LIBRARY August 1953 E-861 AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ON APHELINUS MALI (HALD.), A PARASITE OF THE WOOLLY APPLE APHID 1851-1950 Compiled by M. A. Yothers, Division of Fruit Insect Investigations United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Administration Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ON APHELINUS MALI (HALD.), A PARASITE OF THE WOOLLY APPLE APHID 1851-1950 / Compiled by M. A. Yothers,— Division of Fruit Insect Investigations The woolly apple aphid ( Eriosoma lanigerum (Hausm.)) is one of the most important enemies of the apple. It attacks the foliage, twigs, fruit, roots, and any wounds on the tree. Many control methods have been tried, including spraying, dusting, dipping, fumigation, the development of resistant rootstocks, and natural control by predators and parasites. The hymenopterous parasite Aphelinus mali (Hald.) is a highly effective parasite of the woolly apple aphid. Its use for the control of this pest has been significant in Oregon and Washington, where it was found to be largely responsible for the development of perennial apple canker ( Gloeosporium perennans (Zeller and Childs)). The introduction and establishment of the parasite in these districts reduced both aphid and canker to a minimum. Aphelinus mali is one of the most effective insect parasites. It is a native of North America, having been first described by Haldermann (1) in 1851. Since that time, but particularly during the period 1920-40, this parasite has been studied and introduced into most of the apple- growing regions of the world. In most of them it is giving more or less control of the woolly apple aphid, and considerable literature has grown up relating to it. This bibliography covers the literature from 1851 through 1950. Most of the references were taken from the Review of Applied Ento- mology, Series A. A few were obtained from "A Biological Study of Aphelinus mali Hald., a Parasite of the Woolly Apple Aphid, Eriosoma lanigerum Hausm." Lundie (70); " Aphelinus mali and Its Travels" Howard (129); and from the bibliographies in other articles. _l/ Retired June 30, 1949. The compiler acknowledges much helpful cooperation from E. J. Newcomer of the Division of Fruit Insect Investi- gations, without which the work would not have been completed. 1851 H a 1 e m a nn, S . S . ( 1 ) ► No. 4. Pa. Farm hilus mali (origin ire), 1859 H tin, S. S. (2) (Aphelinus mali ) Boston So . N I. H. \ Proc. 6: 402-403. Des rinted from Haldemann (J_) without figu 1881 •ard, L. O. (3) Report on the parasites of the Coccidae in the collection of th Depa t. U. S. Commr. . 1880: 350-37 Aphelinus mali , p. 356. Included here as the only knov. *h American n r of the tribe Aphelinina not known to be par sitic upon a member of this family (Coccidae). Calls attention to the fact that Kriophilus is a synonym of Aphelinus. 1893 Webster, F. M. Notes on some species of Ohio H optera and Diptera hereto- fore undescribed. Ohio Agr. Expt. Sta. Tech. Ser, Bui. 1(3): . -158. Biological notes on Aphelinus mali. Tin ;s report' having heretofore been unknov 1895 :, I.. O. Revision ol the Aphelininae of North Amei U. S. B .1. 1: 1 - - i;. :ir.s Aphelinus n,.th ■■. Including S meura laniger , -3- 1896 Stedman, J. M. (6) The woolly -aphid of the apple or the apple-root plant-louse ( Schizoneura lanigera (Hausm.)). Mo. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bui. 35: 36-61. A minute chalcid fly, Aphelinus mali , is parasitic on the woolly apple aphid and could, in sufficient numbers, greatly diminish the numbers of aphids, but no case has been observed where this has actually happened. The fly is so small that it will escape the notice of the ordinary observer. 1908 Gillette, C. P. (7) Notes and descriptions of some orchard plant lice of the family Aphididae. Jour. Econ. Ent. 1: 302-310. "We have reared no parasite from it, but on Aug. 21, 1908, L. C. Bragg brought into my office a female Aphelinus mali (det. by L. O. Howard) busily ovipositing in apterous females of this louse ( Eriosoma lanigerum )." and Taylor, E. P. (8) A few orchard plant lice. Colo. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bui. 133: 13, 26, and 37. Aphelinus mali discussed. Howard, L. O. (9) Upon the aphis-feeding species of Aphelinus. Ent. News 19: 365-367. Contains a table of the species, including mali . Smith, H. S. (10) Aphis injurious in Nebraska during 1906-1907. Nebr. State Bd. Agr. Ann. Rpt. : 307-326. Aphelinus mali, page 322. 1909 us ■ iO. Pal >n woolh ind other plant lice. • . "■ . * . A hid genus Aphelir. D a, pa: sitic on S' ■hi/.o: • rataegj Oestlund. P tie 16: 29-31. -.cribe A :•.'..: . -. • i . . sp.)par ji. S. • ■ Probably a synonym foi A Silve , F. (13) Remarks on the present condition of agricultural entomoh '.he I MtL-d States of North An.' and what Italian agricui - UarnTJ Soc. degli Agr. Ital. Bol. 14(8): 305. J~ [1 di _ (English translation in Hawaii. Forester and Agr., Aug. 1909: 287-336.) 1911 Lohrenz, H. V The woolly aphiSj S< hizom ur i lanigera . al natural enemies v. >und t< id. One of flies killed off large colonies in the s; while it was almost impossible to id in " ise th< had been Int m the nurseries. Aphrlinus mal i .nd in the s 11. P • '., 1 \1. E ' curl iphid. M l tes Gillette (8) oi Wi "• . . I Phillips, u . J. The spring grain- U. S. no, ; Reports the paras it< - 5 - 1913 Patch, Edith M. (17) Woolly aphid of the apple ( Schizoneura lanigera ). Maine Agr. Expt. Sta. Bui. 217: 179^ Two days quest in the vicinity of Orono early in September 1913 failed to locate a single woolly apple aphid colony which was not well-nigh demolished by Aphelinus mali . 1914 Slingerland, M. V., and Crosby, C. R. (18) Manual oi fruit insects. 503 pp. Macmillan. New York. Aphelinus mali , p. 157. 1916 Patch, Edith M. (19) Elm leaf rosette and woolly aphid of the apple. Maine Agr. Expt. Sta. Bui. 256: 336. A revision of Bui. 217 (17). 1918 Becker, Geo. G. (20) The apple woolly aphis, Eriosoma lanigerum Hausm. Ark. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bui. 154: 11. Aphelinus mali caused a high mortality of woolly apple aphids. 1920 Anonymous (21) La lucha contra el pulgon del manzano. /UruguayJ Defensa Agr. Bol. Mens. 9: 207-208. Preparatory measures are discussed for importing Aphelinus mali into Uruguay, where the woolly apple aphid is a dangerous pest to fruit trees. Schurmann, G. B. (22) Informe acerca del Aphelinus mali, parasito que ataca al pulgon lanigero. Montevideo Min. Indus. Rev. 8(52): 149-153. The author concludes that the benefit from A_. mali in North America and France is exaggerated and variable. He hopes to introduce it into Uruguay. is (23) Di • • '. , N .ember 1920: entomol : . So. A > . ■ . . Jour. 2(1): 14 ":'.'..: . ■_ li .: • South Africa fro th America is discuss* Departmental activities: entomolog; . :'rica Dept. Agr. Jour. 2(2): 109-113. B> res that the introduction of Aphelinus mali from th :ed tes will become established. - i\ activities: entomology. So. Dept \gr. Jou- . (3): 204-206. Thesuccess of Aphelinus mali is discussed. . ities: entomology. So. * Dept. Jour. 2(A): 301-306. The establishment of the parasite Aphelir/.- n . 1 i of the apple aphid rec i t check, owing to the aphid almost dying out in l- .th its reappearance in March, h •• found in numbers. \) Logy, .So, I), pt. . : . Jo ir. 3(4): 306-31 . i i ■ iblishment of Aphelinus mali '' '. ed. It . sible that Its work Ls hi] I by th< . • i . I . La difu lei Aphelinus mali. _ _ : M( l: 121. A. mali Inl ed Into Uruj 1921 Anonymous (29) El enemigo del pulgon del manzano. Travajos para su aclimatacion. /Uruguay/ Defensa Agr. Bol. Mens. 2(2): 39-41. All the specimens of Eriosoma lanigerum imported from the United States were dead upon arrival, but from this material some living hymenopterous parasites, believed to be Aphelinus mali , have been obtained. (30) Laboratoire de phytopathologie. Soc. Soi. Nat. du Maroc. 1(1): 22-27. The woolly apple aphid in Morroco is not sufficiently abundant to justify the introduction of Aphelinus mali. (31) Rapports sommaires sur les travaux accomplis dans les laboratoires et comptes rendus des missions d'etudes. Ann. des Epiphyt. 7(1919-20): 421-441. Aphelinus mali introduced against Eriosoma lanigerum . Hitier, H. (32) Un parasite du puceron lanigere. Jour. d'Agr. Prat. 36(30): 101. Attention has been directed for some time toward finding a parasite of E. lanigerum , which is so destructive to apple trees in France. Aphelinus mali has been introduced in small numbers from America, and has been very carefully propagated in special cages at various entomological stations. Results have been en- couraging. Too much must not be expected, however, as the multiplication of the parasite in spring is slower than that of E. lanigerum ; later in the season its activities may be of great benefit. Marchal, P. (33) Introduction en France de 1 Aphelinus mali Haldemann, parasite du puceron lanigere. Rev. de Zool. Agr. et Appl. 20(7): 65-70. A. mali , the chalcid parasite of Eriosoma lanigerum Hausm. , has been imported from America and successfully established in various districts in France. Its general distribution over the country is considered only a matter of time. Under natural con- ditions hibernation occurs in the larval or pupal stage within the host larva. During 1921 the first adults emerged toward the end of March. oci'-cq n -8- , P. I Hald. into ] rt. / * i " ( ■) • — A I iction of this parasite of the woolly id into I -ining in the spring of 19 Inti of the woolly apple aphis parasite Aphelinus mail li A 4) tr_^ j gerum in _ Chn- Szkodniki Roslin 1(1 . _ I I h< 21 - 1926 Lounsbury, C. P. (105) ^Report of the chief, Division of Entomology, 1925-26^ Farming ' in So. Africa 1(9): 334-338. Reports the natural spread of Aphelinus mali , except in the Cape Peninsula, where climatic conditions seem to retard its establishment. The parasite is ineffective in spring, but may control the woolly apple aphid by midsummer and so check it in seasons and places where the heat has not killed the aphids naturally; Newman, L. J. (106) Aphelinus mali . West Austral. Dept. Agr. Jour. 3(4): 486-487. Reports the introduction of A. mali to control the black citrus aphid ( Siphonophora sp.) in western Australia. After the first year the outbreak of the aphid had entirely subsided and practically every aphid had been parasitized. From these trees many colonies were distributed elsewhere. (Howard considers this a wrong determination of the aphid.) Nonell Comas, Jaime (107) Estacidn de Patologia Vegetal de Barcelona. Bol. de Patol. Veg. y Ent. Agr. 1(3): 109-110. Aphelinus mali , introduced at Barcelona from Italy and Uruguay, was successfully established against the woolly apple aphid. Theobald, F. V. (108) Entomological department. Southeast. Agr. Col. Res. and Adv. Dept. Ann. Rpt. 1925-26: 5-22. Reports the introduction and establishment of colonies of Aphelinus mali . Tillyard, R. J. (109) The progress of economic entomology in Australia and New Zealand. New Zeal. Dept. Agr. Jour. 32(3-4): 173-181; 236-242. Discusses the introduction and establishment of Aphelinus mali in New Zealand. I n ivelot. i . (1 10) I de T • pliqu» . S . :' I . Indus. < I n of natu "mies of co< . of Apht-Hnus :: .: . .. .: Bt the woolly apple aphi : Van Poeteren, N, (ill) slag over de Werkz in den Plantenziekter en Dienst h ( r 192 . Vers! M 1. Plantenziekt< - I. Dienst Vv u, L24 Reports th* . ival of Aphrhnus mail through the winter of 1924-25 in ether lands. Veiti n, K. (112) K'-port of the chief entomologist. Queensland De, - . -.nd Stock Ann. Rpt. 1925-26: 135-138. Reports much benefit fron 1 of the woolly apple phid by Aph'-linus mali . 19. her, R. C. (113) Recent work U 1 • ; nce on the parasitic coi • f insects. Gard. Chron. 81(2089): 34-36. A brief ac< of the i ment of U s, in southe: : 1- • : I . S. 1 tui • .of Entomol for- the export of I ial Insects to the I .' : S1 R< rts th> essful establishing ah in s» i in [ta it it has nol U in tfa *h. i ! ■ : i : , \\ . E . 1 1 . . I , A . Third annual report of the Depart I g Septei • ■ : i ' Col. 1 21 . ■ • • ■ ^ ' ■'• I • . Pai pai 23 - 1927 Nonell Comas, Jaime (115) Estacion de Fitopatologia Agricola de Barcelona. Bol. de Patol. Veg. y Ent. Agr. 2(8-9): 168-170. Aphelinus mali was introduced at Barcelona from Italy and Uruguay in June 1926. The acclimatization and distribution has proceeded satisfactorily in Spain. Paoli, G. (116) Casi fitopatologici osservati in Liguria nella primavera-estate 1927. /Ttal^7 R. Staz. Patol. Veg. Bol. 7(4): 382-387. Aphelinus mali , introduced into Liguria in 1923, has become acclimatized and is fairly effective in controlling the woolly apple aphid. Theobald, F. V. (117) Entomological department. Southeast. Agr. Col. Res. and Adv. Dept. Ann. Rpt. 1926-27: 16. Aphelinus mali does not appear to be of any value in Kent, where it has been released. Torres Ortiz, J. (118) Estudio biologico sobre el Aphelinus mali. Agronomia 17(3): 106-108. A brief biological study. Veitch, R. Report of the chief entomologist. Queensland Dept. Agr. Rpt. 1926-27: 69-73. Aphelinus mali continues to control the woolly apple aphid. Wahl, B. Der Pflanzenschutz in Oesterreich. Deut. Gesell. f. Angew. Ent. Verhandl. 6; Mitgliederversamml. : 67-78. The establishment of Aphelinus mali to control the woolly apple aphid has been attempted. 2t«758 0—53 4 (119) (120) 192 8 I n de ntrol in s ts of S itions of standard or.- H. asite du puceron 1 v eft A. Suisse 2 An account i luction and establishment ol nd. Biological notes and method . ■i-r, .1. C. i * on the o ren< f insecl : ,ests on crops in I 27 « LL L Agr. Misc. ■ ts furtht Lntrodu itish Is , .-, occurren e the parasit. • •'• ■ ( • 1 1 • . " . :" Plar. for • or< hard wha ■ " A: -25 1928 Van Poeteren, N. (126) Verslag over de Werkzaamheden van den Plantenziektenkundigen Dienst in het Jaar 1926. Verslag. en Plantenziektenkund. Dienst Wageningen. 51, 100 pp. Reports the continuation of rearing" of Aphelinus mali and its distribution. (127) Vraagstukken in verband met ziektebestrijding in de fruitteelt. Tijdschr. over Plantenziekten. 34(8): 211-229. The introduction of Aphelinus mali into Holland in 1926 in 80 fruit-growing localities has not yet given rise to large colonies. 1929 Anonymous (128) The breeding of beneficial parasites. Science 41(1780): 152. An account of the work of the laboratory for rearing beneficial parasites, recently established in England by the Empire Marketing Board and under the control of the Imperial Bureau of Entomology. This laboratory sent consignments of Aphelinus mali to India and Kenya. Howard, L. O. (129) Aphelinus mali and its travels. Ent. Soc. Amer. Ann. 22(3): 341-368. The history of A. mali , the North American parasite of the woolly apple aphid, is discussed, as well as its introduction into various parts of the world. Jancke, O. (130) Zur Frage der Ueberwinterung der Blutlaus und ihres Parasiten Aphelinus mali Hald. Nachrichtenbl. f. den Deut. Pflanzenschutzdienst 9(10): 83-85. Twigs infested with woolly apple aphid parasitized by A. mali were placed on apple in the open at Naumburg in the autumn of 1928, and in April and June 1929 the parasite was found to have survived the very severe winter. I . '..;'■. Ital, Id winters a summers, Aj n rol the woolly id. It withstands I ;. if still within its host. chal, P, *2) Les enemis du pu onditions biologiques et : 5a multiplication. Trai* ... des Epiphyt. 15(3): 125-181. t, mostly taken from the literature, of the intro- . and establish:: • : Aphelil n ;li fro: " rth Am- I . in 1920 and 1921, and its S] i distribution in France up to l!*2H. II also gives notes on its distril itioi ::-. various ; arts of the world, with notes on its biology. Records of its occurrence in other species of aphids than Enosoma lar.itzerum are proba: Lfication. Regmrr, R. 33) E* • lei de la question de 1' acclin. r / j Ii, paras. \ cain du puceron lai Pomol., G pp. •es thai the i Lixnate :.dy, northern Fi .nd gland is not so fa. lishm- li that of th< M Ion, which is n . S . host is V • ■ bl< . E. P. ■-• ill m.). I ■• ' • >'' . (26): 21 mends introduct Colui •• aphid. Th 27- 1930 Anonymous (135) (Aphelinus mali .) Oreg. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bien. Rpt. 1929-30: 16, 17, 86-90, 126-128, 138, 139. U. S. Dept. Agr. Expt. Sta. Rec. 64: 355. Refers to the introduction of A_. mali into the Hood River, Oreg. district in the fall of 1928 from Michigan, and states that it has become well established and has survived two winters. (136) The Entomological Branch. Canada Min. Agr. Rpt., 1929-30: 128-150. Aphelinus mali was liberated against Eriosoma lanigerum. Childs, L., and Gillespie, D. G. (137) Notes on the introduction of the woolly apple aphid parasite, Aphelinus mali . Jour. Econ. Ent. 23: 790-794. Discusses in some detail the introduction and establishment of Aphelinus mali in the Hood River district of Oregon in 1928 with material from Michigan. Cooley, R. A. (138) Montana insect pests for 1929 and 1930* Montana Agr. Expt. Sta. Bui. 238, 23 pp. States that Aphelinus mali is to be introduced to control the woolly apple aphid, which is particularly injurious in the Bitter Root Valley. Howard, L. O. (139) A history of applied entomology. Smithsn. Inst. Misc. Collect. 84, 564 pp. Mentions (pp. 504-506) the distribution of Aphelinus mali from the United States to France, and from France or the United States to England, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, Uruguay, Argentina, and Chile. It has been especially effective in New Zealand and Australia. Refers (p. 505) to the work of Trouvelot (94) in 1925, and states that since his publication A. mali has been taken with success to many different countries and different life zones. Mentions acclimatization in France (p. 507), introduction into Argentina (p. 510), and introduction in Australia fl :. L. 36. •' . 11. •id investigation of th- l_i. -29 - 1930 Sprengel, L. (145) Stand der Kenntnisse uber die biologische Bekampfung der Blutlaus ( Eriosoma lanigerum Hausm.) mit Aphelinus mali Hald., in Europa. Gartenbauwissenschaft 4(1): 11-37. A history is given of the introduction of A. mali into various countries in Europe during the past 40 years. Notes are also given on the biology of the parasite, together with methods for its liberation. Van Poeteren, N. (146) Verslag over de Werkzaamhenden van den Plantenziektenkundigen Dienst in het Jaar 1929. Verslag. en Meded. Plantenziektenkund. Dienst Wageningen. 62, 142 pp. Aphelinus mali survived the very severe winter of 1928-29. Veitch, R. (147) Reports of the chief entomologist. Queensland Dept. Agr. Ann. Rpt., 1928-29: 67-71; 1929-30: 65-66. Aphelinus mali continues to check the woolly apple aphid. 1931 Baird, A. B. (148) Biological control of insect pests with special reference to vege- table insects. Ontario Veg. Growers' Assoc. Ann. Rpt. 26: 39. Aphelinus mali mentioned. Del Geurcio, G. (149) La vespina che libera il pomario della Schizoneora del melo e del pero e salva diecine di milioni alP economia nazionale ( Aphelinus mali Hald.) Redia 19: 253-307. Discusses the various forms of the woolly apple aphid, Eriosoma lanigerum (Hausm.). The establishment of its parasite, Aphelinus mali , saves Italy many millions of lire. Feytaud, J. (150) Rapports sommaires sur les travaux accomplis dans les laboratoires en 1930. Ann. des Epiphyt. 17(1): 62-112. The Bordeaux station has successfully disseminated Aphelinus mali against the woolly apple aphid. 30- 1931 G L < . . , K . r , 1 ) Th< S of parasite introduction in British Columl Int. It. Columbia P. 58: 29-32 Apht-ln, . - • •. ii, Lntl nto British Columbia in 1922, has si. i but has not com] I .ts host. Massec, A. M. 52) Notes on mites and insect pests. East Mailing ^Jtent^ Res. Sta. Hith-18th Ann. Rpt., 1928-30, pt. 2 (sup.): 189-201. I nsui i • ssful attempts to establish Aphelinus mali in 1925, 1927, and 1928 are discussed. Further attempts in 1929 were successful, the parasite becoming established in 1930 in original and neighboring orchards. Menzel, K. (153) Beobachtungen uber das diesjahrige Verhalten des Blutlausparasiten Aphelinus mali. Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Obst. u Weinbau 40(5-6): 117-1 19. A. mali survived the winter of 1929-30 in Switzerland, as h id the preceding winter, and parasitism of 100 percent was observed in 1930. per, w . Die Blutlauszehrwespe in Welschtirol iinus mal . H I i.). v . aufdemGeb. des Pflanzens. h .-.-., 1931(4) A . n a li has con plet< pie a] ".id in I l ■:. !. where it had been very seve: i by fl> • 3 the rh . nfall I mgel, L. U1 hyperi s hfidlingsk., 7(11): 1 3 . i .. ■ .•. Bch.i I reared In 1 1 report* I as th< • . -31 - 1931 Veitch, R. (156) Report of the chief entomologist. Queensland Dept. Agr. Ann. Rpt., 1930-31: 43-46. Aphelinus mali , although effective in controlling the woolly apple aphid in previous years, was not so effective in the past season. Venables, E. P. (157) Aphelinus mali Hald., a parasite of the woolly aphis. Ent. Soc. Brit. Columbia Proc. 28: 16-18. A brief review of the distribution of A. mali into various parts of the world, and a short account of its introduction from Ontario into the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia in 1929. Werneck, H. L. (158) Beitrage zur Einfuhrung und Verbreitung der Blutlauszehrwespe Oberosterreich. Gartenbauwissenschaft 5: 360. Reports the introduction of Aphelinus mali into Austria from France in 1926. It successfully competes with its host in Upper Austria and near Linz. 1932 Childs, L., and Gillespie, D. G. (159) Production and spread of the woolly aphid parasite, Aphelinus mali, in the Hood River Valley. Jour. Econ. Ent. 25(5): 1013-1016. Reports the introduction and establishment of A. mali from Michigan into the Hood River Valley and other points in Oregon in 1929. Notes are also given on methods of liberation and on the biology of the parasite. Kamito, S. (160) /On the biological control of pests in the countries along the Pacific Ocearu/ Oyo-Dobutsugaku Zasshi 4(3): 154-158. £In Japanese/ Aphelinus mali was introduced from Oregon into Japan, and is being reared there. a when it was disco 85 int lavia on lis, II. >i2) voolly aphis Jour. A. -103. The origin .vooll;. s par ■iclinus mali , is attributed s introduced into Tasmani;. s ago, extraordinary extent and S] So it is distributed by th< aphid early stages of parasitism is presented. ell Comas, J. Aptu-lin su difusion en Es. Bol. Ent, Agr. 6(1931, 23-: Reports th. It is -33- 1932 Veitch, R. (166) Report of the chief entomologist. Queensland Dept. Agr. Ann. Rpt., 1931-32: 51-55. Aphelinus mali controlled the woolly apple aphid in many orchards. Ward, F. E. (167) /Notes on insect pestsT/ Tasmania Dept. Agr. Ann. Rpt., 1930-31: 41; 1931-32: 41-44. Liberation of Aphelinus mali was continued in 1931 and 1932. Weir, Robert (168) Canada Department of Agriculture. Work of the Entomological"" Branch during the year ended March 31, 1932. Canada Min. Agr. Rpt., 1931-32: 178. Aphelinus mali mentioned. 1933 Marlatt, C. L. (169) Report of the chief of the Bureau of Entomology, 1933. U. S. Bur. Ent. Ann. Rpt., 1933: 3. Aphelinus mali was shipped to Ecuador. Massee, A. M. (170) Notes on insect pests and mites in 1932. East Mailing [KenTj Res. Sta. Ann. Rpt., 1932, 20: 109-116. Discusses the introduction of Aphelinus mali into several orchards in 1931 and 1932, and its establishment in some of them. Meier, N. F., and Telenga, N. A. (171) Ueber biologische Bekampfung der Blutblattlaus ( Eriosoma lanigerum Hausm.) durch ihren Parasit- - Aphelinus mali Hald., in USSR. Plant Protect. 1932(3): 17-24. ^Summary in German^ Reports the introduction in 1930 of A_. mali i nto Crimea and North Caucausus with material from Italy. Also discusses the biology of the parasite. It survived the severe winter in the Crimea, and three hyperparasites were reared from it. • 1933 E. J. (1 wesi and • ontrol. I . S. D( . ' , Cir. 270: 69. Aphcliiius nuili has been successfully introduced into the Pac; -.h-A-.-st. (S»-.- .Is _ Pussard, R. (173) Observation sur l'accl Aph( lie •.. H.ild. (Hyi Chalcid.) a Saint-Genis-Laval, So . Linn, de Lyon Bui. Mens. (2) 2(1): L2. A. mail was introduced into the Lyons district and other orchards in the neighborhood In June 19 Wille, J. El control del pulgon lanigero del manzano mediante su parasito natural, el Aphelinus mail . [PeruJ I:.:. Esta . Ex] . A r. Min. de Fomento 19: 6-10. The discovery of A. mail in Peru in 1930 and its distribution throughout the country is described, together with an account of its biolo^ 1934 A : nymous ■ort of activities of the H Institute in Z b and lent on it in 1932^ S . -med. Pr< ): 28-60. lln S« Z Reports the inl ■ . n-. in Z • eb. 'I he wroollj by t hi- pi Bod, , 1 . he] Lnus mali In Burgenlai I Neuheit, des Pfla ■ .( 1 ): l . 1 ) . : A . rnal; >m the l ;• ro] nt in ; '.'. here used • • »j tl - 35 1934 Fowler, R. (177) The use of chemically treated corrugated bands as a supplementary control for codling moth. So. Austral. Dept. Agr. Jour. 38(4): 453-456. Chemically treated bands placed on apple-tree trunks had caught great numbers of woolly apple aphids while they were migrating to the roots, but there were not so many in 1933-34, as Aphelinus mali had been numerous. Greenslade, R. M., and Massee, A. M. (178) Some notes on the woolly aphis parasite ( Aphelinus mali Hald.). East Mailing /Kent7 Res. Sta. Rpt., 1933(21): 225-227. Describes the introduction and establishment of A. mali into Kent in 1933. It migrated against the prevailing winds and com- pletely eradicated the woolly apple aphid. Tar-distillate and lime-sulfur sprays did not appear to retard the parasite. In another center it was not effective and sprays had to be applied to control the aphid. Jancke, O. (179) «• Zur Ausbreitungsfahigheit der Blutlauszehrwespe Aphelinus mali Hald. Arb. uber Physiol, u. Angew. Ent. 1(2): 101-109. The author discusses the spread of A. mali , particularly in Germany. He believes that reported dissemination of consider- able distances is due to man, and not to natural distribution. Marcovitch, S. (180) The woolly apple aphid in Tennessee. Tenn. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bui. 151. Aphelinus mali is often capable of wiping out the aerial forms of the woolly apple aphid. Marek, (181) Die biologische Bekampfung der Blutlaus. Landw., Vienna, 1933: 323-325, illus„ (Abs. in Neuheit. auf dem Geb. des Pflanzenschutz. 27(5): 128.) Aphelinus mali introduced into Austria, survived the winter of 1932-33 in only small numbers, owing to severe winter weather. Those enclosed in a tent around some trees survived much better. (182) I. aid H A ins. 82(2): •; A. "d in • rkshire d De Lng en verbr de bh derland. r. i 1 2): . 8. ful, th< I.. A. I (185) - 37 1934 Yothers, M. A. (188) Report on the introduction of Aphelinus mali Hald., a parasite of the woolly apple aphid in the Wenatchee, Wash., district. Wash. State Hort. Assoc. Proc. 30(1934): 68-71. Consignments of A. mali were obtained from Ontario and Oregon in 1931 for the control of Eriosoma lanigerum , in view of its association with perennial canker. In July the parasites were introduced into a large cage constructed around a heavily infested apple tree, and within 60 days their numbers had in- creased so that 25,500 of their progeny were released. Others were released later, and by 1934 the parasite had checked the aphid in many orchards throughout the district. 1935 Anonymous (189) Woolly aphis killed by hungry parasite. Yakima, Wash., Fruit Growers* Assoc. "Big Y" Bui. 14(1): 6. A brief popular discussion of the success of the woolly apple aphid parasite, Aphelinus mali , in controlling the aphid in the Wenatchee, Wash, district, and its spread over 8 to 10 square miles. (See 188). (190) Memoria de los trabajos realizados por la Estacion de Fitapatologia agricola de La Coruia, ano 1934. Galicia Pub. Estac. Fitopat. Agr. 10, 79 pp. Reports the introduction of Aphelinus mali , from Barcelona into Galicia (Poland) and its successful establishment and re- distribution into other districts. (191) Insect pests and their control. Agr. Gaz. N. S. Wales 46(7): 394-398. In most apple orchards the woolly apple aphid is kept under control by the parasite Aphelinus mali. 38 135 Aller, Curti (I y aphid parasr . Wash., S V')thers(lH f success- ful introduc ' is mail inl -natchee, •• district, and offers s wers in the kima distrii Bor , P. K--port of the plant pathologist. *■' . , >3-34: 3, 43 -4' Aphelinus mali was successfully introduced from Italy into Malta and Gozo in 1933-34 and spread into all orchards. Ci'shk, W., and Kawecki, Z. (1 L'apparition en Pologne de l^ Aphdinus m ... Hald. Acad. Cracovie Compt. Fiend. 9: 5. In October 1935 A. mali appeared in several districts Poland without h been artifically intr J ' ' hi<0 In the I Das spontane Auftreten der Blutlauszehrewesj ■•■ _2_____: "■ *1* Hald. In Polen, ' . Cra t. Bui. | 193 (8-1 The « is in ( 194 ). I . P. (1 sts. U. S. i t. Agr. l. :d • .son .i ; i Li. 39 1935 is kept under control at times by the parasite Aphelinus mali . This parasite did not accompany the aphid in its distribution to the western part of the country, but its introduction into the Hood River Valley of Oregon and the Wenatchee district of Washington, resulted in a large measure of control. It was not due to adverse conditions that the parasite did not become established earlier. Cottier, W. (198) Aphides affecting cultivated plants: (4) aphides of the peach, plum, and apple. New Zeal. Dept. Agr. Jour. 51(1): 26-31. Since the introduction of Aphelinus mali the woolly apple aphid has ceased to be a serious pest. Deutschmann, F. (199) Die Blutlauszehrwespe in Sudm*ahren„ Ztschr. f. Pflanzenkrank. 45(1): 41-44. The author reports his introduction of Aphelinus mali into Moravia from Italy in 1933, and states that it has kept the woolly apple aphid in check. «« (200) Die Blutlauszehrwespe in Sudmahren. Kranke Pflanze 12(1): 4-6. Reports the introduction of Aphelinus mali from Italy into southern Moravia in 1933, where it became so abundant that no woolly apple aphids were observed in July 1934. Jancke, O. (201) Ueber den Einfluss einiger Blutlaus-Bekampfungsmittel auf die Entwicklung des Blutlausparasiten Aphelinus mali. Arb. uber Physiol, u. Angew. Ent. 2(2): 96-98. Discusses the results of laboratory tests of sprays upon A. mali . Some preparations would completely destroy the aphid without harming the parasite. Massee, A. M. (202) Notes on mite and insect pests for the year 1934. East Mailing /Kent/ Res. Sta. Ann. Rpt., 1934(22): 165-172. Aphelinus mali , liberated in the spring of 1933, had become well established by October 1934 and had spread into adjoining orchards. a I lit: . K. I . M. Th he apple (El " 12. Aphelin ;ntrod , etoria in 19. usua: the woolly apple aphid und \trol in most orch dealii ments of sit >hids. _ V. P, _ lima- linus isusj Plant Protect. 1935(2): I :•'. J" Q n A. j All Aphrlinus ma! let, G< Q Ti * ^ (206) - 41 - 1935 Strong, L. A. (209) New parasite aids fight on insect pest of fruit. Midwest Fruitman 8(9): 8. Aphelinus mali as a parasite of woolly apple aphid. Sweetman, H. L. (210) The biological control of insects. 461 p., illus. Ithaca, N. Y„ Aphelinus mali , pp. 154-156, 275, 351, 354. Yakhontov, V. V. (211) ^n Aphelinus mali Hald., a parasite of the woolly apple aphis ( Eriosoma lanigerum HausroJ/ Sotziol. Nauka. Tekhn. 3(9); T4~. /Jn Russian^ A. mali, introduced into Tashkent in 1932, survived the unusually severe winter of 1932-33, and became well established the following season. By 1935 the parasite was found in other orchards several thousand yards away. 1936 Anonymous (212) Auftreten der Blutlauszehrwespe Aphelinus mali Hald., in Polen. Nachrichtenbl. f. den Deut. Pflanzenschutzdienst 16(8): 79. It is reported that A. mali has become established in Poland without having been introduced there artifically. It has withstood the Polish winters. (213) Rapports sommaires sur les travaux accomplish dans les laboratoires en 1934 et 1935. Ann. des Epipthyt. et de Phytoge'ne't. n. ser. 2(3): 405-422. It has been difficult to establish Aphelinus mali in some parts of Normandy because the host, the woolly apple aphid, does not appear early enough in the spring to furnish propagation material. Borg, P. (214) Report of the plant pathologist. Malta Dept. Agr. Rpt., 1934-1935. liii-lxi. Aphelinus mali was introduced into Gozo and Malta in 1934 from Italy. Many of the parasites and their hosts, Eriosoma lanigerum , were destroyed during the summer of 1934 by Coccinella septem- punctara L. If' /Results o:~ rnatis is n .. U ea7 r. tt }■: . ~ Rej rts the mass breedir. . mall in Crimea, whe: id been successfully introduced in 1933. Liberate M iOO acre.s r 14,800 tg woolly apple aphid •ation by 70 to 80 perce/ t. Clausen, C. P. (216) Ins' ->itism and biological control. Ent. Soc. An. on. I -223. Discusses the relation between chemicals and biological con- trol and reviews the work on this subject by Jancke and by Noble, with reference to Aphelinus ma its host, the woolly apple hid. Delia Beffa, G. (2 Relazione sull attivita del laboratoria e K. Osservatorio di 1 .• • logia di Torino nell'ani.o 1935. 11 pp. Reports the reintroduction of Aphelinus mall into the Piedmont region and elsewhere dun tr. De Santis, L. -8) I. isitos e hiperparasil ^entinos de los insect pr< a La agrici Ltura | H;- menopt Un parasit cochinilla blai del rosal. l n sito secondai luenos Aires .) I il. de Agr. 16(1 1): Thi alid h ' ■-■.: '■•■ ■ j -is i , which had "d . Aphel mus m. ih . ... Z. i I Blu1 ■' In Sud 1 > _ i ■ j thai LI should -43 - 1936 Kiwitt, O. (220) /The acclimatisation of Aphelinus mali Hald. in the North CaucaususT/ Plant Protect. 1936(8): 104-108. /T*n Russian^/ Reports the introduction and successful establishment of A. mali in the southeastern part of North Caucasus in 1933. Survived minimum winter temperatures of 13 F. below zero. In 1935 it was introduced successfully into Daghestan. Nakayama, S. (221) /Experiments on the introduction, establishment and utilization of Aphelinus mali Haldem., a parasite of Eriosoma lanigerum Hausm. First Report^/ Agr. Expt. Sta. Corea Jour. 8(2-3): 136-149. /Tri Japanese?/ A. mali was introduced into Korea from Japan in 1934. Sprays have not affected the progress of the parasite. Biological data are given. Sidorovnina, E. P., and Ismailov, A. (222) /Summary of the scientific research work of the Institute of Plant Protection for the year 19357/ Roy. 8 vo. 596 pp. /in Russian^/ Discusses the effective establishment and distribution of Aphelinus mali (pp. 313-316) in the different orchard districts in the area of Azerbaijan into which the parasite had been intro- duced 2 years earlier. 1937 Anonymous (223) Rapports sommaires sur les travaux accomplis dans les laboratoires en 1936. Ann. des Epiphyt. et de Phytogenet. n. ser. 3(2): 275-290. Reports the distribution throughout France of Aphelinus mali reared at the Bordeaux station. (224) Diseases, insects, and other pest injuries to plants. Kans. Agr. Expt. Sta. Rpt. 8(1934-36): 90-106. Aphelinus mali was liberated during the years 1934-36. B< I ■ . « A. ed re it | of the woo: especially in midsummer. H. L. iptions of miscellarv Hyme Puerto R 121-1 Thi 1 1 ■ nd is • ' to be I th< - 45 1937 Jary, S. G., and Austin, M. D. (229) Department of Entomology. /Report 1935-367/ Southeast Agr. Col. Jour. 39: 9-15. Aphelinus mali has been liberated in two localities in Kent, and appears to be established in both. Kovacevic' Z. (230) Prilog poznavanju Aphelinus mali . Arh. Min. Poljoprivr. Rpt. 4(6): 19 pp. ^With summary in Germaru/ A. mali Hald., was discovered in Jugoslovia in 1930 and has spread throughout practically the whole country, wherever apples are infested by the woolly apple aphid. Biological data are also given. Morris, H. M. (231) Annual report of the Entomologist for 1936. Cyprus Dept. Agr. Rpt., 1936: 40-49. Aphelinus mali , introduced into Cyprus from England, does not appear to have become established. Polizu, S. (232) ^The parasite of the woolly aphis in Bessarabia and BukovinaT/ Bessarabsk. s. -kh. Vyestn. 1937(6): 7-9. £fn Russian^ An attempt to introduce Aphelinus mali into Rumania in 1923 seemed unsuccessful, but it was found in Moldavia in 1924. In 1936-37 it was giving a high percentage of parasitism in both Bessarabia and Bukovina. Suggests that the parasite may have reached Bessarabia by gradually migrating down the Danube from Jugoslavia. Notes on the biology are given. Sachtleben, H„ and Thiem, H. (233) Die Aussetzung der Blutlauszehrwespe ( Aphelinus mali Hald.) in Berlin-Dahlem und ihre Verbreitung in der Provinz Brandenburg. Arb. uber Physiol, u Angew. Ent. 4(4): 297-321. Sachtleben (pp. 297-299) describes the introduction of A. mali into the Berlin-Dahlem district in 1928 with material from Italy. Thiem (pp. 299-321) reports that the parasite is present in various parts of Germany, in some of which it was liberated in 1924-35. • __ i '• (2 North i ->us7 Pi t. 13: 69-7T J:. R . ■ 7~ A. ■ .- . ■. . . h is. II ioes not hid fron g but d( : them di. he summer, • . : pies. Speyer, W. (235) Lent der Biol .( hsanstalt fur Land- und haft, Zw tade. .. . : 1936 bis 31. Marz 1937. Altlander Obst. u. Landv. . . o9, 4 pp. Although Aph'-hnus mali is well established and d of the woolly a{ pie aphids, other control measures cannot be ti regard' • . E. P. 36) rther notes on the woolly aphis parasite Aphelinus mali H -.Id. Ent. Soc. Brit. C P . 3 4: 33-35. Reports the successful ii nd establishment of A. li in the Okana^i!. V ill* j , British C I m ' La. Large nu: of " 1 in large cages during the 4 years fo] its initial Lntrod 192i'. to be in: I Included. I, C, 31. Aphrlmus m.i I. pie on hard Into whn h it had been Intr P Danznark 1937, Aphrl . ■ hopes th ntrol the woolly app try, -47- 1938 Ballard, E. (239) Report of the chief of plant protection officer for the year ended 31st March 1938. Palestine and Forests Dept. Agr. Rpt., 1937-38, 71-73. Aphelinus mali was introduced into Palestine from Egypt in 1937. de Nardo, A. (240) Annual report of the working of the department of agriculture (Malta) during 1936-37. 77 pp. Eriosoma lanigerum was well controlled in all apple orchards by Aphelinus mali . Dumbleton, L. J., and Jeffreys, F. J. (241) The control of the woolly aphis by Aphelinus mali. New Zeal. Jour. Sci. and Technol. 20(3): 183A-190A~ Discusses the percentages of parasitism in the field by A. mali , and gives biological notes on factors influencing control of woolly apple aphids. Evans, J. W. (242) Aphides and their control. Tasmanian Jour. Agr. 9(1): 20-23. Eriosoma lanigerum is now of little importance owing to the establishment of Aphelinus mali . Meier, N. F. (243) ^The biological method of controlling injurious insects and the results of its application in the USSR. (With the addition of material on the races of Trichogramma.]j Zool. Zhur. 17(5): 905-932. /Tn RussianJ Reports the results of work in the Russian Union since 1930, including the successful establishment of Aphelinus mali . Discusses the effect of temperatures on the activities of the parasite. Morris, H. M. (244) Annual report of the entomologist for 1937. Cyprus Dept. Agr. Rpt., 1937: 42-47. Aphelinus mali, introduced into Cyprus in 1936, was present in one apple orchard in 1937. - 48 1938 ( . J. s -^ \\ . y diffusion del A_ mali (Hald.) in Espan i . ie Patol. Veg. 8: 17 A irvey of the distnb .tion in Spain of A. mali parasitising Erj soma lanigerum . Ruszkowski, J. Rozmiez< /.• vstepowania korowki welnistej w Polsce w 1936 l 1937. Rocz. Ochrony Roslin 5(4): 123-128. Aphclinus mali , which has established itself in some parts of Poland, has al en introduced into Silesia fror: .and and Barcelona and liberated in about 34 localities, in some of which it is very active. oshima, A. /Studies on Aphelinus mali Hald., a parasite of E ■■'■_'" ' H jsrm Apple Expt. Sta., Aomori Pref., Rpt. '. , 23 pj ., ... IS. J_: Japanese^/ A. mali was introduced into Aomori Prefecture from Oregon (I . S. A.), in 1931, and has become « stablished in the orchards. Biological observations are included. 1939 Anonymous ^8) Me- de los trabajos r< por la Estacion de Pito| Agricol I ' ~os 1937-1938. Publ. Estac. Fitopat A r. Galir, I .<• distril utl i f Apl mali againsl E Lnued Ln 18. I hid ( ErJOSOn a lanigcra ). P Bui., 18 1-23. Aphel . ili, Lntrodu I i ii .lis in I oily :>e ted. - 49 - 1939 Baird, A. B. (250) Biological control of insect pests in Canada with special reference to the control of the European spruce sawfly, Gilpinia polytoma Htg. Ent. Soc. Ontario Ann. Rpt. 70: 51-56." The woolly apple aphid parasite, Aphelinus mali , transferred from Belleville, Ont., in 1929, has reduced its host and proved of tremendous value to the Okanagan growers. Clausen, C. P. (251) Some phases of biological control work applicable to sugarcane insect problems. Internatl. Soc. Sugar Cane Technol. Cong. Proc. 6: 421-426. Many native parasites and predators are very limited in distri- bution, although conditions are favorable for them over a wide area, in which they can be successfully liberated. Parasites that have been used in this way in the United States are Aphelinus mali, against the woolly apple aphid. Cox, J. A. (252) A preliminary report on the woolly aphids of apple and hawthorn. Jour. Econ. Ent. 32(4): 477-483. Aphelinus mali was not reared from Eriosoma crataegi Oestl. in field collections and would not attack this species when caged in the field or in the laboratory. Infestations of E. lanigerum on hawthorn were often located by observing parasitized individuals. Haegele, R. W. (253) / Aphelinus mali Hald^y Idaho Univ. News Let. 22: 3. Liberations of the woolly apple aphid parasite were made in the orchard at Parma during 1935 and 1936. It seemed to establish itself readily, for in the fall of 1936 practically all the exposed woolly apple aphids were parasitized. The effectiveness of this parasite in Washington and Oregon is noted, with the hope that it will be equally effective in Idaho. Lundie, A. E. (254) The apple grower's insect ally. Farming in So. Africa, 1939, Rpt. 92, 5 pp. A brief review is given of the distribution of Aphelinus mali throughout the world from original sources in the United States. It was introduced into Sough Africa in 1920, and is now so effective where the woolly apple aphid is present that spraying is unnecessary in most orchards. - 50 - , H. M. (255) nual • tomologist for 1938. 1938, 5 | . A;.h'-lin ..- is r. 1 established in one orchard . it was Liberated in 1936, and has been distributed from this area to others. man, K. A. i6) Short notes and exhibits, [ndi ill Jour. Ent. 1(3): 93-99. A;>lu-linus mali , introduced into the Punjab from England in 1937, is well established in tht- Kulu Valley and on the Simla Hills and has given satisfactory results. It has about 14 gene: tions a year. Staniland, L. N., and Beaumont, (2 Department of Plant Pathology. Fifteenth Ann. Rpt. for the year endinj ;938. Seale-Hayne ol. Pam. 49, 39 pp. Although original liberations I ; mali had not appeared promising, after several years .e aphid was almost tirely absent, owing to this parasite. Whittal ■ ■ , E. C. ^8) Pr • the woolly aphis parasite. nt of prunir. in tit. N. S. Wales ■' i05-506. tly Aphelinus n s not :.trol of tl. 1 hid until ■ its host is th( us< sulfur tored until • hen p] . \n ^ ri'-hnus mail H .M^ « . Sci. Res. H 1939, 34 ■ < -51 - 1940 Anonymous (260) Some common insect pests of fruit trees and vines in South Australia. Part II. Sucking insects. So. Austral. Dept. Agr. Jour. 43(9): 633-646. Recommends that Aphelinus mali be introduced into woolly apple aphid infested orchards to control this pest on the parts of the trees above ground. _^____ (261) Review of the year 1939. Plant Protection. Palestine Monthly Agr. Bui., Jan. 1940: 64-65. Chemical measures were required to supplement the control of the woolly apple aphid by Aphelinus mali . Clausen, C. P. (262) Entomophagous insects. 688 pp., illus. McGraw-Hill, New York. Aphelinus mali , p. 157, 159, 166, and 168. Ehrenhardt, H. (263) Untersuchungen uber den Einfluss der Zehrwespe Aphelinus mali auf den Massenwechsel der Blutlaus unter Berucksichtigung der biologischen Bekampfung der Blutlaus. Arb. uber Physiol, u. Angew. Ent. 7: 1-41. (Abs. in Ztschr. f. Pflanzenkrank. 52(11): 524-525.) Reports the introduction and spread of A. mali in orchards in the Lower Elbe. Discusses biological data and the probable means as to its rapid spread over great distances. Faes, H. (264) Station federale d'essais viticoles et arboricoles a Lausanne et Domaine de Pully. Rap. Ann., 1938. Landw. Jahrb. des Schweiz 54(1): 1-26. Eriosoma lanigerum on apple was eliminated in the autumn by Aphelinus mali in the Domaine de Pully. 1^ I Cortes Pen R. o5) 3 en Chile, resumen de las • sus results Sixth Con«. i Aphelinus mali was successfully introduced into Chil* •21-22. It is fail 5ful in controlling the woo!. .e hid, especially in the seas Ishn, T. 36) The problems of biological control in Japan, th Pa* Cong. Proc. 193 165-36' •lelinus mali , introduced into Japan from ' . es eff' control against the woolly apple aphid. .-.corner, E. J. S7) Natural dispersion of Aphelinus mali (Hald.). Jour. Econ. 33(5): 81 1. K'-ports three localities wher* A. rr.ali had spread several miles from other sources of infestation. Wille, J. E. , i&) Men le la esta< xperiment) I ola de L.i Molina com n 1939. <_i j* ento. Agr. Expt. Est., . M- :: . 12(24), 1 stribution of Aphelinus mali « :.ued against Erioson ■. •. . :y rum on appli 141 A is >9) M< >n de Fito- r | , aHbs 1 '• . Fitop. Agr. ( Iinus mail 1 lib- Erii >soma la . -53 - 1941 Anonymous (270) Insect pests. Agr. Gaz. N. S. Wales 53(1): 33-37. Reports that Aphelinus mali is now distributed throughout the State and exercises good control of the woolly apple aphid. Discusses the effect of sprays on the parasite. Annand, P. N. (271) Report of the chief of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, 1941. U. S. Bur. Ent. and Plant Quar. Ann. Rpt. 1941: 98. Aphelinus mali was shipped to Ecuador and Venezuela. Castberg, C. (272) Nya ron angaende blodlusen. (Sweden) Vaxtskyddsnotiser 1941(6): 86-90. In spite of the cold winter of 1940-41 in Sweden, the young nymphs of the woolly apple aphid survived in cracks in the bark of apple trees, although older individuals did not. Aphelinus ' mali , which has been introduced into Sweden, has been able to survive the cold winters, but has not been generally effective in controlling the woolly apple aphid. De Santis, L. (273) Lista de himenopteros parasitosy predatores de los insectos de la Republica Argentina. Brasil. Agron. Soc. Bol. Rpt. 4(1): 66 pp. New host records for parasites in Argentine include Aphelinus mali , from Aspidiotus hederae Vail. Jancke, O. (274) Stand der chemischen und biologischen Bekampfung der Blutlaus. Kranke Pflanze 18: 26-29. States that Aphelinus mali does not effectively control the woolly apple aphid in Germany and that chemical control is therefore necessary. 19 4, r, E. J. (275) Or ts of the Pa> N st and their control. I . S. D< pt. Agr. ' ■ . 270: 25-69, illus. R States tr successful establishment Linus rr. th< P kes spraying for thi -'. of the woo! apple aphid unnecessary in pie orchards. also '. and 310 .) Rahman, K. A., and Abdul Wahid Kahn, M. (276) Oi nations on Aphelinus mali Hald. in the Punjab. Indian Jo-. - .. 2(3): 446-4. n. _A. mali was introduced and became established in the Kulu Lej (Punjab). Females refused to oviposit in 13 other species of aphids offered them, but a single female parasitized up to 220 woolly apple aphids. Twigs containing parasites should be saved away from trees that are to be sprayed with oil. Speyer, W. Untersuchungen uber tie rise he Obstach'adlinge und ihre Bekampfung. Mitt. Biol. Reichsanst. 63: 78-". Ztschr. Pflanzenkrank. 52(2-4): 23 . In Poland the parasitism of t! pie aphid I . . . : . .1 did no- d 68 : I, since tl rasite require m than does the host. I '.- i nd irh- Mitt. I . R( asanst. 65: 6 fcbs. U . Pflanzenkrank. 4.) I hi d and it Ld in the Lower I winter of I I . \ ^n. ■ . ■ >ma laiugei-uin , unlll i by the h<>t, 'ing, and itta< ks -55 - 1941 Wille, J. E. / (280) 13a memoria de la estacion experimental agricola de La Molina correspondiente al arfo 1940. La Molina Agr. Expt. Sta. Rpt., 1940(7), 321 pp. The distribution of Aphelinus mali against the woolly apple aphid in Peru was continued. 1942 Anonymous (281) /Aphelinus mali T/ Imp. Council Agr. Res. Ann. Rpt., 1940-41 *" (2), 190 pp. - / A mali has become well established in the Kulu Valley and the Simla Hills. (282) 14a memoria de la estacion experimental agricola de La Molina correspondiente al ano 1941. La Molina Agr. Expt. Sta., 1941 (6), 276 pp. Aphelinus mali , introduced for the control of Eriosoma lanigerum , has become established in Peru. Annand, P. N. (283) Report of the chief of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quar- antine, 1942. U. S. Bur. Ent. and Plant Quar. Ann. Rpt. 1942: 50. Aphelinus mali was shipped to Bolivia. Cherian, M. C. (284) Our present position with regard to the control of fruit pests. Madras Agr. Jour. 30(1): 14-17. Aphelinus mali showed 40-percent parasitism of the woolly apple aphid at the beginning of the season in apple orchards on the hills of India. Singh, R. N. (285) Control of the woolly aphis ( Eriosoma lanigerum Hausmann) by spraying and other methods. Indian Jour. Agr. Sci. 12(4): 588-602. , introduce: -ne ago into the Kumaun di r to offer e: •• control tht .•. .*• aph resence of the coccinellid. It has, however, : able control in th< ib. 1943 :, P. N. (286) t of the chief of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Qu . •ine", 1943. I'. S. Bur. Ent. ar.d Plant Quar. Ann. Rpt. 1943: Aphelinus mali was shipped to Mexico. Sachtleben, H. (287) Die biologische Bekampfung und ihre praktische Bedeutung in Deutschland. Ztschr. f. Pflanzenkrank. 53(1-3): 86-93. The only known case of successful biological control of an insect pest in Germany by an introduced insect is that of the woolly apple aphid by Aphelinus mali. 1944 Annand, P. N . 38) Report of the chief of the Bureau of Ent mology and Plant Quarantine, 1944. U. S. Bur. Ent. and Plant Quar. Ann. 14: 24-25. Aphelinus mali was released in Iov. Massee < A. [• .■ th< A aphid paras:' :nus ir..-.'.: W.-.'.A.). E ■ Mali,: _~ JJ R< . Sta. Ann, Rpt. 1943: 65-67. An account Of I ll Lisfa ah in foul in Kei • fr 24-38, to i. In ;3 th< R giving B distr , Oi weatl . . . | i- . or In di - 57 1944 Michelbacher, A. E., and Borden, A. D. (290) Two introduced insects attacking the woolly apple aphid in California. Jour. Econ. Ent. 37(5): 715-717. Reports the introduction of Aphelinus mali into the Watsonville district of California from material supplied by E. J. Newcomer, of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Yakima, Wash. 1945 Massee, A. M. (291) Overwintering of the woolly aphid parasite ( Aphelinus mali Hald.) in low-temperature apple stores. East Mailing ^KenfJ Res. Sta. Ann. Rpt. 33(1945): 142-143. A. mali introduced into England may die out, owing to damp winters, therefore tests were made to carry it over winter in cold or dry storage. Cold storage was successful, but dry storage failed. Collecting the parasite in October, keeping it at a constant temperature of 39° to 46° F. until the end of May, and then allowing it to emerge in infested orchards was satis- factory. Smith, J. Harold (292) Useful parasitic insects. Queensland Agr. Jour. 61(6): 340-351. (Biol. Abs. 20: 1, 751.) Aphelinus mali listed as one of the beneficial insects. 1946 Mason, F. R. (293) /Woolly aphid parasite^y Palestine Dept. Agr. and Fisheries " Ann. Rpt., 16 pp., March 31, 1945. Eriosoma lanigerum is successfully controlled by Aphelinus mali . Newcomer, E. J., Dean, F. P., and Carlson, F. W. (294) Effect of DDT, xanthone, and nicotine bentonite on the woolly apple aphid. Jour. Econ. Ent. 39: 674-676. Prior to .the introduction of Aphelinus mali , the woolly apple aphid was a serious pest; now it is relatively insignificant. The use of DDT, however, for codling moth control appears to interfere with the normal activity of the parasite, resulting in a serious increase in aphid population. - 58 E. J. DD1 jents • pples on Murrun * . / .-. lies 5 • . n mo> it Aphelinu! I been during tl • F. S. (296) Si lies of th<- physical ecology of the woe pie aphis ( Knosor: .■:.. ■ ■: -urn ) and its .'-linus n "Stine, Palestine Agr. Res. Si L. B ll. 43, 20 : : ., Ri ■ A comfirehensive review of investigations on the bionorr. . of E. lanigerum and its introc 11 on apple at L ■ fl :n, ne. n, in 1937-40. Borg, A. (2 Om blodlusens overvintring 194G-J7. ^Sweden Vextskyddsi 1947(6): 81-85. Discusses the effect of low winter temperatures of 19 in Swed woolly ap] and its parasr Childs, Lei >8) Progress report on the use of DDT as a codling moth S] Vt ash. SI •• n rt. Ass< . Pi ■■■• . 42: D; p p 1 e aphid to \ n Lntn I ed the * "•id pa: < :;seast 'US th Inti '■ ftphelinus mali >ntroll< well. DD1 , wh rgely i as ttoo\ \K . ^9) chard, v. Biol. Aba, .) i ■ ■ 59 - 1947 Kemp, K. H. (300) Codling moth control. So. Austral. Dept. Agr. Jour. 51(1,4,5): 6-9, 184-186, 220-236, 238. The woolly apple aphid is normally parasitized by Aphelinus mali. Miller, L. W. (301) The biological control of insect pests in Tasmania. Tasmanian Jour. Agr. 18: 117-119. Aphelinus mali is well established in all apple-growing sections of Tasmania, and in some it is so effective that spraying is un- necessary. Newcomer, E. J. (302) Growers' results with DDT for codling moth control. Wash. State Hort. Assoc. Proc, 42: 55-59. The woolly apple aphid was more common in orchards sprayed with DDT than in orchards not sprayed with it because of the destruction of Aphelinus mali by the DDT. In orchards sprayed two or more times with it, an average of only 9 per- cent of the aphids were parasitized, as compared with nearly 70 percent where lead arsenate or cryolite was used. O'Neill, W. J., and Lipovsky, L. J. (303) The results of experiments with DDT on apples at Wenatchee. Wash. State Hort. Assoc. Proc. 42: 61-65. When DDT is used, the woolly apple aphid may increase and become a major pest, as it was before Aphelinus was estab- lished. Steiner, L. F. , Summerland, S. A., McAllister, H. J., and Fahey, J. E. (304) DDT for control of codling moth in the Middle West. Indiana Hort. Soc. Trans. (1946) 86: 1-13; Colo. Hort. Soc. Trans. 1946: 113-133. In the Vincennes area, in all tests since 1943, DDT resulted in almost complete control of this pest, despite the presence of numerous colonies on adjacent trees sprayed with lead arsenate. However, in the orchards south of Vincennes, in Kentucky and Tennessee, minor outbreaks frequently occurred where DDT • During thi .snoaphids had almost annihilated aerial colonies of the woolly apple aphid in th. | 8 , f y *"' 1U , M. A. coolly apple aphid parasite (Aphelinus mail). Jour E on. Ent, • : 934. rds where DDT was used to control the codling moth the woolly ip hid parasite was unable to maintain its out- ' standing control of the aphid, and it wrill \. probably be •essary to substitute spraying for biological control. 1948 Bevienn, P. ntesygdomme i Danmark 1945-46. Tidsskr. for Plante 51:373--: 2:236-292. /Also in Aars, . P ] .., ■ Forsog. 62-6377 ' Reports the spread of both Kriosoi. rum and its site on apple in Denmark. ' hopp, V. C. L^ r ge-S • control problems. S> : 143-145, 169. W pple aphid build-: DDT is used is asso. W1 " m of the aphid's enemies, site Aphelinus mali on apple in D rk. A - W « • , K. Codlii thconl Jour. 13-146, Aphelinus n .th ,j. in small ii. (306) (307) (308) -61 1948 Wason, E. J., and Lloyd, N. C. (309) Insect pests. DDT and codling moth control. Agr. Gaz. N. S. Wales 59: 538-540. Applications of DDT after mid-December are undesirable if the woolly apple aphid is present, because Aphelinus mali does not become active until after late in December, and early use of DDT allows the parasite to build up to insure effective woolly apple aphid control in the fall. Recommends saving prunings from several parasitized aphid-infested trees when dormant oil sprays are to be applied. 1950 Newcomer, E. J. (310) Orchard insects of the Pacific Northwest and their control. U. S. Dept. Agr. Cir. 270: 17, 18, and 55. Revised. Substantially the same as reference 275. ■fr U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : O — 1953 3 1262 09239 6562