A4. Sob \. I. Order 305) *~— — — 5_££^S/T0Ry" United States Department of Agriculture OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY ORDER RESTRICTING THE IMPORTATION OF ANIMAL CASINGS Effective on and after December 1, 1927 In order to guard against the introduction into the United States of animal casings bearing the contagion of contagious, infectious, or communicable diseases of animals, it is hereby ordered, under authority of the act of Con- gross approved February 2, 1903 (32 Stat, 791), that no animal casings shall be admitted into the United States from any foreign country unless and until they are accompanied by a certificate bearing the signature of the national Government official having jurisdiction over the health of animals in the country in which the casings originated. The certificate shall be in the follow- ing form : FOREIGN OFFICIAL CERTIFICATE FOR ANIMAL CASINGS Place Date (city) (country) I hereby certify that the animal casings herein described were derived from healthy animals (cattle, sheep, swine, or goats), which received ante-mortem and post-mortem veterinary inspections at the time of slaughter, are clean and sound, and were prepared and handled only in a sanitary manner and were not subjected to contagion prior to exportation. Kind of casings Number of packages Weight Identification marks on the packages Consignor Address Consignee Destination. Shipping marks (Signature) (Signature) (Official issuing the certificate) (Official of the national gov- ernment having jurisdic- tion over the health of animals in the country in which the casings origi- nated) (Official title) (Official title) Animal casings which are unaccompanied by the required certificate, those shipped in sheepskins or other skins as containers, and those found upon in- spection to be unclean or unsound when offered for importation into the United 39472°— 27 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08925 9088 States, shall be kept in customs custody until exported or destroyed, or until disinfected and denatured as prescribed by the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry. This older, which for the purpose of identification is designated as B. A. I. Order 305, shall become effective on December 1, 1927. Done at Washington this 7th day of March, 1927. Witness my hand and the seal of the Department of Agriculture. W. M. Jardine, Secretary of Agriculture. IT.S. aOVHBNMBNT PRINTING OFFICE)