LIBRARY STATE PLANT BOARD July 19^7 *- 731 United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Administration Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine A LIST OP PUBLICATIONS ON BENZENE HEXACHLORIDE-' Ruth L. Busbey, Division of Insecticide Investigations (1) ANONYMOUS I9U5. El gammexane. Guardado como secreto de guerra hasta ahora, so ha revelado el hallazgo de un poderosisimo insecticida. El Campo y Suelo Argentino 29(3H5) : 2^-25. (2) 19^5. Advances in disinfeetation. Lancet 2^9(6376): 609-610. 1946. The chemical control of pests. Endeavour [London] Ml6): 121-122. [Also in Trop. Agr. 23(1): 1-2.] W I9U6. Grasshopper plague threatens north. Dept. [of Agriculture] testing Gammexane from aircraft. Stock and Land [Melbourne, Australia] 36(22): 1. (5) I9U6. Hexachlorocyclohexane .... a new triple-action insecticide. Down to Earth [Dow Chemical Co.] 2(2): lH-l6. (6) ALLMAN, S. L. 19^6. Benzene hexachloride in grasshopper baits. Agr. Gaz. N. S. Wales 57(*0: 171-2, 182. (7) APPLE, J. W. 19^6. A better cabbage insecticide. 111. Veg. Growers' Bui. 6(3): H-6. (8) AULT, C. N. 19^-6. Control of Boophllu3 australis in the Argentine by the gamma isomer of hexachlorocyclohexane (Gammexane). Nature [London] 157: 699-700, Y Reprints of these publications are not available for distribution by the Bureau. MG 2 5 7947 -2- (9) B., A. 1946. Deux nouveaux insecticides, "DOT" et "666." Agron. Trop. 1(1-2): 79. (10) BACON, C. W. 1909. On the determination of halogens in organic compounds, Amer. Chem. Soc. Jour. 31: 49-52. (11) BEILSTEIH, F., and KURBATOlf, A. P. 1878. TJber die Chloroderivate des Benzols. Justus Llebigs Ann. der Chea. 192: 228-240. (12) BEILSTEIH, F. K. 1922. Beilsteins Handbuch der Organischen Chemie. Id. 4, Vol. 5, p. 23, Berlin; also let sup. (1930). Vol. 5, p. 8; and 2d sup. (1943), Vol. 5, pp. 11-12. (13) BKKKHiH, P. M. , and GRAF, E. 1946. Gammexane and D.D.T. dips for control of arsenic-resistant blue tick. Farming in So. Africa 21: 361-366, 420. (14) BENDER , EARRT 1935. Chlorination. U. S. Patent 2,010, 84l, issued Aug. 13. To Great Western Electro-Chemical Co. (13) BEHLLOCH, MIGUEL 19^5. Los nuevos insecticidas organicas. Agricultura [Madrid] 14 S 511-516. (16) BERGER, S. 1920. Production of chlorides by primed reaction. [Paris] Acad, des Sci. Compt. Rend. 171: 29-32. (17) BERTHELOT, ,M. P. E. , f 1868. Methode un^verselle pour reduire et saturer d f hydrogene les composes organiques. Soc. Chim. de France Bui. 9: 8- 31. (18) BISHOPP, F. C. 1945. The insecticide situation. Jour. Econ. Ent. 39: 449-U59. (19) 1946. Use of DDT as an insect control in the canning industry. Canner 102(10): 13-l4, 18. (20) 1946. Hew insecticides. Agr. Chem. 1(6): 19-22, 39-40. -3- (21) BODEWIG, C. ,_, , . 1879. [Benzene hexachloride.] .Ztschr f. Kristallographle 3: 401. [Abstract in Jahresber. uber Fortschr. der Chem. 1879 * P» 3«7.3 (22) BONNEMAISOH, L. , 1946. Sur 1 'action aphicide de quelques composes organlquee. Acad. d» Agr. de Prance Compt. Rend, 32: 38-40. (23) BOTTGER, G. T., and LEVIN, CLEMENCI 1946. Comparative toxicity to insects of benzene hexachloride and DDT. Jour. Scon. Int. 39: 539-541. (24) BOUHNI, I. B. 1945. Hexachlorocyclohexane as an insecticide. Nature [London] 156: 85. (25) BRACET, P., and DAVID, W. A. L. 19ll4. 666 as an anti mosquito spray. Gt. Brit. Min. Prod. Thirteenth Interim Bpt. on Anti-Mosquito Sprays, IDP(44) 170 : 1-2. [Processed]* (26) BRETT, CHARLES H. , and RHOADES, W. C. I9U6. Grasshopper control in alfalfa with hexachlorocyclohexane dust. Jour. Icon. Xnt. 39: 677-678, (27) BRITISH MINISTRY OP PRODUCTION, INSECTICIDE DEVELOPMENT PANEL 1944. Minutes of the seventeenth meeting ... June 27, 1944. Gt. Brit. Min. Prod. Rpt. IDF(44) 17th Meeting: 1-7. [Processed]* (28) BRITISH WAR OFFICE, DIRECTOR 07 HYGIENE 1944. Report on preliminary investigation of larvicidal action of the substance 666, received from No. 7 Field Malaria Laboratory, Vest Africa Force. Gt. Brit. Min. Prod* Rpt. IDP (44) 196: l-14(Aug. 8); 5 pp. sup. Aug. 19, 19^. [Processed.]* (29) BRONSON, T. E., SMITH, F. P., and SIMPSON, G. V. 1946. Control of aphids on potatoes in northeastern Maine. Jour. Icon. Int. 39: 189-194, (30) BROWN, A. V. A. 1946. Toxicity and dispersal of DNOC and other organic insecti- cides. II. Laboratory studies on the toxicity of DNOC and other organic insecticides to grasshoppers. In Hanford, R. H«, Comp., Results of Grasshopper Investigations Daring 1945. Part III. Work Conducted in Canada, 51 pp. Canada Dept. Agr. . Sci. Serv. , Div. Int. Processed Pub. 53: 32-35. Copies may not be available. (31) BRUNETEAU, J. 19^6. La lutte contre 1«3 criquets dans le sud-ouest de la Trance en I9U5. Acad. d» Agr. de France, Compt. Eend. 32: 231- 23^. (32) BURKE, FREDERICK 19^6. Crickets in bakeries. Their habit e and some suggestions for their control. Food 15(173): 37 • (33) BUSTON, H. W. , JACOBS, S. I., and GOLDSTEIN, A. 19H6. Cause of physiological activity of »Gammexane. • Nature [London] 158: 22. (3H) BUSVINS, J. R. 19U6. New synthetic contact insecticides. Nature [London] 158: 22. (35) U£ 19W. The comparative toxicity of various contact insecticides to the louse, ( Pedi cuius humanus L.) and the bed-bug ( Cimex lectularins L.). Ann. Appl. Biol. 33: 271-279. (36) BUXTON, R. A. I9UU. Summary of "Larvicidal properties of DDT and 666; experi- ments conducted in Ceylon, March and April I9W; (First experimental report by Major C. R. Ribbands,) Gt. Brit. Min. Prod. Rpt. 1^(^)176: 1-6. [Processed]* (37) CALIFORNIA SPRAT- CHEMICAL CORPORATION I9U6. Gam tox. TJ. S. Trademark ^21,592, registered June h. (38) CALLAN, E. McO. 19*+5» Two new insecticides - DDT and 666. Trop. Agr. [Trinidad] 22: 98-99. (39) CAMERON, 0. R. 19^5» Risks to man and animals from the use of 2,2-bis(p-chloro- phenyl)l ( l,l-trichlorethane (DDT), with a note on the toxicology of gamma-bonze* hexachloride (666, Gammexane). Brit. Med. Bui. 3: 233. (UO) and BURGESS, F. 19^. Toxicity of 666. Gt. Brit. Min. Prod. Rpt. IDP(U4)131: 1-6. [Processed]* (hi) CAMPBELL, F. L. I9U6. The action of insecticides. Sci. Monthly 63: 153-156. -5- (42) CAHIZO, JOSE DEL 19U6. Los nuevos insecticidas sinteticos. DDT y 666. Siembra [Spain] Ho. 7t PP» **-7« (^3) CAWUPORE [INDIA] ORDNANCE LABORATORIES 19^5. The use of DDT and 666 as insecticides against grain pests. (Part I-Incorporation of DDT and 666 in wall washes.) Jour. Sci. and Indus. Res. *+: 73-77* (l*h) 19^6. Use of DDT and 666 (benzen* hexachloride) against grain pests. III. Persistence of toxicity of DDT and 666 applied in wall washes. Jour. Sci. & Indus. Res. 4: U93- ^95. (U5) CHABOUSSOU, P., and LATAX®, J. 19^5. La lutte contre i*hoplocampe des prunes ( Hoplocampa flava L.j en Agenais. Acad, d 1 Agr. de Prance, Compt. Rend. 31: 60-6*. (46) CHAMLIN, GEORGE R. 19^6. Ghemistry of benzene hexachloride and its insecticidal properties. Jour. Chem. Ed. 23: 283-284. (U7) CHEMICAL CORPS, TOUTED STATES ARMY 19^-6. Some observations on the pharmacology of hexachlorocyclo- hexanes. U. S. Chem. Corps Quarterly Prog. Rpt. on In- sect and Rodent Control, July 1-Sept. 30, CML C, Ho. 11: pp. 22-30. [Available from Off. Tech. Serv. , tJ. S. Dept. Com.] (48) CHERIAN, M. C. , and RAO, P. R. NAGARAJA 19^5° Trials with DDT and 666 against pests of stored grains* Indian Panning 6: 572-573. (>+9) COLEBROOK, M. A., EITREIM, I. M., and GERRITT, G. N. 19^-5* Insecticide output grows in United Kingdom and Eire. Foreign Com. Weekly [U. S. Dept. Com.] 21(2): 13, 46-48. (50) COLLIE, J. H. 1S97* On a space formula for benzene. [London] Chem. Soc. Proc. 13: 1U3-IU5. (51) , and PRTE, C. C. 1897 • Note on the action of bromine and benzene* [London] Chem. Soc. Proc. l4 : 52-53. (52) CRAUTORD-BENSON, H. J. 1944. Mosquito larviciding - 666 dust. Gt. Brit. Min. Prod, Rpt. IDP(44)202:1-12. [Processed]* (53) I9U5. Jly control with DDT and 666. Gt. Brit. Min. Prod. Bpt. IDP(^5)227: 1-9, 7 appendixes. [Processed]* (54) CEISTOL, S. J. 19^7. The kinetics of the alkaline dehydrochlorination of the benzene hexachloride isomers. The mechanism of second- order elimination reactions. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jour. 69: 33^-342. (55) COTT, EAT L. I9U6. Stock sprays of tomorrow. Agr. Chem. 1(6): 23-26. (56) DAASCH, I. W. t and SMITH* D. 0. I9U7. Analysis of insecticide "666" ( 1,2,3,4, 5,6-hexachloro- cyclohexane) by Infrared spectroscopy. U. S. Naval Res. Lab. Bpt. P-3033, 21 pp., 8 plates* (57) DAVID, W. A. L. 1945. The measurement of the quantity of spray collected by fly- ing insects ( Aedes aegyptl and Musca domes tica ) exposed to insecticidal mists. Gt. Brit. Min. Prod. 21st Interim Rept. on Anti-Mosquito Sprays. IDP(45)236: l-5» [Processed]* (58) BAVIES, E. L. 1946. Toxicity of selected organic compounds to insects. Part III. Tests on adults of Sltophilus granarlus . Alberta [Suffield] Expt. Sta. Tech. Minute Ho. 114, 7 pp. [Processed] (59) DAWSON, R. B., and ESCRITT, J. R. 1946. Leather- jacket control with benzene hexachloride and with DDT. Nature [London] 158: 448. (60) DE ATLET, L. S. 1947. Chemicals and pest control. Pests 15(1): 32, 34, 36-38. (61) DE MEILLON, BOTHA 1946. Effect on some blood-sucking arthropods of 'Gammexane' when fed to a rabbit. Nature [London] 158: 839. (62) DEONIER, CHRISTIAN C. , JONES, HOWARD A. , and INCHO, HARRT H. 1946. Organic compounds effectire against larvae of Anopheles quadrlmaculatue -Laboratory tests. Jour. Icon. Ent. 39: 459-4b2. -7- (63) DICKER, G. H. L. 1946. Apple blossom weevil and its control by D.D.T. Ann. Appl. Biol. 33: 124-125. (64) DICKINSON, R. G., and BILICKS, C. 1928. The crystal structures of beta-benzene hexabromide and hexachloride. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jour. 50: 764-770. (65) DUMBLITON, L. J. 1945. "666" and "DOT" ae mosquito larricides. Hew Zeal. Jour. Scl. and Technol., Sect. A, 27(2): 133-134. (66) DUPIRE, A. and HAUCOURS , M. 1943. TJn insecticide ncuveau: lthexachlorure de benzene. Acad. d'Agr. de France* Compt. Rend. 29: 470-472. (67) DUSTAN, G. G., ARMSTRONG, T., and POTMAN, W. L. 1946. Preliminary experiments with benzene hexachloride (666) ae an insecticide. Scl. Agr. 26: 106-121. (68) EDDT, GAINES V., and CARSON, N. B. 1946. Further tests of the more promising materials against the body lease. Jour. Scon. Int. 39: 763-767* (69) EGLOFF, G. 1946. Petroleum, natural gae and agriculture. Chemurglc Digest 5: 241-245. (70) FARADAT, MICHAEL 1825* On new compounds of carbon and hydrogen and on certain ether products obtained during the decomposition of oil by heat. Phil. Trans. 1825, pp. 440-466. Also in Ann. de Chim. et de Phys. 30: 269-291* (7D FAYARD t P. 1946. Lutte contre lee larvee de taupes et les vers grls. Prog. Agr. st Yitlc. 125: 409-4ll. (72) FERRRIRA MIGLIANO, MARIO 1945. A. I. 63 and "666". Pub. Farm. [Sao Pauls] ll(4l): 7-9, 11-13. (73) PINBAK, C, and HASSEL, 0. 194l • Molecular-structure determinations of several simple com- pounds by use of the rotating sector. Arch. Math. Natur- Tidenskab 45(3): 8 pp. [In Finnish. Choa. Abs. 36: 6408. 1942.] .&. (7^) FISHER, L. A., and HANDFORD, R. H. I9H6. The efficiency of Bug-getta pellets and Gammexane as com- pared with sodium fluo silicate in halts. In Hanford, R. H. t Comp., Results of grasshopper investigations during 19*+5» Part III. Work conducted in Canada. 51 pp. Canada Dept. Agr. Sci. Serv. , Div. Int. Processed Puh. 53: 31* (75) FRIEDEL, C. , 1891. Sur les hexachlorures de henzene. Soc. Chim. de Prance Bui. [3] 5: 130. (76) FROND, A. H. 19^5. Insect pests. Agr. Gaz. N. S. Vales 56 : 552* (77) — - 1946. Cauliflower seed crop pests. Field experiments with the newer insecticides. Observations and results. Agr. Gaz. N. S. Wales 57: 181-182. (78) FULTOE, B. B. 19^6. Soil insecticides for control of the southern corn root- worm. Jour. Bcon. Ent. 39: 7 81-783 • (79) GADD, C. H. [n.d.'J Report of the entomologist. Ceylon Tea Res. Inst, (Ann. Rpt. 19^5) Bui. 27: 30-36. (80) GAMBLE, REGINALD 19^5 • The new insecticides a big menace to bees? Smallhoid. , Poultry-Keeper and Gard. 7Ml t 86o): 18. (81) GERSDORFF, W. A., and McGOVRAH, I. R. 19^5» Insecticide toxicity studies. Experimental results on the comparative toxicity of benzene hexachloride, DDT and pyrethrum. Soap and Sanit. Chem. 21(11): 117, 121. (82) GLASGOW, R. D., and C0LLINS» D. L. 19^. Control of the American dog tick, a vector of Rocky Mountain spotted fever: Preliminary tests. Jour. Icon. Eat. 39: 235-2*40. (83) GOLDEESOE, JEROME and SASS, SAMUEL 19U6. Estimation of hexachlorocyclohexane (666) in impregnated cloth. [US*] Chem. Warfare Serv. , Tech. Div. Memo Rpt. 1280, 15 pp. [Available from Off Tech. Serv., U. S. Dept. Com.] -9- (#0 GOLDSCHMIDT, STEFAH, EBTDRES, RUDOLP, and DIRSCH, RUDOLP 1925. Tiber den Uasatz von Athylhypochlorit mit organischen Korpern. Deut. Chem. Gesell. Ber. 58: 572-577 • (85) GOLIGHTLY, W. H. I9U6. Modern insecticides and their use against wireworme. nature [London] 158: *P+8. (g6) and HQGG V. A. 19^6. Practical control of Vireworm with »Gammexane f . Hature [London] 157? 772. (87) GOMEZA OZiMIS, JOSE* MARIA 19^5. SI descubrimiento del nuevo insecticida 666. Ion [Madrid] 5: 7^5-750. (gg) GRAHT, A. I., and IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES, LTD. 1939* Benzene hexachloride. British patent 504,569 t issued April 26. (89) SKEW, E. So 19^5* ** busca de un veneno. Her. Inst, de Defensa del Cafe de Costa Rica 15: 235-237. (90) GUILHOF, J. f f 19^5o Recherches our les proprietes insecticides et sur la toxicite de l ? hexachlorecyclohexane. Acad. d'Agr. de France Compt. Rend. 32: 158-164, (9D , 19^60 tin nourel insecticide: l'hexachlorocyolehexane. Rec. de Med. Vet. 122: 3S6-M07. (92) GUHTHART f _I. 19^5* ubgr die insektlzide Wirkung eines Benzolhexachlorid- Praparates. Snt. Gesell. Mitt. 19: 6U7-648. (93) gunthbr, p. a. 19^6. Chlorination of "benzene. Chen, and Indus. Ho. *&: 399. (9*0 HALLER, H. L. , and BOWSH, 0. 7. 19^7 • Basic facts about benzene hexachloride. Agr. Chem. 2(1): 15-17. (95) HARBOUR, H. 1. 19**6. Sheep maggot fly control. Scot. Parmer 5^s 583» (96] 19^6. Control of sheep maggot fly. Parmer & Stock-Breeder and Agr. Gaz. 60: 865. -10- (97) HARBOUR, H. 1., and WATT, J. A. 19^5. Spraying trials with DDT and »666" against the sheep blow- fly. Yet. Reo. 57: 685-686. (98) HAHDIB, THOMAS 19^0.. Manufacture of benzene hezachlorlde. U. S. patent 2 9 2l8 t lH8 # issued Oct, 15. To Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd. (99) HASSSL, 0., and IAISH4GXH, 1. 1932. Sleetrio moments of certain cydohexane derivatives. Ztschr. f.phys. Chem. B15: 373-376. (100) and lAARLAHD, T. 19^2. The molecular structure of beta-benzene hezachlorlde. Tideskr. KJemi, Bergvesen, Met. 2t 6-7. (101) HAZB7, A. C, and GOODHDI, L. D. 19^6» Insectlcldal aerosols. Stability in storage studied by accelerated aging tests. Soap and Sanlt. Chea. 22(8): 151, 153. 155. (102) HZHDRICKS, S. B. 1930. Crystal structures of organic coapounds. Chea. lev. 7: *31-fc77. (103) — - and BILICE1, 0. 1926. The space-group and molecular symmetry of beta-benzene hexa- bromlde and hezachlorlde. Amer. Cham. Sec. Jour. kSt 3007- 3015V (10*0 HHNTSCHKL„ Y. 1897. TTber Ohlorstickstoff. Deut. Chem. Oesell. Ber. 30? 1U3M- l u 37. (105) HEHMS, WILLIAM B. 19^6* Some comparative, laboratory tests with minute dosages of DDT, 666 and DDD on mosquito larvae and pupae. Calif. Mosquito Control Assoc. lUth Ann. Conf. Proc. and Papers, PP« 3-6. (106) HERVBT, 0. I. R. 19*t6 • If feet of various dust mixtures on incidence of the cab- bage aphid. Jour. Icon. Int. 39: 265. (107) HBTS, Z. 1&71* Hotiz uber das Benzolhexachlorid. Ztschr. f. Chem. lh* 293-29^. -11- (108) EOCXIHO, K. 3., MacIHNXS, D. &., and WILSON, D. BAGSTXB 19U4. Preliminary trials of 666 as a larrlclds. Gt. Brit. Min. Prod. Bpt. IIF(U4)19S: 1-H. [Processed]* (109) WILSON, MABGAHXT X. , and WILSON, BAGSTXB 194H. Tent trials of insecticides: Pymulso capsules, insecti- cide dispensers, 666 and Sesame. Gt. Brit. Min. Prod. Bpt. IDP(HU)19S: 1-2. [Processed]* (110) EOLLABD, B. ?. 19^5. Hew insecticides. N. T. State Assoc. Milk Sanit., Ann. Conf. 22: 165-176. (111) HOLMXS, X. 19^5* 666: An Insecticide triumph of British chemical industry. Industrial Pest Control Association, Apr. 9, 19^5» 10 pp. [Processed.] (112) HOSKINS, V. M., and CALDWELL, A. H., Jr. 19^7 • DoTelopmont and use of a small spray chamber. Soap and Sanit. Chen. 23(k): ikyjMd, l6l, 163, 165, 167. (113) EDOHIS, L. X., JXHKINS, J. B. V. , and JOBBS, J. M. 19^6* A field trial of DDT and Gamraexane (666) in the control of sheep myiasis. Tot. Bee. 58: 251-252* (114) HUSAS, 0TSTXIN 19^6. Til kamp mot Jordloppene mod do nye "ripen" DDT og ,666. Norsk Landhruk 12: I96-I98. (115) BTBBS, B. B. B. 19^7. Use of •Gammexane 1 dust against domestic cockroaches. Bature [London] 159: 200-201. (116) IMPBBIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTHIES, LTD. 19*l6. Oammexane. U. S. Trade-Hark ^2^,1^9, registered Sept. 2H. (117) ISBLT, DWIGHT, and MIBBB, TLOTD D. 19^6. Control of aphids on spinach with hexachlorocyclohexane. Jour. icon. Bat. 39: 550. (118) ITT, X. X., and XWING, K. P. 19^6. Benzene hexachlorlde to control cotton insects. Jour. Xcon. Xnt. 39: 3S-Ul. (119) JATLBS, PAUL f 1929. Sur la chloruration electrolytique du benzene en milled methylique. [Paris] Acad, des Sci. Compt. Bend. 189: 686-689. -12- (120) jnrenrs, mle w. I9U5. A review of the insecticide hexachlorocyclohexane ( "666") • [US.] Chem. Warfare Serr. Med. Dlv. Hpt. Ho. 56. [Available from Off. Tech. Serv. , TJ. S. Dept. Con,] [Processed.] (121) JUHGFLMSCH, 1MIL1 , , , 1868. Recherches sur lee derives chlores de la "benzine. Ann. de Chin, et de Phys. [ u ]15: I86-329. (122) IALMEB, J. I9U5. 11 domiziio de la plaga de langosta. Victoriosa campana quimlca de la Gran Bretana. 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