UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICirLTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine TCashin.rton, D. C. B.S.P.Q,*-368 November 1, 1934, PIANT-QUARATTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OF THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/poland34unit UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D. C. B.E.P.Q..--368 November 1, 1934. PLANT-QUARAIITINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS REPUBLIC OF POLAND This summary of the plant-quarantine import restrictions of the Republic of Poland has been prepared for the information of nur- serymen, plant quarantine officials , and others interested in the ex- portation of plants to that Republic. It was prepared by Harry 3. Shaw, of this Bureau, from his trans- lation of the German text of the Decree of the Polish Minister of Fi- nance of October 4, 1935 (Dziennik Ustaw, R. P. No. 77/552 of Oct. 9, 1933), and the Notice of the Minister of Finance of December 11, 1933 (Monitor Polski No. 291, Dec. 20, 1933), and reviewed by the Polish Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform (Ministerstv/o Rolnictwa i Reform Rolnych ) . The information contained in this circular is believed to be correct and complete up to the time of preparation, but it is not in- tended to be used independently of, nor as a substitute for, the original texts of the decrees, and it is not to be interpreted as legally authori- tative. The decrees themselves should be consulted for the exact texts. S. A. ROH77ER, nctin^ Chief, Bureau of Entomolory and Plant Quarantine . PLANT-QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS REPUBLIC OF POLAND BASIC LAWS Decree of June 11, 1920, of the Minister of Finance and of Com- merce and Industry on Customs Tariff (Dziennik Ustaw R. P. No. 51/314). Ldw of July 31, 1924, Regulating Customs Procedure (Dziennik Ustaw R. P. No. 80/777). CONCISE SUMMARY IMPORTATION PROHIBITED BEANS ( Phaseolus lunatus ) , "Rangoon", and all poisonous beans; COCKLL. ,ERRY ( An amir t a I Coccuius Q indicus ) ; POTATO LEAVES, PEELINGS AND REFUSE FROM ANY SOURCE. (Decree of Oct. 4, 1933. ) (See p. 2.) IMPORTATION RESTRICTED POTATOES, INCLUDING SEED POTATOES: The following documents are required: (1) An import authorization to be obtained by the Polish importer; (2) an inspection certificate according to the prescribed model (see p. 3), affirming freedom from potato wart, powdery scab, Colorado potato' beetle, potato tuber worm, and potato nematode. SHRUBS, BUSHES, and PARTS THEREOF; ORNAMENTALS (rooted), their seedlings or cuttings; bulbs, tubers, and roots; FRESH FRUITS: Apple, apricot , cherry (sour and sweet), peach, pear, and plum; FRESH VEGETABLES of all kinds, and their aerial or subterranean parts (except seeds and potatoes); PEAS, BEANS, LENTILS, VETCH, HORSEBEANS, AND FIELD BEANS. Each shipment of the above-listed plants and plant products must be accompanied by a phyto sanitary certificate in duplicate in accordance with t ^e prescribed model (see pp. 4 and 5), affirming freedom from the diseases and insect pests named in Appendix A, and the freedom of the -2- establishment in which they were grown from those diseases and pests; also a declaration with shipments of rooted plants, bulbs, • tubers, and roots that those products did not originate in wart-infected ground. (See pp. 4 and 5. ) SEEDS OF CLOVER, ALFALFA, SWEETCLOVER, TIMOTHY, etc., must be accompanied by a certificate affirming freedom from dodder (Decree of Oct. 4, 1933, article 5). (See p. 8.) GENERAL REGULATIONS Decree of the Polish Minister of Finance on Customs Procedure, October 4, 1933 (Dziennik Ustaw R. P. No. 77/552, Oct. 9, 1933). IMPORTATION INTO POLISH TERRITORY PROHIBITED Section 16, article 6 (a) prohibits importation into the customs territory of the Republic of Poland on sanitary grounds: BEANS of the varieties "Phaseclus lunatus " and "Rangoon" as well as any prisonous kind of bean. And on other grounds: COCKLEBERRY (berry of Anamirta Q Cocculus Q indicus ); POTATO LEAVES, PEELINGS, AND REFUSE without regard to the country of origin. IMPORTATION INTO POLISH TERRITORY RESTRICTED Section 17 of this decree provides for the importation of goods under restriction, and division V of that section on the basis of plant pro- tection. RESTRICTIONS ON THE IMPORTATION OF POTATOES IMPORT AUTHORIZATION REQUIRED Article 1. The importation of potatoes of any variety, including seed potatoes, will be permitted only under an authorization of the Min- ister of Finance in cooperation with the Minister of Agriculture and -3-" Agrarian Reform, and only through customs' offices authorized for the entry of potatoes. Potatoes must be imported in new-, /unused containers, sealed by the shipper, or in bulk in sealed closed railroad cars. PHYT0SA1TITARY CERTIFICATE' REQUIRED Art. 1 cont'd. Each shipment must be accompanied by a certificate in duplicate, in accordance with the prescribed model 3 (see pp. 3 and 4), issued by the official phytopatho logical service or the plant protection organization of the exporting country. This certificate must affirm that the potatoes, as well as all the materials- used in packing them, are free from the following diseases and pests and from eggs and larvae of such pests, namely, potato wart,. Synchytriuin endobioticum ; powdery scab, Spongospora subterranea ; Colorado potato beetle, ( Doryphora ) Leptinotarsa decemli n eata ; potato tuber worm', ( Phthorimaea ) Cnorimo schema operculella ; and the potato nematode, Heterodera schachtii rostochiensis ; furthermore, that the potatoes were grown in a locality determined as free from the aforesaid diseases and pests and at least 20 km from the nearest place where potato wart has been determined, and 50 km from the nearest place where the Colorado potato beetle was known to occur. PRESCPJ BED--POTATO., CERTIFICATE. (Model 3). Country of origin .-■: No . . Certificate of Health and Origin for Potatoes (Valid 30 days from date of issue) The undersigned, (full name and official title)* certifies that the shipment of potatoes deccribed below was inspected and: (1) Is free from the following-named diseases and pests, as well as from the eggs and larvae of such pests: Wart disease, Synchy tr iura en dobl o t i cum ; powdery scab, Spongospora subterrai:ea ; Colorado potato beetle, ( Doryphora ) Leptinotars a decei: lineata ; potato tuber worm, ( Phthorimaea ) nor imo s c i ; cma opercu lella ; and the pot at • nematode, Heterodera schachtii rostochiensis ; (2) Was grown in a locality free from the said diseases and nests and at least 20 km from the nearest place where the wart disease has been determined, and 50 km from the nearest place where the Colorado beetle is known tr> occur; _4- (3) 7as shipped in new, unused containers , without packing; (4) Was shipped in containers provided with seals in a railroad car bearing the inscription: (insert inscription) ; (5) All articles employed in packing (containing) the potatoes included in the shipment are free from • the diseases and pests (including eggs and larvae) named in paragraph (1). Description of Shipment Weight of shipment Number and kind of containers Marks on containers Railroad car numbers Varietal names of potatoes Administrative district Name and address of shipper Name and address of consignee Date Signature Seal RESTRICTIONS ON THE IMPORTATION OF PLANTS AND PLANT PRODUCTS PHYTOSANITARY CERTIFICATE REQUIRED WIIH PLANTS AND PLANT PRODUCTS Art. 2. The following -mentioned plant products may be imported through the customs offices authorized for that purpose on condition that each shipment is provided with two copies of a certificate issued by the plant protection service of the exporting country in accordance with the prescribed model 16. RESTRICTED PLANTS AND PLANT PRODUCTS (1) All shrubs and bushes, as well as their slips and cuttings; (2) Rooted ornamentals, their seedlings or cuttings; bulbs, tubers, and roots; -5- (3) Fresh fruits: Apple, pear, .plum, peach, apricot, sour and sweet cherry; (4) Fresh vegetables of all kinds, including their aerial and subterranean parts but not including their seeds. This does not apply to potatoes, which fall under article 1; (5) Seeds of peas, beans, lentils, vetch, horsebeans, and field beans. POTATO WART CERTIFICATION REQUIRED FOR ROOTED PLANTS Art. 3. It must appear from the certificates issued in accordance with the prescribed model 16 (see pp. 5 and 6) that the contents of the shipment and all articles serving as packing materials were inspected and found free from the diseases and pests (and ergs and larvae of such pests) mentioned in Appendix A; furthermore, that the above-mentioned nursery products were grown in an establishment free from these diseases and pests. On the importation of shrubs, bushes, and rooted cuttings, as well as other rooted plants, or of subterranean plant parts (bulbs, tubers, roots) with adhering soil or in receptacles with soil, the certificate must con- tain a declaration that the plants were grown in a locality free from wart disease, Synchytriu m endobioticum , and that the soil contained in the shipment did not originate in wart-infected ground. PRESCRIBED CERTIFICATE FOR PLANTS AND PLANT PRODUCTS (Model 16) Country of origin No. Certificate of Health and Origin for Plants (Valid 30 days from date of issue) The undersigned, (full name and official title) certifies that the (description of plants and plant products) included in this ship- ment, and all the articles serving as packing therefor, have been in- spected and are: (1) Free from the diseases and pests (including eggs and larvae of the latter) named in Appendix V (Appendix A to this summary) to the Decree of October 4, 1933, *m Customs Procedure (Dz-iennik Ustaw R. P. No. 77/552), and were produced in an establishment free from those diseases and pests; -6- * (2) The nursery products included in the shipment were produced in a locality free from wart disease, Synchytrium endobiot icum ; ' and * (3) The earth contained in the shipment originated in ground not infected with wart disease. Description of the Shipment Weight of shipment Quantity and kind of containers Marks on containers Railroad car numbers Administrative district Name and address of shipper Name and address of consignee Date Seal Signature *Strike out the clause that does not apply to the shipment, • EXPLANATION OF CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS Since the diseases and pests named in .appendix A, with the excep- tion of Didymosphaeria ( Didymella ) applanata are widely distributed in the United States, the Polish certification requirements apparently con- stitute a practical embargo. On discussing the matter with the Polish Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform, that Ministry, under date of a.pril 15, 1934, stated that no embargo is intended. Uith respect to the shipment concerned, the certificate must certify freedom from the diseases and pests (including eggs and larvae of the latter) named in Appendix V to the Decree October 4, 1933; but with respect to the freedom of the establishment in which the contents of the shipment were produced from those diseases and pests, the re- quirement will be met by certifying that the plants or parts thereof contained in the shipment were grown in an establishment free from those diseases and pests mentioned in Appendix V which could attack those plants or parts of slants as parasites and be introduced into Poland wi th . hem. as for rooted plants or subterranean parts of plants (bulbs, tubers, roots, etc.) with earth adhering or packed in receptacles with' -7- earth, the certificate should also attest that the plants or parts of plants were grown in a place free from potato wart ( Synchytrium en- dobioticum ) and that the soil contained in the shipment does not come from land infected by potato wart. This does not mean that a special examination of the soil is required for traces of the wart organism. An attestation by the official plant protection service of the exporting country that the establishment (nursery, plantation, garden, etc.) in which this plant material was grown that the said service had not de- termined any case of wart disease in that establishment, will suffice. Certificates by competent Federal or State authority are accept- able to the Polish Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform, but the certificates should be issued in the form prescribed (Model 16). ENTRY OF PLANTS AND PLANT PRODUCTS FROM FRONTIER LOCALITIES Art. 4. The potatoes, plants, seeds, and fruits named in arti- cles 1 and 2 which originate in agricultural districts intersected by the frontier and intended for the urgent needs of those districts may be imported without phytosanitary certificate and with the permit of the local Polish authority of the general government only. CERTIFICATE REQUIRED 71 TH CLOVER SEEDS Art. 5. Seeds of clover ( gri folium ) , alfalfa ( Medicago ) , sand clover ( Anthyllis ) , sweetclover ( Mel i lot us ) , birdsfoot trefoil ( Lotus corniculatus ) , and timothy (Phleum pratense ) imported from foreirn countries must be provided with a certificate, in the following form, of the seed laboratory of the exporting country. CERTIFICATE OF PURITY FOR CLOVER AND RELATED SEEDS (Model 4) The seed testing station at (locality of station) hereby affirms that according to the examination of samples from the consignment de- scribed below, consisting of (quantity) sacks of seeds of clover, alfalfa, sand clover, sweetclover, birdsfoot trefoil, and timothy, the containers of which are furnished with seals, are numbered, and bear the tag of the seed testing station, they did not yield a single seed of Cuscuta . At the same time, the seed testing station declares that the exam- ination was effected under the following conditions: 100 g of seeds were withdrawn from three places, the upper, middle, and lower portion of each sack. Each of the samples so withdrawn was separately examined. Not a single Cuscut a seed was thereby found. If the examination showed the presence of Cuscuta in half or greater proportion of the samples, the whole -8- of the consignment inspected was deemed contaminated with Cuscuta . The sealing of the consignment was effected by the seed testing station be- fore the examination was made. Description of Shipment Marks of the seeds Gross weight of shipment * Marks of the inspected shipment and number of sacks Full name and address of shipper Full name and address of consignee Signature of Director * of Seed Testing Station (Seal of Seed Testing Station) Date Art. 6. The list of stations authorised to issue certificates will be published in the Monitor Polski. (See Appendix E) IMPORTATION OF CLOYED SEZDS ONLY THROUGH AUTHORIZED PORTS iiTt. 7. Seeds of clover, alfalfa, sand clover, sweetclover, birds- foot trefoil, and timothy imported from abroad into Polish customs terri- tory must be effected throurh customs offices authorized for the importa- tion of those seeds. The coloring of these seeds in the manner prescribed by the Minister of Finance in cooperation with the Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform at the expense of the interested person is compulsory. Art. 8. The description of the method of coloring the above- mentioned seeds (article 7) will be published in the Itonitor Polski. Article 8 has been supplemented by the Notice of December 11, 1933, as follows: Seeds of clover, alfalfa, sand clover, sweetclover, birdsfoot tre- foil, and timothy, on clearance through customs offices authorized for the entry of these gnods, are subject to compulsory coloring by means of a solution of eosin. The coloring is effected by injecting into the interior of each sack of seeds a 0.9 percent solution of eosin in denatured alcohol in the proportion of 160 cm of solution per 100 kg of seed. The cost «f coloring is borne by the importer. -9- . • ■ INSPECTION CERTIFICATE AND CERTIFICATE OF FITNESS REQUIRED r .ITH IMPORTED BEANS Art. 9. Beans, except those prohibited by Section 16, may be im- ported into the customs territory on the basis of the certificate in accordance with model 16 (see pp. 5 and 6) and a certificate »f fitness issued by the foreign official authorities or agricultural associations of a public-service character. The certificates of fitness must furnish the botanical names of the beans and affirm that they contain no poison- ous substances. In the absence of a certificate of fitness, a certificate issued by a Polish governmental fo»d testing station can be substituted, the certificate, of course, being issued after testing a sample sent to the station by the customs, under official seal. The transmittal and testing of samples are at the expense of the interested person. CERTIFICATES FOR GOODS IN TRANSIT rt, 10. In connection with the transit of the potatoes, plants, seeds, and fruits named in articles 1 and 2, the certificates prescribed therein are necessary. This requirement is not applicable when the goods are forwarded in closed sealed cars without transshipment or in tight uninjured containers. LANGUAGE OF CERTIFICATES Art. 11. The certificates mentioned in articles 1, 2, 3, and 5 must be issued either in the Polish language or in that of the export- ing country. The customs office has the right to require a translation into Polish of a certificate in a foreign language. Art. 12. The lists of customs offices authorized for the entry of the goods named in articles 1, 2, 3, and 5 will be published in the Monitor Polski (see Appendix B). INSPECTION MAY BE REQUIRED AT PORT OF ENTRY Art. 13. The sanitary condition of the ?-oods named in articles 1 anjd 2 may be confirmed at customs offices by experts authorized by the Minister of Finance in cooperation with the Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform for that purpose. In case diseases and pests are found in the said merchandise, it may not enter into free traffic. Art. 14. The plants and plant products named in articles 1 and 2 -10- which are not provided with the certificates of the official phytosan- itary service or plant protection, .servic-e- of- the 'exporting country, may enter into free traffic if the interested- person produces the cer- tificate of a Polish plant protection service, according to which the shipment in question is free from injurious plant' diseases and pests. Art. 15. Seeds of clover,, alfalfa, sand clover, sweetclover, birdsfoot trefoil, and timothy which are not provided with a certifi- cate (Model 4) of a foreign seed testing station, may be released int» free traffic on the basis of a certificate issued by one *f the author- ized Polish seed control stations. The contents of the certificate must correspond to Model 4. Art. 16. Shipments of seeds of clover, alfalfa, sand clover, sweetclover, birdsfoot trefoil, and timothy which are provided with a certificate (Model 4) issued by a foreign seed testing station, may be inspected again at a customs office in Poland. If this inspection shows the seed to be contaminated with dodder ( Cuscuta ) it may not be released into free traffic. Art. 17. The regulations on the coloring and certification cf the purity of seeds do not extend to commercial samples of a gross weight of 100 g or less. These may be imported without restriction. APPENDIX A (Appendix V to the Decree of Oct. 4, 1933) PLANT PESTS AMD DISEASES The certificate referred to in article £ must affirm freedom of the respective shipments from, the following-named pests and diseases: Plant diseases Bacterium ( Pseud omonas , Phytomonas ) hyacinthi , yellow disease of hyacinths; Bacterium tumefaciens , crown gall ; Pi qyrao s pha or i a ( Didymell a) a'pplanata ; Pla sm opara ( Pse udoperonoapora ) humuli , hop downy miluew; Sept^ria aaal eae , leaf spot of azalea and rhododendron; Virus diseases of hops. Insect pests Aspidi^tus ostreaef ormis , European fruit scale; ^spidiotus perr.iciosus , San Jose scale ; ( Doryphora ) Leptinotarsa decemlineata , Colorado potato beetle; -11- Insect .jsests cent'd- ( Phthorimaea ) Gnorimoschema operculella , potato tuber worm; Phylloxera ( vastatrix ) vitifoliae , grape phylloxera; RhizH-'iyphus ( echinopus ) hyacinthi , bulb mite; ( Schizoneura. ) Eriosoma laniger a , woolly apple aphid; All species of nematodes; Fruit flies of the genus Rhagoleti s; All genera of the family Bruchidae. APPENDIX B AUTHORIZED CUSTOM PORTS OF ENTRY (_a) For potatoes and for the nursery products named in Section 17, articles 1, 2, and 3 of the Decree of October 4, 1933: Bydgoszcz, Cieszyn, Gdynia, Grajewo, Katowice, Krakow, Lwow, Lawoczne, Lodz, Podwoloczyska, Poznan, Rakowiece, Sniatyn- Zaluczo, Stolpce, Tczew, Torun, Turmont , T .7arsaw, 7ilno, Zdolbunow, Zebrzydowice, and in the territory of Danzig Free City: Freibezirk, Hafenkanal, IVeichselbahnhof , and Packhof. (_b) For clover, alfalfa, and similar seeds named in Section 17, article 5 of the Decree of October 4, 1953: Bytom-Dabrowa, Gdynia, Lawoczne, Podwoloczyska, Sniatyn-Zalucze, Stolpce, Turmont, Zbaszyn, Zdolbunow, Zebrzydowice, and in the territory of Danzig Free City: Freibezirk, Hafenkanal, Weichselbahnhof , and Packhof. (_c) The following-named plant protection offices may issue cer- tificates for shipments of plants and parts thereof named in (jl) on im- portation from foreign countries if such shipments are not accompanied by certificates: 1. Districts of '.7oi7;odschaften: Wilno and Noworrodek - Uilno Board of Agriculture, T 7ilno ; Pomerella - Pomerella Board of agriculture, ul. Sienkiowicza No. 10, Torun; Poznan - Great Polish Board of Agriculture, Mickiewicza No. 33, Poznan; Silesia - Silesia Board of Agriculture, ul. Juljusza Livonia No, 35, Katowice; Lodz - Lodz Board of Agriculture, ul. Piotrrweka 96, Lodz; -12- 1. Districts of ','oiwodschaften cont'd: 'Jolyn - Y/olynska Board of Agriculture, Mickiewicza 1, Luck; gar saw - Bialystock and Polesia, the Plant Protection Office T.O.W., ul. Bagatella 3, Warsaw; Krakow and Kielce - The Krakow Board of Agriculture, Krakow; Lwow, Stanislawow and Tarnopol - The Botanico -Agricul- tural Research Institute, ul. Zyblikiewicza 40, Lwow; Lublin - Lublin Board of Agriculture, Lublin. 2. District of the Free City of Danzig: The principal Office for Plant Protection of the Free City of Dan- zig of the Agricultural Institute of the Technical High School, Sandgrube 21, Danzig, or the Pomerella Board of Agriculture. (_d) The following-named domestic seed testing stations are author- ized to issue certificates of purity for seeds of clover, alfalfa, etc., indicated under (_b) when no foreign certificates are presented: The seed testing station of the ",'ilno Board of Agricul- ture, ul. Zakretow 1, Y/ilno ; The seed testing station of the Silesia Board of Agricul- ture, Kraszewskiego 15, Cieszyn; The seed testing station of the Pomerella Board of Agri- culture, Sienkiewicza 10, Torun; The seed testing station of the Great Polish Board of Agriculture, Mickiewicza 33, Poznan; The seed testing station of the golynska Board of Agri- culture, Mickiewicza 1, Luck; The seed testing station at the Industrial and Agricul- tural Museum, Krakowskie Przedm No. 64, g'arsaw; The seed testing station at the Agricultural Research Institute of the Jagiel Ionian University, Lobzowska No. 24, Krakow; The State Botanico-Agri cultural Office, Zyblikiewicza 40, Lwow ; The Pomerella Board of Agriculture, Torun, or the Research and Control Station of the Agricultural Institute of the Technical High School, Sandgrube 21, Danzig. Lists of the authorized foreign offices f*r the issuance of certify cates of purity for seeds of clover, alfalfa, etc., are published in the Monitor Polski No. 176/521; 1926, and No. 227/526, 1929. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09245 1623