A 4. DC r-\' - \ U.S. DEPOSITORY (B. A. I. Order 303) U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY RULE 3, REVISION 7.— TO PREVENT THE SPREAD OF SCABIES IN SHEEP Effective on and after May 1, 1921 United States Department of Agriculture, Office of the Secretary. The fact has been determined by the Secretary of Agriculture, and notice is hereby given, that the contagious, infectious, and communicable disease known as scabies still exists among sheep in the States of California and Louisiana and that said-mentioned disease also exists among sheep in the State of Mississippi. Now. therefore, I. R. W. Dunlap, Acting Secretary of Agriculture, under au- thority conferred by section 1 of the act of Congress approved March 3, 1905 (33 Stat. 1264). do hereby quarantine the areas hereinafter described, and do order by this rule 3, revision 7, under the authority conferred on the Secretary of* Agriculture by section 3 of the said act of Congress approved March 3. 1905 1 33 Stat. 1265). that the interstate movement of sheep from the areas herein quarantined shall be made only in accordance with the regulation of the Secretary of Agriculture for the prevention of the spread of scabies in sheep. AREAS QUARANTINED The following areas are quarantined for scabies in sheep: California: The counties of Mendocino, Sonoma. San Joaquin. Stanislaus. Fresno, Merced, Madera. Tulare. Kings, and Kern, and the island of San Clemente, Louisiana : The parishes of Allen. Beauregard. Calcasieu, and Vernon. Mississippi: The counties of Forrest. George. Greene. Hancock. Harrison. Jackson. Jones, Lamar, Pearl River. Perry. Stone, and Wayne, and that portion of Marion County Lying east of Pearl River. Rule 3. revision 6 (B, A. I. Order 272), dated March 17. 1921, and effective April 15. 1921, shall cease to be effective on May 1. 1927. on and after which date 'bis rule :'.. revision 7. which for purposes of Identification is designated a- li. A. I. Order 303. shall become and be effective until otherwise ordered. The effect of this order Is as follows : In California the counties of Mendocino. Sonoma. San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Fresno, Merced, Madera, Tulare. Kings, and Kern, and the island of San Clemente, are continued under quarantine. In Louisiana the parishes of Allen. Beauregard, and Vernon are continued under quarantine and Calcasieu Parish is placed under quarantine. In Mississippi the counties of Forrest, George, Greene Hancock. Harrison. Jackson, Jones, Lamar, Pearl River. Perry, Stone, and Wayne, and a portion of Marian County, are placed under quarantine. D<»ne at the city of Washington this 17th day of February 1827. Witness my bund and the seal of the Department of Agriculture. R. w. Dunlap, Act inn Secretary of Agriculture. ■ —27 VKK\MK\T PRINTING 01TIC1 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08925 9096