rttwtf of ihe Uniied Stales Governmiii. i No 20, Revised Edition United States Departmenl of Agrj // t / libranr* BUREAU OK ENTOMOLOGY, i '■ HOWARD. Km. >ni.>i. mint and ChM 'it mi: wooi.n \niis OF Tin: m ■ 1 i ] uktiioh ok work. Throughout tli<- -uiniiirr on the lower portion <»f the trunk and par- ticularly <>n the water sprouts of the apple may often be Been small bluish-white Hocculent i>r cottony patches, which indicate the presence of oolonies of our of the worst enemies of tin' apple, viz, the insecl vari- ously known in this country as the " apple-root plant- . " "woolly apple louse," " woolly ,i ph i-." etc., ami abroad very generally as the "American blight." It i in two forms, the one ju.-t referred to, above ground on the trunk or Wat) r shoots, and & o anotherinhabiting , .. , u ,, . , pb M ■ ,, lnr _ tin 1 r> m >t 9 am In.'' < 'i.ni rpm.n ' nal.) open to observa- tion. Clow !y paralleling in these particulars the grape phylloxera, the damage from the woolly aphis i- also almost altogether 'lu>' to the root form, tin' atrial colonies causing Bcarcely any injury. On the roots attacks induce enlargements <>r ^nlls or Bwellings very similar to those produced by the phylloxera, ami in the cracks of these galls and BWell- the root form occurs in clustered masses. The injury to the trees is tlue both to the Bucking up ami exhaustion of the vital plant juices ami to the poisoning of the parts attacked, as indicated by the ( quent abnormal growths. The damage i- particularly serious in the case of ni tock ami young ire-- and i- less often important after the tree lias once become well established and of Bom< - Where this insect i~ abundant all the roots of a young tree to the depth of a foot or so hecome clubbed and knotted by the growth of hard fibrous enlargements, with the result, in a year or two, of the dying of the rootlets and their ultimate decom- position with attendant disappearance of the galls and also of the aphides, so that after this stage is reached, the cause of the injury is often obscure. On the trunks the presence of the aphides sometimes results in the roughening of the bark or a granulated condition which is particularly noticeable about the collar and at the forks of branches or on the fresh growth around the scars caused by pruning, which latter is a favorite location. On the water shoots the insects collect particularly in the axils of the leaves, often eventually causing them to fall, and on the tender greener side of the stems. The damage above ground, though com- monly insignificant, is useful as an indication of the probable existence of the aphides on the roots. A badly attacked tree assumes a sickly ap- pearance and does not make satisfactory growth and the leaves become dull and yellowish, and even if not killed outright it is so weakened that it becomes especially subject to the attacks of borers and other insect enemies. Injuries from the woolly aphis are almost altogether confined to the apple, even the wild crab not being so liable to attack or at least injur}' by it. There is, however, some difference exhibited by different varieties of apple in immunity, and particularly is the Northern Spy proof against it, and it is possible that, as in the case of the grape phylloxera, by employing root stock from seedlings of the more resist- ant varieties or from wild crabs, considerable protection would result. The character of the soil also exerts some influence — that is, loose dry soils are favorable and wet compact ones are unfavorable to the aphis. ORHilX AND DISTRIBUTION. There is considerable difference of opinion as to the origin of the woolly aphis of the apple. The belief has fluctuated between a Euro- pean and an American origin for this insect, but the weight of evidence seems to indicate the latter. At any rate, it is an insect which is most readily carried from place to place with nurserj- stock of the apple, and it has been so transported to practically all the important countries of the world which have been reached by colonization or European settle- ment. The woolly aphis was first noticed in England in 17S7, on some stock imported that year from America, and was early called the Ameri- can blight. Hausmann described it in 1801 as infesting apple trees in Germany, and within the next twenty-five years it was recognized as a serious enemy of this fruit tree throughout England, Belgium, northern Erance, and Germany, but seems never to have been especialhy notable in the warmer latitudes of Europe. It was very early introduced into Australia and New Zealand, and is known in India and Chile, and probably is as widespread as any of the common injurious fruit pests. Notwithstanding the possibility of its being a native American insect, it did not attract attention in this country much before I860. It- Bpread wnce has, however, been rapid, and ii now occur- practical lj wherever the apple is grown, It has been reported to this Bureau from no less than thirty-fiv< 3l ttee and Territoriee and nearbj one hundred localities. It i- particularly abun- danl and injurious in the latitude of the Ohio Valley. While seem ingly, therefore, somewhal affected bj Bevere cold, it is able to thrive in the climate of the northern tier ol States on the one band and in thai of Louisiana, New Mexico, and southern Californii the other. n k ii R \l. lll-ToKY and BABTTS. In common with most aphides, this species lias a complicated life history . some of the details of which arestill lacking. Thecommon tonus, both on the roots and above ground, wingless aphides, not exceeding one-tenth of an inch in length, and of a reddish-brown color, and abun- dantly covered, especially in the aerial form, with a Bocculenl waxy retion. These arc so-called agamic females and reproduce them- selves by giving birth, as obsei by many entomologists, to living young indefinitely, perhaps tor years, without the intervention of other forms. The newly horn larva- have none of the white excretion, which, however, soon appear- as a minute down when they begin to feed. These aphides are also peculiar in lacking the honey tubes common to most aphides, bul exude the honey- dew from the tip of the body. In ' October or November, or earlier in South, among the wingless ones numbers of winged individuals appear, which are also all females, and are the parents, as shown by the observations, partly unpublished, of M< bstb. Howard and Pergande, oi a true Bexed generation of minute, wingless, larviform aphides, the females of which, as in the case of the -rape root-aphis, give birth to a single "winter egg." This egg is attached within a crevice of the hark, and, probably, following the analogy of the phylloxera, hatches in the spring into a female aphis which originates a new aerial colony. The winged females appear somewhat abundantly in autumn, and are one of the means of the dispersal ol the inseel They arc very minute. I w a, Rool ■>: \ iui (rating deforma- tion . i clear-winged, gnat-like objects, greenish-brown, almost black in color, with the body covered with more or less of the cottony excretion. The aerial colonies are probabh- killed out every winter in the colder northern districts, but in the warmer latitudes the partly grown indi- viduals, at least, survive protected in crevices or under bits of bark, and remain more or less active during winter and renew the colonies the following spring. This has been shown to be true in the District of Columbia, and also in the interior regions of the same latitude, in spite of the much colder winters. The root form survives the winter usually in an immature condition, viz, larvae in various stages of development, and both in latitudes where the aerial forms are killed by the severity of the winter and elsewhere it seems probable that there is a regular upward migration in spring and early summer from the roots, the aerial colonies appearing first near the crown and at a later period on the higher parts of the trees. At any time during the sum- mer and fall there ma}' be migrations to the roots, and throughout the year the subterranean colonies are maintained. The spread of the insect is accomplished in part by the viviparous females, which appear in late summer, but quite as commonly perhaps by the transporting of young or parti} 7 grown individuals from tree to tree or to distant orchards by means of birds or insects to which they have attached themselves. Its wide distribution is usually dependent on the traffic in nursery stock. REMEDIES AND PREVENTIVES. The foregoing account of the habits and characteristics of the woolly aphis will enable us to suggest certain measures to control it. The aerial form presents no especial difficulty, and can be very readily exter- minated by the use of any of the washes recommended for aphides, such as kerosene emulsion, a strong soap wash, resin wash, etc., the only care necessary being to see that the wash is put on with sufficient force and thoroughness to penetrate the covering and protecting cot- tony excretion. If the wash be applied warm, its penetration will be considerably increased. The much more important root form, however, is more difficult to reach and exterminate. Any of the remedies which are applicable to the phylloxera will apply to the apple root-aphis, such as the use of bisulphid of carbon or submersion. The common recommendations are of applications of strong soap or tobacco washes or kerosene emul- sion to the soil about the crown, or soot, ashes, or tobacco dust buried about the roots, also similarly employed are lime and gas lime. The most generally recommended measure hitherto is the use of hot water, and this, while being both simple and inexpensive, is thoroughly effective, as has been demonstrated by practical experience. Water at nearly the boiling point may be applied about the base of young trees without the slightest danger of injury to the trees, and should be in sufficient quantity to thoroughly wet the Boil to .1 depth ol Beveral inches, as tin- ;i 1 > 1 1 i < 1 1 ■ - maj penetrate nearly a foot below the Burl To facilitate the wetting of the roots and the extermination <»f the aphides, as much of the Burface Boil as possible Bhould be first removed. Kerosene emulsion, at '_'n to 30 per cent of kerosene, has given good results in Georgia, as reported bj R. I. Smith. 1 Mr. .1. M. Stedman was the first to demonstrate the protective as well as remedial value of finely ground tobacco dust. The desirability ol excluding the aphis altogether from nurserj stock i.- at once apparent, ami this Mr. Stedman has Bhown to be possible by placing tobacco du.-t freely in the trenches in which the seedlings or grafts are planted and in the orchard excavations for young trees. Nursery Btock may be continuously protected by laying each Bpring a line of the dust in a small furrow on either side of the row and as close as possible to the tree, covering loosely with earth. For large tree-, both for protection and the destruction of existing aphides, from 2 to 5 pounds of the duel should be distributed from the crown outward to a distance of 2 feet, tirst removing the surface Boil to a depth of from 1 to 6 inches. Since it- early recommendation marked Buccese has been reported from the use of tobacco dust. A notable instance is thai given by Mr. M. B. Waite, of the Bureau of Plant Industry, who applied a ton of tobacco waste, costing $25, in bis orchard, with the result of entirely renewing the vigor of his trees and producing a strong stubby growth of twigs. A peck of tobacco dust was placed about each of his larger trees in a circle of '_' or 3 feel around the trunk, and a Blightly smaller amount aboul trees from one to three years old. The tobacco kills the aphides By leaching through the soil, and act- as a bar for a year or bo to reinfestation. The dual i- a waste producl of tobacco factories and costs about 1 cent per pound, and p — the additional value of being worth fully it> cost as a fertilizer. The use of bisulphid of carbon for the woolly aphis i> the aam< for the grape root-aphis. It Bhould he applied in two or three holes about the tree to a depth of ii to 12 inches and not closer than H feel to the crown. An ounce of the chemical should he introduced into each hole, which Bhould he immediately closed. The hisulphid evaporate- and penetrate- throughout the -oil and readily and promptly kills the aphides. It does not. however, furnish any protection from future attacks, and is attended witli danger to the tree unless the precautions named are carefully observed. That it is highly inflammable should also instantly borne in mind. If it i^ to he used at all extensively, an automatic injecting device should he secured. The chemical about li> cents per pound in 50-pound cat - 'Bui. 60, Bur. Ent., U. S. Dept. 1906. 6 Badly infested nursery stock should be destroyed, since it would be worth little even with the aphides re moved. Slightly infested stock can be easily freed of the aphides at the time of its removal from the nursery rows. The soil should be dislodged and the roots pruned, and in batches of a dozen or so the roots and lower portion of the trunk should be immersed for a few seconds in water kept at a temperature of 130° to 150 F. A strong soap solution similarly heated or a fifteen times diluted kerosene emulsion will give somewhat greater penetration and be more effective, although the water alone at the temperature named should destroy the insects. This treatment is so simple and inexpensive that it should always he insisted upon by the purchaser if there be any indication of the presence of this insect, and stock exhibiting much damage should be refused altogether. After planting, if the trees be kept in vigorous growing condition by careful cultivation and, if necessary, proper fertilizing, damage from the aphides is much less apt to occur, and the principal danger period, namely, the first two or three years after planting in the orchard, will pass in safetj'. The value, as a means of protection, of thorough culti- vation and good care of young orchards can not be too strongly insisted upon. Vigorous growing trees have a* decided power of resist- ance and are able to sustain with comparatively little damage the presence of the root-aphides, while illy-cultivated and neglected orchards are especially liable to injury. The woolly aphis is subject to the attacks of a number of natural enemies, including the parasitic chalcis Hy, Aphelinus matt Haldemann, and the larva of a syrphus Hy, Pipiza radicum Walsh and Riley, and also the larva and adult of several species of ladybirds, the larvae of lace-wing flies, and spiders, etc. In the East a very small brown species of ladybird, Scymnus eervicalis Muls., is often present in some numbers, and the common nine-spotted ladybird, Cocdnella 9-notata Hbst., is also an active enemy of the woolly aphis. The nine-spotted ladybird has been used very successfully in California, on the authority of Mr. Ellwood Cooper, to rid trees of root-aphides, this being effected by colonizing the larvae of the ladybird at the base of the infested tree. All the para- sites mentioned do much to keep the root-aphides in check, and in the case of old well-established trees are in most instances a sufficient pro- tection, hut in the case of young trees and nursery stock, where the damage from the aphis is much more rapid and serious, the use of the direct remedies outlined should not be neglected, and particularly should the nursery treatment be insisted upon. Approved : James Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture. Washington, D. C, June 23, 1008. O ■in in in 3 1262 09216 4697