E2/Taiwan UNITED STATES DEPARTI ENT OF AGRICULTURE Agricultural Research Service Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington 25, D. C e B. E. I . Q. - 605 Defector 9, 1953 PLANT QUARANTINE ILPORT RESTRICTIONS OF TAIWAN PROVINCIAL (FORK.OSA) This summary of the plant quarantine import restrictions of the Taiwan Provincial has been prepared for the information of nurserymen, plant quarantine officials, and others interested in the exportation of plants and plant products to that Province. •It was prepared by I r, . , T. Cv/rey, Supervisor of Export Certification, Plant Quarantine Operations, frorr. Laws for Inspection and Testing of Commercial Commodities, Article XVIII of the national Government of the Taiwan Provincial, received from and translated by I r. Che-Chang Tang, Chief, Division of Special Crop Inspection of the bureau of Inspection and Quarantine of the Province. The information contained in this circular is believed to be correct and complete up to the time of preparation, but it is net intended to be used independently of, nor as a substitute for, the original texts, and it is not to be interpreted as legally authoritative. The origi- nal legislation shculd be consulted for the exact texta. Chief, "ureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine PLANT QUARANTINE ILPORT RESTRICTIONS OF THE I'AB/Afi PROVINCIAL (FGRi.OSA) BASIC LEGISLATION Laws for Inspection and Testing of Commercial Commodities - Article XVIII - National Government REGULATIONS FOR IMPORTATIONS (rronulgated and effective Jan, 10, 19^7 > Amended Nov 2, 19^9) Importation Restricted Article 1. Plants and their containers or packing materials are subject to inspection by the Bureau of Inspection and Quarantine, Provincial Department of Agriculture and Forestry (hereinafter called the 3ureau) or its Branch Offices. They will not be passed for import unless accompanied by certificates issued by the Bureau to certify they have passed. Article 2. The term "plants" includes the following: a. Plants or parts thereof that can be used for planting or cultivation. b. Fresh fruits. c. Vegetables. d. Seeds that can be used for propagation. Article 3« The plant inspection shall be executed in places where the Bureau or its Branch Offices are located. Article ^, Plant diseases and insect pests imported for scientific purposes must be permitted and inspected by the 3ureau. Article 5. Importers must apply to the Bureau or its Branch Offices for inspection of plants imported by ships or planes. Article 6, Plants not included in Article 2, which are capable of carrying insect pests or diseases, are subject to inspection upon arrival. Inspectors must notify ov.ners of the shipments before in- specting, except for the urgency of the case. Article 7. llants Imported by mail are subject to inspection by the Bureau upon notification by the Post Office of their arrival. 2 - ... iSSHSSSf 0F fl orioa II III III III II 3 1262 09314 8632 Article 8. The plants may not be inspected if they are accompanied by inspection certificates issued by the government of the country of origin, affirming the plants concerned ha^e been thoroughly in- spected and are deemed free from injuricus plant diseases and insect pesteo The certificates must be sent to the Bureau upon arrival of the shipments • ( Note ; Article 8 refers to a Federal certificate.) Articles 9, 10, and 11 refer to the inspection fee and the duty of spoilage of packing materials caused by inspection. Article 12, Plants and their containers or packing materials which carry insect pests or diseases are subject to treatment by disin- fection by the Bureau or its Branches , or may be burned B Articles 13-24. Disposal of imported and exported plants*