ST/ LIBRARY STATE PLANT BOARD 32/Burma UNITTD STATES D2PAEFUET OF Afi-EI CULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, B. C. January 13, 194< B. 3. P. I.— 520 PLANT-QUARkNTINS F'PORT RESTRICTIONS OF BURMA This summary of the plant-quarantine import restrictions of Burma has "been prepared for the information of exporters of plants and plant products to that country and plant quarantine officials. The text, which was prepared by Richard Faxon, District Supervisor, Certification for Export, Division of Foreign Plant Quarantines, consists of digests of notifications issued by the Agricultural Branch of the Department of Agriculture and Forests, Rangoon, Burma, on the following dates: December 16, 1940; January 15, February 28, April 24, and June 2, 1941. It v/as reviewed by the Secretary to the Government of Burma. The information contained in this circular is believed to be correct and complete up to the ti .e of preparation, but it is not intended to be used independently of, nor as a sub- stitute for, the original texts, and it is not to be interpreted as legally authoritative. x~>. U ^ Q Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine. UUITED STATES DEPART! 'EN T OF AGRICULTURE BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY ML PLMT QBGftEAKTI? H WASHINGTON, D. C. B. E. P. q. — 520 January 13, 1942 FLANT-qilalAixiTIFi; IMPORT RESTRICTIONS" BDSJ'A' BASIC LEGISLATION Department of Agriculture and Forests Agricultural Branch, Rangoon , Burma Notification No. 377, December 16, 1940 •"'Otification No. 13 (Corrigendum), January 15, 1941 notification No. 56, February 28, 1941 Notification No. 89, April 24, 1941 Notification No. 141, June 2, 1941. In accordance with the provisions of the Insects and Pests Act and in supersession of all previous orders, the Governor makes the following order for the puroose of prohibiting, regu- lating, and restricting the import into Burma of the articles hereinafter specified. CONCISE SUGARY Certificate Requirements A Federal certificate is required with all plants, other than fruits and vegetables intended for consumption, in a prescribed form. ( 6.) (By definition, "plant" does not include seeds.) (Par. 5.) A certificate from the consignor and a Federal certificate in relation to potato wart disease are required with shipments of potatoes. (Par. 6.) H soeci'l certificate issued by the Entomologist, Burma, is required with plants used for the purpose of introducing parasitic insects into Burma. (Pars. 3 and 4.) Two certificates are required with importations of rubber plants (Par. 7), citrus plants (Par. 8), and unmanufactured tobacco (Per. 9). a special certificate is required with importations of sugar- cane. (Par. 10.) - 1 - - 2'- Importation Prohibited Cotton, unginned. (Par. 15 (l).) Gram (chick pea, Cicer arietinum ) . (Far. 16.) "Mexican jumping bean" ( Sebastiania palmeri ). (Par. 12 (b).) Sugarcane from the Fiji Islands, New Guinea, Australia, and the Philippine Islands, (Par. 10.) Importation Restricted Ferseem (Egyptian clover) seeds. Pars. 12 (a) and 14.) Citrus plants. (Par. 8.) Coffee plants, seeds and beans. (Par. 13.) Cottonseed. (Pars. 12 (a) and 15 (2).) Flaxseed. (Par. 12 (a).) Kevea rubber' plants and seeds. (Par. 11.) Potatoes. (P-^r. 6.) Fubber plants. (Par. 7.) Sugarcane from countries other than the Fiji Islands, New Guinea, Australia, and the Philiopine Islands. (Par. 10.) Importation Unrestricted Fruits and vegetables intended for consumption. Foasted or ground coffee. (Par. 13.) _ . , C- UN 3BAL F 3 G u'LaT I ON S Notification Mo. 377 1. Definitions. (i) "Official certificate" means a certificate :i s nted by the proper officer or authority in the country of origin. (In the United States the U. S. Department of Agriculture has been designated by the Burmese authorities as the proper authority . to issue such certificates.) (ii) "Plant" rreans a living plant or part thereof, but does not include seeds. (iii) All provisions referrin - to plants or seeds shall aoply also to all packing material used in packing or wrapping such plants or seeds. - 3 - Restrictions on "eans cf Transportation 2. No plant shall be imported into Burma by letter or parcel post, except sugarcane for planting intended to be grown under tie personal supervision of the Deputy Director of Agriculture, 5ast Central Circle, Fyinmaoa. (See also Par. 10.) 3. No plants shall be imported into Burma by air, except those used for the purpose of introducing living insects accompanied by a special certificate from the Entomologist , Burma, stating that the plants are imported for such purpose, and sugarcane for the Deputy Director of Agriculture, East Central Circle, Pyinmana, if the conditions of paragraph 10 are satisfied. Fumigation required 4. No plants, other than fruits and vegetables intended for consumption , potatoes, and unmanufactured tobacco, either raw or cured, shall be imported into Burma by sea, except after fumigation with hydrocyanic acid gas at the pert of Rangoon, except that plants which are used for the purpose of introducing insect parasites may be imported without fumigation when accompanied by the required special certificate from the Entomologist, Bursa. (-^nether proviso relates to lubber plants grown in Sumatra or in the Federated 'alay States.) Certificate Required 5. No plants, other than unmanufactured tobacco imported from India, fruits and vegetables intended for consumption, and potatoes, shall be imported into Burma by sea unless accompanied by an official certificate that they are free from injurious in- sects and diseases. The certificate shall be in the form pre- scribe^, or in a form as n^ar thereto as may be and suppl'-in" all the information called for in the prescribed form. (See p. 6.) SPECIFIC ESSTEICTIONS Potatoes 5. Potatoes shall not be imported into Burma by sea or by air, except from India, unless they are accompanied by — (a) A certificate from the consignor stating fully in v/hat country, and in what district of such country, the potatoes were grown and guaranteeing that wart disease was not nown to e: ist on the farms where tae potatoes were grown; and ^•tf? 60 ^ r - 4 - (b) -"-n official certificate that no case of wart disease of ootatoes has been known during the 12 months preceding the date of the certificate, within 5 miles of the place where the potatoes were grown. lubber Plants, including Hevea 7. Rubber plants imoorted into Burma by sea must be accom- panied "by two certificates, the form prescribed in paragraph 5 ana an official certificate affirming that the estate from which the plants ori inated, or that the individual plants, are free from Pomes l_i£nosus, Sohaerostilbe repens , Dothidella ulei ( " T elanops?jp.~"opsi s ulei ) ( Fusicladiu i macro sporium ) , and Oidium heveae." 11.* Hevea rubber plants and seeds shall not "be imported into Burma from America or the -West Indies except "by the Director of Agr i cul tur e , B\xrma . Citrus Plants and Cuttings 8. No lemon, lime, orange,, or other citrus plants, or cuttings thereof, shall be imported into Burma unless, in addition to the certificate prescribed in paragraph 5, they are accompanied "by an official certificate affirming that they are free from the ■■•al Secco causa:" "by Deuterophoma tracheiphila , or that the disease does not exist in the country in which they were j.rown. Unmanufactured ~ 1 obacco 9. Unmanufactured tobacco, either raw or cured, shall not be imported into rurraa by sea unless, in addition to the certificate prescribed in paragraph 5, it is accompanied by an official certifi- cate affirming that ^phestia e lute 11a does not occur in the country of origin. Sugarcane 10. Importation of sugarc-ne into Burma by sea from the H'i Islands, Sew Guinea, -Australia, or the Philippine Islands is prohibited absolutely. *rom other countries sugarcane may be imported ; .nto rurma by sea or by air . only by the Deputy Director of griculture, 3ast Central Circle, Pyinmana, to be grown by him in quarantine for 1 year, when accompanied by an official certificate stating that tne sugarcane has been examined and found free from cane borers, scale insects, *Th'e. nuiabered paragraphs do not follow in sequence , because an effort has been made to assemble the paragraphs on "Specific J estric- tions" in one place, to be followed by the paragraphs on "Prohibitions. 1 - 5 - white flies, root disease (any form), pineapple disease, Cer^tcstomella paradoxa or Thielaviopsis paradoxa , sereh dwarf disea c e, leaf scald, and cane guirarosis, that it was obcained from a crop which was free from mosaic and streak diseases, and that the Fiji disease of sugarcane does not occur in the country of export. Seeds of Flax, Berseem, and Cotton 12. (a) Seeds of flax, berseera (Egyptian clover), and cotton shall not be imported into Burma, by air, or by letter or parcel post otherwise than by sea. 14. Flaxseed and berseen: seed may be imported by se~ only under a license issued by the Director of Agriculture, Burma. 15. (2) Cottonseed may be imported by sea for experi ental purposes only by the Deputy Director of Agriculture, .yingyan Circle, Meiktila, in quantities not exceeding one hundredweight (112 pounds) in any one consignment, through the port of Rangoon only, to be fumigated upon arrival with carbon bisulfide. Coffee 13. Coffee plants, seeds, and beans shall not be imported into Burma except for experimental planting purposes by the Director of Agriculture, Eurma, or the Principal Agricultural Officer, federated Shan States. This prohibition does not ap ly to roasted unci round coffee . PROHIBITIONS ' exican Jumping Beans 12. (b) The importation of "''exican .jumping beans" ( Seb^stiania palmeri of the family Suphorbiaceae) into Burma is prohibited absolutely. Unginned Cotton 15. (l) Unginned cotton shall not b° imported by se? or by air . Gram 16. The importation of gram (chick pea, Cicer arietinum ) into iurma is prohibited absolutely. r UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA - 6 - .3SCIvIB3D FOB OF CGTIFICaTS 3 1262 09312 2082 This is to Certify that the pl?.nt(s) , living plant(s), or plant products, a representative sample of the plant(s), living plant(s), or plant products (strike out the words not applicable) included in the consignment, of which particulars are given below, were/w s thoroughly examined on the (date) by (name) , a duly author i?ed official of the and found to be healthy, no evidence of the presence of any injurious insect, pest, or disease [destructive to agricultural or horticultural crops or to trees or bushes having been found in/on them and that the con- signment (including the ticking) covered by this certificate hes/has not been treated in the following manner (e.e. fumigated with prior or disinfected with ) ] immediately subsequent to inspection. Inspected i n the field by a duly authorized Not inspected inspector on (Signature) (Official Status) Date dumber and description of packages Distinguishing marks Description of plants or pl^nt products or parts thereof Stated to be grown at Exported by lv'arie and address of consignee Name of vessel or particulars of route Date of siipi! en t Port or place of entry additional certificate (s) attached (Give here det ils of any special certificate or certificates issued in respect of imports specifically scheduled.) (According to information received from the Secretary to the Government of Burma, the st ndard export certificate, Form 33,-375, will be acceptable on condition that it contains all the information called for in the abo^e for" 1 , a statement should be made under "Qualifying dotations" that the certification includes packin ■ materi- al . In -ddition, the names and addresses of the shipper and con- signee should be given in the body of the certificate, slong with the date of shipment and oort or place of entry. In the cer- tification is in relation to fumigation, a description of the treat ent should be given under "Qualifying Notations.")