1855. Bees. Xorfolk [County]. The agriculture of Massachusetts as shown in returns of the agricultural societies, 1854. Prepared by Charles L. Flint. Bound with Second Annual Report of the Secretary of Massiichusetts Board of Agriculture. Boston. Pp. 403-405. Brooks. Jennie. 1909. Memories of Langstroth by one who knew him in her childhood. Bee Keepers' Review, XXII, Xo. 2, pp. 3r>-42. Canning, Josiah D., Chairman : Cowles, David S. ; Weight, Asahel. 1854. Bees and honey. The agriculture of Massachusetts, as shown in the returns of the agricultural societies, 1853. Prepared by Charles L. Flint. Bound with First Annual Report of the Secretary of Massachusetts Board of Agriculture. Boston. Pp. 390-393. 108 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS ON APICULTURE. Dkwey. E. IL r.K»7. K. II. Dowoy's doinj^s. Aniorican litH'-Kccpor, XVII. p. 85 IIMJS. Yes; KelcK.itc tho box hive. American liee-Keeper, XVIII, pp. 42^3. Eddy, Dk. IIknky. 1S5S. IUh» cuUuiv. Abstracts of returns of the agricultural societies of Massiichusetts, lsr)T: edited by Charles L. Flint. Bound with Fifth Annual Kcj'oi't <>f the Secretary of Massachusetts Board of Agri- culture. Pp. L'TS-l>Si). Illustrated. Boston. Ellsworth, J. Lkwis. IJMn). Bee keeping; in Massachusetts. Annual Kei)ort of the Secretary of Massachusetts State Board of Agriculture, 1IK).S. ESTABBOOK, A. II. 1!M)S. Worcester County bee keeiK?rs' meeting. American Bee-Keeper, XVI II, p. 17G. [ESTAIIROOK, A. II. i 11M>7. Schedule of the bee show of the Worcester County Bee Keeiiers' Association, Sept. 13 and 14, 11)07. American Bee-Keei)er, XVII, pp. lSiy-190. Flint, Chaklks L. IStu;. Thirteenth Annual lieport of the Secretary of Massachusetts Board of Ajxriculture for lS(r). Boston. Pp. 314-320. Apicultural statis- tics by counties in I'art II of the Kei)ort, Abstracts of lieturus of the Agricultural Societies of Massachusetts, 18G6. (iATKs, Burton N., and Hodge, C. F. 11)04, 1905. Bee keeping: How to meet its dangers and difficulties. Mass. Crop Report, XVII, No. G, October, VJ04, pp. 30-40. Fifty-second Annual Beport of the Secretary of Massachusetts State Board of Agriculture. Pp. 411-42G. Boston : 1905. (iATKs, Burton N. 190G. The first annual bee show of the Worcester Co. (Mass.) Bee Keepers' Association. American Bee Journal, XLVI, pp. 946-947. 190G. An interesting meeting. Report of the first of the series of winter meetings of the Worcester County (Mass.) Bee Keepers' Associa- tion. American Bee-Keei)er, XVI, pp. 200-2(51. IJKX;. Worcester County Association. American Bee-Keei)fer, XVI, pp. 97-99. 1!>()T. Status of bee keeping in Massachusetts in 190G. American Bee- Keeper, XN'II, pp. 79-81. 11)07. March meeting of the Worcester County (Mass.) Bee Keepers' Asso- ciation. American Bee-Keeper, XVII, pp. 88-90. 19(J7, ltK)S. Bee keei»iug: Some suggestions for its advancement in Massa- chusetts. Massachusetts Crop Report, XX, No. 4, August, 1907, pp. 2(h-.3(J. Fifty-fifth Annual Report of the Secretary of Massachu- setts State Board of Agriculture, 1907. Boston : 17. Relegate the box hives. American Bee-Keeper. XVII. pp. 271-273. r.>o.s. IUm' diseases in Massachusetts. Bulletin 75, I'art III. Bureau of Entomology, IT. S. Department of Agriculture; Bulletin 124, Massa- chusetts Agricultural College. 12 pp. l'.K>'.». A UM'thod of sei'uring apicultural statistics. Journal of Economic Entomology, II, pp. 117-120. Latham, Allan. 1!K)8. Is it well to relegate the bo.x hive? American Bee-K(H'per, XVIII, pp. 2^. MiLi.KK. Akthir C. 19(m;. a uni(iue systenh American Be<'-KeeiH'r, XVI, pp. 20(>-210. P.km;. Worcester County btH» keeix'''-**' show. American Bee-Keeper, XVI, pp. 231-2;i.3. l'.K»7. The Wiswell-Richardson apiary. Wi»st Medford, Mass. American Bee-Keeper, XVII, p. S. 11M)7. The .Massachusetts society. American Bee-Keeper, XVII. pp. 100-101. 11K)7. The .Massiichusetts lield meet. American Bee-Keeper, XVII, p. 206. 1'.K>7. I'lie .Massjichusetts meeting. American Bee-Keei>er, XVII, pp. 220- 221 I'.KiT. Protltabh' meeting at Worcester, Mass. American Bee-Keeper, XVII, PI.. 239-241. 1IM)7. Ob.idlah Bn»wn Hadwen. American Bee-Keeper, XVII, p. 282. 1908. Massjichusetts bee keepers. American Bee-Keeper, XVIII, p. 103, BEE KEEPING IX MASSACHUSETTS. 109 [Miller, Abthub C] 1908. Good work in Massachusetts. American Bee-Keeper, XVIII, pp. 137-13S. Paige, James B. 15X)3, 1904. Bee keeping: Its pleasures and profits. Massachusetts Crop Report, Bui. Xo. 3, July. l^KDS, pp. 30-40. Fifty-first Annual Report of the Secretary of Massachusetts State Board of Agriculture. Boston : 1ck:>4. pp. 399-111. Illustrated. 1906. Wood's bee disease. American Bee-Keeper. XVI, pp. 69-70. 1906. Death of James Fitts Wood, of Athol, Mass. American Bee-Keeper, XVI, pp. 73-74. 1907. The first principles of bee keeping. Nature Leaflet No. 84, Massa- chusetts State Board of Agriculture. 10 pp. Illustrated. Rice, David, Chairman. 1861. Bee culture. Hampshire [County] Abstract of the returns of the agricultural societies of Massachusetts for 1860. Bound with Eighth Annual Report of the Secretary of Massachusetts Board of Agriculture for 1860, pp. 22<:)-234. Boston. Smith. Jerome V. C M. D. 1831. An essay on the practicability of cultivating the honey bee, in maritime towns and cities, as a source of domestic economy and profit. Boston : Perkins and Marvin ; New York. Frontispiece and cuts. 106 pp. Smith, Edmund. Chairman. 1864. Bee culture. Essex [County]. Abstract of returns of the agricul- tural societies of Massachusetts, 1S63. Edited by Charles L. Flint. Bound together with the Eleventh Annual Reix)rt of the Secretary of Massachusetts Board of Agriculture, pp. 221-229. Boston. Thacheb. James. M. D. 1829. A practical treatise on the management of oees : And the establish- ment of apiaries, with the best method of destroying and prevent- ing the depredations of the bee moth. Boston. 164 pp. Wright, W. D. 1908. Equipment and manipulation of an apiary for comb honey. De- livered at the Worcester County Massachusetts bee keepers' asso- ciation. April 11, 1908. American Bee-Keeper, XVIII, pp. 115-116. [Wright, W. D.] 1908. Foul brood. Worcester Telegram, April 12. American Bee-Keeper, XVIII, pp. 120-121. INDEX Page. Acacia, sources of honey in Hawaii 48 Acer spp. (See Maple.) Achrom grisella, destructive to stored comb 73 work in colony infected with American foul brood 21 JEsculus spp. {See Horse chestnut.; Agave sisalana, source of honey in Hawaii 49 Age, relation to bee diseases 34 Alder, black. {See Clethra.) period of nectar secretion in central region of Massachusetts 95 source of honey in Massachusetts 93 tag, period of nectar secretion in Berkshire region of Massachusetts 94 white. {See Clethra.) Alfalfa honey, rapid granulation _ 9 source of honey in Hawaii 49 Alfilaria. (See Erodium cicutarium and E. moschatum.) Algarroba honey in Hawaii 47^8 introduction into Hawaii 47 "Alii." (See Dodonaea liscosa var. spathulata.) Alligator pear. (See Per sea gratissima.) ^Zniwspp. {See Xlder.) Amelanchier hotryapium, source of honey in Massachusetts 93 Andrenidae as pollenizing agents 70 Aphis sacchari, source of honeydew honey in Hawaii 50 sugar cane. (See Aphis sacchari.) Apiaries, badly proportioned distribution a source of loss 75-76 Apiculture. {See Bee keeping.) Apidae as pollenizing agents 69 Apis mellifera. {See Bee.) Apple, period of nectar secretion in central region of Massachusetts 94 source of honey in Massachusetts 90, 93 Aquilegia canadensis, source of honey in Massachusetts 93 Arctium lappa. {See Burdock.) Argemone mexicana, source of honey in Hawaii 49 Arnica montana, source of honey in Massachusetts 93 Artemisia, source of honey in Hawaii 49 Asckpias spp. (5^6 Milkweed.) Aspergillus pollini, supposed relation to '" pickled brood " 37 Asters, importance as honey plants in Cape Cod region of Massachusetts 95 period of nectar secretion in Berkshire region of Massachusetts 94 Cape Cod region of Massachusetts 95 central region of Massachusetts 94 source of honey in Massachusetts 90, 92 Avocado. (See Persea gratissima.) Ill 112 MISCELLANEOUS PAPEKS ON APICULTURE. Pago. Bacillus alvei, supposed relation to European foul brood 41 lanac, exciting cause of American foul brood 20, 24, 37, 38, 39-40, 41, 58 " IV' possible exciting cause of European foul brocxl 41 Bacteria, nature, distribution, methods of studying them, results of their activity 36-37 of brood diseases, heating honey for their destruction 12 relation to bee diseases 36-37 Bacteriological needs of beekeeping in United States 77 Banana, source of honey in Hawaii 49 Barberry, source of honey in Massachusetts 93 Basswood (see also Linden). defoliation by gipsy moth and brown-tail moth 104 period of nectar secretion in Berkshire region of Massachusetts 94 source of honey in Massachusetts 91, 93 Bee breeding, importance 78 brush, use 5 colonies sold in Massachusetts 102-103 disease in Hawaii resembling "pickled brood" 57 inspection 31 status in United States 75 survey in Hawaii 56-57 diseases can be controlled 30-31 cause, relation to treatment 33^2 causes, exciting 35-37 predisposing 34-35 damage therefrom 25-26 diagnosis 38 etiology (cause) 34-37 relation to treatment 33-42 heating honey for destruction of bacteria 12 in Massachusetts 23-32, 104-105 introduction not recent 27-28 present extent 26-27 lo68 to bee keepers 73-75 nature, methods of spread, means of preventing introduction into Hawaiian Islands 57-58 relation of etiology (cause) to treatment, summary and conclu- sions 42 spread 29-30 treatment 31-32 curative 39 preventive 38-39 escape, use 5-6 keeping in greenhouses and the spread of bee diseases 29-30 Hawaii 43-58 bee keepers' association 44 rights 45 disease survey 56-58 extent of industry 45-47 honey sources 47-54 introduction of honey plants 54 methods of management 44 publications thereon 43-44 wax production 54-56 INDEX. 113 Page. Bee keeping in Massachusetts 81-109 apiaries, number and size 83-84 articles thereon 107-109 bee diseases 23-32, 104-105 bees in cucumber greenhouses 99-102 colonies per bee keeper 84, 86 increase in number 87 conventions 105 distribution of bees 86-87 early records 81-83 enemies of bees 703-104 experience of bee keepers 8 1-85 historical sketch 81-84 hives used 97-98 honey production 87-89 sources 89-93 instruction in bee keeping 105 market for bees 102-103 organizations of bee keepers 105 pasturage, extent and capabilities 89 periods of nectar secretion in different localities. 93-96 queen trade 103 races kept 96-97 status 23-24 summary 106-107 wax production 89 wintering methods 98-99 mortality 99 United States 59-80 associations, number 69 breeders of queens, number 69 colonies, number and value, June 1, 1900 63 per farm 60, 79 honey production, average annual value 61, 79 imports and exports of honey and wax 64-68, 79 journals, number 69 loss, sources 71-76 needs 76 possibilities 76 production of honey and wax, 1840-1900 62-63 scope 61-71 statistics of Twelfth Census 62-63 summary 79-80 wax production, average annual value 61, 79 introduction of Langstroth hives 83 origin of industry in United States 81-82 winter losses 72 keepers, amateur versus experienced, in Massachusetts 85 professional 60-61, 80 association in Hawaii 44 associations in Massachusetts 105 United States, number 69 years experience in Massachusetts 84-85 114 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS ON APICULTURE. Page. Boo moths (sec also Wax moths, (Va/Ztrm mellonella, and Achroia grisella). in New Enj^land 83 ])ollinalion of cucumbers 99-102 rights in Hawaii 45 vahie as pollcnizin Vrrhrna honariensis, s