LIBRARY STATE PLANT BOARD UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau, of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D. C. B. E. P. Q.— 466 October 21, 1337. PLMT-QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OP THE BRITISH COLONY OF FIJI Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT 0? AGRICULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D. C. B. E. P. Q, — 466 October 21, 1937. PLANT- QUARAN T I NE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS CP THE BRITISH COLOFf OP PIJI This summary of the plant-quarantine import restrictions of the British Colony of Piji has "been prepared for the informa- tion of nurserymen, plant -quarantine officials, and others interested in the exportation of plants and plant products to that Colony. It was prepared "by Harry B. Shaw, Plant Quarantine Inspector, in Charge of Foreign Information Service, Division of Poreign Plant Quarantines, from the Noxious Weeds end Diseases of Plants Ordi- nance, iJo. 21, of November 18, 1929, and Proclamations made thereunder, and reviewed by the Director of Agriculture of the Colony of Piji. The information contained in this circular is believed to be correct end complete up to the time of preparation, but 1 it is not intended to be used independently of, nor as a substitute for, the original texts, and. it is not to be interpreted as legally author- itative. uarantine. PLANT- QUARANT I NE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OS' THE BRITISH COLONY OF FIJI 3 ASIC LEGISLATION Noxious Weeds and Diseases of Plants Ordinance No. 21, November 18, 1929. This ordinance empowers the Governor in Council to prohibit the importation into the Colony of any plant, including plants goner- ally or specified plants from any designated place, rnd either abso- lutely or conditionally. Authorized Ports of Entry Section 5 of the ordinance prescribes that no plants shall be imported into the Colon;' except through the ports of Suva, Levuka, or Lautoka, or such otaer ports as may be authorized by the Governor. Phytosanitary Certificate Required The same section prescribes that every importation of plants whether for sale or for private use must be accompanied by a certif- icate signed by an officer of the Department of Agriculture, or other department to which the duties relating to horticulture are assigned, of the country or place where the plants were grown or whence they were im- ported, certifying that the plants are free from disease. ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS (Noxious Weeds and Diseases of Plants Regulations. Nov. 12, 1330) Definitions Article 1. In these Regulations "Plant" means any tree, flower, shrub, vegetable, or other vegetable growth; and includes the expression "part of plant", which in turn includes any root, corm, tuber, bulb, stem, leaf, cutting, bud, graft, seed, fruit, or any portion thereof; "Fruit" means any edible product of any plant and includes the peel, sKin, or shell of fruit; "Diseases of plants" means any insect, pest, or disease in any form or stage of development which is or may oe injurious to plants. INSPECTION AND TPJSATiviSIJT OF IMFOKEBD PLANTS Art. 2. Landing of plants . — No officer of customs shall permit plants to be landed from a vessel except on the written instruction of an inspector. Art. 3. I mpo rted plan ts sub.jec t to inspectio n. — All plants, and the packages and the wrappings that contain or have contained the same, imported into the Colony shall be liable to detention and examination by an inspector and shall be subject to the following treatment: (a) Plants affected by any species of fruit fly or borer shall be destroyed forthwith; (b) Plants affected by any insect pest, other than fruit fly or borer, shall be fumigated under the directions of an inspector. Art. 4. Restri ctions on entr y of soil. — Ho soil sha.ll be imported into the Colony except with the written permission first obtained of the Director of Agriculture. Provided, that all scil so imported shall be fumigated with carbon disulphide under the direction and to the satisfac- tion of an inspector. Art. 5. (1) Inspector's certific at e neces s ary for release o f plants . — After the inspection and treatment, if any, of plants brought into the Colony, an inspector shall issue a certificate setting forth that the plants have been inspected and fumigated or otherwise treated and ah Off la, the sums payable in respect of the fumigation or other treat- ment, if such has been given. (2) Upon presentation to the proper officer of customs of an inspector's certificate, together with an acknowledgment of the payment of fees, if any, duo in respect of treatment of plants, an importer may with such officer's consent remove from the fumigating station the articles to which the certificate relates. Art . 6 . Plants not included in certificate liable to seizure and destruction . — All imported plants and the packages or wrappings that con- tain or have contained them may be seized and destroyed by direction of an inspector if, on demand made by an inspector or customs officer, suf- ficient evidence of their being included in tne certificate issued in the country of origin or export is not given by their importer. - 3 - SPECIAL PEGULAHCUS (Proclamation Ho. 4, Jan. 18, 1933) Im port p ermit re quired . — The importation of all plants into the Colony is prohibited unless a written permit for their importation is first obtained from the Director of Agriculture in which permit the conditions of such importation may he specified. Provided that the following plants may be imported without permits. Exceptions (a) All plants imported from Great Britain, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States of Aaerica, -except those specified in Schedule 1, provided that permits shall- be required in respect of the fruits of the plants set out in Schedule 2 imported' from Australia and in respect of grow- ing £>lants of the natural order Rosaceae imported from Canada, Hew Zealand, and the United States. (b) Copra from the Kingdom of Tonga. . . C ertification of fo rage crop seeds and plants requi red . — Importations of seeds, live stems, and whole plants of pasture and fodder grasses and clovers shall be accompanied by certificates in. the form set out in Schedule 3, signed by a responsible officer. of the Department of Agriculture of the country in which they were grown, certifying that the district in which they were produced is entirely free from cattle tick infestation. Unre stri ct ed pla nt p rodu cts. — The provisions of this Proclamation shall not apply to fibers in an unmanufactured condition or to any parts of plants which have undergone any process of manuf acture , except copra, provided that they are not in a damp or decomposed condition. Plant material may b e seized and destroye d or d is inf ected. — The Director of Agriculture, at his discretion, may decline to issue a permit, and he or an inspector acting directly under his instructions shall have the power to prevent the landing of, or to seize and destroy without paying compensation for such destruction, any plant matter imported from any country whether a permit for the importation of such plant matter has been issued or not, to retain such plant matter for fumigation or for observation for any period of time, or to require any plant ma.tter imported to be planted in such area, as he shall direct and under such quarantine measures as he may deem to be advisable, and any such plant matter shall not be removed from such areas without the. written authority of the Director of Agriculture. LIBRARY STATE PLANT I - 4 - UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09245 5988 SCHEDULE 1 Cabbages Cauliflowers Citras plants Clover seed Coconuts Cottonseed Cut flowers Live stems and whole plants of pasture and fodder grasses, chaff, Lay, and stray/, whether or not used for packing. Grass seed Lettuce Pineapples Seed cotton Sugarcane . Tobacco seed Unhuskcd rice (paddy) SCHEDULE 2 Amygdalus ( Prun us) pers ica L., peach. Carica pajjava, L. , papaya or pawpaw. C it rus aurant ium L. , Seville orange, and varieties. Citrus nobilis d eliciosa Swingle, Mandarin type of orange. Cof xea a.rab ica L. , coffee. Eugenia "braz iliensis Lam. , Brazil cherry. Euge nia j am dps L. , rose-apple, Malabar plum. Eugenia mai accens is L. , mountain or Malay apple or large- fruited rose apple. Mangif era i ndica L. , mango. Gpuntia tuna Mill., pricklypear . Opuntia vulg aris Mill. , "barberry fig.. Passif lora quadrangulari s L. , giant granadilla. Per sea (gratissima) americana Mill., avocado. , apricot . cherry, all varieties. Psidium ca ttleianum S. , strawberry guava. Psidium guajava L. , guava end varieties* P runu s armeniaca L Prunus cerasus L. , I hereby certify that the marked contents sent by was produced in a district free EDULE 3 * shipment of grass plants and seeds , No. of packages , addressed to , per from cattle tick infection. Signature of officer Official -title Address Date ♦This certificate can be furnished by the Bureau of Animal Industry only.