•""SKK*. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D. C. b. e. Pi Q.--U06" July is, 1936. PLANT-QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OP THE BRITISH COLONY OF MALTA UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D. C. B. E. P. l.—koG July 18, 1936 PLANT-QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OP THE BRITISH COLONY OF MALTA This summary of the plant-quarantine import restrictions of the British Colony of Malta has "been prepared for the information of nursery- men, plant-quarantine officials, and others interested in the exporta- tion of plants and plant products to that Colony. It was prepared by Harry 3, Shaw, Plant Quarantine Inspector, in Charge of Foreign Information Service, Division of Foreign Plant Quarantines, from the original Ordinance and Government Notices, and reviewed by the Director of Agriculture of Malta, The information contained in this circular is believed to be correct and complete up to the time of preparation, but it is not intended to be used independently of, nor as a substitute for, the original texts, and it is not to be interpreted as legally authorita- tive. LEE A. STRONG, Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine . UNITED STATES DEPARTl/IENT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D. C. PLANT-QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OP THE BRITISH COLONY OF MALTA BASIC LEGISLATION Ordinance No. Ill of I876 (June 20, 1876) It shall "be lawful for the Head of the Government, whenever, in his opinion, there is reason to "believe that any agricultural produce in any country out of the island of Malta and its dependen- cies, is affected with a disease which, by the introduction of such produce into those islands, might "be introduced into and spread within those islands, to prohibit, by a notice in the Government Gazette, the importation of the said produce from the country and from any other country into which the importation of the same produce from the former country be not prohibited. SUMMARY Importation Prohibited COTTONSEED from places infected with ANTHRAX. (Gov't, Notice No. 21 of Jan. 30, igiU. p. 30 POTATOES FROM FRANCE: Importation prohibited to prevent the intro- duction of the Colorado potato beetle, Le-otinotarsa decemlin- eata Say. (Gov't. Notice of Sept. 11, 1922,) PLANTS ', PARTS OF PLANTS, TOMATOES, AND RAW VEGETABLES: Importation prohibited from European France, North America, Belgium, and Luxembourg, to prevent the introduction of the Colorado potato beetle, Lentinotarsa decemlineata Say, and San Jose scale, Asuidiotos pernio iosus Comst. (Gov't. Notice No. 175 of July 28, 1923, as amended by No. 272 of Aug. 1, 1932, p. 3.) ■2- POTATOES FROM NORTHERN AFRICA: Importation prohibited to prevent the introduction of pests dangerous to the domestic potato crop. (Gov't. Notice No. 236 of Aug. 27, 1924.) Importation Restricted COTTONSEED from places not declared infected with anthrax: Must be accompanied by a certificate from the British Consular authority or the local government authority affirming that anthrax is not prevalent in the district in which the cottonseed was grown. (Gov't. Notice No. 21, art. 1 (c) , of Jan. 30, 1914, p. 3.) POTATOES: Must be accompanied by shipper's declaration of freedom of land where grown from potato wart, Synchytrium endobioticum , and a certificate of competent authority to the same effect. (Gov't. Notice No. 21, art. 1 (d) of Jan. 30, lgiU, p. 3.) PLANTS, ROOTS, OR GARDEN SOIL from any Mediterranean port: Must be accompanied by an antinhylloxera certificate. (Gov't. Notice No. 21, art. 3, Jan. 30, I91U.) CITRUS FRUITS: Importation subject to inspection on arrival, with action according to findings. (Gov't. Notice No. 21, art. h t Jan. 30, 191^, p. *+.) SULLA SEED, Kedysarum coronarium L.: If imported after March is liable to seizure and detention in Government bonded store until Jan- uary 1 of the following year, unless certified by competent authority of country of origin that the seed is over 12 months old. (Gov't. Notice of June 11, 1920, p. k.) LIVE PLANTS FROM GREAT BRITAIN: Subject to inspection on arrival; if found infested by Colorado potato beetle, will be disposed of as the Superintendent of Agriculture may direct. (Gov't. Notice No. 387 of Sept. 20, 1933- ) Importation Unrestricted All imports made by the Department of Agriculture. (Gov't. Notice No. 352, Sept. 3, 1927, p. 50 From the foregoing it would appear that the only plant material admissible from the United States comprises fresh fruits, including citrus fruits; dried, desiccated, canned, candied, or preserved fruits and vegetables; nuts, dried beans, peas, etc., seeds, and cereals, for which neither import permits nor inspection certificates are required. Import Regulations (Government Notice No. 21 of Jan. 30, 19lU) Importation Prohibited Article 1. The importation of the following articles is pro- hibited: (a) Revoked by Government Notice No. kkg, October 2k t 1933. (b) Revoked by Government Notice No. kkS, October 2k t 1933. (c_) Cottonseed, arriving cr originating from infected places, or in any other case, unless accompanied by a certificate from the Eritish Consular authority, or, where there is no such authority, from the local government authority, to the effect that anthrax is not prevalent in the district in which such cottonseed was grown. . (d) Potatoes, unless accompanied by the following documents: (1) Statutory declaration by the shipper, naming the place of origin and stating that such potatoes were not grown on land infected with potato wart or black scab (S ynchytrium endobioticun (Schilb.) Perc.) (2) A certificate from the Inspector of Agriculture or other equivalent authority of the place from which the potatoes are imported, stating that the locality in which the potatoes were grown is free from that disease. Consignments of potatoes not accompanied by the documents above mentioned shall, on importation, be liable to be inspected, at the expense of the consignee, by the Inspector of Agriculture, who nay give such directions and take such steps as he may consider necessary, including the prohibition of the disposal of consignments locally for seed purposes. (As amended by Government Notice No. 3^2 of Oct. 20, 192b.) -4- Art. 2, concerning the importation of cuttings or shoots of grapevines ( Vitis spp.) was revoked by Government Notice No. 448 of October 24, 1933. Art. 3- Th° importation of plants, roots, or garden soil from any port in the Mediterranean is prohibited, unless the ,joods be ac- companied by an antiphylloxera certificate (as approved oy the Inter- national Phylloxera Conference, Berne, Nov. 3> 1881) signed by the proper authority. Art. 4. Citrus fruits shall, on importation, be liable to be inspected at the expense of the consignee, by the Inspection Officer for plant diseases, who may -give such directions and take such steps as he may consider necessary. (As amended by Government Notice of Dec. 18, 1923.) IMPORTATION OP SULLA SEED RESTRICTED (Government Notice of June 11, 1920) Consignments of Sulla seeds ( Kedysarum coronarium L. , French honeysuckle or sulla clover) imported after March are liable to be seized and kept, at the expense and risk of the importer, in a Government bonded store until January 1 of the following year, unless the consignment be accompanied by a certificate from the Superintendent of Agriculture, or from another equivalent authority in the country of origin, that the seed is over 12 months old and is of good germinating quality. IMPORTATION PROHIBITED OP PLANTS AND PLANT PRODUCTS FROM PRANCE AND NORTH AMERICA (Government Notice No. 175, of July 28, 1923 • as amended by No. 272 of Aug. 1, 1932) To prevent the introduction of the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say, and San Jose scale, Aspidiotus pernicio- sus Const., the importation into the Islands is prohibited of all trees, shrubs, cuttings, tubers, bulbs, and flowering roots, tomatoes, and raw vegetables from European France and North America. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA llWlWIIWllllMIIIlff 3 1262 09242 0222 ■5- DEPART^SNTAl IMPORTATIONS UNRESTRICTED (Government Notice No. 352 of Sept. 3, 1927) All imports to bo made by the Department of A^ri culture are exempted from the prohibitions contained in all Government notices issued in virtue of Ordinance No. Ill of 1S]G,